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Abstract   The Lower Sorachi Group of the Sorachi–Yezo Belt in central Hokkaido, Japan is a peculiar accretionary complex characterized by numerous occurrences of greenstones (metabasalts and diabases), which are mostly composed of aphyric basalts. Clinopyroxene-rich phenocryst assemblage in phyric basalts is different from olivine–plagioclase assemblage in mid-oceanic ridge basalts (MORB). The greenstones are geochemically uniform, and show a lower-Ti trend than MORB in an FeO*/MgO-TiO2 diagram, mostly plotting on the island arc tholeiite (IAT) field in a TiO2−10MnO−10P2O5 diagram. In a MORB-normalized spider diagram, the greenstones show a flat pattern from P to Y, which are lower than those of normal mid-oceanic ridge basalt (N-MORB). These indicate that the greenstones were derived by a higher degree of partial melting from a depleted mantle similar to a N-MORB source, and experienced olivine–clinopyroxene fractional crystallization. However, a positive spike of Nb in the spider diagram cannot be explained, and may be attributed to mantle heterogeneity. These characteristics are analogous to those of oceanic plateau basalts (OPB) such as in Ontong Java Plateau, Manihiki Plateau and Nauru Basin, suggesting that the greenstones in the Lower Sorachi Group are of oceanic plateau origin. The present study proposes new field divisions to distinguish OPB from MORB in the conventional FeO*/MgO–TiO2 and TiO2−10MnO−10P2O5 diagrams.  相似文献   

Edwin  Ortiz  Barry P.  Roser 《Island Arc》2006,15(2):223-238
Abstract Basement rocks in the catchment of the Kando River in southwest Japan can be divided into two main groups. Paleogene to Cretaceous felsic granitoids and volcanic rocks dominate in the upstream section, and more mafic, mostly Miocene volcanic and volcaniclastic rocks occur in the downstream reaches. Geochemically distinctive Mount Sambe adakitic volcanic products also crop out in the west. X‐ray fluorescence analyses of major elements and 14 trace elements were made of two size fractions (<180 and 180–2000 µm) from 86 stream sediments collected within the catchment, to examine contrasts in composition between the fractions as a result of sorting and varying source lithotype. The <180 µm fractions are depleted in SiO2 and enriched in most other major and trace elements relative to the 180–2000 µm fractions. Na2O, K2O, Ba, Rb and Sr are either depleted relative to the 180–2000 µm fractions, or show little contrast in abundance. Sediments from granitoid‐dominated catchments are distinguished by greater K2O, Th, Rb, Ba and Nb than those derived from the Miocene volcanic rocks. Granitoid‐derived <180 µm fractions are also enriched in Zr, Ce and Y. Sediments derived from the Miocene volcanic rocks generally contain greater TiO2, Fe2O3*, Sc, V, MgO and P2O5, reflecting their more mafic source. Sediments containing Sambe volcanic rocks in their source are marked by higher Sr, CaO, Na2O and lower Y, reflecting an adakitic signature that persists into the lower main channel, where compositions become less variable as the bedload is homogenized. Normalization against source averages shows that compositions of the 180–2000 µm fractions are less fractionated from their parents than are the <180 µm fractions, which are enriched for some elements. Contrast between the size fractions is greatest for the granitoid‐derived sediments. Weathering indices of the sediments are relatively low, indicating source weathering is moderate, and typical of temperate climates. Some zircon concentration has occurred in granitoid‐derived <180 µm fractions relative to 180–2000 µm counterparts, but Th/Sc and Zr/Sc ratios overall closely reflect both provenance and homogenization in the lower reaches.  相似文献   

Tetsuya  Tokiwa 《Island Arc》2009,18(2):306-319
Paleomagnetic studies and hotspot track analyses show that the Kula Plate was subducted dextrally with respect to the Eurasian Plate from the Coniacian to Campanian. However, geological evidence for dextral subduction of the Kula Plate has not been reported from Southwest Japan. Studies of the Coniacian to lower Campanian Miyama Formation of the Shimanto Belt reveal that the mélange fabrics show a dextral sense of shear both at outcrop and microscopic scales. In addition, thrust systems at map-scale also show dextral shearing. Restored shear directions in the mélange indicate dextral oblique subduction of an oceanic plate. This indicates that the Kula Plate subducted dextrally along the eastern margin of Asia during the Coniacian to early Campanian. Combinations with other published kinematic and age constraints suggest that Southwest Japan experienced a change from sinistral to dextral and back to sinistral shear between 89–76 Ma. This history is compatible with global-scale plate reconstructions and places good constraints on the timing of plate boundary interaction with the Cretaceous East Asian margin.  相似文献   

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