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本文介绍了FY-3A/MERSI数据及其数据预处理方法.以2010年4月美国“深水地平线”钻井平台溢油事故为例,采用2010年4月29日16点30分(世界时)的FY-3A/MERSI 250m分辨率多光谱数据,基于ENVI/QUAC模块对溢油海域的卫星教据进行大气校正,并分析其对海上溢油检测的改进.研究结果表明,大气校正可以提高油水反差30%~120%,其中MERSI 1、2通道改善效果最明显,中心波长为865nm的近红外波段油水反差最大;通过对大气校正后油膜特征的分析,发现太阳耀斑反射是油膜在可见光/近红外波段呈现不同特征的关键因素,并计算油膜明暗特征变化存在的临界太阳耀斑反射率值.  相似文献   

王晗  李峰  王吴  秦泉  赵彤 《海洋气象学报》2021,41(2):126-137
热岛效应是城市发展过程中的热点社会问题之一。研究以济南为例,基于 FY-3B/VIRR数 据,应用改进型 Becker和 Li “分裂窗” 算法获得遥感地表温度数据;采用热岛强度指数与热岛比例指数,定量分析济南市2013—2020年城市热岛效应的时空变化特征;从自然与社会经济角度,采用灰色关联度分析法,定量评价城市热环境的影响因素对城市热岛效应变化的贡献度。结果表明:1)改进型 Becker和 Li “分裂窗” 算法在济南市有较好应用,与国家级地面气象观测站 “0 cm地表温度” 实测数据线性拟合决定系数 R2 为 0.89。2)热岛区域面积年际变化呈现先增加后减小逐渐平稳的变化趋势,冷岛区域变化特征与热岛区域明显相反。3)夏季热岛区域面积(35.3%)最大,秋季(22.5%)次之,春(11.5%)、冬(10.6%)两季基本持平。4)热岛空间格局以城镇聚合轴为主导驱动,呈现 “点-线” 式空间结构特点。5)热岛比例指数总体呈现下降趋势,2013 年(0.22)与 2014 年(0.24)属较轻热岛年份。6)总人口数与归一化植被指数是影响济南城市热岛效应的主要因素。研究对于加强济南市地表热环境的监测与评价,指导城市规划与生态城市建设具有一定意义。  相似文献   

刘森  邹斌  石立坚  崔艳荣 《海洋学报》2020,42(1):113-122
极区海冰影响大气和海洋环流,对全球气候变化起着重要的作用。海冰密集度是表征海冰时空变化特征的重要参数之一。本文研究了利用FY-3C微波扫描辐射计亮温数据反演极区海冰密集度的方法。经过时空匹配、线性回归,修正了FY-3C微波辐射计亮温数据。使用两种天气滤波器和海冰掩模滤除了大气影响所造成的开阔海域虚假海冰;使用最小密集度模板去除陆地污染效应。通过计算2016年、2017年极区海冰面积及范围两个参数,对得到的海冰密集度产品进行了验证,两年的海冰范围和面积趋势基本与NSIDC产品一致,平均差异小于3%。本研究结果为发布我国自主卫星的极区海冰密集度业务化产品奠定了基础,制作的产品可保障面临中断的40多年极区海冰记录的连续性。  相似文献   

水边线的精确提取对于沿海地区的经济开发和海域的使用管理具有重要意义。以雷州半岛东北部为研究区域,利用2017年资源三号(ZY-3)卫星数据为数据源,基于不同海岸地貌特征为划分依据,运用阈值分割法、神经元网络分类法和面向对象法对多光谱数据的人工海岸、砂质海岸、淤泥质海岸和红树林海岸进行水边线提取。通过目视解译提取融合图像的海岸线为基线,将提取的水边线与基线进行定性、定量分析。研究结果表明,对于人工岸线,神经元网络分类法最优,均方根误差为6.4m;对于砂质岸线,阈值分割法最优,均方根误差为5.4m;对于淤泥质及红树林岸线,面向对象法最优,均方根误差分别为23.3m和15.2m。该研究对于不同岸线的提取具有重要的借鉴和指导意义。  相似文献   

吴克  王常颖  黄睿  李华伟 《海洋学报》2023,45(10):168-182
针对多光谱影像受云、雾、太阳耀斑等因素的影响,难以实现高精度的绿潮自动提取的问题,本文以我国的HY-1C/D卫星CZI载荷多光谱影像为数据源,采用数据挖掘技术,通过探索绿潮区域与非绿潮区域的光谱分布差异,提出一种适用于HY-1C/D CZI影像的高精度、全自动绿潮提取方法。首先,分析有云区域和无云区域样本的光谱差异,给出厚云去除规则;其次,选取绿潮和非绿潮区域的样本,采用决策树算法生成绿潮提取规则;然后,针对薄云和厚云边界区域常常会出现误检绿潮的问题,设计了5种错误类别修正策略。为验证方法的有效性,收集2021年黄海区域绿潮暴发周期内的25景HY-1C/D CZI影像,开展绿潮自动检测实验。结果表明,与传统的NDVI方法、VB-FAH方法等指数方法以及ResNet50、U-Net等深度学习方法相比,本文方法在准确度、Kappa系数、F1-Score和MIoU等指标上均优于其他方法,而且能够实现在厚云、薄云、无云、云斑和耀斑区域复杂情况下的绿潮的高精度自动提取。  相似文献   

陈建  张韧  王辉赞  安玉柱 《海洋通报》2011,30(6):692-696
基于二进制-XML混合文件格式的SMOS盐度数据的处理和延伸应用仍处于初级阶段,其前提是对SMOS数据的提取.本文详细介绍了SMOS的文件格式和利用Matlab对SMOS文件进行读写操作的方法,在此基础上给出了提取SMOS数据的流程图和实例,为SMOS数据产品的开发等下了基础.  相似文献   

本文采用遥感解译与现场踏勘相结合的方法,研究探索适用于海域使用疑点疑区监管工作的自动提取与动态变化检测方法。通过选取覆盖典型海域疑点疑区解译标志的高分辨率影像,经过图像预处理,辅以栅格数据矢量化提取岸线边界,利用OpenCV视觉函数库和AdaptiveThreshold等函数自动提取轮廓边界;根据提取结果与现场踏勘情况...  相似文献   

针对侧扫声呐图像斑点噪声强、背景海底散射干扰严重,海底目标轮廓自动提取困难的问题,提出了一种基于K-means聚类与数学形态学相结合的海底目标轮廓自动提取算法。为克服噪声干扰,该算法首先利用中值滤波去除侧扫声呐图像中的强斑点噪声;然后采用K-means聚类算法对侧扫声呐灰度图像进行分割,并二值化,除去大部分海底背景噪声,初步提取出目标;接着利用数学形态学运算去除提取结果中的孤立噪点,并填充目标内部孔洞,得到连续化、圆滑的目标边缘;最后对处理后的侧扫声呐图像进行边缘检测,提取出目标轮廓。实验结果表明:该算法思想简单易行,具有很强的克服背景噪声的能力,自动提取的目标轮廓连续性较好,结果准确可靠。目前,在侧扫声呐图像目标轮廓提取过程中,主要采用人工方式,自动性较差,效率较低。本文算法可以实现目标轮廓的自动提取,提高效率,具有较强的实用价值。  相似文献   

Sea ice concentration (SIC) is one of the most important indicators when monitoring climate changes in the polar region. With the development of the Chinese satellite technology, the FengYun (FY) series has been applied to retrieve the sea ice parameters in the polar region. In this paper, to improve the SIC retrieval accuracy from the passive microwave (PM) data of the Microwave Radiation Imager (MWRI) aboard on the FengYun-3B (FY-3B) Satellite, the dynamic tie-point (DT) Arctic Radiation and Turbulence Interaction Study (ARTIST) Sea Ice (ASI) (DT-ASI) SIC retrieval algorithm is applied and obtained Arctic SIC data for nearly 10 a (from November 18, 2010 to August 19, 2019). Also, by applying a land spillover correction scheme, the erroneous sea ice along coastlines in melt season is removed. The results of FY-3B/DT-ASI are obviously improved compared to that of FY-3B/NT2 (NASA-Team2) in both SIC and sea ice extent (SIE), and are highly consistent with the results of similar products of AMSR2 (Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer 2)/ASI and AMSR2/DT-ASI. Compared with the annual average SIC of FY-3B/NT2, our result is reduced by 2.31%. The annual average SIE difference between the two FY- 3Bs is 1.65×106 km2, of which the DT-ASI algorithm contributes 87.9% and the land spillover method contributes 12.1%. We further select 58 MODIS (Moderate-resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer) cloud-free samples in the Arctic region and use the tie-point method to retrieve SIC to verify the accuracy of these SIC products. The root mean square difference (RMSD) and mean absolute difference (MAD) of the FY-3B/DT-ASI and MODIS results are 17.2% and 12.7%, which is close to those of two AMSR2 products with 6.25 km resolution and decreased 8% and 7.2% compared with FY-3B/NT2. Further, FY-3B/DT-ASI has the most significant improvement where the SIC is lower than 60%. A high-quality SIC product can be obtained by using the DT-ASI algorithm and our work will be beneficial to promote the application of FengYun Satellite.  相似文献   

FY-3A/MERSI, ocean color algorithm, products and demonstrative applications   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A medium resolution spectral imager (MERSI) on-board the first spacecraft of the second generation of China’s polar-orbit meteorological satellites FY-3A, is a MODIS-like sensor with 20 bands covering visible to thermal infrared spectral region. FY-3A/MERSI is capable of making continuous global observations, and ocean color application is one of its main targets. The objective is to provide information about the ocean color products of FY-3A/MERSI, including sensor calibration, ocean color algorithms, ocean color products validation and applications. Although there is a visible on-board calibration device, it cannot realize the on-board absolute radiometric calibration in the reflective solar bands. A multisite vicarious calibration method is developed, and used for monitoring the in-flight response change and providing post-launch calibration coefficients updating. FY-3A/MERSI ocean color products consist of the water-leaving reflectance retrieved from an atmospheric correction algorithm, a chlorophyll a concentration (CHL1) and a pigment concentration (PIG1) from global empirical models, the chlorophyll a concentration (CHL2), a total suspended mater concentration (TSM) and the absorption coefficient of CDOM and NAP (YS443) from China’s regional empirical models. The atmospheric correction algorithm based on lookup tables and ocean color components concentration estimation models are described. By comparison with in situ data, the FY-3A/MERSI ocean color products have been validated and preliminary results are presented. Some successful ocean color applications such as algae bloom monitoring and coastal suspended sediment variation have demonstrated the usefulness of FY-3A/MERSI ocean color products.  相似文献   

By combing satellite-derived ice motion and concentration with ice thickness fields from a popular model PIOMAS we obtain the estimates of ice volume flux passing the Fram Strait over the 1979–2012 period. Since current satellite and field observations for sea ice thickness are limited in time and space, the use of PIOMAS is expected to fill the gap by providing temporally continued ice thickness fields. Calculated monthly volume flux exhibits a prominent annual cycle with the peak record in March(roughly 145 km3/month) and the trough in August(10 km~3/month). Annual ice volume flux(1 132 km~3) is primarily attributable to winter(October through May) outflow(approximately 92%). Uncertainty in annual ice volume export is estimated to be 55 km~3(or 5.7%). Our results also verified the extremely large volume flux appearing between late 1980 s and mid-1990 s. Nevertheless, no clear trend was found in our volume flux results. Ice motion is the primary factor in the determination of behavior of volume flux. Ice thickness presented a general decline trend may partly enhance or weaken the volume flux trend. Ice concentration exerted the least influences on modulating trends and variability in volume flux. Moreover, the linkage between winter ice volume flux and three established Arctic atmospheric schemes were examined. Compared to NAO, the DA and EOF3 mechanism explains a larger part of variations of ice volume flux across the strait.  相似文献   

王坤  毕海波  黄珏 《海洋科学》2022,46(4):44-54
北极海冰作为一个巨大的淡水资源库, 每年向全球输送大量淡水资源, 从北极输出的海冰在向南输送的过程中融化, 对海洋水循环与水环境产生影响, 进而影响全球气候变化, 弗雷姆海峡作为北极海冰输出的主要通道, 对其研究显得尤为重要。为了解弗雷姆海峡海冰长期输出量, 利用美国冰雪数据中心(NSIDC)发布的海冰密集度、海冰厚度与海冰漂移速度数据, 计算得到 1979 年至 2019 年弗雷姆海峡海冰输出面积通量与 2010 至 2019 年弗雷姆海峡海冰输出体积通量, 并在此基础上分析弗雷姆海峡近 40 a 海冰输出量的变化状况以及弗雷姆海峡海冰输出的年际变化、季节变化, 并分析了影响弗雷姆海峡海冰输出量的可能原因。结果表明: 近 40 a 弗雷姆海峡年均海冰输出面积通量为 7.83×105 km2,近 10 a 弗雷姆海峡海冰年均输出体积通量为 1.34×106 km3, 从长期来看, 弗雷姆海峡海冰输出面积通量呈略微增加趋势, 弗雷姆海峡海冰输出体积通量在 2010—20...  相似文献   

针对目前海冰信息解译时对海冰外缘线及面积信息提取不精确、业务化应用不强问题,提出一种基于分裂Bregman算法的海冰外缘线自动提取方法,并通过遥感影像预处理、算法程序化等工作步骤,将该算法应用到业务化海冰信息解译工作中。方法:分别选取五景中、高空间分辨率的可见光卫星遥感影像,将影像上待提取海冰区域首先进行不规则图像裁剪、图像增强等预处理工作,然后基于变分水平集及快速分裂Bregman投影方法进行了海冰外缘线信息的提取,并对提取出的海冰面积进行量化,最后与传统人工提取海冰信息进行了比较。实验结果表明,基于变分水平集及其快速分裂Bregman算法提取的海冰信息,具有提取的海冰边缘精确、自动化程度高、提取结果稳定可靠等优点。  相似文献   

灰度共生矩阵纹理特征对SAR海冰漂移监测的增强性能研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
海冰漂移监测对气候变化分析、船只航行、海上石油平台等海上活动安全作业具有重要意义。当前主流的SAR海冰漂移监测方法多是基于SAR灰度图开展的,其受噪声、环境等因素的影响较大,导致其在海冰漂移探测时,特征失配率高,匹配正确率低。针对这一问题,本文尝试利用SAR海冰纹理特征来增强海冰漂移探测性能。首先对比分析了8种纹理特征对海冰漂移探测中特征匹配的增强性能,筛选出能够有效增强特征匹配性能的最优纹理特征;其次进一步分析了海冰类型、入射角和分辨率对基于纹理特征的海冰漂移探测性能增强的影响。实验结果表明,均值是最优的纹理特征,与SAR强度图相比,特征匹配正确率提高了约7%。  相似文献   

This study cross-calibrated the brightness temperatures observed in the Arctic by using the FY-3B/MWRI L1 and the Aqua/AMSR-E L2A. The monthly parameters of the cross-calibration were determined and evaluated using robust linear regression. The snow depth in case of seasonal ice was calculated by using parameters of the crosscalibration of data from the MWRI T_b. The correlation coefficients of the H/V polarization among all channels T_b of the two sensors were higher than 0.97. The parameters of the monthly cross-calibration were useful for the snow depth retrieval using the MWRI. Data from the MWRI T_b were cross-calibrated to the AMSR-E baseline.Biases in the data of the two sensors were optimized to approximately 0 K through the cross-calibration, the standard deviations decreased significantly in the range of 1.32 K to 2.57 K, and the correlation coefficients were as high as 99%. An analysis of the statistical distributions of the histograms before and after cross-calibration indicated that the FY-3B/MWRI T_b data had been well calibrated. Furthermore, the results of the cross-calibration were evaluated by data on the daily average T_b at 18.7 GHz, 23.8 GHz, and 36.5 GHz(V polarization), and at 89 GHz(H/V polarization), and were applied to the snow depths retrieval in the Arctic. The parameters of monthly cross-calibration were found to be effective in terms of correcting the daily average T_b. The results of the snow depths were compared with those of the calibrated MWRI and AMSR-E products. Biases of 0.18 cm to 0.38 cm were observed in the monthly snow depths, with the standard deviations ranging from 4.19 cm to 4.80 cm.  相似文献   

对海冰的运动规律进行精确、连续和长周期的实时监测有助于海冰热力学和动力学的研究,也可保障冰区生产活动的安全进行。针对辽东湾海冰的运动特点和工程需求,在JZ20-2油气平台上建立了海冰雷达监测系统。采用数字图像处理技术对海冰雷达监测图像进行了分析和软件开发,可对海冰密集度、速度和冰块面积等海冰参数进行提取。采用该海冰雷达监测系统和数字图像处理软件,在2011-2012年冬季对该海域的海冰运动规律进行了全冰期的连续监测,在此基础上重点对海冰速度的雷达图像监测结果进行了分析,讨论了海冰速度场分布以及连续48 h的变化过程。以上结果为海冰的生消运移规律研究和油气作业区的海冰管理工作提供了可靠的现场监测数据。对海冰雷达现场监测及数字图像处理中的问题及改进方法进行了讨论。  相似文献   

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