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热带平流层水汽的准两年周期振荡   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
施春华  郑彬  陈月娟  毕云 《地球物理学报》2009,52(10):2428-2435
分析了1993年到2002年10年间HALOE卫星资料的热带平流层水汽年际变率,结果表明:热带平流层水汽混合比在2~5 hPa、10~30 hPa、30~100 hPa有三组显著的准两年周期振荡(QBO)现象;其中2~5 hPa和10~30 hPa水汽QBO呈反位相循环;30~100 hPa水汽QBO有显著上传特性.SOCRATES3模式模拟和诊断结果表明,热带平流层水汽QBO是在纬向风QBO强迫下产生的次级动力、热力因子和化学作用耦合后的结果:上层主要是环流输送引起,中层是环流输送和温度扰动驱动下的化学作用引起,下层是对流层顶水汽冻结层的温度扰动和环流输送引起.  相似文献   

平流层准两年变化对南海夏季风影响机制的探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用美国大气研究中心(the National Center for Atmospheric Research, NCAR)的中层大气模式模拟了平流层准两年振荡(Quasi-Biennial Oscillation, QBO)过程对对流层顶和对流层上层的影响, 并结合NCEP(the National Centers for Environmental Prediction)/NCAR、欧洲中期天气预报中心(European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts, ECMWF)月平均的风场资料和实际的探空观测资料, 分析了平流层QBO对南海夏季风的影响作用. 结果表明: 平流层QBO会引起平流层的异常经向环流并向下传播, 在QBO位相的中后期和位相转换期影响到对流层顶和对流层上层, 使热带和低纬度的对流层上层形成异常的经向气压梯度, 最终在夏季的对流层热带地区激发出不同类型的异常环流—西风位相时, 激发出与南海夏季风环流相反的异常环流, 在南海地区有显著的异常下沉运动, 对南海夏季风有削弱作用; 东风位相时, 激发出反Hadley环流型的异常环流, 在南海地区有明显的异常上升气流, 对南海夏季风有加强的效果. 虽然QBO对南海夏季风经向环流有影响, 但它并不是决定南海夏季风准两年变化的唯一因子.  相似文献   

我国上空平流层中微量气体的垂直分布和变化趋势   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
利用1992~2005年卤素掩星试验(HALOE)的观测资料分析了中国上空平流层的几种微量气体(NO, NO2, HF, HCl, CH4, H2O 和O3)混合比的垂直分布和变化趋势,以期为研究平流层的辐射和化学过程提供一些有用的数据. 文中除给出我国上空平流层各高度上平均的各种微量气体的含量外,还给出青藏高原上空这些微量气体的含量. 分析结果表明,平流层各种微量气体混合比的垂直分布有其不同的特征,在对流层上层到平流层底部各种微量气体的混合比分布和季节变化与平流层相比有明显的差异;分析结果还表明,这些微量气体的季节变化、准两年周期振荡和长期变化趋势都很明显,并且在平流层的不同高度上它们的变化趋势是不相同的. 在平流层中层,NO, NO2, HCl 和H2O 混合比在1998年以前都是增加而后则是明显下降的,但O3相反,在1998年以前明显减少,1998年后其减少的趋势不明显. 这表明,近年来平流层中层这些微量气体的减少使得它们对臭氧的破坏有所缓解. 但在平流层下层,臭氧的耗损仍然很明显.  相似文献   

建立了一个反映厄尔尼诺/南方涛动(ENSO)与热带远西太平洋准两年振荡(QBOWP)相互作用最基本物理过程的新概念模式. 在此概念模式中, QBOWP对ENSO的影响通过两种途径: (1) 沿赤道太平洋海洋Kelvin波和 (2) 大气的Walker环流; 而ENSO对QBOWP的影响则可通过大气的Walker环流异常来实现. 对该模式结果的分析诊断表明: 在ENSO与QBOWP相互作用过程中, 大气桥(Walker环流)的作用比海洋桥(沿赤道太平洋的Kelvin波)更重要; 通过QBOWP与ENSO的相互作用, 一个3~5年周期的ENSO振荡可以变为准两年振荡, 而赤道远西太平洋年际变化的主要周期也会变长; 热带太平洋大气-海洋耦合系统的多时间尺度的年际变化可以通过ENSO与QBOWP的相互作用来实现.  相似文献   

ENSO对平流层气溶胶分布的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
本文采用ONI(Oceanic Nino Index)和HALOE(Halogen Occultation Experiment)气溶胶面积密度资料,从其滞后相关性入手分析了ENSO循环对平流层气溶胶的影响,通过对滞后于El Nino和La Nina时气溶胶含量的比较探讨了ENSO强迫的影响程度,并用剩余环流及其输送量解释了平流层气溶胶变化的动力机制.结果表明:ENSO对平流层气溶胶的分布有明显影响,在赤道和低纬度上空尤为显著,El Nino发生后半年内热带平流层低层的气溶胶面积密度较平均值偏大,平流层中层的面积密度则偏小,而La Nina反之.El Nino和La Nina影响的差异显著,在分别滞后于El Nino和La Nina事件2~8个月间的60 hPa气溶胶含量差异甚至高达45%,海表温度变化1 K则在滞后半年内气溶胶面积密度的变化可达到16%.ENSO的强烈影响能够维持大约半年,两年后基本消退.热带的变化幅度明显强于中高纬度,南北半球的变化特征也有所不同.ENSO通过影响剩余环流导致气溶胶输送量发生变化,进而引起气溶胶分布出现上述差异.  相似文献   

利用多种资料研究了太阳活动11年周期对全球气温、风场、海表温度(SST)的影响,结果表明:(1)在第21、22太阳活动周,中低纬对流层顶以上大气温度变化具有类似太阳黑子变化的11年左右周期,相对于太阳黑子数,气温变化具有1~2年的延迟性;相对于太阳活动低年,200~10 hPa大气在太阳活动高年整层增温,以赤道低纬地区...  相似文献   

本文采用经验正交函数展开(EOF)及相关分析等方法,使用中国气象局整编的160站1951~2005年月平均降水资料和NCEP/NCAR再分析资料研究了中国东部夏季降水准两年周期振荡的空间模态及其大气环流背景场.结果表明:(1)中国地区降水季节性差异明显,夏季是主要的降水期并具有明显的准两年周期振荡(TBO)特征,中国东部地区是降水TBO方差变化最大的区域.(2)中国东部夏季降水TBO存在两个主要的空间模态,第1模态以27°N为界南北成反位相的变化关系,降水振幅较大;第2模态降水振幅相对较小,大值中心位于河套—华北地区.(3)形成中国东部夏季降水TBO的两个主要空间模态环流背景场明显不同.第1模态与西太平洋海温成正相关,与东太平洋海温成负相关.第2模态则主要与日本海附近的海温成正相关.当夏季降水TBO以江淮偏多时(第1模态),西太平洋海温偏高,东太平洋海温偏低,中国东部及沿海上空850 hPa有异常反气旋,500 hPa高度相关场东亚上空呈"正负正"波列特征,200 hPa南亚高压加强,西风急流位置偏南.当夏季降水TBO降水位置偏北时(第2模态),中国东部及沿海上空有异常气旋,200 hPa南亚高压偏弱,西风急流位置偏北.  相似文献   

冬季太阳11年周期活动对大气环流的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
刘毅  陆春晖 《地球物理学报》2010,53(6):1269-1277
利用气象场的再分析资料和太阳辐射活动资料,对太阳11年周期活动影响北半球冬季(11月~3月)大气环流的过程进行了统计分析和动力学诊断.根据赤道平流层纬向风准两年振荡(QBO)的东、西风状态对太阳活动效应进行了分类讨论,结果表明:东风态QBO时,太阳活动效应主要集中在赤道平流层中、高层和南半球平流层,强太阳活动时增强的紫外辐射加热了赤道地区的臭氧层,造成平流层低纬明显增温,同时加强了南半球的Brewer-Dobson(B-D)环流,引起南极高纬平流层温度增加;而北半球中高纬的环流主要受行星波的影响,太阳活动影响很小.西风态QBO时,太阳活动效应在北半球更为重要,初冬时强太阳活动除了加热赤道地区臭氧层外,还抑制了北半球的B-D环流,造成赤道平流层温度增加和纬向风梯度在垂直方向的变化,从而改变了对流层两支行星波波导的强度;冬末时在太阳活动调制下,行星波向极波导增强,B-D环流逐渐恢复,造成北半球极地平流层明显增温,同时伴随着赤道区域温度的下降.  相似文献   

华北北部地区地下水10年准周期及其与地震活动关系分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1966年以来华北北部发生5.0级以上地震16次,根据时间上的密集程度可分为5个地震丛。地下水资料经过排出地下水超采造成的趋势下降干扰后,多井地下水资料呈现出10年准周期变化的同步性特征。地震丛发生在地下水多年周期的高值段,低值年份则没有中强以上地震发生。将10年准周期按一定规则分成低值段、上升段、高值段和下降段,在地下水10年周期4个时段的发震概率分别为0%、25%、50%、25%。  相似文献   

Interaction between the Quasi-Biennial Oscillation in far west equatorial Pacific (QBOWP) and the El Ni?o/Southern Oscillation (ENSO) is studied using a new conceptual model. In this conceptual model, the QBOWP effects on ENSO are achieved through two ways: (1) the oceanic Kelvin wave along equatorial Pacific, and (2) the Atmospheric Walker Circulation anomaly, while ENSO effects on QBOWP can be accomplished by the atmospheric Walker Circulation anomaly. Diagnosis analysis of the model results shows that the Atmospheric bridge (Walker circulation) plays a more important role in interaction between the ENSO and QBOWP than the oceanic bridge (oceanic Kelvin wave along equatorial Pacific); It is found that by the interaction of the ENSO and QBOWP, a free ENSO oscillation with 3–5 years period could be substituted by a oscillation with the quasi-biennial period, and the dominant period of SST anomaly and wind anomaly in the far west equatorial Pacific tends to be prolonged with enhanced ENSO forcing. Generally, the multi-period variability in the coupled Atmosphere-Ocean System in the Tropical Pacific can be achieved through the interaction between ENSO and QBOWP.  相似文献   

Interaction between the Quasi-Biennial Oscillation in far west equatorial Pacific (QBOWP) and the El Nino/Southern Oscillation (ENSO) is studied using a new conceptual model. In this conceptual model, the QBOWP effects on ENSO are achieved through two ways: (1) the oceanic Kelvin wave along equatorial Pacific, and (2) the Atmospheric Walker Circulation anomaly, while ENSO effects on QBOWP can be accomplished by the atmospheric Walker Circulation anomaly. Diagnosis analysis of the model results shows that the Atmospheric bridge (Walker circulation) plays a more important role in interaction between the ENSO and QBOWP than the oceanic bridge (oceanic Kelvin wave along equatorial Pacific); It is found that by the interaction of the ENSO and QBOWP, a free ENSO oscillation with 3-5 years period could be substituted by a oscillation with the quasi-biennial period, and the dominant period of SST anomaly and wind anomaly in the far west equatorial Pacific tends to be prolonged with enhanced ENSO forcing. Generally, the multi-period variability in the coupled Atmosphere-Ocean System in the Tropical Pacific can be achieved through the interaction between ENSO and QBOWP.  相似文献   

Height distribution of the stratospheric aerosol extinction coefficient was measured in the altitude range 10 to 20 km by a balloon-borne multi-color sunphotometer in May 1978. It is demonstrated that detailed structures of the distribution of stratospheric aerosol can be remotely measured by the solar occultation method as well as by lidar andin situ particle counter observations. In the aerosol layer appearing at 18 km altitude the extinction coefficient at 800–1000 nm wavelength reached to 3×10–7 m–1, which was reasonable compared with lidar observations. Wavelength dependence of the aerosol optical depth was crudely estimated to be proportional to –1.5.  相似文献   

利用降水、大气环流和海表温度等多种再分析资料和偏相关方法,研究了1951—2007年南太平洋年代际振荡(SPDO)和北太平洋年代际振荡(即PDO,本文称为NPDO)分别与华北盛夏(7—8月)降水在年代际时间尺度上的关系及其可能物理机制.结果表明:在去除SPDO和NPDO的相关性之前,它们与华北盛夏降水的关系均偏弱;但在去除两者相关性之后,SPDO(NPDO)与华北盛夏降水存在显著正(负)相关关系.去除两者相关性之后,当SPDO处于正位相时,热带西北太平洋海温异常显著偏暖,这将在对流层中下层从热带西太平洋—东亚沿岸激发出"气旋-反气旋-气旋"的负位相东亚—太平洋型遥相关(EAP)波列,该波列导致东亚夏季风异常增强,有利于低纬地区水汽输送至华北地区,从而使得华北盛夏降水异常偏多,反之,当SPDO处于负位相时,华北盛夏降水异常将偏少;对NPDO来说,当其处于正位相时,不仅热带西北太平洋异常显著偏冷,而且印度洋大部分海温异常显著偏暖,在两者共同作用下,对流层中下层从热带西太平洋—东亚沿岸出现"反气旋-气旋-反气旋"的正位相EAP波列,这将引起东亚夏季风异常减弱,不利于低纬地区水汽输送至华北地区,华北盛夏降水异常因此减少,反之,当NPDO处于负位相时,华北盛夏降水异常将偏多.  相似文献   

利用AERONET资料对珠三角地区气溶胶物理性质特征进行分析,建立珠三角地区的气溶胶模型,在此基础上,根据RT3 辐射传输模型构建矢量查找表,采用多角度偏振方法从PARASOL L1B数据反演得到细模态气溶胶光学厚度(AOD),最后采用2007—2009年MODIS总的AOD产品和本文的细模态AOD三年的反演结果分析了珠三角地区气溶胶的时间变化和空间分布特征,为深入研究珠三角地区污染物的局地排放和输送提供了条件.结果表明:(1)珠三角地区对流层气溶胶呈双峰型对数正态分布,其中细粒子平均半径主要集中在0.05~0.1,标准方差以0.5、0.6为主,粗粒子平均半径以0.9、1.0为主,标准方差为0.6、0.7,复折射指数实部以1.4、1.5 居多,虚部以0、0.01为主,细粒子所占比例大于70%,珠三角气溶胶呈现出粗颗粒物和细颗粒物并存的特征;(2)PARASOL业务算法中的气溶胶模型在珠三角地区有较大的局限性,引入当地气溶胶模型使细模态AOD的反演精度较卫星产品有了很大提高,细模态AOD主要反映了珠三角地区二次污染的强度;(3)珠三角地区总AOD值春季较大,秋夏季次之,冬季较小,并呈现逐年较小的趋势;(4)珠三角地区细模态AOD也在逐年降低,2009年细模态AOD年均值比2007年低了0.02,在空间分布上,高值地区主要集中在广州、佛山、中山等城市.  相似文献   

Deciphering the mechanisms through which the El Niño/Southern Oscillation (ENSO) affects hydrometeorological parameters in the tropics and extratropics is of great interest. We investigate climatic teleconnections between warm or cold phases of ENSO and streamflow patterns over South Korea using an empirical methodology designed to detect regions showing a strong and consistent hydroclimatic signal associated with ENSO. We calculate not only spatial coherence values by monthly streamflow composite formed over 2‐year ENSO cycle and the first harmonic fit to detect candidate regions but also temporal consistency rates by aggregate composite and index time series to determine core regions. As a result, the core regions, namely, the Han river basin and the Nakdong river basin, are detected with a high level of response of ENSO phenomena to streamflow patterns. The ENSO composites for both core regions indicate drier (wetter) conditions in early autumn of the warm (cold) episode years and wetter (drier) conditions from winter to spring of the following year. For both regions, the spatial coherences are over 92% (82%) and the temporal consistencies are 71% (75%) during the El Niño (La Niña) events. In addition, for the core regions identified by composite‐harmonic analysis for both extreme episodes, the results of comparative analyses by using correlation, annual cycle, and Wilcoxon rank sum test indicate that 2 opposite phases‐streamflow relationships have a tendency of sign reversal of the streamflow anomaly. Also, the positive departures during the El Niño years show more coherent and strong responses than the negative anomalies in the La Niña events. In conclusion, South Korea experiences climatic teleconnection between ENSO forcing and midlatitude streamflow patterns.  相似文献   

The Middle East region, where arid and semi‐arid regions occupy most of the land, is extremely vulnerable to any natural or anthropogenic reductions in available water resources. Much of the observed interannual‐decadal variability in Middle Eastern streamflow is physically linked to a large‐scale atmospheric circulation patterns such as the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO). In this work, the relationship between the NAO index and the seasonal and annual streamflows in the west of Iran was statistically examined during the last four decades. The correlations were constructed for two scenarios (with and without time lag). The associations between the annual and seasonal streamflows and the simultaneous NAO index were found to be poor and insignificant. The possibility of streamflow forecasting was also explored, and the results of lag correlations revealed that streamflow responses at the NAO signal with two and three seasons delays. The highest Spearman correlation coefficient of 0.379 was found between the spring NAO index and the autumn streamflow series at Taghsimab station, indicating that roughly 14% of the variance in the streamflow series is associated with NAO forcing. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Some previous global and regional studies have indicated teleconnection between the extreme phases of the Southern Oscillation (SO) and Turkish climate and hydrologic variables; however, they failed to suggest a strong correlation structure. In this study, categorised Southern Oscillation index (SOI) and Multivariate ENSO (El Nino Southern Oscillation) index (MEI) series were used to examine the far‐reaching effects of the SO on temperature, precipitation and streamflow patterns in Turkey. These SO indicators were categorised into five subgroups according to their empirical distributions. Correlations between the categorised SO indicators and three analysis variables were computed using the Spearman's rho from lag‐0 to lag‐4. Significance of calculated correlations was tested at the 0·01 level for station‐based analysis and at the 0·05 level for regional analysis. Temperature records demonstrated significant correlations with the categorised SOI and MEI in nearly half of the entire stations. For some categories, precipitation and streamflow were found to be correlated with the SO indicators in some stations mainly in western Turkey. Regional analyses of temperature and precipitation revealed a clear and strong correlation structure with the categorised SO indicators on a large portion of Turkey. This was not concluded by the earlier pertinent studies. Besides, this study showed that significant correlations were obtained not only for the SO extreme phases (namely, El Nino and La Nina) but also for neutral and moderate phases of the SO. Plausible explanations for the observed teleconnection are presented. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The degree of stationarity of relationships between the NAO index and long European temperature and precipitation series in winter is quantified by running correlations with a time window of 31 years at 29 and 27 stations in Europe, respectively. They indicate major nonstationarities in the NAO-to-surface climate relationships at most stations. The temporal course most common for correlations with temperature is a slight change prior to about 1950, followed by an increase; for precipitation, a typical course is a decrease in the first half of the 20th century, followed by an increase. The temporal variations in correlations do not result from the presence of trends in the time series. The periods of high correlations with temperature are accompanied with an eastward shift of both NAO action centres; the eastward shift is thus at least partly responsible for the time variations in correlations. huth@ufa.cas.cz  相似文献   

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