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GIS专题数据综合的研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
随着GIS技术在各种应用领域的推广使用,各领域的专业数据与G1S的空间数据相结合,形成描述特定地理现象的各种专题数据。与GIS空间数据一样,专题数据的应用也由微观的、较为详细地描述小区域地理现象特征,转向宏观的、较为概略地描述较大范围地理现象特征,这是专题数据综合的主要任务。该文在讨论GIS专题数据类型及特征的基础上,着重分析了专题数据综合的基本类型,并提出了专题数据综合的概念模型,为GIS专题数据自动综合的实施提供理论依据和实施方案。  相似文献   

基于GIS的社区居民避震疏散区划方法及应用研究   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
在快速城市化和地震灾害频发的背景下,灾前人群紧急疏散区划成为防灾减灾规划研究的重要课题。结合当前城市应急疏散设施布局现状,立足于社区夜间避震疏散需求,综合运用GIS空间分析技术,从应急疏散需求分布、疏散空间可达性、疏散优化归属3方面逐步构建居民避震疏散区划方法,并选择上海市内人群和建筑相对密集的陆家嘴街道为对象开展实证研究。从而为城市防震减灾规划的避难设施优化布局和应急疏散预案编制提供科学适用的技术手段。  相似文献   

基于GIS的定位观测数据空间化   总被引:17,自引:3,他引:17  
属性数据空间化是当前GIS领域的前沿问题之一。在对中国624个气象站多年平均气温数据空间化过程中,通过使用30秒分辨率的数字高程数据,把气温分解为受经纬度、海拔高度影响的规律性成分和受其它因素影响的非规律性成分两部分,并分别用多元回归和反距离权重内插方法对二者实施空间化,最后将空间化结果进行合成得到基于栅格的中国多年平均气温分布数据。该数据既能反映气温在空间上的宏观变化,又能反映气温在局部地区的微观变化。该方法可供其它类型观测数据空间化、特别是在观测站点稀疏的情况下参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

在综合分析3D地质数据模型的基础上.提出将源数据模型分为GIS可描述和GIS不可描述数据模型的分类方法,在ArcGIS和G0(:AD平台下构建了基于GIS的多元、多方法集成的矿山3D地质模型.ArcGIS平台下描述GIS可描述数据模型,并进行数据管理和空间数据分析;GIS不可描述数据模型一方面在GOCAD下描述复杂的地质构造,另一方面采用面向对象的聚合派生法描述矿山工程模型中的空间实体,并利用Geodatabase建立两者的关联.实例应用表明,该方法保持了数据在空间和时间上的一致性,为矿山安全生产管理提供了有效和可靠的空间数据及可视化支持.  相似文献   

为更好地在自然地理学野外实践教学中贯彻以学生为本的教学理念,提出利用GIS技术开发探究式自然地理野外实习平台系统。该系统变革了传统的理论验证型和认知型实习模式,提高了学生实习的自主性和能动性。对探究式自然地理实习平台系统需求进行了分析,并根据该需求,对平台系统框架和功能进行了设计,对研制该系统的核心技术进行了深入研究,最后以庐山自然地理野外实习为例,对该系统进行了验证。验证结果表明该平台系统能够提高实习质量,增强学生学习自主性,具有重要的应用推广价值。  相似文献   


The paper describes the present state of GIS in Bulgaria, points to some problems with its development, and puts forward several ideas about ways to improve the implementation and use of GIS in the country. Special stress is placed on the danger of centralizing GIS functions within the planning institutions of the national state, on the importance of GIS education, training and pilot projects for the future development of GIS, and the necessity to reduce the technological and informational gap between Western countries and Bulgaria.  相似文献   

An essential location analytic method is GIS, able to support map-based display along with geographic data creation, management, manipulation in addition to functions for suitability evaluation. Location models have proven to be critical as well, with many prominent approaches found in popular GIS software. This paper reviews a class of location models and provides an overview of the methods used to solve these models. This is significant because of the broad use and application of location models in GIS to address important problems and issues facing society. Spatial analytical insights are essential. The implications of models and methods available through GIS are explored, particularly notions of solution quality. Case studies are offered to highlight ease of access to location models in GIS along with observed computational performance.  相似文献   

Concern abounds over what is a never ending sequence of paradigm shifts within human geography. One result is the marginalisation of previous work. Considerable concern has been expressed among those working with geographical information systems (GIS) over the relationship of this area of work to human geography. Behind much of this turmoil is the ascendancy of post‐modernism, an approach with which many human geographers are unable to actively engage in debate. At a time when the other social sciences are incorporating space into their research, human geography and GIS are parting company with the two facing very different futures.  相似文献   

GIS: A New Profession?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

《The Journal of geography》2012,111(6):349-353

The geographer can perform two functions in the classroom. First, he can use his skills as a geographer to structure the class. Second, he can use his subject matter expertise to act as a resource person (teacher) within the class. A structure for a class using the inquiry or problem-solving method of teaching is presented to maximize interaction between the members of the class. This structure involves geographic concepts of orientation, distance, shape, and size of group. Also considered is the position of the teacher in that structure as it affects the exchange and flow of ideas. The geographer can also use his methodology to test and analyze the communication within his class.  相似文献   

王法辉 《地理学报》2011,66(8):1089-1100
近年来社会科学的发展出现三大潮流,即“科学化”(强调借用自然科学的计量分析方法和模型)、“空间化”(关注社会经济现象的空间变化和相互作用) 和“应用化”(侧重于政策性规划性强的实用课题)。空间化的社会科学,尤其是应用研究离不开地理信息系统(GIS) 方法的应用,因为GIS 在整合、分析各种数据尤其是空间数据方面有独特优势。本文举例演示GIS 在相关领域(如经济学、语言历史、社会学特别是犯罪学、公共卫生和规划)的广泛应用。选取的案例来源于笔者多年研究的经验,包括美国联邦政府多家研究机构(NSF、NIH、NIJ) 资助的多项研究成果,旨在说明GIS在社会科学和公共政策研究中的应用价值。  相似文献   


This article is an agreed summary of a workshop held in Sheffield between 18-20 March 1991. The focus here is on three of the themes of the workshop: the mutual benefits of closer links between geographical information systems (GIS) and the methods of spatial data analysis (SDA); the specific areas of SDA that should be linked with GIS; how the linkage should be made in practice. Directions for future research are also reviewed. The emphasis throughout is on statistical SDA and principally from the perspective of human rather than physical geography.  相似文献   

GIS elemental unit representations of spatial data are often defined in terms of points, lines and areas. However, another type of spatial data that is becoming frequently captured, but as yet is largely ignored in GIS, is that of video. While digital video recording is a commonly encountered medium in modern society and encompasses many forms, from simple personal camcorders through to sophisticated survey and surveillance systems, its geographical representation in a GIS has not been fully examined or realised. In the majority of cases the video footage is usually captured while the device and/or the objects being viewed are in motion. What is of particular interest is when video streams can be, or have been, associated with spatial data such as location and orientation to create geographically referenced videographic data, which, for simplicity, will be defined as spatial video. Fundamentally, the nature of video is to record space, so when spatial properties can be accurately acquired and associated with this footage, an important geographical element can be considered for integration and analysis within a GIS.

Existing spatial video systems, both commercial and research, are predominantly used in survey or LBS roles and are usually bespoke and application specific. These systems do not model spatial video to any recognised standards that is generalised to be both data and platform independent. They do not support GIS integration and/or analysis from a purely spatial content perspective. A video-image/remote-sensing centric approach prevails where usage options range from simple visualisation interfaces to interactive computer vision systems. What has been largely overlooked is a spatial approach where the inherent geographical extent recorded in each video frame can be modelled and used in a geo-spatial analysis context. While this modelling approach has not been fully realised, it does exist in a GIS form based on Open Geospatial Consortium standards, where the spatial context of video is defined in a structure called a ViewCone. However, a ViewCone only defines a 2D model of the geographical extent of each frame and is restricted to a three-or-five sided polygon representation.

Thus, this article examines the potential of modelling spatial video through the use of elemental data types within GIS; gives some examples of using this approach; describes some problems in using spatial video within GIS; and then demonstrates how these problems are being solved. This is done in three stages: Firstly, a detailed overview of spatial video in its current GIS role is provided – this is achieved through a complete introduction to the distinct elements of spatial video followed by a review of its use in both commercial and academic application areas. Secondly, a brief theoretical overview of an alternative GIS-constrained ViewCone data structure is given that defines a more flexible spatial video model for both 2D and 3D GIS analysis and visualisation. Thirdly, a selective sample of results is presented based on an implementation of this approach being applied to a constrained spatial video data source in a specific study area.  相似文献   

David Manley 《Area》2004,36(1):92-93


The rationale, development and -implementation of a task-oriented hypertext GIS interface (HyperArc) are described. HyperArc is a fully functional interface on an Apple Macintosh computer acting as a client to a host computer running the ARC/INFO GIS. The package has been developed using the HyperCard package, and makes full use of the Apple Macintosh WIMP interface, enabling the user to perform a range of standard ARC/INFO tasks, including a variety of map displays and data queries. The key advantage of this kind of interface is that it permits the creation of tasks or sets of spatial procedures which can be easily customised and executed by the end user without any knowledge of the system command language.  相似文献   

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