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华北山区坡地产流规律试验研究 总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13
人工模拟降雨是研究坡地产流规律的一种有效手段。在华北石质山区东台沟流域的5m×10m的坡面径流小区中,进行了13场不同雨强和历时的人工模拟降雨试验,并同步监测了降雨、地表径流、壤中流、风化带出流和土壤含水量。结果表明,各层出流过程均呈现起涨与回落迅速的特点;相比较而言,地表径流和壤中流的退水很快,而风化带出流的退水则相对缓慢。地表径流量是研究小区内总径流的主要组成部分,其占了总径流量的60%以上,在大雨强下甚至能超过90%。径流系数主要受雨强、降雨量、土壤前期含水量的影响,它们的多元线性回归关系式为琢=0.002P 0.182i 4.88Wa-0.821。地表径流、壤中流、风化带的出流滞时与降雨强度均符合幂函数关系。可将退水常数分为2层,计算得到地表径流退水常数为0.75,壤中流和基岩风化带出流的退水常数为0.94;研究区主要以超渗产流方式为主,可以用Horton模型来描述,在不同雨强下均监测到了约0.10mm/min的深层渗漏,该值可以认为是该区的稳定入渗率。 相似文献
华北石质山区坡地产流模型 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
坡地是流域的基本产流单元。对坡地产流模型的研究,可为研究流域的水文过程奠定基础。本文在认识坡地产流规律的基础上,经过对人工模拟降雨试验中取得的产流各个环节(降雨、出流及土壤含水量变化)的数据的分析,建立了一个具有物理机制的简单的坡面产流模型。其中,使用Horton模型模拟入渗和地表产流过程,用水箱模型模拟壤中流过程。模型能够同时对降雨过程中的地表、地下出流和土壤含水量变化过程进行模拟。计算得到的产流总量的误差较小,但在变化过程线上存在一些差异。这些差异主要是由模型对实际情况的简化和假定、数学模拟的局限性、变雨强降雨过程的复杂性等因素引起的。这种分层组合的坡面产流模型对华北石质山区的上层超渗、下层蓄满的产流特征是可行的。本文所做的工作是对华北石质山区分布式水文模型的产流模块的初步尝试。 相似文献
南方丘陵山区现代农业可持续发展模式研究 总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6
从区域农业可持续发展的观点和农业生态系统的原理出发,认为促进南方丘陵山区现代农业可持续发展具有巨大的经济、生态和政治意义,提出了“以生态为基础,以科技为主导”的“生态 现代生产 现代经营管理 现代科技 现代市场体系”的可持续发展模式。 相似文献
本文首次计算并分析了我国亚热带东部山区坡面辐射平衡各分量,重点讨论了净辐射的地理分布特征及其变化规律。结果表明,本区各坡向年均净辐射的分布都具有南北高、中间低的特点、湘鄂西部为最低值区。夏季因受副高控制的影响,净辐射分布形势差别较大。净辐射在各坡向间的差异以冬季最大,夏季最小。夏季南、北坡净辐射随坡度的变化形式基本相同,冬季则安全相反。净辐射的年变幅以南坡最小、东、西坡次之,北坡最大。本文计算结果还揭示出冬季在本地区北坡的面净辐射可出现包值的新事实。 相似文献
中国东部亚热带丘陵山区土地退化坡面分带性的成因 总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6
中国东部地区流水侵蚀所引起的土地退化具有明显的坡面分带性。以安徽绩溪、浙江兰溪和广东五华为典型区,从坡地地貌及其所引起破面侵蚀分带性入手,通过坡面不同部位地面物质及其理化性质、养分和水分状况以及植被、侵蚀地貌形态的分析,探讨土地退化坡面分带性的成因。 相似文献
本文给出了“农业开发模式”的定义。把农业开发模式作为一个农业经济系统,其中各个开发项目(或部门)作为该系统的内部因素,运用灰色关联分析方法,揭示出因素之间的内在联系。在此基础上,提出了调整或完善泰和县丘陵山区所选具体模式的建议。 相似文献
中国建设用地的坡谱演化规律与爬坡影响 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
城镇建设用地规模与结构变化是国土空间开发与规划研究的基础。以往相关研究更关注建设用地水平空间扩张格局特征与模式,极少关注建设用地三维梯度上的“爬坡”特征规律与影响。因此,本文基于Google Earth Engine(GEE),并结合高精度地形数据与土地利用数据,在建设用地坡谱概念基础上,首次构建了平均建设用地爬坡指数(ABCI),系统地分析了1990—2018年中国建设用地坡谱在国家、区域、省级和城市4个尺度上的变化特征与规律并深入剖析建设用地爬坡的空间影响。结果显示:① 1990—2018年中国坡度5°以上地区建设用地面积增长了1.43倍,比例由10.25%上升至14.81%。其中2010—2015年是建设用地爬坡发展最迅速与规模最大的时期,且中西部地区建设用地爬坡最为显著。② 依据平均建设用地爬坡指数与上限坡度变化,可将中国34个省(自治区、直辖市)划分为高爬坡型、低爬坡型和水平扩展型3类,其中高爬坡型省份占50%以上,水平扩展型省份仅有7个,在空间上呈现“东南—西北”的两极分布特征。③ 1990—2010年爬坡型城市以山地与丘陵地貌城市为主,2010年后少数民族聚居区及低丘缓坡开发试点城市成为建设用地爬坡的主力。④ 建设用地爬坡在一定程度上能够减少建设用地扩张对平原优质耕地与生态用地的胁迫和侵占,缓解建设用地供需矛盾,但是无规划约束的开发和房地产驱动的“削山造地”则会导致地质灾害和生态环境风险的增加。 相似文献
自然环境恶劣、站点稀少、观测困难是干旱区水文系统研究面临的基本问题。特殊的自然地理条件给水文过程带来了极大的复杂性和不确定性,也阻碍了干旱区水文过程和机理研究的发展。选取塔里木河源区开都河流域为研究区,采用分布式水文模型MIKE SHE模拟大尺度资料稀缺地区水文过程,将流域内气象、水文站点数据与遥感数据相结合,利用气象、土壤类型、土地利用和地表覆盖、数字高程(DEM)和降雨等资料,模拟流域水文过程;在出山口径流数据的基础上对模型进行率定和验证;分析了模型中的不确定性的来源,探讨模型优化方法。结果表明,MIKE SHE模型能在水文、气象站点稀少,土壤及水文地质数据缺乏的条件下,模拟开都河流域的日径流过程,但精度仍有待提高;通过分析识别出了隐含于模型结构、输入及参数等3个方面的8种不确定性来源。 相似文献
XU Jing-Ji YANG Cong LIU Chang-Meng SONG Xian-Fang HU Shan-Shan LI Fa-Dong TANG Chang-Yuan 《地理学报》2009,30(4):461-470
Simulated rainfall is a valid tool to examine the runoff generation on the slope.13 simulated rainfall experiments with different rainfall intensities and durations are completed in a 5 m ×10 m experimental plot in mountainous area of North China.Simultaneously,rainfall,surface runoff,soil-layer flow,mantel-layer flow and soil moisture are monitored respectively.From the results,it is found that the hydrographs in all layers have the characteristics of rapid rise and fall.The recessions of surface flow and soil-layer flow are much faster than that of mantel-layer flow.Surface flow,the main contributor,makes up more than 60% of the total runoff in the study area.It even exceeds 90% in the cases of high intensity rainfall events.Runoff coefficient(ratio of total runoff to rainfall amount) is mainly influenced by rainfall amount,rainfall intensity and antecedent soil moisture,and the relationship can be well expressed by a multiple linear regression function α = 0.002P + 0.182i + 4.88Wa-0.821.The relation between the rainfall intensity and the lag time of three flows(surface runoff,soil-layer flow and mantel-layer flow) is shown to be exponential.Then,the result also shows that the recession constant is 0.75 for surface runoff,is 0.94 for soil-layer and mantel-layer flow in this area.In this study area,the dominant infiltration excess runoff is simulated by Horton model.About 0.10 mm/min percolation is observed under the condition of different rainfall intensities,therefore the value is regarded as the steady infiltration rate of the study area. 相似文献
西北地区山区融雪期气候变化对径流量的影响(英文) 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
Water resources in the arid land of Northwest China mainly derive from snow and glacier melt water in mountainous areas. So the study on onset, cessation, length, tempera-ture and precipitation of snowmelt period is of great significance for allocating limited water resources reasonably and taking scientific water resources management measures. Using daily mean temperature and precipitation from 8 mountainous weather stations over the pe-riod 1960?2010 in the arid land of Northwest China, this paper analyzes climate change of snowmelt period and its spatial variations and explores the sensitivity of runoff to length, temperature and precipitation of snowmelt period. The results show that mean onset of snowmelt period has shifted 15.33 days earlier while mean ending date has moved 9.19 days later. Onset of snowmelt period in southern Tianshan Mountains moved 20.01 days earlier while that in northern Qilian Mountains moved only 10.16 days earlier. Mean precipitation and air temperature increased by 47.3 mm and 0.857℃ in the mountainous areas of Northwest China, respectively. The precipitation of snowmelt period increased the fastest, which is ob-served in southern Tianshan Mountains, up to 65 mm, and the precipitation and temperature in northern Kunlun Mountains increased the slowest, an increase of 25 mm and 0.617℃, respectively, while the temperature in northern Qilian Mountains increased the fastest, in-creasing by 1.05℃. The annual runoff is also sensitive to the variations of precipitation and temperature of snowmelt period, because variation of precipitation induces annual runoff change by 7.69% while change of snowmelt period temperature results in annual runoff change by 14.15%. 相似文献
黄土丘陵沟壑区极端降雨事件及其对径流泥沙的影响 总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5
半干旱黄土丘陵沟壑区是我国水土流失的重灾区。在全球气候变化的大背景下,极端降雨事件时有发生,加重了区域水土流失防治的难度。因此,科学界定极端降雨事件、进而探讨其发生规律及其对径流侵蚀的影响尤为重要。通过整理定西市安家沟流域(35°35′N,104°39′E)17年的降水和径流侵蚀数据进行统计分析。以降雨量和最大30min雨强为指标,采用世界气象组织的标准划分了极端降雨事件。结果发现:(1)研究区内极端次降雨事件的雨量和雨强的临界值分别为40.11mm和0.55mm/min,次降雨量的多年平均值为18.87mm。17年间共发生12次极端事件,5月、7月、8月份的发生概率分别为16.67%、50%和33.33%。因此最佳防治时间段为7、8月份。(2)聚类分析表明极端降雨事件可分为三类:降雨量和雨强都大于临界值,占25%;降雨量大于临界值,而雨强小于临界值,占41.67%;雨强大于临界值,降雨量大于多年平均值而小于临界值,占33.33%。(3)在极端降雨事件作用下,径流系数和侵蚀模数要比对应的多年平均值高。总体而言,降雨量和雨强都很高的极端事件的破坏性最强,但高历时低雨强的极端事件所产生的破坏也不容低估。(4)沙棘林在生长演替的过程中显著增强了抵御土壤侵蚀的能力,对极端降雨事件有很好的防治作用。抵御极端降雨最弱的是坡耕地,主要是由于受到坡度大、植被覆盖率低以及人为干扰等因素的影响。 相似文献
In order to predict the futuristic runoff under global warming, and to approach to the effects of vegetation on the ecological environment of the inland river mountainous watershed of Northwest China, the authors use the routine hydrometric data to create a distributed monthly model with some conceptual parameters, coupled with GIS and RS tools and data. The model takes sub-basin as the minimal confluent unit, divides the main soils of the basin into 3 layers, and identifies the vegetation types as forest and pasture. The data used in the model are precipitation, air temperature, runoff, soil weight water content, soil depth, soil bulk density, soil porosity, land cover, etc. The model holds that if the water amount is greater than the water content capacity, there will be surface runoff. The actual evaporation is proportional to the product of the potential evaporation and soil volume water content. The studied basin is Heihe mainstream mountainous basin, with a drainage area of 10,009 km2. The data used in this simulation are from Jan. 1980 to Dec. 1995, and the first 10 years' data are used to simulate, while the last 5 years' data are used to calibrate. For the simulation process, the Nash-Sutcliffe Equation, Balance Error and Explained Variance is 0.8681, 5.4008 and 0.8718 respectively, while for the calibration process, 0.8799, -0.5974 and 0.8800 respectively. The model results show that the futuristic runoff of Heihe river basin will increase a little. The snowmelt, glacier meltwater and the evaportranspiration will increase. The air temperature increment will make the permanent snow and glacier area diminish, and the snowline will rise. The vegetation, especially the forest in Heihe mountainous watershed, could lead to the evapotranspiration decrease of the watershed, adjust the runoff process, and increase the soil water content. 相似文献
中国西北干旱内陆河流域分布式出山径流模型 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
In order to predict the futuristic runoff under global warming, and to approach to the effects of vegetation on the ecological environment of the inland river mountainous watershed of Northwest China, the authors use the routine hydrometric data to create a distributed monthly model with some conceptual parameters, coupled with GIS and RS tools and data. The model takes sub-basin as the minimal confluent unit, divides the main soils of the basin into 3 layers, and identifies the vegetation types as forest and pasture. The data used in the model are precipitation, air temperature, runoff, soil weight water content, soil depth, soil bulk density, soil porosity, land cover,etc. The model holds that if the water amount is greater than the water content capacity, there will be surface runoff. The actual evaporation is proportional to the product of the potential evaporation and soil volume water content. The studied basin is Heihe mainstream mountainous basin, with a drainage area of 10,009 km^2. The data used in this simulation are from Jan. 1980 to Dec. 1995, and the first 10 years‘ data are used to simulate, while the last 5 years‘ data are used to calibrate. For the simulation process, the Nash-Sutcliffe Equation, Balance Error and Explained Variance is 0.8681,5.4008 and 0.8718 respectively, while for the calibration process, 0.8799, -0.5974 and 0.8800 respectively. The model results show that the futuristic runoff of Heihe river basin will increase a little. The snowmelt, glacier meltwater and the evaportranspiration will increase. The air temperature increment will make the permanent snow and glacier area diminish, and the snowline will rise. The vegetation, especially the forest in Heihe mountainous watershed, could lead to the evapoWanspimtion decrease of the watershed, adjust the runoff orocess, and increase the soil water content. 相似文献
XinPing Wang YaFeng Zhang Rui Hu YanXia Pan HaoJie Xu Wei Shi YanXia Jin Hiroshi Yasuda 《寒旱区科学》2016,8(6):477-484
Distribution of rainfall event sizes and interval lengths between events are important characteristics of arid and semi-arid climates. Understanding their importance will contribute to our ability to understand ecosystem dynamics in these regions. Rainfall event timing and magnitude are important drivers of ecosystem processes and are instrumental in creating landscape heterogeneity in arid and semi-arid regions. Rainfall event characteristics were analyzed using an automatic tipping-bucket rain-gauge record across the entire summer monsoon season from 2008 to 2015 at the arid desert area of Shapotou in the Tengger Desert, China. Changing the minimum inter-event time (MIT) from 30 min to 24 h alters the number of rainfall events from 64 to 25 for the event depth larger than 0.1 mm. The mean rainfall intensity declined from 0.95 mm/h to 0.53 mm/h, and the geometric mean event duration rose from 0.55 h to 4.4 h. The number of rainfall events, mean rainfall intensity, and geometric mean event duration differed under different criteria of individual rainfall depths, except that for an individual rainfall depth of 0.5, 1.0, and 5.0 mm. The aforementioned features differed only at the lowest range of the mean rainfall intensity and depth for MIT=3 and 6 h. These findings suggest that identification of event-based rainfall in this specific arid region can be better achieved by setting the MIT at six hours. The wide variation in rainfall event properties indicate the need for paying more attention to the proper selection and reporting of event criteria in studies that adopt event-based data analysis. This is especially true in quantifying effective rainfall for soil water replenishment in terms of rainfall depth and intensity with infrequent rainfall events. 相似文献
华北山区短时段参考作物蒸散量的计算 总被引:13,自引:2,他引:13
短时段参考作物蒸散量的估算是研究华北山区小尺度范围内的水分循环和转化的重要环节.因受观测条件的限制,北方半湿润半干旱山区短时段参考作物蒸散量的研究相对较少.本文利用FAO Penman-Monteith公式、FAO Penman修正式和Priestley-Taylor公式对华北山区东台沟小流域观测到的4个月的气象数据进行了逐日的参考作物蒸散量计算,结果显示,FAO Penman修正式的计算值比FAO Penman-Monteith公式的计算值平均偏大16%左右,而且经过统计分析,它们具有很好的相关性,即在代表流域内使用FAO Penman修正式计算出参考作物蒸散量之后,再乘以一个折算系数(如0.84),即可得到与FAO Penman-Monteith公式的计算值较为相近的结果;而Priestley-Taylor公式的计算值与FAO Penman-Monteith公式的计算值相比,差异比较显著.分析其原因,我们认为是由于Priestley-Taylor公式没有考虑空气动力项对参考作物蒸散量的影响.因此,如果在华北山区使用Priestley-Taylor公式计算参考作物蒸散量,必须根据季节对公式中的常数项α重新进行修正.本文通过对2003年8月~2004年8月期间逐日计算得到的ET0(P-T)和ET0(P-M)值进行对比分析后,给出了修正后的不同季节的α值,为华北山区计算作物蒸散量提供了依据. 相似文献
粤北岩溶山区石漠化过程中土壤养分变化研究 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
为了探讨石漠化过程对土壤养分的影响,了解粤北岩溶山区石漠化过程中土壤养分的变化规律,选择岩背镇和江英镇为调查区,按照石漠化的不同程度设置样地,系统调查了轻度、中度、重度和极重度石漠化土地表层(0~20 cm)土壤养分的变化。结果表明,石漠化过程与土壤养分状况有密切关系,随着土地石漠化的发展,土壤有机质、全N以及速效N、速效P、速效K含量呈现出显著下降趋势(P<0.05),土壤逐步贫瘠化。土壤养分含量的减少与石漠化过程形成正反馈关系,并具有退化方向的一致性和退化过程的同步性等特点。 相似文献