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summary . An ocean-coast model which consists of a uniformly conducting half-space screened by a perfectly conducting half-plane (the model ocean) is studied. On the land the electric field decreases continuously to zero as the coast is approached. The horizontal magnetic field component is found to vary rapidly, but remains finite; the vertical component on the other hand, increases to infinity at the coast. On the surface of the model ocean as well as on the sea floor, electric field and vertical magnetic field are both nil, but the horizontal magnetic field becomes singular as the seashore is approached. This horizontal magnetic field however, is different on the sea floor and at the ocean surface, because the integrated ocean current is finite, even growing to infinity as the shore is approached. The very large ocean currents near the shore act as an extremely long line antenna, which radiates far afield. This antenna feature explains the very long range of the ocean-coast effects observed under E -polarization induction, compared to the corresponding H -polarization effects where no such antenna-like feature occurs. A similarly large difference of ranges can be expected for all shallow structures with large lateral conductivity contrasts. The present study may therefore be of some interest in relation to geomagnetic depth soundings by the inductive and magnetotelluric methods, as well as in understanding the ocean-coast effect known for some time from records of coastal observatories.  相似文献   

Summary. An analytical solution is obtained for the E-polarization problem of electromagnetic induction in two adjacent half-sheets underlain by a uniform conducting half-space. In this mode the inducing magnetic field is assumed horizontal, uniform and perpendicular to the discontinuity. The same model was previously solved under B-polarization by Dawson & Weaver. The present solution then completes the study of two-dimensional induction in the described model. Further, it extends both the analytic E-polarization solution of Weidelt by the inclusion of an underlying conductor and that of Raval, Weaver & Dawson by the inclusion of arbitrary conductance values for the two surface sheets. The solution may be used as an idealized model of the coast effect and allows detailed study of the field behaviour near the discontinuity. The horizontal magnetic field on each side of the surface layer has a finite jump discontinuity at the interface and the vertical magnetic field exhibits a logarithmic singularity there. If the right-hand conductance (say) becomes infinite, the horizontal magnetic field exhibits an algebraic singularity as the coastline is approached from the right, while the vertical magnetic field does likewise from the left. Calculations are presented for the same two models as discussed in B-polarization by Dawson & Weaver and the results are compared to values obtained from a more general numerical scheme. The electric current distribution inside the conducting half-space is depicted for the second model.  相似文献   

Summary. The forward solution of the general two-dimensional problem of induction in a model earth comprising a uniformly conducting half-space covered by a thin sheet of variable integrated conductivity is obtained. Unlike some previous treatments of similar problems, the method presented here does not require the field to be separated into its normal and anomalous parts. Both the E - and B -polarization modes of induction are considered and in each case the solution is expressed in terms of the horizontal component of the electric field satisfying, on the surface of the conductor, a singular integral equation whose kernel is a well-known analytic function. A recently published solution of the coast effect is included as a special case. The numerical procedure for solving the integral equations is described and some illustrative calculations are presented.  相似文献   

The mode-matching method is used to obtain an exact analytical solution to the problem of B -polarization induction in two adjacent thin half-sheets, lying on a conducting layer that is terminated by a perfect conductor at finite depth. These components of the model represent, respectively, the Earth's conducting surface layers, crust, and mantle. In dimensionless variables, the model has three independent parameters, these being the two thin-sheet conductances and the layer thickness. The mode-matching solution obtained in this paper is shown to be identical lo that derived via the Wiener-Hopf method in a companion paper (Dawson 1996), and so provides additional verification of that solution. As was shown in the companion paper, the solution for the present model contains, as special limiting cases, those for three models considered earlier by various authors. The second part of the present paper addresses the solutions for the electric fields in the non-conducting half-space above the conductors, which represents the atmosphere. In the final part, sample numerical calculations are presented to illustrate the solution.  相似文献   

Summary. Attention is drawn to a direct analytic method of calculating the quadrupole parameters of a planetary main magnetic field. Following a brief survey of the general theory of magnetic multipoles, an explicit algorithm is derived for calculating the quadrupole moment and the directions of the two quadrupole axes, given the five spherical harmonic coefficients of the second degree. It is shown that the direct analytic method of calculating the quadrupole parameters yield results for the geomagnetic quadrupole that are in exact agreement with those obtained by the more usual iterative procedure. Moreover, the direct analytic method has the distinct advantage that it does not require approximate values of the quadrupole parameters to be specified in advance. The direct analytic method of solution is used to calculate the quadrupole parameters for three different models of the main field of the Earth at epoch 1975; these computations provide some indication of the current uncertainties in the geomagnetic quadrupole parameters. It is also pointed out that a pseudo-quadrupole moment, which has been used to compare the quadrupole strengths of different planetary magnetic fields, is not strictly consistent with Maxwell's classical definition of a quadrupole moment. A precise physical definition of this pseudo-quadrupole moment is propounded.  相似文献   

To study the effect of uncertain factors on the temperature field of frozen soil, we propose a method to calculate the spatial average variance from just the point variance based on the local average theory of random fields. We model the heat transfer coefficient and specific heat capacity as spatially random fields instead of traditional random variables. An analysis for calculating the random temperature field of seasonal frozen soil is suggested by the Neumann stochastic finite element method, and here we provide the computational formulae of mathematical expectation, variance and variable coefficient. As shown in the calculation flow chart, the stochastic finite element calculation program for solving the random temperature field, as compiled by Matrix Laboratory (MATLAB) software, can directly output the statistical results of the temperature field of frozen soil. An example is presented to demonstrate the random effects from random field parameters, and the feasibility of the proposed approach is proven by comparing these results with the results derived when the random parameters are only modeled as random variables. The results show that the Neumann stochastic finite element method can efficiently solve the problem of random temperature fields of frozen soil based on random field theory, and it can reduce the variability of calculation results when the random parameters are modeled as spatially random fields.  相似文献   

Summary. Babour & Mosnier's results showing no frequency dependence between the anomalous horizontal magnetic field above a conductor and the difference between the horizontal magnetic fields above and below the conductor over a wide range of frequencies led them to conclude that this effect is due to current channelling. A two-dimensional numerical model of a conductive channel, with a uniform horizontal source field, shows the same effect over a wide range of frequencies. Thus local induction can show the same effect.  相似文献   

Summary. Laplace and Bessel Transforms are used to solve for the transient behaviour of the electromagnetic fields after switching off a steady current in a grounded infinitesimal horizontal dipole on the surface of a uniformly conducting half-space. Simple analytic expressions, which are valid for times sufficiently long after the switch that displacement terms can be ignored, are obtained on the surface of the half-space for the electric field and the time derivative of the magnetic field. At the instant of switching an infinitesimally long image becomes established directly under the source dipole. It is the diffusion of this image which gives the vertical magnetic field and horizontal electric fields their transient behaviour. During the transient, there is also a decaying charge distribution on the surface.  相似文献   

The effect of anisotropy on the distribution of Earth's conductivity is evaluated by calculating the electromagnetic response of multilayered 2-D structures. The electric and magnetic fields are expanded in terms of Fourier series, the coefficients being obtained by applying the corresponding boundary conditions on each interface, given by arbitrary analytical functions. Then the results are used to analyse some particular structures.  相似文献   

Summary. A method for the determination of the electrical conductivity of the Earth is developed when the components of the response function on the basis of spherical harmonics for a fixed frequency are known. By writing the differential equation for the field inside a spherically symmetric conductor as a finite difference equation, it is shown that the formal solution of the latter for the response function has a Thiele representation in the degree of the harmonics. This property enables one to calculate the conductivity at a finite number of points using a continued-fraction expansion of the response function.  相似文献   

Many geophysical inverse problems derive from governing partial differential equations with unknown coefficients. Alternatively, inverse problems often arise from integral equations associated with a Green's function solution to a governing differential equation. In their discrete form such equations reduce to systems of polynomial equations, known as algebraic equations. Using techniques from computational algebra one can address questions of the existence of solutions to such equations as well as the uniqueness of the solutions. The techniques are enumerative and exhaustive, requiring a finite number of computer operations. For example, calculating a bound to the total number of solutions reduces to computing the dimension of a linear vector space. The solution set itself may be constructed through the solution of an eigenvalue problem. The techniques are applied to a set of synthetic magnetotelluric values generated by conductivity variations within a layer. We find that the estimation of the conductivity and the electric field in the subsurface, based upon single-frequency magnetotelluric field values, is equivalent to a linear inverse problem. The techniques are also illustrated by an application to a magnetotelluric data set gathered at Battle Mountain, Nevada. Surface observations of the electric ( E y ) and magnetic ( H x ) fields are used to construct a model of subsurface electrical structure. Using techniques for algebraic equations it is shown that solutions exist, and that the set of solutions is finite. The total number of solutions is bounded above at 134 217 728. A numerical solution of the algebraic equations generates a conductivity structure in accordance with the current geological model for the area.  相似文献   

Summary. A new method for solving problems in three-dimensional electromagnetic induction in which the Earth is represented by a uniformly conducting half-space overlain by a surface layer of variable conductance is presented. Unlike previous treatments of this type of problem the method does not require the fields to be separated into their normal and anomalous parts, nor is it necessary to assume that the anomalous region is surrounded by a uniform structure; the model may approach either an E- or a B -polarization configuration at infinity. The solution is expressed as a vector integral equation in the horizontal electric field at the surface. The kernel of the integral is a Green's tensor which is expressed in terms of elementary functions that are independent of the conductance. The method is applied to an illustrative model representing an island near a bent coastline which extends to infinity in perpendicular directions.  相似文献   

The standard 1-D inversion approach for the interpretation of transient electromagnetic (TEM) data usually fails in the presence of near-surface conductivity anomalies. Since multidimensional inversion codes are not routinely available, the only alternative to discarding the data may be trial-and-error forward modelling. We interpret data from a long-offset transient electromagnetic (LOTEM) survey which was carried out in 1995 in the Odenwald area, using 2-D finite-difference modelling. We focus on a subsegment of the LOTEM profile, which was shot with two different electric dipole transmitters. A model is found which consistently explains the electric and magnetic field data at eight locations for both transmitters. First, we introduce a conductive dyke under the receiver spread to explain sign reversals in the magnetic field transients. A conductive slab under one of the transmitters is required to obtain a reasonable quantitative fit for that transmitter. Consideration of the electric field data then requires a modification of the layered earth background. Finally, we study the response of a crustal conductor, which was the original target of the survey. The data are sensitive to the conductor, and for the investigated subset of the data the fits are slightly better without the conductive layer.  相似文献   

Telluric distortion occurs when electric charges accumulate along near-surface inhomogeneities. At low frequencies, the electric currents associated with these charges can be neglected compared to currents induced deeper in the Earth. At higher frequencies, the magnetic fields associated with these currents may be significant. Some parameters describing the distortion magnetic fields can be estimated from measured magneto-telluric impedance matrices. For regional magnetic fields aligned with regional strike directions, parameters associated with the distortion magnetic field component parallel to the regional magnetic field are undeterminable, whereas parameters associated with the distortion magnetic field component perpendicular to the regional magnetic field can be estimated. Optimal estimates are straightforward even for the realistic case of measurement errors that are correlated between elements of a measured impedance matrix. In a simple example of a 1-D anisotropic model with anisotropy direction varying with depth, the modelling of distortion magnetic fields results in regional impedance estimates corresponding more closely to the responses of uncoupled isotropic models, allowing sensible interpretation of an additional one and a half decades of data.  相似文献   

Summary. We present a model of the magnetic field at the core–mantle boundary, for epoch 1959.5, based on a large set of observatory and survey measurements. Formal error estimates for the radial field at the core are 50 μT, compared with 30 and 40 μT for our previous MAGSAT (1980) and POGO (1970) models.
Current work on the determination of the velocity of the core fluid relies on the assumption that the core behaves as a perfect conductor, so that the field lines remain frozen to the fluid at the core surface. This frozen-flux condition requires that the integrated flux over patches of the core surface bounded by contours of zero radial field remain constant in time. A new method is presented for constructing core fields that satisfy these frozen-flux constraints. The constraints are non-linear when applied to main field data, unlike the case of secular variation which was considered in an earlier paper. The method is applied to datasets from epochs 1969.5 and 1959.5 to produce fields with the same flux integrals as the 1980 model.
The frozen-flux hypothesis is tested by comparing the changes in the flux integrals between 1980/1969.5, 1969.5/1959.5 and 1980/1959.5 with their errors. We find that the hypothesis can be rejected with 95 per cent confidence. The main evidence for flux diffusion is in the South Atlantic region, where a new null flux curve appears between 1960 and 1970, and continues to grow at a rapid rate from 1970 to 1980. However, the statistical result depends critically on our error estimates for the field at the core surface, which are difficult to assess with any certainty; indeed, doubling the error estimates negates the statistical argument. The conclusion is therefore, at this stage, tentative, and requires further evidence, either from older data, if good enough, or from future satellite measurements.  相似文献   

Summary. We have analysed a thirty-six day recording of the natural electric and magnetic field variations obtained on the deep ocean floor north-east of Hawaii. The electromagnetic fields are dominated by tides which have an appreciable oceanic component, especially in the east electric and north magnetic components. The techniques of data analysis included singular value decomposition (SVD) to remove uncorrelated noise. There are three degrees of freedom in the data set for periods longer than five hours, indicating a correlation of the vertical magnetic field and the horizontal components, suggesting source field inhomogeneity. Tensor response functions were calculated using spectral band averaging with both SVD and least squares techniques and rotated to the principal direction. One diagonal component, determined mainly by the north electric and east magnetic fields, is not interpretable as a one-dimensional induction phenomenon. The other diagonal term of the response function indicates a rapid rise in conductivity to 0.05 mho m−1 near 160 km. No decrease in conductivity below this depth is resolvable. Polarization analysis of the magnetic field indicates moving source fields with a wavelength near 5000 km. Model studies suggest that the two dimensionality in the response function may be caused by motion in the ionospheric current system.  相似文献   

We present an adaptive unstructured triangular grid finite element approach for effectively simulating plane-wave diffusive electromagnetic fields in 2-D conductivity structures.
The most striking advantage of irregular grids is their potential to incorporate arbitrary geometries including surface and seafloor topography. Adaptive mesh refinement strategies using an a posteriori error estimator yield most efficient numerical solutions since meshes are only refined where required.
We demonstrate the robustness of this approach by comparison with analytical solutions and previously published numerical simulations. Maximum errors may systematically be reduced to, for example, 0.8 per cent for the apparent resistivity and 0.2° in the phase.
An additional accuracy study of the thickness of the air layer in E-polarization suggests to keep a minimum thickness depending on lateral conductivity contrasts within the earth.
Furthermore, we point out the new quality and flexibility of our simulation technique by addressing two marine magnetotelluric applications. In the first case, we discuss topographic effects associated with a synthetic sinusoidal sea bottom model and in the second case, we show a close-to-reality scenario using real bathymetry data from the East Pacific Rise at 17°S.  相似文献   

Oriented cores have been secured from fourteen sites in the Great Rhodesian Dyke, by means of a portable sampling drill. The natural remanent magnetizations showed high dispersion at all sites except one. After demagnetization in alternating magnetic fields, nine sites gave well grouped directions of primary magnetization. These sites include five rock types distributed among three Complexes of the Great Dyke and two satellite dykes, over 200 miles of the length of the Dyke and through several thousand feet in depth as the rocks were originally intruded. The nine site mean directions of primary magnetization are closely grouped and are believed to represent directions of thermo-remanent magnetization at the date of intrusion of the Great Dyke. It is suggested that the dates of magnetization at the sites must cover a sufficient time interval to give a mean pole position close to the axial geocentric dipole freed from secular variation. On the assumption of a geocentric dipole field, the position of the mean South magnetic pole is 211/2 °N, 611/2 °E, with radius of 95 per cent confidence 9°. This pole position is close to positions of North magnetic poles given by studies of the palaeo-magnetism of the Pilansberg Dykes and Bushveld gabbro.  相似文献   

Summary. An array of 26 magnetometers deployed in a tectonically active area of Quebec has mapped a boundary in terrestrial electrical conductivity for 200 km along strike. The contrast in conductivity across the boundary, from previous magnetotelluric soundings, is about one order of magnitude. Anomalous variation fields associated with electric currents flowing along the boundary are readily detected at pulsation periods only when the horizontal field is polarized transverse to the structure (the E -polarization case). The anomaly is hardly visible in transfer functions from substorms, for a number of reasons: a predominant H -polarization orientation of the substorm fields, the single order-of-magnitude contrast in conductivity, and the probably small depth extent of the structure. Attempts were made to estimate the response of a one-dimensional earth via the inductive scale length with gradients evaluated from polynomial surfaces fitted to the smoothly varying substorm fields. The results were inconsistent, owing to vertical fields with strong external components and to horizontal fields with scale lengths too small relative to their penetration distances.  相似文献   

The relation between the seafloor electric field and the surface magnetic field is studied. It is assumed that the fields are created by a 2-D ionospheric current distribution resulting in the E-polarization. The layered earth below the sea water is characterized by a surface impedance. The electric field at the seafloor can be expressed either as an inverse Fourier transform integral over the wavenumber or as a spatial convolution integral. In both integrals the surface magnetic field is multiplied by a function that depends on the depth and conductivity of the sea water and on the properties of the basement. The fact that surface magnetic data are usually available on land, not at the sea surface, is also considered. Test computations demonstrate that the numerical inaccuracies involved in the convolution method are negligible. The theoretical equations are applied to calculate the seafloor electric fields due to an ionospheric line current or associated with real magnetic data collected by the IMAGE magnetometer array in northern Europe. Two different sea depths are considered: 100 m (the continental shelf) and 5 km (the deep ocean). It is seen that the dependence of the electric field on the oscillation period is weaker in the 5 km case than for 100 m.  相似文献   

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