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C. Vogel Dr. 《GeoJournal》1996,39(1):51-58
The long-term benefits of reconstruction and development in South Africa can succeed only if the environmental considerations are integrated into policy decisions. The proper management of the country's valuable renewable and non-renewable resources is essential for future prosperity. The environments of urban renewal projects need to be effectively managed. A case study of urban upgrading in Alexandra, Johannesburg illustrates the vital importance of integrating environmental components into reconstruction and development programmes in South Africa.  相似文献   

Judith Petts  Susan Owens 《Geoforum》2008,39(2):593-601
Drawing upon the discussions and insights provided by researchers and policy-makers during a seminar series, this paper explores the rationales for, and the practices and difficulties of, interdisciplinarity. The urban environment provides the problem context. Despite a consistent rhetoric and repeated attempts to promote interdisciplinary research, not least by the funding councils in response to policy imperatives, success appears to have been limited. The paper suggests that rather than viewing interdisciplinarity as a distinct, often difficult, category of research it is more useful to consider a continuum of research types from multi- to transdisciplinarity. The paper furthers the interdisciplinarity debate by characterising five categories of ‘border troubles’. These involve the relentless association of interdisciplinarity with ‘real world problems’, the epistemological structuring of disciplines, assumptions about the disciplinary division of labour and the privileging of certain frames and forms of enquiry, the increasing complexity of knowledge transfer, and the ‘hard wiring’ of the research funding and assessment system. However, we conclude optimistically in terms of the evident willingness of researchers to occupy hazardous disciplinary border zones to further urban environmental understanding and propose a set of ‘conditions for success’ encompassing both the approach and practices of participants in interdisciplinary work as well as operational and contextual factors.  相似文献   

变化环境对城市暴雨及排水系统影响研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
近年来,变化环境(气候变化和城镇化)导致城市暴雨的发生频率或强度增加,加剧了城市暴雨洪涝问题。因此,分析变化环境对城市暴雨及排水系统的影响对城市水资源规划管理、市政规划设计和城市防灾减灾有着重要意义。总结了未来高精度降雨预估技术、变化环境下排水系统设计标准等关键问题的研究进展,综述了变化环境下城市短历时暴雨演变规律及变化环境对城市排水系统影响的研究现状,探讨了变化环境对城市短历时暴雨的影响机理,并归纳了当前研究变化环境对城市暴雨及排水系统影响的主要方法。指出今后应重点加强的研究:①加强气候变化和城镇化对城市短历时暴雨影响机制的研究;②提升区域气候模式对城市区域下垫面和大气相互作用的描述能力,并加强公里尺度对流可解析模型在城市气候变化影响研究中的应用;③加强对变化环境下排水系统设计标准的研究;④综合评估气候变化和城镇化对城市排水系统超载、污染物转移和水安全等的影响。  相似文献   

The study of the diversity of multivariate objects shares common characteristics and goals across disciplines, including ecology and organizational management. Nevertheless, subject-matter experts have adopted somewhat separate diversity concepts and analysis techniques, limiting the potential for sharing and comparing across disciplines. Moreover, while large and complex diversity data may benefit from exploratory data analysis, most of the existing techniques emphasize confirmatory analysis based on statistical metrics and models. This work aims to bridge these gaps. First, by cross comparing the analyses of species diversity, microbial diversity, and workgroup diversity, we introduce a framework of diversity concerns aligned across the three areas. The alignment framework is validated and refined by feedback from subject-matter experts. Then, guided by the framework and theoretical information visualization and visual analytics principles (as distinguished from scientific visualization), we propose a unified taxonomy of common analytical tasks for exploration of diversity.  相似文献   

城市地质调查信息管理与服务系统是以数据管理和社会化服务为目标的集成化数字工作环境,对整个被研究城市地质调查数据进行管理;并为专业人员提供查询、为规划管理部门提供辅助决策、为社会公众提供地质信息浏览等。以杭州城市地质调查工作为基础,就信息系统建设中将涉及的相关需求内容进行了探讨,旨在为城市地质调查信息管理与服务系统建设提供方便。  相似文献   

This paper reports on recent developments in the visualisation of urban landscapes. There is a growing interest in the contstruction of 3D models of urban and built environment for which a host of digital mapping and rendering techniques are being developed. This paper extracts some of the cases that we came across during worldwide interviews carried out in March 2000. Building on this review, we identify the range of data and techniques adopted for the development of 3D contents and how they could contribute to geographical analysis and planning of urban environment. A particular focus is given on the effectiveness of GIS and its related methods for their capacity to accommodate the demands for visual representation of urban environment as well as the basis for analysis and simulation. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   


中国东北地区古人类活动的研究工作开展已近百年,产生了大量的研究材料与成果。然而,区域内古人类活动遗址空间分布的制约因素与古人类适应行为关系尚不明确。本研究从地学考古视角出发,利用地理信息系统与遗址数据库,系统整理旧石器时代东北地区的地质环境和气候信息,阐释遗址的时空分布特征;通过对遗址高程、坡度、坡向、到河流的距离等地学指标的提取与统计分析,结合古人类对石器原料的开发与技术适应策略,探讨东北地区古人类的环境适应与生存行为模式变化。结果表明,东北地区旧石器时代古人类遗址的时空分布与各时期的地质地貌环境有着密切关系。东北地区旧石器时代大致分为早期(500~128 ka B. P.)、中期(128~35 ka B. P.)和晚期(35~10 ka B. P.)等3个时期。旧石器时代早期,受松辽湖盆阻隔及渤海海侵影响,遗址零星分布于东北地区东南部;中期,受到气候波动与晚更新世海侵海退的影响,遗址集中分布于东南部狭长地带;到旧石器时代晚期,松辽湖盆疏干,古人类遗址广泛分布于整个东北地区。遗址地学指标分析反映出古人类活动空间向高地和旷野的不断扩张趋势。上述结果表明,随着时间的推移,古人类环境适应能力不断增强,能积极应对末次冰期极盛期的气候挑战,生存策略从早期的避险性转变向晚期的扩张性;古人类原料开发利用模式也折射出他们技术能力的增强与认知水平的提高。


从以下几个方面论述了矿井地质及测量信息技术a.矿井地测信息化的想法和任务;b.现代科学技术支持矿井地测系统信息化的理论基础;c.工作及技术的实现;d.取得的效果及其发展前景.  相似文献   

Using Robin's method of strain analysis, we attempted to determine empirically how many inclusions must be measured to obtain principal strain ratios that are reproducible within ± 10%. Six large specimens of deformed leuco-granite with strained lenticular quartz aggregates were studied from a crescentic pluton in the Grenville Province of southeastern Ontario.Between 63 and 177 inclusions were measured per specimen face, and principal strain ratios calculated on that basis. Using sets of 100 measurements, ten separate strain ratios were calculated for each sample size of 10, 15, 20, … 45 inclusions drawn at random from each data set. Only about 35 inclusions need to be measured per specimen face to obtain strain ratios within ± 10%.  相似文献   

This paper presents an empirical analysis on Chinese local government rural eco-environment public expenditure performance in 2003–2006 with the method of non-parametric data envelope analysis-malmquist (DEA-Malmquist). The basic conclusion is: first of all, Inner Mongolia, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Hainan, Tibet, Shanxi, Ningxia and Shanxi, Heilongjiang, Shandong and Gansu are the benchmark units, while Guangdong, Jilin, Liaoning, Guangxi, and Guizhou provinces are far from the frontier and inefficient in fund allocation and management. Secondly, in the entire Chinese local government, the technical efficiency of fiscal support to rural eco-environment investment during 2003/2004 and 2005/2006 was improved and stable, while it degenerated in 2004/2005. Finally, there are 23 provinces in China that have growing and stable technical efficiencies in rural eco-environment public expenditure.  相似文献   

库车坳陷的构造变形及演化与南天山造山带的发育密切相关。库车坳陷新近纪以来的喜马拉雅晚期构造运动最为强烈,形成了天山山前大型冲断带,并造就了现今的构造格局。通过对库车坳陷北部构造样式的识别及各种应力场指示标志的测量、统计和构造解析,对野外获得的应力场指示标志划分了期次,认为喜马拉雅晚期应力场标志为近南北向挤压。结合库车坳陷区域构造要素,如地质体几何形态、边界条件、岩石力学参数等,运用弹性力学有限元数值模拟的方法获得了喜马拉雅晚期库车坳陷的区域应力场。模拟结果表明,库车坳陷喜马拉雅晚期最大主压应力方向为近南北向,与古应力场标志拟合较高,可以为库车坳陷裂缝预测和评价提供依据,对勘探开发有应用价值。  相似文献   

Noting the significance of asymmetries in macroeconomic literature, this study aimed to estimate the asymmetric linkages between energy growth and the environment for BRICST countries between 1990 & 2017. For this purpose, this study applied hidden cointegration, panel NARDL, and asymmetric causality tests between the variables. In the first step, the results supported the existence of hidden cointegration between the variables. In the next step, empirical results obtained from panel NARDL results explained that the chosen variables have asymmetric relationships and are highly responsive to macroeconomic shocks. Initially, the positive shocks of energy consumption positively respond to environmental degradation; similarly, the negative shocks also correspond positively to CO2 emissions. In the economic expansion phase, the positive shocks of growth have insignificant, and adverse shocks negatively respond to CO2 emissions in BRICST countries. The results of individual countries along BRICST differ at various levels in response to asymmetric shocks. Different asymmetric causalities between the chosen dimension of variables are explored. From the asymmetric associations between the variables, the study proposes to forecast the energy demand and explore alternative ways to energy resources to shift their fossil energy bases to renewable systems. Similarly, adopting ICT products could make energy efficiency in these countries more productive towards improving environmental quality.  相似文献   

Climate change presents a threat to the sustainability of cities and their societies, and must be adequately addressed. Urban environments (cities) are responsible for the creation of a significant amount of greenhouse gas emissions which are the source of climate change. Cities have been increasingly the focus of action to address climate change, yet emissions are not significantly reducing. Additionally, there a lack of integration between adaptation and mitigation. This prevents responses adequate to limit global warming to 1.5OC, and to be well adapted to anticipated changes. This paper critically analyses existing definitions and typologies of climate change actions. A definition of ‘climate change transformation’ is proposed which includes the integration of adaptation and mitigation goals to enable a new regime in which global warming is limited to 1.5OC. A new three-part typology: ‘coping, malaction and transformation,’ is presented for categorising climate change actions by the extent to which they integrate adaptation and mitigation, and define a new regime. The typology is accompanied by illustrations to demonstrate the relationship between adaptation and mitigation. The definition, typology and illustration serve to guide effective climate change decision making, and provides principles to guide application in urban environments.  相似文献   

Climate change presents a threat to the sustainability of cities and their societies, and must be adequately addressed. Urban environments (cities) are responsible for the creation of a significant amount of greenhouse gas emissions which are the source of climate change. Cities have been increasingly the focus of action to address climate change, yet emissions are not significantly reducing. Additionally, there a lack of integration between adaptation and mitigation. This prevents responses adequate to limit global warming to 1.5OC, and to be well adapted to anticipated changes. This paper critically analyses existing definitions and typologies of climate change actions. A definition of ‘climate change transformation’ is proposed which includes the integration of adaptation and mitigation goals to enable a new regime in which global warming is limited to 1.5OC. A new three-part typology: ‘coping, malaction and transformation,’ is presented for categorising climate change actions by the extent to which they integrate adaptation and mitigation, and define a new regime. The typology is accompanied by illustrations to demonstrate the relationship between adaptation and mitigation. The definition, typology and illustration serve to guide effective climate change decision making, and provides principles to guide application in urban environments.  相似文献   

Climate change presents a threat to the sustainability of cities and their societies, and must be adequately addressed. Urban environments (cities) are responsible for the creation of a significant amount of greenhouse gas emissions which are the source of climate change. Cities have been increasingly the focus of action to address climate change, yet emissions are not significantly reducing. Additionally, there a lack of integration between adaptation and mitigation. This prevents responses adequate to limit global warming to 1.5OC, and to be well adapted to anticipated changes. This paper critically analyses existing definitions and typologies of climate change actions. A definition of ‘climate change transformation’ is proposed which includes the integration of adaptation and mitigation goals to enable a new regime in which global warming is limited to 1.5OC. A new three-part typology: ‘coping, malaction and transformation,’ is presented for categorising climate change actions by the extent to which they integrate adaptation and mitigation, and define a new regime. The typology is accompanied by illustrations to demonstrate the relationship between adaptation and mitigation. The definition, typology and illustration serve to guide effective climate change decision making, and provides principles to guide application in urban environments.  相似文献   

Climate change presents a threat to the sustainability of cities and their societies, and must be adequately addressed. Urban environments (cities) are responsible for the creation of a significant amount of greenhouse gas emissions which are the source of climate change. Cities have been increasingly the focus of action to address climate change, yet emissions are not significantly reducing. Additionally, there a lack of integration between adaptation and mitigation. This prevents responses adequate to limit global warming to 1.5OC, and to be well adapted to anticipated changes. This paper critically analyses existing definitions and typologies of climate change actions. A definition of ‘climate change transformation’ is proposed which includes the integration of adaptation and mitigation goals to enable a new regime in which global warming is limited to 1.5OC. A new three-part typology: ‘coping, malaction and transformation,’ is presented for categorising climate change actions by the extent to which they integrate adaptation and mitigation, and define a new regime. The typology is accompanied by illustrations to demonstrate the relationship between adaptation and mitigation. The definition, typology and illustration serve to guide effective climate change decision making, and provides principles to guide application in urban environments.  相似文献   

Climate change presents a threat to the sustainability of cities and their societies, and must be adequately addressed. Urban environments (cities) are responsible for the creation of a significant amount of greenhouse gas emissions which are the source of climate change. Cities have been increasingly the focus of action to address climate change, yet emissions are not significantly reducing. Additionally, there a lack of integration between adaptation and mitigation. This prevents responses adequate to limit global warming to 1.5OC, and to be well adapted to anticipated changes. This paper critically analyses existing definitions and typologies of climate change actions. A definition of ‘climate change transformation’ is proposed which includes the integration of adaptation and mitigation goals to enable a new regime in which global warming is limited to 1.5OC. A new three-part typology: ‘coping, malaction and transformation,’ is presented for categorising climate change actions by the extent to which they integrate adaptation and mitigation, and define a new regime. The typology is accompanied by illustrations to demonstrate the relationship between adaptation and mitigation. The definition, typology and illustration serve to guide effective climate change decision making, and provides principles to guide application in urban environments.  相似文献   

Climate change presents a threat to the sustainability of cities and their societies, and must be adequately addressed. Urban environments (cities) are responsible for the creation of a significant amount of greenhouse gas emissions which are the source of climate change. Cities have been increasingly the focus of action to address climate change, yet emissions are not significantly reducing. Additionally, there a lack of integration between adaptation and mitigation. This prevents responses adequate to limit global warming to 1.5OC, and to be well adapted to anticipated changes. This paper critically analyses existing definitions and typologies of climate change actions. A definition of ‘climate change transformation’ is proposed which includes the integration of adaptation and mitigation goals to enable a new regime in which global warming is limited to 1.5OC. A new three-part typology: ‘coping, malaction and transformation,’ is presented for categorising climate change actions by the extent to which they integrate adaptation and mitigation, and define a new regime. The typology is accompanied by illustrations to demonstrate the relationship between adaptation and mitigation. The definition, typology and illustration serve to guide effective climate change decision making, and provides principles to guide application in urban environments.  相似文献   

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