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Ocean Dynamics - Norway has complicated dynamics in the coastal ocean and in the fjords. In this area is also the largest salmon aquaculture industry in the world. The salmon industry is valuable...  相似文献   

Sea level changes coherently along the two coasts of Japan on the seasonal timescale. Archiving, validation, and interpretation of satellite oceanographic altimetry data and ocean general circulation model for the Earth Simulator results indicate that the variation propagates clockwise from Japan’s east coast through the Tsushima Strait into the Japan/East Sea (JES) and then northward along the west coast. In this study, we hypothesize and test numerically that the sea-level variability along the west coast of Japan is remotely forced by the Kuroshio Extension (KE) off the east coast. Topographic Rossby waves and boundary Kelvin waves facilitate the connection. Our 3D Princeton Ocean Model when forced by observed wind stress reproduces well the seasonal changes in the vicinity of JES. Two additional experiments were conducted to examine the relative roles of remote forcing and local forcing. The sea-level variability inside the JES was dramatically reduced when the Tsushima Strait is blocked in one experiment. The removal of the local forcing, in another experiment, has little effect on the JES variability. Both experiments support our hypothesis that the open-ocean forcing, possibly through the KE variability, is the leading forcing mechanism for sea-level change along the west coast of Japan.  相似文献   

The dispersion curve of Rayleigh waves is obtained for the path San Fernando Valley-Berkeley, using the single-station surface wave method. The crustal model obtained from dispersion data is in excellent agreement with seismic refraction results. Dispersion data enable the rejection of one of the models previously proposed on the basis of refraction data.  相似文献   

The dynamics of the dunefoot along a 160 km portion of the Dutch coast has been investigated based on a data set of annual surveys dating back to as early as 1850. The linearly detrended (or residual) dunefoot positions comprise an alongshore uniform and an alongshore non‐uniform component. The former is expressed as 10 to 15 m of landward retreat along extensive (>10 km) stretches of coast during years with severe storm surges and as up to 5 m of seaward advance during years without significant storm activity. The latter, alongshore non‐uniform component is organized in sandwave‐like patterns, which may have a longevity of decades to up to the duration of the entire data set (150 years). Their wavelengths vary along the coast, from 3·5 to 10 km; migration rates are 0–200 m a?1. Dunefoot sandwaves are shown to be the shoreward extensions of similar sandwave patterns in the beach position. The non‐uniform dunefoot behaviour constitutes at least 80 per cent of the total residual dunefoot dynamics, implying that along the Dutch coast residual dunefoot variability is controlled by temporal and spatial variability in beach characteristics, and not by storm‐induced uniform erosion. Various potential mechanisms causing beach sandwaves are discussed. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Variation in the concentrations of iodine-129 (129I, T1/2=15.7 Myr), a low-level radioactive component of nuclear fuel waste, is documented in surface waters and depth profiles collected during 2001 along a transect from the Norwegian Coastal Current to the North Pole. The surface waters near the Norwegian coast are found to have 20 times higher 129I concentration than the surface waters of the Arctic Ocean. The depth profiles of 129I taken in the Arctic Ocean reveal a sharp decline in the concentration to a depth of about 300-500 m followed by a weaker gradient extending down to the bottom. A twofold increase in the 129I concentration is observed in the upper 1000 m since 1996. Based on known estimates of marine transient time from the release sources (the nuclear reprocessing facilities at La Hague, France, and Sellafield, UK), a doubling in the 129I inventory of the top 1000 m of the Arctic Ocean is expected to occur between the years 2001 and 2006. As 129I of polar mixed layer and Atlantic layer of the Arctic Ocean is ventilated by the East Greenland Current into the Nordic Seas and North Atlantic Ocean, further dispersal and increase of the isotope concentration in these regions will be encountered in the near future.  相似文献   

Through a set of observations including satellite, cruise and mooring data during May-July 1997 the transition between the downwelling and upwelling regimes off Galicia has been characterized. The poleward flow, typical of downwelling, was associated with a series of mesoscale eddies and interacted with coastal freshwater inputs. The poleward flow along the continental slope was separated into an offshore branch and a nearshore branch by a well-defined equatorward flow and both associated with a prominent salinity maximum. With the onset of upwelling-favorable winds, equatorward flow was established over the entire shelf. At the same time, a buoyant, warm surface layer spread out over the shelf from the Rías as water previously forced in by southerly winds was flushed out by the upwelling winds. The completed transition to summertime coastal upwelling took place after the cruise but was evident in satellite images. A conceptual model is used to demonstrate that the coastal orientation with respect to the upwelling winds enhances offshore flow outside the Rías and displaces the poleward flow offshore after several days of upwelling.  相似文献   

为探究淡水湖库及其所属流域蒸散发演变特征,以及气象因子对蒸散发的影响规律。以长三角地区最大的淡水人工湖和重要的水源地——千岛湖为研究对象,采用Penman-Monteith等方法与WEP-L分布式水文模型,分别计算千岛湖流域1960—2020年潜在蒸散发(ET0)与实际蒸散发(ETa),分析二者年际变化趋势及突变年份;采用偏微分方法分析气象因子对ET0的敏感性和贡献度;采用归因分析法分析突变前后气象因子对ETa变化的贡献度,并利用蒸发表面水分指数(EM1)解析流域蒸发互补关系。结果表明:ET0与ETa多年平均值分别为1021.7和857.5 mm,整体皆呈减少趋势,倾向率分别为-0.77和-1.03 mm/a,二者均在1980和2000年左右发生突变;ET0对相对湿度变化最为敏感,ET0增加的月份主要是由于相对湿度、平均气温的正贡献,风速呈负贡献但相对较小,ET0减少的...  相似文献   

Coastal areas are always under frequent threat from various natural processes and man-induced activities. Coastal erosion is recognized as the permanent loss of land along the shoreline resulting in the transformation of the coast. The current study focuses on long-term coastal erosion analysis of the entire Karnataka coast using Remote Sensing, Geographical Information System (GIS), Linear Regression Rate (LRR), and End Point Rate (EPR) techniques. Analysis of 26 (1990 to 2016) years of erosion using Landsat images by the use of the Digital Shoreline Analysis System (DSAS) tool has been done. The results show a high erosion rate at Ullal during this period (LRR -1.3m/yr) and accretion at Devbagh (LRR 3.2 m/yr). The southern Karnataka coast faces severe erosion especially at Ullal, where the settlement is high. At Thanirbhavi, Mukka, Kota, and Om Beaches erosion also is noticed. Both anthropogenic activities like ports, seawalls, breakwaters, etc. and natural processes like long shore drift, seasonal variation, etc. are factors affecting the shoreline change along the Karnataka coast.  相似文献   

The seasonal and interannual variability of mesoscale circulation along the eastern coast of the Sakhalin Island in the Okhotsk Sea is investigated using the AVISO velocity field and oceanographic data for the period from 1993 to 2016. It is found that mesoscale cyclones with the horizontal dimension of about 100 km occur there predominantly during summer, whereas anticyclones occur predominantly during fall and winter. The cyclones are generated due to a coastal upwelling forced by northward winds and the positive wind stress curl along the Sakhalin coast. The anticyclones are formed due to an inflow of low-salinity Amur River waters from the Sakhalin Gulf intensified by southward winds and the negative wind stress curl in the cold season. The mesoscale cyclones support the high biological productivity at the eastern Sakhalin shelf in July– August.  相似文献   

Coastal erosion is a serious problem of concern along the southwest(SW) coast of India. Various coastal protection measures have been applied for the recovery of the coast, but the devastating effect of erosion still continues. The present study focuses on a coastal stretch situated on the southern sector of the SW coast of India, where Sundar and Sannasiraj(2006) proposed a groyne field along with an existing seawall to control severe erosion. In order to confirm the net littoral drift of this region and for a preliminary assessment of the performance of the groynes prior to construction of the proposed groyne field, two groynes were initially constructed as a pilot program in 2008-09. Periodic monitoring of shoreline position with the two groynes in place was carried out during 2009-14. A shoreline evolution model for the study region was setup, calibrated,and validated using field observations during 2010-11. In addition to traditional shoreline evolution modelling procedures, a profile simulation model was applied for simulating the shoreline behaviour during extreme monsoon seasons. The validated LITPACK model has been used to evaluate the performance of the proposed groyne field in controlling erosion, and the study also considered testing a modified transitional groyne field proposed as an alternative solution to the existing problem, and the modified transitional groyne field was found to be more effective than the prior design. A beach is expected to develop about 30-50 m within the groyne cells during the fair season which enhances the possibility of retaining a minimum beach width of 10 m during monsoon periods.  相似文献   

Dissolved and particulate Mn and Fe in the nearshore waters were determined at 27 stations along the west coast of Taiwan during 19-23 November 2004. The latitudinal distributions of Mn and Fe were very similar; however, the concentration in the dissolved phase was lower, whereas that in the particulate phase was higher in the northern regime. The higher percentage of Fe than Mn that was associated with particles resulted in a two-order of magnitude higher particle-water partition coefficient for Fe, Kd(Fe), than that for Mn, Kd(Mn). The removal fluxes of Mn and Fe could be estimated by multiplying the particulate 234Th removal flux with the Mn/234Th and Fe/234Th ratios in suspended particles, which ranged from 0.1 to 3.8 mmol m−2 d−1 for Mn, and from 3.4 to 194.5 mmol m−2 d−1 for Fe. Residence times ranged from 1 to 20 days for Mn and Fe were estimated in the nearshore.  相似文献   

Due to deleterious effects on non-target organisms, the use of organotin compounds on boat hulls of small vessels (<25 m) has been widely prohibited. The International Maritime Organisation (IMO) resolved that the complete prohibition on organotin compounds acting as biocides in antifouling systems should commence in 2008. As a result of restrictions on the use of organotin based paints, other antifouling formulations containing organic biocides have been utilised. This survey was conducted to assess the contamination of replacement biocides in the marine environment following the ban of TBT-based paints. Surface sediments samples were collected in the major ports and marinas along the France Mediterranean coastline (Cote d’Azur) and analysed for organotin compounds, Irgarol 1051, Sea-nine 211TM, Chlorothalonil, Dichlofluanid and Folpet. Every port and marina exhibited high levels of organotin compounds, with concentrations in sediments ranging from 37 ng Sn g−1dry wt in Menton Garavan to over 4000 ng Sn g−1dry wt close to the ship chandler within the port of Villefranche-sur-Mer. TBT degradation indexes suggested that fresh inputs are still made. Among the other antifoulants monitored, only Irgarol 1051 exhibited measurable concentrations in almost every port, with concentrations ranging from 40 ng g−1dry wt (Cannes) to almost 700 ng g−1dry wt (Villefranche-sur-Mer, ship chandler).  相似文献   

Summary Current meter records from summer and late fall at three positions have been analyzed and related to sea level and wind data. Spectral analysis shows that the most energetic fluctuations are due to tides with an amplitude corresponding to 0.2 m/s. The variability is mainly in the alongshore direction for tidal and subtidal frequencies. The adjusted sea level, which is decreasing northwards, has the strongest response for winds from land in the wintertime. In the summer a balance between bottom friction and alongshore wind stress is found with a resistance coefficient of 0.1 cm/s, while a more complicated balance exists in the winter. The mean flow during summer is about 2 cm/s. For an estimated length scale of 170 km this corresponds to an alongshore transport of 0.15·106m3/s (=0.15 Sv).
Strömungsmessungen und-analysen entlang der Dänischen Westküste
Zusammenfassung Strömungsmessungen im Sommer und im Herbst an drei Positionen wurden analysiert und in Beziehung zum Wasserstand und Windfeld gesetzt. Wie die Spektralanalyse zeigt, sind die energiereichsten Fluktuationen gezeitenbedingt mit einer Amplitude von 0,2 m/s. Die Variabilität ist am größten bei den Gezeiten- und Subgezeitenfrequenzen längs der Küste. Der sich einstellende Wasserstand, welcher nach Norden hin abnimmt, reagiert am stärksten bei ablandigen Winden im Winter. Im Sommer findet man ein Gleichgewicht zwischen Bodenreibung und küstenparallelen Windschub mit einem Reibungskoeffizient von 0,1 cm/s. Im Winter hingegen ist die Situation wesentlich komplizierter. Die mittlere Strömungsgeschwindigkeit beträgt ca. 2 cm/s im Sommer, das entspricht einem Transport von 0,15·106 m3/s (=0,15 Sv) bei einer geschätzten Längenskala von 170 km.

Mesures et analyse de courants le long de la côte danoise occidentale
Résumé Des données obtenues par courantmètres durant l'été et fin automne à trois sites sont analysées et comparées au niveau de la mer et aux vents. Une analyse spectrale montre que les fluctuations les plus énergétiques, avec des amplitudes de l'ordre de 0,2 m/s, sont attribuables aux marées. Leur variabilité est concentrée dans la direction parallèle à la côte pour les fréquences de marées es au-dessous. Après ajustement, le niveau de la mer, qui decroît vers le nord, réagit le plus fortement aux vents d'hiver dirigés au large. Pendant l'été, un équilibre entre la friction sur le fond et le cisailement du vent le long de la côte est atteint pour un coefficient de résistance de 0,1 cm/s, alors qu'un équilibre plus compliqué s'établit durant l'hiver. Le courant moyen pendant l'été est de l'ordre de 2 cm/s. Avec une longueur d'échelle estimée à 170 km, ceci correspond à un transport de 0,15·106 m3/s (=0,15 Sv) le long de la côte.

Using the dogwhelk Nucella lapillus as a biomonitor, we evaluated the organotin contamination along the Icelandic coast over nearly two decades. In 2008, adult dogwhelks collected from 30 locations were examined for imposex status. In 2009, tissue concentrations of six organotin species in dogwhelks from 16 of the 30 locations were analysed using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Tributyltin was the most predominant residue ranging from 2.07 to 70.38 μg kg(-1) dw, while triphenyltin was also detected at concentrations up to 22.79 μg kg(-1) dw. Higher total organotin concentrations and imposex indices were observed at locations near large harbours (Reykjavík and Hafnarfj?reur). By comparing the current imposex results with those of previous surveys (1992-2003), we found that recovery was slow near the large harbours, but more apparent near the smaller harbours. We also observed a notable increase in imposex at several northwest sites implying incessant input of organotins.  相似文献   

Magellanic penguins migrate from Patagonia reaching northern Argentina, Uruguay, and southern Brazil on their winter migration, in parallel with the seasonal pulse of anchovy spawning. In 2008, Magellanic penguins went further north than usual. Many died and a few swam nearly to the Equator. Twelve groups surveyed 5000 km of coastline encountering 3371 penguins along the coast. Most penguins arrived in northern Brazil (68.4%) without petroleum (2933, 87%). Almost all penguins without petroleum were juveniles (2915, 99%) and 55% were alive when found. Penguins were dehydrated, anemic, hypothermic, and emaciated. Of the penguins with petroleum, 13% arrived in the southern half of Brazil, showing that petroleum pollution remains a problem along the SW Atlantic coast. The mortality occurred in the winter of 2008 when sea surface temperature were unusually cold perhaps reducing the prey for penguins.  相似文献   

Gulf of Mexico (GOM) coasts have been included in the U.S. Tsunami Warning System since 2005. While the tsunami risk for the GOM is low, tsunamis generated by local submarine landslides pose the greatest potential threat, as evidenced by several large ancient submarine mass failures identified in the northern GOM basin. Given the lack of significant historical tsunami evidence in the GOM, the potential threat of landslide tsunamis in this region is assessed from a worst-case scenario perspective based on a set of events including the large ancient failures and most likely extreme events determined by a probabilistic approach. Since tsunamis are not well-understood along the Gulf Coast, we investigate tsunami inundation referenced to category-specific hurricane storm surge levels, which are relatively well established along the Gulf Coast, in order to provide information for assessing the potential threat of tsunamis which is more understandable and accessible to emergency managers. Based on tsunami inundation studies prepared for the communities of South Padre Island, TX, Galveston, TX, Mobile, AL, Panama City, FL, and Tampa, FL, we identify regional trends of tsunami inundation in terms of modeled storm surge inundation. The general trends indicate that tsunami inundation can well exceed the level of storm surge from major hurricanes in open beachfront and barrier island regions, while more interior areas are less threatened. Such information can be used to better prepare for tsunami events as well as provide a preliminary estimate of tsunami hazard in locations where detailed tsunami inundation studies have not been completed.  相似文献   

《Marine pollution bulletin》2014,83(1-2):194-200
Concentrations of heavy metals in river water and sediment were investigated in nine estuaries along the coast of Bohai Bay, Northern China. Multivariate statistical techniques such as principal component analysis and cluster analysis, in combination with metal concentration analysis and correlation analysis, were used to identify the possible sources of the metals and the pollution pattern in nine estuaries along the coast of Bohai Bay. The environmental risks of metals, evaluated by sediment quality guidelines and background values, revealed Hg contamination in the estuaries. However, levels of Cd in estuarine sediments were low, and they were less than those levels in river sediments, partly due to the high mobility and dilution of river or seawater. Cd did not contribute to sediment deposits in estuaries. High organic matter from effluents from large municipal sewage treatment plants was predominantly responsible for restricting Hg mobility from the river to Bohai Bay.  相似文献   

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