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《International Geology Review》2012,54(10):1401-1404
Iron and zinc sulfides, deposited by petroleum brines, are believed to have been derived from terrigenic sedimentary rocks, judging by the isotopic composition of their sulfur, and not from any deposits of these metals in the depths. This view is supported by isotopic analysis of sulfur in brines inside and outside the oil field and in waters of mud volcanoes. Isotopic composition of native (and apparently young) lead, deposited in two of the wells, may likewise represent an epigenetic concentration of the originally dispersed metals in the brines.  相似文献   

In 13 out of 14 samples of carbonate xenoliths from mud volcanic breccias of Azerbaijan, the 87Sr/86Sr values (0.70675–0.70823, 87Sr/86Srmd = 0.7073 ± 0.0005) are within the same limits as in the volcanic waters (Bujakaite et al., 2019). Genetically, they can be associated both with Mesozoic carbonate and saline deposits or with Cenozoic volcanosedimentary strata. Similarity of the Sr isotopic composition with isotopic values in carbonate extracts from terrigenous rocks of the Maikop Formation was noted only in the calcite sample from the Cheildag Volcano (87Sr/86Sr = 0.71047). The most interesting results with the lowest Sr ratios were obtained for carbonate fragments from breccias of the Byandovan Volcano. The combination of low δ13C values (down to –49.2‰), high Sr contents (up to 3108 μg/g) and 87Sr/86Sr (0.70675‒0.70690) values typical of the Late Jurassic brings them closer to caprocks of salt domes of Jurassic oil-bearing formations in the western United States.  相似文献   

《International Geology Review》2012,54(10):1405-1417
Striking preponderance of the light isotopes and a very wide range of variation (δS34 from +13.5 to -21.8) are typical of the isotopic composition of sulfidic sulfur in copper ore deposits of the area, even as they are in the case of analogous ore deposits elsewhere. Fluctuations in the isotopic composition of sulfur in profiles of cupriferous rocks and parts thereof are explainable by specificities in physicochemical environments of the sediment-water-organic substance system. -- Authors.  相似文献   

《International Geology Review》2012,54(10):1429-1434
Enrichment of S32 in sulfidic sulfur and large variations in δS34 content of certain minerals are characteristic of the ores. It is possible therefore that their sulfur was derived from sedimentary rocks and that bacterial reduction of sedimentary sulfates had a part in the process. The isotopic composition of sulfidic sulfur in cupriferous sandstones and in the veinlets therein is about the same. Consequently, a borrowing a sulfur by the veinlets from the sandstones appears to be a reasonable assumption. A biogenic-sedimentary origin of the sulfides does not preclude accessions of copper and other metals from the magma. -- Author.  相似文献   

Idiomorphic crystals of roedderite occur in melt-coated cavities of xenoliths of contact-altered quartz-sillimanite and quartz-feldspar gneisses which were ejected with the tephritic lava of the Bellerberg volcano. Physical and chemical properties of three different sets of crystals agree generally with those of roedderites from meteorites, in which so far the mineral had been found exclusively. In detail, however, there are characteristic chemical differences amongst the Eifel roedderites with one set of crystals matching closely the ideal formula (Na,K)2Mg5 Si12O30, a second set containing excess alkalies according to the substitution Na+0.5 Mg2+, and a third set richer in iron having an alkali deficiency following Fe3+Fe2++Na+.The terrestrial roedderites are considered to be precipitates from highly alkaline, MgSi-rich, but Aldeficient gas phases that evolved through contact heating of the gneisses by the tephrite magma.  相似文献   

The stable isotopic ratios of oxygen, carbon and the non-exchangeable carbon-bound hydrogen of cellulose from marine plants (algae and higher vascular forms) and animals (tunicates) collected in their natural habitats and from freshwater vascular plants grown in the laboratory under controlled conditions were determined.The δ18Ovalues of cellulose from all the plants and animals were 27 ±3% more positive than the δ18O values of the waters in which the organisms grew. Temperature had little or no influence on this relationship for three species of freshwater vascular plants that were analyzed. The relationship between the δ18O values of cellulose and the water used in its synthesis is probably established by the isotopic fractionation that occurs during the hydration of carbonyl groups of the intermediates involved in cellulose synthesis.The δD values of the non-exchangeable hydrogen of cellulose (determined by analyzing cellulose nitrate) from different organisms that grew in the same environment differed by large amounts. This difference ranged up to 200‰ for different species of algae collected at a single site: the corresponding difference for different species of tunicates and vascular plants was 60 and 20‰ respectively. The δD values of cellulose nitrate from different species of freshwater vascular plants grown in water of constant temperature and isotopic composition differed by as much as 60‰ The relationship between the δD values of the carbon-bound hydrogen of cellulose and the water used in its synthesis displayed a significant temperature dependence for four species of freshwater vascular plants that were analyzed. The δD values of cellulose nitrate prepared from different parts of one of the plants grown under constant conditions differed by 40‰ Hydrogen isotopic fractionation during cellulose synthesis appears to be more variable among different species and displays a larger temperature dependence than was suggested by previous studies.  相似文献   

CaSO4 has been investigated at room temperature over the pressure range of 0 to 160 kbar. A reversible, sluggish transition that occurs at about 20 kbar with a volume change of about 4% has been confirmed. The x-ray powder data collected at pressure can be indexed on the monoclinic monazite structure cell (P21/n) which is considered to be the most likely model structure for the new HP CaSO4 phase. The transition is largely distortional and involves rotation and displacement, but essentially preserves the chains of edge shared CaO8(9) and SO4 polyhedra found in the orthorhombic anhydrite (Bbmm) structure.  相似文献   

We have measured the abundance and isotopic composition of xenon in petroleum samples from the Shell Bullwinkle Field off the coast of Louisiana. We used an oxidation and purification procedure designed to insure complete extraction and clean up of xenon from the petroleum. The xenon isotopic composition was found to be similar to the atmospheric value for one petroleum sample. While the results of the second sample suggest possible enrichment of the heavier isotopes, the errors associated with these excesses preclude a definitive statement to that effect. No monoisotopic enrichment in129Xe was detected in either sample, the presence of which might have allowed us to deduce the petroleum age. Our results represent only the second xenon measurement from petroleum, and the concentrations are within the range of values published in the earlier report.  相似文献   

西藏冈底斯带叶巴组火山岩同位素地质年代   总被引:26,自引:1,他引:26       下载免费PDF全文
西藏达孜县附近的叶巴组主要为一套浅变质玄武岩、英安岩、酸性凝灰岩夹少量紫红色砂岩。对叶巴组英安岩的锆石SHRIMP的U-Pb测年,获得181.7±5.2 Ma的年龄值,可代表达孜地区叶巴组的年龄。地质年代学研究和岩石组合特征显示,叶巴组应该分为上、下两部分。达孜县附近的一套火山岩时代为早侏罗世;工布江达县、桑日县和墨竹工卡县之间的叶巴组为一套酸性火山岩夹碎屑岩、碳酸盐岩,形成时代为中、晚侏罗世。叶巴组火山岩可能是班公湖-怒江特提斯洋向南的俯冲、消减的产物。本次SHRIMP测试获得变质年龄值131.9±5.5 Ma,代表早白垩世的变质事件,反映燕山期冈底斯带强烈的岩浆活动对早期地质记录的叠加和改造。  相似文献   

Six volcanic rocks, reconnaissance samples representing most of the temporal and compositional variation in the Pinacate volcanic field of Sonora and Arizona, are characterized for major element and Nd---Sr isotopic compositions. The samples consist of basanite through trachyte of an early shield volcano, and alkali basalts and a tholeiite from later craters and cinder cones. With the exception of the trachyte sample, which has increased 87Sr/86Sr due to crustal effects, all 87Sr/86Sr values fall between 0.70312 and 0.70342, while εNd values are all between + 5.0 and + 5.7. Clinopyroxene in a rare spinel-lherzolite nodule derived from the uppermost mantle beneath the field has 87Sr/86Sr of 0.70320 but εNd of + 8.8, three εNd units higher than the volcanic rocks. Both the volcanic rocks and the nodule record the presence of asthenospheric, rather than enriched lithospheric mantle beneath Pinacate. This is consistent with one or both of (a) proximity of Pinacate to the Gulf of California spreading center and (b) presence of similar asthenospheric mantle signatures in volcanic rocks over a wide contiguous area of the southwestern USA. We consider the comparison to other southwestern USA magma sources as the more relevant alternative, although a definite conclusion is not possible at this stage.  相似文献   

Mud volcanoes (MVs) are considered important methane (CH4) sources for the atmosphere; gas is not only released from macro-seepage, i.e., from craters and visible gas bubbling manifestations, but also from invisible and pervasive exhalation from the ground, named miniseepage. CH4 flux related to miniseepage was measured only in a few MVs, in Azerbaijan, Italy, Japan, Romania and Taiwan. This study examines in detail the flux data acquired in 5 MVs and 1 “dry” seep in SW Taiwan, and further compares with other 23 MVs in Italy, Romania and Azerbaijan. Miniseepage from the six manifestations in SW Taiwan MVs and seeps annually contribute at least 110 tons of methane directly to the atmosphere, and represents about ∼80% of total degassing during a quiescent period. Combining miniseepage flux and geo-electrical data from the Wu-shan-ding MV revealed a possible link between gas flux and electrical resistivity of the vadose zone. This suggests that unsaturated subsoil is a preferential zone for shallow gas accumulation and seepage to the atmosphere. Besides, miniseepage flux in Chu-huo everlasting fire decreases by increasing the distance from the main gas channeling zone and molecular fractionation (methane/ethane ratio) is higher for lower flux seepage, consistently with what observed in other MVs worldwide. Measurements from Azerbaijan, Italy, Romania, and Taiwan converge to indicate that miniseepage is directly proportional to the vent output and it is a significant component of the total methane budget of a MV. A miniseepage vs. macro-seepage flux equation has been statistically assessed and it can be used to estimate theoretically at least the order of magnitude of the flux of miniseepage for MVs of which only the flux from vents was evaluated, or will be evaluated in future. This will allow a more complete and objective quantification of gas emission in MVs, thus also refining the estimate of the global methane emission from geological sources.  相似文献   

中国浙闽赣地区中生代陆相火山岩同位素年代学   总被引:31,自引:1,他引:30  
<正> 中国东南沿海特别是浙闽赣地区,中生代以来火山活动频繁、喷发强烈、分布广泛,形成一套陆相火山-沉积地层,同时伴生重要的金属和非金属矿产,成为亚洲西太平洋构造-岩浆-成矿带的重要组成部份。它与北方热河群同属我国研究最早、最详细而时代、岩相又相当的两个代表岩群。由于生物演化的差异、岩性、岩相变化复杂,对这套地层时代的归属、层位划分和对比、火山活动的演化等,各家学者争论了半个多世纪,迄今未能统一。  相似文献   

Samples of bulk meteorites show only mass-dependent fractionation of silicon isotopes. No isotopic anomalies were found. The variation of the ratios 29Si/28Si and 30Si/28Si over the meteorite classes is small; 1%. per mass unit difference. The average Si isotopic composition for each class of meteorites is identical, within analytical uncertainties. This is quite unlike O, whose anomalous isotopic abundances in bulk samples differentiate among the classes of meteorites. The overlapping abundance ranges of Si isotopes among many classes of meteorites suggest closed-system behavior for this element prior to meteorite accretion and allow calculation of an average solar system Si isotope composition.  相似文献   

This paper presents a statistical relationship between the pyrite particle size distribution and the potential amount of pyritic sulfur reduction achieved by specific-gravity-based separation. This relationship is obtained from data on 26 Ohio coal samples crushed to 14 × 28 mesh. In this paper a prediction equation is developed that considers the complete statistical distribution of all the pyrite particle sizes in the coal sample.Assuming that pyrite particles occurring in coal have a lognormal distribution, the information about the particle size distribution can be encapsulated in terms of two parameters only, the mean and the standard deviation of the logarithms of the grain diameters. When the pyritic sulfur reductions of the 26 coal samples are related to these two parameters, a very satisfactory regression equation (R2 = 0.91) results. This equation shows that information on both these parameters is needed for an accurate prediction of potential sulfur reduction, and that the mean and the standard deviation interact negatively insofar as their influence on pyritic sulfur reduction is concerned.  相似文献   

Formation water samples from deep drillings in southern Israel fall into three regional groups, each of which shows distinct chemical and isotopic characteristics. Waters from the Mediterranean coastal plain appear to be of marine lagoonal origin; some of these brines are associated with occurrences of oil. In the mountain region the top part of the sedimentary sequence has been flushed by fresher waters, apparently during Pleistocene time. In Jurassic and deeper-lying formations one encounters concentrated brines of seawater origin, with low Na/Ca ratios, which have undergone a process of ultrafiltration. In the Rift Valley proper, magnesium-rich brines have invaded the deeper formations, and are evidently of continental lake origin.The absence of oil occurrences in association with the CaCl2 brines of the inland locations is interpreted as being due mainly to loss of oil as a result of the tectonic events associated with the formation of the Jordan Rift Valley.  相似文献   

Data on the sulfur isotopic composition of sulfides from gold-silver deposits of volcanoplutonic belts were systematized. The deposits differ in the variation range, character of distribution, and modal values of δ34S. It was shown that the sulfur isotopic composition is an integral parameter related to a combination of geologic factors. Based on the analysis of the compiled database, it was concluded that the sulfur isotopic composition of deposits evolves in time in an oscillatory manner, similar to the periodic variations in the isotopic composition of sulfide and sulfate sulfur in the Earth’s sedimentary shell.  相似文献   

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