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Based on Das and Banerjee (Phys. Rev D 78:043512, 2008), we assume there is a non-minimal coupling between scalar field and matter in the Brans-Dicke model. We analyzes the motion of different matter such as, massless scalar field, photon, massless perfect fluid (dust), massive perfect fluid and point particle matter in this study. We show that the motion of massless scalar field and photon can satisfy null geodesic motion only in high frequency limit. Also we find that the motion of the dust and massive perfect fluid is geodesic for L m =?P and it is non-geodesic for L m =ρ. Finally, we study the motion of point particle and show that the motion of this kind of matter is like massive perfect fluid.  相似文献   

By solving a Wheeler-De Witt ‘extended’ equation in the Brans-Dicke theory, we have found that the probability distribution predicts: i) An initial value for the Brans-Dicke scalar field φ ∼ ρ1/2_VAC in the beginning of the inflation, where ρVAC is the vacuum density energy (this gives a planck mass ∼ ρ1/4_VAC) ii) Large values for the Brans-Dicke parameter w. On the other hand it is shown that by taking into account the dynamical behaviour of φ and the matter scalar field σ we can formulate a ‘creation boundary condition’ where in the ‘beginning’ of the Universe (R =0, ‘nothing’ for some authors) we have a dynamical σ already ‘created’. This could be the energetic mechanism which makes Universe tunnels the potential barrier to evolve classically after. Besides we have found the possibility of a cosmological uncertainty principle. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

We consider Brans-Dicke theory with a self-interacting potential in Einstein conformal frame. We introduce a class of solutions in which an accelerating expansion is possible in a spatially flat universe for positive and large values of the Brans-Dicke parameter consistent with local gravity experiments. In this Einstein frame formulation, the theory appears as an interacting quintessence model in which the interaction term is given by the conformal transformation. In such an interacting model, we shall show that the solutions lead simultaneously to a constant ratio of energy densities of matter and the scalar field.  相似文献   

We derive new solutions for the locally rotational-symmetric Bianchi type-V space-time in the Brans-Dicke theory of gravitation. The solutions represent anisotropic cosmological models filled with stiff matter and an electromagnetic null field, including the vacuum case. It is shown that the scalar field is dynamically an essential factor, since it influences the structure of the singularities and the expansion of the models.  相似文献   

This study is emphasized to explore the validity of generalized second law of thermodynamics in the context of non-linear electrodynamics (magnetic effects only) with Brans-Dicke chameleon scalar field as dark energy candidate. For this purpose, we consider FRW universe model with perfect fluid matter contents. We evaluate matter energy density and magnetic field by taking interacting and non-interacting cases of magnetic field and matter as well as the power law ansatz for scalar field. The validity of this law is discussed by using the first law of thermodynamics for four different horizons: Hubble, apparent, particle and event horizons. We conclude that this law may hold for all four horizons with small positive red-shift when chameleon mechanism is taken into account in Brans-Dicke gravity. Finally, we investigate the statefinders in order to check the viability of the model.  相似文献   

On studying some new models of Robertson-Walker universes with a Brans-Dicke scalar field, it is found that most of these universes contain a dark energy like fluid which confirms the present scenario of the expansion of the universe. In one of the cases, the exact solution of the field equations gives a universe with a false vacuum, while in another it reduces to that of dust distribution in the Brans-Dicke cosmology when the cosmological constant is not in the picture. In one particular model it is found that the universe may undergo a Big Rip in the future, and thus it will be very interesting to investigate such models further.  相似文献   

A model of the universe based on Brans-Dicke theory with non-vanishing cosmological constant and non-zero curvature is studied. Equations (13) and (16) have been obtained by the assumption f(t) = φ(t)a 3 (t),which give the values of the scale factor, a(t) and scalar field, φ(t) in terms of the observable parameters. Also, for a particular case of matter dominated universe, Equation (20) is obtained which gives the relation between various parameters. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

We investigate the late-time dynamics of a four-dimensional universe based on the effective action of a Brans-Dicke scalar field in the presence of the matter source term, conformal coupling of the scalar curvature to the scalar field, a dynamical cosmological constant and Gauss-Bonnet higher-order terms in the scalar curvature. Many new interesting features are revealed and discussed in some details.  相似文献   

We consider a generalized Brans-Dicke model in which the scalar field has a potential function and is also allowed to couple non-minimally with the matter sector. This anomalous gravitational coupling can in principle avoid the model to pass local gravity experiments. One then usually assumes that the scalar field has a chameleon behavior in the sense that it acquires a density-dependent effective mass. While it can take a small effective mass in cosmological (low-density environment) scale, it has a sufficiently heavy mass in Solar System (large-density environment) and then hides gravity tests. We will argue that such a chameleon behavior can not be generally realized and depends significantly on the forms attributed to the potential and the coupling functions.  相似文献   

We investigate the late-time dynamics of a four-dimensional universe based on the effective action of a Brans-Dicke scalar field in the presence of the matter source term, conformal coupling of the scalar curvature to the scalar field, a dynamical cosmological constant and Gauss-Bonnet higher-order terms in the scalar curvature. Many new interesting features are revealed and discussed in some details.  相似文献   

We consider a late closed universe of which scale factor is a power function of time using observational data from combined WMAP5+BAO+SN Ia dataset and WMAP5 dataset. The WMAP5 data give power-law exponent, α=1.01 agreeing with the previous study of H(z) data while combined data gives α=0.985. Considering a scalar field dark energy and dust fluid evolving in the power-law universe, we find field potential, field solution and equation of state parameters. Decaying from dark matter into dark energy is allowed in addition to the non-interaction case. Time scale characterizing domination of the kinematic expansion terms over the dust and curvature terms in the scalar field potential are found to be approximately 5.3 to 5.5 Gyr. The interaction affects in slightly lowering the height of scalar potential and slightly shifting potential curves rightwards to later time. Mass potential function of the interacting Lagrangian term is found to be exponentially decay function.  相似文献   

It has been recently shown that tachyonic chameleon model of dark energy in which tachyon scalar field non-minimally coupled to the matter admits stable scaling attractor solution that could give rise to the late-time accelerated expansion of the universe and hence alleviate the coincidence problem. In the present work, we use data from Type Ia supernova (SN Ia) and Baryon Acoustic oscillations to place constraints on the model parameters. In our analysis we consider in general exponential and non-exponential forms for the non-minimal coupling function and tachyonic potential and show that the scenario is compatible with observations.  相似文献   

We consider generalized teleparallel gravity in the flat FRW universe with a viable power-law f(T) model. We construct its equation of state and deceleration parameters which give accelerated expansion of the universe in quintessence era for the obtained scale factor. Further, we develop correspondence of f(T) model with scalar field models such as, quintessence, tachyon, K-essence and dilaton. The dynamics of scalar field as well as scalar potential of these models indicate the expansion of the universe with acceleration in the f(T) gravity scenario.  相似文献   

In this work, we study the New Agegraphic Dark Energy (NADE) model (which contains the conformal time η as infrared cut-off) in the framework of Brans-Dicke cosmology with chameleon scalar field which is non-minimally coupled to the matter field. Considering interacting Dark Energy and Dark Matter (DM), we calculate some relevant cosmological parameters, i.e. the equation of state (EoS) parameter, the deceleration parameter q and the evolution of the energy density parameter $\varOmega_{D}'$ for different forms of scale factors, i.e. the power-law, the emergent, the intermediate and the logamediate ones, which leads to different expressions of η.  相似文献   

In this paper, we study an anisotropic Bianchi-I space-time model in f(R) theory of gravity in the presence of perfect fluid as a matter contains. The aim of this paper is to find the functional form of f(R) from the field equations and hence the solution of various cosmological parameters. We assume that the deceleration parameter to be a constant, and the shear scalar proportional to the expansion scalar to obtain the power-law form of the scale factors. We find that the model describes the decelerated phases of the universe under the choice of certain constraints on the parameters. The model does not show the acceleration expansion and also transition from past deceleration to present accelerating epoch. We discuss the stability of the functional form of f(R) and find that it is completely stable for describing the decelerating phase of the universe.  相似文献   

In this work, we have considered the spatially homogeneous and anisotropic Bianchi type-II universe filled with two interacting fluids; dark matter and holographic dark energy components. Assuming the proportionality relation between one of the components of shear scalar and expansion scalar which yields time dependent deceleration parameter, an exact solution to Einstein’s field equations in Bianchi type-II line element is obtained. We have investigated geometric and kinematics properties of the model and the behaviour of the holographic dark energy. It is observed that the mean anisotropic parameter is uniform through the whole evolution of the universe and the coincidence parameter increases with increasing time. The solutions are also found to be in good agreement with the results of recent observations. We have applied the statefinder diagnostics method to study the behaviour of different stages of the universe and to differentiate the proposed dark energy model from the ΛCDM model. We have also established a correspondence between the holographic dark energy model and the tachyon scalar field dark energy model. We have reconstructed the potential and the dynamics of the tachyon scalar field, which describes accelerated expansion of the universe.  相似文献   

We give here the calculation of density perturbations in a gravitation theory with a scalar field non-minimally coupled to gravity, i.e., the Brans-Dicke theory of gravitation. The purpose is to show the influence of this scalar field on the dynamic behaviour of density perturbations along the eras where the equation of state for the matter can be put under the formp=, where is a constant. We analyse the asymptotic behaviour of this perturbations for the cases =0, =–1, =1/3 and =0. In general, we obtain a decaying and growing modes. In the very important case of inflation, =–1, there is no density perturbation, as it is well known. In the vacuum phase the perturbations on the scalar field and the gravitational field present growing modes at the beginning of the expansion and decaying modes at the end of this phase. In the case =0 it is possible, for some negative values of , to have an amplification of the perturbations with a superluminal expansion of the scale factor. We can also obtain strong growing modes for the density contrast for the case where there is a contraction phase which can have physical interest in some primordial era.  相似文献   

《New Astronomy Reviews》2002,46(12):791-799
The nature of the dark matter that binds galaxies remains an open question. It is usually assumed to consist in a gas of massive particles with evanescent interactions; however, such particles—which have never been observed directly—should have a clumpy distribution on scales ≤10−2 kpc, which may be in contradiction with observations. We focus here on an exotic dark matter candidate: a light non-interacting (or only self-interacting) complex scalar field. We investigate the distribution of the field in gravitational interaction with matter, assuming no singularities (like black holes) at the galaxy center. This simplistic model accounts quite well for the rotation curve of low-luminosity spirals. A chi-squared analysis points towards a preferred mass m∼0.4 to 1.6×10−23 eV in absence of self-interaction. A rough calculation shows that allowing for a quartic self-coupling may shift the upper bound to around 1 eV. We conclude that a scalar field is a promising candidate for galactic dark matter. Our comparison should be extended to other rotation curves in order to derive better constraints on the scalar potential. We finally give a hint of the issues that appear when one tries to implement this scenario on cosmological time scales.  相似文献   

In Brans-Dicke theory of gravity, from the nature of the scalar field-potential considered, the dark energy, dark matter, radiation densities predicted by different observations and the closedness of the universe considered, we can fix our ω BD , the Brans-Dicke parameter, keeping only the thing in mind that from different solar system constrains it must be greater than 5×105. Once we have a value, satisfying the required lower boundary, in our hand we proceed for setting unknown parameters of the different dark energy models’ EoS parameter. In this paper we work with three well known red shift parametrizations of dark energy EoS. To constrain their free parameters for Brans Dicke theory of gravity we take twelve point red shift vs Hubble’s parameter data and perform χ 2 test. We present the observational data analysis mechanism for Stern, Stern+BAO and Stern+BAO+CMB observations. Minimising χ 2, we obtain the best fit values and draw different confidence contours. We analyze the contours physically. Also we examine the best fit of distance modulus for our theoretical models and the Supernovae Type Ia Union2 sample. For Brans Dicke theory of gravity the difference from the mainstream confidence contouring method of data analysis id that the confidence contours evolved are not at all closed contours like a circle or a ellipse. Rather they are found to be open contours allowing the free parameters to float inside a infinite region of parameter space. However, negative EoSs are likely to evolve from the best fit values.  相似文献   

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