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激光剥蚀-电感耦合等离子体质谱(LA-ICP-MS)技术是目前最常用的锆石U-Pb同位素年龄测定方法之一。该方法能够对单颗粒锆石内部年龄差异实现快速、准确的原位微区分析。文章总结了近年来激光剥蚀系统、ICP-MS技术以及LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb定年方法、相关应用实例研究的进展和现状。系统评述了激光发生器,剥蚀池,剥蚀参数(激光波长、脉冲宽度、剥蚀气体、孔径大小)以及四极杆和扇形磁场质谱仪对锆石U-Pb年龄数据的精度和准确度的影响。详细介绍了基于锆石年龄标准样品、标准溶液及其他标样的外标定量校准方法,单个U/Pb比值计算方法,普通铅校正方法以及同位素年龄与微量元素同时测定的方法。目前LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb定年技术主要应用于碎屑锆石的沉积物源区示踪和岩浆事件的年代学约束研究。  相似文献   

Early (>3 Gy) wetter climate conditions on Mars have been proposed, and it is thus likely that pedogenic processes have occurred there at some point in the past. Soil and rock chemistry of the Martian landing sites were evaluated to test the hypothesis that in situ aqueous alteration and downward movement of solutes have been among the processes that have transformed these portions of the Mars regolith. A geochemical mass balance shows that Martian soils at three landing sites have lost significant quantities of major rock-forming elements and have gained elements that are likely present as soluble ions. The loss of elements is interpreted to have occurred during an earlier stage(s) of weathering that may have been accompanied by the downward transport of weathering products, and the salts are interpreted to be emplaced later in a drier Mars history. Chemical differences exist among the sites, indicating regional differences in soil composition. Shallow soil profile excavations at Gusev crater are consistent with late stage downward migration of salts, implying the presence of small amounts of liquid water even in relatively recent Martian history. While the mechanisms for chemical weathering and salt additions on Mars remain unclear, the soil chemistry appears to record a decline in leaching efficiency. A deep sedimentary exposure at Endurance crater contains complex depth profiles of SO4, Cl, and Br, trends generally consistent with downward aqueous transport accompanied by drying. While no model for the origin of Martian soils can be fully constrained with the currently available data, a pedogenic origin is consistent with observed Martian geology and geochemistry, and provides a testable hypothesis that can be evaluated with present and future data from the Mars surface.  相似文献   

高压实膨润土热湿力性能测试   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文介绍了高压实样品的制样特点,测试了高压实膨润土样的导热系数,热膨胀系数,对高压实膨润土热湿力特性研究有较大参考价值。  相似文献   

The formation of nitrate sodalite, an important constituent of the resilient heels at DOE nuclear waste storage sites, was closely followed by oven synthesis, in situ calorimetry as a function of heating rate from 0.01 to 0.1 °C/min and X-ray diffraction. A transition sequence of amorphous-zeolite A-sodalite-cancrinite was confirmed. For in situ synthesis calorimetry, the heat flow peaks related to zeolite A formation are shifted to higher temperatures as heating rate increases. Although the end products are mostly nitrate sodalite, no calorimetric signals associated with zeolite A to sodalite conversion are detected. This suggests that the enthalpy of formation of zeolite A and sodalite are very similar and the zeolite A to sodalite conversion enthalpy is small. This conclusion is in accord with previous measurements by oxide melt solution calorimetry.  相似文献   

The in situ alteration of Fe redox states in subsurface soils by bacteria, otherwise known as bioreduction, may play a key role in the immobilization of hazardous redox active metals such as U, Tc, and Cr. The objective of this study was to characterize changes in Fe mineralogy occurring in a subsurface soil as a result of biostimulation in order to evaluate the bioremediation potential of this approach. Biostimulation was achieved by injecting glucose into the soil through a small well next to a sampling well. Cores taken from the sampling well were analyzed by variable-temperature 57Fe Mössbauer spectroscopy. Results revealed that biostimulation resulted in an overall loss of Fe from the system and major changes in the distribution of its oxide and oxyhydroxide mineral forms. Compared to the non-biostimulated soil, the spectral components assigned to goethite were greatly diminished in intensity in the samples that had been biostimulated, whereas the hematite component was appreciably increased. The Fe(II):Fe(III) ratio in the non-oxide phase (aluminosilicate clay minerals) also increased, indicating that the bioreduction processes in the soil also affected the redox state of Fe in the constituent clay minerals.  相似文献   

A field-scale experiment was conducted to evaluate various organic C sources as amendments for passive treatment of tailings pore water. Varied mixtures of peat, spent-brewing grain (SBG) and municipal biosolids (MB) were assessed for the potential to promote dissimilatory sulfate reduction (DSR) and metal-sulfide precipitation. Five amended cells and one control were constructed in the vadose zone of a sulfide- and carbonate-rich tailings deposit, and the geochemistry, microbiology and mineralogy were monitored for 4 a. Increases in pore-water concentrations of dissolved organic C (DOC) and decreases in aqueous SO4 concentrations of >2500 mg L−1 were observed in cells amended with peat + SBG and peat + SBG + MB. Removal of SO4 was accompanied by shifts in δ34S-SO4 values of >+30‰, undersaturation of pore water with respect to gypsum [CaSO4·2H2O], and increased populations of SO4-reducing bacteria (SRB). Decreases in aqueous concentrations of Zn, Mn, Ni, Sb and Tl were observed for these cells relative to the control. Organic C introduction also supported growth of Fe-reducing bacteria (IRB) and increases in Fe and As concentrations. Enhanced Fe and As mobility occurred in all cells; however, maximum concentrations were observed in cells amended with MB. Subsequent decreases in Fe and As concentrations were attributed to DSR and metal-sulfide precipitation. The common presence of secondary Zn-S and Fe-S phases was observed by field emission-scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM) and energy dispersive X-ray (EDS) spectroscopy. Selective extractions indicated that large decreases in water-soluble SO4 occurred in cells that supported DSR. Furthermore, amendments that supported DSR generally were characterized by slight decreases in solid-phase concentrations of extractable metal(loid)s. Amendment of tailings with organic C amendments that supported ongoing DOC production and DSR was essential for sustained treatment.  相似文献   

The availability of dissolved O2 can limit biodegradation of organic compounds in aquifers. Where O2 is depleted, biodegradation proceeds via anaerobic processes, including NO3-, Mn(IV)-, Fe(III)- and SO4-reduction and fermentation/methanogenesis. The environmental controls on these anaerobic processes must be understood to support implementation of management strategies such as monitored natural attenuation (MNA). In this study stable isotope analysis is used to show that the relative significance of two key anaerobic biodegradation processes (bacterial SO4 reduction (BSR) and methanogenesis) in a phenol-contaminated sandstone aquifer is sensitive to spatial and temporal changes in total dissolved phenols concentration (TPC) (= phenol + cresols + dimethylphenols) over a 5-a period. In general, 34SO4-enrichment (characteristic of bacterial SO4 reduction) is restricted spatially to locations where TPC < 2000 mg L−1. In contrast, 13C-depleted CH4 and 13C-enriched CO2 isotope compositions (characteristic of methanogenesis) were measured at TPC up to 8000 mg L−1. This is consistent with previous studies that demonstrate suppression of BSR at TPC of >500 mg L−1, and suggests that methanogenic microorganisms may have a higher tolerance for TPC in this contaminant plume. It is concluded that isotopic enrichment trends can be used to identify conditions under which in situ biodegradation may be limited by the properties of the biodegradation substrate (in this case TPC). Such data may be used to deduce the performance of MNA for contaminated groundwater in similar settings.  相似文献   

The geochemical partitioning of bromine between hydrous haplogranitic melts, initially enriched with respect to Br and aqueous fluids, has been continuously monitored in situ during decompression. Experiments were carried out in diamond anvil cells from 890 °C to room temperature and from 1.7 GPa to room pressure, typically from high P, T conditions corresponding to total miscibility (presence of a supercritical fluid). Br contents were measured in aqueous fluids, hydrous melts and supercritical fluids. Partition coefficients of bromine were characterized at pressure and temperature between fluids, hydrous melts and/or glasses, as appropriate: DBrfluid/melt = (Br)fluid/(Br)melt, ranges from 2.18 to 9.2 ± 0.5 for conditions within the ranges 0.66-1.7 GPa, 590-890 °C; and DBrfluid/glass = (Br)fluid/(Br)glass ranges from 60 to 375 at room conditions. The results suggest that because high pressure melts and fluids are capable of accepting high concentrations of bromine, this element may be efficiently removed from the slab to the mantle source of arc magmas. We show that Br may be highly concentrated in subduction zone magmas and strongly enriched in subduction-related volcanic gases, because its mobility is strongly correlated with that of water during magma degassing. Furthermore, our experimental results suggest that a non negligible part of Br present in the subducted slab may remain in the down-going slab, being transported toward the transition zone. This indicates that the Br cycle in subduction zones is in fact divided in two related but independent parts: (1) a shallower one where recycled Br may leave the slab with a water and silica-bearing “fluid” leading to enriched arc magmas that return Br to the atmosphere. (2) A deeper cycle where Br may be recycled back to the mantle maybe to the transition zone, where it may be present in high pressure water-rich metasomatic fluids.  相似文献   

FeII-III hydroxycarbonate green rust GR(CO32−), FeII4 FeIII2 (OH)12 CO3·3H2O, is oxidized in aqueous solutions with varying reaction kinetics. Rapid oxidation with either H2O2 or dissolved oxygen under neutral and alkaline conditions leads to the formation of ferric oxyhydroxycarbonate GR(CO32−)∗, FeIII6 O12 H8 CO3·3H2O, via a solid-state reaction. By decreasing the flow of oxygen bubbled in the solution, goethite α-FeOOH forms by dissolution-precipitation mechanism whereas a mixture of non-stoichiometric magnetite Fe(3−x)O4 and goethite is observed for lower oxidation rates. The intermediate FeII-III oxyhydroxycarbonate of formula FeII6(1−x) FeIII6x O12 H2(7−3x) CO3·3H2O, i.e. GR(x)∗ for which x ? [1/3, 1], is the synthetic compound that is homologous to the fougerite mineral present in hydromorphic gleysol; in situ oxidation accounts for the variation of ferric molar fraction x = [FeIII]/{[FeII]+[FeIII]} observed in the field as a function of depth and season but limited to the range [1/3, 2/3]. The domain of stability for partially oxidized green rust is observed in the Eh-pH Pourbaix diagrams if thermodynamic properties of GR(x)∗ is compared with those of lepidocrocite, γ-FeOOH, and goethite, α-FeOOH. Electrochemical equilibrium between GR(x)∗ and FeII in solution corresponds to Eh-pH conditions close to those measured in the field. Therefore, the reductive dissolution of GR(x)∗ can explain the relatively large concentration of FeII measured in aqueous medium of hydromorphic soils containing fougerite.  相似文献   

应用传统单颗粒方法对目标矿物进行定年具有较高要求(如U、Th等母体同位素均匀分布),需要耗时的酸溶过程,同时还需进行α粒子射出效应校正。原位U-Th/He同位素定年技术是近年发展起来的一种定年技术,其主要原理是采用激光加热目标矿物,并通过与激光系统连接的稀有气体质谱(Alphachron)和电感耦合等离子体质谱(ICP-MS)分别完成 ~4He和U、Th等母体同位素分析,将 ~4He和U、Th分析结果代入年龄公式计算即可获得目标矿物的U-Th/He年龄。本文阐述了原位U-Th/He同位素定年技术的主要原理、实验测试流程、适用矿物等,重点对原位U-Th/He同位素定年的技术难点和低温矿床学应用前景进行了分析。相对于传统单颗粒方法,原位测试方法解决了两个关键问题:1无需进行α粒子射出效应的校正,提高了定年结果的可靠性和准确度;2能完成母体同位素分布不均匀样品的测试,扩展了U-Th/He同位素定年的应用范围。尽管原位U-Th/He同位素定年技术在侧向加热效应、剥蚀坑体积测定以及标准矿物等方面尚存在一些亟待解决的问题,但已在硅酸盐、磷酸盐、钛铁氧化物等矿物的年代学研究方面展示了良好的应用前景。随着原位U-Th/He同位素定年技术的发展和进步,尤其是硫化物的U-Th/He同位素定年的发展,将为解决低温矿床的年代学问题提供一种新的思路。  相似文献   

Sorption and diffusion of uranium in sodium bentonite MX-80 were measured in aerobic conditions. The batch method was used for the sorption measurements and the steady state method for the diffusion measurements. Clear sorption was noticed only when high uranium concentrations were used so that the pH of the solution decreased.

The diffusivities of uranium were strongly dependent on the compaction of bentonite so that in the highly compacted samples the diffusion was very restricted. Uranium shows both features of ion-exclusion and sorption. Further studies are, however, needed to explain the diffusion mechanisms of uranium.  相似文献   

The long-lived halogen radioisotopes 129I and 36Cl provide valuable information regarding the source of fluids in hydrocarbon systems and in localized areas where infiltration of younger meteoric water has occurred. Despite the utility of these two isotopes in providing time-signatures for fluid end-members, considerable uncertainty remains regarding the interpretation of “intermediate-age” waters in hydrologic systems. These waters are likely the result of the combination of two or more halogen sources at some time in the past, each with its own characteristic concentration and isotopic composition. In order to unravel the evolution of these “intermediate-age” waters, the effect that infiltration of meteoric water has on the isotopic composition of older formation waters is modeled. Also evaluated is the effect that the timing of dilution has on 129I and 36Cl signatures observed in the present, specifically, the hypothesis that halogen isotopic signatures imparted by the mixing of brine and meteoric waters early in the development of a sedimentary basin are quantitatively different from those imparted by the mixing of old brines with recent meteoric waters.  相似文献   

We report results from an extensive study on the speciation of zinc (Zn) and its relation to the mobility and bioavailablity of this element in a smelter contaminated soil and an in situ remediated area of this soil 12 yr after the application of cyclonic ash and compost. Emphasis was placed on the role of neoformed precipitates in controlling Zn speciation, mobility and bioavailability under different environmental conditions. Twelve years after remediation, the pH of the treated and non-treated soil differed by only 0.5 pH unit. Using state-of-the-art electron and X-ray microscopies in combination with micro-focused extended X-ray absorption fine structure (μ-EXAFS) spectroscopy, no major differences in Zn speciation were found between samples of the treated and non-treated soil. In both soils, 30% to 50% of Zn was present in smelter related minerals (willemite, hemimorphite or gahnite), while 50% to 70% of Zn was incorporated into newly formed Zn precipitates. Contrary to the non-treated soil, the treated soil did not contain gahnite or sphalerite; it is possible that these minerals were dissolved under the higher pH conditions at the time of treatment. Desorption experiments, using a stirred flow technique with a 0.1 mol/L CaCl2 (pH 6.5) and a HNO3 (pH 4.0) solution were employed to determine the exchangeable Zn fraction and the Zn fraction which will be mobilized under more extreme weathering conditions, respectively. No significant differences were found in desorption behavior between the treated vs. non-treated soil. Bioavailability tests, using the R. metallidurans AE1433 biosensor showed that ∼8% of total Zn was bioavailable in both the treated and non-treated soils. It was concluded that the incorporation of Zn into newly formed precipitates in both the treated and non treated soils leads to a significant natural attenuation of the exchangeable/bioavailable Zn fraction at near neutral pH conditions. At lower pHs, conditions not favorable to the formation of Zn precipitates, the pool of Zn associated with the secondary Zn precipitates is potentially more bioavailable.  相似文献   

Deep geological repository involving a multibarrier system constitutes one of the most promising options for isolating high‐level radioactive waste from the human environment. To certify the efficiency of waste isolation, it is essential to understand the behaviour of confining geomaterial under a variety of environmental conditions. To this end, results from a near‐to‐real experiment, the full‐scale engineered barriers in situ experiment, are studied by means of a thermo–hydro–mechanical finite element approach, including a consistent thermoplastic constitutive model for unsaturated soils. Laboratory tests are simulated to calibrate model parameters. The results of the numerical simulations are compared with sensor measurements and show the ability of the model to reproduce the main behavioural features of the system. The influence of the hysteretic and temperature‐dependent retention of water on the mechanical response is exhibited. Finally, those results are interpreted in the light of thermoplasticity of unsaturated soils, which reveals the highly coupled and non‐linear characters of the processes encountered. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Multiple Internal Reflection Fourier Transform Infra-Red (MIR-FTIR) spectroscopy was developed and used for in situ flow-through experiments designed to study the process of organic acid promoted silicate dissolution. In tandem with the FTIR analysis, ex situ X-ray scattering was used to perform detailed analyses of the changes in the surface structure and chemistry resulting from the dissolution process. Phthalic acid and forsteritic glass that had been Chemically Vapour Deposited (CVD) onto an internal reflection element were used as reactants, and the MIR-FTIR results showed that phthalic acid may promote dissolution by directly binding to exposed Mg metal ion centers on the solid surface. Integrated infrared absorption intensity as a function of time shows that phthalic acid attachment apparently follows a t1/2 dependence, indicating that attachment is a diffusive process. The diffusion coefficient of phthalic acid was estimated to be approximately 7 × 10−6 cm2 s−1 in the solution near the interface with the glass. Shifts in the infrared absorption structure of the phthalate complexed with the surface compared to the solute species indicate that phthalate forms a seven-membered ring chelate complex. This bidentate complex efficiently depletes Mg from the glass surface, such that after reaction as much as 95% of the Mg may be removed. Surface depletion in Mg causes adsorbate density to fall after an initial attachment stage for the organic ligand. In addition, the infrared analysis shows that silica in the near surface polymerizes after Mg removal, presumably to maintain charge balance. X-ray reflectivity shows that the dissolution rate of forsteritic glass at pH 4 based on Mg removal in such flow-through experiments was equal to 4 × 10−12 mol cm−2 s−1 (geometric surface area normalized). Reflectivity also shows how the surface mass density decreases during reaction from 2.64 g cm−3 to 2.2 g cm−3, consistent with preferential loss of Mg from the surface. Auxiliary batch experiments with forsteritic glass films deposited onto soda glass were also completed to add further constraints to the mechanism of reaction. By combining reflectivity with diffuse scatter measurements it is shown that the primary interface changes little in terms of atomic-scale roughness even after removal of several hundred angstroms of material. These measurements unequivocally show how a dicarboxylic acid bonds to and may chelate the dissolution of a magnesium-bearing silicate. At the molecular level the solid surface retreat may best be described by a depinning model where Mg is preferentially removed and residual silica tetrahedra polymerize and act to episodically “pin” the surface.  相似文献   

陈宝  田昌春  郭家兴  陈建琴 《岩土力学》2016,37(11):3224-3230
采用膨胀渗透仪和浊度仪,通过检测冲蚀循环溶液浊度和膨润土试样膨胀力的变化,获得了冲蚀液对高庙子(GMZ)膨润土的冲蚀规律,对比分析了膨润土干密度、冲蚀液pH值、冲蚀液渗流方向、围岩裂隙条数、溶液类型和浓度等因素对膨润土冲蚀的影响规律。研究表明:膨润土的膨胀力在冲蚀开始的几天内迅速增长,随后达到稳定,膨润土干密度越大,地下水对膨润土的冲蚀作用越弱;冲蚀液pH值对膨润土的冲蚀作用影响很大,碱性较强的地下水对膨润土的冲蚀作用较弱,而碱性较弱地下水的冲蚀作用则明显;地下水径向渗流时对膨润土的冲蚀作用大于纵向渗流情况,围岩裂隙增多后,地下水对膨润土的冲蚀作用加强;随着冲蚀液中NaCl浓度的增加,冲蚀液对膨润土的冲蚀作用先增强后减弱,冲蚀液中CaCl2的浓度对膨润土的冲蚀影响规律与NaCl浓度对膨润土的冲蚀影响规律相似,但CaCl2浓度的变化对膨润土的冲蚀影响不明显。  相似文献   

A dialysis technique has been developed from which whole sediment diffusion coefficients that include the effect of microbially-mediated reactions can be determined in situ. Application of the technique shows that the diffusion of both dissolved sulphate and total dissolved CO2 (transported primarily as bicarbonate) is related to the changing porosity of a fine-grained marine sediment. Added to this, the transport of dissolved sulphate is significantly affected by the microbial reduction of the pool available for diffusion. In contrast, the diffusion of a far larger pool of total dissolved CO2 is not noticeably affected by microbial activity.  相似文献   

Compacted bentonite blocks have been heated and hydrated in a stainless steel cell in order to simulate, in the laboratory, the conditions of the clay barrier in a high-level radioactive waste repository. Temperature distributions at different times, rate of hydration, final water content and dry density have been measured. Some chemical parameters, as electrical conductivity in an aqueous extractable amorphous silica, have also been obtained. For the periods of time considered (up to 2500 h), the hydration process is not affected by the thermal gradient, the high suction of the bentonite being the critical factor in the initial water uptake of the clay barrier. A remarkable saline environment has been detected near the heater, due to salt migration towards dried areas. This phenomenon should be taken into account in further investigations of the mechanical and geochemical behaviour of the clay barrier.  相似文献   

This study investigates the performance of an optimum compacted bentonite/sand mixture seal for the isolation of underground waste repositories. Engineering geological tests such as compaction, flow, swelling, mechanical and shear strength tests have been conducted to select an optimum mixture and to recommend a stable bentonite/sand seal length-to-radius ratio (L/a) as far as the factor of safety (F) is concerned. The results of the compaction permeameter tests led to a recommendation to select an optimum compacted bentonite/sand mixture possessing a bentonite content of about 20% to satisfy the minimum regulatory hydraulic conductivity requirement. Engineering geological analysis of the seal/rock mechanical interaction with regard to reduce the possibility of seal slip led to a recommendation to utilize a seal L/a of at least 25.  相似文献   

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