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《International Geology Review》2012,54(14):1649-1672
More than 285 carbonate-hosted Zn–Pb deposits occur in Iran, including world-class deposits such as Mehdiabad and Irankuh. Cretaceous carbonates are the most common host rock for these deposits, which are largely concentrated in the Malayer-Esfahan metallogenic belt (MEMB) and the Yazd-Anarak metallogenic belt (YAMB) and, to a lesser extent, in the Central Iranian geological and structural gradual zone and in the Central Alborz metallogenic belt. To erect a broad metallogenic framework for Cretaceous-hosted Zn–Pb resources in Iran, we integrated a geographic information system data base, including all reported deposits and occurrences of this affinity. A significant correspondence between the distribution of these deposits and the main suture zones in the Iran plate is clearly indicated. In addition, stratiform laminated sulphides are common features in most of the Early Cretaceous deposits (e.g. Irankuh, Ravanj, and Anjireh-Tiran), indicating a synsedimentary origin of these deposits. Most of the Cretaceous-hosted orebodies cluster around the Nain-Baft and Sabzevar Cretaceous suture zones and are associated with two major tectonic events: (1) extensive Early Cretaceous back-arc basin formation, producing, for instance, the Nain-Baft mineralized basin and (2) compressive Late Cretaceous closure of the back-arc basins, reflecting the Laramide orogenesis, for example, around the Nain-Baft and Sabzevar sutures in the west and north of the Central Iranian Microcontinent. Related to the back-arc basin formation and evolution, stratiform sedimentary exhalative (SEDEX)-like (e.g. Irankuh, Vejin, Robat, Takiyeh, and stratiform Ravanj) and Irish-type (e.g. Mehdiabad) Zn–Pb ± Ba deposits formed, whereas basin closure and plate collision triggered basinal fluid flow from the suture towards both sides of the MEMB and the YAMB, thus causing the formation of Late Cretaceous-hosted Mississippi Valley-type provinces (e.g. Nakhlak, stratabound Ravanj, Khanjar-e-Reshm, Chahriseh, and Lapalang deposits) on both sides of the Nain-Baft suture zone. These two different geotectonic scenarios and their evolution explain the distribution pattern of most of the Zn–Pb deposits hosted by Cretaceous sedimentary rocks in Iran. On the other hand, the formation of these deposits is not related to the collision between the Arabian and Iran plates (including the Sanandaj-Sirjan zone), inasmuch as no spatial relationship exists between this tectonic event and the distribution pattern of the deposits, which occurs far away from the collision front. The occurrence of SEDEX-like deposits in continental back-arc basins of the Iran plate confirms that an extensional setting favourable for regional Zn–Pb metallogenesis prevailed during the Early Cretaceous. In addition, Irish-type Zn–Pb mineralization took place in carbonate platforms developed on the passive margins that surrounded the Nain-Baft back-arc oceanic basin (e.g. Mehdiabad deposit).  相似文献   

This study appraised the use of phosphate fertilisers in immobilising metals in mine tailings to prevent their uptake into Curly Mitchell grass (Astrebla lappacea), when grown on capped, phosphate-amended tailings. Leaching experiments showed that Pb mobility was reduced by both bone meal and superphosphate amendment. Bone meal amendment also reduced Cd mobility. By contrast, Cd, Mn and Zn mobility increased in superphosphate-amended tailings due to increased acid production and, Cu was mobilised in bone meal-amended tailings possibly through the formation of soluble metal-complexing organic compounds. Arsenic and Sb were mobilised in both treatments due to phosphate ligand exchange. Greenhouse trials used Curly Mitchell grass grown on 1-m-high columns stacked with waste materials and different amendments overlain by clean topsoil. Curly Mitchell grass showed substantial uptake of Cd, Mn, Pb and Zn from unamended tailings and waste rock, where these were penetrated by the plant’s root system. Addition of phosphate fertilisers to the surface of tailings did not result in reduced metal uptake by Curly Mitchell grass. In tailings capped with limestone, the limestone layer formed an effective physical barrier preventing root penetration into the tailings and led to substantially reduced metal uptake in grass. The study demonstrates that thorough mixing of waste materials and fertilisers as well as irrigation may be required for successful phosphate immobilisation of metals in base metal tailings. Alternatively, the placement of a thin layer of crushed limestone on top of the tailings pile prior to capping may lead to the formation of a chemical and physical barrier and prevent the transfer of environmentally significant elements into the above-ground biomass of Mitchell grasses.  相似文献   

The Yinshan Cu–Au–Pb–Zn–Ag deposit is located in Dexing, South China. Ore bodies are primarily hosted in low-grade phyllite of the Neoproterozoic Shuangqiaoshan Group along EW- and NNW-striking fault zones. Pb–Zn–Ag mineralization is dictated by Jurassic rhyolitic quartz porphyries (ca. 172 Ma), whereas Cu–Au mineralization is associated with Jurassic dacite porphyries (ca. 170 Ma). The main ore minerals are pyrite, chalcopyrite, galena, sphalerite, tetrahedrite–tennatite, gold, silver, and silver sulphosalt, and the principal gangue minerals are quartz, sericite, calcite, and chlorite. Two-phase liquid-rich (type I), two-phase vapor-rich (type II), and halite-bearing (type III) fluid inclusions can be observed in the hydrothermal quartz-sulfides veins. Type I inclusions are widespread and have homogenization temperatures of 187–303 °C and salinities of 4.2–9.5 wt.% NaCl equivalent in the Pb–Zn–Ag mineralization, and homogenization temperatures of 196–362 °C and salinities of 3.5–9.9 wt.% NaCl equivalent in the Cu–Au mineralization. The pervasive occurrence of type I fluid inclusions with low-moderate temperatures and salinities implies that the mineralizing fluids formed in epithermal environments. The type II and coexisting type III inclusions, from deeper levels below the Cu–Au ore bodies, share similar homogenization temperatures of 317–448 °C and contrasting salinities of 0.2–4.2 and 30.9–36.8 wt.% NaCl equivalent, respectively, which indicates that boiling processes occurred. The sulfur isotopic compositions of sulfides (δ34S = −1.7‰ to +3.2‰) suggest a homogeneous magmatic sulfur source. The lead isotopes of sulfides (206Pb/204Pb = 18.01–18.07; 207Pb/204Pb = 15.55–15.57; and 208Pb/204Pb = 38.03–38.12) are consistent with those of volcanic–subvolcanic rocks (206Pb/204Pb = 18.03–18.10; 207Pb/204Pb = 15.56–15.57; and 208Pb/204Pb = 38.02–38.21), indicating a magmatic origin for lead in the ore. The oxygen and hydrogen isotope compositions (δ18O = +7.8‰ to +10.5‰, δD = −66‰ to −42‰) of inclusion water in quartz imply that ore-forming fluids were mainly derived from magmatic sources. The local boiling process beneath the epithermal Cu–Au ore-forming system indicates the possibility that porphyry-style ore bodies may exist at even deeper zones.  相似文献   

Porphyry systems are known to form in magmatic arc environment and commonly include porphyry Cu, epithermal Pb–Zn–Au–Ag, skarn polymetallic mineralization, etc. The systems are rarely reported in collisional zones, such as the Gangdese belt in southern Tibet where many postcollisional porphyry copper deposits occurred. In addition, other types of mineral systems are rarely present except porphyry copper mineralization in the Gangdese belt. In this study, we present Pb–Zn-bearing quartz veins at Luobuzhen in the western Gangdese belt. The Luobuzhen Pb–Zn veins cross-cut dacite of the Linzizong Group with zircon U–Pb age of 50.1 ± 0.2 Ma and monzogranite with zircon U–Pb age of 17.1 ± 0.1 Ma. Ore minerals include sphalerite, galena, chalcopyrite, and pyrite; gangue minerals are quartz with minor chlorite and sericite. Primary fluid inclusions of quartz are liquid-rich, aqueous, and two-phase inclusions. The homogenization temperatures of these primary inclusions are moderate to high (267–400 °C), and salinities range from 8.9 to 18.4 wt.% NaCl equiv. Quartz has δ18OSMOW values of 6.2–9.3‰, while sulfides have δ34SV-CDT values of −5.1‰ to 0.1‰, 206Pb/204Pb of 18.722–18.849, 207Pb/204Pb of 15.640–15.785, and 208Pb/204Pb of 39.068–39.560. These data suggest that magmatic fluids with contribution from meteoric water, magmatic sulfur, and lead derived from upper crust and metasomatized mantle by Indian continental materials would be critical for the Luobuzhen base metal mineralization.The Dongshibu area, located at ∼2 km east of the Luobuzhen, is characterized by high concentrations of Cu (up to 1450 ppm) and Mo (up to 130 ppm) of stream sediments, which is quite different from high concentrations in Pb, Zn, Ag, and Au shown in the Luobuzhen area. In addition, porphyry copper mineralization-related alteration and veins/veinlets occur in the Miocene monzogranite at Dongshibu. The monzogranite is characterized by high Sr/Y ratios, which are also shown on ore-forming intrusions in the Gangdese postcollisional porphyry copper deposits, and shows similar zircon Hf isotopes to the ore-related high Sr/Y intrusions from the Zhunuo porphyry copper deposit which is located ∼20 km northeast of the Luobuzhen-Dongshibu. A comprehensive analysis allows us to infer that the base metal veins at Luobuzhen are components of a porphyry Cu system with porphyry Cu mineralization likely present at Dongshibu and epithermal Au–Ag veins possibly occurring at Luobuzhen, which are indicative of the existence of porphyry copper systems in collisional zones. The potential porphyry Cu mineralization and epithermal Au–Ag veins should be targeted in future exploration at Luobuzhen-Dongshibu.  相似文献   

Pollution by heavy metals presents an environmental concern, and their toxicity threats soil, water, animals and human health. Phytoremediation can be used as a solution to remediate contaminated soils. The aim of this study was to identify native plants collected from tailings: material of Pb–Zn mine sites of Fedj Lahdoum and Jebel Ressas (two abandoned mines located, respectively, in the northwest of Tunisia and in the south of Tunis City). The tolerance of plant to heavy metals (lead, zinc and cadmium) is evaluated. Soil samples were collected and analyzed for Pb, Zn and Cd concentration. The total soil Pb, Zn and Cd are, respectively, reached 6132 mg kg?1, 11,052 mg kg?1 and it doesn’t exceed 479 mg kg?1 for Cd. The highest content of Zn in plants was detected in shoots of Rumex bucephalophorus (1048 mg kg?1), and the highest Pb concentration was detected in roots of Chrysopogon zizanioides (381 mg kg?1), while for Cd Silene colorata it accumulated the highest content in roots (51 mg kg?1). From all plants, only 12 have a translocation factor for Pb which is higher than one. Among all plants, only 17 have a translocation factor that is higher than one for Zn, while for Cd only 13 plants indicate TF > 1. As for the biological absorption coefficient, all samples indicate a rate which is lower than one. These plants can be primarily hyper accumulators and useful in remediation of lead- and zinc-contaminated soils after further biochemistry researches in mechanism of accumulation and translocation of heavy metals in plants.  相似文献   

The Bianjiadayuan Pb–Zn–Ag deposit in the Southern Great Xing'an Range consists of quartz-sulfide vein-type and breccia-type mineralization related to granite. Vein orebodies are localized in NW-trending extensional faults. Hydrothermal alteration is well developed and includes silicification, potassic alteration, chloritization and sericitization. Three stages of mineralization are recognized based on field evidence and petrographic observation and are marked by assemblages of quartz–arsenopyrite–pyrite (stage I), quartz–pyrrhotite–chalcopyrite–sphalerite (stage II) and quartz–galena–silver minerals (stage III). The granite, with a zircon age of 143.2 ± 1.5 Ma (n = 14, MSWD = 0.93), is subalkaline, peraluminous and is classified as A2-type granite originating in a post-orogenic extensional setting during the opening of suture zone between the North China Craton and the Siberia Craton from the Late Jurassic to the Early Cretaceous. The δ34SCDT values of sulfides, ranging from 3.19 to 10.65‰, are not consistent with the majority of magmatic hydrothermal deposits in the SGXR, possibly implying accessory source in addition to magmatic source. Microthermometric measurements show that ore minerals were deposited at intermediate temperatures (347.8–136.4 °C) with moderate salinities (2.9–14.4 wt.% NaCl). Ore-forming fluids were derived largely from magmatic hydrothermal processes, with the addition of meteoric water in late stage. Successive precipitation of Pb, Zn and Ag occurred with changes of physicochemical conditions. Overall considering mineralization features, ore-forming fluids and materials and tectonic setting and comparing with adjacent deposits, the Bianjiadayuan deposit is a mesothermal magmatic hydrothermal vein-type Pb–Zn–Ag deposit controlled by fractures and related to A2-type granite in response to the tectonic/magmatic/hydrothermal activity in late Jurassic. Besides, the explosive breccias in the west area require more attention in future exploration.  相似文献   

The temporal and spatial variations of Late Paleozoic basaltic lavas in Baoshan, the northern part of a Gondwana-derived micro-continental block called Sibumasu, are important for Gondwana reconstruction. Magmatic zircon crystals from three selected dolerite dykes in the Baoshan region yield U-Pb ages from ~295 to ~310 Ma. These new ages, together with previous zircon U-Pb ages for this type of rock, define a protracted (~30 myr) episode of basaltic magmatism from ~310 to 280 Ma in a small area of this region, which is inconsistent with the typical temporal-spatial distribution of mantle plume magmatism. The trace element compositions of the Baoshan dolerite dykes and associated lavas are similar to arc basalts as well as continental flood basalts worldwide, showing light REE enrichments and negative Nb-Ta anomalies. Mixing calculations using the Sr-Nd-Hf isotope data of the Baoshan mafic rocks indicate that their intriguing trace element characteristics can be explained by contamination of mantle-derived magmas with crustal materials. Our new data, together with the lack of Late Paleozoic are-related calcalkaline rocks and granitoids in the Sibumasu block and other contemporaneous Gondwana-derived micro-continental blocks, strongly support the premise that the 310–280 Ma basalts and dolerites in the Baoshan region are the products of continental rift-related magmatism rather than arc magmatism. Based on the temporal correlation of the 310–280 Ma rift-related magmatism in several related Gondwana-derived micro-continents (Sibumasu, South Qiangtang, Lhasa and Himalaya), plus other independent constraints such as paleoclimate biotas and paleolatitudes from the literature, we provide an improved model for the configuration of the Gondwana supercontinent in the Early Permian. Based on the results from this study, we conclude that further investment in the exploration of magmatic Ni-Cu sulfide deposits associated with the 310–280 Ma mafic-ultramafic intrusions in northern Baoshan and the other related Gondwana-derived micro-continental blocks is warranted.  相似文献   

The late Carboniferous to Triassic tectonic history of eastern Australia includes important periods of regional-scale crustal extension and contraction. Evidence for these periods of tectonism is recorded by the extensive Pennsylvanian (late Carboniferous) to Triassic basin system of eastern Australia. In this study, we investigate the use of U–Pb dating of detrital zircons in reconstructing the tectonic development of one of these basins, the eastern Galilee Basin of Queensland. U–Pb detrital zircon ages were obtained from samples of stratigraphically well-constrained Cisuralian and Lopingian (early and late Permian, respectively) sandstone in the Galilee Basin. Detrital zircons in these sandstones are dominated by a population with ages in the range of 300–250 Ma, and ages from the youngest detrital zircons closely approximate depositional ages. We attribute these two fundamental findings to (1) appreciable derivation of detrital zircons in the Galilee Basin from the New England Orogen of easternmost Australia and (2) syndepositional magmatism. Furthermore, Cisuralian sandstone of the Galilee Basin contains significantly more >300 Ma detrital zircons than Lopingian sandstone. The transition in detrital zircon population, which is bracketed between 296 and 252 Ma based on previous high-precision U–Pb zircon ages from Permian ash beds in the Galilee Basin, corresponds with the Hunter–Bowen Orogeny and reflects a change in the Galilee Basin from an earlier extensional setting to a later foreland basin environment. During the Lopingian foreland basin phase, the individual depocentres of the Galilee and Bowen basins were linked to form a single and enormous foreland basin that covered >300 000 km2 in central and eastern Queensland.  相似文献   

Mississippi Valley type (MVT) Pb–Zn deposits can occur in orogenic thrust belts. However, the relationship between MVT ore-forming processes and thrusting is unclear. The 1500-km-long Sanjiang Metallogenic Belt in Tibetan Plateau is an important thrust-controlled MVT ore province with 860 Mt at 0.76–2.3% Pb, 0.3–6.1% Zn. The Zhaofayong MVT ore cluster in the Changdu area is a typical sample. The orebodies in this ore cluster are hosted in limestone, controlled by secondary faults to regional thrusts and forming along these faults. Two Pb–Zn mineralization stages in this cluster are recognized. Stage I is characterized by coarse and euhedral galena + sphalerite + calcite + fluorite + barite and Stage II by fine grained sphalerite + galena + pyrite + calcite. Sm–Nd isotopic dating of calcite forming in Stage I yields isochron ages of 41.1–38.1 Ma, suggesting the mineralization formed during extension following the first regional compression in the Changdu area. The connection between Stage I mineralization and the regional thrusting in the Changdu area can extend to the whole Sanjiang belt. Two stages of regional Pb–Zn mineralization are recognized between 65 Ma and 30 Ma and between 30 Ma and 16 Ma in the belt. The two Pb–Zn mineralization stages are consistent with those regional episodic thrusting activities and both of them immediately occurred after the episodic thrusting. An interpretation of the regional Pb–Zn mineralization is that regional compression forced the movement of hydrothermal fluids along regional thrust-nappe detachment faults and subsequent post-thrust extension caused the migration of hydrothermal fluids to the ore forming locations. The two mineralization stages in the Sanjiang Belt indicate complex processes related to India–Eurasia collision and the gradually younger mineralization ages from southeast to northwest indicate the collision follows the same direction.  相似文献   

SHRIMP U–Pb zircon ages are reported from a paragneiss, a pegmatite, a metasomatised metasediment and an amphibolite taken from the upper amphibolite facies host sequence of the Cannington Ag–Pb–Zn deposit at the southeastern margin of the Proterozoic Mt Isa Block. Also reported are ages from a middle amphibolite‐facies metasediment from the Soldiers Cap Group approximately 90 km north of Cannington. The predominantly metasedimentary host rocks of the Cannington deposit were eroded from a terrane containing latest Archaean to earliest Palaeoproterozoic (ca 2600–2300 Ma) and Palaeoproterozoic (ca 1750–1700 Ma) zircon. The ca 1750–1700 Ma group of zircons are consistent with sedimentary provenance from rocks of Cover Sequence 2 age that are now exposed to the north and west of the Cannington deposit. The metasedimentary samples also include a group of zircon grains at ca 1675 Ma, which we interpret as the maximum depositional age of the sedimentary protolith. This is comparable to the maximum depositional age of the metasediment from the Maronan area (ca 1665 Ma) and to previously published data from the Soldiers Cap Group. Metamorphic zircon rims and new zircon grains grew at 1600–1580 Ma during upper amphibolite‐facies metamorphism in metasedimentary and mafic magmatic rocks. Zircon inheritance patterns suggest that sheet‐like pegmatitic intrusions were most likely derived from partial melting of the surrounding metasediments during this period of metamorphism. Some zircon grains from the amphibolite have a morphology consistent with partially recrystallised igneous grains and have apparent ages close to the metamorphic age, although it is not clear whether these represent metamorphic resetting or crystallisation of the magmatic protolith. Pb‐loss during syn‐ to post‐metamorphic metasomatism resulted in partial resetting of zircons from the metasomatised metasediment.  相似文献   

This article explores the role of geographical context in generating a stigmatised identity among residents of Tara rural subdivisions in the coal seam gas fields in Queensland’s Western Downs. The research was based on qualitative interviews with Tara ‘Blockies’, as these residents are commonly referred to, that revealed how their existence in the middle of an agrarian region resulted in the assignation of a stigma that has marked them as different, and subsequently devalued their status. We explain that this distinction and category division of the normals, referring to Tara’s Agrarian residents, from the ‘stigmatised’ led to an antagonistic relationship that prevented successful socio-cultural assimilation. We demonstrate how an immoral place becomes disadvantaged, resulting in poor well-being, and how imposed labels threaten the self-esteem of its occupants.  相似文献   

The syn-tectonic breccia-hosted Mount Isa Cu deposit in northwest Queensland is the largest sediment-hosted Cu deposit in Australia. Whole-rock samples of chalcopyrite-rich Cu ore form an isochron with a Re–Os age of 1,372 ± 41 Ma. This age is more than 100 Ma younger than the previously accepted age of Cu ore formation, an Ar–Ar mineral age for biotite separated from the host rocks within the alteration envelope to the Cu orebody. This discrepancy cannot be unequivocally resolved due to a lack of other absolute geochronological constraints for Cu mineralisation or the deformation event associated with Cu emplacement. The 1,372 ± 41 Ma date may reflect (a) the time of Cu deposition, (b) the time of a hydrothermal event that reset the Re–Os signature of the Cu ore or (c) mixing of the Re–Os isotope systematics between the host rocks and Cu-bearing fluids. However, a range of published Ar–Ar and Rb–Sr dates for potassic alteration associated with Cu mineralisation also records an event between 1,350 and 1,400 Ma and these are consistent with the 1,372 Ma Re–Os age. The 1.8 Ga Eastern Creek Volcanics are a series of tholeiitic basalts with a primary magmatic Cu enrichment which occur adjacent to the Mount Isa Cu deposit. The whole-rock Os isotopic signature of the Eastern Creek Volcanics ranges from mantle-like values for the upper Pickwick Member, to more radiogenic/crustal values for the lower Cromwell Member. The Re–Os isotope signature of the Cu ores overlaps with those calculated for the two volcanic members at 1,372 Ma; hence, the Os isotope data are supportive of the concept that the Os in the Cu ores was sourced from the Eastern Creek Volcanics. By inference, it is therefore postulated that the Eastern Creek Volcanics are the source of Cu in the Mount Isa deposit, as both Os and Cu are readily transported by oxidised hydrothermal fluids, such as those that are thought to have formed the Cu orebody. The Pickwick Member yields a Re–Os isochron age of 1,833 ± 51 Ma, which is within error of previously reported age constraints. The initial 187Os/188Os isotopic ratio of 0.114 ± 0.067 (γOs = −0.7) is slightly subchondritic, and together with other trace element geochemical constraints, is consistent with a subcontinental lithospheric mantle source. The Pickwick Member records a minimum age of ca. 1.95 Ga for melt depletion in the subcontinental lithospheric mantle beneath the Mount Isa Inlier prior to the extraction of the magmas which formed the Eastern Creek Volcanics. This corresponds with the end of subduction-related magmatism along the eastern margin of the Northern Australian Craton, which included the Mount Isa Inlier.  相似文献   

This study presents the first chemical abrasion-isotope dilution thermal ionisation mass spectrometry (CA-IDTIMS) U–Pb zircon ages from tuffs in Lopingian (upper Permian) strata of the Galilee Basin, Queensland and reassigns the B coal-seam to the ‘Burngrove Formation equivalent.’ Five Lopingian tuffs were dated: four from the CRD Montani-1 drill hole including three from the ‘Fair Hill Formation equivalent’ (255.13 ± 0.09, 254.41 ± 0.07 and 254.32 ± 0.10 Ma) and one from the ‘Burngrove Formation equivalent’ (252.81 ± 0.07 Ma, approximately the age of the Yarrabee Tuff in the adjacent Bowen Basin); and a single tuff from the Black Alley Shale in the GSQ Tambo-1-1A drill hole (254.09 ± 0.06 Ma). In the Galilee Basin, all three units are constituents of the Betts Creek Group, here formally elevated in nomenclatural status from the Betts Creek beds. On the western margin of the basin, the group thins, and the ‘J and K’ seams (formerly known as the Crossmore and Glenaras sequences, respectively) in the GSQ Muttaburra-1 drill hole have been interpreted through palynology as Cisuralian–early Guadalupian (spore-pollen assemblage APP3.2). This corroborates the exclusion of the ‘J and K’ seams from the overlying Lopingian Betts Creek Group (spore-pollen assemblage APP5), and the underlying lower to mid-Cisuralian Aramac Coal Measures (spore-pollen assemblage APP2.2), which represent the uppermost unit of the Joe Joe Group. It is proposed that the ‘J and K’ seams are restricted to a depocentre in the Hulton–Rand structure. The recognition of these strata containing APP3.2 spore-pollen assemblages suggests that the mid-Permian hiatus is locally reduced to 12–13 My from 30 Ma (where the ‘J and K’ seams are absent). The results of the radiometric dating and palynological analysis in the Galilee Basin support the proposed, albeit informal stratigraphy, that is given in terms of equivalents of formational units in the Bowen Basin and on the intervening Springsure Shelf.  相似文献   

Laterally continuous mass-flow deposits are an important feature of the HYC stratiform sediment-hosted Zn–Pb–Ag deposit, which reveal more about the HYC mineralising system than has been previously recognised. Mass flow deposits are interbedded with sheet-like mineralised lenses in a carbonaceous dolomitic siltstone host rock. Sedimentological processes of mass-flow deposit emplacement are proposed that constrain stratiform mineralisation to the top metre of the sediment pile, based on mass-flow geometry and detailed clast petrology. Four distinct sedimentary facies are identified within the mass-flow units: framework-supported polymictic boulder breccia; matrix-supported pebble breccia; and gravel-rich and sand-rich graded turbidite beds. The boulder breccias are weakly reverse graded and show rapid lateral transition into the other facies, all of which are distal manifestations of the same sedimentary events. The flow geometry and relationships between these facies are interpreted to reflect mass-flow initiation as clast-rich debris flows, with transformation via the elutriation of fines into a subsequent turbulent flow from which the turbidite and matrix-supported breccia facies were deposited. All the mass-flow facies contain clasts of the common and minor components of the in-situ laminated base-metal mineralised siltstone. Texturally these are identical to their in-situ counterparts, and are clearly distinct from other sulphidic clasts that are of unequivocal replacement origin. In the boulder breccias, intraclasts may be the dominant clast type and the matrix may contain abundant fine-grained sphalerite and pyrite. Dark coloured sphaleritic and pyritic breccia matrices are distinct from pale carbonate-siliclastic matrices, are associated with high abundance of sulphidic clasts, and systematically occupy the lower part of breccia units. Consequently, clasts that resemble in-situ ore facies are confirmed as genuine intraclasts that were incorporated into erosive mass flows prior to complete consolidation. Disaggregation and assimilation of sulphidic sediment in the flow contributed to the sulphide component of the dark breccia matrices. The presence of laminated sulphidic intraclasts in the mass-flow facies constrains mineralisation at HYC to the uppermost part of the seafloor sediment pile, where this material was susceptible to erosion by incoming clast-rich mass flows.Editorial handling: N. White  相似文献   

Tsushima Island is one of the oldest zinc-lead mining areas in Japan. River water and sediment samples were collected mainly from Taishu area to determine the contamination level of Zn and to clarify its behaviour in the natural system. Among the water samples analysed, 64% exceeded the standard environmental limit of 0.03 µg ml− 1 for Zn. In most cases, Zn concentration in sediment samples also exceeded the standard value, and the concentration varied from 86.75–7490.07 µg g− 1. The mineralogical constituents in sediments were almost similar and quartz had the strongest peak, but the interior part of the ores had many minerals, with galena having the highest proportion. Considering the enrichment factor values (EFc), 12 samples have values of more than 50, indicating a high pollution load for Zn. This study revealed that the sulphide ores, and contaminated sediments, are the possible contamination sources of Shiine River, and Zn dissolution occurred by reactions, such as desorption and ion exchange.  相似文献   

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