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Marine geophysical data from the southern Natal Valley and northern Transkei Basin, offshore southeast Africa, were used to study the structure of the crust and sedimentary cover in the area. The data includes seismic reflection, gravity and magnetics and provides information on the acoustic basement geometry (where available), features of the sedimentary cover and the basin's development. Previously mapped Mesozoic magnetic anomalies over a part of the basin are now recognized over wider areas of the basin. The ability to extend the correlation to the southeast within the Natal Valley further confirms an oceanic origin for this region and provides an opportunity to amplify the existing plate boundary reconstructions.The stratigraphic structure of the southern Natal Valley and the northern Transkei Basin reflects processes of the ocean crust formation and subsequent evolution. The highly variable relief of the acoustic basement may relate to the crust formation in the immediate vicinity of the continental transform margin. Renewed submarine seismicity and neotectonic activity in the area is probably related to the diffuse boundary between the Nubia and Somalia plates.2.5-D crustal models show that a 1.7–3.2-km-thick sediment sequence overlies a 6.3±1.2-km-thick normal oceanic crust in the deep southern Natal Valley and Transkei Basin. The oceanic crust in the study area is heterogeneous, made up of blocks of laterally varying remanent magnetization (0.5–3.5 A/m) and density (2850–2900 kg/m3). Strong modifications of accretionary processes near ridge/fracture zone intersections may be a reason of such heterogeneity.  相似文献   

The central Iberian Peninsula (Spain) is made up of three main tectonic units: a mountain range, the Spanish Central System and two Tertiary basins (those of the rivers Duero and Tajo). These units are the result of widespread foreland deformation of the Iberian plate interior in response to Alpine convergence of European and African plates. The present study was designed to investigate thermal structure and rheological stratification in this region of central Spain. Surface heat flow has been described to range from 80 to 60 mW m−2. Highest surface heat flow values correspond to the Central System and northern part of the Tajo Basin. The relationship between elevation and thermal state was used to construct a one-dimensional thermal model. Mantle heat flow drops from 34 mW m−2 (Duero Basin) to 27 mW m−2 (Tajo Basin), and increases with diminishing surface heat flow. Strength predictions made by extrapolating experimental data indicate varying rheological stratification throughout the area. In general, in compression, ductile fields predominate in the middle and lower crusts and lithospheric mantle. Brittle behaviour is restricted to the first 8 km of the upper crust and to a thin layer at the top of the middle crust. In tension, brittle layers are slightly more extended, while the lower crust and lithospheric mantle remain ductile in the case of a wet peridotite composition. Discontinuities in brittle and ductile layer thickness determine lateral rheological anisotropy. Tectonic units roughly correspond to rheological domains. Brittle layers reach their maximum thickness beneath the Duero Basin and are of least thickness under the Tajo Basin, especially its northern area. Estimated total lithospheric strength shows a range from 2.5×1012 to 8×1012 N m−1 in compression, and from 1.3×1012 to 1.6×1012 N m−1 in tension. Highest values were estimated for the Duero Basin.Depth versus frequency of earthquakes correlates well with strength predictions. Earthquake foci concentrate mainly in the upper crust, showing a peak close to maximum strength depth. Most earthquakes occur in the southern margin of the Central System and southeast Tajo Basin. Seismicity is related to major faults, some bounding rheological domains. The Duero Basin is a relative quiescence zone characterised by higher total lithospheric strength than the remaining units.  相似文献   

Strain measurements and tectonics of New Zealand   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Measurements of shear strain from triangulation data have been made at 30 locations in New Zealand. The standard error of measurement in terms of strain rate is about ±1 · 10−7 y−1 and values of up to 7 · 10−7 y−1 are observed. Together with 22 fault-plane solutions for crustal earthquakes the measurements indicate broad-scale patterns of deformation. Between the Hikurangi and Flordland active margins is a 100-km-wide belt, the axial tectonic belt, with shear strain rate averaging 5 ± 1 · 10−7y−1 and an azimuth of the principal axis of compression of 114 ± 8°. The rate of movement (45 mm y−1) and direction (085°) between the Pacific and Indian plates from the Minster et al. pole can be accounted for by the measured strain in the axial tectonic belt through simple shear parallel to, and compression normal to, the belt. The similarity in the rates determined from triangulation data averaged over 20–100 years and from plate movement averaged over 5 m.y. indicates plate movement to be uniform in time. West of the axial tectonic belt in Nelson and Fiordland are two zones in which movement is highly oblique to plate movement, and can be explained by slip line deformation analogous to the deformation of Asia. The azimuth of the principal axis of compression in the Taupo rift and East Cape region is NE—SW, perpendicular to its direction in the axial tectonic belt, suggesting extension in the rift and East Cape region normal to the subduction zone.  相似文献   

The recent tectonics of the Arctic Basin and northeastern Asia are considered as a result of interaction between three lithospheric plates: North-America, Eurasia and Spitsbergen. Seismic zones (coinciding in the Norway-Greenland basin with the Kolbeinsey, Mohns and Knipovich ridges, and in the Arctic Ocean with the Gakkel Ridge) clearly mark the boundaries between them. In southernmost Svalbard (Spitsbergen), the secondary seismic belt deviates from the major seismic zone. This belt continues into the seismic zone of the Franz Josef Land and then merges into the seismic zone of the Gakkel Ridge at 70°–90°E. The smaller Spitsbergen plate is located between the major seismic zone and its secondary branch.Within northeastern Asia, earthquake epicenters with magnitude over 4.5 are concentrated within a 300-km wide belt crossing the Eurasian continent over a distance of 3000 km from the Lena estuary to the Komandorskye Islands. A single seismic belt crosses the northern sections of the Verkhoyansky Ridge and runs along the Chersky Ridge to the Kolymo-Okhotsk Divide.To compute the poles of relative rotation of the Eurasian, North-American and Spitsbergen plates we use 23 new determinations of focal-mechanism solutions for earthquakes, and 38 azimuths of slip vectors obtained by matching of symmetric mountain pairs on both sides of the Knipovich and Gakkel ridges; we also use 14 azimuths of strike-slip faults within the Chersky Ridge determined by satellite images. The following parameters of plate displacement were obtained: Eurasia/North America: 62.2°N, 140.2°E (from the Knipovich Ridge section south of the triple junction); 61.9°N, 143.1°E (from fault strikes in the Chersky Ridge); 60.42°N, 141.56°C (from the Knipovich section and from fault strikes in the Chersky Ridge); 59.48°N, 140.83°E, α = 1.89 · 10−7 deg/year (from the Knipovich section, from fault strikes in the Chersky Ridge and from the Gakkel Ridge section east of the triple junction). The rate was calculated by fitting the 2′ magnetic lineations within the Gakkel Ridge).North-America/Spitsbergen: 70.96°N, 121.18°E, α = −2.7 · 10−7 deg/year from the Knipovich Ridge section north of the triple junction, from earthquakes in the Spitsbergen fracture zone and from the Gakkel Ridge section west of the triple junction). Eurasia/Spitsbergen: 70.7°N, 25.49°E, α = −0.99 · 10−7 deg/year (from closure of vector triangles).  相似文献   

The Altay orogenic belt (AOB), situated in the middle part of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt (CAOB), is one of the most important metallogenic belts in China. The Kangbutiebao Formation is a Late Paleozoic stratigraphic unit that hosts many important iron and Pb–Zn deposits. The Kangbutiebao Formation consists of intercalated volcanic and sedimentary rocks that have undergone regional greenschist to lower amphibolite facies metamorphism, and mainly outcrops in three NW-trending fault-bounded volcano–sedimentary basins, including the Maizi, Kelang, and Chonghuer basins. SHRIMP analyses of zircons from three metarhyolites of the Kangbutiebao Fm. in the Kelang Basin yield weighted mean 206Pb/238U ages of 412.6 ± 3.5 Ma, 408.7 ± 5.3 Ma and 406.7 ± 4.3 Ma, respectively, which can be interpreted as the eruption age of the Kangbutiebao silicic volcanic rocks in the Kelang Basin. These ages indicate that the Kangbutiebao Formation was formed during the Late Silurian to Early Devonian. They also demonstrate that the deposits hosted in the Kangbutiebao Formation were formed after 412–407 Ma. They play a key role in understanding the Paleozoic tectonic evolution and metallogenesis of the southern margin of the Chinese AOB.  相似文献   

The tectonic processes taking place along the southern part of the Japan trench are discussed on the basis of the focal mechanism of the 1938 Shioya-Oki event which consists of the five large earthquakes of Ms = 7.4, 7.7, 7.8, 7.7 and 7.1. Detailed analyses of seismic waves and tsunamis are made for each of these earthquakes, and the dislocation parameters are obtained. The total seismic moment amounts to 2.3 · 1028 dyn.cm. The five earthquakes are grouped into either a low-angle thrust type or a nearly vertical normal-fault type. These mechanisms are common with other great earthquakes of the northwestern Pacific belt, and can be explained in terms of the interaction between the oceanic and continental plates. The vertical displacement inferred from the seismic results is in approximate agreement with the precise level data over the period from 1939 and 1897. This agreement suggests that the rate of the strain accumulation at the preseismic time is very small in the epicentral area. Repeated levelings at the postseismic time reveal a large-scale recovery of the coseismic subsidence. The postseismic deformation is one-third to one-half of the coseismic displacement. The time constant of the recovery is estimated to be 5 years or less. This type of deformation may be a manifestation of viscoelasticity of a weak zone underlying the continent. The amount of dislocation, together with the longterm seismicity, suggests a seismic slip rate of about 0.4 cm/year, which is one order of magnitude smaller than that for the adjacent regions. This suggests that a large part of the plate motion is taking place aseismically in this region. The tectonic process now taking place in the southern Japan trench can be considered to represent a stage just prior to a complete detachment of the sinking portion of the oceanic plate.  相似文献   

Sedimentary basins of the east antarctic craton from geophysical evidence   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Ninety-five percent of Antarctica is buried under an ice sheet up to 4.7 km thick. Within interior East Antarctica (~10.2 · 106 km2) recent airborne geophysical observations, principally radio echo sounding, have enabled widespread investigation of ice covered bedrock. Limited seismic refraction profiling, magnetic and gravity investigations combined with the radar studies have provided a generalized picture of sedimentary basins in Antarctica between 180° and 60° E.Two major basinal structures have been detected within East Antarctica—the Wilkes Basin and Aurora Basin complex. The former lies sub-parallel to the Transantarctic Mountains, while the Aurora Basin forms a branching system of basins in central East Antarctica trending northwest towards the Wilkes Land coast.Analyses of macro-scale terrain roughness and bedrock reflection coefficients from radio echo sounding indicate significant differences between basins and their surrounding regions. Small-scale surface irregularities and slowly changing, high reflectivities from radar measurements are interpreted as suggesting the presence of a smoothing cover of sediments. Residual magnetic anomalies (from airborne operations), when combined with topographic data, exhibit low gradients over basins, but steep, fluctuating characteristics over adjacent basement highs. Source-depth calculations from oversnow magnetic determinations across the Wilkes Basin indicate an average thickness for the sedimentary layer of <3 km. This is corroborated by reinterpretation of gravity anomalies, which average ~—30 mGal, over the basin. Sediments appear absent or extremely thin on the flanks of the Wilkes Basin where seismic refraction shooting has detected the near-surface presence of granitic crust. Furthermore an increase in roughness of terrain combined with sudden breaks in slope argue that these basin margins may be fault-controlled and deeply eroded.The distribution and configuration of the depressions is therefore thought to be governed by intra-cratonic fracture patterns possibly related to ancient orogenic sutures. Juxtaposition of basins and flanking basement highs of probable Precambrian and Early Palaeozoic age are reminiscent of basin and swell structures of the African and Australian cratons, with which East Antarctica has had a common geologic history throughout most of the Phanerozoic. Any sediments must pre-date growth of the ice sheet and are hence older than Miocene.  相似文献   

The present-day topography of the Iberian peninsula can be considered as the result of the Mesozoic–Cenozoic tectonic evolution of the Iberian plate (including rifting and basin formation during the Mesozoic and compression and mountain building processes at the borders and inner part of the plate, during the Tertiary, followed by Neogene rifting on the Mediterranean side) and surface processes acting during the Quaternary. The northern-central part of Iberia (corresponding to the geological units of the Duero Basin, the Iberian Chain, and the Central System) shows a mean elevation close to one thousand meters above sea level in average, some hundreds of meters higher than the southern half of the Iberian plate. This elevated area corresponds to (i) the top of sedimentation in Tertiary terrestrial endorheic sedimentary basins (Paleogene and Neogene) and (ii) planation surfaces developed on Paleozoic and Mesozoic rocks of the mountain chains surrounding the Tertiary sedimentary basins. Both types of surfaces can be found in continuity along the margins of some of the Tertiary basins. The Bouguer anomaly map of the Iberian peninsula indicates negative anomalies related to thickening of the continental crust. Correlations of elevation to crustal thickness and elevation to Bouguer anomalies indicate that the different landscape units within the Iberian plate can be ascribed to different patterns: (1) The negative Bouguer anomaly in the Iberian plate shows a rough correlation with elevation, the most important gravity anomalies being linked to the Iberian Chain. (2) Most part of the so-called Iberian Meseta is linked to intermediate-elevation areas with crustal thickening; this pattern can be applied to the two main intraplate mountain chains (Iberian Chain and Central System) (3) The main mountain chains (Pyrenees and Betics) show a direct correlation between crustal thickness and elevation, with higher elevation/crustal thickness ratio for the Central System vs. the Betics and the Pyrenees. Other features of the Iberian topography, namely the longitudinal profile of the main rivers in the Iberian peninsula and the distribution of present-day endorheic areas, are consistent with the Tertiary tectonic evolution and the change from an endorheic to an exorheic regime during the Late Neogene and the Quaternary. Some of the problems involving the timing and development of the Iberian Meseta can be analysed considering the youngest reference level, constituted by the shallow marine Upper Cretaceous limestones, that indicates strong differences induced by (i) the overall Tertiary and recent compression in the Iberian plate, responsible for differences in elevation of the reference level of more than 6 km between the mountain chains and the endorheic basins and (ii) the effect of Neogene extension in the Mediterranean margin, responsible for lowering several thousands of meters toward the East and uplift of rift shoulders. A part of the recent uplift within the Iberian plate can be attributed of isostatic uplift in zones of crustal thickening.  相似文献   

There is a great similarity between the Galicia margin and the Aquitaine margin (i.e. the Aquitaine Basin and the North Pyrenean zone). In particular, the timing of the rifting as well as the resulting structures (exposure of perodotite, tilted fault blocks, normal and transverse faults, half grabens) are practically the same. This comparison leads to the interpretation that the northern side of the Pyrenean fold belt is inherited from the Mesozoic deep passive margin of Europe. The Cenozoic thrust sheets and reverse faults of the northern Pyrenees zone are tentatively interpreted as former rift structures (tilted blocks and listric faults) which were removed during the convergence of the Iberian and European plates during the Paleocene and Eocene.  相似文献   

Magnetic susceptibility in rocks is the sum of the contributions of different magnetic particles (paramagnetic, diamagnetic and ferromagnetic s.l.). These contributions can be measured at variable temperatures or at variable fields (hysteresis loops). Both are time‐consuming techniques that cannot be routinely used in magnetic fabrics analysis. In this study, we propose a simplified method to determine the ferro‐ and paramagnetic contributions to the susceptibility, based on the discrete measurement of susceptibility at two different fields (near 0 and 2.5 T). The results obtained in samples from the Southern Pyrenees and Ebro Basin indicate that the ferromagnetic contribution vary considerably within homogeneous susceptibility values and within the expected range of paramagnetic values. Standard bulk susceptibilities higher than 200 10?6 SI contribute significantly to the ferromagnetic fraction (>50% on average).  相似文献   

A detailed petrological study has been performed for the end-Cretaceous clastic deposits of the southern Pyrenees. Provenance results indicate that the Maastrichtian systems from both the Àger and the Vallcebre synclines show compositional features that mainly consist of a high proportion of single and polycrystalline quartz grains, feldspar and plutonic fragments. By contrast, the sandstone systems of the Tremp syncline exhibit minor contributions from igneous source areas and higher amounts of carbonatic components. These results reveal that the Tremp basin had a source area interpreted as situated to the North in the uplifting Pyrenees. The fact that this basin does not show a high plutonic source signal indicates that the Àger and the Vallcebre basins had been fed from a distinct source area located to the South, here interpreted as the Ebro Massif. Thus, the differences mentioned above might imply that the Montsec High acted as a barrier, avoiding a southern influence in the Tremp basin.  相似文献   

In the Pattani Basin, a failed-rift basin, extensive water-rock interaction has occurred between subquartzose alluvial sandstones of Miocene age and their pore fluids. Diagenetic rates and pathways have been strongly influenced by high geothermal gradients, high CO2 fugacities, and low pore water salinities. Depositional pore water was fresh to brackish, depending on the depositional environment of the sediments. Chloride concentrations in modern formation water are believed primarily to reflect the proportions of river and sea water in the depositional environment. However, the concentration of other important solutes and the isotopic composition of the formation waters can not be explained by roportional mixing of these two end-member waters. Dissolution of detrital plagioclase (An = 3) and K- feldspar are reactions of major significance that are reflected chemically in the Na/Cl and K/Cl ratios of the formation water. Despite the high temperature of the sandstones (120–200°C), diagenetic albite does not occur. Geochemical calculations indicate the formation water is undersaturated with respect to both orthoclase and albite. This style of feldspar diagenesis differs significantly from that of sandstones of similar composition in other basins, and has probably influenced other aspects of silicate diagenesis.Important authigenic minerals are: 1. locally abundant calcite cement (δ13C= −12.8, δ18O= −17.3 PDB), an early diagenetic phase that formed at about 60°C; 2. pore-filling kaolinite (δ18O= 9.9, δD= −83.5SMOW) that was closely associated with feldspar dissolution and formed over a range of temperatures; and 3. fibrous pore-lining and pore-bridging illite (δ18O = 9.8, δD = − 86.7 SMOW, the last significant cement, formed at temperatures of 120 to 150°C. Potassium/argon dates on illite indicate that sandstone diagenesis took place during a period of rapid sedimentation in the first two-thirds of the burial history.Comparison of Pattani Basin diagenesis with diagenesis of sandstones of similar age in other sedimentary basins demonstrates that chemical diagenesis, relative to mechanical compaction, has been especially rapid in the Pattani Basin. This reflects the effect of high temperatures on reaction rates. The net effect is a high average rate of porosity loss with burial (11% km).  相似文献   

A three-dimensional (3D) density model, approximated by two regional layers—the sedimentary cover and the crystalline crust (offshore, a sea-water layer was added), has been constructed in 1° averaging for the whole European continent. The crustal model is based on simplified velocity model represented by structure maps for main seismic horizons—the “seismic” basement and the Moho boundary. Laterally varying average density is assumed inside the model layers. Residual gravity anomalies, obtained by subtraction of the crustal gravity effect from the observed field, characterize the density heterogeneities in the upper mantle. Mantle anomalies are shown to correlate with the upper mantle velocity inhomogeneities revealed from seismic tomography data and geothermal data. Considering the type of mantle anomaly, specific features of the evolution and type of isostatic compensation, the sedimentary basins in Europe may be related into some groups: deep sedimentary basins located in the East European Platform and its northern and eastern margins (Peri-Caspian, Dnieper–Donets, Barents Sea Basins, Fore–Ural Trough) with no significant mantle anomalies; basins located on the activated thin crust of Variscan Western Europe and Mediterranean area with negative mantle anomalies of −150 to −200×10−5 ms−2 amplitude and the basins associated with suture zones at the western and southern margins of the East European Platform (Polish Trough, South Caspian Basin) characterized by positive mantle anomalies of 50–150×10−5 ms−2 magnitude. An analysis of the main features of the lithosphere structure of the basins in Europe and type of the compensation has been carried out.  相似文献   

A study has been made of the orientation of boudin necklines and extension fractures with respect to the maximum extension direction X determined by infilling fibre growth. Several localities, within the Variscan belt of Western Europe, the Pyrenees and the Alps, have been investigated in detail. It has been generally accepted that boudinage and extension fracturing occur perpendicular to X in the rock at the time of their formation; however, we have shown that is not the case: boudin necklines and extension fractures occur at an angle between 45°–90° to X, with the most frequent orientations between 65°–70° and 80°–85°. Angles of exactly 90° are rare.In order to explain · this obliquity, an analogy is made with the phenomenon of Lüders' bands (localised regions of plastic deformation) developed in thin metal plates under tensile testing. Because the thickness of a layer is negligible compared with its lateral extent, we will only be concerned here with the case of thin metal plates.  相似文献   


Available aeromagnetic data have been used to interprete magnetic anomalies using 2 1/2 and 3 D techniques in an area that includes parts of the Axial Zone and of the South Pyrenean Thrust Sheets in the Spanish Pyrenees. The interpretation has been made with the help of field magnetic susceptibility measurements. The dip of the Ebro Basin basement to the north has been inferred for part of the magnetic profile. Large magnetically disturbing bodies with the top at about sea level can be interpreted as a stack of Paleozoic basement thrusts or, alternatively, as an accumulation of Triassic volcanic rocks. Some smaller anomalies are clearly associated with outcropping or buried basaltic rocks (ophites). The disposition of major magnetic anomalies suggests that shear movement may have affected part of the studied area.  相似文献   

The Philippine Sea plate, located between the Pacific, Eurasian and Australian plates, is the world's largest marginal basin plate. The motion of the Philippine Sea plate through time is poorly understood as it is almost entirely surrounded by subduction zones and hence, previous studies have relied on palaeomagnetic analysis to constrain its rotation. We present a comprehensive analysis of geophysical data within the Parece Vela and Shikoku Basins—two Oligocene to Miocene back-arc basins—which provide independent constraints on the rotational history of the Philippine Sea plate by means of their seafloor spreading record. We have created a detailed plate model for the opening of the Parece Vela and Shikoku Basins based on an analysis of all available magnetic, gravity and bathymetric data in the region. Subduction along the Izu–Bonin–Mariana trench led to trench roll-back, arc rupture and back-arc rifting in the Parece Vela and Shikoku Basins at 30 Ma. Seafloor spreading in both basins developed by chron 9o (28 Ma), and possibly by chron 10o (29 Ma), as a northward and southward propagating rift, respectively. The spreading orientation in the Parece Vela Basin was E–W as opposed to ENE–WSW in the Shikoku Basin. The spreading ridges joined by chron 6By (23 Ma) and formed a R–R–R triple junction to accommodate the difference in spreading orientations in both basins. At chron 6No (20 Ma), the spreading direction in the Parece Vela Basin changed from E–W to NE–SW. At chron 5Ey (19 Ma), the spreading direction in the Shikoku Basin changed from ENE–WSW to NE–SW. This change was accompanied by a marked decrease in spreading rate. Cessation of back-arc opening occurred at 15 Ma, a time of regional plate reorganisation in SE Asia. We interpret the dramatic change in spreading rate and direction from E–W to NE–SW at 20±1.3 Ma as an expression of Philippine Sea plate rotation and is constrained by the spacing between our magnetic anomaly identifications and the curvature of the fracture zones. This rotation was previously thought to have begun at 25 Ma as a result of a global change in plate motions. Our results suggest that the Philippine Sea plate rotated clockwise by about 4° between 20 and 15 Ma about a pole located 35°N, 84°E. This implies that the majority of the 34° clockwise rotation inferred to have occurred between 25 and 5 Ma from paleomagnetic data may have in fact been confined to the period between 15 and 5 Ma.  相似文献   

Analysis of a buried deposit in the Diamond Valley of southern California has revealed well-preserved pollen, wood, and diatom remains. Accelerator mass spectrometry dates of 41,200±2100 and 41,490±1380 14C yr B.P. place this deposit in marine isotope stage 3. Diatoms suggest a shallow lacustrine environment. Pollen data suggest that several plant communities were present near the site, with grassland, scrub, chaparral, forest, and riparian communities represented. Comparison with modern pollen suggests similarities with montane forests in the nearby San Bernardino and San Jacinto ranges, indicating vegetation lowering by at least 900 m elevation and temperatures 4°–5°C cooler than today. An increase in high-elevation conifer pollen documents climatic cooling near the profile top. Early-profile diatoms are typical of warm water with high alkalinity and conductivity, whereas later diatoms suggest a higher flow regime and input of cooler water into the system. We suggest that the sequence is part of the cooling phase of an interstadial Dansgaard–Oeschger cycle. Records of the middle Wisconsin period are rare in southern California, but the Diamond Valley site is similar to records from Tulare Lake in the San Joaquin Valley and the ODP Site 893A record from Santa Barbara Basin. It is probable that the Diamond Valley assemblage is a local expression of a vegetation type widespread in the ranges and basins of southwestern California during the middle Wisconsin.  相似文献   

The Middle and Late Triassic Santa Maria Basin, exposed in southernmost Brazil, and Waterberg Basin, in Namibia, are herein interpreted as part of en échelon small basins in southern West Gondwana. The main structures are the Waterberg-Omaruru Fault which can be connected to a NW-strike anastomosed fault zone in Brazil. Based on field structural and stratigraphic analysis two populations of NW-strike fractures, named A-type and B-type, are recognized. A-type fractures (Az = 280°-290°) occur in the Sanga do Cabral Supersequence, underlying units of Santa Maria Basin, as extension of the Waterberg-Omaruru Fault during the Early Triassic. B-type fractures (Az = 295°-345°) are observed in all studied stratigraphic units, from the Triassic Sanga do Cabral Supersequence to the Early Cretaceous Botucatu/Serra Geral formations. Based on the structural analysis we propose that NNE-SSW extension reactivated structures of the Damara Belt, Namibia, with a propagation towards Rio Grande do Sul State forming an anastomosing normal fault system and related-rift basin by Early-Middle Triassic time. The A-type fractures were preferentially active by this phase and the B-type ones are interpreted as secondary link segments within the anastomosing system. During the Gondwana break-up and South Atlantic opening (rift to proto-oceanic phase, Aptian) the B-type fractures were reactivated as normal faults by N50°E-S50°W extension.  相似文献   

Three regional joint sets striking N–S, E–W and WNW–ESE affect the Tertiary rocks of the central Ebro basin. From analysis of their chronological relationships and spatial distribution, it is concluded that they correspond to two different tectonic events. The N–S set (oldest) and the E–W set (younger) are present in the southern and central sectors, while the WNW–ESE joint set predominates in the northern one. The N–S joints propagated in response to joint-normal and fluid loads under an intraplate stress field with SHmax oriented near N–S (related to forces caused by the convergence of Africa, Iberia and Europe and rifting at the Valencia trough) during the sedimentary infilling of the basin. These joints are only present in the southern part of the area. The E–W joint set in the southern-central sector records the same fracturing event as the WNW–ESE set does in the northern one. Its orientation was modified by the presence of the older N–S set in the south, which perturbed the regional stress field. The younger WNW–ESE and E–W joint sets are interpreted as unloading joints. These propagated as a consequence of flexural uplift and exhumation related to isostatic rebound at the Pyrenees and the Ebro foreland basin. A numerical approach is used to explain the inhomogeneous distribution of the N–S joint set in terms of their absence being controlled by the depth of the water table at the time of their formation.  相似文献   

The Tertiary deformation of the Iberian plate is here interpreted as the result of changes in the coupling between the Iberian–African plates. During the early stages of the Africa/Iberia subduction (Palaeocene), deformation was confined at the Betic plate boundary. From the Eocene, during the collision in the southern plate margin, compressional deformation delocalized and distributed throughout the Iberian plate. First, in the Pyrenees, where the main stage of thrusting occurred during the Late Eocene – Early Oligocene. Then (mainly Oligocene – Late Miocene), in the inner part of the Iberian plate, forming basement uplifts in the Iberian Chain and the Central System, in correspondence of pre-existing (Mesozoic and Variscan) structures. Finally, during the decay of compression inside the Iberian plate, extension took place the Mediterranean margin and the Alboran Sea.  相似文献   

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