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日震学是太阳物理的一个前沿分支学科,是根据太阳振动的观测来研究太阳的内部结构与运动的一种方法学。太阳5min振动频率的理论计算和实测之间存在显著偏差和振动模的激发问题一直是困扰日震学的两大难题。经过多年的研究仍然没有解决。然而太阳表面层内绝热假设条件与真实情况有很大的偏差,我们认为绝大多数标准太阳模型的P模频率计算忽略了非绝热效应对频率的影响,忽略了振动的激发和衰减机制以及缺乏振动与对流湍流相互作  相似文献   

本估计了激发单个太阳p模振动需要的能量输入率E≡ET,其中谱线宽度Г假设是振动模能量衰减率的观测值,在改进后的对流湍流三维时空分离描述的基础上,利用太阳对流区的混合长流模型计算了振动模的激发率,认为太阳P模振动主要是由雷诺应力扰动激发的,即P模激发对应着地流湍流运动引起声波发射,对于频率v〈3mHz,振动模的激发率为E∝v^7频率v〉3mHz,振动模的激发率为E∝v^-5,理论计算的振动能谱与观  相似文献   

本文估计了激发单个太阳p模振动需要的能量输入率E≡EΓ,其中谱线宽度Γ假设是振动模能量衰减率的观测值.在改进后的对流湍流三维时空分离描述的基础上,利用太阳对流区的混合长模型计算了振动模的激发率.认为太阳p模振动主要是由雷诺应力扰动激发的,即p模激发对应着对流湍流运动引起的声波发射.对于频率ν<3mHz,振动模的激发率为E∝ν7;频率ν>3mHz,振动模的激发率为E∝ν-5.理论计算的振动能谱与观测结果基本符合.  相似文献   

本讨论了与非绝热性有关的辐射损失和对流转移对太阳p模振动的影响。在非绝热情况下,P模的本征频率增加虚σi和σ^2()i。本试图探讨一种渐进方法研究非绝热产应对太阳P模振动的影响。在渐近近拟效的太阳外大气层,利用表面相移的相关关系给出了非绝热振动方程的严格解。  相似文献   

本文讨论了与非绝热性有关的辐射损失和对流转移对太阳p模振动的影响.在非绝热情况下,p模的本征频率增加了虚部σ(1)i和σ(2)i.本文试图探讨一种渐进方法研究非绝热效应对太阳p模振动的影响.在渐进近似失效的太阳外大气层,利用表面相移的相关关系给出了非绝热振动方程的严格解.对低、中间频率的振动模,通过渐进解和表面解在外大气层的拟合,得到表面相移只是频率的函数.与绝热振动相比,考虑非绝热效应有可能改善太阳5分钟振动的理论频率和观测频率之间存在的偏差.  相似文献   

为了进一步探索太阳对流区的物理性质 ,我们利用高精度N的日震观测数据来研究太阳内部扰动磁场对低阶太阳P模振动的影响。对于一个时间相关的MHD湍流源 ,我们给出了导致频率变化的各种可能性。如果只考虑磁扰动的贡献 ,不同值的振动模的频率变化仅只是涨落磁场能谱的函数。我们发现频率的变化随着太阳内部磁场强度增加而变大 ,并且和太阳活动周期密切相关。我们的计算表明太阳磁活动导致的频率变化可达 0 .3μΗz。  相似文献   

本文采用改进后的平行Shooting方法,即连续正交归一化方法,通过增加系统的秩和把微分方程从线性变成非线性的方法,使得病态方程变成非病态方程,克服了平行Shooting方法(不连续正交归一化方法)的主要困难:一是选择径向网格点数目的问题,如果被检验振动模的径向节点数大或小,所需要的网格点数则多或少;二是在远离阈值的时候,尚未有合适的方法提高计算精度的问题.数值计算出了标准太阳模型的绝热非径向太阳振动的理论本征频率谱.从数值计算的结果发现改进后的平行Shooting方法比线性化的Henyey方法和平行Shooting方法收敛性更好且精度更高.其误差可以达到1%的精度.  相似文献   

本采用改进后的平行Shooting方法,即连续正交归一化方法,通过增加系统的秩和把微分方程从线性变成非线性的方法,使得病态方程变成非病态方程,克服了平行Shooting方法(不连续正交归一化方法)的主要困难:一是选择径向网格点数目的问题,如果被检验振动模的径向节点数大或小,所需要的网格点数则多或少;二是在远离阈值的时候,尚未有合适的方法提高计算精度的问题。数值计算出了标准太阳模型的绝热非径向太阳  相似文献   

万响 《天文学报》2006,47(3):268-274
研究和比较了熊大闰的非局部对流和局部对流太阳包层模型的本征振动频率,观测与理论振动频率之间的差别小于1%.它们分为两个分立的群:对l≥60的模,其观测与理论本征振动频率的差完全分布在一条狭窄的倾斜带状区域之内,这说明理论太阳对流区模型大致反映了太阳在r=(0.70-0.95)R⊙这一区域的真实结构,理论与观测频率误差来自外层区域;对于l<60的模,理论的振动频率要比观测的振动频率小,这意味着在对流不稳定区上部的区域温度偏低.另一方面局部对流包层模型的频率差比非局部对流包层模型的频率差更为弥散,中低频端(v<3000)两者差别不大;而在高频端(v≥3000)局部对流包层模型的频率比非局部的频率要高,这意味着局部对流模型在对流区之下的辐射区的温度比非局部对流模型温度要高,非局部对流模型比局部对流模型更接近观测.  相似文献   

By using a non-local time-dependent theory of stellar convection, the solar non-adiabatic pulsations of the low- and intermediate-degree (l < 25) modes are calculated. The results show that the non-radial p1 modes of l = 1–5 are pulsationally unstable. However, the adjacent g, f, p2-p5 modes and the p1 modes of l > 5 are stable. From the analysis of the diagram of integrated work it is discovered that the excitation of oscillations comes from the radiation zone beneath the convective region. Whether the sun possesses unstable low-degree p1 modes is of signi?cant importance for clarifying the excitation mechanism of solar ?ve-minute oscillations.  相似文献   

1 引言 太阳5分钟振荡是上世纪1个重要的发现[1],它使得人们可以通过观测太阳表面的振动来探测其内部的结构,日震学已取得了巨大的进展,然而我们至今仍不了解其脉动的激发机制,它依然是1个存在争议的问题.太阳位于造父变星脉动不稳定区之外,所以大多数人都相信,由于对流的阻尼,太阳是脉动稳定的,太阳和太阳型恒星的振荡都是由所谓的湍流随机激发机制所激发[2-8].  相似文献   

The excitation mechanism of solar five-minute oscillations is studied in the present paper. We calculated the non-adiabatic oscillations of low- and intermediate-degree (l = 1  25) g4-p39 modes for the Sun. Both the thermodynamic and dynamic couplings are taken into account by using our non-local and time-dependent theory of convection. The results show that all the lowfrequencyf- and p-modes with periods P > 5.4 min are pulsationally unstable, while the coupling between convection and oscillations is neglected. However, when the convection coupling is taken into account, all the g- and low-frequency f- and p-modes with periods longer than 16 minutes (except the low-degree p1-modes) and the high frequency p-modes with periods shorter than 3 minutes become stable, and the intermediate-frequency p-modes with period from 3 to 16 minutes are pulsationally unstable. The pulsation amplitude growth rates depend only on the frequency and almost do not depend on l. They achieve the maximum at ν 3700 μHz (or P 270 sec). The coupling between convection and oscillations plays a key role for stabilization of low-frequency f- and p-modes and excitation of intermediate-frequency p-modes. We propose that the solar 5-minute oscillations are not caused by any single excitation mechanism, but they are resulted from the combined effect of “regular” coupling between convection and oscillations and turbulent stochastic excitation. For low- and intermediatefrequency p-modes, the coupling between convection and oscillations dominates; while for high-frequency modes, stochastic excitation dominates.  相似文献   

A new set of accurately measured frequencies of solar oscillations is used to infer the rotation rate inside the Sun, as a function of radial distance as well as latitude. We have adopted a regularized least-squares technique with iterative refinement for both 1.5D inversion, using the splitting coefficients, and 2D inversion using individual m splittings. The inferred rotation rate agrees well with earlier estimates showing a shear layer just below the surface and another one around the base of the convection zone. The tachocline or the transition layer where the rotation rate changes from differential rotation in the convection zone to an almost latitudinally independent rotation rate in the radiative interior is studied in detail. No compelling evidence for any latitudinal variation in the position and width of the tachocline is found, although it appears that the tachocline probably shifts to a slightly larger radial distance at higher latitudes and possibly also becomes thicker. However, these variations are within the estimated errors and more accurate data would be needed to make a definitive statement about latitudinal variations.  相似文献   

The excitation rate P of solar p-modes is computed with a model of stochastic excitation which involves constraints on the averaged properties of the solar turbulence. These constraints are obtained from a 3D simulation. Resulting values for P are found 4.5 times larger than when the calculation assumes properties of turbulent convection which are derived from an 1D solar model based on Gough (1977)'s formulation of the mixing-length theory (GMLT). This difference is mainly due to the assumed values for the mean anisotropy of the velocity field in each case.Calculations based on 3D constraints bring the P maximum closer to the observational one.We also compute P for several models of intermediate mass stars (1 M 2 M).Differences in the values of P max between models computed with the classical mixing-length theory and GMLT models are found large enough for main sequence stars to suggest that measurements of P in this mass range will be able to discriminate between different models of turbulent convection.  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTIONThe maing-length theory (MLT) is the most commonly used approach to calculate convective energy transport in stars and other astrophysical situations. Based on the original idea ofPrandtl (1952) that turbulent parcels trallsfer heat in a similar way as molecules of gas do inthermal conduction, the MLT assumes that convection cells, drived by buoyancy, move thlougha ~ng length 1 and release the heat they carry when they merge with their environment. Themost widely adopted f…  相似文献   

Accurate measurements of solar p-mode frequencies and frequency splittings at high degree l require an adequate theoretical knowledge of the effects of mode coupling, induced by the variation with latitude of the angular velocity of the solar internal rotation. Earlier results for expansion coefficients of composite solutions (coupling coefficients) are due to Woodard. In this paper, the analysis is extended to allow for the dependence of the differential rotation on depth, and the result is expressed in terms of measurable quantities (the rotational splitting coefficients), which makes it convenient for diagnostic purposes. The analysis is based on the approach of quasi-degenerate perturbation theory, and is extended further to address possible effects of mode coupling in the observational line profiles. It is shown, using approximations applicable at high degree l , that the expected line profiles of composite modes in the observational power spectra are not distorted by mode coupling.  相似文献   

概述了太阳3He富化的一个完整的两阶段加速模型。具有适当带电状态的太阳粒子 ,例如3He,电子和一些重离子主要由频率为ω =2Ω3He的氢回旋波所加热。这些被预热的粒子进而在费米加速过程中被加速到高的能量。这一自洽的模型解释了加速的各个方面 ,并预言了粒子的丰度 ,加热离子的带电状态 ,以及其能谱与观测相符和的结果。  相似文献   

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