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手持式激光扫描仪的检测分为准备工作,数据采集,数据处理,模型检测比对四个过程;分析了每个过程的具体做法及注意事项.通过以某型农机的变速箱壳体为载体,研究了手持式激光扫描仪如何应用于工件检测.通过对变速箱壳体输入轴孔的逆向模型与千分尺测量尺寸检测比对,变速箱壳体输入轴孔与安装面的垂直度、轴孔的同轴度等关键参数的检测比对,...  相似文献   

介绍一种基于面阵CCD传感器件的航空多光谱数字相机系统的设计和实现 ,该系统的核心部件是 10 2 4× 10 2 4像元的面阵CCD相机 ,系统采用更换滤光片的方法来获得针对不同应用的最佳多波段组合 ,解决了多相机曝光参数实时控制、多相机同步触发、多通道高速数据采集、图像数据高速记录等问题 ,集成GPS系统 ,并成功进行了一系列地面实验和航空遥感实验  相似文献   

本文介绍了我国自然灾害的现状,论述了航空遥感的特点,并简要论述了遥感技术在防灾、抗灾、救灾及灾害损失和影响评估中的作用。介绍了我国高空机载遥感系统的特点及其在洪水和林火监测中的应用实例和效果。  相似文献   

激光测距—成像组合扫描仪多源数据采集技术的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
阐述一套机载运行的光学-机械扫描式激光测距和被动式热红外外扫描成像组合遥感器,结合飞机平台的姿态测量和GPS定位,可实时(准实时)获取地面景物的三维位置和影像灰度信息。由多源数据采集技术获得的多种同步数据经地面计算机回放和处理,可以快速生成数字地面高程模型(DEM)和地学编码图像。扫描激光测距仪与扫描成像仪的电同步技术控制激光测距采样时刻与图像采样时刻在时序上的一致性,从而达到高程数据与图像像元的匹配。  相似文献   

三维激光扫描仪及其测量误差影响因素分析   总被引:30,自引:0,他引:30  
郑德华  沈云中  刘春 《测绘工程》2005,14(2):32-34,56
回顾了近年来三维激光扫描技术及其测量误差方面的研究成果,将三维激光扫描技术分为径向三维激光扫描仪、相位干涉法扫描系统和三角法扫描系统三种类型.从仪器误差、与目标物体反射面有关的误差和外界环境条件影响三个方面,分析了三维激光扫描系统误差影响.  相似文献   

本文论述了组合式光电多光谱扫描你MOMS-2P的几何检定,该扫描仪搭载于俄罗斯空间站(MIR)的PRIRODA舱上,用于获取地球表面全色和多光谱三重立体图像,像素大小要当同18m和6m。文章的第一部分叙述了实验室中的检定,包括设备、方法、并了检定参数的结果。第二部分叙述了飞行检校的处理。  相似文献   

针对3维激光扫描仪无法直接获得目标物表面点的大地坐标的缺点,将全站仪导线测量中的定向技术应用到3维激光扫描仪中;根据扫描技术特点,设计了定向标识;根据定向标识的扫描数据,设计了标识的识别算法,并应用最速下降法进行求解,实现了3维激光扫描仪的定向。  相似文献   

利用RS技术发现耕地损毁,网络RTK测量耕地损毁范围及面积,GIS提取耕地被损毁前的分类面积和等别,以及利用网络RTK配合Maptek I-Site8810三维激光扫描仪重构损毁耕地三维模型。  相似文献   

航空红外扫描在探测大兴安岭森林火灾中的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
航空红外扫描仪是森林防火的设备之一,在大兴安岭特大森林火灾中,它在地面被浓烈的烟雾笼罩下及时把地面的火情记录下来,迅速向前线灭火指挥部报告火情地点及火势的发展情况。在一般目视方法无法报出火情的情况下,航空红外扫描所提供的火情资料,成为灭火指挥部调动地面灭火大军的依据。本文简要介绍红外探火的原理和设备,着重介绍红外探火的基本方法和应用效果。该项成果不仅扩大了红外遥感技术的应用范围,而且发展了红外探火的方法。  相似文献   

This paper was the first to be presented at the Thompson Symposium 1984 which had as its theme “The future of photogrammetry”. The paper considers only the acquisition of imagery for large scale mapping and similar purposes. It discusses the role of the standard metric aerial survey camera and makes some proposals for the wider use of smaller format cameras. It also reviews the position with regard to other possible sources of imagery such as vidicon and solid state cameras.  相似文献   

The results of modeling the procedure of synthesizing data from an imaging spectrometer (IS) and a multispectral scanner (MSS) with low and high spatial resolutions, respectively, are presented. The synthesis method makes it possible to develop a classification and determine the spatial distribution of the sensed features at the high spatial resolution of MSS imagery and to retrieve their spectra with the spectroradiometric detail of IS measurements. It is shown that with an IS signal-to-noise ratio of no less than 50, a geometric matching of IS and MSS data with an accuracy of no less than 0.1 of an IS pixel along both axes, and with allowance for the IS real point-spread function, the spectral nonuniformity of the classes and the errors in retrieving the spectra fall within the range of several percentage points, with a ratio of the IS and MSS spatial resolutions of 4-8 and ~10% with a ratio of resolutions of 16-32.  相似文献   

在简述遥感图像的几何畸变特征的基础上,本文着重讨论了包括陆地卫星多光谱扫描图像 (Lanasat-MSS)、陆地卫星专题制图仪图像(Landesat-TM)和航空多光谱扫描图像在内的各类 全景扫描图像(panoramic scanner image)系统几何畴变的成因、大小及其变化规律,提出了定 量计算图像上任一像元处系统几何畴变量D的计算公式。 本文探讨了全景扫描图像系统几何校正的基本原则,并根据这些基本原则,用Fortran语言编 制了可直接用于校正各类全景扫描图像系统几何畸变的实用程序。 用该程序对德国南部某地的航空多光谱扫描图像实施系统几何校正的结果表明,偏离航线不 同距离各部位影像的系统几何畸变均得到合理校正,图像上由于全景扫描造成的不程度的压缩现 象均得到相应的补偿。  相似文献   

高程是地理空间数据中必需的数据元素。本文提出了一种直接测算两点间重力位能差,即地球位数,以求算高程的新方法,在理论上阐述了该方法的正确性和有效性,并对其应用前景进行了初步分析。  相似文献   

Feature classification maps derived from visual and automated methods of interpreting band-specific and composite imagery from the “Fragment” multispectral scanning system are compared in the study of vegetation and related features along the Gulf of Riga. The automated method, featuring a two-stage unsupervised/supervised classification algorithm developed at Moscow University (see MSRS, 1984, No. 3, pp. 255-261) provided for enhanced discrimination of wetland areas, farm land, and settlements, as well as for the elimination of extraneous components (especially the above) visually classified as deciduous forest. Translated from: Vestnilk Moskovskogo Universiteta, geografiya, 1988, No. 3, pp. 49-57 by Jay K. Mitchell, PlanEcon, Inc., Washington, DC 20005.  相似文献   

On the basis of data recorded by a thermal infrared multispectral scanner (TIMS) carried on board an aircraft laboratory, maps of volcanic regions in Russia were compiled on which portions of lava dating to different periods were identified. SIR-C (Shuttle) data, processed by computer, made it possible to obtain distinct boundaries of lava flows with cross-polarization. A three-dimensional digital model of the Northern Fissure of the Great Tolbachik Fissure Eruption, on which TIMS, Zeiss, and SIR-C data were plotted, was constructed. A lineament analysis was made it possible to genetically classify cinder cones on the eastern slope of the Klyuchevskoy volcano, and a zone of areal volcanism was defined.  相似文献   

The paper investigates the use of maps in obtaining, based on the cartometric and geographic analysis of form, information about the content of multi-state social and economic systems. Examples of specially compiled maps of multi-state systems are described and various considerations in map design and compilation are discussed: scale selection, identification of typologies and design of map legends, principles for the location of geographic features on the map, and stages in cartographic research and mapping of multi-state systems. Translated by H. L. Haslett, Leamington Spa, UK from: Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, seriya geograficheskaya, 1990, No. 3, pp. 98–103.  相似文献   

1962—1986年JYD1968.0地极坐标的均匀化及其与BIH的比较   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文研究了1962-1986年JYD1968.0地极坐标均匀中星表系统差,章动系列的变动和光行星常数变动的影响,并将经过改正后的JYD1968.0地极坐标系统和BIH系统作了比较。  相似文献   

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