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In this paper we report on further observations of the third and fourth kilohertz quasi-periodic oscillations (QPOs) in the power spectrum of the low-mass X-ray binary (LMXB) 4U 1636−53. These kilohertz QPOs are sidebands to the lower kilohertz QPO. The upper sideband has a frequency  55.5 ± 1.7 Hz  larger than that of the contemporaneously measured lower kilohertz QPO. Such a sideband has now been measured at a significance  >6σ  in the power spectra of three neutron-star LMXBs (4U 1636−53, 1728−34 and 1608−52). We also confirm the presence of a sideband at a frequency ∼55 Hz less than the frequency of the lower kilohertz QPO. The lower sideband is detected at a 3.5σ level only when the lower kilohertz QPO frequency is between 800 and 850 Hz. In that frequency interval, the sidebands are consistent with being symmetric around the lower kilohertz QPO frequency. The upper limit to the rms amplitude of the lower sideband is significantly lower than that of the upper sideband for lower kilohertz QPO frequencies >850 Hz. Symmetric sidebands are unique to 4U 1636−53. This might be explained by the fact that lower kilohertz QPO frequencies as high as 800–850 Hz are rare for 4U 1728−34 and 1608−52. Finally, we also measured a low-frequency QPO at a frequency of ∼43 Hz when the lower kilohertz QPO frequency is between 700 and 850 Hz. A similar low-frequency QPO is present in the power spectra of the other two systems for which a sideband has been observed. We briefly discuss the possibility that the sideband is caused by Lense–Thirring precession.  相似文献   

We have monitored the atoll-type neutron star low-mass X-ray binary 4U 1636−53 with the Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer ( RXTE ) for more than 1.5 yr. Our campaign consisted of short (∼2 ks) pointings separated by 2 d, regularly monitoring the spectral and timing properties of the source. During the campaign we observed a clear long-term oscillation with a period of ∼30–40 d, already seen in the light curves from the RXTE All-Sky Monitor, which corresponded to regular transitions between the hard (island) and soft (banana) states. We detected kilohertz (kHz) quasi-periodic oscillations (QPOs) in about a third of the observations, most of which were in the soft (banana) state. The distribution of the frequencies of the peak identified as the lower kHz QPO is found to be different from that previously observed in an independent data set. This suggests that the kHz QPOs in the system shows no intrinsically preferred frequency.  相似文献   

We have discovered a triple-peaked X-ray burst from the low-mass X-ray binary (LMXB) 4U 1636−53 with the Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer ( RXTE ). This is the first triple-peaked burst reported from any LMXB using RXTE , and it is only the second burst of this kind observed from any source. (The previous one was also from 4U 1636−53, and was observed with EXOSAT .) From fits to time-resolved spectra, we find that this is not a radius-expansion burst, and the same triple-peaked pattern seen in the X-ray light curve is also present in the bolometric light curve of the burst. Similar to what was previously observed in double-peaked bursts from this source, the radius of the emitting area increases steadily during the burst, with short periods in between during which the radius remains more or less constant. The temperature first increases steeply, and then decreases across the burst also showing three peaks. The first and last peak in the temperature profile occur, respectively, significantly before and after the first and last peaks in the X-ray and bolometric light curves. We found no significant oscillations during this burst. This triple-peaked burst, as well as the one observed with EXOSAT and the double-peak bursts in this source, all took place when 4U 1636−53 occupied a relatively narrow region in the colour–colour diagram, corresponding to a relatively high (inferred) mass-accretion rate. No model presently available is able to explain the multiple-peaked bursts.  相似文献   

We analyzed the recently published kHz quasi-period oscillaiton (QPO) data in the neutron star low-mass X-ray binaries (LMXBs), in order to investigate the different correlations of the twin-peak kHz QPOs in bright Z sources and in the less luminous Atoll sources. We find a power-law relation  ν1∼ν b 2  between the upper and the lower kHz QPOs with different indices: b ≃ 1.5 for the Atoll source 4U 1728-34 and b ≃ 1.9 for the Z source Sco X-1. The implications of our results for the theoretical models for kHz QPOs are discussed.  相似文献   

SAX J2103.5+4545 is the Be/X-ray binary (BeX) with the shortest orbital period. It shows extended bright and faint X-ray states that last for a few hundred days. The main objective of this work is to investigate the relationship between the X-ray and optical variability and to characterize the spectral and timing properties of the bright and faint states. We have found a correlation between the spectral and temporal parameters that fit the energy and power spectra. Softer energy spectra correspond to softer power spectra. That is to say, when the energy spectrum is soft, the power at high frequencies is suppressed. We also present the results of our monitoring of the Hα line of the optical counterpart since its discovery in 2003. There is a correlation between the strength and shape of the Hα line, originated in the circumstellar envelope of the massive companion and the X-ray emission from the vicinity of the neutron star. Hα emission, indicative of an equatorial disc around the B-type star, is detected whenever the source is bright in X-rays. When the disc is absent, the X-ray emission decreases significantly. The long-term variability of SAX J2103.5+4545 is characterized by fast episodes of disc loss and subsequent reformation. The time-scales for the loss and reformation of the disc (about 2 yr) are the fastest among BeXs.  相似文献   

We analysed RXTE archival observations of 4U 1907+09 between 1996 February 17 and 2002 March 6. The pulse timing analysis showed that the source stayed at almost constant period around 1998 August and then started to spin-down at a rate of  (−1.887 ∓ 0.042) × 10−14 Hz s−1  which is ∼0.60 times lower than the long-term (∼15 yr) spin-down rate. Our pulse-frequency measurements for the first time resolved significant spin-down rate variations since the discovery of the source. We also presented orbital phase resolved X-ray spectra during two stable spin-down episodes during 1996 November–1997 December and 2001 March–2002 March. The source has been known to have two orbitally locked flares. We found that X-ray flux and spectral parameters except hydrogen column density agreed with each other during the flares. We interpreted the similar values of X-ray fluxes as an indication of the fact that the source accretes not only via transient retrograde accretion disc but also via the stellar wind of the companion, so that the variation of the accretion rate from the disc does not cause significant variation in the observed X-ray flux. Lack of significant change in spectral parameters except hydrogen column density was interpreted as a sign of the fact that the change in the spin-down rate of the source was not accompanied by a significant variation in the accretion geometry.  相似文献   

We present the results of a study with the Swift Burst Alert Telescope in the 14–195 keV range of the long-term variability of five low-mass X-ray binaries with reported or suspected superorbital periods – 4U 1636−536, 4U 1820−303, 4U 1916−053, Cyg X-2 and Sco X-1. No significant persistent periodic modulation was detected around the previously reported periods in the 4U 1916−053, Cyg X-2 or Sco X-1 light curves. The ∼170-d period of 4U 1820−303 was detected up to 24 keV, consistent with variable accretion due to the previously proposed triple system model. The ∼46-d period in 4U 1636−536 was detected up to 100 keV, with the modulation in the low- and high-energy bands found to be phase shifted by ∼180° with respect to each other. This phase shift, when taken together with the near-coincident onset of the ∼46-d modulation and the low/hard X-ray state, leads us to speculate that the modulation could herald transient jet formation.  相似文献   

With extensive monitoring data spanning over 30 years from Vela 5B , Ariel 5 , Ginga , Compton Gamma Ray Observatory , Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer and BeppoSAX , we find evidence for long-term X-ray variability on time-scales     from the black hole low-mass X-ray binary system     . Such variability resembles the outburst cycle of Z Cam-type dwarf novae, in which the standard disc instability model plays a crucial role. If such a model is applicable to     , then the observed variability might be due to the irradiation of an unstable accretion disc. We show that within the framework of the X-ray irradiation model, when the accretion rate exceeds a critical value,     enters a 'flat-topped' high/soft state, such as seen in 1998, which we suggest corresponds to the 'standstill' state of Z Cam systems.  相似文献   

We report the detection of a stable super-orbital period in the high-mass X-ray binary 2S 0114+650. Analyses of data from the Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer All-Sky Monitor from 1996 January 5 to 2004 August 25 reveal a super-orbital period of 30.7±0.1 d, in addition to confirming the previously reported neutron star spin period of 2.7 h and the binary orbital period of 11.6 d. It is unclear if the super-orbital period can be ascribed to the precession of a warped accretion disc in the system.  相似文献   

We report on several pointed Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer observations of the enigmatic low-mass X-ray binary (LMXB) 4U 1957+11 at different X-ray luminosities. The luminosity of the source varied by more than a factor of 4 on time-scales of months to years. The spectrum of the source tends to become harder when its luminosity increases. Only very weak  (1–2  per cent rms amplitude,  0.001–10 Hz  ,  2–60 keV)  rapid X-ray variability was observed during the observations. A comparison of the spectral and temporal behaviour of 4U 1957+11 with other X-ray binary systems, in particular LMC X-3, indicates that 4U 1957+11 is likely to be a persistent LMXB harbouring a black hole and it is persistently in the black hole high state. If confirmed, it would be the only such system known.  相似文献   

We present the results of a systematic investigation of spectral evolution in the Z source GX 349+2, using data obtained during 1998 with the Proportional Counter Array (PCA) on-board the RXTE satellite. The source traced a extended normal branch (NB) and flaring branch (FB) in the colour–colour diagram (CD) and the hardness-intensity diagram (HID) during these observations. The spectra at different positions of the Z-track were best fitted by a model consisting of a disc blackbody and a Comptonized spectrum. A broad (Gaussian) iron line at ∼6.7 keV is also required to improve the fit. The spectral parameters showed a systematic and significant variation with the position along the Z-track. The evolution in spectral parameters is discussed in view of the increasing mass accretion rate scenario, proposed to explain the motion of Z sources in the CD and the HID.  相似文献   

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