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The motivation for this paper is to provide expressions for first-order partial derivatives of reflection point coordinates, taken with respect to model parameters. Such derivatives are expected to be useful for processes dealing with the problem of estimating velocities for depth migration of seismic data.The subject of the paper is a particular aspect of ray perturbation theory, where observed parameters—two-way reflection time and horizontal components of slowness, are constraining the ray path when parameters of the reference velocity model are perturbed. The methodology described here is applicable to general rays in a 3D isotropic, heterogeneous medium. Each ray is divided into a shot ray and a receiver ray, i.e., the ray portions between the shot/receiver and the reflection point, respectively. Furthermore, by freezing the initial horizontal slowness of these subrays as the model is perturbed,elementary perturbation quantities may be obtained, comprising derivatives of ray hit positions within theisochrone tangent plane, as well as corresponding time derivatives. The elementary quantities may be estimated numerically, by use of ray perturbation theory, or in some cases, analytically. In particular, when the layer above the reflection point is homogeneous, explicit formulas can be derived. When the elementary quantities are known,reflection point derivatives can be obtained efficiently from a set of linear expressions.The method is applicable for a common shot, receiver or offset data sorting. For these gather types, reflection point perturbationlaterally with respect to the isochrone is essentially different. However, in theperpendicular direction, a first-order perturbation is shown to beindependent of gather type.To evaluate the theory, reflection point derivatives were estimated analytically and numerically. I also compared first-order approximations to true reflection point curves, obtained by retracing rays for a number of model perturbations. The results are promising, especially with respect to applications in sensitivity analysis for prestack depth migration and in velocity model updating.  相似文献   

The 4 × 4 T -propagator matrix of a 3D central ray determines, among other important seismic quantities, second-order (parabolic or hyperbolic) two-point traveltime approximations of certain paraxial rays in the vicinity of the known central ray through a 3D medium consisting of inhomogeneous isotropic velocity layers. These rays result from perturbing the start and endpoints of the central ray on smoothly curved anterior and posterior surfaces. The perturbation of each ray endpoint is described only by a two-component vector. Here, we provide parabolic and hyperbolic paraxial two-point traveltime approximations using the T -propagator to feature a number of useful 3D seismic models, putting particular emphasis on expressing the traveltimes for paraxial primary reflected rays in terms of hyperbolic approximations. These are of use in solving several forward and inverse seismic problems. Our results simplify those in which the perturbation of the ray endpoints upon a curved interface is described by a three-component vector. In order to emphasize the importance of the hyperbolic expression, we show that the hyperbolic paraxial-ray traveltime (in terms of four independent variables) is exact for the case of a primary ray reflected from a planar dipping interface below a homogeneous velocity medium.  相似文献   

The common ray approximation considerably simplifies the numerical algorithm of the coupling ray theory for S waves, but may introduce errors in travel times due to the perturbation from the common reference ray. These travel-time errors can deteriorate the coupling-ray-theory solution at high frequencies. It is thus of principal importance for numerical applications to estimate the errors due to the common ray approximation.We derive the equations for estimating the travel-time errors due to the isotropic and anisotropic common ray approximations of the coupling ray theory. These equations represent the main result of the paper. The derivation is based on the general equations for the second-order perturbations of travel time. The accuracy of the anisotropic common ray approximation can be studied along the isotropic common rays, without tracing the anisotropic common rays.The derived equations are numerically tested in three 1-D models of differing degree of anisotropy. The first-order and second-order perturbation expansions of travel time from the isotropic common rays to anisotropic-ray-theory rays are compared with the anisotropic-ray-theory travel times. The errors due to the isotropic common ray approximation and due to the anisotropic common ray approximation are estimated. In the numerical example, the errors of the anisotropic common ray approximation are considerably smaller than the errors of the isotropic common ray approximation.The effect of the isotropic common ray approximation on the coupling-ray-theory synthetic seismograms is demonstrated graphically. For comparison, the effects of the quasi-isotropic projection of the Green tensor, of the quasi-isotropic approximation of the Christoffel matrix, and of the quasi-isotropic perturbation of travel times on the coupling-ray-theory synthetic seismograms are also shown. The projection of the travel-time errors on the relative errors of the time-harmonic Green tensor is briefly presented.  相似文献   

The common-ray approximation eliminates problems with ray tracing through S-wave singularities and also considerably simplifies the numerical algorithm of the coupling ray theory for S waves, but may introduce errors in travel times due to the perturbation from the common reference ray. These travel-time errors can deteriorate the coupling-ray-theory solution at high frequencies. It is thus of principal importance for numerical applications to estimate the errors due to the common-ray approximation applied. The anisotropic-common-ray approximation of the coupling ray theory is more accurate than the isotropic-common-ray approximation. We derive the equations for estimating the travel-time errors due to the anisotropic-common-ray (and also isotropic-common-ray) approximation of the coupling ray theory. The errors of the common-ray approximations are calculated along the anisotropic common rays in smooth velocity models without interfaces. The derivation is based on the general equations for the second-order perturbations of travel time.  相似文献   

A comprehensive approach, based on the general nonlinear ray perturbation theory (Druzhinin, 1991), is proposed for both a fast and accurate uniform asymptotic solution of forward and inverse kinematic problems in anisotropic media. It has been developed to modify the standard ray linearization procedures when they become inconsistent, by providing a predictable truncation error of ray perturbation series. The theoretical background consists in a set of recurrent expressions for the perturbations of all orders for calculating approximately the body wave phase and group velocities, polarization, travel times, ray trajectories, paraxial rays and also the slowness vectors or reflected/transmitted waves in terms of elastic tensor perturbations. We assume that any elastic medium can be used as an unperturbed medium. A total 2-D numerical testing of these expressions has been established within the transverse isotropy to verify the accuracy and convergence of perturbation series when the elastic constants are perturbed. Seismological applications to determine crack-induced anisotropy parameters on VSP travel times for the different wave types in homogeneous and horizontally layered, transversally isotropic and orthorhombic structures are also presented. A number of numerical tests shows that this method is in general stable with respect to the choice of the reference model and the errors in the input data. A proof of uniqueness is provided by an interactive analysis of the sensitivity functions, which are also used for choosing optimum source/receiver locations. Finally, software has been developed for a desktop computer and applied to interpreting specific real VSP observations as well as explaining the results of physical modelling for a 3-D crack model with the estimation of crack parameters.  相似文献   

We describe the behaviour of the anisotropic–ray–theory S–wave rays in a velocity model with a split intersection singularity. The anisotropic–ray–theory S–wave rays crossing the split intersection singularity are smoothly but very sharply bent. While the initial–value rays can be safely traced by solving Hamilton’s equations of rays, it is often impossible to determine the coefficients of the equations of geodesic deviation (paraxial ray equations, dynamic ray tracing equations) and to solve them numerically. As a result, we often know neither the matrix of geometrical spreading, nor the phase shift due to caustics. We demonstrate the abrupt changes of the geometrical spreading and wavefront curvature of the fast anisotropic–ray–theory S wave. We also demonstrate the formation of caustics and wavefront triplication of the slow anisotropic–ray–theory S wave.Since the actual S waves propagate approximately along the SH and SV reference rays in this velocity model, we compare the anisotropic–ray–theory S–wave rays with the SH and SV reference rays. Since the coupling ray theory is usually calculated along the anisotropic common S–wave rays, we also compare the anisotropic common S–wave rays with the SH and SV reference rays.  相似文献   

Explicit equations for the spatial derivatives and perturbation derivatives of amplitude in both isotropic and anisotropic media are derived. The spatial and perturbation derivatives of the logarithm of amplitude can be calculated by numerical quadratures along the rays. The spatial derivatives of amplitude may be useful in calculating the higher-order terms in the ray series, in calculating the higher-order amplitude coefficients of Gaussian beams, in estimating the accuracy of zero-order approximations of both the ray method and Gaussian beams, in estimating the accuracy of the paraxial approximation of individual Gaussian beams, or in estimating the accuracy of the asymptotic summation of paraxial Gaussian beams. The perturbation derivatives of amplitude may be useful in perturbation expansions from elastic to viscoelastic media and in estimating the accuracy of the common-ray approximations of the amplitude in the coupling ray theory.  相似文献   

The coupling ray theory bridges the gap between the isotropic and anisotropic ray theories, and is considerably more accurate than the anisotropic ray theory. The coupling ray theory is often approximated by various quasi-isotropic approximations.Commonly used quasi-isotropic approximations of the coupling ray theory are discussed. The exact analytical solution for the plane S wave, propagating along the axis of spirality in the 1-D anisotropic oblique twisted crystal model, is then numerically compared with the coupling ray theory and its three quasi-isotropic approximations. The three quasi-isotropic approximations of the coupling ray theory are (a) the quasi-isotropic projection of the Green tensor, (b) the quasi-isotropic approximation of the Christoffel matrix, (c) the quasi-isotropic perturbation of travel times. The comparison is carried out numerically in the frequency domain, comparing the exact analytical solution with the results of the 3-D ray tracing and coupling ray theory software. In the oblique twisted crystal model, the three studied quasi-isotropic approximations considerably increase the error of the coupling ray theory. Since these three quasi-isotropic approximations do not noticeably simplify the numerical implementation of the coupling ray theory, they should deffinitely be avoided. The common ray approximations of the coupling ray theory do not affect the plane wave, propagating along the axis of spirality in the 1-D oblique twisted crystal model, and should be studied in more complex models.  相似文献   

Diffraction and anelasticity problems involving decaying, evanescent or inhomogeneous waves can be studied and modelled using the notion of complex rays. The wavefront or eikonal equation for such waves is in general complex and leads to rays in complex position-slowness space. Initial conditions must be specified in that domain: for example, even for a wave originating in a perfectly elastic region, the ray to a real receiver in a neighbouring anelastic region generally departs from a complex point on the initial-values surface. Complex ray theory is the formal extension of the usual Hamilton equations to complex domains. Liouville's phase-space-incompressibility theorem and Fermat's stationary-time principle are formally unchanged. However, an infinity of paths exists between two fixed points in complex space all of which give the same final slowness, travel time, amplitude, etc. This does not contradict the fact that for a given receiver position there is a unique point on the initial-values surface from which this infinite complex ray family emanates. In perfectly elastic media complex rays are associated with, for example, evanescent waves in the shadow of a caustic. More generally, caustics in anelastic media may lie just outside the real coordinate subspace and one must trace complex rays around the complex caustic in order to obtain accurate waveforms nearby or the turning waves at greater distances into the lit region. The complex extension of the Maslov method for computing such waveforms is described. It uses the complex extension of the Legendre transformation and the extra freedom of complex rays makes pseudocaustics avoidable. There is no need to introduce a Maslov/KMAH index to account for caustics in the geometrical ray approximation, the complex amplitude being generally continuous. Other singular ray problems, such as the strong coupling around acoustic axes in anisotropic media, may also be addressed using complex rays. Complex rays are insightful and practical for simple models (e.g. homogeneous layers). For more complicated numerical work, though, it would be desirable to confine attention to real position coordinates. Furthermore, anelasticity implies dispersion so that complex rays are generally frequency dependent. The concept of group velocity as the velocity of a spatial or temporal maximum of a narrow-band wave packet does lead to real ray/Hamilton equations. However, envelope-maximum tracking does not itself yield enough information to compute synthetic seismograms. For anelasticity which is weak in certain precise senses, one can set up a theory of real, dispersive wave-packet tracking suitable for synthetic seismogram calculations in linearly visco-elastic media. The seismologically-accepiable constant-Q rheology of Liu et al. (1976), for example, satisfies the requirements of this wave-packet theory, which is adapted from electromagnetics and presented as a reasonable physical and mathematical basis for ray modelling in inhomogeneous, anisotropic, anelastic media. Dispersion means that one may need to do more work than for elastic media. However, one can envisage perturbation analyses based on the ray theory presented here, as well as extensions like Maslov's which are based on the Hamiltonian properties.  相似文献   

The behaviour of the actual polarization of an electromagnetic wave or elastic S–wave is described by the coupling ray theory, which represents the generalization of both the zero–order isotropic and anisotropic ray theories and provides continuous transition between them. The coupling ray theory is usually applied to anisotropic common reference rays, but it is more accurate if it is applied to reference rays which are closer to the actual wave paths. In a generally anisotropic or bianisotropic medium, the actual wave paths may be approximated by the anisotropic–ray–theory rays if these rays behave reasonably. In an approximately uniaxial (approximately transversely isotropic) anisotropic medium, we can define and trace the SH (ordinary) and SV (extraordinary) reference rays, and use them as reference rays for the prevailing–frequency approximation of the coupling ray theory. In both cases, i.e. for the anisotropic–ray–theory rays or the SH and SV reference rays, we have two sets of reference rays. We thus obtain two arrivals along each reference ray of the first set and have to select the correct one. Analogously, we obtain two arrivals along each reference ray of the second set and have to select the correct one. In this paper, we suggest the way of selecting the correct arrivals. We then demonstrate the accuracy of the resulting prevailing–frequency approximation of the coupling ray theory using elastic S waves along the SH and SV reference rays in four different approximately uniaxial (approximately transversely isotropic) velocity models.  相似文献   

Diffraction and anelasticity problems involving decaying, “evanescent” or “inhomogeneous” waves can be studied and modelled using the notion of “complex rays”. The wavefront or “eikonal” equation for such waves is in general complex and leads to rays in complex position-slowness space. Initial conditions must be specified in that domain: for example, even for a wave originating in a perfectly elastic region, the ray to a real receiver in a neighbouring anelastic region generally departs from a complex point on the initial-values surface. Complex ray theory is the formal extension of the usual Hamilton equations to complex domains. Liouville's phase-space-incompressibility theorem and Fermat's stationary-time principle are formally unchanged. However, an infinity of paths exists between two fixed points in complex space all of which give the same final slowness, travel time, amplitude, etc. This does not contradict the fact that for a given receiver position there is a unique point on the initial-values surface from which this infinite complex ray family emanates.In perfectly elastic media complex rays are associated with, for example, evanescent waves in the shadow of a caustic. More generally, caustics in anelastic media may lie just outside the real coordinate subspace and one must trace complex rays around the complex caustic in order to obtain accurate waveforms nearby or the turning waves at greater distances into the lit region. The complex extension of the Maslov method for computing such waveforms is described. It uses the complex extension of the Legendre transformation and the extra freedom of complex rays makes pseudocaustics avoidable. There is no need to introduce a Maslov/KMAH index to account for caustics in the geometrical ray approximation, the complex amplitude being generally continuous. Other singular ray problems, such as the strong coupling around acoustic axes in anisotropic media, may also be addressed using complex rays.Complex rays are insightful and practical for simple models (e.g. homogeneous layers). For more complicated numerical work, though, it would be desirable to confine attention to real position coordinates. Furthermore, anelasticity implies dispersion so that complex rays are generally frequency dependent. The concept of group velocity as the velocity of a spatial or temporal maximum of a narrow-band wave packet does lead to real ray/Hamilton equations. However, envelope-maximum tracking does not itself yield enough information to compute synthetic seismogramsFor anelasticity which is weak in certain precise senses, one can set up a theory of real, dispersive wave-packet tracking suitable for synthetic seismogram calculations in linearly visco-elastic media. The seismologically-accepiable constant-Q rheology of Liu et al. (1976), for example, satisfies the requirements of this wave-packet theory, which is adapted from electromagnetics and presented as a reasonable physical and mathematical basis for ray modelling in inhomogeneous, anisotropic, anelastic media. Dispersion means that one may need to do more work than for elastic media. However, one can envisage perturbation analyses based on the ray theory presented here, as well as extensions like Maslov's which are based on the Hamiltonian properties.  相似文献   

Wavefront construction (WFC) methods provide robust tools for computing ray theoretical traveltimes and amplitudes for multivalued wavefields. They simulate a wavefront propagating through a model using a mesh that is refined adaptively to ensure accuracy as rays diverge during propagation. However, an implementation for quasi-shear (qS) waves in anisotropic media can be very difficult, since the two qS slowness surfaces and wavefronts often intersect at shear-wave singularities. This complicates the task of creating the initial wavefront meshes, as a particular wavefront will be the faster qS-wave in some directions, but slower in others. Analogous problems arise during interpolation as the wavefront propagates, when an existing mesh cell that crosses a singularity on the wavefront is subdivided. Particle motion vectors provide the key information for correctly generating and interpolating wavefront meshes, as they will normally change slowly along a wavefront. Our implementation tests particle motion vectors to ensure correct initialization and propagation of the mesh for the chosen wave type and to confirm that the vectors change gradually along the wavefront. With this approach, the method provides a robust and efficient algorithm for modeling shear-wave propagation in a 3-D, anisotropic medium. We have successfully tested the qS-wave WFC in transversely isotropic models that include line singularities and kiss singularities. Results from a VTI model with a strong vertical gradient in velocity also show the accuracy of the implementation. In addition, we demonstrate that the WFC method can model a wavefront with a triplication caused by intrinsic anisotropy and that its multivalued traveltimes are mapped accurately. Finally, qS-wave synthetic seismograms are validated against an independent, full-waveform solution.  相似文献   

The coupling ray theory is usually applied to anisotropic common reference rays, but it is more accurate if it is applied to reference rays which are closer to the actual wave paths. If we know that a medium is close to uniaxial (transversely isotropic), it may be advantageous to trace reference rays which resemble the SH–wave and SV–wave rays. This paper is devoted to defining and tracing these SH and SV reference rays of elastic S waves in a heterogeneous generally anisotropic medium which is approximately uniaxial (approximately transversely isotropic), and to the corresponding equations of geodesic deviation (dynamic ray tracing). All presented equations are simultaneously applicable to ordinary and extraordinary reference rays of electromagnetic waves in a generally bianisotropic medium which is approximately uniaxially anisotropic. The improvement of the coupling–ray–theory seismograms calculated along the proposed SH and SV reference rays, compared to the coupling–ray–theory seismograms calculated along the anisotropic common reference rays, has already been numerically demonstrated by the authors in four approximately uniaxial velocity models.  相似文献   

I introduce a new explicit form of vertical seismic profile (VSP) traveltime approximation for a 2D model with non‐horizontal boundaries and anisotropic layers. The goal of the new approximation is to dramatically decrease the cost of time calculations by reducing the number of calculated rays in a complex multi‐layered anisotropic model for VSP walkaway data with many sources. This traveltime approximation extends the generalized moveout approximation proposed by Fomel and Stovas. The new equation is designed for borehole seismic geometry where the receivers are placed in a well while the sources are on the surface. For this, the time‐offset function is presented as a sum of odd and even functions. Coefficients in this approximation are determined by calculating the traveltime and its first‐ and second‐order derivatives at five specific rays. Once these coefficients are determined, the traveltimes at other rays are calculated by this approximation. Testing this new approximation on a 2D anisotropic model with dipping boundaries shows its very high accuracy for offsets three times the reflector depths. The new approximation can be used for 2D anisotropic models with tilted symmetry axes for practical VSP geometry calculations. The new explicit approximation eliminates the need of massive ray tracing in a complicated velocity model for multi‐source VSP surveys. This method is designed not for NMO correction but for replacing conventional ray tracing for time calculations.  相似文献   

We present preserved‐amplitude downward continuation migration formulas in the aperture angle domain. Our approach is based on shot‐receiver wavefield continuation. Since source and receiver points are close to the image point, a local homogeneous reference velocity can be approximated after redatuming. We analyse this approach in the framework of linearized inversion of Kirchhoff and Born approximations. From our analysis, preserved‐amplitude Kirchhoff and Born inverse formulas can be derived for the 2D case. They involve slant stacks of filtered subsurface offset domain common image gathers followed by the application of the appropriate weighting factors. For the numerical implementation of these formulas, we develop an algorithm based on the true amplitude version of the one‐way paraxial approximation. Finally, we demonstrate the relevance of our approach with a set of applications on synthetic datasets and compare our results with those obtained on the Marmousi model by multi‐arrival ray‐based preserved‐amplitude migration. While results are similar, we observe that our results are less affected by artefacts.  相似文献   

Two particular sources of distortion, which may be encountered when applying tomographic imaging techniques to crosshole seismic data, have been investigated. Errors in survey locations of the shots and receivers can produce significant distortions in the images obtained. A simple method for solving simultaneously for the velocity field and shot and receiver location errors is presented and applied to synthetic and real data. Reflection and refraction of rays at velocity interfaces may produce poor density and angular coverage of the rays within the region of interest. It is shown that the effect of the velocity field on the ray coverage can significantly affect the resolution in the velocity image, even if ray bending is taken into account. One consequence of this effect is that, in some cases, little improvement in image quality is achieved by using curvi-ray rather than straight-ray inversion techniques, despite the occurrence of pronounced ray bending.  相似文献   

王潇  杨锴 《地球物理学报》2018,61(12):4954-4964
基于二维VTI介质拟声波程函方程,应用射线扰动理论建立了该方程控制下的数据空间各参数对于模型空间各个参数之间的线性关系,从而获得二维VTI介质拟声波程函方程的各向异性立体层析核函数.考虑到拟声波近似程函方程中η参数与εδ存在强烈耦合,本文首先探讨椭圆各向异性情形,为二维拟声波程函方程椭圆各向异性立体层析算法奠定了理论基础.同时也为日后推广到非椭圆各向异性情况提供了一种获得高质量初始模型的可靠途径.理论数据算例证实了Fréchet核函数求取的正确性以及在此基础上设计的工作流程实现两参数反演的可行性.  相似文献   

Spectral methods provide artefact‐free and generally dispersion‐free wavefield extrapolation in anisotropic media. Their apparent weakness is in accessing the medium‐inhomogeneity information in an efficient manner. This is usually handled through a velocity‐weighted summation (interpolation) of representative constant‐velocity extrapolated wavefields, with the number of these extrapolations controlled by the effective rank of the original mixed‐domain operator or, more specifically, by the complexity of the velocity model. Conversely, with pseudo‐spectral methods, because only the space derivatives are handled in the wavenumber domain, we obtain relatively efficient access to the inhomogeneity in isotropic media, but we often resort to weak approximations to handle the anisotropy efficiently. Utilizing perturbation theory, I isolate the contribution of anisotropy to the wavefield extrapolation process. This allows us to factorize as much of the inhomogeneity in the anisotropic parameters as possible out of the spectral implementation, yielding effectively a pseudo‐spectral formulation. This is particularly true if the inhomogeneity of the dimensionless anisotropic parameters are mild compared with the velocity (i.e., factorized anisotropic media). I improve on the accuracy by using the Shanks transformation to incorporate a denominator in the expansion that predicts the higher‐order omitted terms; thus, we deal with fewer terms for a high level of accuracy. In fact, when we use this new separation‐based implementation, the anisotropy correction to the extrapolation can be applied separately as a residual operation, which provides a tool for anisotropic parameter sensitivity analysis. The accuracy of the approximation is high, as demonstrated in a complex tilted transversely isotropic model.  相似文献   

叠前地震数据特征波场分解、偏移成像与层析反演   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
本文提出了一套叠前地震数据稀疏表达(特征波场合成)、深度偏移成像和层析成像的处理流程.不同于传统的变换域中的数据稀疏表达理论,本文利用局部平面波的传播方向(慢度矢量),在中心炮检点处同时进行波束合成,从而将地震数据投影到局部平面波域(高维空间)中.由于波束合成后的地震数据描述了局部平面波的方向特征,因此称之为特征波场.然而波束合成算法需要估计局部平面波的慢度矢量.当地震数据受噪声干扰时,难以在常规τ-p谱中自动估计局部平面波的射线参数(慢度矢量).本文提出了基于反演理论的特征波场合成方法,可以同时反演局部平面波及其传播方向,从而提高特征波合成的自动化程度并保持方法的稳健性.通过特征波场合成,可以将地震数据分解为单独的震相(波形).这样的数据可以直接用来成像及反演.在局部平面波域中,由于局部平面波的入射与出射射线参数已知,传统的Kirchhoff叠前深度偏移(PSDM)和高斯束/控制束PSDM可以实现从"沿等时面的画弧"到"向反射点(段)的直接投影"的转变,叠前偏移的效率以及成像质量可以同时提高.此外,特征波场与地下反射点(段)的一对一映射关系使得叠前深度偏移与层析成像融为一体,可以极大地提高速度反演的效率.数值试验证明了特征波场合成、叠前深度成像以及层析反演的有效性.  相似文献   

Determination of the ray vector (the unit vector specifying the direction of the group velocity vector) corresponding to a given wave normal (the unit vector parallel to the phase velocity vector or slowness vector) in an arbitrary anisotropic medium can be performed using the exact formula following from the ray tracing equations. The determination of the wave normal from the ray vector is, generally, a more complicated task, which is usually solved iteratively. We present a first-order perturbation formula for the approximate determination of the ray vector from a given wave normal and vice versa. The formula is applicable to qP as well as qS waves in directions, in which the waves can be dealt with separately (i.e. outside singular directions of qS waves). Performance of the approximate formulae is illustrated on models of transversely isotropic and orthorhombic symmetry. We show that the formula for the determination of the ray vector from the wave normal yields rather accurate results even for strong anisotropy. The formula for the determination of the wave normal from the ray vector works reasonably well in directions, in which the considered waves have convex slowness surfaces. Otherwise, it can yield, especially for stronger anisotropy, rather distorted results.  相似文献   

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