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Basic entrainment equations applicable to the sheared convective boundary layer (CBL) are derived by assuming an inversion layer with a finite depth, i.e., the first-order jump model. Large-eddy simulation data are used to determine the constants involved in the parameterizations of the entrainment equations. Based on the integrated turbulent kinetic energy budget from surface to the top of the CBL, the resulting entrainment heat flux normalized by surface heat flux is a function of the inversion layer depth, the velocity jumps across the inversion layer, the friction velocity, and the convection velocity. The developed first-order jump model is tested against large-eddy simulation data of two independent cases with different inversion strengths. In both cases, the model reproduces quite reasonably the evolution of the CBL height, virtual potential temperature, and velocity components in the mixed layer and in the inversion layer.The part of this work was done when the first author visited at NCAR.  相似文献   

Plume dispersion in the convective boundary layer (CBL) is investigated experimentally in a laboratory convection tank. The focusis on highly-buoyant plumes that loft near or become trapped in the CBL capping inversion and resistdownward mixing. Such plumes are defined by dimensionless buoyancy fluxes F* 0.1, where F* = Fb/(U w* 2 zi), Fb is the stack buoyancy flux,U is the mean wind speed, w* is the convective velocity scale, and zi is the CBL depth. The aim is to obtain statistically-reliable mean (C) and root-mean-square (rms, c) concentration fields as a function of F* and the dimensionless distance X = w*x/(U zi), where x is the distance downstream of the source.The experiments reveal the following mainresults: (1) For 3 X 4and F* 0.1, the crosswind-integrated concentration (CWIC) fields exhibit distinctly uniform profiles below zi with a CWIC maximum aloft, in contrast to the nonuniform profiles obtained earlier by Willis and Deardorff. (2) The lateral dispersion (y) variation with X is consistent with Taylor's theory for * 0.1 and a buoyancy-enhanced dispersion, y/zi F* 1/3X2/3, forF* = 0.2 and 0.4. (3) The entrapment, the plume fraction above zi, has a mean (E) that follows a systematic variationwith X and F*, and a variability (e/E) that is broad ( 0.3 to 2) near the source but subsides to 0.25 far downstream. (4) Vertical profiles of the concentration fluctuation intensity (c/C) are uniform for z < zi and X > 1.5, but exhibit significant increases: (a) at the surface and close to the source (X 1.5), and(b) in the entrainment zone. (5) The cumulative distribution functions (CDFs) of the scaled concentration fluctuations (c/c) separate into mixed-layer and entrainment-layer CDFs for X 2, with the mixed-layer group collapsing to a single distribution independent of z.These are the first experiments to obtain all components of the lateral and vertical dispersion parameters (rms meander, relative dispersion, total dispersion) for continuous buoyant releases in a convection tank. They also are the first tank experiments to demonstrate agreement with field observations of: (1) the scaled ground-level concentration along the plume centreline, and (2) the dimensionless lateral dispersion _y/z_i of buoyant plumes.  相似文献   

The parameterization of the dimensionless entrainment rate (w e /w *) versus the convective Richardson number (Ri δθ ) is discussed in the framework of a first-order jump model (FOM). A theoretical estimation for the proportionality coefficient in this parameterization, namely, the total entrainment flux ratio, is derived. This states that the total entrainment flux ratio in FOM can be estimated as the ratio of the entrainment zone thickness to the mixed-layer depth, a relationship that is supported by earlier tank experiments, and suggesting that the total entrainment flux ratio should be treated as a variable. Analyses show that the variability of the total entrainment flux ratio is actually the effect of stratification in the free atmosphere on the entrainment process, which should be taken into account in the parameterization. Further examination of data from tank experiments and large-eddy simulations demonstrate that the different power laws for w e /w * versus Ri δθ can be interpreted as the variability of the total entrainment flux ratio. These results indicate that the dimensionless entrainment rate depends not only on the convective Richardson number but also upon the total entrainment flux ratio.  相似文献   

For the presentation and analysis of atmospheric boundary-layer (ABL) data, scales are used to non-dimensionalise the observed quantities and independent variables. Usually, the ABL height, surface sensible heat flux and surface scalar flux are used. This works well, so long as the absolute values of the entrainment ratio for both the scalar and temperature are similar. The entrainment ratio for temperature naturally ranges from −0.4 to −0.1. However, the entrainment ratio for passive scalars can vary widely in magnitude and sign. Then the entrainment flux becomes relevant as well. The only customary scalar scale that takes into account both the surface flux and the entrainment flux is the bulk scalar scale, but this scale is not well-behaved for large negative entrainment ratios and for an entrainment ratio equal to −1. We derive a new scalar scale, using previously published large-eddy simulation results for the convective ABL. The scale is derived under the constraint that scaled scalar variance profiles are similar at those heights where the variance producing mechanisms are identical (i.e., either near the entrainment layer or near the surface). The new scale takes into account that scalar variance in the ABL is not only related to the surface flux of that scalar, but to the scalar entrainment flux as well. Furthermore, it takes into account that the production of variance by the entrainment flux is an order of magnitude larger than the production of variance by the surface flux (per unit flux). Other desirable features of the new scale are that it is always positive (which is relevant when scaling standard deviations) and that the scaled variances are always of order 1–10.  相似文献   

不同深对流参数化方案在降水预报中的比较试验   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:13  
顾建峰 《气象》1999,25(4):39-44
用中尺度模式(MM5)与国家气象中心全球谱模式相嵌套,对华东地区27个测站两个月(1997年3月和7月)的降水预报,进行了3类深对流参数化方案的比较试验,发现不同深对流参数化方案对降水预报质量的影响存在一定的差异,而且这种差异在7月份要比3月份明显。  相似文献   

风切变对中尺度对流系统强度和组织结构影响的数值试验   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
郑淋淋  孙建华 《大气科学》2016,40(2):324-340
采用我国实际观测的探空作为中尺度模式Weather Research and Forecasting(WRF)的理想试验的背景场,分别改变整层、低层和中层的垂直风切变,研究其对中尺度对流系统强度和组织结构的影响。结果表明,改变整层垂直风切变对对流系统的强度和组织结构影响最显著,增加整层垂直风切变,对流强度增强且易组织成线状,减小整层垂直风切变,对流强度弱且呈分散状态。从垂直速度、水平风场、散度场和冷池的三维结构特征分析了其影响的机制:(1)风切变增加,上升气流与下沉气流的相互干扰减弱,有利于垂直速度的维持和增强;(2)垂直风切变增加造成水平涡度增加,扭转项的作用分别使上升和下沉运动得到加强;(3)垂直风切变增加,冷池强度和高度增加且集中在系统后部,使系统线状组织性增强。研究还发现,增加垂直风切变造成近地面大风和降水增强,且强降水出现在大风之后,这主要是因为在对流发展阶段上升运动与下沉运动互不干扰情况下,强下沉运动造成的近地面大风,而成熟阶段上升运动不断增强或维持造成雨水比湿不断增加形成强降水。  相似文献   

双多普勒雷达反演强风暴三维风场的数值试验   总被引:17,自引:4,他引:17  
两部雷达测得的径向速度再加上质量连续方程可以求解大气风场,利用这一原理,以1996年6月29日发生在北京东北部京冀交界处的一次强风暴过程为例,用模式反演出风暴体的三维风场结构,误差分析表明和实况基本一致。利用模式输出的三维风场,先模拟两部多普勒雷达扫描的数据,在此基础上,进行三维风场反演,结果表明,反演得到的流场和模拟的流场总体趋势完全一致,风暴的中心位置吻合较好,上升气流和下沉气流的分布也很接近,水平速度分量反演的误差很小,基本上可以反映三维风场的真实情况。垂直速度的平均离差在各个高度上都较小,反演结果较好。  相似文献   

一个全球耦合模式的ENSO后报试验   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
A group of seasonal hindcast experiments are conducted using a coupled model known as the Flexible Global Ocean-Atmosphere-Land System Model-gamil1.11 (FGOALS-g1.11) developed at the State Key Laboratory of Numerical Modeling for Atmospheric Sciences and Geophysical Fluid Dynamics (LASG). Two steps are included in our El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) hindcast experiments. The first step is to integrate the coupled GCM with the Sea Surface Temperature (SST) strongly nudged towards the observation from 1971 to 2006. The second step is to remove the SST nudging term. We carried out a one-year hindcast by adopting the initial values from SST nudging experiments from the first step on January 1st, April 1st, July 1st, and October 1st from 1982 to 2005. In the SST nudging experiment, the model can reproduce the observed equatorial thermocline anomalies and zonal wind stress anomalies in the Pacific, which demonstrates that the SST nudging approach can provide realistic atmospheric and oceanic initial conditions for seasonal prediction experiments. The model also demonstrates a high Anomaly Correlation Coefficient (ACC) score for SST in most of the tropical Pacific, Atlantic Ocean, and some Indian Ocean regions with a 3-month lead. Compared with the persistence ACC score, this model shows much higher ACC scores for the Nino3.4 index for a 9-month lead.  相似文献   

A group of seasonal hindcast experiments are conducted using a coupled model known as the Flexible Global Ocean-Atmosphere-Land System Modelgamil1.11 (FGOALS-g1.11) developed at the State Key Laboratory of Numerical Modeling for Atmospheric Sciences and Geophysical Fluid Dynamics (LASG).Two steps are included in our ElNi o-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) hindcast experiments.The first step is to integrate the coupled GCM with the Sea Surface Temperature (SST) strongly nudged towards the observation from 1971 to 2006.The second step is to remove the SST nudging term.The authors carried out a one-year hindcast by adopting the initial values from SST nudging experiments from the first step on January 1st,April 1st,July 1st,and October 1st from 1982 to 2005.In the SST nudging experiment,the model can reproduce the observed equatorial thermocline anomalies and zonal wind stress anomalies in the Pacific,which demonstrates that the SST nudging approach can provide realistic atmospheric and oceanic initial conditions for seasonal prediction experiments.The model also demonstrates a high Anomaly Correlation Coefficient (ACC) score for SST in most of the tropical Pacific,Atlantic Ocean,and some Indian Ocean regions with a 3-month lead.Compared with the persistence ACC score,this model shows much higher ACC scores for the Ni o-3.4 index for a 9-month lead.  相似文献   

Measurement flights with the meteorological mini aerial vehicle (M $^2$ AV) were performed in spring 2011 to assess the capability of an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) to measure the structure of the transition zone between the convective boundary layer and the stably stratified free atmosphere. The campaign took place at the Meteorological Observatory Lindenberg/Richard-Aßmann-Observatory of the German Meteorological Service. Besides the M $^2$ AV flights, observations were made from a 12-m and a 99-m tower, a sodar, two ceilometers, radiosondes, and a tethered balloon with sensor packages at six different levels. M $^2$ AV measurements were intentionally combined with remote sensing systems. The height range of the entrainment zone as well as its diurnal cycle were provided by the remote sensing instruments. The UAV provided the high-resolution in situ data of temperature and wind for the study of turbulent processes. It is shown that the M $^2$ AV is able to maintain constant altitude with very small deviations—a pre-requisite to study processes inside the often quite thin entrainment zone and that M $^2$ AV high-resolution wind and temperature measurements allow for very detailed studies of the fine structure of the atmosphere and thus for the identification of quite local and/or short-duration processes such as overshooting thermals or downward intrusions of warm air. Spatial series measured by the M $^2$ AV during horizontal flights show turbulent exchange of heat in short turbulent bursts at heights close to and within the entrainment zone. Scaled vertical profiles of vertical velocity, potential temperature variance, and sensible heat flux confirm the general shape found by previous measurements and numerical studies.  相似文献   

The convective boundary layer (CBL) with a wide range of stability is simulated experimentally using a thermally stratified wind tunnel, and numerically by direct numerical simulation (DNS). The turbulence structures and flow characteristics of various CBL flows, capped by a strong temperature inversion and affected by surface shear, are investigated. The various vertical profiles of turbulence statistics similar to those from the observed CBL in the field are successfully simulated in both the wind-tunnel experiment and in DNS. The comparison of the wind-tunnel data and DNS results with those of atmospheric observations and water-tank studies shows the crucial dependence of the turbulence statistics in the upper part of the layer on the strength of the inversion layer, as well as the modification of the CBL turbulence regime by the surface shear.  相似文献   

为了使MM4模式在我国范围内得到很好的应用,需用我国的气候资料对MM4模式中的对流加热参数进行统计分析,以适应我国各地区气候状态。为此,本文选取了1990~1993年6~8月的常规探空资料,采用郭氏的对流参数化方案,放宽假设后直接计算求得各站点各时次的对流加热率参数,再按气象站的站区分区进行统计。结果表明:黄河以南地区,对流云上、下部的垂直加热率比较均匀,加热廓线峰值偏低,为σ=0.65~0.80,对流云顶也比较高。黄河以北地区,对流云中的垂直加热率分布不均,加热集中在某一层上,加热廓线峰值出现在σ=0.  相似文献   

利用FY-2D静止卫星、SWAN雷达产品和湖北随州CINRAD/SA雷达资料,结合局地分析预报系统LAPS、自动气象站资料和探空资料等,对2011年7月26日湖北随州一次强天气过程的云结构特征进行了综合分析.结果表明,对流云团的生长中心与雷达反射率因子大值区、云顶黑体亮温TBB低值区和陡变的温度梯度区相对应;云体的合并有助于对流云的发展和维持.单站雷达资料适用于局部回波的形态识别和动力场分析,在两次弓形同波过程个例中,第一次弓形回波产生了降雹,在发展强盛阶段,低层有弱回波区和较明显的人流缺口,出现速度模糊、风暴体倾斜的现象;而第二次则以强降水天气为主.与第二次相比,第一次弓形回波过程有更多、更快的能量聚集和更丰沛的垂直积分液态水含量,有利于冰雹的发生.FY-2D卫星反演的云顶温度和粒子有效半径之间的关系(T-Re)垂直分布显示,降雹的对流云中具有强烈的上升气流,使得粒子有效半径增长缓慢,晶化温度低,没有明显的碰并增长带和降水(雨胚增长)带.  相似文献   

周淑玲  王仁胜  张丰启 《气象》2000,26(6):48-51
利用惺水汽图像、红外云图和常规天气资料,对1998年8月10日凌晨发生在山东半岛东部的副高边缘强对流天气进行了诊断分析。结果表明:高空弱冷空气侵入、副高西北部边缘减弱东移、副高边缘850hPa风的辐合、山东半岛对流不稳定环境的有利于强对流天气发生、发展,强对流天气发生在水汽图像最白亮区域与红外云图对流云团西端的重合区。  相似文献   

一次强暴雨过程的水汽图像分析   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
李云川  胡欣  戴念军 《气象》2001,27(1):43-47
用GMS-5水汽图像、红外云图、流场和云顶亮温TBB场,分析了1999年8月9日石家庄市区的强对流大暴雨。结果表明:(1)水汽图像中的较亮区域在对流层上部相对潮湿,水汽含量大,是强对流暴雨落区预报的参考依据;(2)水汽图像中较亮的湿区与θse高值区的重合,是强对流暴雨产生的重要物理因子。  相似文献   

利用雷达回波资料对夏季对流云降水的初步探讨   总被引:7,自引:5,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
2000年7~9月在福建省建阳气象雷达站利用“713-C”数字化雷达完整地观测到101块对流云生成、发展、消亡过程。通过对这些资料分析,探讨夏季对流云降水机制。分析表明:夏季对流云中初始回波出现在0 ℃层以下,单体对流云占89.2%,多单体对流云占77.8%,其中回波及地时,主体回波扩展到冷暖区多单体明显高于单体(各为77.8%和63.9%)。由于多单体对流云其回波强度、尺度及降水时长都大于单体对流云,是夏季降水和人工催化的重要云系。  相似文献   

该文把Easter(1993)的水汽方程积分方案应用到球坐标的有限区模式(LAFS)中,并作了两组比较性试验。Easter的方案是把水汽的通量方程和连续方程联立求解。在计算中不会出现水汽负值。而且稳定性好。本文所做的两组试验表明。Easter的方案比LAFS的原方案所产生的计算性扩散小。因而降水预报更接近实况。但CPU时间增加了16%。  相似文献   

应用AMSU-B微波资料识别强对流云区的研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
方翔  邱红  曹志强  王新  洪刚 《气象》2008,34(3):22-29
微波遥感可以穿透云顶直接探测对流云内的冰态粒子分布,受冰晶粒子的强烈散射衰减作用,AMSU-B的3个微波水汽吸收波段亮温随冰粒子的增加而降低.由于探测权重高度不同,辐射传输过程中受冰粒子的散射影响也不尽相同,3个水汽通道之间存在亮温差异,这种差异与对流云的强弱密切相关.利用微波向量辐射传输模式(VDISORT)模拟了云雨粒子对微波水汽通道观测的影响,并利用2005年8月12日华北地区的对流天气过程,分析了AMSU-B通道亮温与对流强弱变化之间的对应关系.在此基础上,建立了一种利用NOAA卫星AMSU-B水汽通道亮温差定量判识深对流云和冲顶对流云的方法.利用该方法对典型对流降水云团进行判识,结果显示,微波识别的对流云区可以较好地表征强降水的分布,其中的冲顶对流区与可见光云系的上冲云顶结构有着很好的对应.  相似文献   

一次锋面气旋云系中强对流云团的识别   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
利用NOAA-16/AMSU-B微波亮温资料和GOES-9光学遥感资料对2004年6月16日一次锋面气旋云系中的强对流云团进行识别, 尝试了NOAA-16/AM SU-B微波两窗区通道亮温、3个微波水汽通道间亮温差, GOES-9红外亮温阈值、水汽和红外通道亮温差、红外和水汽通道亮温多光谱逐个修改聚类等方法, 通过比较各种方法的识别结果, 分析各种识别技术的特点, 同时采用地面常规观测资料进行叠加, 对识别方法进行了验证。结果表明:微波对强对流云团均能较好识别, 但89 GHz通道亮温受地表影响较大, 不能很好剔除过冷水体, 150 GHz通道亮温与微波水汽通道间亮温差的识别结果较一致, 3个微波水汽通道间亮温差对阈值的依赖性相对较小; GOES-9红外亮温阈值因其随时空变化对识别结果会造成较大差别, 而水汽和红外通道亮温差对强对流云团能进行较好定位, 但识别范围较小, 多光谱逐个修改聚类方法对积雨云的识别效果较好, 且和NOAA-16/AMSU-B识别结果有较好的对应关系; 地面常规观测资料的叠加结果也说明, 多波段遥感资料对强对流云团的识别结果与当时的天气现象及积雨云状均有较好的对应关系。  相似文献   

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