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The sedimentation and ore formation were studied in sediments from nine stations located in the 24°W profile in the Brazil Basin of the Atlantic Ocean. The sediments are represented by mio- and hemipelagic muds, which are variably enriched in hydrothermal iron and manganese oxyhydroxides. As compared to the sediments from other basins of the Atlantic Ocean, these rocks are marked by extremely high manganese contents (up to 1.33%) and maximal enrichment in Ce. It was shown that the positive Ce anomaly is related to the REE accumulation on iron oxyhydroxides. Influence of hydrothermal source leads to the decrease of Ce anomaly and LREE/HREE ratio. In the reduced sediments, preservation of positive Ce anomaly and/or its disappearance was observed after iron and manganese reduction. The REE contents were determined for the first time in the Ethmodiscus oozes of the Brazil Basin. Ore deposits of the Brazil Basin are represented by ferromanganese crust and ferromanganese nodules. Judging from the contents of iron, manganese, rare, and trace elements, these formations are ascribed to the sedimentation (hydrogenic) deposits. They are characterized by a notable positive Ce anomaly in the REE pattern. The extremely high Ce content (up to 96% of total REE) was discovered for the first time in the buried nodules (Mn/Fe = 0.88).  相似文献   

The isotopic composition of Nd in the water column from several western North Atlantic sites and formational areas for North Atlantic Deep Water shows extensive vertical structure at all locations. In regions where a thermocline is well-developed, large isotopic shifts (2 to 3 ϵ units) are observed across the base of the thermocline. Regions without a thermocline are characterized by much more gradual shifts in isotopic composition with depth. In general, the data reveal an excellent correlation between the Nd isotopic distribution in the western North Atlantic water column and the distribution of water masses identified from temperature and salinity characteristics. NADW, as identified from T-S properties, is also characterized by a well-defined isotopic composition having ϵNd(0) = −13.5 ± 0.5. This signature is associated with waters identified as NADW from high latitudes near formational areas in the Labrador Sea down to the equatorial region. The isotopic signature of NADW would appear to be formed by a blend of more negative waters originating in the Labrador Sea (ϵNd(0) < −18) and more positive waters originating in the overflows from the Norwegian and Greenland Seas (ϵNd(0) ≈ −8 to −10) and is consistent with classical theories on the formation of NADW. The isotopic signature of NADW is propagated southward to the equator where it is gradually being thinned out by mixing from above and below with more radiogenic Nd associated with northward-spreading Antarctic Intermediate and Bottom Waters. The preservation of the isotopic signature of NADW over these large distances indicate that the REE undergo extensive lateral transport. The isotopic composition of Nd is largely conservative over the time scales of mixing within the Atlantic in spite of the intrinsic nonconservative behavior of neodymium. Nd concentration gradients generally show surface waters to be depleted in Nd relative to deep waters, which must require vertical transport processes. However, isotopic differences in the water column preclude the local downward transport of REE from the surface into underlying deep waters as a simple explanation of the concentration gradient. The apparent decoupling of REE in NADW from overlying (local) surface waters and the increasing concentration with depth provide a conflict with simple vertical transport mechanisms that is not yet resolved.  相似文献   

The Central Atlantic Magmatic Province (CAMP) is one of the largest igneous provinces on Earth, extending more than 5000 km north to south, on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean. Its emplacement occurred about 200 Ma ago, at the Triassic–Jurassic boundary, and is linked to the initial breakup of Pangaea. Two areas of the province are studied here: French Guyana/Surinam (South America) and Guinea (West Africa), in order to document the petrogenesis and geodynamical significance of high-Ti and low-Ti basaltic magmas from the CAMP.

In Guyana, doleritic and gabbroic dykes are located on the edge of the Guiana Shield, and represent limited volumes of magma. They display low SiO2 (47–50%), high TiO2 (2.5–3.5%) and high FeO tholeiitic trends and show variably enriched trace element patterns ((La/Yb)n=1.5–5.1). Their isotopic signature and ratios of very incompatible elements (εNdi=+5.8 to +4.2, (87Sr/86Sr)i=0.703–0.705, (207Pb/204Pb)i=15.46–15.64) match a depleted PREMA (prevalent mantle)-like source. Their genesis can be modeled by ca. 15% partial melting of a lherzolite source, and a subsequent limited fractional crystallization (5–10%) or a slight upper crustal assimilation–fractional crystallization (AFC, r=0.1, Proterozoic contaminant). In Guinea, in contrast, huge volumes of CAMP magmas were intruded along the Rockelides suture and the West African craton, forming the Fouta Djalon sills and the Kakoulima laccolith. The laccolith is more than 1000 m thick. These features consist of gabbros, dolerites, diorites and mafic (gabbro) and ultramafic (dunite, wherlite) cumulates. Guinean tholeiites show high SiO2 (51–58%), low TiO2 (0.7–1.2%) and FeO trends, with high LILE/HFSE ratios and slight negative Nb–Ta anomalies. Isotopic signatures (εNdi=+0.4 to −5.3, (87Sr/86Sr)i=0.705–0.710, (207Pb/204Pb)i=15.57–15.66) indicate a more enriched source than for Guyana as well as a higher rate of magma–upper crust interaction through an AFC process (r=0.3, Birimian crust contaminant) and, probably, an additional upper crustal contamination for the most differentiated sample.

This geochemical study supports the prevalence in Guinea, as for other low-Ti CAMP tholeiites, of a lithospheric mantle source, previously enriched during ancient subduction events, and preferentially reactivated in late Triassic times by edge-driven convection between cratonic and mobile belt domains. A larger contribution from a depleted asthenospheric source is required to generate high-Ti tholeiites in Guyana, which may reflect the development of CAMP rifting towards the initiation of the Central Atlantic oceanic crust.  相似文献   

The shale-normalized REE patterns of manganese nodules from the northwest Atlantic show enrichment in Sm and Eu relative to the heavier and lighter REE, excluding Ce, and are similar to the patterns previously observed in deep water (> 3000m) nodules from the Pacific. The inverse relation of this pattern to that of sea water and the high Ce anomaly (average 5.5) indicate that probably the REE in the nodules originate from sea water and the nodules are possibly hydrogenous. The patterns for micronodules are similar to those of the nodules but the concentrations of REE were substantially higher in two of them.The red clay occurring on abyssal hills where nodules and micronodules are found also shows higher REE concentrations over terrigenous gray clay. The latter is devoid of nodules and micronodules and occurs in abyssal plains. The excess REE in the red clay also show a pattern similar to those of the nodules and micronodules. Most of the micronodule samples show a lower Ce anomaly (1.7) and lower Co concentration compared to the nodules, so it is inferred that at least some micronodules were formed during post-depositional periods when the conditions were less oxidizing than average.  相似文献   

During the 28th cruise of R/V Akademik Sergei Vavilov in 2009, five different mountains belonging to the northern chain of the Baia Seamounts, located in the Brazil Basin, were dredged. Igneous rocks, limestones, and Fe-Mn crusts were collected. Igneous rocks are greatly altered resulting from halmyrolithic and/or low-temperature hydrothermal processes; the main secondary minerals are smectite, iron hydroxide, and phillipsite. Igneous rocks are subdivided into two groups, namely, trachybasalts and trachyandesites. Trachybasalts are aphyric rocks, consisting of basal plagioclase microlites, Fe-Ti ore mineral, olivine, and clinopyroxene. Trachyandesites are rarely porphyre rocks. Inclusions in trachyandesite are represented by acidic plagioclase, olivine, biotite, and zircon. The main mass is formed by acidic plagioclase and a small quantity of clinopyroxene.  相似文献   

Indicator role of trace elements in sedimentation and ore formation is considered for sediments from Station 2182 in the Angola Basin. It is shown that pelagic sediments were formed from two main sources: biogenic calcium carbonate and lithogenic sediment component compositionally similar to the miopelagic clay. Increase of the Mn/Al ratio, Ce anomaly in the REE composition, Co/Ni and Mo/W ratios, and anomalous accumulation of Tl, Pb, Bi and other microelements indicate that sediments from horizons 15–20 and 30–35 cm contain significant amounts of hydrogenic material as Fe-Mn oxyhydroxides. Manganese micronodules (MN) were extracted from different horizons (10–15, 15–20, and 30–35 cm) and analyzed to study the hydrogenic component. Their development is related to retardation of biogenic and lithogenic sedimentation. The studied manganese micronodules are represented by the hydrogenic-diagenetic formations >100 μm in size with Mn/Fe = 2.0–2.8, Co/Ni = 0.2–0.4, Ce an = 4.2–5.7, and Mo/W = 5.2–7.9. The MN content is too low to affect the major and trace element composition of sediments. The main part of Fe and Mn is confined to fraction <10 μm.  相似文献   

Helium, Sr, and Nd isotopic ratios and major and trace element compositions have been measured on a suite of lavas from the intra-plate volcanos of the Juan Fernandez Archipelago, Chile. Lavas from the islands of Mas Afuera and Mas a Tierra and from Monte Alpha and Friday seamounts have Sr and Nd isotopic ratios lying on the low143Nd/144Nd side of the mantle array (87Sr/86Sr:0.7034–0.7037;143Nd/144Nd:0.51281–0.51289). The homogeneity of these tracers suggests the involvement of a restricted range of mantle source compositions throughout Juan Fernandez volcanism. In marked contrast is the large range in3He/4He, from 7.8 to 18.0 RA. A bimodal3He/4He distribution on Mas a Tierra is associated with two distinct volcanic lineages;3He/4He ratios of 14.5–18.0 RA (n=15) occur in alkalic and tholeiitic shield basalts, whereas post-shield basanites range from 11.2 to 13.6 RA (n=12). Elemental and isotopic systematics demonstrate a transition from an enriched (Loihi-like) plume source in the shield lavas to a more MORB-like source in the post-shield volcanics. The transition between these sources is much more pronounced in3He/4He than in the other isotopic tracers. The predominantly tholeiitic basalts of Mas Afuera have exceptionally uniform isotopic and elemental characteristics; Sr and Nd ratios are similar to those of Mas a Tierra, but3He/4He ratios are lower and more uniform at 8.3±0.5 RA (n=17). The dramatic distinction between Mas Afuera and Mas a Tierra helium is surprising given the great similarity between the two islands in other geochemical characteristics. Both the Mas Afuera and Mas a Tierra results demonstrate that helium records systematic processes not readily apparent from other isotopic or elemental indicators. Neither magma chamber degassing nor local metasomatic events are likely to be responsible. We suggest that the observed variations may be attributed to mixing of plume and asthenospheric sources in which the plume component is characterized by a heterogeneous distribution of volatiles or has suffered extraction of small degree partial melts prior to mixing.  相似文献   

Alkalic and tholeiitic basalts were erupted in the central Arizona Transition Zone during Miocene-Pliocene time before and after regional faulting. The alkalic lava types differ from the subalkaline lavas in Sr, Nd and Pb isotopic ratios and trace element ratios and, despite close temporal and spatial relationships, the two types appear to be from discrete mantle sources. Pre-faulting lava types include: potassic trachybasalts (87Sr/86Sr = 0.7052 to 0.7055, Nd= –9.2 to –10.7); alkali olivine basalts (87Sr/ 86Sr = 0.7049 to 0.7054, Nd= –2 to 0.2); basanite and hawaiites (87Sr/86Sr = 0.7049 to 0.7053, Nd= –3.5 to –7.8); and quartz tholeiites (87Sr/86Sr = 0.7047, Nd= –1.4 to –2.6). Post-faulting lavas have lower 87Sr/86Sr (<0.7045) and Nd from –3.2 to 2.3. Pb isotopic data for both preand post-faulting lavas form coherent clusters by magma type with values higher than those associated with MORB but within the range of values found for crustal rocks and sulfide ores in Arizona and New Mexico. Pb isotopic systematics appear to be dominated by crustal contamination. Effects of assimilation and fractional crystallization are inadequate to produce the Sr isotopic variations unless very large amounts of assimilation occurred relative to fractionation. It is impossible to produce the Nd isotopic variations unless ancient very unradiogenic material exists beneath the region. Moreover the assumption that the alkalic lavas are cogenetic requires high degrees of fractionation inconsistent with major- and trace-element data. Metasomatism of the subcontinental lithosphere above a subduction zone by a slab-derived fluid enriched in Sr, Ba, P and K could have produced the isotopic and elemental patterns. The degree of metasomatism apparently decreased upward, with the alkalic lavas sampling more modified regions of the mantle than the tholeiitic lavas. Such metasomatism may have been a regional event associated with crustal formation at about 1.6 Ga. Disruption and weakening of the subcontinental lithosphere in the Transition Zone of the Colorado Plateau by volcanism probably made deformation possible.  相似文献   

We report here the silicon isotopic composition (δ30Si) of dissolved silicon (DSi) from 42 surface water samples from the Drake Passage, the Weddell Gyre, other areas south of the Southern Boundary of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC), and the ACC near the Kerguelen Plateau, taken between the beginning of February and the end of March 2007. From the beginning to end of the cruise (ANTXXIII/9), DSi diminished in the Antarctic by 50 μmol L−1 while concentrations of nitrate + nitrite and phosphate showed no net decline, indicating that the high seasonal Si/N removal ratios well known for the Southern Ocean may be more related to the strength of the silicate pump in the Southern Ocean than to the instantaneous Si/N uptake ratio of diatoms. The δ30Si of DSi in samples containing more than 20 μM DSi were strongly negatively correlated to DSi concentrations, supporting the use of δ30Si as a proxy for DSi removal. The “open system” fractionation observed, ε = −1.2 ± 0.11‰, agrees well with results from previous work in other areas, and the estimate of the initial δ30Si of DSi of +1.4‰ is not far off observations of the δ30Si of DSi in Winter Water (WW) in this area. Results were used to model DSi draw down in the past from the δ30Si of sediment cores, although isotopic fractionation during silica dissolution appeared to influence the δ30Si of some surface water samples, inviting further study of this phenomenon.  相似文献   

Three vertical profiles of seawater concentration and isotopic composition of Nd were determined for the western to central North Pacific Ocean.In the subarctic oceanic region, at depths greater than 500 m, one vertical profile of Nd isotopic composition was indistinguishable from most previously reported profiles from here. The data indicate a rather homogeneous Nd isotopic composition in the subarctic oceanic region at middle to deep depths (>500 m). Two stations in the subtropical oceanic region exhibited similar Nd isotopic composition profiles to those previously reported. The maxima εNd values at depths of 800-1000 m (εNd = −3.4 to −2.7), which correspond to the North Pacific Intermediate Water (NPIW), are found at both subtropical stations. This implies a ubiquitous distribution of NPIW showing a radiogenic εNd value in the North Pacific. The subsurface minimum at a depth of ∼200 m, which indicates the penetration of the North Pacific Tropical Water (NPTW) with an unradiogenic Nd isotopic signal, was observed at one station in the western Pacific. This station had much lower εNd than the central station at depths around 5000 m, suggesting the greater prominence of Antarctic Bottom Water (AABW) in the western subtropical Pacific than in the central to eastern subtropical Pacific.Results of a model calculation assuming boundary exchange indicate that the Hawaiian Islands play an important role in supplying radiogenic Nd to the central Pacific, similar to some continental margins.We show that Nd isotopic composition is a versatile tracer for ocean circulation and the geochemical cycle of Nd in the North Pacific. Further studies on the distribution of Nd isotopic composition in the Pacific Ocean, including the Southern Pacific, will better elucidate the circulation and geochemical cycle of Nd in the Pacific.  相似文献   

内蒙古敖包吐萤石矿床的Sr、Nd、Pb同位素地球化学特征   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
敖包吐萤石矿床是内蒙古北部苏莫查干地区单一萤石矿集区中的一个代表性矿床,产于早二叠世大石寨组火山-沉积岩与早白垩世敖包吐花岗岩的接触带上。文章通过分析该矿床岩、矿石的微量元素和稀土元素,揭示出萤石的成矿作用可分为2个阶段,即交代作用和充填作用。交代作用过程中大石寨组的结晶灰岩可能为萤石的形成提供了部分Ca来源,萤石矿石的稀土元素配分模式与海水基本类似,具有Ce负异常;成矿作用后期主要表现为充填作用,形成颗粒粗大的萤石,表现为重稀土元素富集的特征,并随着萤石的沉淀析出,稀土元素总量逐渐下降,反映出成矿流体经历了较长期的演化过程。各地层单元、花岗岩体和萤石矿石的Sr、Nd、Pb同位素研究表明,萤石的放射性同位素组成具有壳、幔源混合的特点,成矿物质来源具有多源性。早白垩世敖包吐花岗岩可能是萤石中F的主要来源,而大石寨组的结晶灰岩则可能提供了Ca。另外,Pb、Nd同位素的极大不均一性,有可能是成矿流体在运移过程中对艾力格庙群放射性组分的选择性吸收的结果。萤石成矿作用与钾玄岩的时空关系暗示了萤石的成矿过程可能是中国东部岩石圈减薄和下地壳的置换地质事件的结果。在构造转型的过程中,燕山中期富碱的酸性花岗岩浆的活动分异出富含F的成矿流体,与幔源流体混合,沿区域重新活化的深大断裂和大石寨组的层间破碎带上升,交代其间的灰岩透镜体,从而形成敖包吐中型萤石矿床。  相似文献   

报道了大别山北缘中生代(早白垩世)不同成因系列火山-侵入岩的14个Rb-Sr,Sm-Nd同位素分析数据,其中正长岩类ISr值为0.70943-0.71014,εNd值为-14.7-15.8,亏损地幔两阶段模式年龄TDM为2.12-2.20Ga;高钾钙碱性系列岩石ISr值为0.70750-0.71054,εNd值为-17.2--19.1,TDM为2.32-2.48Ga,橄榄安粗岩系列岩石ISr值为0.70873-0.70912,εNd值为-20.7-21.7,TDM为2.60-2.68Ga。通过与基底变质岩Sm-Nd同位素组成对比,认为高钾钙碱性系列主要由类似于大别群的地壳岩石衍生而成,正长岩类是由大别群和少量较年轻地壳岩石(卢镇关群和佛子岭群?)衍生而成的,而橄榄安粗岩系列则来源于富集地幔并可能混入少量更古老的类似于泰山群的地壳组分。  相似文献   

The Ivrea zone represents a tilted cross section through deep continental crust. Sm-Nd isotopic data for peridotites from Baldissero and Balmuccia and for a suite of gabbros from the mafic formation adjacent to the Balmuccia peridotite provide evidence for an event of partial melting 607±19 Ma ago in an extended mantle source with 607 Nd =+0.4±0.3. The peridotites are interpreted as the corresponding melt residue, the lower part of the mafic formation as the complementary melts which underwent further differentiation immediately after extraction. The Finero body represents a complex with layers of phlogopite peridotite, hornblende peridotite, and amphibole-rich gabbro. The isotopic signatures fall into two groups: (1) highly radiogenic Nd and low-radiogenic Sr characterize the phlogopite-free, amphibole-rich rocks, whereas (2) low-radiogenic Nd and highly radiogenic Sr is found in ultramafics affected by phlogopite metasomatism. Phlogopite metasomatism in the Ivrea zone is dated by a Rb-Sr whole rock isochron yielding 293±13 Ma. It was fed by K-rich fluids which were probably derived from metasediments. The high initial 293 Nd value of about +7.5 for phlogopite-free samples indicates a high time-integrated Sm/Nd ratio in the Finero protolith 293 Ma ago. Sm-Nd analyses of metapelites from the paragneiss series yield Proterozoic crustal residence ages of 1.2 to 1.8 Ga. Internal Sm-Nd isochrons for three garnetiferous rocks show that closure of garnet at temperatures around 600° C or even lower occurred about 250 Ma ago.  相似文献   

西秦岭新生代钾霞橄黄长岩和碳酸岩具有强烈富集LILE和LREE的特征,经球粒陨石标准化的REE分配模式与OIB十分相似。钾霞橄黄长岩和碳酸岩的(^87Sr/^86Sr)i分别在0.70381~0.70940和0.70529~0.71332之间,^144Nd/^143Nd分别介于0.512404~0.512924和0.512210~0.512928之间。经计算获得多数样品的εNd落在-3.4~5.58范围内,与OIB的εNd值一致。这两类岩石的^208Pb/^204Pb、^207Pb/^204Pb和^206Pb/^204Pb分别为37.613~39.330和38.060~38.995,15.842~16.441和15.545~15.677,以及18.418~22.4和18.149~19.062。采用主量元素MgO—Ni和ε(Nd)-(^87Sr/^86Sr)相关图,以及高场强元素比值Zr/Nb—La/Nb和Ba/La—Ba/Nb相关图以及。^208Pb/^204Pb-^206Pb/^204Pb,^207Pb/^204Pb-^206Pb/^204Pb相关图,一致证明本区火山岩具有与洋岛玄武岩(OIB)相似的地球化学特征,且源区具有EM1和EM11富集端员的混合。但是本区火山岩高的Nb/Ta比和强烈富集Nb等高场强元素,以及较高的^144Nd/^143Nd值,表明该火山岩地球化学具有某种特殊性。结合对西秦岭深部地球物理资料及地质构造背景和演化历史的分析,提出西秦岭新生代钾霞橄黄长岩和碳酸岩的成因与地幔柱的活动有关,源区包含了EM1和EM11富集端员的组分。EM1和EM11富集端员的成因与地幔柱/软流圈流体的作用有关,也与大洋板片的脱水作用和大陆岩石圈的拆层作用有关。该区特殊的大地构造背景和演化历史为上述几种作用的联合提供了可能。它不仅较好地解释了该火山岩地球化学方面的特殊性,及钾霞橄黄长岩与碳酸岩共生的事实,同时也证明新生代火山岩的成因是地幔柱.岩石圈相互作用的产物。  相似文献   

Initial Nd and Sr isotopic ratios have been measured for Cretaceous acidic and related intermediate rocks (24 volcanic and two plutonic rocks) from the Inner Zone of Southwest Japan (IZSWJ) to investigate the genesis of acidic magmas. The initial Nd and Sr isotopic ratios for these rocks show three interesting features: (1) Nd values for acidic rocks (+2 to –9) are negatively correlated with Sr values (+10 to +90) together with those for intermediate rocks ( Nd=+3 to -8; Sr=0 to +65). (2) The Nd values for silica rich rocks (>60% SiO2) correlate with the longitude of the sample locality, decreasing from west to east in a stepwise fashion: Four areas characterized by uniform Nd values are discriminated. (3) Low silica rocks (<60% SiO2) in a certain area have distinctly different Nd values from those of the high silica rocks in the same area.These results as well as those deduced from the additional samples collected, for comparison, from other provinces in Japan suggest that the acidic rocks can be formed neither by fractional crystallization processes from more basic magmas nor by crustal assimilation processes. The isotopic variations of the acidic rocks may reflect regional isotopic heterogeneity in the lower crust, and this heterogeneity may ultimately be attributed to the regional heterogeneity of the uppermost-mantle beneath the Japanese Islands.  相似文献   

Samples from the core to the margin of a 20 cm wide meta-dolerite dyke are sequentially enriched in K, Rb, Sr, and the light REE's. Rb-Sr and Sm-Nd compositional and isotopic profiles in the dyke are interpreted to be the result of selective contamination with components of country rock derivation, rather than the result of simple bulk mixing. 87Rb86Sr ratios are higher at the edge of the dyke than at its centre, although they are somewhat irregular, due probably to the effects of subsequent alteration. This profile and one shown by unsupported 87Sr are both consistent with contamination of the dyke by a fluid phase derived by the breakdown of biotite. Common Sr shows a parallel, albeit weaker, contamination profile which is interpreted to reflect the contribution of a Sr-bearing phase such as plagioclase. 147Sm144Nd ratios and 144Nd concentrations increase and decrease respectively from the margin to the core of the dyke. In addition, the margin of the dyke is significantly less radiogenic than the interior. This contrasts with the relatively radiogenic character of an adjacent pegmatite vein. As this sample does not lie on an anticipated contamination profile between the Uivak gneisses and the dyke it is concluded that the REE contamination of the dyke occurred by the addition of a REE-enriched fluid phase which gained access to the dyke by flow along the dyke-pegmatite interface. If it is assumed that both the Rb-Sr and Sm-Nd contamination profiles are the result of diffusion limited processes, then the observations of scale made in this paper suggest that the rate of diffusion of Nd is an order-of-magnitude slower than that for Sr. In view of the scale and nature of these profiles, ages obtained from isotopic data for such mafic dykes must be interpreted with some care. Nevertheless, in spite of these limitations the ?Nd values for the least contaminated specimens provide a clear indication that the Saglek dykes were derived from a depleted mantle source with ?Nd? +2.  相似文献   

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