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Summary Within the programme sponsored by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Bad Godesberg) in which different branches of scientific disciplines cooperated in order to investigate Lake Constance in Southern Germany, meteorology was mainly dealing with the wind situation round the Lake.Investigations by the Aerological Observatory of Friedrichshafen which was destroyed during the last war, yielded fundamental contributions to the problem of air currents on the Lake and in the outer regions of the Alps in its vicinity. With regard to the various problems in the common achievements of the Lake Constance Project of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft it proved necessary to extend the investigations across the whole region of the Lake in order to elaborate the synoptic situations of the daily and annual periodical wind systems.The vertical structure of the air currents could not be inferred but by an indirect manner, whilst its confirmation by direct aerological means is going to be studied in an additional research programme. The results of the comprehensive observational material of several years will be published in a final report by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.Here some special results of the wind observations are presented.  相似文献   

Marcus Schulz   《Limnologica》2004,34(1-2):75
The shore west of the town Bregenz situated at Lake Constance (Mehrerauer Seeufer) offers habitats for relictic floristic elements, such as the Lake Constance forget-me-not (Myosotis rehsteineri, Wartm.). During the last decades, several-meter-high gravely bars developed at the beach, and moved into landward direction. Sedimentological investigations were carried out in the littoral region, at the beach, and in the periodically flooded lagoons, in order to display the reasons for the sediments movements. Regular surveys of the bars exhibited them to move episodically. The translocation probably occurred at high water stages, especially during storm events. Extended well sorted, gravely beds were classified as tempestites, whereas poorly sorted, coarse gravely plasters seaward of the bars were characteristic of long-term erosion of fines. One reason for the observed morphodynamical processes probably were deep hollows in the littoral region, which had been the results of sand and gravel mining: Storm waves were moving towards the beach with low friction, and therefore were barely decelerated. In addition, the artificial progradation of the mouth of the River Bregenzer Aach, and the deepening of its riverbed evoked a reduction in inputs of fine particulate matter from the River Bregenzer Aach, which in turn caused a decrease in substitution of losses of the fine-grained binding agent due to erosion. The morphodynamics at the shore of Mehrerau are based on an interaction between anthropogenic reasons and natural storm events.  相似文献   

On the basis of different sets of aerial photos the dynamics of the reed bed areas of Lake Constance were investigated in relation to the dynamics of the water levels. The objectives of the study were to quantify the changes of reed areas due to different flood events in the last decades and their recovery in the time periods between these events. The results should given information of the relevance of water level variations on reed bed dynamics and the regeneration times of reed beds after extreme disturbance events.Following the extreme flood at Lake Constance in 1999 the reed belts of Lake Constance lost approximately 30 ha (24%) of the lakeside reed beds. The loss is comparable to the situation in the late 1960s, when approximately 40 ha died back due to the extreme flood in 1965 and the high spring water levels in the subsequent years. In the time period between the extreme floods of 1965 and 1999, the reed areas expanded to nearly 85% of the area before 1965. The expansion rates increased with increasing distance to the flood event of 1965. Especially in periods with series of years of low spring water level the expansion rates were high.The damage degrees of the reed areas in the years 2000 and 2002 showed a clear relation to the elevation (i.e. average water level) of the stands. The damage degree increased with decreasing elevation. Furthermore the regeneration process of severely damaged stands was related to the elevation level of the stands. Whereas stands at high elevation regenerate fast, those at low elevation died off completely in the years after the extreme flood. This supports the hypothesis that the water level flutuations play a major role in the reed dynamics of Lake Constance.As a consequence of the climate change an increase in the frequency of high spring water levels is expected. Thus, it seems unlikely that reed stands will ever expand again to the same area as before 1965.  相似文献   

The Deschampsietum rhenanae is an endemic and endangered lakeshore community growing in the upper littoral of Lake Constance, the occurrence of which has been reduced dramatically during the last 100 years. The existence of this community depends on the seasonal water level changes of the unregulated, prealpine Lake Constance. Long-term monitoring indicates that the typical species of the Deschampsietum rhenanae and their competitors may be strongly affected by extreme water levels. An earlier onset of the water level increase in spring could potentially pose a threat to the Deschampsietum rhenanae, especially if the water level rises before seed ripening in the Deschampsietum rhenanae.  相似文献   

In 1977–81 the river Rhine near the lake of Constance held the highest densities of Zebra Mussels (Dreissena polymorpha) ever found in Central and Western Europe with up to 12 kg/m2 fresh biomass. Wintering diving ducks and Coots consumed every year 97% of the standing crop. The population maintained itself by mass immigration of mainly 1-year-old mussels during the summer. This leads to large temporal and spatial (within 4 km) fluctuations of biomass.  相似文献   

The zonation of Naididae and Cladocera in shallow water sediments are described and correlated with environmental factors. The mechanisms of ecological separation of species are discussed.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Die monatlichen Sichttiefenmessungen (meist 3) mit der SECCHI-Scheibe im überlinger See (Bodensee) von 1953–1962 werden miteinander verglichen. Sie liefern Hinweise auf die planktische Prim?rproduktion. Die kurzfristige Streuung der Sichttiefen ist teilweise gross. Das Sichttiefenmittel liegt bei 7,4 m, die Extreme bei 1,9 m und 15,0 m. Das produktionsbedingte Sichttiefenminimum vom Frühjahr bis Herbst jeden Jahres wird durch ein Frühsommermaximum (Produktionszusammenbruch) unterteilt. Zwischen 1953 und 1962 besteht, trotz grosser Schwankungsbreite, eine Sichttiefenregression von j?hrlich 2 cm, eine von 6 cm jedoch zwischen dem Mittelwert von 1920–1924 (9,5 m) und dem von 1953–1962 (7,4 m). Der Sichttiefenrückgang verl?uft seit 1900 sigmoid. Dabei ist der geringere Anstieg der Kurve von 1953–1962 nicht mehr mit dem progressiv steigenden Phosphatphosphor korrelierbar. Dieser kann heute im Bodensee nur noch selten ein produktionsbegrenzender Faktor sein.
Summary In the überlinger See (Lake of Constance) the Secchi-disk transparencies are usually recorded three times a month; the results obtained from 1963–1962 have been compared with each other. They give an indication of planktic primary production. The divergence of transparencies is partly very considerable within short periods. The average transparency lies at about 7,4 m, the extreme transparencies at 1,9 m and 15,0 m. Every year, from spring to autumn, there is a minimum of transparency induced by planktic production; it is interrupted by a maximum occurring in early summer (production collapse). From 1953–1962, in spite of considerable fluctuation scope, a yearly regression of transparency of 2 cm was observed. However, between the average transparencies from 1920–1924 (9,5 m) and from 1953–1962 (7,4 m), the yearly regression amounts to 6 cm. From 1900, the regression of transparency represents a sigmoid curve. However, the slighter rise of the curve from 1953–1962 can no longer be correlated with the progressive rising of phosphate-phosphorus, which now very seldom is to be considered as a limiting factor of planktic production in the Lake of Constance.

Résumé L'auteur compare les résultats des mesures de transparence effectuées à l'aide du disque Secchi en général trois fois par mois dans le überlinger See (Lac de Constance) de 1953–1962. Ces mesures fournissent des indications sur la production primaire du phytoplancton. La transparence varie parfois considérablement en de courts intervalles. La moyenne des transparences est à 7,4 m, alors que les valeurs extrêmes se situent à 1,9 m et 15,0 m. Chaque année, du printemps à l'automne, il y a un minimum de transparence d? à la production du plancton; il est interrompu par un maximum au début de l'été (effondrement de la production). On a constaté entre 1953 et 1962 une régression annuelle de la transparence de 2 cm; toutefois, si l'on compare la moyenne de 1920–1924 (9,5 m) avec celle de 1953–1962 (7,4 m), cette régression annuelle est de 6 cm. Depuis 1900, la régression de la transparence dessine une courbe sigmo?de. Cependant il n'existe plus de corrélation entre la montée plus douce de la courbe de 1953–1962 et l'augmentation progressive du phosphate-phosphore; ce dernier ne peut en effet plus guère être considéré comme un facteur de limitation de la production planctique dans le lac de Constance.

Bacterial decay of the autumnal phytoplankton in Lake Constance (Bodensee)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The breakdown of autumnal phytoplankton was studied in Lake Constance by combining chemical seston analyses, bacterial counts and scanning electron microscopy. High algal biomass was associated with low numbers of free-living bacteria. The degradation of algae occurred in two phases: First, dissolved material was released leading to growth of free-living bacteria. Thereafter, bacteria attached to the decaying particles and decomposed them until highly refractory material was left behind. Attached bacteria always comprised less than 25% of total bacteria. Dead organic seston exceeded microbial biomass by a factor of 4–10. Pheopigments increased in senescent and dying algal cells relative to chlorophyll. Therefore, pheopigment fractions were used as a relative index of algal decay.  相似文献   

The reactions of the bream,Abramis brama, to the ecological changes due to man-made eutrophication of Lake Constance were investigated. It could be demonstrated that the bream adapted only to a negligible amount. Likely due to its largeness, structure of the body and population composition the bream is more conservative than perch, roach and whitefish. The only reactions to the changed environment are modificated vertical and horizontal distribution and partly plancton feeding in summer.   相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Ein transportabler Gitterspektrograph für Untersuchungen der atmosphärischen Infrarotstrahlung wird beschrieben und die Absoluteichung des Gerätes mit Hilfe schwarzer Hohlraumstrahler eingehend diskutiert. Wegen des symmetrischen Strahlenganges minimalisieren sich die Einflüsse von Spiegelabsorption. Luftabsorption und Gerätetemperatur auf die Messung.
Summary A transportable grating spectrometer for infrared atmospheric radiation studies is described. The absolute calibration procedure by means of black bodies is discussed. With regard to the symmetrical optical path mirror and air absorption as well as instrumental temperature have minimal influence on the measurements.

Nearly 900 tagged trouts (brown and rainbow trouts) have been exposed at a distance of 300 m and 1,5–4,5 km from the shore. In the first case the recapture was more favour-able. According to the series 6 to 20% brown trouts and only 1% rainbow trouts were recaptured. The greater part has been caught in the lake; only from October to May the reports came from the rivers. Brown and rainbow trouts lost in the lake their reddish spots or the rainbrowstripe and became silver. The growth is nearly as quick as in the lake trout. After a critical review of our own results and those found in literature we came to the conclusion that there are no morphological differences between brown and lake trouts. It may be that there are genetically fixed differences in the biological-physiological behaviour. But even in this case a classification inSalmo trutta morpha lacustris andS. t. m. fario could not be justifiable—for practical reasons only-because, independantly, in the single lakes the development of lake trouts from populations of brown trouts has happened polyphyletically. Also, for genetically different populations, normally no classifications in subspecies are made. Probably, the difference in the colour and growth-easily striking the eye-misdirects to assume the form ‘morpha lacustris’.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Es gelangen heute rund fünfmal so viele Colikeime in den Bodensee wie vor zehn Jahren. In den nachkontrollierten Einzugsgebieten kommen aber auch gleichzeitig von rund fünfmal mehr Menschen die Abw?sser in den See. W?hrend der Sommerstagnation sind in der obersten Wasserschicht mehr Colikeime zu finden als in der Tiefe. Im Winter bestehen keine vertikalen Differenzen. Bei den niederen Wassertemperaturen im Winter werden mehr coliforme Bakterien nachgewiesen als im w?rmeren Wasser im Sommer. Der in den letzten Jahren stark zunehmende Wasserpflanzenbestand hemmt den Wasseraustausch von Ufer- und Seewasser. Die eingeschwemmten F?kalbakterien verbleiben am Ufer.  相似文献   

Ohne Zusammenfassung Mit einer Tafel und vier Skizzen.  相似文献   

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