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A high-resolution t-ω estimator, termed the Wigner distribution (WD), is shown to form a sound basis for representing nonstationary acoustic returns. Signal returns are modeled as the output of a time-variant random filter where the WD of the nonstationary signal return defines a random process whose expectation reduces to the instantaneous power spectral density defined for dispersive communication channels. From the WD, a set of relations describing time-variant channel effects on spread-spectrum and diversity transmissions are developed. These relations are shown to be useful in comparing spreading techniques under differing channel conditions and for estimating channel-imposed bounds on the spreading parameters required for effective transmission. A mapping from the Wigner distribution to the cycle spectrum is shown to produce cyclic correlations characteristic of the modulation rate. The WD-based formulation is applied to an example of spread-spectrum transmission through a reverberation-limited channel  相似文献   

Shrimp farming is growing in Bangladesh due to suitable agro-climatic conditions, adequate water resources, cheap labour force, international donor agencies and the involvement of multinational corporations. Although it provides immediate economic benefits, contributes to poverty reduction and food security, as well as generates employment from seed collectors to exporters, it has also been facing a host of challenges. They hinder the sustainable development of this otherwise thriving sector. This paper aims to expound the hindrances and challenges for sustainable shrimp farming in Bangladesh by means of reviewing the available scientific literature. It finds that socioeconomic impacts such as traditional livelihood displacement, social unrests and market fluctuations are hindering the sustainable development of shrimp farming in Bangladesh. Similarly, environmental impacts such as mangrove degradation, salt water intrusion, sedimentation, pollution and disease outbreaks are found to be obstacles for the development of sustainable shrimp farming. Inappropriate management practices and inadequate plans regarding water quality, seed supply, irrigation facilities and fishery resources, added to institutional weaknesses, jeopardize the future growth of shrimp farming. Therefore, this paper shall provide substantial input to set the directions that research for alternatives can take and that can contribute to the sustainability of shrimp farming.  相似文献   

青岛近海浒苔光谱特征研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
针对从2008年以来,每年夏季我国黄海南部暴发大面积的浒苔(Enteromorpha)灾害,对海洋环境及经济造成不利影响的状况,为了进一步研究浒苔特性,为利用遥感手段监测浒苔提供一定的理论依据,通过实地测量不同条件下浒苔的光谱反射率曲线,定性分析了浒苔的光谱特征。结果表明,浒苔的基本光谱特征表现为在蓝光波段和红光波段形成反射谷,在绿光波段形成反射峰,而在近红外波段反射率明显增大,形成高反射峰。因此将红光波段和近红外波段作为敏感波段,利用NDVI(归一化植被指数)提取遥感图像上的浒苔信息,可取得较好效果,有利于浒苔监测。  相似文献   

We review current knowledge and understanding of the biology and ecology of the calanoid copepod Calanus helgolandicus in European waters, as well as provide a collaborative synthesis of data from 18 laboratories and 26 sampling stations in areas distributed from the northern North Sea to the Aegean and Levantine Seas. This network of zooplankton time-series stations has enabled us to collect and synthesise seasonal and multi-annual data on abundance, body size, fecundity, hatching success and vertical distribution of C. helgolandicus. An aim was to enable comparison with its congener Calanus finmarchicus, which has been studied intensively as a key component of European and north east Atlantic marine ecosystems. C. finmarchicus is known to over-winter at depth, whereas the life-cycle of C. helgolandicus is less well understood. Overwintering populations of C. helgolandicus have been observed off the Atlantic coast between 400 and 800 m, while in the Mediterranean there is evidence of significant deep-water populations at depths as great as 4200 m. The biogeographical distribution of C. helgolandicus in European coastal waters covers a wide range of habitats, from open ocean to coastal environments, and its contribution to mesozooplankton biomass ranges from 6% to 93%. Highest abundances were recorded in the Adriatic and off the west coast of Spain. C. helgolandicus is generally found in 9-20 °C water, with maximum abundances from 13-17 °C. In contrast, C. finmarchicus is found in cooler water between 0 and 15 °C, with peak abundances from 0 to 9 °C. As water has warmed in the North Atlantic over recent decades, the range of C. helgolandicus and its abundance on the fringes of its expanding range have increased. This review will facilitate development of population models of C. helgolandicus. This will not only help answer remaining questions but will improve our ability to forecast future changes, in response to a warming climate, in the abundance and distribution of this important species.  相似文献   

Wave direction has for the first time been consistently, accurately and unambiguously evaluated from array measurements using the phase/time/path difference (PTPD) methods of Esteva in case of polygonal arrays and Borgman in case of linear arrays. We have used time series measurements of water surface elevation at a 15-gauge polygonal array, in 8 m water depth, operational at the CERC's Field Research Facility at Duck, North Carolina, USA. Two modifications have been made in the methodology. One modification is that we use the true phase instead of the apparent phase, the other modification being that estimates of wave direction are registered only if the relevant gauges in the array are coherent at 0.01 significance level. PTPD methods assume that in a spectral frequency band the waves approach from a single direction, and are simple, expedient and provide redundant estimates of wave direction. Using Esteva's method with the above modifications, we found that at Duck: (i) the directions of swell and surf beat, when energetic swell is present, conform to the schematic diagram of surf beat generation given by Herbers et al., (ii) surf beat of remote origin occurs when the significant wave height, Hmo, falls below 0.41 m, (iii) the surf beat of remote origin is not normally incident at the shore contrary to Herbers et al. In fact we found that the surf beat of remote origin is incident at angles in excess of 45° with respect to the shore normal, and (iv) the surf beat of remote origin is largely trans-oceanic in origin.  相似文献   

研究了高电荷态离子129Xeq+(q=25,26,27)入射金属Mo表面产生的特征X射线谱.实验结果表明,在束流强度小于120 nA条件下, 高电荷态离子129Xeq+可以激发Mo的L壳层特征X射线谱.单离子X射线相对产额可达10-8量级,特征X射线的相对产额随入射离子的动能和电荷态(势能)的增加而增加.通过Mo原子的Lα相似文献   

The dependence of the angular spreading on frequency and wind-wave growth status is discussed in great detail for the proposed spectrum. The calculated angular spreading agrees with the measurements of Donelanet al. but is slightly broader. Explanation is given to the appearance of the narrowest spreading at a frequency slightly smaller than that of the wind-wave frequency spectrum peak as found by these authors. There is also basic agreement between the calculated spreading and the formulas of Mitsuyasuet al. and Hasselmannet al. for the specific wind-wave status on which these empirical formulas are based, though the former is narrower. The wind-wave frequency spectrum obtained by integrating the proposed directional spectrum with respect to direction agrees with the JONSWAP spectrum and that derived by the authors previously. The proposed spectrum is preliminarily verified with field data obtained by optical method.Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China.  相似文献   

Performance and operational feasibility of very high-frequency (VHF) Doppler radar have been demonstrated in a region dominated by strong tidal currents. An analysis of remote measurements of sea surface currents acquired by Courants de Surface MEsureacutes par Radar (COSMER)-pulsed Doppler radar during Evaluation et Preacutevision de l'Environnement Littoral (EPEL) experiment (supported by the French Navy) is presented in this paper. The VHF COSMER radar was deployed to provide continuous sea surface current measurements within an area of about 25 km times 25 km in the Normand Breton Gulf, France. This paper presents VHF measurement comparisons with observations such as acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP), as well as comparisons with numerical model TELEMAC 2-D. Results of tidal waves extraction, using harmonic analysis and residual currents, are shown in this paper. We also present a case where radar method is limited, due to the presence of additional peaks in the Doppler spectrum  相似文献   

A detailed analysis of climatic trends in the longitudinally averaged temperature, zonal wind velocity, and activity of a stationary planetary wave with the zonal wave number 1 (SPW1) is made for January. The results of analysis indicate that marked climatic temperature variations having opposite signs in the low and high latitudes are observed. These variations cause the relevant variations in the intensity and arrangement of maxima of tropospheric jet flows and, thereby, are responsible for changes in SPW1 propagation conditions. SPW1 propagation from the troposphere into the upper atmosphere is calculated with a linearized model by using the distributions of zonal mean flow that are characteristic of the 1960s and the early 21st century. These calculations indicate that, over the past 40 years, the propagation conditions have improved “on average” and the calculated SPW1 amplitude in the stratosphere and mesosphere of the winter hemisphere has increased substantially. Analysis of the amplitudes of the zonal wind velocity for SPW1 that were obtained from the NCEP/NCAR data is consistent with the results of simulation and shows that some enhancement of SPW1 activity in the lower stratosphere has been actually observed in recent years. These variations in the amplitudes are also accompanied by the enhancement of SPW1 interannual variability.  相似文献   

江苏沿海滩涂开发利用评价   总被引:15,自引:2,他引:15       下载免费PDF全文
文章在回顾江苏沿海滩涂开发利用过程的基础上,分析了滩涂开发的价值和问题,重点阐述滩涂开发中产生的环境问题,并依据可持续发展理论,从保持资源、环境、社会经济协调发展的角度,探讨江苏沿海滩涂开发的思路。  相似文献   

A computer correlation technique is described for comparing observed magnetic anomaly profiles to model profiles generated from a paleomagnetic time scale. A model is computed for a given spreading rate, divided into small segments, and each segment then compared to a corresponding unit of the data profile. Each model segment is systematically shifted and correlated with the data, and the resulting correlation functions are displayed in an offset-age diagram. Interpretation of this diagram reveals possible histories involving faulting or changes of spreading rate that may be overlooked by the visual method, and quantitative estimates of the uncertainties in the spreading rates may be made.  相似文献   

基于无线电探空和无线电掩星观测的北极上层气温研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The air temperature is one of the most important parameters used for monitoring the Arctic climate change. The constellation observing system for meteorology, ionosphere, and climate and Formosa Satellite Mission 3(COSMIC/FORMOSAT-3) radio occultation(RO) "wet" temperature product(i.e., "wet Prf") is used to analyze the Arctic air temperature profiles at 925–200 hPa in 2007–2012. The "wet" temperatures are further compared with radiosonde(RS) observations. The results from the spatially and temporally synchronized RS and COSMIC observations show that their temperatures agree well with each other, especially at 400 hPa. Comparisons of seasonal temperatures and anomalies from the COSMIC and homogenized RS observations suggest that the limited number of COSMIC observations during the spatial matchup may be insufficient to describe the smallscale spatial structure of temperature variations. Furthermore, comparisons of the seasonal temperature anomalies from the RS and 5°×5° gridded COSMIC observations at 400 hPa during the sea ice minimum(SIM) of2007 and 2012 are also made. The results reveal that similar Arctic temperature variation patterns can be obtained from both RS and COSMIC observations over the land area, while extra information can be further provided from the densely distributed COSMIC observations. Therefore, despite COSMIC observations being unsuitable to describe the Arctic temperatures in the lowest level, they provide a complementary data source to study the Arctic upper-air temperature variations and related climate change.  相似文献   

Coal ash producing is an increasing trend because of its high energy demand worldwide. For transportation, disposal, and reuse of the industrial waste materials, geotextile tube’s dewatering technology has been widely used over the last three decades, which helps to decrease the volume of the dewatered slurry. In this study, effect of usage of polymer and fibers on dewatering characteristic of fly ash slurries was investigated. For the experimental investigation, an anionic polymer and short nylon fibers were used. As a new concept, centrifuge test is introduced as an alternative for the widely used pressure filtration test (PFT). Centrifuge test was used to evaluate final solid content of the retained sediments and change in slurry volume of fly ash. Tests were conducted on unconditioned and anionic polyacrylamide and/or fiber conditioned fly ash slurries. Centrifuge test results were compared with PFT results with respect to final solid content. It was found that fiber and/or polymer usage has remarkable effect on the dewatering rate of fly ash slurry. It was also found that final solid content of fly ash slurries was decreased by inclusion of fibers and polymer, which indicates that fiber and/or polymer usage can create more permeable soil body.  相似文献   

海域使用论证存在的问题及对策研究   总被引:1,自引:5,他引:1  
文章在总结我国海域使用论证现状的基础上,提出了海域使用论证存在的三个问题:海域使用论证报告质量总体不高,重点不突出;海域使用论证报告结论失真率较高,评审把关不严;部分海洋工程开工与论证同步,海域使用审批流于形式.这些问题的产生,从大的方面可归纳为人员素质,运行体制、机制及配套制度等多种因素.为了提高海域使用论证质量,切实发挥海域使用论证在项目用海审批中的科学、民主决策作用,应采取以下对策和措施:提高认识,为海域使用论证制度的稳步推进提供思想保障;修改完善法律、法规制度,创造海域使用论证的良好法制环境;深化论证的实施细则和加强科技攻关,构建海域使用论证的技术支撑体系;规范市场秩序,创建海域使用论证工作的宽松环境;加强利益相关者的参与和监督,切实维护利益相关者的合法权益.  相似文献   

We examined environmental factors which are most responsible for the 8-year temporal dynamics of the intertidal seagrass Thalassia hemprichii in southern Taiwan. A dynamic factor analysis (DFA), a dimension-reduction technique, was applied to identify common trends in a multivariate time series and the relationships between this series and interacting environmental variables. The results of dynamic factor models (DFMs) showed that the leaf growth rate of the seagrass was mainly influenced by salinity (Sal), tidal range (TR), turbidity (K), and a common trend representing an unexplained variability in the observed time series. Sal was the primary variable that explained the temporal dynamics of the leaf growth rate compared to TR and K. K and TR had larger influences on the leaf growth rate in low- than in high-elevation beds. In addition to K, TR, and Sal, UV-B radiation (UV-B), sediment depth (SD), and a common trend accounted for long-term temporal variations of the above-ground biomass. Thus, K, TR, Sal, UV-B, and SD are the predominant environmental variables that described temporal growth variations of the intertidal seagrass T. hemprichii in southern Taiwan. In addition to environmental variables, human activities may be contributing to negative impacts on the seagrass beds; this human interference may have been responsible for the unexplained common trend in the DFMs. Due to successfully applying the DFA to analyze complicated ecological and environmental data in this study, important environmental variables and impacts of human activities along the coast should be taken into account when managing a coastal environment for the conservation of intertidal seagrass beds.  相似文献   

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