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Smectites from the Ishirini bentonite deposit (Libya) were analysed for their oxygen and hydrogen isotopic ratios. Based on published isotopic fractionation data, the results indicate a predominantly meteoric origin of the fluids responsible for the transformation of pyroclastic rocks to bentonite at temperatures ranging from 30 to 90 °C. The thermal effect of the subsequent emplacement of volcanic intrusions was further evaluated by a detailed study of δ18O isotopic composition of smectites and fluid inclusions in quartz separated from silicified rings produced by the thermal action of a basalt dike. Five different groups of fluids were distinguished based on salinity and homogenization temperatures.

The contact zone of bentonite affected by high concentrated saline solution exhibit mineralogical changes. High salinity and high temperature also remarkably influence the technical parameters of bentonites and reduce, for example, the cation exchange capacity (CEC) or microporosity.  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》1988,3(2):185-203
Chemical and isotopic analyses of water from drill holes and mines throughout the Fennoscandian Shield show that distinct layers of groundwater are present. An upper layer of fresh groundwater is underlain by several sharply differentiated saline layers, which may differ in salinity, relative abundance of solutes, and O, H, Sr and S isotope signature. Saline groundwater can be classified into four major groups based on geochemistry and presumed origin. Brackish and saline waters from 50–200 m depth in coastal areas around the Baltic Sea exhibit distinct marine chemical and isotopic fingerprints, modified by reactions with host rocks. These waters represent relict Holocene seawater. Inland, three types of saline groundwater are observed: an uppermost layer of brackish and saline water from 300–900 m depth; saline water and brines from 1000–2000 m depth; and superdeep brines which have been observed to a depth of at least 11 km in the drill hole on the Kola Peninsula, U.S.S.R. Electrical and seismic studies in shield areas suggest that such brines are commonly present at even greater depths. The salinity of all inland groundwaters is attributed predominantly to water-rock interaction. The main solutes are Cl, Ca, Na and Mg in varying proportions, depending on the host rock lithology. The abundance of dissolved gases increases with depth but varies from site to site. The main gas components are N2, CH4 (up to 87 vol.%) and locally H2. The δ13C value for methane is highly variable (−25 to −46%), and it is suggested that hydrothermal or metamorphic gases trapped within the surrounding rocks are the most obvious source of CH4. The uppermost saline water has meteoric oxygen-hydrogen isotopic compositions, whereas values from deeper water plot above the meteoric water line, indicating considerably longer mean residence time and effective low temperature equilibration with host rocks. Geochemical and isotopic results from some localities demonstrate that the upper saline water cannot have been formed through simple mixing between fresh water and deep brines but rather is of independent origin. The source of water itself has not been satisfactorily verified although superdeep brines at least may contain a significant proportion of relict Precambrian hydrothermal or metamorphic fluids.  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》2002,17(7):885-902
An ancient saprolite has developed on the Palaeoproterozoic granulite, granite gneiss and amphibolite bedrock of the Vuotso–Tankavaara area of central Finnish Lapland. The present day climatic regime in Finnish Lapland lies within the northern boreal zone and so the saprolite there can be regarded as fossil. Cores of saprolite were collected from 4 sections (42 samples) and analyzed chemically and mineralogically. In the study area, progressive weathering of the rocks has been marked by gradual enrichment in Al, Fe and Ti; and depletion of Na, K and Ca. The higher concentration of Fe(III) and water and reduced Na and Ca in weathered bedrock in the 4 sections are indicative of oxidation, hydration and leaching processes involved during weathering. The primary minerals in the saprolite are plagioclase feldspar, K-feldspar, quartz, garnet (almandine) and hornblende; the common secondary minerals are kaolinite, halloysite, and vermiculite in addition to minor amounts of sericite. Intense weathering is indicated by: (1) the presence of kaolinite and halloysite in 4 sections of different bedrock types, and (2) the comparatively lower SiO2/Al2O3 (wt.%) ratio (2.30) of weathered granulites (3 sections) as compared to fresh granulite (4.33) and that of weathered amphibolite (2.68) as compared to fresh amphibolite (3.56). In general, kaolinite and halloysite have formed through the weathering of feldspars, garnet, and biotite. Vermiculite is the most probable alteration product of biotite. The formation of kaolinite and halloysite in Finnish Lapland indicates wetter and warmer climatic conditions during the time of their formation than at present. The possible time for formation of the saprolite is early Cretaceous–early Tertiary into Middle Miocene.  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》1996,11(3):433-445
Twenty-seven samples from a confined Lower-Middle Jurassic aquifer and an unconfined Oxfordian aquifer of the North Aquitaine Basin (France) have been analysed for their major elements, Br,18O,2H,13C and14C contents. Hydrochemistry indicates (1) a dissolution of carbonate and anhydrite near the recharge zone and (2) a dilution of a saline water derived from a seawater/halite mixing in the deeper part of the aquifer. The mixing is also visible in a δ18O vs Cl diagram in which two different groups appear: recent waters and old waters indicating a mixing process between fresh and saline groundwaters. The composition of the saline water is likely to be 34,100±11,200 ppm in Cl, 70±20 ppm in Br and more than −3.5±07‰ vs SMOW in18O.13C contents indicate (1) a C exchange with CaCO3 matrix for groundwaters near the recharge zone and (2) a participation of organic matter in the deep part of the aquifer.Residence times for waters near the area of the aquifer outcrop correspond to Holocene and Late Pleistocene periods. The depletion in stable isotopes of 10 to 15,000 y B.P. waters show a late glacial period infiltration to the aquifer. After a distance of about 10 km in the aquifer, the14C activities are 0 pmc showing the presence of ‘old’ groundwaters.  相似文献   

High concentrations of naturally occurring arsenic are present in alluvial groundwater systems in the midwestern United States. These occurrences tend to be sporadic because the arsenic is mobilized only under a narrow range of redox conditions. The reducing conditions must be sufficient to reduce and dissolve iron and manganese but not to produce sulfide. Typically, the affected aquifers are relatively high in clay content and of relatively low yield. For that reason, many of these arsenic occurrences are in aquifers supplying single families. The mechanism by which the arsenic is mobilized begins with the deposition of iron oxides during streamflow while the alluvium is being deposited. The oxides have a strong affinity for dissolved arsenic and adsorb it from the streamwater. As the alluvium is buried, it eventually becomes subject to slow groundwater movement. As conditions become more reducing, ferric oxides are reduced to soluble ferrous oxides, resulting in mobilization of the adsorbed arsenic.Publication No. 3597, Environmental Sciences Division, ORNL.Operated by Martin-Marietta Energy Systems for the U.S. Department of Energy under Contract No. DE-AC05-84OR21400.  相似文献   

This study presents the mineralogical and geochemical characteristics of tailing dumps at the Krasnorechenskaya concentration mill (Primorskii krai, Russia). Primary ore minerals and newly forming mineral assemblages were also investigated. According to the obtained data, the possible reserves of the major elements accumulated in these tailings were estimated. It was shown that the tailing dumps at the Krasnorechenskaya concentration mill are potentially promising for secondary recovery. The tailing sediment has natural geochemical stratification and the specific correlations of elements are typical for each selected layer.  相似文献   

Deep-sea sediments in parts of the Pacific Ocean were recently found to contain remarkably high concentrations of rare-earth elements and yttrium (REY) of possible economic significance. Here we report similar REY-rich mud in a core section from Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 213 in the eastern Indian Ocean. The sediments consist mainly of siliceous ooze, with subordinate zeolitic clay that contains relatively high REY concentrations. The maximum and average total REY (ΣREY) contents of this material are 1113 and 629 ppm, respectively, which are comparable to those reported from the Pacific Ocean. The REY-rich mud at Site 213 shows enrichment in heavy rare-earth elements, negative Ce anomalies, and relatively low Fe2O3/ΣREY ratios, similar to those in the Pacific Ocean. In addition, the major-element composition of the Indian Ocean REY-rich mud indicates slight enrichment in lithogenic components, which probably reflects a contribution from southern African eolian dust. A volcaniclastic component from neighboring mid-ocean ridges or intraplate volcanoes is also apparent. Elemental compositions and X-ray diffraction patterns for bulk sediment, and microscopic observation and elemental mapping of a polished thin section, demonstrate the presence of phillipsite and biogenic apatite, such as fish debris, in the REY-rich mud. The strong correlation between total REY content and apatite abundance implies that apatite plays an important role as a host phase of REY in the present deep-sea sediment column. However, positive correlations between ΣREY and elements not present in apatite (e.g., Fe2O3, MnO, and TiO2) imply that the REY-rich mud is not formed by a simple mixture of REY-enriched apatite and other components.  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》2003,18(9):1283-1296
This paper discusses the abundance, speciation and mobility of As in groundwater systems from active volcanic areas in Italy. Using literature data and new additional determinations, the main geochemical processes controlling the fate of As during gas–water–rock interaction in these systems are examined. Arsenic concentrations in the fluids range from 0.1 to 6940 μg/l, with wide differences observed among the different volcanoes and within each area. The dependence of As content on water temperature, pH, redox potential and major ions is investigated. Results demonstrate that As concentrations are highest where active hydrothermal circulation takes place at shallow levels, i.e. at Vulcano Island and the Phlegrean Fields. In both areas the dissolution of As-bearing sulphides is likely to be the main source of As. Mature Cl-rich groundwaters, representative of the discharge from the deep thermal reservoirs, are typically enriched in As with respect to SO4-rich “steam heated groundwaters”. In the HCO3 groundwaters recovered at Vesuvius and Etna, aqueous As cycling is limited by the absence of high-temperature interactions and by high-Fe content of the host rocks, resulting in oxidative As adsorption. Thermodynamic modelling suggests that reducing H2S-rich groundwaters are in equilibrium with realgar, whereas in oxidising environments over-saturation with respect to Fe oxy-hydroxides is indicated. Under these oxidising conditions, As solubility decreases controlled by As co-precipitation with, or adsorption on, Fe oxy-hydroxides. Consistent with thermodynamic considerations, As mobility in the studied areas is enhanced in intermediate redox environments, where both sulphides and Fe hydroxides are unstable.  相似文献   

This study documents the environmental impacts of borate mines in Bigadiç district, which are the largest colemanite and ulexite deposits in the world. Borate-bearing formations have affected the concentrations of some contaminants in groundwater. Groundwater quality is directly related to the borate zones in the mines as a result of water–rock interaction processes. Calcium is the dominant cation and waters are Ca–SO4 and HCO3 type in the mine (Tülü borate mine) from which colemanite is produced. However in the Simav and Acep Borate Mines, ulexite and colemanite minerals are produced and waters from these open pit mines are Na–HCO3–SO4 types. High SO4 concentrations (reaching 519 mg/L) might be explained by the existence of anhydrite, gypsum and celestite minerals in the borate zone. Groundwater from tuff and borate strata showed relatively low pH values (7–8) compared to surface and mine waters (>8). EC values ranged from 270 to 2850 μS/cm. Boron and As were the two important contaminants determined in the groundwaters around the Bigadiç borate mines. Arsenic is the major pollutant and it ranged from 33 to 911 μg/L in the groundwater samples. The concentrations of B in the study area ranged from 0.05 to 391 mg/L. The highest B concentrations were detected at the mine areas. The extension of the borate zones in the aquifer systems is the essential factor in the enrichment of B and As, and some major and trace elements in groundwaters are directly related to the leaching of the host rock which are mainly composed of tuffs and limestones. According to drinking water standards, all of the samples exceed the tolerance limit for As. Copper, Mn, Zn and Li values are enriched but do not exceed the drinking water standards. Sulfate, Al and Fe concentrations are above the drinking water standard for the groundwater samples.  相似文献   

Elevated As concentrations in groundwater in the eastern United States have been recognized predominantly in the accretionary geologic terranes of northern New England. A retrospective examination of more than 18,000 existing groundwater samples from the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (PA DEP) Drinking Water and Sampling Information System database indicates that elevated groundwater As concentrations occur throughout the northern half of the Piedmont Province of Pennsylvania. Chemical analyses of 53 samples collected in 2005 from drinking water wells in this area all had detectable As, and 23% of these samples contained elevated (>133 nmol/L or >10 μg/L) concentrations of As. Elevated concentrations of As in the groundwater samples were most common in the Mesozoic sedimentary strata composed of sandstone and red mudstone with interbedded gray shale, and gray to black siltstone and shale. Arsenic was typically not elevated in groundwater of diabase intrusions of the Newark Basin or in crystalline and calcareous aquifers to the north of the Newark Basin. Geochemical parameters such as pH and oxidation–reduction potential can indicate mobility mechanisms of As in some regions. In this area, measured groundwater conditions were predominantly oxidizing (Eh > +50 mV), and more than 85% of samples contained arsenate as the dominant As species. Variations in pH were strongly correlated to the As concentration, with highest As concentrations observed at pH values greater than 6.4. The original source of As is most likely the black and gray shales that contain some arsenian pyrite with groundwater concentrations likely to be controlled by adsorption/desorption reactions with Fe oxides in the red mudstone aquifer materials.  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》2002,17(3):259-284
Groundwaters from Quaternary loess aquifers in northern La Pampa Province of central Argentina have significant quality problems due to high concentrations of potentially harmful elements such as As, F, NO3-N, B, Mo, Se and U and high salinity. The extent of the problems is not well-defined, but is believed to cover large parts of the Argentine Chaco-Pampean Plain, over an area of perhaps 106 km2. Groundwaters from La Pampa have a very large range of chemical compositions and spatial variability is considerable over distances of a few km. Dissolved As spans over 4 orders of magnitude (<4–5300 μg l−1) and concentrations of F have a range of 0.03–29 mg l−1, B of 0.5–14 mg l−l, V of 0.02–5.4 mg l−1, NO3–N of <0.2–140 mg l−1, Mo of 2.7–990 μg l−1 and U of 6.2–250 μg l−1. Of the groundwaters investigated, 95% exceed 10 μg As l−1 (the WHO guideline value) and 73% exceed 50 μg As l−1 (the Argentine national standard). In addition, 83% exceed the WHO guideline value for F (1.5 mg l−1), 99% for B (0.5 mg l−1), 47% for NO3-N (11.3 mg l−1), 39% for Mo (70 μg l−1), 32% for Se (10 μg l−1) and 100% for U (2 μg l−1). Total dissolved solids range between 730 and 11400 mg l−1, the high values resulting mainly from evaporation under ambient semi-arid climatic conditions. The groundwaters are universally oxidising with high dissolved-O2 concentrations. Groundwater pHs are neutral to alkaline (7.0–8.7). Arsenic is present in solution predominantly as As(V). Groundwater As correlates positively with pH, alkalinity (HCO3), F and V. Weaker correlations are also observed with B, Mo, U and Be. Desorption of these elements from metal oxides, especially Fe and Mn oxides under the high-pH conditions is considered an important control on their mobilisation. Mutual competition between these elements for sorption sites on oxide minerals may also have enhanced their mobility. Weathering of primary silicate minerals and accessory minerals such as apatite in the loess and incorporated volcanic ash may also have contributed a proportion of the dissolved As and other trace elements. Concentrations of As and other anions and oxyanions appear to be particularly high in groundwaters close to low-lying depressions which act as localised groundwater-discharge zones. Concentrations up to 7500 μg l−1 were found in saturated-zone porewaters extracted from a cored borehole adjacent to one such depression. Concentrations are also relatively high where groundwater is abstracted from close to the water table, presumably because this zone is a location of more active weathering reactions. The development of groundwaters with high pH and alkalinity results from silicate and carbonate reactions, facilitated by the arid climatic conditions. These factors, together with the young age of the loess sediments and slow groundwater flow have enabled the accumulation of the high concentrations of As and other elements in solution without significant opportunity for flushing of the aquifer to enable their removal.  相似文献   

The concentration of arsenic measured in groundwater from three aquifers in the study area located in the Eastern Tucuman province, Argentina, mostly depends on the lithology, but the spatial and temporal variations of concentrations seem to be also controlled by pH changes, climatic factors, and human perturbations. The highest concentrations of As (more than 1,000 μg L−1) were found in the shallow aquifer, made of As-rich loess, while the lowest concentrations were measured in the deep confined aquifer, consisting of alternating layers of alluvial sands/gravels and clays. Intermediate values were measured in the semiconfined aquifer made of the fluvial sediments deposited in the Salí River valley, that alternate in the upper part of the sedimentary sequence with layers of loess. Because most of As in the loess is considered to be adsorbed onto Fe-oxyhydroxide coatings, the increase of pH in the flow direction (west-east) leads to increasing arsenic concentrations towards the eastern border of the study area. The decomposition of organic wastes poured into the Salí River or associated with local and diffuse sources of contamination in the eastern part of the study area depletes dissolved oxygen, which leads to the reductive dissolution of Fe and Mn oxyhydroxides, and to the subsequent release of the adsorbed and co-precipitated As. This process mainly affects shallow groundwater and the upper part of the semiconfined aquifer. Geochemical and hydrological data also suggest that rising water table levels at the end of the wet season may also lead to reductive dissolution of As-rich Fe oxyhydroxides in the shallow aquifer.  相似文献   

Two pyritic tailings impoundments located in two mining areas of the Iberian Pyrite Belt (Cueva de la Mora and Minas de Ríotinto-Zarandas) were selected to asses their potential environmental impact. Mineralogical (XRD diffraction study), physico-chemical characterization (colour, particle size, pH, acid–base account, total Fe, As, Cu, Pb and Zn) as well as a speciation study (by means of a seven-step sequential extraction procedure) were performed in superficial (0–20 cm) tailings samples. Arsenic and metal contents in soils around the tailings impoundments were also studied. Zarandas dam, a reclaimed impoundment, which has been limed, partially topsoiled and planted, has supported and allowed the growth of pine trees and other plants for many years. The surface of this impoundment can be considered very acid but nonacid forming. Although total As and metal concentrations were relatively high, it is not possible to conclude that the Zarandas tailings have polluted the surrounding soils. Tailings in Cueva de la Mora showed high total and easily mobilizable concentration of toxic elements. The net neutralization potential was strongly negative as a consequence of the acid generation caused by the sulphide oxidation, the presence of secondary acid-generating minerals and the absence of neutralizing materials. Coquimbite and rhomboclase efflorescences formed during the Mediterranean dry summers on the surface of this impoundment contained very high levels of soluble As, Cu and Zn that were easily dissolved and released to the running water in the first rains of autumn.  相似文献   

 The most appropriate and widely used source of drinking water for the populations of the upper regions of Ghana is groundwater. In general, groundwater quality is acceptable except for some parts of the Bolgatanga and Bongo Districts, where there are occurrences of elevated levels of natural groundwater fluoride. Concentrations of groundwater fluoride in excess of the World Health Organization (WHO) maximum guideline value (1.5 mg/l) in the Bongo area have been known since 1978. However, the effect of fluoride on people ingesting the water did not receive public and medical attention until October 1993, when health personnel were asked to investigate the cause of stained teeth in school children. The investigation established that 62% of the total population of school children in the Bongo area had dental fluorosis. Against this background, a study was initiated to understand the geochemistry, genesis, and distribution of fluoride in relation to the geology of the area. Groundwater fluoride in the upper regions ranges from 0.11 to 4.60 ppm, with the highest concentrations associated with the fluorine-enriched Bongo coarse-grained hornblende granite and syenite suite. The source of groundwater fluoride within the Bongo granitoids is dissolution of the mineral fluorite and dissolution of and anion exchange with micaceous minerals and their clay products. Applying the WHO recommended guideline values for fluoride in drinking water reveals that 49% of wells in the area deliver water below the optimum level of 0.5 mg/l F; these populations are thus prone to dental caries. Twenty-eight percent of the wells fall within the optimum interval for good dental health (0.5–1.5 mg/l F). Twenty-three percent of the wells have concentrations above the recommended maximum guideline limit of 1.5 mg/l F; this population is susceptible to dental and possibly skeletal fluorosis. Climatic conditions of the area suggest that the individual water consumption is in the order of 3 to 4 l which is higher than the WHO estimate of 2 l/adult/day. In addition, dietary intake for the upper region population is probably higher than WHO baseline values (0.2–0.5 mg/day). This implies that a much higher population is susceptible to developing dental and skeletal fluorosis than originally suspected. Geochemical symbol plot maps help geochemists understand factors controlling the distribution and uptake of fluoride in the upper regions, but they are of minimal value to health officials responsible for planning epidemiological studies and dental health education programs in the region. By casting fluoride data into contoured 'geochemical health-risk maps' using intake interval guidelines more closely aligned to regional climatic and dietary conditions, health officals can better judge the impacts (regional and population based) of fluoride on segments of the population, such as various sex and age groups. Received: 11 March 1997 · Accepted: 17 June 1997  相似文献   

Due to the importance of colloids in regulating element transport and mobility in aquifers, As distribution in the colloidal fraction needs to be identified in high As groundwaters. Groundwater samples were filtered in the field through a progressively decreasing pore size (0.45 μm, 100, 30, 10, 5 kDa) using a filtration technique under a N2 atmosphere. Major and trace elements and organic C (OC) were measured in (ultra)filtrates. The studied groundwater samples have typical physio-chemical characteristics of the basin waters. Declines in concentrations of alkali (Na, K), alkaline-earth (Mg, Ca, Sr, Ba) elements, Mo, Si and Se during ultrafiltration are smaller relative to other elements. Arsenic, Cu, Cr, U and V are generally about 30% lower in 5 kDa ultrafiltrates in comparison with 0.45 μm filtrates. Around 50% of Fe, OC and Al are bound to colloids with grain size between 5 kDa and 0.45 μm. Two types of colloids, including large-size Fe colloids and small-size organic colloids, have been identified. Results indicate that As would be more likely to be associated with small-size organic colloids than Fe colloids. SEM images and EDS analysis and synchrotron XRF analyses confirm the association of As with NOM with molecular weights of 5-10 kDa. The better correlation between As(V) and OC in the 5-10 kDa fraction indicates that the small-size organic colloids have a greater affinity for As(V) than As(III). Arsenic associated with organic complexes may not be immobilized by adsorption, and, therefore, easily transported in the aquifer. Thus, the presence of As-containing colloidal complexes in high As groundwaters must be considered in the modeling of As transport in the aquifers.  相似文献   

The behaviour of platinum-group elements (PGE) in the exogenic cycle was examined in profiles of oxidized Main Sulfide Zone (MSZ) ores, in which the general metal distribution patterns of the pristine MSZ are grossly preserved. However, at similar Pt grades, significant proportions of Pd have been lost from the system. This indicates that Pd is more mobile than Pt and is dispersed in the supergene environment. Sperrylite and cooperite/braggite are stable in the oxidized MSZ. In contrast, the (Pt,Pd)-bismuthotellurides, common in pristine MSZ ores, have disintegrated, and ill-defined (Pt,Pd)-oxides or (Pt,Pd)-hydroxides have formed. The assemblage of detrital PGM present in the Makwiro River close to the Hartley Platinum Mine indicates further mineralogical changes. Sperrylite largely remains stable whereas most cooperite/braggite grains have been partly altered or completely destroyed. Grains of Pt-Fe alloy are ubiquitous in the alluvial sediments. Most likely, these grains are neo-formations that formed either from pre-existing, unstable PGM or via a solution stage under low-temperature conditions.  相似文献   

Water and suspended sediment samples from the Huanghe and its delta region were analyzed to determine arsenic concentrations. Comparison with the data of previous studies and other world pristine and less disturbed rivers reveals high levels of both dissolved and particulate As in this high turbidity river. Relatively stable distribution along the river course and in delta sediment cores shows that antrhopogenic activities have not altered As concentrations by any significant magnitude since the 1940s. Therefore, high levels of As in the Huanghe should be controlled by natural weathering and lithology. In the estuary, biological removal/regeneration and abiotic events (e.g. remobilization) have been identified to cause the active (non-conservative) As distributions. With the limited data set of the present study, the abiotic and biological contributions cannot be assessed accurately, however.  相似文献   

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