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在以前的工作中,考虑直立走滑型断层地震,假设断层面微元破裂强度遵循Weibull概率分布,由细观力学方法推导出断层面的宏观本构关系是一个非线性函数,表现为弹性-软化塑性特征,在此基础上用稳定性理论研究了地震稳定性问题.而实际断层大多是倾斜的,为此,本文首先建立了由围岩和倾斜断层构成的平面地震力学模型,采用宏观的断层载荷-变形的全过程曲线,详细讨论了倾斜断层地震的不稳定性问题.结果表明,远场一旦施加位移,断层也同时错动,这可能与实际情况不符合.为了更好的模拟断层的初始能量累计过程,进一步对断层本构模型进行改进.考虑断层面破裂强度,采用Coulomb破裂准则,则断层表现为刚塑性本构关系,只有当断层面剪应力达到一个临界值时,断层才开始错动.研究表明,对于倾斜断层地震,与直立走滑型断层地震一样,系统刚度比β(围岩切线刚度与断层刚度最大值之比)是决定地震失稳的重要参数,只有当β1时才会出现地震失稳,且伴随应力突跳和围岩应变能释放.当β≥1时,仅仅是断层无震滑动,不会发生地震.在远场应施以位移形式边界条件,以致地震失稳发生在平衡路径的位移转向点并伴有应力突跳.  相似文献   

基于断层面强度的非均匀性,将断层面的宏观破裂过程看作是断面局部微元的破裂累积过程,假设断层局部微元强度遵循Weibull概率分布,从统计力学角度推导出了宏观的断层载荷.变形的全过程本构关系.采用一维地震力学模型,以远场位移a为控制变量,用稳定性理论研究了地震不稳定性问题.研究表明,系统刚度比(围岩刚度与断层刚度之比)β是影响地震发生的重要参数,只有当β<1时才会出现地震失稳,且应力突跳发生在平衡路径曲线的位移转向点,并给出了地震过程的3个重要参数(地震后断层半错距、地震应力降和释放的弹性能)的表达式.当β≥1时,不会发生地震,仅是缓慢的断层滑动,属于无震滑动.  相似文献   


在断层面上引入速率-状态相依摩擦本构关系、考虑铲形逆冲断层几何结构特征、断层下盘和上盘中下地壳及上地幔为黏弹性介质、上盘上地壳为弹塑性介质,本文用二维有限元动力学模型模拟了龙门山断层上大震准周期复发行为、分析了断层上地震孕育位置、地震周期不同阶段的应力/应变场演化特征.不同于近垂直走滑断层上的地震周期行为,大陆铲形逆冲断层上的构造应力的积累和释放过程更复杂、有其独特性.我们得到如下认识:(1)铲形逆冲断层上的地震复发是准周期行为.(2)龙门山断层最大库仑应力位于断层17~20 km深处,应力长期积累和同震释放都在此深度最大,说明地震会在此处孕育、发动.(3)在断层破裂的深部和浅部,同震滑动大小和构造应力释放大小并非同步,而是差异悬殊.(4)地震仅部分释放区域积累的应变能,断层上盘上地壳顶部和底部的褶皱、破裂等永久变形形式也是释放应变能的重要形式.(5)应变能密度增量的演化图像分为:震间、同震、震后期,清晰反应了龙门山断层附近的地震动力学过程.(6)地震发生除释放能量外,同时也对近断层的中地壳和断层底部有很大的应变能加载;这些加载,在震后期可能通过震后滑移、余震或中下地壳乃至上地幔的驰豫形变用几十年时间释放.以上对大陆内铲形逆冲断层上变形特征的了解,有助于我们在其地震周期行为中评估地震危险性.


板内逆断层地震破裂的基本特征及分段标志研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
通过对16 个板内逆断层地震的基本类型、构造环境、地震地表破裂尺度、几何形态、运动学特征及余震分布图像的研究分析,较系统地归纳了板内逆断层地震破裂的基本特征及分段标志.研究表明:(1) 逆断层破裂往往沿走向延伸较短,常表现为二维面状分布形态;(2) 地震断层未出露地表或仅有部分出露地表;(3) 逆断层地震破裂较走滑断层和正断层产生的地震破裂更为复杂,不仅表现在构成整体破裂带的各个单条破裂的力学性质差异方面,而且表现在几何结构方面.  相似文献   

使用2002年M7.9阿拉斯加迪纳利断层地震(DFE)周围的地震形变和无震形变的观测资料,检验了余滑应该伴有颤动的假设。余滑比自发慢滑动发生得更频繁,而且已在更广泛的构造环境中观测到了。因此,伴随余滑的颤动存在与否能提供有关颤动生成的新线索。我们还搜寻了前兆颤动,即假定加速滑动导致破裂的证据。我们的搜寻在迪纳利断层地震前5天及其后3个月内的几个时段均未得到颤动。这种否定结果和一系列其他观测结果,或许都可用破裂穿透到假定的闭锁区以下到达摩擦过渡区内来解释。尽管并非独一无二,但这种解释确证了先前巨大逆冲断层和转换断层地震破裂完全延展到过渡区的模型。  相似文献   

本文运用数值分析方法,探讨了在粘弹性介质中的剪切产热不稳定性的详细动力学过程,并结合实际俯冲板块情况,分析了深源地震的形成机制,结果表明,由于粘滞损耗产热而形成的剪切产热不稳定性是深源地震可能的发生机理之一。  相似文献   

基于断层相互作用理论的强震成组孕育发生初步研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
应用应力触发理论原理,基于断层相互作用理论,研究了川滇地区6级以上地震的库仑破裂应力变化。初步结果表明,后续强震大多发生在前一地震所触发的应力增长区,这证明了强震之间是相互作用、相互影响的。即强震是成组孕育、成组发生的,这对强震的地点预测有一定实际意义。  相似文献   

主要从区域性的断块运动、深部构造特征及走滑断层的枢纽运动等方面对1850年西昌地震孕育和发生的地质构造条件进行研究。  相似文献   

唐荣江  朱守彪 《地球物理学报》2020,63(10):3712-3726



主要从区域性的断块运动、深部构造特征及走滑断层的枢纽运动等方面对 1850年西昌地震孕育和发生的地质构造条件进行研究。  相似文献   

Based on the heterogeneity of fault plane strength,the macro rupture process of a fault plane can be treated as the rupture accumulation process of local micro-elements in the fault surface.Assuming that the strength of the local micro-elements follows the Weibull probability distribution,the macro-fault constitutive relationship of the complete load-deformation process is derived from a statistical mechanics viewpoint.Applying a one-dimensional earthquake mechanics model and using far-field displacement a as the control variable,the problem of earthquake instability is investigated by employing the stability theory.The results show that the system stiffness ratio(stiffness ratio of fault to surroun-ding rock) β is the important parameter that affects the occurrence of earthquakes.Earthquake instability occurs only when β < 1,and the sudden stress jump appears at the displacement turning point of the equilibrium path curve.The expression of three important parameters for earthquakes(fault half-dislocation distance after earthquake,earthquake stress drop and elastic energy release) is also given.When β≥1,the earthquake does not occur and the fault only slips slowly without an earthquake.  相似文献   

AnevidenceforearthquakeocurencetimerelatedwithgeologicstructureRelationsbetwenlocalmeanlunartimesofearthquakeocurenceandthei...  相似文献   

李平恩  廖力  奉建州 《地球物理学报》2021,64(10):3466-3477



鲁甸6.5级地震是川滇菱形块体南南东向运动在青藏高原东缘与华南地块相互作用边界变形带上发生的一次中等强度地震.尽管野外应急科学考察没有发现明显的地震地表破裂带,但云南昭通防震减灾局局域地震台网记录到的余震条带状分布、震后科学考察获得的地震烈度长轴方位和极震区地震裂缝等显示出发震断层为NW向包谷垴-小河断裂,左旋走滑性质,属大凉山断裂南端部组成部分;库仑应力计算表明,鲁甸地震可对周边活动断层系历史地震空段产生应力加载作用,其地震危险性不容忽视.  相似文献   

The relation between the local mean lunar time τ of earthquake occurrence and their fault trends is studied in this paper. The local mean lunar times τ of 53 earthquakes in 24 groups are calculated. Because the tidal generation force arisen by the moon is a cyclic function of about 12 hours 25 minutes in the main, the two tidal generation forces anywhere in the earth arising by the moon are equal in general when the moon lies to the two sites of 180° interval of local mean lunar time. Based on this phenomenon the values Δτ of τ1–τ2 or τ1–τ2 ± 180° of two earthquakes occurring repetitiously in the same place are also calculated. The calculated results show that if the fault trends of the two earthquakes in the same place is near, the Δτ is usually smaller and if the fault trends of the two ones is not near, the Δτ is usually larger and the distribution of the local mean lunar time τ of earthquakes in different places is dispersive even if fault trends of these earthquakes are near, and the τ does not concentrate on the lower and upper transit of the moon. The above phenomena clear up that the triggering earthquake of earth solid tide arisen by the moon is relative with the fault trends of earthquakes and we ought to think over the difference of environmental conditions of earthquake preparation of each seismogenic zone and can not make statistics to earthquakes in different places when we study the relation between the solid earth tide arisen by the moon and earthquakes.  相似文献   

It has been proposed that large strike-slip faults such as the San Andreas contain water in seal-bounded compartments. Arguments based on heat flow and stress orientation suggest that in most of the compartments, the water pressure is so high that the average shear strength of the fault is less than 20 MPa. We propose a variation of this basic model in which most of the shear stress on the fault is supported by a small number of compartments where the pore pressure is relatively low. As a result, the fault gouge in these compartments is compacted and lithified and has a high undisturbed strength. When one of these locked regions fails, the system made up of the neighboring high and low pressure compartments can become unstable. Material in the high fluid pressure compartments is initially underconsolidated since the low effective confining pressure has retarded compaction. As these compartments are deformed, fluid pressure remains nearly unchanged so that they offer little resistance to shear. The low pore pressure compartments, however, are overconsolidated and dilate as they are sheared. Decompression of the pore fluid in these compartments lowers fluid pressure, increasing effective normal stress and shear strength. While this effect tends to stabilize the fault, it can be shown that this dilatancy hardening can be more than offset by displacement weakening of the fault (i.e., the drop from peak to residual strength). If the surrounding rock mass is sufficiently compliant to produce an instability, slip will propagate along the fault until the shear fracture runs into a low-stress region. Frictional heating and the accompanying increase in fluid pressure that are suggested to occur during shearing of the fault zone will act as additional destabilizers. However, significant heating occurs only after a finite amount of slip and therefore is more likely to contribute to the energetics of rupture propagation than to the initiation of the instability.We present results of a one-dimensional dynamic Burridge-Knopoff-type model to demonstrate various aspects of the fluid-assisted fault instability described above. In the numerical model, the fault is represented by a series of blocks and springs, with fault rheology expressed by static and dynamic friction. In addition, the fault surface of each block has associated with it pore pressure, porosity and permeability. All of these variables are allowed to evolve with time, resulting in a wide range of phenomena related to fluid diffusion, dilatancy, compaction and heating. These phenomena include creep events, diffusion-controlled precursors, triggered earthquakes, foreshocks, aftershocks, and multiple earthquakes. While the simulations have limitations inherent to 1-D fault models, they demonstrate that the fluid compartment model can, in principle, provide the rich assortment of phenomena that have been associated with earthquakes.  相似文献   

洪洞临汾大震震源断层的相互作用和地震趋势分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
山西临汾地区1303年和1695年发生了洪洞(M8)和临汾(M7 3/4)两次相距最近特大地震。地震所在区域至今仍有持续不断的小震活动。我们根据1670次中、小地震精确震源定位结果和149个小地震的震源机制。通过震源三维空间分布和震源机制解的分析,认为洪洞地震和临汾地震的强相互作用是解锁,因此导致临汾地震提前发生;此外,2者之间还存在弱相互作用,并且和随机发生的地震达到一种平衡。2次大地震对区域所积累的应变基本释放完毕,难以再形成与应力场一致的大破裂,使得临汾地区连续的地震活动以中小地震的形式体现,连续300多年都没有5级以上地震发生。估计今后临汾地区的这种低水平活动将继续下去,发展趋势是安全的。  相似文献   

乌鲁木齐市断层附近地应力特征与断层活动性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了查明乌鲁木齐西山—碗窑沟断裂带地应力分布特征, 在研究区20 km×20 km的范围内布置12个基岩应力钻孔,采用水压致裂地应力测量技术进行了基岩原地应力测量;共布置了2条观测剖面,第一剖面是沿断层走向布置了7个钻孔,第二剖面在垂直断层走向布置了6个钻孔(与第一剖面共用1个钻孔).根据实测的地应力资料,断层附近最大水平主压应力方向为NE—NEE向,与区域构造应力SN—NNE向主压方向有一些差异,说明受断层活动影响,断层附近的应力状态与区域应力场明显不同.利用地应力实测资料,研究了断层的活动性,在测量深度域内水平和垂直应力的关系为σH>σh>σv,该应力状态有利于逆断层活动,与地质资料反映的以逆断层活动为主基本一致.利用库仑摩擦滑动准则,摩擦系数取0.6~1.0分析,断层附近的现今地应力状态达到或超过产生逆断层摩擦滑动的临界值,表明测区现今构造应力有利于逆断层活动.  相似文献   


本文利用2013年芦山MS7.0级地震同震GPS数据反演了芦山断层几何与断层滑动分布,结果表明:芦山地震发震断层具有南陡北缓、上陡下缓的特征,低倾角的区域位于发震断层北段且靠近映秀断层的一侧;滑动分布模型的最大滑动量为0.82 m,其深度为13.67 km与小震发生集中平均深度12.5 km接近.我们选取1998-2014年龙门山断裂带区域地壳形变观测数据,拟合获得了龙门山断裂带走向方向上的速度分量,发现在汶川MS8.0地震与芦山MS7.0地震之间宽度约30 km破裂空区,龙门山断裂带西南段与东北段的形变分量以破裂空区为界方向相反.断裂带东北段(汶川地震主要发震断层)的形变分量方向与断层右旋走滑运动方向一致,而在断裂带西南段(芦山地震发震断层)的形变分量方向与断层左旋走滑运动方向一致.芦山地震走滑方向与汶川地震走滑方向相反是因为该断裂带构造运动在特有几何构造下受青藏高原东南向挤压,遇龙门山中段岩石圈楔状构造的阻挡,在汶川MS8.0地震与芦山MS7.0地震间的地震空区,形成了构造运动向其两侧分流的结果.


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