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A study of the evolution of 377 rich ACO clusters with redshift z < 0.2 is presented. The data concerning galaxies in the investigated clusters were obtained using FOCAS packages applied to Digital Sky Survey I. The 377 galaxy clusters constitute a statistically uniform sample to which visual galaxy/star reclassifications were applied. Cluster shape within 2.0 h–1 Mpc from the adopted cluster centre (the mean and the median of all galaxy coordinates, the position of the brightest and of the third brightest galaxy in the cluster) was determined through its ellipticity calculated using two methods: the covariance ellipse method (hereafter CEM) and the method based on Minkowski functionals (hereafter MFM). We investigated ellipticity dependence on the radius of circular annuli, in which ellipticity was calculated. This was realized by varying the radius from 0.5 to 2 Mpc in steps of 0.25 Mpc. By performing Monte Carlo simulations, we generated clusters to which the two ellipticity methods were applied. We found that the covariance ellipse method works better than the method based on Minkowski functionals. We also found that ellipticity distributions are different for different methods used. Using the ellipticity‐redshift relation, we investigated the possibility of cluster evolution in the low‐redshift Universe. The correlation of cluster ellipticities with redshifts is undoubtly an indicator of structural evolution. Using the t‐Student statistics, we found a statistically significant correlation between ellipticity and redshift at the significance level of α = 0.95. In one of the two shape determination methods we found that ellipticity grew with redshift, while the other method gave opposite results. Monte Carlo simulations showed that only ellipticities calculated at the distance of 1.5 Mpc from cluster centre in the Minkowski functional method are robust enough to be taken into account, but for that radius we did not find any relation between e and z. Since CEM pointed towards the existence of the e (z) relation, we conclude that such an effect is real though rather weak. A detailed study of the e (z) relation showed that the observed relation is nonlinear, and the number of elongated structures grows rapidly for z > 0.14 (© 2011 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

We measured the correlation between baryon mass and intracluster gas temperature in nearby galaxy clusters selected from the ROSAT All-Sky Survey. The mass of the intracluster gas was determined directly from an analysis of X-ray images. A correlation was found between the gas mass and the mass of the cluster stellar matter, which was used to determine the total baryon mass (i.e., gas + stars). The mass was measured within the radii corresponding to overdensities of 324 and 500 relative to the mean baryon density inferred from the theory of primordial nucleosynthesis. The measured correlation between baryon mass and temperature is close to that predicted by a self-similar theory of cluster formation: MT 3/2.  相似文献   

We have performed a series ofN-body experiments including the effects of a massive dominant background which follows Schuster's density law in order to simulate clusters of galaxies in which a smoothly distributed dark component is present. The existence of this background is inferred from the weak luminosity segregation observed in clusters which, however, show several characteristics of well-relaxed systems. The comparison of the velocity dispersion profiles of three clusters of galaxies (Coma, Perseus, and Virgo) with those obtained in the numerical experiments allows us to place some constraints on both the distribution and amount of distributed dark material in these clusters. The profiles are rather insensitive to variations in the ratio of the background mass to the mass attached to galaxies (M b/Mg), but exhibit a strong dependence on their relative concentration. We conclude that highly concentrated background models are not consistent with observations. We find a maximum value for the ratio of the gravitational radius of the galaxies and the background (R g/Rb) (approximately 0.6) and using previous results (Navarroet al., 1986) we conclude that virial theorem masses underestimate the total mass (M b+M g) of the clusters. As a final result, we derive a minimum value for theM b/Mg ratio. All these conclusions could apply in general if Coma, Perseus, and Virgo constitute a fair sample of the rich clusters of galaxies in the Universe.  相似文献   

We present 83 new galaxy radial velocities in the field of 18 APM clusters with redshifts between 0.06 and 0.13. The clusters have Abell identifications and the galaxies were selected within 0.75  h −1 Mpc in projection from their centres. We derive new cluster velocity dispersions for 13 clusters using our data and published radial velocities.
We analyse correlations between cluster velocity dispersions and cluster richness counts as defined in Abell and APM catalogues. The correlations show a statistically significant trend although with a large scatter, suggesting that richness is a poor estimator of cluster mass irrespectively of cluster selection criteria and richness definition. We find systematically lower velocity dispersions in the sample of Abell clusters that do not fulfil APM cluster selection criteria, suggesting artificially higher Abell richness counts owing to contamination by projection effects in this subsample.  相似文献   

We present an analysis of 20 galaxy clusters observed with the Chandra X-ray satellite, focusing on the temperature structure of the intracluster medium and the cooling time of the gas. Our sample is drawn from a flux-limited catalogue but excludes the Fornax, Coma and Centaurus clusters, owing to their large angular size compared to the Chandra field of view. We describe a quantitative measure of the impact of central cooling, and find that the sample comprises nine clusters possessing cool cores (CCs) and 11 without. The properties of these two types differ markedly, but there is a high degree of uniformity amongst the CC clusters, which obey a nearly universal radial scaling in temperature of the form   T ∝ r ∼0.4  , within the core. This uniformity persists in the gas cooling time, which varies more strongly with radius in CC clusters  ( t cool∝ r ∼1.3)  , reaching   t cool < 1 Gyr  in all cases, although surprisingly low central cooling times (<5 Gyr) are found in many of the non-CC systems. The scatter between the cooling time profiles of all the clusters is found to be remarkably small, implying a universal form for the cooling time of gas at a given physical radius in virialized systems, in agreement with recent previous work. Our results favour cluster merging as the primary factor in preventing the formation of CCs.  相似文献   

Dynamical parameters like average velocity dispersion and temperature profile of galaxy clusters are determined using the theory of quasi-equilibrium thermodynamics. The calculated results of velocity dispersion show a good agreement between theory and simulations with the results of velocity dispersion from Abdullah et al. An adaptive mesh refinement grid-based hybrid code has been used to carry out the simulations. Our results indicate that the average velocity dispersion profile of 20Abell galaxy clusters falls in the range of 500- 1000 km s-1and their temperature profile is of the order of 107to 108K calculated on the basis of kinetic theory. The data in the plot show a significant contribution from gravitating particles clustering together in the vicinity of the cluster center and beyond a certain region this velocity dies out and becomes dominated by the Hubble flow due to which all the galaxy clusters in an expanding universe participate in Hubble expansion.  相似文献   

We test the modified Newtonian dynamics (MOND) theory with the velocity dispersion profiles of Galactic globular clusters populating the outermost region of the Milky Way halo, where the Galactic acceleration is lower than the characteristic MOND acceleration a 0. For this purpose, we constructed self-consistent, spherical models of stellar systems in MOND, which are the analogues of the Newtonian King models. The models are spatially limited, reproduce well the surface brightness profiles of globular clusters and have velocity dispersion profiles that differ remarkably in shape from the corresponding Newtonian models. We present dynamical models of six globular clusters, which can be used to efficiently test MOND with the available observing facilities. A comparison with recent spectroscopic data obtained for NGC 2419 suggests that the kinematics of this cluster might be hard to explain in MOND.  相似文献   

Popular models for the origin of gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) include short-lived massive stars as the progenitors of the fireballs. Hence the redshift distribution of GRBs should track the cosmic star formation rate of massive stars accurately. A significant proportion of high-mass star formation activity appears to occur in regions that are obscured from view in the optical waveband by interstellar dust. The amount of dust-enshrouded star formation activity taking place has been estimated by observing the thermal radiation from the dust that has been heated by young stars in the far-infrared and submillimetre wavebands. Here we discuss an alternative probe – the redshift distribution of GRBs. GRBs are detectable at the highest redshifts, and because gamma-rays are not absorbed by dust, the redshift distribution of GRBs should therefore be unaffected by dust extinction. At present the redshifts of GRBs can only be determined from the associated optical transient emission; however, useful information about the prevalence of dust-obscured star formation can also be obtained from the ratio of GRBs with and without an associated optical transient. Eight GRBs currently have spectroscopic redshifts. Once about a hundred redshifts are known, the population of GRBs will provide an important test of different models of the star formation history of the Universe.  相似文献   

X-ray observations of galaxy clusters have shown that the intra-cluster gas has iron abundances of about one-third of the solar value. These observations also show that part (if not all) of the intra-cluster gas metals was produced within the member galaxies. We present a systematic analysis of 20 galaxy clusters to explore the connection between the iron mass and the total luminosity of early- and late-type galaxies, and of the brightest cluster galaxies (BCGs). From our results, the intra-cluster medium (ICM) iron mass seems to correlate better with the luminosity of the BCGs than with that of the red and blue galaxy populations. As the BCGs cannot produce alone the observed amount of iron, we suggest that ram-pressure plus tidal stripping acts together to enhance, at the same time, the BCG luminosities and the iron mass in the ICM. Through the analysis of the iron yield, we have also estimated that SN Ia are responsible for more than 50 per cent of the total iron in the ICM. This result corroborates the fact that ram-pressure contributes to the gas removal from galaxies to the ICM, being very efficient for clusters in the temperature range  2 < kT (keV) < 10  .  相似文献   

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