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The desert and sandy land are the products of arid climate. The spatial distribution of modern deserts and sandy land in China and their relation to climate show following characteristics: arid and hyper-arid desert zones, at isohyet of less than 200 mm, are dominated by mobile dunes; semi-arid steppe and arid desert steppe with the precipitation between 200-400mm, are dominated by semi-fixed and fixed sand dunes; the precipitation of sub-humid forest grassland and humid forest zones with scattered fixed sand land is higher than 400 mm. With this as reference, in combination with considerable amount of paleoclimatic data in desert regions and adjacent regions, the distributions of desert and sandy land in China during the last interglacial period, the last glacial maximum (LGM), and the Holocene megathermal, were preliminarily reconstructed. The results compared with that of today show that the distribution of desert and sandy land in China was greatly dwindled during last interglacial period, and the mobile dune area was about two-thirds of that of today's, but greatly expanded during LGM. However, the dwindling area of desert and sandy land in the Holocene megathermal was smaller than that in the last interglacial period. The forcing mechanism was mainly related to the changes of East Asian winter and summer monsoon, south-northward swing of the westerlies and the variations of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau monsoon intensity caused by global climate changes during the cold and warm intervals since the last interglacial period.  相似文献   

Based on the geological records, the palaeomonsoon in eastern desert region of China is divided into three major evolution stages, i.e. summer monsoon prevailing stage of last interglacial period (130-70kaB.P.), winter monsoon prevailing stage of last glacial period (70-10 kaB. P.), and unstable summer monsoon prevailing stage of postglacial period (10 kaB. P. to present) and further divided into several substages. The conversion between summer monsoon and winter monsoon in the region is dominated by the sudden change process. The north limit of summer monsoon in the region retreated to the north limit of sandy loess zone of the Loess Plateau in the last glacial period from the Mazong Mts. -Ulan Bator of last interglacial period, then it entered Shandan-Yabrai region in the optimum period of the Holocene, and finally it retreated to the present extended line from north piedmont of the Yinshan Mts to Hulun Buir. This shows that the summer monsoon caused by East Asian monsoon circulation tends to be weakened fluctuationally. However, the factors affecting the monsoon vicissitudes are complex, so special attention should be paid to the study of the short-period climatic fluctuations of the Holocene.  相似文献   

记录在第四纪沉积物或火山岩中的地磁漂移不仅加深了人们对地球动力学机制的认识,还为古环境和古生物研究提供了重要的时间控制点.中国黄土高原地区广泛分布的第四纪黄土-古土壤序列粒度细、沉积速率高且连续性好,是记录地磁漂移的良好材料.本文重点总结和分析了前人对末次间冰期以来中国黄土中地磁漂移的研究结果,主要包括Blake、Laschamp和Mono Lake.结果 显示,部分黄土剖面可以记录地磁漂移的地磁场变化细节特征,但并非所有剖面都能记录全部已知的地磁漂移,且同一地磁漂移在不同剖面所呈现的地磁场形态学特征也存在差异.在地磁漂移期间,地磁场稳定性较差、黄土沉积中千年.百年尺度的沉积间断以及黄土沉积后的成岩作用影响可能是造成地磁漂移特征记录差异或缺失的客观原因.以前的研究中,样品时间窗选择过大带来的平滑效应可能是重要的人为因素.本文认为,将来的研究中,根据10 Be产率的变化,并结合高密度光释光定年,进行更高分辨率(如10~100年尺度)的古地磁研究,可能有利于揭示黄土记录的地磁漂移信息.  相似文献   

The high-resolution quantitative analysis of the planktonic foraminifera and the δ18O records of the section between 96.49– 137.6 mcd at ODP Site 1144 on the continental slope of northern South China Sea reveals an abrupt cooling event of sea surface temperature (SST) during the last interglacial (MIS 5.5, i.e. 5e). The dropping range of the winter SST may come to 7.5°C corresponding to 1.2‰ of the δ18O value of sea surface water. This event is comparable with those discovered in the west Europe and the northern Atlantic Ocean, but expressed in a more intensive way. It is inferred that this event may have been induced by middle- to low-latitude processes rather than by polar ice sheet change. Since the Kuroshio-index speciesPulleniatina obliquiloculata displayed the most distinct change at the event, it may also be related to the paleoceanographic change of the low-latitude area in the western Pacific Ocean. This event can be considered as one of “Younger Dryas-style coolings” and is indicative of climate variability of the last interglacial stage.  相似文献   

The cosmogenic 10Be exposure histories of in situ bedrock surfaces from the Tibetan Plateau indicate low erosion rates of <30 mm/ka in southern and central Tibet during the last interglacial–glacial cycle that contrast strongly with unusually rapid erosion rates (60–2000 mm/ka) for Kunlun in northern Tibet during the Holocene, comparable with published values from the Himalaya. By comparing apatite fission-track ages with cosmogenic data, erosion rates in southern Tibet appear to be decelerating since the Miocene, whereas in the Kunlun, erosion rates have accelerated over the same timescale. Such secular changes suggest that the southern and central regions of the plateau had formed their present flat relief by the Pleistocene. Unusually high erosion rates along the northern margin of the plateau may reflect intense tectonic activity during the Holocene. These findings indicate that over much of the high plateau erosion rates are exceptionally low, and therefore the sources of detritus carried by the great Asian rivers that rise in Tibet lie overwhelmingly in bedrocks at lower altitudes. This study illustrates the potential of cosmogenic studies for unraveling the most recent phase of the erosion/exhumation history of orogenic belts that cannot be resolved by either Ar-isotope or fission-track thermochronometers.  相似文献   

The provenance of loess in Chinese Loess Plateau, including origin, transport pathways and source areas, has long been one of the most important questions. In this study, the vertical variations of the luminescence sensitivity of quartz grains from the central Chinese Loess Plateau were investigated by using optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) techniques. Our results indicate that the luminescence sensitivity of quartz grains of paleosols can be much higher than that of loess beds. In addition, the quartz grains from the loess-paleosol sequence exhibit a temporal trend in the strength of luminescence sensitivity, characterized by higher values in soils and lower values in loess beds. The OSL sensitivity of quartz grains of the loess-paleosol sequence also shows very similar trend to the magnetic susceptibility and particle size fluctuations, implying that the luminescence sensitivity might be climatic dependent. The possible factors affecting the variations of luminescence sensitivity were discussed including particle size, natural radioactivity, and the provenance of eolian deposits. We suggest that the temporal variations of luminescence sensitivity can be attributed to the retreat-advance of deserts, the different contributions of glacial origin quartz particles associated with mountain processes, and wind patterns during glacial/interglacial cycles. Therefore, the secular variations of luminescence sensitivity of quartz grains are ultimately influenced by past climatic change through its controlling on sediment provenance changes.  相似文献   

OSL and IRSL dating are applied to samples from a 152 m-long drill core to constrain the timing of three glaciolacustrine depositional periods within the infill of an overdeepened bedrock trough in the Lower Glatt valley, N Switzerland. The characterisation of the dose-response suggests that the polymineral IRSL50 and pIRIR180/225 signals are close to saturation, while quartz OSL ages are within the range of reliable dating. The demarcation of the upper quartz OSL dating limit, however, remains challenging. Dose-recovery tests performed with long storage periods were used to investigate the reliability of the high region of the dose-response curve. They suggest an upper limit for reliable dating of ∼400 Gy for these samples, which was considerably lower than the commonly used 2D0 criterion. Lifetimes were calculated for the quartz OSL and the thermal stability of the signal is not considered as problematic for the determined ages. Allowing for a contribution from inherited dose due to partial bleaching, places the infill of the overdeepened valley within the penultimate glacial cycle (MIS6).  相似文献   

The chronology of dust deposition and climate during the last interglacial is poorly known on the Chinese Loess Plateau. Here, 51 samples were taken from the ∼5 m S1 palaeosol (MIS5) at the desert marginal Jingbian site to develop what is currently the most detailed S1 chronology on the Plateau using instrumental dating techniques. We use the post-IR IRSL signal from sand-sized grains of K-rich feldspar. Signal resetting in the agricultural layer shows that it is possible to almost completely zero this signal in nature. First IR stimulation plateau measurements show that there is no clear dependence of De on first IR stimulation temperature between 50 and 260 °C suggesting negligible signal fading. Resultant ages are consistent with a last interglacial age (∼130 to ∼75 ka) and are also consistent within errors with continuous linear sedimentation rates. The average mass accumulation rate for S1 is ∼150 g m−2 a−1, considerably higher than at many other sites but within the overall range of Loess Plateau estimates. The remarkably stable sediment accumulation at the site contrasts with a more complex record of environmental and monsoonal change recorded in grain-size and magnetic susceptibility.  相似文献   

To understand regional status and differences is groundwork for researching environmental change, such as regional response to global change, land use/land-cover change, land desertification, and sand/dust storms. At present, geographers are search- ing for driving forces of environmental change and making efforts to reflect human actions on these changes[1―4]. To recognize regional difference, most researches focus on single factor, such as temperature, precipitation, soil and vegetation. Ho…  相似文献   

Soil moisture is the key resource constraint in arid ecosystems, and has been a focus of research on restoration. However, quantitative studies on the contribution of rainfall to deep soil rainfall infiltration are lacking. In this study, we used the YWB-01 Deep Soil Infiltration Water Recorder which had been invented by ourselves to measure the quantity of rain infiltration into deep soil, 150 cm below ground, in four locations in China: Mu Us Sandy Land and Ulan Buh, Tengger, and Badan Jilin deserts over a 2-year period. We found: (1) Deep soil rainfall infiltration decreased progressively from east to west and from semiarid to arid areas, with two locations completely lacking rainfall infiltration. Heavy rain was important to deep soil infiltration in shifting sandy land of arid and semiarid areas. (2) Seasonal variation of infiltration was correlated with rainfall, with a time lag that was less apparent in areas with more rainfall. (3) For single intense rainfall events, infiltration maximums occurred 40–55 h after the rainfall, during which the infiltration rates increased rapidly before reaching a peak, and then decreased slowly. Continuous infiltration could last about 150 h. Rainfall infiltration was determined by the combined action of intensity, quantity and duration. Rainfall with low intensity, long duration, and large quantity was most favorable for deep soil infiltration. Our results can be used in water resource assessments and protection during eco-restoration in the arid and semiarid areas in China.  相似文献   

Sediment components and their fluxes of Cores MD12-3428(water depth: 903 m), MD12-3433(water depth: 2125 m),and MD12-3434(water depth: 2995 m), obtained along a transect on the continental slope of the northern South China Sea, have been conducted to reveal the spatiotemporal variations and the controlling factors of the sediment components and of their fluxes.Results show that deep-sea sediments in the northern South China Sea are composed mainly of terrigenous(59–89%) and carbonate(6–38%) particles, with minor components of opal(1.6–9.4%) and organic matter(0.7–1.9%). Fluxes of terrigenous and carbonate particles reach up to 2.4–21.8 and 0.4–6.5 g cm–2 kyr–1, respectively, values that are one to two orders of magnitude higher than the fluxes of opal and organic matter. Temporal variations of the percentages and fluxes of deep-sea sediment components have displayed clear glacial-interglacial cyclicity since the last glaciation. Terrigenous, opal, and organic matter percentages and their fluxes increas clearly during marine isotope stage 2, while carbonate percentages and fluxes show an opposite variation pattern or are characterized by an unremarkable increase. This implies that deep-sea carbonate in the South China Sea is affected by the dilution of terrigenous inputs during the sea-level lowstand. With increasing water depth along the transect, the terrigenous percentage increases but with largely decreased fluxes. Both the percentage and flux of carbonate decrease, while the percentages and fluxes of opal and organic matter display much more complicated variational features. The spatiotemporal variations of deep-sea sediment components and of their fluxes since the last glaciation in the northern South China Sea are strongly controlled by sea-level fluctuations. Simultaneously, terrigenous supply associated with monsoonal rainfall, marine primary productivity,and the dilution effect between terrigenous and biogenic particles, also play interconnected roles in the sediment accumulation processes.  相似文献   

The first attempt is made to evaluate quantitatively the changes of accumulation rates in the South China Sea during the last glaciation and Holocene, based on the data of 72 sediment cores taken from six areas deeper than 100 m. As shown from the calculations, the accumulation rate during the last glaciation is much higher than that during the Holocene. The southern and northern continental slopes are distinguished from other areas by the highest accumulation rates, with different features of sedimentation for aifferent stages: The Glacial-Holocene contrast in accumulation rate of terrigenous material is more distinct in the southern slope, while the contrast in biogenic sedimentation rate is more remarkable in the northern slope. Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 49576268).  相似文献   

The magnetic susceptibility has been used as a quantitative or semi‐quantitative proxy for reconstructing the summer monsoon intensity in the Chinese Loess Plateau based on extensive studies on climatic or/and environmental mechanisms producing the magnetic susceptibility signatures. However, the precise nature of the link between past climates and the susceptibility signatures has remained uncertain primarily due to lack of our understanding in the ?nalizing and preserving processes of the signatures. This paper attempts to examine the reliability or acceptability of this summer monsoon proxy from non‐magnetic perspectives of soil‐forming processes. We chose nine sections along two transects: one across the western part of the Chinese Loess Plateau and another across the eastern part. Several conclusions can be drawn from our analytical data. First, clay translocation within the S1 palaeosol pro?les, as indicated by ?eld‐observed clay coatings on ped faces in Bt and Bk horizons and demonstrated by laboratory‐analysed clay contents, must have moved some of the magnetic minerals downward so that the susceptibility re?ects only the post‐translocation distribution of the magnetic‐susceptibility‐producing minerals. Second, the best‐developed palaeosol S1S3 at most of the sections studied is not expressed by the magnetic susceptibility because this palaeosol developed in underlying coarse loess (L2) and coarse textures tend to lower the susceptibility. Third, carbonate concentration is normally negatively correlated with the magnetic susceptibility or simply suppresses the magnetic susceptibility peak when the susceptibility enhancement exceeds the carbonate dilution effect. To conclude, extreme caution must be observed when using magnetic susceptibility signatures to retrieve high‐resolution records of the last interglacial palaeoclimate in the Chinese Loess Plateau. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

At three industrial sites in Ontario, New Hampshire, and Florida, tetrachloroethylene (PCE) and trichloroethylene (TCE), released decades ago as dense nonaqueous phase liquids (DNAPLs), now form persistent source zones for dissolved contaminant plumes. These zones are suspended below the water table and above the bottoms of their respective, moderately homogeneous, unconfined sandy aquifers. Exceptionally detailed, depth-discrete, ground water sampling was performed using a direct-push sampler along cross sections of the dissolved-phase plumes, immediately downgradient of these DNAPL source zones. The total plume PCE or TCE mass-discharge through each cross section ranged between 15 and 31 kg/year. Vertical ground water sample spacing as small as 15 cm and lateral spacing typically between 1 and 3 m revealed small zones where maximum concentrations were between 1% and 61% of solubility. These local maxima are surrounded by much lower concentration zones. A spacing no larger than 15 to 30 cm was needed at some locations to identify high concentration zones, and aqueous VOC concentrations varied as much as four orders of magnitude across 30 cm vertical intervals. High-resolution sampling at these sites showed that three-quarters of the mass-discharge occurs within 5% to 10% of the plume cross sectional areas. The extreme spatial variability of the mass-discharge occurs even though the sand aquifers are nearly hydraulically homogeneous. Depth-discrete field techniques such as those used in this study are essential for finding the small zones producing most of the mass-discharge, which is important for assessing natural attenuation and designing remedial options.  相似文献   

印支运动以来中国海陆地势演化及阶梯地貌特征   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
地势是地面高低起伏的形势,是地球内营力和外营力共同作用的结果,是地壳内部结构、构造及其发展在地表的反映.空间重力异常与地形、地貌密切相关,反映地壳内部结构和构造的变化.均衡原理认为高山下面地壳厚,平原下面地壳薄,即地势的起伏同莫霍面的起伏呈镜像关系.中国海陆地质地球物理系列图编制了大地构造格架图和大地构造格架演化图等专题图件,对中国海陆各主要块体的时空演化进行研究,研究了中国海陆地势的"跷跷板"演化过程.本文根据中国海陆1:500万空间重力异常图和莫霍面深度图分析了海陆地貌特征,按照构造地貌的分类原则,将中国海域和陆域作为一个整体进行地貌分类,在中国大陆地势呈三个地貌阶梯的基础上,总结出中国海陆地貌总体特征为西高东低,呈五级阶梯分布.  相似文献   

The objective of this study is to construct a numerically dated chronology of the last interglacial paleosol (S1) in Chinese loess using luminescence dating. The recuperated optically stimulated luminescence (ReOSL) dating approach was applied to 18 closely-spaced (20 cm intervals) samples, with 15 of these collected from the S1 unit at the Weinan site, which is located at the southeastern margin of the Chinese Loess Plateau (CLP). By using the multiple-aliquot regenerative-dose (MAR) approach, 18 fine-grained quartz ReOSL equivalent dose (DE) values, spanning about 249–466 Gy, were obtained. The validity of ReOSL MAR protocol was checked by dose recovery measurements and recycling ratio tests. By comparison of the dose-response curves of all the samples, we found that it is feasible to construct a standardized growth curve (SGC) for the ReOSL signal at the Weinan site. Considering the effects of pedogenesis of the S1 unit during formation, the dose rate during the last interglacial was corrected, which should be beneficial for constructing a more reliable chronology. Finally, a detailed chronology of the S1 unit was established. The results show that S1 was deposited between approximately 76–127 ka, which confirms the early suggestion that the S1 unit in Chinese loess corresponds to the whole marine oxygen-isotope stage (MIS) 5. The detailed ReOSL chronology of S1 indicates the consistency of the substrata of S1 with MIS 5a-e, but cannot determine whether they are exactly coeval. According to the present ReOSL age results, it is suggested that dust deposition is continuous at timescales larger than 14.1 ± 11.8 ky during the last interglacial and there is no hiatus longer than 4.4 ± 13.0 ky at the L2/S1 transition. Further work, e.g. minimizing the errors on ages and reducing the luminescence sampling intervals, is needed to understand the more detailed dust deposition conditions during the last interglacial in Chinese loess.  相似文献   

In order to derive a radiometric age marker for the end of the penultimate glacial–interglacial transition, we compiled published U-series isotope measurements on corals from the period extending from stage 6 to the middle of the last interglacial, and computed the corresponding open-system ages using Thompson et al. model (Thompson, W.G., Spiegelman, M.W., Goldstein, S.L., Speed, R.C., An open-system model for U-series age determinations of fossil corals. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 210 (2003) 365–381). We obtain a global mean age of 126 calendar kyr BP (ka) ± 1.7kyr (2σ) for the beginning of the last interglacial sea level high stand. After showing that the phase relationships observed between changes in sea level, North Atlantic benthic and planktonic foraminifera oxygen isotopic records, and atmospheric methane over the last deglaciation were likely also valid over the penultimate deglaciation, we derive an age of 131.2ka ± 2kyr (2σ) for the abrupt increase in atmospheric CH4 and North Atlantic surface temperature marking the end of the penultimate glacial–interglacial transition. This age is consistent with U–Th dates of the penultimate glacial–interglacial transition recorded in speleothems from sites where speleothems isotopic records are synchronous with North Atlantic temperature records over the last deglaciation. Finally, we show that the phase obtained between the climatic response and northern hemisphere summer insolation is not constant from Termination II to Termination I, implying that northern hemisphere summer insolation alone cannot explain the timing of terminations.  相似文献   

Sporopollen analysis on a 346 cm peat record at Dahu, Jiangxi, chronologically constrained by 16 AMS 14C datings, provides an opportunity to reconstruct the vegetation evolution stages responding to cli-mate change in South China since the last glacial maximum. The result shows that during 18330-15630 cal a B.P., broad-leaved forest dominated the area, corresponding to mild, cool and fairly humid climate. At the interval of 15630-11600 cal a B.P., several evergreen broad-leaved species appeared within the broad-leaved forest, indicating moderate and humid condition. During early Holocene, broad-leaved evergreen forest community was constructed as Castanopsis/Lithorcarpus principally developed, suggesting a warm and humid scenario until 6000 cal a B. P. Since 6000 cal a B. P., abrupt forest deterioration happened with an contemporary increase of fern and herb communities, repre-senting a turnover to relatively cool and dry condition and as well, possible impact from human activi-ties. Meanwhile, several relatively cool and dry events can be identified in the sporopollen record, they can be correlated to the North Atlantic Heinrich event, YD and Holocene millennial-scale oscillations, implying that the low latitude climate was coupled with high latitude influences. Moreover, the varia-tions of temperature and humidity since LGM at Dahu were much smaller when compared with the re-cords in north monsoonal China.  相似文献   

The Hulunbuir dune field (HLB) is situated near the northern limit of the East Asian summer monsoon (EASM), and vulnerable to climate change. The aeolian sand–paleosol sequences of this region are crucial for understanding the past landform processes in response to climate change, but not yet understood well due to chronological controversies. Here, we presented 20 optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) ages from five aeolian sand–paleosol profiles in the HLB, and reconstructed the aeolian landform processes since 18 ka. The findings of this study suggested that the HLB was probably dominated by mobile dunes before 18 ka, as 10 out of 11 aeolian samples were dated to 18–12 ka. Two strong sandy paleosol layers were found and dated to ∼9 ka and 5–0.5 ka, indicating that strong in situ pedogenic process on the accumulative sand could occur during the Holocene. The OSL ages of samples near the top of three profiles were >9.5 ka, indicating two possible surface processes. First, the land surface was stable since 9.5 ka after stabilization, with no accumulation or erosion. Alternatively, the surface could have been erosive with the eroded sediments feeding downwind active dunes. The latter explanation is consistent with the current local landforms, which has widespread blowout pits, indicators of strong wind erosion. We emphasized that the OSL age of a sand layer sample in fossil dunes implied the onset of mobile dune stabilization, not the age of dune activity, as previously stated.  相似文献   

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