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Grains of native gold and tellurium were found in siliceous hydrothermally altered rocks in the high-temperature (170–540°C) fumarolic field of the La Fossa volcano (Island of Vulcano). In addition to Au and Te, Pb–Bi sulfides (cannizzarite) and Tl-bromide chloride were found as sublimates in the hottest fumarolic vents of the crater rim. The chemical composition of altered rocks associated with sublimate deposition indicate the presence of a significant concentration of Te (up to 75 ppm), while gold concentrations are very low (<9 ppb). Pb, Bi and Tl are strongly enriched in the hottest and less oxidized fumarolic vents, reaching concentrations of 2186, 146 and 282 ppm, respectively. These elements are transported (generally as chloride complexes) to the surface by volcanic gases, and several of these (Bi, Te, Tl) are originated from magma degassing. The silicic alteration is produced by the flow of fluids with pH<2. High acidity results from introduction of magmatic gases such as SO2, HCl and HF released by the shallow magmatic reservoir of La Fossa volcano. The silicic alteration found at Vulcano may represent an early stage of the `vuggy silica' facies which characterizes the high-sulfidation epithermal ore deposits, confirming the analogies existing between this type of ore deposit and magmatic-hydrothermal systems associated with island-arc volcanoes.  相似文献   

High-sulfidation (HS) epithermal systems have elements in common with passively degassing volcanoes associated with high T, acid fumarole fields or acid crater lakes. They are considered to form in two stages, the first of which involves advanced argillic alteration resulting from intense, strongly acidic fluid–rock interaction. The La Fossa hydrothermal system (Vulcano Island) represents a classic example of such an active HS system and can be considered as a modern analogue of this early stage of alteration, resulting in a core of intense silicic (90–95% pure SiO2) alteration surrounded by alunitic alteration zones.  相似文献   

Gas samples from some fumaroles at ‘La Fossa' crater and Baia di Levante on Vulcano Island and from a diffuse soil gas emission were analysed during 1995–1996, along with water samples from thermal wells in the area of Vulcano Porto. During 1996, we observed a significant increase both in the gas/steam ratio and in the CO2 concentration, as well as strong variations in δ13CCO2, δDH2O and δ18OH2O of fumarolic gases. These variations are probably related to an increased inflow of deep fluids of magmatic origin. The temperatures of fumaroles did not show remarkable variations except for fumarole F11. In this case, temperature increased by about 80°C from February to August 1996. During the same period, remarkable variations in temperature, phreatic level and chemical and isotopic composition of water were also recorded in one of the geothermal wells in the Vulcano Porto area (Camping Sicilia; T60°C). The observed variations in this well are probably related to a pressure build-up, occurring at least in the surficial part of the system, because of increased gas flux and/or decreased permeability of the fumarolic degassing system. Chemical and isotopic composition of the water showed that during this evolutionary phase, the content of fumarolic condensate in this well was about 80 to 90%. Based on the observation of physical and chemical variables of the Camping Sicilia fluids, during this phase of activity, it is concluded that this area is affected by a phreatic eruption hazard if a volcanic episode with high energy discharge in a limited time span occurs. It follows that this well may be considered as a preferential point for volcanic activity monitoring, both in the case of normal routine surveillance and in the case of inaccessibility to the crater area.  相似文献   

In this study, we integrate information gathered from surface geology and tectonics with the results of a shallow (0–2 km b.s.l.) seismic tomography of Vulcano Island (Italy), obtained from the analysis of local earthquakes. The observed low Vp regions correspond to caldera filling products, mainly consisting of pyroclastics, tuffs, lava flows and hyaloclastites. High-velocity anomalies represent intrusive bodies. The striking correspondence between the stratigraphy from deep wells and the calculated velocity structure allows us to reconstruct the geometry and distribution of a main intrusion and to recognize some intra-caldera depressions. The shape and location of the high and low Vp anomalies are consistent with NW–SE and N–S strikes. Eruptive centres younger than 42 kyr, as well as the structural depressions of Vulcano and of the neighbour Lipari Island, align along a N–S direction. The combined interpretation of the available structural data and of the results from the tomography suggests that magmatic reservoirs of Vulcano at shallow depth (>0.5 km) align along a NW–SE strike but their shape is controlled by N–S striking normal faults and/or cracks that accommodate the right-lateral movements of the NW–SE strike-slip fault system.Editorial responsibility: T. Druitt  相似文献   

During 1979–1989, variations were observed in the oxygen composition of the water contained in the geothermal reservoir at Vulcano Island, Italy.The reservoir water, that has a magmatic origin, showed an oxygen composition of +1.0±0.5‰ δ18O during periods without local tectonic earthquakes, and an oxygen composition of +3.4±0.5‰ δ18O after the highest-energy seismic activity that occurred recently near the island. A slight increase of the δ18O value in the reservoir water was also observed after a low-energy sequence of tectonic earthquakes that occurred at very shallow depth just beneath Vulcano Island. These 18O variations in the reservoir water are consistent with earthquake-induced increases in the contribution from high-temperature δ18O-rich magmatic condensate to the geothermal reservoir, and with subsequent decreases in the δ18O value due to 18O exchanges at the temporarily increased reservoir temperature during reactions between the highly reactive magmatic condensate and the local rocks.Only minor changes in the deuterium composition of the reservoir water occurred with time, as the δD value in the magmatic condensate released from the magma after major local earthquakes quickly approached the δD value of the water contained in the geothermal reservoir.Also the chloride concentration in the reservoir water appears to be linked to the contribution from the magmatic fluid. This chloride content seems not to have undergone major changes with time, as it may be buffered by temporary increases in the reservoir temperature up to values >300°C induced by major local earthquakes. This mechanism may possibly occur also in other magmatic–hydrothermal systems.  相似文献   

 Bromine/chlorine ratios in salammoniac samples, collected from 1983 to 1994 at the Fossa crater fumaroles of Vulcano (Aeolian Islands), were determined. The data obtained in this work have been compared to those obtained by Coradossi et al. (1985) in order to carry out a systematic study of the Br/Cl ratio variations since 1977. Br/Cl ratios range from 0.04 to 0.29. The Br/Cl ratio variations observed have been interpreted as the result of different contributions among deep and shallow components feeding the fumarolic fluids of Vulcano. The Br/Cl increases, which occurred from 1977 to 1979, in 1983–1984 and in 1992–1993, have been connected to an increased input of magmatic gases. Received: 10 November 1995 / Accepted: 12 July 1996  相似文献   

 Numerous measurements of CO2 degassing from the soil, carried out with the accumulation chamber method, indicate that in the period April–July 1995 the upper part of the Fossa cone released a total output of 200 t d–1 of CO2, which corresponds to approximately 1000 t d–1 of steam. These large amounts of fluids are of the same order of magnitude as those released by the high temperature fumarolic field located inside the crater. The spatial distribution of soil gas fluxes shows that the main structures releasing CO2 are the inner slopes of the crater and a NW–SE line, located NE of the crater rim, which correspond to the main direction of Vulcano Island active faults. The comparison of the φCO2 maps with the soil temperature distribution, derived from both direct measurements and airborne infrared images, indicates the occurrence of extensive condensation of fumarolic steam within the upper part of the Fossa cone, whose total amount is comparable to the rainfall budget. Part of the condensate which originates from this process contributes to the recharge of the phreatic aquifer of Porto Plain, modifying the chemical and isotopic composition of the groundwater. Received: 1 September 1995 / Accepted: 8 January 1996  相似文献   

Discharge from subaereal and submarine gas vents of the Baia di Levante beach gases from the Vulcano Island were sampled for major and trace gas components in May and November 1995.Chemical compositions and equilibrium calculations suggest three different groups of CO2-rich gas emissions depending on their distance from the La Fossa crater: (1) gas vents close to the Faraglione area are characterised by high H2S contents, high calculated equilibrium temperatures based on inorganic species and relatively high proportion of alkene compounds; (2) gas vents close to Vulcanello are characterised by low calculated equilibrium temperatures and low amounts of alkenes; and (3) Pontile sample has the highest equilibrium CO2 pressure (up to 68 bars) which may account for the observed absence of benzene. The relative large variability of H2S in the Baia di Levante beach gas discharge may be attributed to either different interactions between iron sulphides and weakly acid waters or catalytic effect of elemental sulphur on the de-hydrogenation of cyclo-hexane. Thermodynamic calculations suggest that the main inorganic species and CH4 may have re-equilibrated at relatively shallow depth (10–200 m b.s.l. and 30–600 m b.s.l. for a lithostatic and hydrostatic pressure, respectively). The slow kinetics of reactions in the CnH2n/CnH2n+2 systems, with respect to that of CH4–CO–CO2, may explain the observed propene/propane ratios, which can only be reached at reaction temperatures of 300–350°C. This low speed of reactions can also explain the observed disequilibrium of C1–C4 alkanes.  相似文献   

Variations in D and 18O values with H2O contents and outlet temperatures indicate that the fumaroles of La Fossa crater have discharged mixtures of magmatic water and marine hydrothermal water, since 1979. The contribution of meteoric water was low in the period 1979–1982 and very low afterwards. The 18O values of the marine-hydrothermal component of +5 to +7.2 are due to isotopic exchange with the 18O-rich silicates of the rocks under high-temperature and low-permeability conditions. The 18O value of the magmatic end-member is generally +3.5 to +4.3, although values as high as +5.5 to +6.5 were reached in the summer of 1988, when magma degassing appears to have extended into the core of the magma body. The D values of the end-member were close to -20, typical of andesitic waters. Both the isotopic values and chemical data strongly support a dry model, consisting of a central magmatic gas column and a surrounding hydrothermal envelope, in which marine hydrothermal brines move along limited fracture zones to undergo total evaporation on approaching the conduits of magmatic fluids. The vents at the eastern and western boundaries of the fumarolic field are fed by fluids whose pressure is governed by the coexistence of vapor, liquid and halite, giving rise to a high risk of phreato magmatic explosions, should magma penetrate into these wet environments. Most La Fossa eruptions were triggered by an initial hydrothermal blast and continued with a series of phreatomagmatic explosions. The fluids discharged by the Forgia Vecchia fumaroles are mixed with meteoric water, which is largely evaporated, although subordinate loss of condensed steam may be responsible for scrubbing most of the acidic gas species. The temperatures and pressures, and the risk of a sudden pressure increase, are low. A boiling hydrothermal aquifer at 230° C is present underneath the Baia di Levante beach. This area has a minor risk of hydrothermal explosions.  相似文献   

Vulcano, the southern Aeolian Island, is in fumarolic activity. The possibilities of measurements are limited by the field conditions as well as by the technological feasibility. In the presente work different tests were made in the field to measure temperature continuously: only the measurements made in dry steam gave good results because they avoid corrosion, and solution of the acid gases in the condensed in the ground. Field measurement show that the heat transfer is mainly due to convection. The values obtained in the field can be used to quantify the remote sensing of heat transfer.  相似文献   

Soil-temperature measurements can provide information on the distribution of degassing fissures, their relationship to the internal structure of the volcano, and the temporal evolution of the system. At Vulcano Island (Italy), heat flux from a <3 km-deep magma body drives a hydrothermal system which extends across the main Fossa crater. This heat flux is also associated with variable magmatic gas flow. A high-density map of soil-temperatures was made in 1996 at a constant depth of 30 cm on the central and southern inner flanks of the Fossa crater. These measurements extended over an area covering about 0.04 km2, across which the heat flux is predominantly associated with a shallow boiling aquifer. The map shows that hot zones relate to structures of higher permeability, mainly associated with a fissure system dating from the last eruptive cycle (1888–1890). From 1996 to January 2005, we studied the evolution of the heat flux for the high temperature part of the map, both by repeating our measurements as part of 14 visits, during which temperatures were measured at a constant depth, and using data from permanent stations which allowed soil-temperatures to be continuously measured for selected vertical profiles. These data allowed us to calculate the heat flux, and its variation, with good precision for values lower than about 100 W m−2, which is generally the case in the study area. Above 100 W m−2, although the heat flux value is underestimated, its variations are recorded with an error less than 10%. During the period 1996–2004, two increases in the thermal flux were recorded. The first one was related to the seismic crisis of November 1998 which opened existing or new fissures. The second, in November 2004, was probably due to magma migration, and was associated with minor seismic activity.  相似文献   

 Tufi di Grotte dei Rossi Inferiori are thick ash deposits, representing the most voluminous stratigraphic unit on Vulcano Island. The deposits are related to hydromagmatic eruption which occurred under shallow water inside a caldera depression. Grain-size data and results of SEM investigation allow the character of the transporting medium, solid material concentration in the cloud during the lateral expansion, and the nature and role of the fluids present at the time of deposition to be constrained. We suggest that the eruption was characterized by closely timed hydromagmatic pulses giving rise to eruption clouds rich in water vapor and steam. The coarser material was not significantly transported in the eruptive cloud and it probably deposited in the caldera depression area. The finer material was extensively transported in the cloud, creating turbulent flows which surmounted the caldera rim barrier and dispersed in a southward direction, forming widespread deposits in the Piano area. Lower concentrated flows produced laminated deposits of more limited dispersion, whereas higher concentrated flows formed more dispersed thicker massive layers. Received: 26 February 1996 / Accepted: 17 June 1997  相似文献   

Over the last 42 ka, volcanic activity at Lipari Island (Aeolian Arc, Italy) produced lava domes, flows and pyroclastic deposits with rhyolitic composition, showing in many cases evidence of magma mixing such as latitic enclaves and banding. In this same period, on nearby Vulcano Island, similar rhyolitic lava domes, pyroclastic products and lava flows, ranging in composition from shoshonite to rhyolite, were erupted. As a whole, the post-42 ka products of Lipari and Vulcano show geochemical variations with time, which are well correlated between the two islands and may correspond to a modification of the primary magmas. The rhyolitic products are similar to each other in their major elements composition, but differ in their trace element abundances (e.g. La ranging from 40 to 78 ppm for SiO2 close to 75 wt%). Their isotopic composition is variable, too. The 87Sr/86Sr (0.704723–0.705992) and 143Nd/144Nd (0.512575–0.512526) ranges partially overlap those of the more mafic products (latites), having 87Sr/86Sr from 0.7044 to 0.7047 and 143Nd/144Nd from 0.512672 to 0.512615. 206Pb/204Pb is 19.390–19.450 in latites and 19.350–19.380 in rhyolites. Crystal fractionation and crustal assimilation processes of andesitic to latitic melts, showing an increasing content in incompatible elements in time, may explain the genesis of the different rhyolitic magmas. The rocks of the local crustal basement assimilated may correspond to lithotypes present in the Calabrian Arc. Mixing and mingling processes between latitic and rhyolitic magmas that are not genetically related occur during most of the eruptions. The alignment of vents related to the volcanic activity of the last 40 ka corresponds to the NNW–SSE Tindari–Letojanni strike-slip fault and to the correlated N–S extensional fault system. The mafic magmas erupted along these different directions display evidence of an evolution at different PH2O conditions. This suggests that the Tindari–Letojanni fault played a relevant role in the ascent, storage and diversification of magmas during the recent volcanic activity.  相似文献   

 This work presents the results of a microthermometric and EPMA-SIMS study of melt inclusions in phenocrysts of rocks of the shoshonitic eruptive complex of Vulcano (Aeolian Islands, Italy). Different primitive magmas related to two different evolutionary series, an older one (50–25 ka) and a younger one (15 ka to 1890 A.D.), were identified as melt inclusions in olivine Fo88–91 crystals. Both are characterized by high Ca/Al ratio and present very similar Rb/Sr, B/Be and patterns of trace elements, with Nb and Ti anomalies typical of a subduction zone. The two basalts present the same temperature of crystallization (1180±20  °C) and similar volatile abundances. The H2O, S and Cl contents are relatively high, whereas magmatic CO2 concentrations are very low, probably due to CO2 loss before low-pressure crystallization and entrapment of melt inclusions. The mineral chemistry of the basaltic assemblages and the high Ca/Al ratio of melt inclusions indicate an origin from a depleted, metasomatized clinopyroxene-rich peridotitic mantle. The younger primitive melt is characterized with respect to the older one by higher K2O and incompatible element abundances, by lower Zr/Nb and La/Nb, and by higher Ba/Rb and LREE enrichment. A different degree of partial melting of the same source can explain the chemical differences between the two magmas. However, some anomalies in Sr, Rb and K contents suggest either a slightly different source for the two magmas or differing extents of crustal contamination. Low-pressure degassing and cooling of the basaltic magmas produce shoshonitic liquids. The melt inclusions indicate evolutionary paths via fractional crystallization, leading to trachytic compositions during the older activity and to rhyolitic compositions during the recent one. The bulk-rock compositions record a more complex history than do the melt inclusions, due to the syneruptive mixing processes commonly affecting the magmas erupted at Vulcano. The composition and temperature data on melt inclusions suggest that in the older period of activity several shallow magmatic reservoirs existed; in the younger one a relatively homogeneous feeding system is active. The shallow magmatic reservoir feeding the recent eruptive activity probably has a vertical configuration, with basaltic magma in the deeper zones and differentiated magmas in shallower, low-volume, dike-like reservoirs. Received: 11 March 1998 / Accepted: 14 July 1998  相似文献   

The fumarolic fluids of Vulcano (Aeolian Islands, Italy) consist of a mixture of both deep and shallow components. The final products, the fumarolic gases and the sublimates associated with them, provide information on the complex interactions that occur at depth. As radiogenic isotopes do not undergo fractionation after they are incorporated in a fumarolic gas, they can be used directly to characterize the components that mixed. Lead isotopes are particularly suitable, because seawater, which plays an important part in the formation of the fumarolic fluids of Vulcano, contains only negligible amounts of it (10-12 g/g). Therefore, the lead present in the fumarolic gases (and sublimates) is derived from the magmatic component and a water-rock interaction process. The lead isotope compositions of the lead sulfosalt sublimates collected from the Fossa Crater of Vulcano in 1924, and between 1989 and 1993, are given. The lead isotope ratios of most of the samples are the same within the range of analytical error, regardless of their collection date. The only samples that display slight variations are those collected in 1993. On the whole, the compositional trend of the lead isotopes of the sublimates coincides with that of the latitic-rhyolitic activity of Fossa and differs substantially from that of the pre-Fossa trachy-basaltic activity. The lead composition of the sublimates is very different from that of the Calabrian basement rocks. The data presented here show that the magma presently degassing at Vulcano has the same lead isotopic composition as the products of the recent activity of Fossa, whereas the fumarolic fluid circulation of Vulcano has not involved basement rocks similar to the Calabrian metasediments.  相似文献   

Electric resistivity tomography (ERT), self-potential (SP), soil CO2 flux, and temperature are used to study the inner structure of La Fossa cone (Vulcano, Aeolian Islands). Nine profiles were performed across the cone with a measurement spacing of 20 m. The crater rims of La Fossa cone are underlined by sharp horizontal resistivity contrasts. SP, CO2 flux, and temperature anomalies underline these boundaries which we interpret as structural limits associated to preferential circulation of fluids. The Pietre Cotte crater and Gran Cratere crater enclose the main hydrothermal system, identified at the centre of the edifice on the base of low electrical resistivity values (<20 Ω m) and strong CO2 degassing, SP, and temperature anomalies. In the periphery, the hydrothermal activity is also visible along structural boundaries such as the Punte Nere, Forgia Vecchia, and Palizzi crater rims and at the base of the cone, on the southern side of the edifice, along a fault attributed to the NW main tectonic trend of the island. Inside the Punte Nere crater, the ERT sections show an electrical resistive body that we interpret as an intrusion or a dome. This magmatic body is reconstructed in 3D using the available ERT profiles. Its shape and position, with respect to the Pietre Cotte crater fault, allows replacing this structure in the chronology of the development of the volcano. It corresponds to a late phase of activity of the Punte Nere edifice. Considering the position of the SP, soil CO2 flux, and temperature maxima and the repartition of conductive zones related to hydrothermal circulation with respect to the main structural features, La Fossa cone could be considered as a relevant example of the strong influence of pre-existing structures on hydrothermal fluid circulation at the scale of a volcanic edifice.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a magnetic model of the subsurface structure of Vulcano island based on high-resolution aeromagnetic data. Three profiles across the most intense magnetic anomalies over the Piano and Fossa calderas were selected for the magnetic modelling, which was constrained by structural and volcanological data, previous geophysical models, paleomagnetic data, and borehole stratigraphy obtained from two deep wells. The interpretation of the magnetic sources represents a significant contribution to the understanding of the Piano and Fossa calderas’ underlying structure, providing us with evidence of the lateral discontinuity between them at depth. We propose that the positive magnetic anomalies in the Piano caldera area are caused by: (a) the remnants of an early submarine volcano; (b) an outcropping dyke swarm related to the feeding system of the Primordial Vulcano phase (beneath Mt. Saraceno); and (c) the presence of a non-outcropping dyke system intruded along a NE–SW-oriented intra-caldera fault (beneath the eastern part of the Piano caldera). Offshore, to the west, the magnetic anomaly map suggests the presence of a submarine volcanic structure, not revealed by bathymetric data, which could represent the eruptive centre, the presence of which has been indirectly deduced from the outcrop of eastern-dipping lavas on the western seashore. Magnetic modelling of the Fossa caldera points to the presence of a highly magnetized cone-like body inside the Fossa cone, centred beneath the oldest crater rims. We interpret this body as a pile of tephritic lavas emplaced in an early phase of activity of the Fossa cone, suggesting that the volume of mafic lavas that erupted at the beginning of the construction of the Fossa edifice was more significant than has previously been deduced. Furthermore, the presence of a magnetized body inside the Fossa cone implies that high temperatures are contained in very limited spaces, do not affect its bulk inner structure, and are restricted to fumarolic conduits and vents. In addition, structures beneath the western and northern part of the Fossa caldera are revealed to have null or low magnetization, which can be ascribed to the presence of pyroclasts and hyaloclastites in this area as well as to a large volume of hydrothermally altered materials. This suggests that the hydrothermal system, with a very limited extension at present, affected a larger area in the past, especially beneath the western part of the caldera.  相似文献   

The Ischia hydrothermal system was analysed through hydrogeological and microbial community investigations. Mesophilic communities were detected in two cold springs, suggesting a negligible influence of thermal circuits in freshwater sub‐systems which are mainly or only fed by local precipitations. Thermophilic and extremely thermophilic bacteria were detected in two wells, according to higher water temperatures (61 and 85 °C), even if the two communities show significant differences. In one well, thermophilic and extremely thermophilic bacteria are associated with strains belonging to ε‐Proteobacteria isolated in different sulphur‐rich carbonate environments. This association suggests a greater influence on ascending hot fluids that interact with the carbonate basement of volcanic rocks. In the other well, thermophilic and extremely thermophilic bacteria are associated with strains isolated in cold hypersaline environments or in aquatic habitats where terrestrial and marine components are coupled. This association supports the fact that seawater intrusion can affect this part of Ischia, according to results of hydrogeological and geochemical surveys. Differences in groundwater temperature and bacterial communities are probably mainly due to differences in permeability between volcanic rocks and differences in hydrogeologic behaviour between faults in the upper carbonate basement, above the deep magma chamber, that influence relationships between ascending hot fluids and local recharge. This study contributes to discussion of the reliability of the actual behaviour models of the Ischia system, based on the results of geochemical and isotopic investigations, and, in a wider context, it shows that microbial community investigations may be a valuable supplementary tool for analysing hydrothermal system behaviour. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We investigated the relationship between volcano-seismic events, recorded at La Fossa crater of Vulcano (Aeolian Islands, Italy) during 2004-2006, and the dynamics of the hydrothermal system. During the period of study, three episodes of increasing numbers of volcano-seismic events took place at the same time as geothermal and geochemical anomalies were observed. These geothermal and geochemical anomalies have been interpreted as resulting from an increasing deep magmatic component of the hydrothermal fluids. Three classes of seismic events (long period, high frequency and monochromatic events), characterised by different spectral content and various similarity of the waveforms, have been recognised. These events, clustered mainly below La Fossa crater area at depths of 0.5–1.1 km b.s.l., were space-distributed according to the classes. Based on their features, we can infer that such events at Vulcano are related to two different source mechanisms: (1) fracturing processes of rocks and (2) resonance of cracks (or conduits) filled with hydrothermal fluid. In the light of these source mechanisms, the increase in the number of events, at the same time as geochemical and geothermal anomalies were observed, was interpreted as the result of an increasing magmatic component of the hydrothermal fluids, implying an increase of their flux. Indeed, such variation caused an increase of both the pore pressure within the rocks of the volcanic system and the amount of ascending fluids. Increased pore pressures gave rise to fracturing processes, while the increased fluid flux favoured resonance and vibration processes in cracks and conduits. Finally, a gradual temporal variation of the waveform of the hybrid events (one of the subclasses of long period events) was observed, likely caused by heating and drying of the hydrothermal system.  相似文献   

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