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Marine Isotope Stage 11 (MIS 11) is considered one of the best analogues for the Holocene. In the UK the long lacustrine sequence at Marks Tey, Essex, spans the entirety of the Hoxnian interglacial, the British correlative of MIS 11c. We present multiproxy evidence from a new 18.5‐m core from this sequence. Lithostratigraphy, pollen stratigraphy and biomarker evidence indicate that these sediments span the pre‐, early and late temperate intervals of this interglacial as well as cold climate sediments that post‐date the Hoxnian. The δ18O signal of endogenic carbonate from this sequence produces several clear patterns that are interpreted as reflecting the climatic structure of the interglacial. As well as providing evidence for long‐term climate stability during the interglacial and a major post‐Hoxnian stadial/interstadial oscillation the δ18O signal provides strong evidence for abrupt cooling events during the interglacial itself. One of these isotopic events occurs in association with a short‐lived increase in non‐arboreal pollen (the NAP phase). The results presented here are discussed in the context of other MIS 11 records from Europe and the North Atlantic, particularly with respect to our understanding of the occurrence of abrupt climatic events in pre‐Holocene interglacials. Copyright © 2016 The Authors. Journal of Quaternary Science Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.  相似文献   

The chronology of a long pollen record from Lake Wangoom, one of the few long palaeoenvironmental records from southeastern Australia, is discussed in light of the acquisition of new uranium/thorium disequilibrium (UTD) dates. Of crucial importance has been the estimation of ages for two major pre‐Holocene phases of forest expansion recorded in the sequence, with implications for the timing of periods of high effective precipitation in the region. The new UTD ages indicate that the oldest forest phase falls within the Penultimate Interglacial whereas the later phase corresponds with the Last Interglacial. This is older than indicated by previously reported UTD and radiocarbon dates, but confirms a chronology based on direct correlation with the pollen record from marine core E55‐6. The new chronology of the Lake Wangoom sequence provides evidence that phases of sustained forest development in southeast Australia relate to interglacial periods. In comparison, interstadial periods appear to be characterised by only minor arboreal development. Marked differences in the pattern of vegetation development evident in each of the interglacials are thought to reflect varying climatic and anthropogenic influences. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Pollen, plant macrofossil, molluscan and coleopteran data from organic muds below the low terrace of the River Welland at Deeping St James, Lincolnshire indicate deposition in the mixed oak forest phase of a Late Pleistocene interglacial. Coleopteran and molluscan data suggest summer temperatures up to 4°C warmer than at present in eastern England, and plant macrofossil material suggests a climate more continental than that of Britain in the Holocene. No direct analogue of this biota, however, exists currently in Europe. Biostratigraphical indications from the pollen coleoptera and Mollusca suggest an age in the Ipswichian Interglacial. Thermoluminescence dates between 120 ka and 75 ka and amino-acid ratios with a mean of 0.11 show that deposition of the sediments took place during Oxygen Isotope Stage 5. This accurate dating of a partial Ipswichian succession allows discussion of the ages of a number of other interglacial sites in eastern England of assumed Ipswichian age. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Pleistocene deposits, together with their pollen, plant macrofossil, foraminiferal, dinoflagellate and coleopteran remains, from five sites along the Atlantic coast of the Médoc Peninsula are described and discussed. Sediments making up the Négade Formation are shown to have been laid down under either estuarine or lagoonal conditions when closed QuercusPinusTsuga canadensis regional woodland existed. Comparison with plant records from The Netherlands indicates that these deposits are most likely attributable to either the Early Pleistocene Bavel Interglacial (marine oxygen isotope stage (MIS) 31), or an interglacial of the Waalian (MIS 37–49) or Tiglian (MIS 63–79). In addition, clays assigned to the Argiles du Gurp sensu stricto, were similarly deposited in either an estuary or lagoon, which subsequently was cut off from the sea. A freshwater lake with vegetation dominated by Azolla filiculoides then developed. This was succeeded by reedswamp and an organic mud (termed Lignite in the corresponding French stratigraphical records) formed. Regional QuercusAbies woodland was replaced by one with Pinus dominant and Pterocarya a minor component. Comparison with plant records from France and other parts of Europe suggest that the clays and organic mud might be correlated with the Holsteinian (Praclaux) Interglacial (MIS 11c). Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

MIS 11 is often considered to be the best climatic analogue for the Holocene. Many studies have suggested, however, that it is a period of extreme climate warmth comparable in temperatures to the Middle and Late Pliocene. In Britain deposits of the Hoxnian interglacial are correlated to MIS 11 and multi-proxy techniques can be used to reconstruct the climate of this interglacial. Soil, groundwater and freshwater carbonates are common in Hoxnian deposits and the stable isotopic composition of these precipitates can be used to increase our understanding of MIS 11 environments in Britain. Carbonates from Marks Tey, Clacton, Swanscombe, Elveden and West Stow are studied, the stratigraphic context of which indicates that their formation is broadly synchronous (in the mid-Hoxnian, pollen zones Ho II to Ho III). The carbon isotopic composition of groundwater and pedogenic carbonates is typically depleted with respect to δ13C (ca −9 to −8‰ VPDB) reflecting uptake of plant respired CO2 during water migration/recharge. The carbon isotopic composition of lacustrine carbonate is more enriched with respect to δ13C (ca 0-1‰VPDB) reflecting the equilibration of lake waters with atmospheric CO2. The δ18O of groundwater and pedogenic carbonates is slightly more enriched than modern soil carbonates but not as enriched as soil carbonates formed under interglacials that were warmer than the Holocene (i.e. the Cromerian). The stable isotopic composition of Hoxnian carbonates does not, therefore, indicate that this interglacial was characterised by uniquely warm climates in the context of other Middle Pleistocene interglacials and the Holocene. This is contrary to many marine and littoral records from around the world but consistent with environmental records from Britain and Europe.  相似文献   

The Last Interglacial (Marine Isotopic Stage or MIS 5e) surface ocean heat flux from the Rockall Basin (NE Atlantic) towards the Arctic Ocean was reconstructed by analysing dinoflagellate cyst (dinocyst) assemblages in four sediment cores. Together with records of stable isotopes and ice-rafted detritus, the assemblage data reflect the northward retreat of ice(berg)-laden waters and the gradual development towards interglacial conditions at the transition from the Saalian deglaciation (Termination II) into MIS 5e. At the Rockall Basin, this onset of the Last Interglacial is soon followed by the appearance of the thermophilic dinocyst species Spiniferites mirabilis, with relative abundances higher than those observed at present in the area. North of the Iceland-Scotland Ridge, however, S. mirabilis only appears in significant numbers during late MIS 5e, between ~118 and 116.5 ka. Hence, fully marine Last Interglacial conditions with most intense Atlantic surface water influence occurred during late MIS 5e in the Nordic seas, and consequently also farther north in the Arctic Ocean, and at times when northern hemisphere summer insolation was already significantly decreased. The stratigraphic position of this Late Interglacial optimum is supported by planktic foraminifers and contrasts with the timing of the early Holocene climatic optimum in this area. We interpret the delayed northward expansion of Atlantic waters towards the polar latitudes as a result of the Saalian ice sheet deglaciation and its specific impact on the subsequent water mass evolution in this region.  相似文献   

《Quaternary Science Reviews》2005,24(14-15):1573-1583
There are five Pleistocene glacial/interglacial cycles recorded in deep-sea sediments from the last half million years, but only two classic interglacials are recognized on land. The dilemma stems from the different understanding and identification of glacials and interglacials in the geologic records on land and in the ocean. Only those intervals of warm climate that followed a major southward ice sheet advance and were accompanied by a deep penetrating oceanic transgression were recognized in their type areas of Northern Europe as true interglacials. Only those ice advances which left moraines farther south than younger ones were recognized as glacials. In contrast, all intervals reflecting exceptionally low global ice volume, high sea level and warm sea surface are taken as interglacials in the deep-sea record.Classic subdivisions are aligned with the glacial/interglacial cycles of marine isotope stage stratigraphies by proposed higher order units called supercycles (SC), bracketed by superterminations (ST). The Saalian supercycle (SC2) includes glacial cycles C, D and E composed of marine isotope stages MIS 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11. The units MIS 7 to MIS 11 correspond to the Great (Gross) Interglacial, estimated from the early geologic considerations to be about 240 millennia long [Penck and Brückner, 1909. Die Alpen im Eiszeitalter, vols. 1–3. Christian-Herman Tauchnitz, Leipzig] and determined from astronomic computations to last 235 millennia [Milankovitch, 1941. Kanon der Erdbestrahlung und seine Anwendung auf das Eiszeitenproblem. Académie Royale Serbe Editions Speciales Section des Sciences Mathématiques et Naturelles, Tome CXXXIII. Stamparija Mihaila Curcica, Beograd, 633pp.). The current high precision radiometric dating fully confirms the accuracy of Milankovitch's determination and the pivotal role of orbital mechanisms in Pleistocene climate change.  相似文献   

Benthic foraminiferal faunas suggesting interglacial climatic conditions are present in several shallow drillings in the North Sea and in northern Jutland. Denmark. The interglacial deposits in six of the cores arc correlated by means of isoleucine epimerization, paleomagnetic data and environmental inferences. Four episodes of interglacial circulation are recorded in sediments of Brunhes age and one warm episode is found just below the Brunhes Matuyama boundary. The Holocene and Eemian faunas of the North Sea are richer in species and individuals and contain more thermophilous species than the older interglacial faunas. However. a much more northern distribution of Bulimina marginata in sediments of Eemian age suggests that oceanic circulation was different during this period than during the Holocene. Sediments of the three other Brunhes interglacials (the Holsteinian, the Norwegian Trench and the Devils Hole Interglacial) and the Leerdam Interglacial record periods of relatively cooler conditions and possibly reduced inflow of Atlantic water.  相似文献   

Detailed faunal, isotopic, and lithic marine records provide new insight into the stability and climate progression of the last interglacial period, Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 5, which peaked approximately 125,000 years ago. In the eastern subpolar North Atlantic, at the latitude of Ireland, interglacial warmth of the ice volume minimum of substage 5e (MIS 5e) lasted 10,000 years (10 ka) and its demise occurred in two cooling steps. The first cooling step marked the end of the climatic optimum, which was 2–3 ka long. Minor ice rafting accompanied each cooling step; the second, larger, step encompassing cold events C26 and C25 was previously identified in the northwestern Atlantic. Approximately 4 °C of cooling occurred between peak interglacial warmth and C25, and the region experienced an additional temporary cooling of at least 1–2 °C during C24, a cooling event associated with widespread ice rafting in the North Atlantic. Beginning with C24, MIS 5 was characterized by oscillations of at least 1–2 °C superimposed on a generally cool baseline. The results of this study imply that the marine climatic optimum of the last interglacial was shorter than previously thought. The finding that the eastern subpolar North Atlantic cooled significantly before C24 reconciles terrestrial evidence for progressive climate deterioration at similar and lower latitudes with marine conditions. Our results also demonstrate a close association between modest ice rafting, cooling, and deep ocean circulation even during the peak of MIS 5e and in the earliest stages of ice growth.  相似文献   

《Quaternary Science Reviews》2007,26(9-10):1236-1300
Multidisciplinary investigations of the sequence at Beeches Pit, West Stow (Suffolk, UK), have a direct bearing the age of the Hoxnian Interglacial and its correlation with the continental Holsteinian and with the global marine record. At this site, glacial deposits (till and outwash gravels) referable to the Anglian Lowestoft Formation fill a subglacial channel cut in Chalk bedrock. Above these glacial deposits a series of interglacial sediments occurs, consisting of limnic, tufaceous and colluvial silts, lacking pollen but rich in shells, ostracods and vertebrates. Lower Palaeolithic flint artefacts of Acheulian character have also been recovered, including refitting examples. Charred material is abundant at certain horizons and many of the bones have been burned. Several discrete areas of burnt sediment are interpreted as hearths. The molluscan fauna comprises some 78 taxa and includes species of considerable zoogeographical and biostratigraphical importance. The land snail assemblage from the tufa consists of woodland taxa with no modern analogue, including species that are either extinct (e.g. Zonitoides sepultus) or which no longer live in Britain (e.g. Platyla polita, P. similis, Neniatlanta pauli). This is also the type locality of Retinella (Lyrodiscus) skertchlyi, which belongs to a subgenus of zonitid land snail now living only on the Canary Islands. There are indications from this fauna (‘the Lyrodiscus biome’) that the climate was wetter and perhaps warmer than the present day. The vertebrate fauna is also noteworthy with species of open habitats, such as rabbit (Oryctolagus cf. cuniculus), and of closed forest, such as squirrel (Sciurus sp.) and garden dormouse (Eliomys quercinus) present at different times. The occurrence of southern thermophiles, such as Aesculapian snake (Zamenis longissimus), indicates temperatures warmer than those of eastern England today. The upper levels include much material reworked from the interglacial sediments, although there is clear faunal evidence for climatic deterioration. Both the molluscan and vertebrate faunas suggest correlation of the interglacial sediments with the Hoxnian. Uranium series dates from the tufa (∼455 ka BP), TL dates from burnt flints (414±30 ka BP) and a range of amino acid racemization data all support correlation of this interglacial with MIS 11. However, four OSL dates from sand beneath the interglacial sequence yield a mean age of 261±31 ka BP, far younger than all other age determinations and far younger than implied by the biostratigraphy. Archaeologically the site is unusual in showing prolonged human occupation within closed deciduous forest and evidence for controlled use of fire in a Lower Palaeolithic context. Biostratigraphical correlations with other Lower Palaeolithic sites support the suggestion that Acheulian and Clactonian industries both occurred in southern Britain during the same substage of the Hoxnian, although not necessarily at precisely the same time. The characteristics of the MIS 11 interglacial in Britain are discussed in the light of evidence from Beeches Pit and elsewhere.  相似文献   

In the volcanic region of Velay (Massif Central, France), lake sediment sequences derived from maar craters situated close to one another (Ribains, Praclaux and Lac du Bouchet) have been correlated on the basis of tephrostratigraphical analyses. This has enabled the construction of a sequence (2980 pollen spectra) that begins during the glaciation preceding the Holsteinian and ends in the present. This sequence covers the period from 450 ka, i.e. from the end of marine oxygen isotope stage 12, to the present time, and includes five climatic cycles. The study of a second core from the Praclaux site completed the long Velay sequence. The biostratigraphy of the whole sequence is described in detail and illustrated by a synthetic and simplified pollen diagram. Thirteen temperate forest episodes (interglacials or interstadials) and as many cold periods (glacials or stadials) are defined. Each temperate episode is characterised by particular forest development and vegetation dynamics, and all of them, with the exception of the Holocene, begin and end with a Pinus forest. The vegetation dynamics observed during the Holocene resemble more closely those recorded during the interstadials than during the interglacials. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Marine Oxygen Isotope Stage 11 (MIS 11, Hoxnian Interglacial) is an important interval for understanding both climate change in an interglacial partially analogous to the Holocene and the response of geomorphic processes, biotic systems, and hominin populations to these changes. In Britain, many sites correlated to MIS 11 have not been studied since the mid-20th century and require reinvestigation, including the Hitchin tufa sequence, where a rich, non-marine molluscan assemblage was originally recovered. Re-excavation of the Hitchin tufa sequence for this study was focussed on combined sedimentological, micromorphological and geochemical analyses of the deposits. These indicate that tufa formation occurred within a perched springline system under temperate climatic conditions. Shifts between paludal and fluvial tufa facies within this system occur concomitantly with changes in carbonate geochemistry, representing increased humidity caused by a change in rainfall amount or seasonality. This research enables a correlation of the sequence to the climatic optimum of MIS 11c, the main warm phase of MIS 11, and permits further insights into temperature and hydrological changes in this interval by generating the first geochemical records of hydroclimatic evolution during the MIS 11 thermal maximum in Britain.  相似文献   

As a future warm-climate analog, much attention has been directed to studies of the Last Interglacial period or marine isotope substage (MIS) 5.5, which occurred ~120,000 years ago. Nevertheless, there are still uncertainties with respect to its duration, warmth and magnitude of sea-level rise. Here we present new data from tectonically stable peninsular Florida and the Florida Keys that provide estimates of the timing and magnitude of sea-level rise during the Last Interglacial period. The Last Interglacial high sea stand in south Florida is recorded by the Key Largo Limestone, a fossil reef complex, and the Miami Limestone, an oolitic marine sediment. Thirty-five new, high-precision, uranium-series ages of fossil corals from the Key Largo Limestone indicate that sea level was significantly above present for at least 9000 years during the Last Interglacial period, and possibly longer. Ooids from the Miami Limestone show open-system histories with respect to U-series dating, but show a clear linear trend toward an age of ~120 ka, correlating this unit with the Last Interglacial corals of the Key Largo Limestone. Older fossil reefs at three localities in the Florida Keys have ages of ~200 ka and probably correlate to MIS 7. These reefs imply sea level near or slightly above present during the penultimate interglacial period. Elevation measurements of both the Key Largo Limestone and the Miami Limestone indicate that local (relative) sea level was at least 6.6 m, and possibly as much as 8.3 m higher than present during the Last Interglacial period.  相似文献   

The Ferdynandovian Interglacial is one of the most controversial Quaternary stratigraphic horizons in Europe. This study concentrates on palaeoclimatic reconstruction of this interglacial based on pollen succession, isotope composition and magnetic susceptibility. The section investigated is located in the open cast mine at Belchatow, central Poland. The lacustrine sequence contains laminated diatomite at the base, which was deposited in deep, meromictic lake, and massive diatomite to calcareous gyttja in its upper part. The latter were deposited in a holomictic lake, which became progressively more shallow. The gradual increase of δ18O values and simultaneous decrease of susceptibility in the lower part of the Ferdynandovian sequence at Belchatow correspond well with climatic amelioration documented by pollen analysis. Simultaneous increase of precipitation of carbonates and its δ13C values correspond well with the increase in biological activity in the lake. Results obtained by isotope investigations showed an increase in the mean annual temperature to a maximum of 7.5°C from the beginning of the interglacial to the first appearance of thermophilous, deciduous trees. The oxygen-isotope curve does not show any short-term climatic oscillations. Susceptibility oscillations are somewhat more distinct, but because the main magnetic carrier is greigite deposited on spores of unicellular organisms, they are linked to the concentration of these spores rather than with the climatic oscillations. Twelve secular cycles or their fragments have been recorded in the interglacial sequence by palaeomagnetic investigations, suggesting c . 9600 years of deposition. This corresponds well with the 10 000 years of deposition calculated for the same sequence based on annually laminated diatomites.  相似文献   

Multidisciplinary, litho-, bio- and amino-stratigraphical investigations of the infills of buried channels on the coast of eastern Essex have a direct bearing on the differentiation of MIS 11 and MIS 9 in continental records. New data are presented from Shoeburyness, where a deeply incised channel filled with interglacial sediment can be directly related to the terrace stratigraphy of the River Thames. Fossil assemblages confirm that the interglacial beds began accumulating in a freshwater environment, which became transformed into a dynamic estuary as relative sea-levels rose. Pollen data confirm that this occurred early in the interglacial when mixed oak forest was becoming established.The geological context of the sediments indicates that they post-date the Anglian glaciation, yet pre-date the Barling Gravel terrace aggradation, which has been ascribed to MIS 8. Amino acid racemisation data based on Bithynia opercula further constrain the age to the Hoxnian (=MIS 11) or to MIS 9. An MIS 9 attribution is favoured because (i) AAR data suggest that the sequence post-dates the interglacial channel-fill at Clacton, which is widely ascribed to the Hoxnian; (ii) the bivalve Corbicula occurred early within the interglacial (unlike its late appearance during the Hoxnian); and (iii) the sequence includes evidence for a marine transgression that occurred earlier in the interglacial cycle than it did at local Hoxnian sites.Plant macrofossil remains suggest that the early part of the Shoeburyness interglacial was associated with warmer-than-present summer temperatures. This is in keeping with inferences from sites at Barling, Cudmore Grove and Purfleet, which are also attributed to MIS 9. All three sites are similar in terms of their palaeo-vegetation and inferred relative sea-level histories and provide an emerging picture of this temperate episode in southern Britain.  相似文献   

Joint pollen and oxygen isotope data from Ocean Drilling Program Site 1234 in the southeast Pacific provide the first, continuous record of temperate South American vegetation and climate from the last 140 ka. Located at 36°S, 65 km offshore of Concepcion, Chile, Site 1234 monitors the climatic transition zone between northern semi-arid, summer dry-winter wet climate and southern year-round, rainy, cool temperate climate. Dominance of onshore winds suggests that pollen preserved here reflects transport to the ocean via rivers that drain the region and integrate conditions from the coastal mountains to the Andean foothills. Down-hole changes in diagnostic pollen assemblages from xeric lowland deciduous forest (characterized by grasses, herbs, ferns, and trees such as deciduous beech, Nothofagus obliqua), mesic Valdivian Evergreen Forest (including conifers such as the endangered Prumnopitys andina), and Subantarctic Evergreen Rainforest (comprised primarily of southern beech, N. dombeyi) reveal large rapid shifts that likely reflect latitudinal movements in atmospheric circulation and storm tracks associated with the southern westerly winds. During glacial intervals (MIS 2-4, and 6), rainforests and parkland dominated by Nothofagus moved northward into the region. At the MIS 6/5e transition, coeval with the rapid shift to lower isotopic values, rainforest vegetation was rapidly replaced by xeric plant communities associated with Mediterranean-type climate. An increased prominence of halophytic vegetation suggests that MIS 5e was more arid and possibly warmer than MIS 1. Although rainforest pollen rises again at the end of MIS 5e, lowland deciduous forest pollen persists through MIS 5d and 5c, into MIS 5b. Substantial millennial-scale variations occur in both interglacial and glacial regimes, attesting to the sensitivity of the southern westerly belt to climate change. Comparison of the cool, mesic N. dombeyi rainforest assemblage from Site 1234 with δ18O in the Byrd Ice core shows that on time scales longer than 10 ka, cool-moist conditions in central Chile were coherent with and occurred in phase with Antarctic cooling. This is also likely at millennial scales, although rainforest pollen lags Antarctic cooling with exponential response times of about 1000 years, which plausibly reflects the ecological response time to regional climate change.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to show the stratigraphic record of the Late Pleistocene corresponding to the distal region of the Paraná River basin. It displays sedimentological, paleontological and geochronological evidences that characterise the last interglacial–glacial cycle. In particular, strong environmental records are shown for the Last Interglacial Stage (LIS). Salto Ander Egg Formation (SAEF) is defined as a new lithostratigraphic unit representative of the Late Pleistocene in southwestern Mesopotamia. This unit is formed of complex fluvial deposits, which contains a heterogeneous collection of sub-environments, of ages ranging from 120 to 60 ky BP. The clast-supported gravel facies containing sparse boulders indicate high flow during a humid climate. The large and middle-scale architectures of fluvial sedimentary bodies evidence the relationship between the sediment accommodation and the sea level oscillations. Three sub-sequences identified in the succession suggest a transgressive trend during the MIS5e, a highstand stage in MIS5c, and a minor transgressive cycle during MIS3. A Brazilian faunal association collected at the bottom of the sequence and sedimentological interpretations display wet and warm climatic conditions, typical of tropical or subtropical environments. Such environmental conditions are characteristic of the maximum of the last interglacial stage (MIS5e) and show a signal stronger than the signal of the current interglacial stage. All these data show a direct correlation between the increases of paleodischarges and the elevation of the sea level. The whole sequence is completed with transitional swampy deposits, accumulated probably during the MIS3/MIS2 transition, and the typical loess of the Tezanos Pinto Formation, mantled during the Last Maximum Glacial.  相似文献   

《Quaternary Science Reviews》2007,26(13-14):1713-1724
Continuous high-resolution pollen data for the past 225 ka from sediments in Bear Lake, Utah–Idaho reflect changes in vegetation and climate that correlate well with variations in summer insolation and global ice-volume during MIS 1 through 7. Spectral analysis of the pollen data identified peaks at 21–22 and 100 ka corresponding to periodicities in Earth's precession and eccentricity orbital cycles. Suborbital climatic fluctuations recorded in the pollen data, denoted by 6 and 5 ka cyclicities, are similar to Greenland atmospheric temperatures and North Atlantic ice-rafting Heinrich events. Our results show that millennial-scale climate variability is also evident during MIS 5, 6 and 7, including the occurrence of Heinrich-like events in MIS 6, showing the long-term feature of such climate variability. This study provides clear evidence of a highly interconnected ocean–atmosphere system during the last two glacial/interglacial cycles that extended its influence as far as continental western North America. Our study also contributes to a greater understanding of the impact of long-term climate change on vegetation of western North America. Such high-resolution studies are particularly important in efforts of the scientific community to predict the consequences of future climate change.  相似文献   

Pollen and macrofossil analyses of two sequences of organic sediment in western Ireland have allowed the recognition of the latter parts of the Gortian Interglacial, a Middle Pleistocene temperate stage. The palaeobotanical information from the two sites identifies the preservation of partial sequences from the Gortian Interglacial (believed to be the equivalent of the Hoxnian Stage of Britain and the Holsteinian of Europe). The pollen and macrofossil data from one of the sites, Derrynadivva, span the middle and latter parts of the temperate stage. The results show that fire influenced the vegetation throughout the middle part of the temperate stage, and the termination of the organic depositional sequence appears to have been due to environmental deterioration. The former is identified through the abundant occurrence of charcoal in the sediments, whereas the latter is apparent in the sediment sequence and in the reworking of thermophilous pollen types into the upper part of the deposit. The second site, Burren Townland, records only part of the later zones of the interglacial, but the ericaceous assemblages of the latter part of the Gortian Interglacial are well developed and well preserved. Macrofossil analyses and scanning electron microscopy work on the pollen at the latter site has allowed the recognition of Rhododendron ponticum, adding to previous records of this species, which now has a very disjunct European distribution.  相似文献   

The coastal cliff section at Kås Hoved in northern Denmark represents one of the largest exposures of marine interglacial deposits in Europe. High‐resolution analyses of sediments, foraminifera, ostracods, and stable isotopes (oxygen and carbon) in glacial‐interglacial marine sediments from this section, as well as from two adjacent boreholes, are the basis for an interpretation of marine environmental and climatic change through the Late Elsterian‐Holsteinian glacial‐interglacial cycle. The overlying glacial deposits show two ice advances during the Saalian and Weichselian glaciations. The assemblages in the initial glacier‐proximal part of the marine Late Elsterian succession reveal fluctuations in the inflow of sediment‐loaded meltwater to the area. This is followed by faunal indication of glacier‐distal, open marine conditions, coinciding with a gradual climatic change from arctic to subarctic environments. Continuous marine sedimentation during the glacial‐interglacial transition is presumably a result of a large‐scale isostatic subsidence caused by the preceding extended Elsterian glaciation. The similarity of the climatic signature of the interglacial Holsteinian and Holocene assemblages in this region indicates that the Atlantic Ocean circulation was similar during these two interglacials, whereas Eemian interglacial assemblages indicate a comparatively high water temperature associated with an enhanced North Atlantic Current. The foraminiferal zones are correlated with other Elsterian‐Holsteinian sites in Denmark, as well as those in the type area for the Holsteinian interglacial in northern Germany and the southern North Sea. Correlation of the NW European Holsteinian succession with the marine isotope stages MIS 7, 9 or 11 is still unresolved.  相似文献   

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