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This study aims at evaluating the optimal properties of friction pendulum bearings to be employed for the seismic protection of elastic isolated structural systems under earthquake excitations with different characteristics in terms of frequency content. A two-degree-of-freedom model is considered to describe the isolated system behavior while accounting for the superstructure flexibility and a non-dimensional formulation of the governing equations of motion is employed to relate the characteristic parameters describing the isolator and structure properties to the response parameters of interest for the performance assessment. Seismic excitations are modeled as time-modulated filtered Gaussian white noise random processes of different intensity within the power spectral density method. The filter parameters control the frequency content of the random excitations and are calibrated to describe stiff, medium and soft soil conditions, respectively. Finally, multi-variate regression expressions are obtained for the optimum values of the friction coefficient that minimize the superstructure displacements relative to the base mass as a function of the structural system properties, of the seismic input intensity and of the soil condition.  相似文献   


随着ChinArray等大型地震观测项目逐渐推进, 一些台站不得不安装在软土层等较高背景噪声区域, 研究这些区域中不同类型地震仪在不同安装方法之间的背景噪声水平差异, 对于提高观测数据质量、选取观测仪器类型、研制地震仪器等问题具有重要意义.本文在北京通州西集地震台, 通过一系列比测实验研究了宽频带地震仪在不同安装深度、安装方式以及保温隔离防护方式下的安装效果差异, 结果表明: 在0.05~1 Hz的海浪脉动噪声频段附近, 所有参与比测地震仪的三个分量背景噪声水平均高度一致, 符合远场海浪脉动信号的特点; 在低于0.05 Hz的低频段范围, 背景噪声主要和地震计附近的温度变化及气流扰动环境相关, 增加安装深度和采取保温隔离防护措施效果类似, 其中垂直向对保温隔离防护措施更为敏感, 比如1~2 m深度安装的地震计在妥善进行保温隔离措施后可获得和283 m井下地震计类似噪声水平, 水平向由于存在地倾斜噪声, 当大幅度增加安装深度时仍可有效降低噪声水平; 在高于1 Hz的高频段范围, 背景噪声衰减和地下介质岩性相关, 软土层地区地下10 m以内随安装深度增加背景噪声水平衰减非常有限.另外, 我们还研究了宽频带、短周期、节点式等不同类型地震仪的安装效果差异, 结果表明: 在软土层地区的地震观测, 需要针对不同观测目的选择合适的地震仪; 在密集台阵观测中, 不同类型仪器的组合观测是更科学的方式.


软弱土层的厚度及埋深对深厚软弱场地地震效应的影响   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
就软弱土层的埋深和厚度对深厚场地地震动的影响进行了数值分析。场地1、场地2和场地3分别选自南京、盐城和天津。场地1、场地2用于分析软弱表层土的厚度对地表地震动参数的影响:场地1的软弱表层土厚度从2m依次增加到30m,构造了18个土层剖面;场地2的软弱表层土的厚度从2m依次增加到36m,构造了21个土层剖面。场地3用于分析软弱夹层的埋深和厚度对地表地震动参数的影响:软弱夹层的埋深从2m增加到62m,构造了16个剖面;软弱夹层的厚度从2m增加到10m,构造了5个剖面。选用Taft、E1 Centro和Northridge地震记录作为输入地震动,将Taft、El Centro和Northridge地震波加速度时程的峰值水平调整为0.35m/s^2,0.70m/s^2和0.98m/s^2,利用程序SHAKE91对不同的构造剖面、不同的输入地震波及不同的峰值加速度水平,共进行了507种组合的场地地震反应分析。分析表明:对于给定的输入地震动条件,当软弱表层土的厚度超过一定界限值时,地表加速度峰值及放大系数的变化已不很明显;当软弱表层土的厚度超过一定界限值时,加速度放大系数会小于1。也即软弱表层土可起到减震的作用;对于同一场地,输入地震动强度越大,此软表层厚度值越小。对于给定的输入地震动和峰值加速度水平,随着软弱夹层埋深的增加,地表加速度峰值和放大系数入都有减小的趋势,当埋深超过一定值后,地表加速度放大系数小于1.0;软弱夹层厚度对地表加速度峰值的影响与软弱夹层所处位置有关。  相似文献   

Active layer thickness (ALT) is critical to the understanding of the surface energy balance, hydrological cycles, plant growth, and cold region engineering projects in permafrost regions. The temperature at the bottom of the active layer, a boundary layer between the equilibrium thermal state (in permafrost below) and transient thermal state (in the atmosphere and surface canopies above), is an important parameter to reflect the existence and thermal stability of permafrost. In this study, the Geophysical Institute Permafrost Model (GIPL) was used to model the spatial distribution of and changes in ALT and soil temperature in the Source Area of the Yellow River (SAYR), where continuous, discontinuous, and sporadic permafrost coexists with seasonally frozen ground. Monthly air temperatures downscaled from the CRU TS3.0 datasets, monthly snow depth derived from the passive microwave remote-sensing data SMMR and SSM/I, and vegetation patterns and soil properties at scale of 1:1000000 were used as input data after modified with GIS techniques. The model validation was carried out carefully with ALT in the SAYR has significantly increased from 1.8 m in 1980 to 2.4 m in 2006 at an average rate of 2.2 cm yr?1. The mean annual temperature at the bottom of the active layer, or temperature at the top of permafrost (TTOP) rose substantially from ?1.1°C in 1980 to ?0.6°C in 2006 at an average rate of 0.018°C yr?1. The increasing rate of the ALT and TTOP has accelerated since 2000. Regional warming and degradation of permafrost has also occurred, and the changes in the areal extent of regions with a sub-zero TTOP shrank from 2.4×104 to 2.2×104 km2 at an average rate of 74 km2 yr?1. Changes of ALT and temperature have adversely affected the environmental stability in the SAYR.  相似文献   

The basic physical principles and features of gamma-ray logging for geophysical research in the holes of uranium mine fields are briefly described. A new generation of equipment for gamma-ray logging is presented.  相似文献   

A general equation is proposed for the relationship between bedrock lowering and regolith thickness which includes, as special cases, hypotheses by Ahnert, Armstrong, Culling, Kirkby and Young, at least approximately.  相似文献   

Computational intelligent techniques, such as fuzzy and genetic algorithm, have proven to be useful in modeling of complex nonlinear phenomena such as dynamic compaction. Dynamic compaction method is used to improve the mechanical behavior of underlying soil layers especially loose granular materials. The method involves the repeated impart of high-energy impacts to the soil surface using steel or concrete tampers with weights ranging 10–40 ton and with drop heights ranging 10–40 m. A relatively exact estimation of dynamic compaction level is of major concern to geotechnical engineers. This paper develops a fuzzy set base method for the analysis of dynamic compaction phenomenon. In this model, the input variables are tamper weight, height of tamper drop, print spacing, tamper radius, number of impact and soil layer geotechnical properties. The main shortcoming of this technique is uncertainty to locate the best sketch of dynamic compaction to gain maximum effect of this method of soil improvement. Therefore, this paper describes the incorporation of genetic algorithm methodology using fuzzy system for determining the optimum design of dynamic compaction. Subsequently, it will be shown that the genetic algorithm has some abilities in the optimization of dynamic compaction design. Also different manners of this algorithm are compared and then the optimized structure of genetic algorithm will be suggested for dynamic compaction.  相似文献   

In order to obtain Pb content in soil quickly and efficiently,a multivariate linear regression(MLR) and a principal component regression(PCR) Pb content estimation model were established on the basis of hyperspectral techniques,and their applicability in different soil types was evaluated.Results indicated that Pb exhibited strong spatial heterogeneity in the study area,and more than 82% of the samples exceeded the background value.In addition,the pollution range was large.Pb was sensitive in the nearinfrared band,and the correlation of absorbance(AB) was most significant of all the transformed forms.Both models achieved optimal stability and reliability when AB was used as an independent variable.Compared with the PCR model,the stability,fitting accuracy,and predictive power of the MLR model were superior with a coefficient of determination,root mean square error,and mean relative error of 0.724%,24.92%,and 28.22%,respectively.Both models could be applied to different soil types;however,MLR had better applicability compared with PCR.The PCR model that distinguished different soil types had better reliability than one that did not.Thus,the model established via hyperspectral techniques can achieve largearea,rapid,and efficient soil Pb content monitoring,which can provide technical support for the treatment of heavy metal pollution in soil.  相似文献   

The relationship between stream water DOC concentrations and soil organic C pools was investigated at a range of spatial scales in subcatchments of the River Dee system in north‐east Scotland. Catchment percentage peat cover and soil C pools, calculated using local, national and international soils databases, were related to mean DOC concentrations in streams draining small‐ (<5 km2), medium‐ (12–38 km2) and large‐scale (56–150 km2) catchments. The results show that, whilst soil C pool is a good predictor of stream water DOC concentration at all three scales, the strongest relationships were found in the small‐scale catchments. In addition, in both the small‐ and large‐scale catchments, percentage peat cover was as a good predictor of stream water DOC concentration as catchment soil C pool. The data also showed that, for a given soil C pool, streams draining lowland (<700 m) catchments had higher DOC concentrations than those draining upland (>700 m) catchments, suggesting that disturbance and land use may have a small effect on DOC concentration. Our results therefore suggest that the relationship between stream water DOC concentration and catchment soil C pools exists at a range of spatial scales and this relationship appears to be sufficiently robust to be used to predict the effects of changes in catchment soil C storage on stream water DOC concentration. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Intense rainfall following wildfire can cause substantial soil and sediment redistribution. With concern for the increasing magnitude and frequency of wildfire events, research needs to focus on hydrogeomorphological impacts of fire, particularly downstream fluxes of sediment and nutrients. Here, we investigate variation in magnetic enhancement of soil by fire in burnt eucalypt forest slopes to explore its potential as a post‐fire sediment tracer. Low‐frequency magnetic susceptibility values (χlf) of <10 µm material sourced from burnt slopes (c. 8·0–10·4 × 10?6 m3 kg?1) are an order of magnitude greater than those of <10 µm material derived from long‐unburnt areas (0·8 × 10?6 m3 kg?1). Susceptibility of anhysteretic remanent magnetization (χARM) and saturation isothermal remanent magnetization (SIRM) values are similarly enhanced. Signatures are strongly influenced by soil and sediment particle size and storage of previously burnt material in footslope areas. Whilst observations indicate that signatures based on magnetic enhancement show promise for post‐fire sediment tracing, problems arise with the lack of dimensionality in such data. Magnetic grain size indicators χfd%, χARM/SIRM and χfd/χARM offer further discrimination of source material but cannot be included in numerical unmixing models owing to non‐linear additivity. This leads to complications in quantitatively ascribing downstream sediment to source areas of contrasting burn severity since sources represent numerical multiples of each other, indicating the need to involve additional indicators, such as geochemical evidence, to allow a more robust discrimination. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Erosion of cohesive soils in fluvial environments is dependent on physical, geochemical and biological properties, which govern inter‐particle attraction forces and control detachment rates from stream beds and banks. Most erosion rate models are based on the excess shear stress equation where the soil erodibility coefficient (kd) is multiplied by the difference between the boundary hydraulic shear stress (τb) and the soil critical shear stress (τc). Both kd and τc are a function of soil properties and must be obtained through in situ field or laboratory testing. Many studies have generated predictive relationships for kd and τc derived from various soil properties. These studies typically were conducted in watersheds within a single physiographic region with a common surficial geology and/or investigated a limited number of soil properties, particularly geochemical properties. With widely reported differences in relationships between τc and soil properties, this study investigated differences in predictive relationships for τc among different physiographic provinces in Tennessee, USA. Erodibility parameters were determined in the field using a mini‐jet test device. Among these provinces, statistically four unique clusters were identified from a dataset of 128 observations and these data clusters were used to develop predictive models for τc to identify dominant properties governing erosion. In these clusters, 16 significant physical and geochemical soil properties were identified for τc prediction. Among these soil properties, water content and passing #200 sieve (percentage soil less than 75 μm) were the dominant controlling parameters to predict τc in addition to clay percentage (< 2 μm), bulk density, and soil pore water chemistry. This study suggests that unique relationships exist for physiographic provinces that are likely due to soil physical‐geochemical processes associated with surficial geology that determine minerology of the cohesive soil. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Ionospheric electron content (IEC) and slab thickness () data for the period 1977 to 1980 from Lunping (23.03°N; 121.90°E subionospheric) have been examined for their solar activity dependence. Local noontime monthly means as well as values for the 5 QQ days in a month have been examined separately with different solar indices, namely: solar EUV flux (170–190 Å),S 10.7 cm flux and sun spot number (SSN) on a seasonal basis. Both IEC and parameters exhibit better correlation with solar EUV andS 10.7 cm fluxes than with SSN for all seasons. IEC increases linearly with both EUV andS 10.7 cm flux whereas with SSN it shows a distinct nonlinear relationship during all seasons in both monthly mean and 5 QQ days' values. This study indicates that for correlating and predicting the variations (especially the medium term) in the ionospheric parameters, both EUV andS 10.7 cm fluxes have an advantage over SSN.  相似文献   

本文应用单能窄束伽马射线理论建立高分辨率屏蔽自然伽马探测器三维测井响应的数值模拟算法.首先利用单能窄束原理,用稳态扩散方程描述伽马光子密度的空间分布,根据扩散方程基本解、放射源空间分布、探测器位置和屏蔽情况,将屏蔽探测器上的总伽马通量表示成放射性地层中的有效探测区域上的体积分和晶体表面上有效接收面的面积分形式.并根据伽马射线传播路径和探测器屏蔽情况,给出有效探测区域的解析表达式,通过数值积分法计算任意复杂情况下探测器上的自然伽马通量,获得伽马测井响应的3D数值模拟算法.并通过数值模拟结果与模型井数据的对比验证了该算法的有效性.最后通过3D数值模拟算法系统研究考察晶体形状(圆柱形晶体、方形晶体)、晶体长度、仪器在井轴中的位置(居中屏蔽探测器、贴井壁屏蔽探测器)、以及测速等不同情况下自然伽马测井响应,设计出新型高分辨率自然伽马测井仪器.  相似文献   

For many years hydrologists have tried to build physically realistic models which are still simple enough to be fitted to a range of observations made in the field. This is an ongoing process which will become even more difficult as the quality and variety of field and remotely sensed data improves. Hence models must be able to predict soil moisture patterns in time and in space as well as the outflow hydrograph. The model presented here (TOPMODEL) aims to predict the nature of variable source areas in a way that reflects their dynamics over space and time. All component processes are described and shown in operation. As TOPMODEL and similar models have a growing popularity, this paper can be seen as a demonstration of the model's predictive capabilities. The model is applied to the catchments of Plynlimon, mid-Wales for 1984, 1985 and 1986 data sets. The model has been thoroughly tested and cross-validated against independent data sets for different time periods, for a separate catchment, for internal gauges and for wet and dry periods. The resulting predicted soil moisture patterns show a small, semi-permanent variable source area that has the ability during large storms to expand dynamically over short time periods. Spatial predictions of evapotranspiration are also shown which reflect the influence of soil moisture patterns on this process. The weakest component of the model is the representation of root zone evaporation and how this pre-sets the antecedent condition of the catchment during long dry periods.  相似文献   

随钻伽马测井快速正演算法及地质导向应用   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
在定向井及水平井钻井过程中,常采用地质导向技术;地质导向的关键在于实时确定地层界面和产状、实现地层模型的实时更新和井眼轨迹的及时调整,从而最大限度地提高油层的钻遇率.利用基于地层模型的测井响应正演曲线与随钻测井曲线进行对比是确定地层界面的有效方法;本文基于伽马射线在地层中的衰减规律,导出了不同地层模型中随钻伽马测井响应快速正演算法,克服了目前难以将蒙特卡罗算法用于实时随钻伽马测井正演的困难.应用实例表明该方法可以有效地辅助实时判定实际地层界面,更好地实现地质导向.  相似文献   

Vegetation restoration is identified as an effective approach to control soil erosion and affects soil detachment and resistance to concentrated flow on the Loess Plateau. However, the effects of vegetation restoration at gully heads in loess-tableland remains unclear. This study was performed to investigate the effects of nine vegetation restoration types at gully heads on soil detachment rate (Dr) and soil resistance to concentrated flow (i.e. soil erodibility, Kr and critical shear stress, τc). Undisturbed soil samples were collected from nine vegetation-restored lands and one slope cropland (as the control) and were subjected to a hydraulic flume to obtain Dr values of gully heads under six inflow discharges (0.5–3.5 L s-1). The results showed that the Dr values of nine revegetated gully heads were 77.11% to 95.81% less than that of slope cropland, and the grassland dominated by Cleistogenes caespitosa and the shrubland dominated by Hippophae rhamnoides had a relatively greater decrease in Dr than those of other seven restoration types. The Dr value of nine revegetated gully heads could be better simulated by stream power than by flow velocity and shear stress and was also significantly affected by soil disintegration rate (positively), soil bulk density, saturated hydraulic conductivity, organic matter content, and water-stable aggregate stability (negatively). Additionally, roots with diameters of 0 to 0.5 mm showed a greater effect on Dr than those with larger diameters. Compared to cropland, the nine restored types reduced Kr by 76.26% to 94.26% and improved τc by 1.51 to 4.68 times. The decrease in Kr and the increase in τc were significantly affected by organic matter content, water-stable aggregate, mean weight diameter of aggregate and root mass density. The combination of grass species (Cleistogenes caespitosa) and shrub (Hippophae rhamnoides) could be considered the best vegetation restoration types for improving soil resistance of gully heads to concentrated flow. © 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The experimental data in the microseismic frequency range obtained using the seismo-acoustic-hydrophysical measurement complex are analyzed. The emphasis is put on estimating the ratio between the energy of surface sea wind waves in the area of the Japan Sea where the complex was located and the Earth’s crust microdeformations in this frequency range. The experimental evaluate obtained allow us to estimate the energy re-distribution at the hydrosphere-lithosphere boundary.  相似文献   

This study deals with the seismic fragility of elastic structural systems equipped with single concave sliding (friction pendulum system (FPS)) isolators considering different soil conditions. The behavior of these systems is analyzed by employing a two-degree-of-freedom model, whereas the FPS response is described by means of a velocity-dependent model. The uncertainty in the seismic inputs is taken into account by considering artificial seismic excitations modelled as timemodulated filtered Gaussian white noise random processes of different intensity within the power spectral density method. In particular, the filter parameters, which control the frequency content of the random excitations, are calibrated to describe stiff, medium and soft soil conditions. The sliding friction coefficient at large velocity is also considered as a random variable modelled through a uniform probability density function. Incremental dynamic analyses are developed in order to evaluate the probabilities of exceeding different limit states related to both the reinforced concrete (RC) superstructure and isolation level, defining the seismic fragility curves within an extensive parametric study carried out for different structural system properties and soil conditions. The abovementioned seismic fragility curves are useful to evaluate the seismic reliability of base-isolated elastic systems equipped with FPS and located in any site for any soil condition.  相似文献   

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