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The spatiotemporal distribution characteristics of soil temperature are a significant, but seldom described signal of climate warming. This study examines the spatiotemporal trends in soil temperature at depths of 10, 20, and 50 cm in the conterminous US during 1948–2008. We find a warming trend of between 0.2 and 0.4 °C at all depths from 1948 to 2008. The lowest soil temperatures are in Colorado and the area where Wyoming, Idaho, and Montana meet. The coastal areas, such as Texas, Florida, and California, experienced the highest soil temperature. In addition, areas that experienced weak cooling in summer soil temperature include Texas, Oklahoma, and Arkansas. Warming was recorded in Arizona, Nevada, and Oregon. In winter, Mississippi, Alabama, and Georgia show a cooling trend, and Montana, North Dakota, and South Dakota have been warming over the 61-year period. Additionally, mix-forest areas experience slightly cooler soil temperature in comparison with air temperature. Shrubland areas experience slightly warmer soil temperature in comparison with air temperature. This study is among the first to analyze the spatiotemporal distribution characteristics of soil temperature in the conterminous US by using multiple site observational data. Improved understanding of the spatially complex responses of soil temperature shall have significant implications for future studies in climate change over the region.  相似文献   

遥感数据与作物模型结合是当前农业信息技术应用研究的重要内容和发展趋势之一,能够解决单独利用遥感或作物模型无法解决的问题。为了开展大范围、区域性作物生长过程的模拟和产量预测,首先对作物模型WOFOST进行了订正和验证,使得调整后的模型适于模拟河南新乡县冬小麦生长;根据实际生产分三类情形模拟新乡县2002—2003年度冬小麦的生长发育状况;利用全生育期内能获取的Landsat-7 ETM+数据反演叶面积指数,结合WOFOST模型的模拟情况,确定每个像元对应的冬小麦的生长状况,从而在像元上实现了WOFOST模型对冬小麦生长的模拟;最后对照比较本研究方法的结果与当年新乡县冬小麦的统计情况,结果相近,验证了本文研究方法的技术可行性。  相似文献   

Based on the final analyses data (FNL) of the Global Forecasting System of the NCEP and the obser- vational radiosonde data, the evolution mechanism of an eastward-moving low-level vortex over the Tibetan Plateau in June 2008 was analyzed. The results show that the formation of the vortex was related to the convergence between the northwesterly over the central Tibetan Plateau from the westerly zone and the southerly from the Bay of Bengal at 500 hPa, and also to the divergence associated with the entrance re- gion of the upper westerly jet at 200 hPa. Their dynamic effects were favorable for ascending motion and forming the vortex over the Tibetan Plateau. Furthermore, the effect of the atmospheric heat source (Q1) is discussed based on a transformed potential vorticity (PV) tendency equation. By calculating the PV budgets, we showed that Q1 had a great inffuence on the intensity and moving direction of the vortex. In the developing stage of the vortex, the heating of the vertically integrated Q1 was centered to the east of the vortex center at 500 hPa, increasing PV tendency to the east of the vortex. As a result, the vortex strengthened and moved eastward through the vertically uneven distribution of Q1. In the decaying stage, the horizontally uneven heating of Q1 at 500 hPa weakened the vortex through causing the vortex tubes around the vortex to slant and redistributing the vertical vorticity field.  相似文献   


青藏高原低涡(Tibetan Plateau Vortex,TPV)是造成我国暴雨的重要天气系统之一。基于1979—2016年ERA-Interim逐日再分析资料,通过客观识别方法,对TPV进行筛选,并以部分年份的TPV与《青藏高原低涡切变线年鉴》 (以下简称年鉴)中的TPV进行了对比分析。主要得到如下结果:(1)客观识别TPV与年鉴TPV的平均吻合率为66.2%;其频数和中心位势高度与年鉴TPV的呈显著相关。(2)近40 a的TPV频数呈显著增加趋势,年均56.3个,存在准6 a和准10 a周期。(3) TPV中心位势高度呈正态分布,其持续时间呈指数减少趋势,其频数、持续时间和中心位势高度均呈夏强冬弱。(4) 33°—36°N,80°—90°E是TPV出现的高频带,其高频轴线位于35°N附近,那曲地区西部和阿里地区北部是其高频中心;西部涡、中部涡和东部涡分别占TPV总数的32.6%、46.0%和21.4%;东移型、准静止型和西移型TPV分别占TPV总数的61.4%、34.3%和4.3%。(5)基于该识别方法建立的TPV数据集,可为进一步开展TPV研究提供重要参考依据。


本文回顾了青藏高原桥梁作用方面的最新研究进展,涉及北大西洋气候异常对春,夏亚洲季风和厄尔尼诺-南方涛动(ENSO)事件的遥相关影响,热带海洋异常和中国东部极端气候异常之间的联系以及华南春雨的季节内变化等.介绍了年际时间尺度上,冬-春季北大西洋海表温度强迫如何影响南亚季风的季节性转变以及随后ENSO事件的触发.5月份青藏高原上空显著的负感热斜压结构,为北大西洋影响亚洲季风和ENSO提供了桥梁效应.夏季北大西洋涛动与华东夏季降水变化显著相关,高原潜热在这一关系中起着桥梁作用.另一方面,这种高原桥梁效应也存在于从热带海洋异常到东亚夏季极端降水事件的连接中,以及从中纬度波列到华南春雨准双周振荡的联系中.  相似文献   

以西班牙萨拉曼卡地区为研究区域,联合Sentinel-1后向散射系数和入射角信息、Sentinel-2光学数据提取的植被指数以及地面实测数据,构建了BP神经网络土壤湿度反演模型,并将该模型应用于试验区土壤湿度反演.结果 表明:1)基于Sentinel-1卫星VV和VH极化雷达后向散射系数、雷达入射角和Sentinel-...  相似文献   

林志强 《气象学报》2015,73(1):925-939
为了更好地了解青藏高原多尺度地形的动力作用,并为改良数值模式中地形的表示方法奠定基础,通过采用2010年青藏高原西南部6个地面台站的观测资料以及4种不同分辨率的分析(再分析)资料,分别估算了冈底斯山及整个青藏高原主体范围内的地表气压拖曳,得出了青藏高原可能存在的拖曳类型,并且分析了青藏高原气压拖曳的一些特征。得出如下主要结论:由罗斯贝波产生的波动拖曳作为行星尺度的拖曳对青藏高原地区总拖曳的贡献最大;同时,青藏高原范围内存在着大量与天气过程密切相关的天气尺度的拖曳;对于冈底斯山对气流的中尺度动力作用的进一步分析可知,夏季基本全为气流分离,冬季500 hPa以下为气流分离,500—200 hPa为气流分离和波动破碎的混合区,而200 hPa以上的平流层则为重力波的产生及其破碎区域;冈底斯山地区的地表气压拖曳主要集中在3000—5000 m高度,并且,冈底斯山总拖曳的方向近乎与山脊垂直;地表气压和地形高度资料的分辨率越高,所能分辨出的更小波长的气压拖曳也越多,估算出的高原主体范围内的拖曳值也越大;变压梯度和地形梯度是影响气压拖曳的基本因子,但地形梯度对拖曳的影响最终是通过气压梯度来实现的。  相似文献   

林志强 《气象学报》2015,(5):925-939
为分析青藏高原低涡活动特征,利用1979—2013年ERA-Interim再分析资料500 hPa高度场,基于气旋客观识别和追踪算法得到青藏高原及其附近地区低涡路径,同时利用客观分析方法对500 hPa温度场进行分析得到低涡的冷暖性质,从而得到一套青藏高原低涡活动的资料。对高原低涡的频次、强度、持续时间、地理位置和移出高原等特征分析结果表明,35年间青藏高原上活动的系统主要为高原低涡,年均约53个,其中,年均6.7个高原低涡移出青藏高原;高原低涡持续时间从少至多呈指数减少,强度和冷暖性质的出现频次均呈正态分布,初生的高原低涡以暖涡居多,占81%。高原低涡发生且强度较大主要在青藏高原的汛期(5—9月),高原低涡源地主要在西藏那曲地区西部和阿里地区北部,消亡地主要位于源地高频中心东侧的唐古拉山地区和青海西部当曲河流域,高原低涡的消亡可能受地形影响。近35年来高原低涡生成频次呈不显著减少趋势(-2个/(10 a));移出高原低涡数(-1.4个/(10 a))和高原低涡移出率(-2.3%/(10 a))均显著减少。  相似文献   

The results are presented ofmodeling the formation and evolution ofmesoscale convective systems (MCS) accompanied by severe weather events over the territory of the Western Urals by the WRF-ARW numerical model of the atmosphere. Twenty-three cases of mesoscale convective complexes and mesoscale squall lines are considered for 2002-2015. The Terra/Aqua MODIS data, the data of weather radars installed in Perm and Izhevsk, and the data from the Roshydromet observation network were used to verify the model forecasts. It is demonstrated that the parameters of MCS intensity are simulated by the model with high reliability; however, the quality of the forecast of the spatial position of MCS is unsatisfactory in most cases. It is revealed that the model grid spacing strongly affects the forecast skill scores. In some cases the model successfully simulates the formation and evolution of MCS accompanied by severe weather events and can be used for their short-range forecast with the time accuracy of ±(1-2) hours.  相似文献   

Almost three years of continuous measurements taken between January 2001 and May 2003 at the Gaize (or Gerze) automatic weather station (32.30 °N, 84.06 °E, 4420 m), a cold semi-desert site on the western Tibetan Plateau, have been used to study seasonal and annual variations of surface albedo and soil thermal parameters, such as thermal conductivity, thermal capacity and thermal diffusivity, and their relationship to soil moisture content. Most of these parameters undergo dramatic seasonal and annual variations. Surface albedo decreases with increasing soil moisture content, showing the typical exponential relation between surface albedo and soil moisture. Soil thermal conductivity increases as a power function of soil moisture content. The diffusivity first increases with increasing soil moisture, reaching its maximum at about 0.25 (volume per volume), then slowly decreases. Soil thermal capacity is rather stable for a wide range of soil moisture content.  相似文献   

The National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) regional climate model (RegCM2), together with initial conditions and time-dependent lateral boundary conditions provided by a 130-year transient increasing CO2 simulation of the NCAR Climate System Model (CSM), has been used to investigate the mechanism of ground warming over the Tibetan Plateau (TP). The model results show that when CO2 in the atmosphere is doubled, a strong ground warming occurs in the TP. Two regions within it with the largest warming are in the eastern TP (region I) and along the southwestern and western slopes (region II). Moreover, in region I the ground warming in the winter half year is stronger than that in the summer half year, but in region II the warming difference between the seasons becomes opposite to that in region I, i.e., the warming is strong in the summer half year and weak in the winter half year. There are indications that the summer monsoon enhances but the winter monsoon weakens when CO2 is doubled. A strong elevation dependency of ground warming is found in region I for the winter half year, and in region II for both winter and summer half years at elevations below 5 km. The simulated characteristics of ground warming in the TP are consistent with the observations. In region I, when CO2 is doubled, the cloud amount increases at lower elevations and decreases at higher elevation for the winter half year. As a consequence, at lower elevations the short wave solar radiation absorbed at the surface declines, and the downward long wave flux reaching the surface enhances; on the other hand, at higher elevations the surface solar radiation flux increases and the surface infrared radiation flux shows a more uniform increase. The net effect of the changes in both radiation fluxes is an enhanced surface warming at higher elevations, which is the primary cause of the elevation dependency in the surface warming. In the summer half year the cloud amount reduces as a result of doubling CO2 in region I for all elevations, and there is no elevation dependency detected in the ground warming. Furthermore, there is little snow existing in region I for both summer and winter half years, and the impact of snow-albedo feedback is not significant. In region II, although the changes in the cloud amount bear a resemblance to those in region I, the most significant factor affecting the surface energy budget is the depletion of the snow cover at higher elevations, which leads to a reduction of the surface albedo. This reduction in turn leads to an enhancement in the solar radiation absorbed in the surface. The snow-albedo feedback mechanism is the most essential cause of the elevation dependency in the surface warming for region II.  相似文献   

利用1971-2016年青藏高原81个气象站逐月积雪日数和45个测站第一冻结层下界观测资料,分析了青藏高原积雪冻土的时空变化特征及其与高原植被指数(NDVI)的关系,探讨了积雪冻土下垫面变化对高原植被及沙漠化的可能影响。结果表明:1)青藏高原积雪日数分布极不均匀,巴颜喀拉山和唐古拉山为高原积雪日数的大值区,且年际变率较大。2)青藏高原积雪日数总体上呈现减少趋势,平均以3.5 d/(10 a)的速率减少,且在1998年前后发生突变,减少速率进一步加快,达到5.1 d/(10 a)。3)青藏高原第一冻结层下界呈上升趋势,达到-3.7 cm/(10 a),与青藏高原增暖紧密相关。4)青藏高原NDVI呈缓慢增加趋势,与高原气温、降水的增加趋势相一致,积雪冻土的变化对不同区域植被NDVI的影响有显著差异。在气候变暖背景下,形成的暖湿环境促进积雪消融、冻土下界提升,使土壤浅层含水量增加,有利于植被恢复和生长,其结果对高原土地沙漠化防治有一定参考作用。  相似文献   

对比分析了青藏高原MODIS地表反照率产品和GLASS地表反照率产品的空间分布连续性、高质量反演结果的比例,应用青藏高原CAMP/Tibet试验期间的高精度观测数据评估了两种产品的精度,通过人工目视解译MODIS地表反射率图像并结合MODIS积雪产品分析了影响两种产品精度的原因,结果表明:1)GLASS地表反照率产品具有比MODIS地表反照率产品更好的空间分布连续性和更高的反演质量;2)绝大多数时段内两种产品都能与地面观测结果保持较好的一致性,能准确地反映地表反照率的异常变化过程;3)局地积雪是影响两种产品精度的重要因素之一;4)积雪条件下,GLASS地表反照率反演算法比MODIS地表反照率反演算法更具优势。研究结果有助于促进人们对地表反照率卫星遥感反演产品的认识,改进青藏高原地表反照率卫星遥感反演算法,提高青藏高原地表反照率卫星遥感反演结果的精度、反演质量和空间分布连续性。  相似文献   

利用1967—2008年青藏高原68个台站逐日降水资料,按照《气象规范》对不同等级降水的定义,对青藏高原汛期(5—9月)不同强度的降水日数进行分析。结果表明:1967—2008年青藏高原汛期总降水日数及各强度降水日数均呈现出由东南向西北递减的空间分布特征,降水总日数和小雨日数以减少趋势为主,最显著的区域位于青藏高原东北和东南部,中雨日数以增加为主,大雨日数变化趋势的区域差异显著。青藏高原汛期各强度降水日数存在明显的年际变化,总降水日数的变化主要受小雨日数影响。汛期降水各旬分布上,各强度降水日数主要集中在夏季(6—8月),小雨日数越少(多)的旬内其占总降水日数的比例就越大(小),中雨和大雨日数越少(多)的旬内占总降水日数的比例就越小(大);小雨和中雨日数均在1978年发生突变,突变前后,青藏高原东南部小雨和中雨日数差异最为明显。  相似文献   

利用1967—2008年青藏高原68个台站逐日降水资料,按照《气象规范》对不同等级降水的定义,对青藏高原汛期(5—9月)不同强度的降水日数进行分析。结果表明:1967—2008年青藏高原汛期总降水日数及各强度降水日数均呈现出由东南向西北递减的空间分布特征,降水总日数和小雨日数以减少趋势为主,最显著的区域位于青藏高原东北...  相似文献   

The default green vegetation fraction (GVF) in the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) Model version 3.7.1 was derived between 1985 and 1990 from the 1990s Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) achieved from the NOAA Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR), and its representation is deteriorating when used to simulate recent weather and climate events. In this study, we applied in WRF v3.7.1 the updated GVF estimated by the real-time NDVI of the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) data to provide a better representation of the prescribed surface GVF condition. A one-year simulation was carried out in China, and the simulated 2-m air temperature and specific humidity were compared between the WRF model control experiment that employs the default GVF data (WRF-CTL), the WRF simulations with updated GVF (WRF-MODIS), and the observations from 824 weather stations in China. Results are significantly improved for both the 2-m air temperature and the specific humidity by WRF-MODIS, which has effectively reproduced the observed pattern and increased the correlation coefficient between the model simulations and observations. The RMSE and bias of specific humidity are also reduced in WRF-MODIS. In general, the real-time MODIS-NDVI based GVF reflected the realistic increase of vegetation cover in China when comparing to the WRF default GVF, and also provided a more accurate seasonal variation for the simulated year of 2009. As a result, the WRF-MODIS simulation significantly improves its representation in the simulated 2-m air temperature and specific humidity, both in spatial distributions and seasonal variations, due to the GVF’s great contribution in modulating the coupled land-atmosphere interactions.  相似文献   

TRMM卫星对青藏高原东坡一次大暴雨强降水结构的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用热带测雨卫星(TRMM)探测资料,NCEP、ERA-Interim再分析资料,结合C波段多普勒雷达和其他地面观测资料,研究了2013年7月21日发生在青藏高原东坡的一次大暴雨强降水结构。结果表明,高能、高湿的不稳定大气在700 hPa切变线及地面辐合线的触发下产生了此次大暴雨,降水具有明显的强对流性质。从水平结构来看,降水系统由成片的层云雨团中分散分布的多个对流性雨团组成,对流样本数远少于层云,但平均雨强是层云的4.7倍,对总降水的贡献达到25.6%;以超过10 mm/h雨强为强度标准,3个20-50 km、回波强度在45-50 dBz的β中尺度对流雨团零散地分布在主雨带中,对应 < 210 K的微波辐射亮温区和≥ 32 mm/h的地面强降水;对流降水的雨强谱集中在1-50 mm/h,其中20-30 mm/h的雨强对总雨强的贡献最大,这与中国东部降水有着显著区别,而90%的层云降水的雨强均小于10 mm/h。从垂直结构来看,对流降水云呈柱状自地面伸展,平均雨顶高度随地面雨强的增强而不断升高(5-12 km),强降水中心区域的质心在2-6 km;降水廓线反映出强降水系统中降水主要集中在6 km以下高度范围,且降水强度在垂直方向分布不均匀,对流降水和层云降水的强度随高度升高的总趋势是趋于减弱,但在一定高度范围内,对流降水强度随高度升高而增大,并且在多个地表雨强廓线中都有体现。此外,地基雷达的探测结果也表明了强降水的低质心特点及显著的逆风区演变特征,这是对TRMM PR探测的验证和补充。   相似文献   

Summary This paper presents a climatological application of the combination of remote sensing data and multivariate analysis. It proposes a methodology to perform an agroclimatic characterization of a region with the aim of determining homogeneous areas. This methodology is applied to Catalonia, in the northwest of the Mediterranean Sea, in the Iberian Peninsula. To this end various multivariate analysis techniques have been applied to data from 107 meteorological stations and to digitally processed AVHRR images from a NOAA satellite (ground surface temperature and thermal inertia). Values of emissivity and albedo for different land uses and phenomenological states, in addition to the most suitable algorithms for the soil surface temperature, have been obtained. Combining this information with orographic characteristics and the Papadakis classification, a final map is obtained with 68 homogeneous zones for the period between April and October, the most important for the agriculture of the area studied.With 5 Figures  相似文献   

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