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A new systematic and efficient algorithm to calculate the modal solutions of multi-layered ocean-Earth model is presented.
Our algorithm distinguishes itself as terseness of formulation, efficiency in numerical computation, and stableness at high
frequencies, thus, thoroughly solving the problem of loss-of-precision at high frequencies. This new algorithm is expected
to be very useful in studying the surface waves propagating in ocean-Earth model and other related topics. 相似文献
Modelling sand wave migration in shallow shelf seas 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
Attila A. Nmeth Suzanne J. M. H. Hulscher Huib J. de Vriend 《Continental Shelf Research》2002,22(18-19)
Sand waves form a prominent regular pattern in the offshore seabed of sandy shallow seas. The positions of sand-wave crests and troughs slowly change in time. Sand waves are usually assumed to migrate in the direction of the residual current. This paper considers the physical mechanisms that may cause sand waves to migrate and methods to quantify the associated migration rates. We carried out a theoretical study based on the assumption that sand waves evolve as free instabilities of the system. A linear stability analysis was then performed on a 2DV morphological model describing the interaction between the vertically varying water motion and an erodible bed in a shallow sea. Here, we disrupted the basic tidal symmetry by choosing a combination of a steady current (M0) and a sinusoidal tidal motion (M2) as the basic flow. We allowed for two different physical mechanisms to generate the steady current: a sea surface wind stress and a pressure gradient. The results show that similar sand waves develop for both flow conditions and that these sand waves migrate slowly in the direction of the residual flow. The rates of migration and wavelengths found in this work agree with theoretical and empirical values reported in the literature. 相似文献
Field observations of an evolving rip current on a meso-macrotidal well-developed inner bar and rip morphology 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Nicolas Bruneau Bruno Castelle Philippe Bonneton Rodrigo Pedreros Rafael Almar Natalie Bonneton Patrice Bretel Jean-Paul Parisot Nadia Snchal 《Continental Shelf Research》2009,29(14):1650-1662
The Aquitanian Coast (France) is a high-energy meso-macrotidal environment exhibiting a highly variable double sandbar system. The inner and the outer bar generally exhibit a bar and rip morphology and persistent crescentic patterns, respectively. In June 2007, an intense five-day field experiment was carried out at Biscarrosse Beach. A large array of sensors was deployed on a well-developed southward-oriented bar and rip morphology. Daily topographic surveys were carried out together with video imaging to investigate beach morphodynamic evolution. During the experiment, offshore significant wave height ranged from 0.5 to 3 m, with a persistent shore-normal angle. This paper identifies two types of behavior of an observed rip current: (1) for low-energy waves, the rip current is active only between low and mid tide with maximum mean rip current velocity reaching 0.8 m/s for an offshore significant wave height (Hs) lower than 1 m; (2) for high-energy waves (Hs≈ 2.5–3 m), the rip current was active over the whole tide cycle with the presence of persistent intense offshore-directed flows between mid and high tide. For both low and high-energy waves, very low-frequency pulsations (15–30 min) of the mean currents are observed on both feeder and rip channels.A persistent slow shoreward migration of the sandbar was observed during the experiment while no significant alongshore migration of the system was measured. Onshore migration during the high-energy waves can be explained by different sediment transport processes such as flow velocity skewness, wave asymmetry or bed ventilation. High-frequency local measurements of the bed evolution show the presence of significant (in the order of 10 cm) fluctuations (in the order of 1 h). These fluctuations, observed for both low- and high-energy waves, are thought to be ripples and megaripples, respectively and may play an important but still poorly understood role in the larger scale morphodynamics. The present dataset improves the knowledge of rip dynamics as well as the morphological response of strongly alongshore non-uniform meso-macrotidal beaches. 相似文献
近断层前方向性效应地震动含有高幅值,短持时的速度脉冲,与远场地震动相比存在显著差异。本文根据所选取的40条近断层地震波记录,用小波分析方法将原始记录分解为脉冲波部分和高频波部分,对弹性和非弹性单自由度体系进行分析,得出了以下结论:对于弹性体系,大约0.484倍的速度脉冲周期可以作为临界周期,脉冲波部分将对固有周期大于临界周期的结构的响应起主导作用,反之,高频波部分将会产生显著影响;对于非弹性体系,仅仅用等效速度脉冲方法模拟近断层地震动的计算精度将会受到延性系数?的影响,随着延性系数的增加,脉冲波部分满足精度要求的结构固有周期范围将明显缩小,并且向较低周期范围偏移;仅用等效速度脉冲模型来模拟近断层地震动具有一定的局限性。 相似文献
The echo-amplitude of a 23-m-deep bottom-mounted acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP) shows regular spikes up to 30 dB above background level when a ship passes nearby, due to deep penetration of bubble clouds. This is evidenced from regularly occurring spikes in echo-data that are simultaneous with ferry crossings in a narrow sea-strait. The bubbles can nearly reach the bottom and are comparable in magnitude to near-bottom scattering off suspended material in vigorous tidal currents exceeding 1 m s−1 in magnitude. The bubble clouds mask the sea surface from the echo-amplitude, which hampers the use of an ADCP for estimating atmospheric parameters and near-surface currents, under such conditions. The echo-spikes associated with the ferry are confirmed with coinciding dips in bottom pressure up to 1200 N m−2 and with deviations up to 10° in the ADCP's heading due to pressure waves and magnetic field disturbances from under the ferry and from its rear, respectively. 相似文献
We study the modification of the frequency of small amplitude acoustic gravity waves which propagate in an isothermal turbulent atmosphere that is stratified by a homogeneous gravitational field. Using a Green's function method, the dispersion relation for the frequency of the waves is formulated as an integral eigenvalue equation and it is solved by perturbation techniques. We draw the following main conclusions: (a) for an arbitrary turbulent correlation spectrum the dispersion relation has a root with a negative imaginary part in the unphysical Riemann sheet of the dispersion function, leading to wave attenuation, much in the same way as it happens for Landau damping; (b) the real part of this root differs from the frequency of an acoustic gravity wave propagating in a nonturbulent medium and, for all forms of the turbulent correlation spectrum, the absolute value of this difference increases if gravity increases; (c) for a Gaussian turbulent correlation spectrum, this difference is always positive; (d) conversely if this frequency difference is known from observations, the auto-correlation function of the temperature fluctuations can be calculated through a simple inversion formula. 相似文献
Assessment of the vertical distribution on seismic ground motion 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
It is very important for the facilities such as nuclear power plants to infer seismic force loading on the earthquake stability assessment of the building foundation and the surrounding slope. The purpose of this paper was to propose a method to evaluate underground seismic coefficients, taking into account dynamic response along the depth in horizontally multi-layered ground. The dynamic property of the seismic coefficient was analyzed on the basis of earthquake records observed at hard and soft rock sites mostly found in Tertiary deposits and sedimentary ground sites of the Pleistocene and Holocene epoch. The evaluation methods of a vertical distribution on underground seismic coefficients were proposed for a few calculation methods on the classified layered ground. Extended evaluation for underground seismic coefficients was confirmed with respect to some multi-layered ground during strong motion. 相似文献
Vertical drains have been used as remediation against earthquake-induced soil liquefaction for many years. These are seen to begin fluid dissipation from deeper deposits first. Drains are not necessarily installed to the full depth of the liquefiable layer. To determine the effect of this on the efficiency of drain systems, centrifuge test results are presented. It is seen that not installing all drains through the full liquefiable depth significantly retards their performance, due to the dominance of vertical dissipation. It will be shown that a standard design chart may over-predict an improvement in drain performance. 相似文献
Accelerograms recorded near active faults have some important characteristics that make them different from those recorded in far-fault regions. High-frequency components in acceleration records and long-period velocity pulses are among notable specifications of such ground motions. In this paper, a moving average filtering with appropriate cut-off frequency has been used to decompose the near-fault ground motions into two components having different frequency contents: first, Pulse-Type Record (PTR) that possesses long-period pulses; second, the relatively high-frequency BackGround Record (BGR), which does not include large velocity pulses. Comparing the results with those extracted through wavelet analysis shows that moving average filter is an appropriate and efficient tool for near-fault records decomposition. The method is applied to decompose a suite of 91 selected near-fault records and the elastic response of structures is examined through their response to the decomposed parts. The results emphasizes that in contrast with ordinary far-fault earthquake records, response spectra of near-fault ground motions typically have two distinct local peaks, which are representatives of the high- and low-frequency components, i.e., BGR and PTR, respectively. Moreover, a threshold period is identified below which the response of structures is dominated by BGR while PTR controls the response of structures with periods longer than this period. 相似文献
垂直流人工湿地填料的淤堵机理初探 总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11
应用人工湿地技术处理污水时,填料的淤堵往往是制约其处理功效和使用寿命的主要因素.本研究采用垂直流人工湿地单元模型,通过测定填料有效孔隙率与截留SS总量、COD降解量、生物膜的增长量之间的关系,初步探讨填料淤堵机理.结果表明:进水中悬浮颗粒全部为无机颗粒的系统较进水中全部为溶解态污染物质的系统更易造成淤堵,进水中全部为溶解态污染物的系统至实验结束时未出现淤堵现象.淤堵发生后,填料上层的渗透系数明显低于中下层,表明淤堵主要发生在填料上层部分;截留的不可生物降解无机SS、被截留但未被降解的有机SS、生物膜的生长及老化脱落、以及被上述物质吸附的水是导致淤堵的主要原因.淤堵发生后,湿地日污染物去除总量降低,湿地功效受到影响. 相似文献
On May 2, 1993 more than 200 seismic events from an underground mine in Tyrol/Austria were recorded with short-period seismometers of a local seismic network which was introduced in the late 1980s to monitor the tectonic seismicity in Tyrol in greater detail. The cause of this series of mining-associated events has become the subject of intensive investigations — as it was associated with a subsidence affecting an area of 10.000 m2. Underground observations revealed a number of discontinuities along which the rock mass was able to move. Seismic recordings of the close-by seismic stations revealed two types of mechanisms: One mechanism seems to be associated with pure block-sliding along several discontinuities, while other signals indicate additional collapse. The consideration and combination of several seismological principles made possible the construction of a model of the mine collapse. 相似文献
Jianghai Xia Yixian Xu Chao Chen Ronald D. Kaufmann Yinhe Luo 《Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering》2006,26(5):395-403
We discuss five useful equations related to high-frequency surface-wave techniques and their implications in practice. These equations are theoretical results from published literature regarding source selection, data-acquisition parameters, resolution of a dispersion curve image in the frequency–velocity domain, and the cut-off frequency of high modes. The first equation suggests Rayleigh waves appear in the shortest offset when a source is located on the ground surface, which supports our observations that surface impact sources are the best source for surface-wave techniques. The second and third equations, based on the layered earth model, reveal a relationship between the optimal nearest offset in Rayleigh-wave data acquisition and seismic setting—the observed maximum and minimum phase velocities, and the maximum wavelength. Comparison among data acquired with different offsets at one test site confirms the better data were acquired with the suggested optimal nearest offset. The fourth equation illustrates that resolution of a dispersion curve image at a given frequency is directly proportional to the product of a length of a geophone array and the frequency. We used real-world data to verify the fourth equation. The last equation shows that the cut-off frequency of high modes of Love waves for a two-layer model is determined by shear-wave velocities and the thickness of the top layer. We applied this equation to Rayleigh waves and multi-layer models with the average velocity and obtained encouraging results. This equation not only endows with a criterion to distinguish high modes from numerical artifacts but also provides a straightforward means to resolve the depth to the half space of a layered earth model. 相似文献
WANG Rui ZHANG ShaoDong & YI Fan School of Electronic Information Wuhan University Wuhan China Key Laboratory of Geospace Environment Geodesy Ministry of Education State Observatory for Atmospheric Remote Sensing 《中国科学:地球科学(英文版)》2010,(6)
The characteristics of high-latitude planetary waves (PWs) in the troposphere and lower stratosphere (TLS) are studied by using the data from radiosonde observations during 1998 to 2006 at three Alaskan stations in USA (Nome, 64.50°N, 165.43°W; McGrath, 62.97°N, 155.62°W; Fairbanks, 64.82°N, 147.87°W). It is found that strong PWs exist in two regions. One is around tropopause, and the other is in the polar night jet (PNJ) in winter. The PW activities are rather intermittent, and their lifetimes are no longe... 相似文献
Introduction The effect of local site conditions on wave propagation is one of the most attractive topics in engineering seismology. It may be resolved by either a numerical method or an analytical method. Numerical methods include the finite difference, finite element, boundary element method, etc. The analytical method is the wave function expansion method. The advantage of these numerical methods is that they can be applied to local inhomogeneity of arbitrary shapes, but analytical method … 相似文献
本文提出了一种基于航磁垂向分量数据提取磁性场源体深度的方法.从垂直磁化条件下球体模型垂向分量的正演理论出发,给出了利用垂向分量极大值获取异常体埋深的关系式,并在此基础上推导了约束条件下垂向分量深度识别关系式.该关系式简化了场源深度识别的复杂度,充分利用先验信息且无需进行复杂反演运算,能够较为精确地计算异常体的埋深,为磁性场源体深度的提取提供了一种新的解决方案.理论模型试验证明,利用本文提出的深度识别方法进行深度估算的相对误差绝对值均小于1%,相较于常规的垂向分量极大值方法具有更高的估算精度.将该方法应用于中国北部某地区实测航磁垂向分量数据,获取的深度结果与钻孔资料相一致,深度相对误差绝对值小于10%,验证了本文方法对于实际资料的有效性. 相似文献
A closed-form wave equation analytic solution of two-dimensional scattering and diffraction of outof-plane(SH) waves by an almost semi-circular shallow cylindrical hill on a flat, elastic and homogeneous half space is proposed by applying the discrete Fourier series expansions of sine and cosine functions. The semi-circular hill problem is discussed as a special case for the new formulated equation.Compared with the previous semi-circular cases solutions, the present method can give surface displacement amplitudes which agrees well with previous results. Although the proposed equation can only solve the problem of SH-waves diffracted by almost semi-circular shallow hills, the stress and displacement residual amplitudes are numerical insignificantly everywhere. Moreover, the influences of the depth-towidth ratio(a parameter defined in this paper to evaluate the shallowness of the topography of hills) on ground motions are presented and summarized. The limitations and errors of truncation from Graf's addition theorem and Fourier series equations in the present paper are also discussed. 相似文献
本文利用WKBJ近似(即几何近似)理论研究介质参数随深度作连续变化的竖向非均匀弹性半空间上覆盖一层厚度为H的均匀各向同性的弹性介质时Love面波的频散问题,给出其频散方程.文中以剪切弹性模量和质量密度随深度呈抛物线变化的非均匀介质为例,给出其最低阶振型的频散曲线. 相似文献
本文介绍了耿马7.2级地震的某些震害现象,通过简单的机理分析,认为这次地震竖向力作用比较突出。和发震构造的活动性状联系起来考虑,估计这次地震强烈的竖向震动可能与发震断层垂直运动分量较大有关。 相似文献
Michael I. Bergman 《地球物理与天体物理流体动力学》2013,107(1-4):151-176
Abstract The stratification profile of the Earth's magnetofluid outer core is unknown, but there have been suggestions that its upper part may be stably stratified. Braginsky (1984) suggested that the magnetic analog of Rossby (planetary) waves in this stable layer (the ‘H’ layer) may be responsible for a portion of the short-period secular variation. In this study, we adopt a thin shell model to examine the dynamics of the H layer. The stable stratification justifies the thin-layer approximations, which greatly simplify the analysis. The governing equations are then the Laplace's tidal equations modified by the Lorentz force terms, and the magnetic induction equation. We linearize the Lorentz force in the Laplace's tidal equations and the advection term in the magnetic induction equation, assuming a zeroth order dipole field as representative of the magnetic field near the insulating core-mantle boundary. An analytical β-plane solution shows that a magnetic field can release the equatorial trapping that non-magnetic Rossby waves exhibit. A numerical solution to the full spherical equations confirms that a sufficiently strong magnetic field can break the equatorial waveguide. Both solutions are highly dissipative, which is a consequence of our necessary neglect of the induction term in comparison with the advection and diffusion terms in the magnetic induction equation in the thin-layer limit. However, were one to relax the thin-layer approximations and allow a radial dependence of the solutions, one would find magnetic Rossby waves less damped (through the inclusion of the induction term). For the magnetic field strength appropriate for the H layer, the real parts of the eigenfrequencies do not change appreciably from their non-magnetic values. We estimate a phase velocity of the lowest modes that is rather rapid compared with the core fluid speed typically presumed from the secular variation. 相似文献