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3D GIS支持下的城市三维地质信息系统研究   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:10  
介绍了3D GIS的发展现状与应用前景,详细地讨论了基于3D GIS构建的城市三维地质信息系统的设计思路和结构功能。在分析城市三维地质数据多种建模方法的基础上,采用一种基于TIN和TEN的混合数据结构来构建城市三维地质数据建模系统。另外,针对城市三维地质数据的特点,探讨了城市三维地质海量数据的采集与管理、城市三维地质数据信息的Web发布等重要问题,为系统功能的最终实现提供了完整的解决方案。  相似文献   

唐兴元  徐宁  蒋为民 《江苏地质》2009,33(4):423-425
由于城市规模的进一步扩大,基本建设的项目不断增加,在建设过程中发生的地质灾害也越来越多。从地质因素在城市建设中的表征入手,论述了开展城市地质灾害调查与治理的必要性及可操作性。依据江苏各大城市的地质构造特点及存在的地质灾害隐患,提出了对城市地质灾害调查与治理的设想。  相似文献   

In the Clusone Basin (a large intermontane basin filled by thick late Neogene–Quaternary sediments in the Middle Val Seriana, Southern Alps), two high‐resolution seismic profiles have been acquired in order to reconstruct the geometries of the sediments that fill the depression, with a maximum thickness of more than 200 m as documented by available well data, and to define their relationships with the bedrock, consisting of Late Triassic carbonates. In addition to standard seismic reflection processing, a seismic refraction inversion technique has been applied. The integration of geological (both surface and well data) and seismic data indicates a complex history of the drainage patterns of the Clusone Basin, documenting a shift of the Serio River from a palaeodrainage toward the southeast (Val Borlezza) to the present situation, toward the south (Val Seriana): between the older and the present‐day drainages an important depositional stage occurred, as documented by the thick sediments that fill the Clusone Basin, controlling the capture of the Serio River along the Val Seriana. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

通过地层沉积序列、粒度特征、砾石特征综合分析认为,成都平原东郊台地中更新统合江组为河流相沉积,垂向上具有明显的"河流二元"结构特征,主要以细粒沉积物为主,底部砾石层多为中-粗砾,磨圆较好,具有定向性。该组可细分为河道、边滩、堤岸-河漫3种沉积微相类型,对应发育3种岩相类型。河道砾石岩相沿十陵镇-红河镇-大面镇一带呈北西-南东向展布,边滩砂坝岩相集中发育于大面镇-西河镇东侧古河道凹岸处,堤岸-漫滩粘土岩相广泛分布于研究区内。这3种岩相特性及分布对工程建设的影响存在差异:河道砾石层作为地下水储集层的同时,水溶蚀使其地层结构稳定性被破坏,影响工程稳固技术的选择;边滩砂坝分布较为集中,对区内工程建设影响面最小;堤岸-河漫粘土广泛分布,是一种分布稳定的软弱层,对地下水有一定的封闭效果,同时软弱层的特性使其降低了边坡、坝体的稳定性。  相似文献   

本文在分析郑州市现有地温空调系统应用的基础上,从水文地质条件、浅层地温场特征、经济效益等方面分析了郑州市地下水源热泵应用的适宜性,研究了热泵运行对地下水环境的影响,认为地下水源热泵应用效果较好,经济社会效益明显,适宜推广应用,为城市地下水源热泵发展应用提供了依据。  相似文献   

陈锁忠 《江苏地质》1999,23(1):40-44
以GIS为主控模块,选择美国国防部开发的地下水运动模拟模型系统(GroundwaterModelingSystem简称GMS)和美国D.C.Helm等人开发的地面沉降模拟模型系统(Compac),进行苏锡常地区GIS与地下水运动模拟和地面沉降模拟模型系统集成分析和设计。从GIS、GMS和Compac概念模型供需要求,分析说明集成系统的特点和设计思路,且对集成系统的多种数据兼容性、数据分析处理及集成计算、结果可视化和构件化修改功能进行阐述。  相似文献   

Cenni  Nicola  Fiaschi  Simone  Fabris  Massimo 《Landslides》2021,18(6):2247-2263
Landslides - The morphological changes of unstable areas can be identified using different methodologies that allow repeated surveys over time. The integration between the data obtained from...  相似文献   

We estimate current vertical movements along the Apennines (Italy) through repeatedly measured high precision levelling routes. In order to highlight regional crustal deformation the analysis of a geodetic database, with a minimum benchmark density of 0.7 bm/km (1943–2003 time period), is carried out. We evaluate systematic and random error and their propagation along the levelling routes. Tests on original raw height data have been carried out to define error propagation. The computed relative vertical rates stand significantly above error propagation. A series of traverses along and across the Apennines and a map of relative vertical velocities reveal a geodetic signal characterised by values up to 2.5–3.0 mm/a and by wavelengths up to 100 km.  相似文献   

This article presents the results of a detailed study of the effects of the 1883 earthquake, which occurred at the island of Ischia (Gulf of Naples) and produced the total destruction of buildings in the epicentral area (Casamicciola town). Despite the moderate magnitude, this event was characterised by very high intensities (I max = XI degree MCS) mainly due to the shallow depth of the source. The study of the earthquake shows that the intensities, which decreased rapidly with distance, were affected by source directivity, according to the causative fault geometry and tectonic structures, while local amplification of damage was observed where soft soils outcrop. The attenuation of seismic intensity with distance was evaluated using the well-known relation of intensity versus epicentral distance (Blake’s method). The diverse gradients of attenuation, observed in different directions, were ascribed to the various geological features of the shallow crust of the island. In order to evaluate the role of geology in the damage level, we computed different attenuation models for stiff and soft soils outcropping on the island. A systematic local amplification of about 1 MCS degree associated to the presence of reworked tuffs was obtained. This study also shows the influence of geological conditions on the evaluation of macroseismic data and supplies useful elements to derive a predictive map of potential site effects.  相似文献   

This paper describes an integrated ground deformation and gravity network aimed at monitoring volcano-tectonic movements in the Campanian area (Southern Italy). It covers an area of more than 3000 km2, including the volcanic centres of Somma-Vesuvius, Campi Flegrei caldera and Ischia island. Levelling, EDM and gravity networks, as well as periodic and continuous GPS measurements are carried out. The aim of the network is twofold: monitoring ground deformations in the above mentioned volcanic areas, and studying the complex tectonics of the Campania Plain, a graben-like structure in which the Neapolitan volcanism is concentrated, in relation to the tectonics of the Southern Apennines and of the Tyrrhenian Basin. The monitoring network consists of larger-scale levelling, EDM and GPS networks covering the whole Campania Plain, connected to the relatively stable areas of Apennines, together with smaller scale networks aimed at accurately monitoring the Somma-Vesuvius volcano, one of the most dangerous over the World due to the high degree of urban development. The Somma-Vesuvius is monitored by levelling network, over 200 km long, by periodic EDM and GPS measurements and by a small network of continuously recording GPS receivers. Moreover, high precision gravimetry is also employed to deep the knowledge of the dynamic framework of the area. The main results indicate that Mt. Vesuvius and the island of Ischia are currently quiescent, while Campi Flegrei are subject to significant slow vertical ground movements, known as “bradyseism”. Recently, two large uplifts, both of about 1.8 m, affected the area respectively in 1970–72 and 1982–84.  相似文献   

找矿突破战略行动是保障国家经济社会可持续发展、提高矿产资源保障能力的重大举措,而整装勘查工作则是实现找矿突破的重要途径。本文从地质资料管理的角度,结合整装勘查区找矿所需地质信息,提出了地质资料数据集成与服务整装勘查的技术与方法,即汇集整装勘查区的资料数据及分布图,对数据进行集成整合后制作成公开版数据,研发相应的资料管理与服务系统进行数据发布,便于地质工作者查询以往工作形成的资料。以整装勘查区地质工作为例的资料数据集成与服务研究工作是对地质资料产品开发的一次新尝试,这为今后地质资料产品开发提供了很好的参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

The Calomini hermitage is located on a steep slope, below an 80- to 130-m-high hanging rock wall. The hermitage, a significant example of religious architecture, has been a pilgrimage place since the Middle Ages. The monastery, completed by the tenth century, is built into the rock mass for more than half of its length. The stability and safety of the complex are threatened by stability problems in the rock slope. Structural and geotechnical investigations were carried out, showing the potential for rock blocks slides, particularly under dynamic conditions, with the fall of middle size blocks. Recently, some remedial works have been carried out, and wire meshes have been hung on the rock wall. Nevertheless, a significant portion of the Calomini hermitage area may be still dangerous and exposed to severe landslide hazard. Therefore, further research and countermeasures are necessary to protect a very important item of Italian cultural and architectural heritage.  相似文献   

Integrated aeromagnetic and field-based structural analysis provides a method for establishing a constrained regional-scale tectonic model where insufficient outcrop, remoteness or restricted access precludes widespread structural mapping. In this method the different scales of observation lead to uncertainty in integrating the observations. An integrated analysis of the Deering Hills region of the Musgrave Province shows that this uncertainty is largely dependent on the magnetic data resolution, the scale of deformation, and mineralogy. In the Deering Hills, four deformation events are defined, each with different structural character. These differences in character result in different levels of uncertainty in integrating these observations with aeromagnetic data. D1 was only evident at small scales in outcrop, and therefore any correlation with aeromagnetic data is inherently uncertain. However, well-defined relative timing to D2, and the parallel nature of an S1 foliation and regional D1 structures identified in the aeromagnetic data permitted the derivation of a moderately reliable regional model indicating northwest to southeast directed shortening at a deep crustal level during the Musgravian Orogeny. This resulted in a pervasive gneissic foliation, and a regional array of northeast-trending reverse-shear zones and tight to isoclinal upright folds. A higher confidence regional model was derived for the second deformation event (D2), which was identified at the regional scale in outcrop and could be directly correlated with features in the aeromagnetic data. North–south-directed crustal shortening, either in the late Musgravian Orogeny or during deformation ca 1060 Ma resulting in east-southeast- and southeast-trending reverse- and dextral-reverse shear zones and southeast-trending recumbent isoclinal nappes. For the third and fourth deformation events, links could not be made between field observations and aeromagnetic data, and the regional models for these events are low in confidence. The regional setting of D3 is not defined, and D4 is interpreted to represent the development of shear zones during north–south compression in the Petermann Orogeny.  相似文献   

In the context of the RIVIERA project, the building of a 3D geotechnical model at the city scale (Pessac, France) has been undertaken, from several hundreds of boreholes and geotechnical tests. It is first shown how the combination of the lithological information and of geotechnical results can improve thanks to Bayesian statistics the knowledge of mechanical characteristics in the various alluvial terraces which can be encountered in this area. Secondly the upper and lower limits of the 3D model at the city scale are computed by improving an initial digital elevation model for the upper limit and by kriging under inequality constraints for the lower limit. These limits border Quaternary formations which are of interest for geotechnical applications. In a third stage, it is focused on the spatial modelling of the pressuremeter modulus. The sequential indicator simulation method enables to obtain the spatial probability of occurrence of a given pressiometer modulus class. Coupled with other information, the analysis of these statistical and geostatistical models makes possible to develop decision support tools such as to localise, for instance, areas more prone to the clay shrinkage–swelling hazard.  相似文献   

A previous analysis [Improta, L., G. Di Giulio, and A. Rovelli (2005). Variations of local seismic response in Benevento (Southern Italy) using earthquakes and ambient noise recordings, J. Seism. 9, 191–210.] of small magnitude earthquakes recorded at 12 sites within the city of Benevento has stressed the significant role played by near-surface geology in causing variability of the ground motion. In this paper, we extend the study of the seismic response from 12 sites to the entire urban area. Based on inferences from the comparison at the 12 sites between earthquake and ambient vibration results, we have collected ambient noise at about 100 sites within the city, intensifying measurements across the main shallow geological variations. We use borehole data to interpret ambient noise H/V spectral ratios in terms of near-surface geology comparing H/V curves to theoretical transfer functions of 1D models along five well-constrained profiles.

On the basis of geological, geotechnical, and seismic data, we identify three main typologies of seismic response in the city. Each type of response is associated to zones sharing common soil conditions and similar soil classes according to building codes for seismic design. Moreover, we find that the spatial variation of the seismic response in the ancient town area is consistent with the damage pattern produced by a very destructive, well-documented historical earthquake that struck the city in 1688, causing MCS intensity of IX–X in Benevento.

Finally, we use ground motions recorded during the experiment by Improta et al. [Improta, L., G. Di Giulio, and A. Rovelli (2005). Variations of local seismic response in Benevento (Southern Italy) using earthquakes and ambient noise recordings, J. Seism. 9, 191–210.] to generate synthetic seismograms of moderate to strong (Mw 5.7, Molise 2002 and Ms 6.9, 1980 Irpinia) earthquakes. We calibrate the random summation technique by Ordaz et al. [Ordaz, M., J. Arboleda, and S.K. Singh (1995). A scheme of random summation of an Empirical Green's Function to estimate ground motions for future large earthquakes, Bull. Seism. Soc. Am. 85, 1635–1647.] using recordings of these earthquakes available in Benevento. After a satisfactory fit between observed and synthetic seismograms, we compute response spectra at different sites and speculate on effects of the geology class at large level of shaking, including soil nonlinearity. We find that large discrepancies from design spectra prescribed by seismic codes can occur for a wide sector of Benevento, especially for periods < 0.5 s.  相似文献   

Engineering geological problems of thaw-settlement and frost-heave occur frequently along the Qinghai–Xizang (Tibet) Highway (QXH) line and produce an adverse impact on roadbed stability. Eight monitoring sites were established along the QXH to investigate the engineering geological characteristics and environmental process of permafrost, including the upper and lower boundary of the active layer under the natural surface, the seasonal freeze–thaw depth under the asphalt pavement, the permafrost table temperature and roadbed stability. The investigation results show that the active layer thickness and permafrost table temperature under an asphalt pavement are higher than under a natural surface due to the absorption heat and reduced evaporation capability of the asphalt pavement. The implication for highway design and construction in permafrost areas are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper introduces a 3D geological and geotechnical model of the subsoil of the city of Turin managed by means of a Geographical Information System (GIS). The 3D GIS of the subsoil of Turin represents a useful decision-support tool in the underground management for engineering purposes and it’s here proposed as base geological elaborate to support future underground work in the city. In the final part of the paper, an application of the information coming from the 3D model is shown to define the characteristics of the optimal excavation machines (the type and disposition of tools on the head and the necessary engine power) for the future developments of the Underground Metro System.  相似文献   

Aluminium was determined in surface and ground waters in the Alba region of NW Italy to provide information on natural and anthropogenic sources of contamination. Determinations were made by a spectrophotometric method based on the aluminium-pyrocatechol complex. The total aluminium content of waters was determined as well as the toxic form of monomeric aluminium, obtained from samples that had been passed through 0.20 μm cellulose filters to remove colloidal and particulate material. Results were correlated with mortality data associated with Alzheimer's disease. There appeared to be a correlation between mortality data and areas having the highest aluminium content of water.  相似文献   

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