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A kinetic model is developed for the prediction of upper atmospheric i.r. radiation from the vibrational bands of NO. The model is appropriate to both the quiescent and aurorally excited nighttime atmosphere and has been exercised to examine the variation in NO radiation levels which can result from both natural atmospheric variability and uncertainties in kinetic parameters. Comparisons between model predictions and i.r. radiance data are presented.  相似文献   

The Huygens descent through Titan's atmosphere in January 2005 will provide invaluable information about Titan's atmospheric composition and aerosol properties. The Descent Imager/Spectral Radiometer (DISR) will perform upward and downward looking radiation observations at various spectral ranges and spatial resolutions. To prepare the DISR data interpretation we have developed a new model for radiation transfer in Titan's atmosphere. The model solves for the full three-dimensional polarized radiation field in spherical geometry. However, the atmosphere itself is assumed to be spherically symmetric. The model is initialized with a fast-to-compute plane–parallel solution based on the doubling and adding algorithm that incorporates a spherical correction for the incoming direct solar beam. The full three-dimensional problem is then solved using the characteristics method combined with the Picard iterative approximation as described in Rozanov et al. (J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transfer 69 (2001) 491). Aerosol scattering properties are calculated with a new microphysical model. In this formulation, aerosols are assumed to be fractal aggregates and include methane gas absorption embedded into the extinction coefficient. The resulting radiance of the model atmosphere's internal field is presented for two prescribed DISR wavelengths.  相似文献   

The procedure of computing the intensity and the polarization parameters of radiation diffusely reflected and transmitted by an inhomogeneous, plane-parallel planetary atmosphere is discussed with the aid of the adding method. If the atmosphere is simulated by a number of homogeneous sublayers (aerosols and ozone may be included), the matrices of radiation diffusely reflected and transmitted by the atmosphere can be expressed in terms of these matrices of sublayers by using only a couple of iterative equations with the polarity effect of radiation. This procedure is to be extended to the model atmosphere bounded by the surface reflector with a quite arbitrary phase matrix.  相似文献   

A method of computing the diffuse reflection and transmission radiation from an inhomogenous, plane-parallel planetary atmosphere bounded by the hybrid surface of a diffuse and specular reflector is discussed by using the addition method. If the atmosphere is simulated by a number of homogeneous sublayers, the radiation diffusely reflected and transmitted by the atmosphere can be expressed in terms of the diffuse reflection and transmission matrices of radiation of sublayers (Laciset al., 1974; Takashima, 1973, 1975). With this method (Takashima, 1975), the troublesome treatment due to the effect of polarity of radiation is overcome. Moreover, if the surface reflects radiation in accordance with the Lambert law as well as a quite arbitrary phase matrix (Takashima, 1974), the addition method can be easily extended. It is shown in this paper that the addition method is suitable for numerical computation even if the surface reflects light according to the hybrid mode of the diffuse and specular law (Uenoet al., 1974; Mukai, 1976).On leave from the Meterological Research Institute, Tokyo, Japan.  相似文献   

To evaluate the effect of the cliff on the radiation field, the upwelling radiation at the top of the atmosphere is computed over the cliff using the reflection and transmission functions derived from the doubling-adding method. The model is defined by the plane-parallel homogeneous atmosphere, which is composed of aerosol and molecules, and is bounded by the top level surface, cliff and low level surface. These surfaces may be assumed to be the Lambertian.In the computational procedure, the equation for the emergent radiation is expanded into a series of radiative interaction modes among atmosphere, surfaces and the cliff. In respective modes, probabilities of respective interactions are firstly evaluated. With the aid of these probabilities, the emergent radiation is calculated using the doubling-adding method for the model atmosphere bounded by the surfaces and cliff, where the above radiative interactions are considered upto twice as large to obtain the enough accuracy of simulation. The multiple scattering is considered.  相似文献   

For a precise atmospheric correction over the non-uniform terrain in satellite imageries, a numerical method for evaluating the upwelling radiation at the top of the atmosphere bounded by the non-uniform surface is developed as an extended doubling-adding method. The present method enable us to treat quantitatively the case of hazy atmosphere and (or) large albedo of the surface.  相似文献   

A new way is adopted for the evaluation of the upwelling radiation from atmosphere bounded by two half-Lambert surfaces. The atmosphere is assumed to be homogeneous, and is composed of aerosol, molecules, and absorbent gases, where the model aerosol is of the oceanic and water soluble types.In the computational procedure, an iterative doubling-adding equation is expanded into a series of the radiative interaction modes between atmosphere and surface. Next, a probability of radiation interacting with respective half surfaces is calculated based on the assumption of single-scattering in the atmosphere. On the basis of this probability, the emergent radiation at the top of the atmosphere is approximately calculated by considering the radiative intractions to be twice as large. The effect of the multiple-scattering is fully taken into account. A numerical simulation exhibits the extraordinary effect near the two half-surface boundary of different albedoes. The effect of the other half-surface on the radiance decreases monotonically with the distance from the boundary. The present new version enable us to quantitatively discuss radiative transfer near the boundary of two half-surfaces even if the optical thickness is large and (or) surface albedo is great.  相似文献   

Time variations in the solar flux between 1000 and 4000 Å induce changes in the concentrations of minor constituents in the upper stratosphere and mesosphere. The response of mesospheric ozone to variations in the Lyman α line over the course of several solar rotations may be of measurable magnitude. Large Lyman α fluxes lead to small O3 densities above 65 km due to the enhanced dissociation of H2O and resultant destruction of odd oxygen by odd hydrogen. An increase in continuum and Lyman α fluxes causes a slight enhancement in both the odd oxygen and hydrogen concentrations in the upper stratosphere.  相似文献   

Ethane (C2H6), methylacetylene (CH3C2H or C3H4) and diacetylene (C4H2) have been discovered in Spitzer 10-20 μm spectra of Uranus, with 0.1-mbar volume mixing ratios of (1.0±0.1)×10−8, (2.5±0.3)×10−10, and (1.6±0.2)×10−10, respectively. These hydrocarbons complement previously detected methane (CH4) and acetylene (C2H2). Carbon dioxide (CO2) was also detected at the 7-σ level with a 0.1-mbar volume mixing ratio of (4±0.5)×10−11. Although the reactions producing hydrocarbons in the atmospheres of giant planets start from radicals, the methyl radical (CH3) was not found in the spectra, implying much lower abundances than in the atmospheres of Saturn or Neptune where it has been detected. This finding underlines the fact that Uranus' atmosphere occupies a special position among the giant planets, and our results shed light on the chemical reactions happening in the absence of a substantial internal energy source.  相似文献   

Rocket-borne photon counters sensitive to bands 1060–1180, 1230–1350, and 1350–1480 were used to measure the celestial ultraviolet radiation above the terrestrial atmosphere. The energy spectra of six objects, Leo, CMa, Ori, , , Ori (combined), Ori, and Tau were obtained. The comparison of them with those calculated with the stellar model atmospheres indicates the deficiency of about 1 mag. in the ultraviolet region, when corrected for interstellar extinction, for all stars except Tau. The observed spectrum of Tau agreed with the theoretical one for normal interstellar extinction. The effects of line blanketing were examined for B1 and B2 stars, and found to account for a part of the difference between the observed and the theoretical values.  相似文献   

A refined technique is presented for deriving 9-μm extinction opacities of the Mars atmosphere from brightness temperature measurements made by the Viking Infrared Thermal Mapper. Improvements include modeling of the vertical temperature profile, a surface-atmosphere temperature discontinuity, and the effects of surface emissitivity and particle scattering. The routine is applied to the Mars Average Data Set to yield zonal mean opacities for more than one Mars year. The mean 9-μm opacity for one year is 0.5, yet the mode value is only 0.056, due to the very skewed distribution. Time histories of opacity at the Viking Lander 1 and 2 sites are generated and compared to in situ data. Opacity maps are presented for the period Ls 168–270 covering the 1977a dust storm; these show the genesis and spread of the storm with 10° Ls resolution.  相似文献   

Suppose that the atmosphere consists of homogeneous sublayers whose scattering and transmission matrices are known, then it is shown in this paper how to determine the intensity and polarization parameters of internal radiation field by the matrix method.  相似文献   

针对时分同步码分多址复用(TD-SCDMA)系统物理层信息帧结构,利用上行同步序列(SYNC-UL)在帧结构中的固定位置,结合上行同步序列良好的相关特性,提出了一种简单、有效地估算移动终端与基站之间距离的方法。通过对空间信道环境、空间传播信号以及测距方法的仿真研究表明,基于TD-SCDMA上行同步序列的测距方法在不改变帧结构的前提下能够进行精确测距,计算结果可用于进行视距与非视距信号的判别,进而可用于确定移动终端位置。  相似文献   

If the atmosphere is simulated by a number of homogeneous sublayers, it was shown (Takashima, 1973a) that the intensity and polarization parameters emerging from any boundary of internal sublayer's field can be determined, provided that the diffuse reflection and transmission matrices of radiation of sublayers are known. Furthermore, if the surface (ground) is assumed to reflect light in accordance with the Lambert law, it is shown in this paper that the internal radiation field at boundary of any sublayer can be also computed in terms of the diffuse radiation matrices of sublayers rather than in terms of that of the entire atmosphere (Sekera, unpublished). The effect of polarization is included.  相似文献   

Spectroscopic remote sensing in the infrared and (sub)millimeter range is a powerful technique that is well suited for detecting minor species in planetary atmospheres (Planet Space Sci. 43(1995) 1485). Yet, only a handful of molecules in the Mars atmosphere (CO2, CO and H2O along with their isotopic species, O3, and more recently H2O2 and CH4) have been detected so far by this method. New high performance spectroscopic instruments will become available in the future in the infrared and (sub)millimeter range, for observations from the ground (infrared spectrometers on 8 m class telescopes, large millimeter and submillimeter interferometers) and from space, in particular the Planetary Fourier Spectrometer (PFS) aboard Mars Express (MEx), and the Heterodyne Instrument for the Far-Infrared (HIFI) aboard the Herschel Space Observatory (HSO). In this paper we will present results of a study that determines detectability of minor species in the atmosphere of Mars, taking into account the expected performance of the above spectroscopic instruments. In the near future, a new determination of the D/H value is expected with the PFS, especially during times of maximum H2O abundance in the martian atmosphere. PFS is also expected to place constraints on the abundance of several minor species (H2O2,CH4,CH2O, SO2, H2S, OCS, HCl) above any local outgassing sources, the hot spots. It will be possible to obtain complementary information on some minor species (O3,H2O2, CH4) from ground-based infrared spectrometers on large telescopes. In the more distant future, HIFI will be ideally suited for measuring the isotopic ratios with unprecedented accuracy. Moreover, it should be able to observe O2, which has not yet been detected spectroscopically in the IR/submm range, as well as H2O2. HIFI should also provide upper limits for several species that have not yet been detected (HCl, NH3, PH3) in the atmosphere of Mars. Some species (SO, SO2,H2S, OCS, CH2O) that may be observable from the ground could be searched for with present single-dish antennae and arrays, and in the future with the Atacama Large Millimeter Array (ALMA) submillimeter interferometer.  相似文献   

The expected intensity distribution of the infrared radiation in the solar neighborhood from the grain models of dirty ice, graphite and graphite core-dirty ice mantle has been calculated. It is found that the expected intensity from grain models at 100 agrees reasonably well with the observations of Hoffmann and Frederick.  相似文献   

High resolution spectroheliograms in the ultraviolet emission lines He i, He ii, O iv, O v, and Ne vii have been photographed during a sounding rocket flight. Simultaneously, broad band filtergrams of the far ultraviolet solar corona were obtained from the same flight. This paper describes qualitatively the spatial distribution of the UV emission. A comparison with an H filtergram is made. The most significant results can be summarized as follows: We find most of the ultraviolet emission concentrated around spicules, with different degree of concentration, decreasing with higher temperatures. 4 different areas of ultraviolet emission can be distinguished. (1) The normal network, bright in all UV emission lines from the chromosphere into the corona. (2) The coronal holes, bright in all UV emission lines up to 600 000 K but depressed in coronal lines from 1 million degrees upward. (3) The coronal depressions near active centers, absence of all ultraviolet emissions and (4) Active regions, where ultraviolet emission comes from plages, sunspots and coronal loops. High non-thermal Doppler velocities can be found in certain plage kernels around 105 to 2 × 105 K. Sunspots are bright in the ultraviolet, but do not exhibit He i or He ii emission. The corona above sunspots is weak. Sunspots do not show high non-thermal Doppler velocities. The He i and He ii emission does not follow either chromospheric, transition zone or coronal pattern; one can recognize some typical behavior of each.  相似文献   

The absorption spectrum and thermal radiation fluxes in the lower atmosphere of Venus are calculated using the theory of molecular state interference in the strong collision approximation. Comparison is made with the absorption and radiative transfer calculations in terms of the statistical theory of collisional line broadening and based on an empirical form factor. The calculations show that the line broadening mechanism does not affect the thermal regime of the atmosphere at heights above 60 km, but affects significantly the behavior of the greenhouse effect below the cloud layer.  相似文献   

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