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Near-field horizontal and vertical earthquake ground motions   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Strong-motion attenuation relationships are presented for peak ground acceleration, spectral acceleration, energy density, maximum absolute input energy for horizontal and vertical directions and for the ratio of vertical to horizontal of these ground motion parameters. These equations were derived using a worldwide dataset of 186 strong-motion records recorded with 15 km of the surface projection of earthquakes between Ms=5.8 and 7.8. The effect of local site conditions and focal mechanism is included in some of these equations.  相似文献   

In the eigenvalue eigenvector decomposition used in inversion techniques, we can sometimes obtain eigenvalues close to zero. Related to these eigenvalues close to zero, a set of stratified earth models is generated. These are compatible with the theoretical observations according to a given model. The method is applied to ellipticities and phase velocities of Rayleigh waves, and supply proof of the advantage of working with both sets of data together.  相似文献   




泰安重力观测高频波动信号分析   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
系统分析了泰安重力观测资料正常和异常时信号的周期特征,研究了高频异常信号与台风、气压和强震之间的关系.结果表明:泰安重力观测正常时信号周期为2~4分钟,异常时信号周期只有2~3分钟,异常信号幅值约为正常信号的5倍;高频异常信号主要是由西太平洋洋面上生成的进入中国大陆或近海的台风引起的,占台风引起泰安重力出现高频异常信号的90%;重力高频信号与台风中心速度正相关,与台风距离负相关,并且随台风的结束高频信号也随之消失;少数高频异常信号与强震也有一定关系,占地震总数的17.24%;高频异常信号与气压变化无关.  相似文献   


Investigations of an earlier paper (Friedlander 1987a) are extended to include the effect of an azimuthal shear flow on the small amplitude oscillations of a rotating, density stratified, electrically conducting, non-dissipative fluid in the geometry of a spherical shell. The basic state mean fields are taken to be arbitrary toroidal axisymmetric functions of space that are consistent with the constraint of the ‘‘magnetic thermal wind equation''. The problem is formulated to emphasize the similarities between the magnetic and the non-magnetic internal wave problem. Energy integrals are constructed and the stabilizing/destabilizing roles of the shears in the basic state functions are examined. Effects of curvature and sphericity are studied for the eigenvalue problem. This is given by a partial differential equation (P.D.E.) of mixed type with, in general, a complex pattern of turning surfaces delineating the hyperbolic and elliptic regimes. Further mathematical complexities arise from a distribution of the magnetic analogue of critical latitudes. The magnetic extension of Laplace's tidal equations are discussed. It is observed that the magnetic analogue of planetary waves may propagate to the east and to the west.  相似文献   

Modal solutions in stratified multi-layered fluid-solid half-space   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A new systematic and efficient algorithm to calculate the modal solutions of multi-layered ocean-Earth model is presented. Our algorithm distinguishes itself as terseness of formulation, efficiency in numerical computation, and stableness at high frequencies, thus, thoroughly solving the problem of loss-of-precision at high frequencies. This new algorithm is expected to be very useful in studying the surface waves propagating in ocean-Earth model and other related topics.  相似文献   

The Aquitanian Coast (France) is a high-energy meso-macrotidal environment exhibiting a highly variable double sandbar system. The inner and the outer bar generally exhibit a bar and rip morphology and persistent crescentic patterns, respectively. In June 2007, an intense five-day field experiment was carried out at Biscarrosse Beach. A large array of sensors was deployed on a well-developed southward-oriented bar and rip morphology. Daily topographic surveys were carried out together with video imaging to investigate beach morphodynamic evolution. During the experiment, offshore significant wave height ranged from 0.5 to 3 m, with a persistent shore-normal angle. This paper identifies two types of behavior of an observed rip current: (1) for low-energy waves, the rip current is active only between low and mid tide with maximum mean rip current velocity reaching 0.8 m/s for an offshore significant wave height (Hs) lower than 1 m; (2) for high-energy waves (Hs≈ 2.5–3 m), the rip current was active over the whole tide cycle with the presence of persistent intense offshore-directed flows between mid and high tide. For both low and high-energy waves, very low-frequency pulsations (15–30 min) of the mean currents are observed on both feeder and rip channels.A persistent slow shoreward migration of the sandbar was observed during the experiment while no significant alongshore migration of the system was measured. Onshore migration during the high-energy waves can be explained by different sediment transport processes such as flow velocity skewness, wave asymmetry or bed ventilation. High-frequency local measurements of the bed evolution show the presence of significant (in the order of 10 cm) fluctuations (in the order of 1 h). These fluctuations, observed for both low- and high-energy waves, are thought to be ripples and megaripples, respectively and may play an important but still poorly understood role in the larger scale morphodynamics. The present dataset improves the knowledge of rip dynamics as well as the morphological response of strongly alongshore non-uniform meso-macrotidal beaches.  相似文献   

Modelling sand wave migration in shallow shelf seas   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Sand waves form a prominent regular pattern in the offshore seabed of sandy shallow seas. The positions of sand-wave crests and troughs slowly change in time. Sand waves are usually assumed to migrate in the direction of the residual current. This paper considers the physical mechanisms that may cause sand waves to migrate and methods to quantify the associated migration rates. We carried out a theoretical study based on the assumption that sand waves evolve as free instabilities of the system. A linear stability analysis was then performed on a 2DV morphological model describing the interaction between the vertically varying water motion and an erodible bed in a shallow sea. Here, we disrupted the basic tidal symmetry by choosing a combination of a steady current (M0) and a sinusoidal tidal motion (M2) as the basic flow. We allowed for two different physical mechanisms to generate the steady current: a sea surface wind stress and a pressure gradient. The results show that similar sand waves develop for both flow conditions and that these sand waves migrate slowly in the direction of the residual flow. The rates of migration and wavelengths found in this work agree with theoretical and empirical values reported in the literature.  相似文献   

近断层前方向性效应地震动含有高幅值,短持时的速度脉冲,与远场地震动相比存在显著差异。本文根据所选取的40条近断层地震波记录,用小波分析方法将原始记录分解为脉冲波部分和高频波部分,对弹性和非弹性单自由度体系进行分析,得出了以下结论:对于弹性体系,大约0.484倍的速度脉冲周期可以作为临界周期,脉冲波部分将对固有周期大于临界周期的结构的响应起主导作用,反之,高频波部分将会产生显著影响;对于非弹性体系,仅仅用等效速度脉冲方法模拟近断层地震动的计算精度将会受到延性系数?的影响,随着延性系数的增加,脉冲波部分满足精度要求的结构固有周期范围将明显缩小,并且向较低周期范围偏移;仅用等效速度脉冲模型来模拟近断层地震动具有一定的局限性。  相似文献   

Rossby wave propagation in the presence of a nonseparable Brunt-Väisälä frequency,N(y,z), and the associated geostrophic zonal flow,U(y,z), is examined in this paper. The usual quasi-geostrophic potential vorticity equation only includes vertical variations in Brunt-Väisälä frequency (i.e.N(z)). We derive a linearised quasi-geostrophic potential vorticity equation which explicitly includesN(y, z), where variations inN may occur on the internal Rossby radius length scale. A mixed layer distribution that monotonically deepens in the poleward direction leads to a nonseparableN(y,z). The resulting meridional pressure gradient is balanced by an eastward zonal geostrophic flow.By assuming mixed layer depth changes occur slowly, relative to a typical horizontal wavelength of a Rossby wave, a local analysis is presented. The Rossby wave is found to have a strongly modulated meridional wavenumber,l, with amplitude proportional to |l|–1/2. To elucidate whether the modulations of the Rossby wave are caused by the horizontal variations inN orU we also consider the cases where eitherN orU vary horizontally. Mixed layer depth changes lead to largestl where the mixed layer is deepest, whereasl is reduced in magnitude whereU is nonzero. When bothU(y,z) andN(y,z) are present, the two effects compete with one another, the outcome determined by the size of |c|/U max, wherec is the Rossby wave phase speed. Finally, the slowly varying assumption required for the analytical approach is removed by employing a numerical model. The numerical model is suitable for studying Rossby wave propagation in a rectangular zonal channel with generalN(y, z) andU(y, z).  相似文献   

The echo-amplitude of a 23-m-deep bottom-mounted acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP) shows regular spikes up to 30 dB above background level when a ship passes nearby, due to deep penetration of bubble clouds. This is evidenced from regularly occurring spikes in echo-data that are simultaneous with ferry crossings in a narrow sea-strait. The bubbles can nearly reach the bottom and are comparable in magnitude to near-bottom scattering off suspended material in vigorous tidal currents exceeding 1 m s−1 in magnitude. The bubble clouds mask the sea surface from the echo-amplitude, which hampers the use of an ADCP for estimating atmospheric parameters and near-surface currents, under such conditions. The echo-spikes associated with the ferry are confirmed with coinciding dips in bottom pressure up to 1200 N m−2 and with deviations up to 10° in the ADCP's heading due to pressure waves and magnetic field disturbances from under the ferry and from its rear, respectively.  相似文献   

In a previous paper (Grimshaw, 1987) the resonant forcing of coastally trapped waves was discussed in the barotropic case. In order to extend that theory to more realistic situations, we have considered the analogous theory whereby a longshore current interacts with a longshore topographic feature, or the forcing is due to longshore wind stress, for the case of the continuously stratified ocean. As in the previous theory, near resonance, when a long-wave phase speed is close to zero (in the reference frame of the forcing), the wave motion is governed by a forced evolution equation of the KdV-type. The behaviour of the wave field is characterized by three parameters representing the bandwidth for resonance, the forcing amplitude and the dissipation. We have evaluated these parameters in various practical cases, and found that the bandwidths, which scale with 1/2 when the forcing has dimensionless amplitude , can often be quite broad. Typically the second, third, or higher, modes may be resonant. Concurrently, the dissipation is also usually significant, leading to a steady state balance between the forcing, dissipation and nonlinear terms.  相似文献   

Phil Dyke 《Ocean Dynamics》2005,55(3-4):238-247
Wave trapping and induced flow around an island is examined. The exactly circular island solutions are reprised and the solutions extended, and shown to apply to a stratified sea. The homogeneous solutions are then used to deduce the wave trapping and flow around a near circular island. It turns out that the cotidal pattern for a perfectly circular island is relatively immune to variations in geometry and radially dependent depth variations. This helps explain the similarity in the behaviour of the tides around various islands (the Pribilof Islands near Alaska, Oahu in Hawaii, Cook Island off north west Australia, Bermuda off the eastern coast of the USA, and Bear Island in the Norwegian Sea). The dominant steady drift and its rate of decay off-shore is also calculated.  相似文献   

Previous studies on pounding responses of bridge structures mainly focus on the horizontal pounding between adjacent structures. However, the vertical pounding responses of bridge are rarely studied. The aim of this paper is develop a theoretical approach to investigate the transient behavior of continuous bridge under near‐fault vertical ground motions. The transient behavior of bridge manifests as the earthquake‐induced response wave and pounding‐induced response wave travel throughout bridge. Based on a new continuous model of beam–spring–rod, the theoretical solution of bridge responses involving multiple vertical poundings is derived by the expansion of transient wave functions in a series of eigenfunctions. A new theoretical solving approach of the multiple vertical pounding forces is presented based on the transient internal force on the contact surface of the girder and bearing. The numerical results show that the present method can reasonably capture the propagations of the earthquake‐induced response wave and pounding‐induced response wave. The calculations of pounding force by the present method are convergence of the time‐step size and truncation number of wave modes. As the effect of transient wave is taken into account, the numerical results show several transient phenomena involving the vertical pounding, the high pounding force, the multiple‐pounding phenomenon, the vertical separation of girder from the bearing, the dependence of poundings on earthquake period and the narrow period window of poundings. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


A high vertical resolution model is used to examine the instability of a baroclinic zonal flow and a finite amplitude topographically forced wave. Two families of unstable modes are found, consisting of zonally propagating most unstable modes, and stationary unstable modes. The former have time scale and spatial structure similar to baroclinic synoptic disturbances, but are localized in space due to interaction with the zonally asymmetric forcing. These modes transport heat efficiently in both the zonal and meridional directions. The second family of stationary unstable modes has characteristics of modes of low frequency variability of the atmosphere. They have time scales of 10 days and longer, and are of planetary scale with an equivalent barotropic vertical structure. The horizontal structure resembles blocking flows. They are maintained by available potential energy of the basic wave, and have large zonal heat fluxes. The results for both families of modes are interpreted in terms of an interaction between forcing and baroclinic instability to create favoured regions for eddy development. Applications to baroclinic planetary waves are also considered.  相似文献   

We study the modification of the frequency of small amplitude acoustic gravity waves which propagate in an isothermal turbulent atmosphere that is stratified by a homogeneous gravitational field. Using a Green's function method, the dispersion relation for the frequency of the waves is formulated as an integral eigenvalue equation and it is solved by perturbation techniques. We draw the following main conclusions: (a) for an arbitrary turbulent correlation spectrum the dispersion relation has a root with a negative imaginary part in the unphysical Riemann sheet of the dispersion function, leading to wave attenuation, much in the same way as it happens for Landau damping; (b) the real part of this root differs from the frequency of an acoustic gravity wave propagating in a nonturbulent medium and, for all forms of the turbulent correlation spectrum, the absolute value of this difference increases if gravity increases; (c) for a Gaussian turbulent correlation spectrum, this difference is always positive; (d) conversely if this frequency difference is known from observations, the auto-correlation function of the temperature fluctuations can be calculated through a simple inversion formula.  相似文献   

Vertical turbulent diffusivity (Kz), which can be estimated from water temperature, is a key factor in the evolution of water quality in lentic waters. In this study, we analysed the capability of a three-dimensional hydrodynamic model (EFDC) to capture water temperature and vertical diffusivity in Lake Arendsee in the Northern German plain. Of particular interest to us is to evaluate the model performance for capturing the diffusion minimum within the metalimnion and analyse the response of the metalimnetic Kz to meteorological forcing, namely changing wind speed and warming. The comparison confirmed that the calibrated model could reproduce both stratification dynamics and vertical diffusion profiles in the lake. The model was also shown to be able to capture the duration and vertical extent of the metalimnetic diffusion minimum. The scenario results illustrate that, compared to air temperature, wind velocity appeared to be the more influential meteorological variable on the vertical exchange within the metalimnion. While increasing wind velocities mostly affected the minimum values of Kz in the metalimnion and thus led to intensified vertical exchange, the reduction of wind velocity mostly affected the depth of minimal Kz, but not its absolute value.  相似文献   

基于全天空F-P干涉仪反演热层垂直中性风   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
胡国元  艾勇  张燕革  刘珏  顾健 《地球物理学报》2014,57(11):3695-3702
由于测量与计算的难度,对热层垂直中性风的观测还很不够,这影响了人们对热层及热层-电离层耦合的认识.本文基于全天空法布里-珀罗干涉仪(FPI)对热层风场的观测,提出了一种反演垂直中性风的方法.利用该方法,对北极黄河站全天空FPI观测数据进行了垂直中性风的反演计算,结果表明,高热层与低热层的垂直风平均幅值分别在40 m·s-1和15 m·s-1,且垂直风日变化表现出明显的时间演变特性,且与地磁ap指数的变化有一定的相关性,在地磁活动强烈时,低热层垂直风会出现高达100 m·s-1的扰动,高热层甚至会达到300 m·s-1的扰动,这些特征与其他学者的观测结果相一致.本文方法不需要假设垂直风均值为零,也不用限制FPI的观测方位,可用于垂直风的反演.  相似文献   

Accelerograms recorded near active faults have some important characteristics that make them different from those recorded in far-fault regions. High-frequency components in acceleration records and long-period velocity pulses are among notable specifications of such ground motions. In this paper, a moving average filtering with appropriate cut-off frequency has been used to decompose the near-fault ground motions into two components having different frequency contents: first, Pulse-Type Record (PTR) that possesses long-period pulses; second, the relatively high-frequency BackGround Record (BGR), which does not include large velocity pulses. Comparing the results with those extracted through wavelet analysis shows that moving average filter is an appropriate and efficient tool for near-fault records decomposition. The method is applied to decompose a suite of 91 selected near-fault records and the elastic response of structures is examined through their response to the decomposed parts. The results emphasizes that in contrast with ordinary far-fault earthquake records, response spectra of near-fault ground motions typically have two distinct local peaks, which are representatives of the high- and low-frequency components, i.e., BGR and PTR, respectively. Moreover, a threshold period is identified below which the response of structures is dominated by BGR while PTR controls the response of structures with periods longer than this period.  相似文献   

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