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Since 1960, South Asia has emerged as the largest user of groundwater in irrigation in the world. Yet, little is known about this burgeoning economy, now the mainstay of the region's agriculture, food security and livelihoods. Results from the first socio-economic survey of its kind, involving 2,629 well-owners from 278 villages from India, Pakistan, Nepal Terai and Bangladesh, show that groundwater is used in over 75% of the irrigated areas in the sample villages, far more than secondary estimates suggest. Thanks to the pervasive use of groundwater in irrigation, rain-fed farming regions are a rarity although rain-fed plots within villages abound. Groundwater irrigation is quintessentially supplemental and used mostly on water-economical inferior cereals and pulses, while a water-intensive wheat and rice system dominates canal areas. Subsidies on electricity and canal irrigation shape the sub-continental irrigation economy, but it is the diesel pump that drives it. Pervasive markets in tubewell irrigation services enhance irrigation access to the poor. Most farmers interviewed reported resource depletion and deterioration, but expressed more concern over the high cost and poor reliability of energy supply for groundwater irrigation, which has become the fulcrum of their survival strategy.
Tushaar ShahEmail: Phone: +91-2692-229311-13Fax: +91-2692-229310

Continuous core sediments (to a depth of 90.1 m) taken at a transitional area of Holocene and Pleistocene deposits in Sonargaon, Bangladesh were characterized for their mineralogy and chemistry. Among the sediments of the lower part of the Holocene aquifer (depth: 18–29 m), where most domestic wells are installed, As is mostly fixed in biotite and organic phases. A positive correlation of As concentration with those of Al and Fe but not that of total organic C clearly suggests that biotite is a primary source of As. Although microbial reduction–dissolution of As-containing Fe oxyhydroxides is thought to cause As-enriched groundwater in the Ganges–Brahmaputra–Meghna delta plain, the authors conclude that chemical weathering of biotite is the primary formation mechanism and prevailing reducing conditions contribute to the expansion of As-enriched groundwater in the study area.  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》2004,19(2):201-214
Detailed hydrochemical measurements, δ34SSO4 and 3H analyses were performed on 37 groundwater samples collected during February 1999, January and March 2000 from 6 locations in eastern and southeastern Bangladesh to examine redox processes that lead to As mobilization in groundwater. The study sites were chosen based on available nation-wide As surveys to span the entire spectrum of As concentrations in Bangladesh groundwater, and to represent 3 of 5 major geological units of the Ganges-Brahmaputra Delta: uplifted Pleistocene terrace, fluvial flood plain and delta plain. Arsenic was found to be mobilized under Fe-reducing conditions in shallow aquifers (<35 m depth), presumably of Holocene age. It remained mobile under SO4-reducing conditions, suggesting that authigenic sulfide precipitation does not constitute a significant sink for As in these groundwaters. The redox state of the water was characterized by a variety of parameters including dissolved O2, NO3, Mn2+, Fe2+ concentrations, and SO42−/Cl ratios. High dissolved [As] (> 50 μg/l; or > 0.7 μM ) were always accompanied by high dissolved [HCO3] (> 4 mM), and were close to saturation with respect to calcite. Groundwater enriched in As (200–800 μg/l; or 2.7–10.7 μM) and phosphate (30–100 μM) but relatively low in dissolved Fe (5–40 μM) probably resulted from re-oxidation of reducing, As and Fe enriched water. This history was deduced from isotopic signatures of δ34SSO4 and 3H2O (3H) to delineate the nature of redox changes for some of the reducing groundwaters. In contrast, As is not mobilized in presumed Pleistocene aquifers, both shallow (30–60 m) and deep (150–270 m), because conditions were not reducing enough due to lack of sufficient O2 demand.  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》2000,15(4):403-413
In some areas of Bangladesh and West Bengal, concentrations of As in groundwater exceed guide concentrations, set internationally and nationally at 10 to 50 μg l−1 and may reach levels in the mg l−1 range. The As derives from reductive dissolution of Fe oxyhydroxide and release of its sorbed As. The Fe oxyhydroxide exists in the aquifer as dispersed phases, such as coatings on sedimentary grains. Recalculated to pure FeOOH, As concentrations in this phase reach 517 ppm. Reduction of the Fe is driven by microbial metabolism of sedimentary organic matter, which is present in concentrations as high as 6% C. Arsenic released by oxidation of pyrite, as water levels are drawn down and air enters the aquifer, contributes negligibly to the problem of As pollution. Identification of the mechanism of As release to groundwater helps to provide a framework to guide the placement of new water wells so that they will have acceptable concentrations of As.  相似文献   



The origin of the spatial variability of dissolved As concentrations in shallow aquifers of the Bengal Basin remains poorly understood. To address this, we compare here transects of simultaneously-collected groundwater and aquifer solids perpendicular to the banks of the Hooghly River in Chakdaha, India, and the Old Brahmaputra River in Araihazar, Bangladesh.  相似文献   



High salinity and arsenic (As) concentrations in groundwater are widespread problems in the tidal deltaplain of southwest Bangladesh. To identify the sources of dissolved salts and As, groundwater samples from the regional shallow Holocene aquifer were collected from tubewells during the dry (May) and wet (October) seasons in 2012–2013. Thirteen drill cores were logged and 27 radiocarbon ages measured on wood fragments to characterize subsurface stratigraphy.


Drill cuttings, exposures in pits and regional studies reveal a >5 m thick surface mud cap overlying a ~30 m thick upper unit of interbedded mud and fine sand layers, and a coarser lower unit up to 60 m thick dominated by clean sands, all with significant horizontal variation in bed continuity and thickness. This thick lower unit accreted at rates of ~2 cm/year through the early Holocene, with local subsidence or compaction rates of 1–3 mm/year. Most tubewells are screened at depths of 15–52 m in sediments deposited 8000–9000 YBP. Compositions of groundwater samples from tubewells show high spatial variability, suggesting limited mixing and low and spatially variable recharge rates and flow velocities. Groundwaters are Na–Cl type and predominantly sulfate-reducing, with specific conductivity (SpC) from 3 to 29 mS/cm, high dissolved organic carbon (DOC) 11–57 mg/L and As 2–258 ug/L, and low sulfur (S) 2–33 mg/L.


Groundwater compositions can be explained by burial of tidal channel water and subsequent reaction with dissolved organic matter, resulting in anoxia, hydrous ferric oxide (HFO) reduction, As mobilization, and sulfate (SO4) reduction and removal in the shallow aquifer. Introduction of labile organic carbon in the wet season as rice paddy fertilizer may also cause HFO reduction and As mobilization. Variable modern recharge occurred in areas where the clay cap pinches out or is breached by tidal channels, which would explain previously measured 14C groundwater ages being less than depositional ages. Of samples collected from the shallow aquifer, Bangladesh Government guidelines are exceeded in 46 % for As and 100 % for salinity.

Dissolved major ions and important heavy metals including total arsenic and iron were measured in groundwater from shallow (25–33 m) and deep (191–318 m) tube-wells in southeastern Bangladesh. These analyses are intended to help describe geochemical processes active in the aquifers and the source and release mechanism of arsenic in sediments for the Meghna Floodplain aquifer. The elevated Cl and higher proportions of Na+ relative to Ca2+, Mg2+, and K+ in groundwater suggest the influence by a source of Na+ and Cl. Use of chemical fertilizers may cause higher concentrations of NH4+ and PO43− in shallow well samples. In general, most ions are positively correlated with Cl, with Na+ showing an especially strong correlation with Cl, indicating that these ions are derived from the same source of saline waters. The relationship between Cl/HCO3 ratios and Cl also shows mixing of fresh groundwater and seawater. Concentrations of dissolved HCO3 reflect the degree of water–rock interaction in groundwater systems and integrated microbial degradation of organic matter. Mn and Fe-oxyhydroxides are prominent in the clayey subsurface sediment and well known to be strong adsorbents of heavy metals including arsenic. All five shallow well samples had high arsenic concentration that exceeded WHO recommended limit for drinking water. Very low concentrations of SO42− and NO3 and high concentrations of dissolved Fe and PO43− and NH4+ ions support the reducing condition of subsurface aquifer. Arsenic concentrations demonstrate negative co-relation with the concentrations of SO42− and NO3 but correlate weakly with Mo, Fe concentrations and positively with those of P, PO43− and NH4+ ions.  相似文献   

Aquifer geochemistry was characterized at a field site in the Munshiganj district of Bangladesh where the groundwater is severely contaminated by As. Vertical profiles of aqueous and solid phase parameters were measured in a sandy deep aquifer (depth >150 m) below a thick confining clay (119 to 150 m), a sandy upper aquifer (3.5 to 119 m) above this confining layer, and a surficial clay layer (<3.5 m). In the deep aquifer and near the top of the upper aquifer, aqueous As levels are low (<10 μg/L), but aqueous As approaches a maximum of 640 μg/L at a depth of 30 to 40 m and falls to 58 μg/L near the base (107 m) of the upper aquifer. In contrast, solid phase As concentrations are uniformly low, rarely exceeding 2 μg/g in the two sandy aquifers and never exceeding 10 μg/g in the clay layers. Solid phase As is also similarly distributed among a variety of reservoirs in the deep and upper aquifer, including adsorbed As, As coprecipitated in solids leachable by mild acids and reductants, and As incorporated in silicates and other more recalcitrant phases. One notable difference among depths is that sorbed As loads, considered with respect to solid phase Fe extractable with 1 N HCl, 0.2 M oxalic acid, and a 0.5 M Ti(III)-citrate-EDTA solution, appear to be at capacity at depths where aqueous As is highest; this suggests that sorption limitations may, in part, explain the aqueous As depth profile at this site. Competition for sorption sites by silicate, phosphate, and carbonate oxyanions appear to sustain elevated aqueous As levels in the upper aquifer. Furthermore, geochemical profiles are consistent with the hypothesis that past or ongoing reductive dissolution of Fe(III) oxyhydroxides acts synergistically with competitive sorption to maintain elevated dissolved As levels in the upper aquifer. Microprobe data indicate substantial spatial comapping between As and Fe in both the upper and deep aquifer sediments, and microscopic observations reveal ubiquitous Fe coatings on most solid phases, including quartz, feldspars, and aluminosilicates. Extraction results and XRD analysis of density/magnetic separates suggest that these coatings may comprise predominantly Fe(II) and mixed valence Fe solids, although the presence of Fe(III) oxyhydroxides can not be ruled out. These data suggest As release may continue to be linked to dissolution processes targeting Fe, or Fe-rich, phases in these aquifers.  相似文献   

Sediments from a core retrieved during installation of a shallow drinking water well in Ambikanagar (West Bengal, India) were analyzed for various physical and chemical parameters. The geochemical analyses included: (1) a 4-step sequential extraction scheme to determine the distribution of As between different fractions, (2) As speciation (As3+ vs. As5+), and (3) C, N and S isotopes. The sediments have a low percentage of organic C and N (0.10-0.56% and 0.01-0.05%, respectively). Arsenic concentration is between 2 and 7 mg kg−1, and it is mainly associated with the residual fraction, less susceptible to chemical weathering. The proportion of As3+ in these sediments is high and ranges from 24% to 74%. Arsenic in the second fraction (reducible) correlates well with Mn, and in the residual fraction As correlates well with several transition elements. The stable isotope results indicate microbial oxidation of organic matter involving SO4 reduction. Oxidation of primary sulfide minerals and release of As from reduction of Fe-(oxy)hydroxides do not seem important mechanisms in As mobilization. Instead, the dominance of As3+ and presence of As5+ reducing microorganisms in this shallow aquifer imply As remobilization involving microbial processes that needs further investigations.  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》2004,19(2):215-230
Sources of As in the Ganges sediments and microbial mechanisms of its release in groundwater were examined in the present study, where the authors have systematically examined the pertinent mineral species present in the sediments using XRD, TEM-EDS and EPMA techniques. The results show several As-bearing minerals in the Ganges sediments, in western Bangladesh. Iron-sulfide minerals consist of near-amorphous and/or crystalline precursors of framboidal pyrite and pyrite both of which contain As. Several types of Fe oxyhydroxides (oxides), which contain variable amounts of As were also found in muddy sediments. The content of As increases from Fe-oxides to the precursors of framboidal pyrite and pyrite. Four different chemical forms of As from the core sediments were determined. The sequentially extracted chemical forms are as follows: (1) acid soluble form (As mainly fixed in carbonates), (2) reducible form (As fixed in Fe- and/or Mn-oxides), (3) organic form, (4) insoluble form (As fixed mainly in sulfide and rarely in silicate minerals). Arsenic is dominantly sorbed on to Fe- and/or Mn-oxides, organic forms and sulfide minerals in most samples, although their relative abundances differ in different samples. Geomicrobial culture experiments were carried out to test the hypothesis that microbial processes play a key role in the release of As in groundwater. Batch culture and circulating water system experiments were designed using the sediments from Bangladesh. In the batch experiments, As was released at low Eh values a few days after adding nutrients containing glucose, polypepton and yeast extract, urea and fertilizer under a dominantly N2 atmosphere. This contrasts with the control experiments without nutrients. Circulating water experiments with sand layer in a N2 atmosphere showed similar results. These results support the hypothesis that microbial processes mediate the release of As into groundwater under reducing conditions. Glucose and polypepton used in the experiments may correspond to C and N sources, respectively. Younger sediments contain abundant organic matter, which is easily used by bacteria. So, the enhanced bacterial activity may correspond to simulation of accelerated natural diagenetic process using organic matter, or some fertilizer/wastewater effects.  相似文献   

Groundwater arsenic (As) concentrations above 10 μg/L (World Health Organization; WHO standard) are frequently found in the Titas Upazila in Bangladesh. This paper evaluates the groundwater chemistry and the mechanisms of As release acting in an underground aquifer in the middle-northeast part of the Titas Upazila in Bangladesh. Previous measurements and analyses of 43 groundwater samples from the region of interest (ROI) are used. Investigation is based on major ions and important trace elements, including total As and Fe in groundwater samples from shallow (8–36 m below ground level: mbgl) and deep (85–295 mbgl) tube wells in the aforementioned ROI. Principal hydrochemical facies are Ca–HCO3, with circumneutral pH. The different redox-sensitive constituents (e.g., As, Fe, Mn, NH4, and SO4) indicate overlapping redox zones, leading to differences regarding the redox equilibrium. Multivariate statistical analysis (factor analysis) was applied to reduce 20 chemical variables to four factors but still explain 81% of the total variance. The component loadings give hints as to the natural processes in the shallow aquifers, in which organic matter is a key reactant. The observed chemistry of As, Fe, and Mn can be explained by simultaneous equilibrium between Fe-oxide and SO4 reduction and an equilibrium of rhodochrosite precipitation/dissolution. A correlation test indicates the likeliness of As release by the reductive dissolution of Fe-oxides driven by the degradation of sediments organic matter. Other mechanisms could play a role in As release, albeit to a lesser extent. Reactive transport modeling using PHREEQC reproduced the observed chemistry evolution using simultaneous equilibrium between Fe-oxide and SO4 reduction and the equilibrium of rhodochrosite dissolution/precipitation alongside organic matter oxidation.  相似文献   

Large abstraction by water-wells has been causing a linear to exponential drop in groundwater level and substantial aquifer dewatering in Dhaka, Bangladesh. The city is almost entirely dependent on groundwater, which occurs beneath the area in an unconsolidated Plio-Pleistocene sandy aquifer. Analysis shows that the pattern of water-level change largely replicates the patterns of change in the rate of groundwater abstraction. Contribution of the aquifer storage to the abstraction is estimated to be more than 15% in the year 2002. This abstraction has caused a sharp drop in water level throughout the city and turned into two cones of depression in the water level. Upper parts of the aquifer are already dewatered throughout the area, with the exception of part of the northeast and southeast corner of the city. It is calculated that about 41 million cubic metres (MCM) of the aquifer dewatered by the year 1988, which increased to 2,272 MCM in the year 2002. Water-level decline may increase non-linearly due to limiting vertical recharge in areas where the aquifer is dewatered and may severely threaten the sustainability of the aquifer.  相似文献   

Geological and geochemical study has been carried out to investigate arsenic contamination in groundwater in Nawalparasi, the western Terai district of Nepal. The work carried out includes analyses of core sediments, provenance study by rare earth elements analyses, 14C dating, and water analyses. Results showed that distribution of the major and trace elements are not homogeneous in different grain size sediments. Geochemical characteristics and sediment assemblages of the arsenic contaminated (Nawalparasi) and uncontaminated (Bhairahawa) area have been compared. Geochemical compositions of sediments from both the areas are similar; however, water chemistry and sedimentary facies vary significantly. Extraction test of sediment samples showed significant leaching of arsenic and iron. Chemical reduction and contribution from organic matter could be a plausible explanation for the arsenic release in groundwater from the Terai sediments.  相似文献   

Sediments from shallow aquifers in Bengal Delta, India have been found to contain arsenic. Rivers of Ganga-Brahmaputra system, responsible for depositing these sediments in the delta, have created a store of arsenic. Geomorphological domains with different depositional styles regulate the pattern of distribution of zones with widely different content of groundwater arsenic. The high arsenic zones occur as narrow sinuous strips confined to channel deposits. A few iron-bearing clastic minerals and two post-depositional secondary products are arsenic carriers. Secondary siderite concretions have grown on the surface of the clastic carriers in variable intensity. The quantity of arsenic in all clastic carriers is in excess of what is generally expected. Excess arsenic is contributed by the element adsorbed on the concretion grown on the surface of the carriers, which adds up to the arsenic in the structure of the minerals. Variable abundance of concretions is responsible for the variable quantity of arsenic in the carriers and the sediment samples. Fe2+ for the growth of siderite concretions is obtained from the iron-bearing clastic carriers. The reaction involves reduction of trivalent iron to bivalent and the required electron is obtained by transformation of As3+ to As5+. It is suggested that oxidation of As3+ to As5+ is microbially mediated. In the Safe zone arsenic is retained in the carriers and groundwater arsenic is maintained below 0.05 mg/l. In the Unsafe zone sorbed arsenic is released from the carriers in the water through desorption and dissolution of concretion, thereby elevating the groundwater arsenic level to above 0.05 mg/l.  相似文献   

The Rajshahi city is the fourth largest metropolitan city in Bangladesh on the bank of the River Padma (Ganges). Here an upper semi-impervious layer overlies aquifer — the source for large-scale groundwater development. The groundwater resource study using Visual MODFLOW modeling shows that recharge occurs mainly due to infiltration of rainfall and urban return flow at low rate, and water level fluctuates seasonally in response to recharge and discharge. Hydraulic connection between river and aquifer which indicates inflow from high river water levels beyond its boundaries. The total groundwater abstraction in 2004 (15000 million liters) is lower than total input to aquifer reveals an ample potentiality for groundwater development with increasing demand. But groundwater shortage (1000 million liter/year) especially in the vicinity of the River Padma in dry season happens due to its increasing use and fall of river water level resulting in reduced inflows and hence decline in groundwater level. The conjunctive use of surface water-groundwater and its economic use will help for sustainable groundwater supply to avoid adverse impact.  相似文献   

The National Hydrochemical Survey of Bangladesh sampled the water from 3,534 tube wells for arsenic throughout most of Bangladesh. It showed that 27% of the shallow tube wells (less than 150 m deep) and 1% of the deep tube wells (more than 150 m deep) exceeded the Bangladesh standard for arsenic in drinking water (50 µg L–1). Statistical analyses revealed the main characteristics of the arsenic distribution. Concentrations ranged from less than the detection limit (0.5 µg L–1), to as much as 1,600 µg L–1, though with a very skewed distribution, and with spatial dependence extending to some 180 km. Disjunctive kriging was used to estimate concentrations of arsenic in the shallow ground water and to map the probability that the national limit for arsenic in drinking water was exceeded for most of the country (the Chittagong Hill Tracts and the southern coastal region were excluded). A clear regional pattern was identified, with large probabilities in the south of the country and small probabilities in much of the north including the Pleistocene Tracts. Using these probabilities, it was estimated that approximately 35 million people are exposed to arsenic concentrations in groundwater exceeding 50 µg L–1 and 57 million people are exposed to concentrations exceeding 10 µg L–1 (the WHO guideline value).  相似文献   

Arsenic (As) concentrations and speciation were determined in groundwaters along a flow-path in the Upper Floridan aquifer (UFA) to investigate the biogeochemical “evolution“ of As in this relatively pristine aquifer. Dissolved inorganic As species were separated in the field using anion-exchange chromatography and subsequently analyzed by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. Total As concentrations are higher in the recharge area groundwaters compared to down-gradient portions of UFA. Redox conditions vary from relatively oxic to anoxic along the flow-path. Mobilization of As species in UFA groundwaters is influenced by ferric iron reduction and subsequent dissolution, sulfate reduction, and probable pyrite precipitation that are inferred from the data to occur along distinct regions of the flow-path. In general, the distribution of As species are consistent with equilibrium thermodynamics, such that arsenate dominates in more oxidizing waters near the recharge area, and arsenite predominates in the progressively reducing groundwaters beyond the recharge area.  相似文献   

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