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Polychlorodibenzeno-dioxins and polychlorodibenzeno-furans (PCDD/Fs) are considered among the most toxic compounds on earth. The aim of the present study was to evaluate atmospheric PCDD/F deposition and identify the areas with greater deposition of these compounds in an important industrialized and urbanized region of Portugal, using lichens as biomonitors. For this purpose, samples of the lichen Xanthoria parietina were collected at 60 sampling sites, covering urban, industrial, forestry and agriculture areas, and analyzed for PCDD/Fs, sulfur, nitrogen, zinc, iron, chromium, lead, cobalt, nickel, copper, calcium, manganese, magnesium and potassium. The concentrations of PCDD/Fs in lichens were compared with the other elements and related to land-use and population density. The results obtained through the geostatistical interpolations and after principal component analysis have shown that PCDD/F deposition estimated by lichens is greater near industrial and highly populated urban areas. We found that lichens are suitable biomonitors of PCDD/F atmospheric deposition and can contribute to a better knowledge of air quality in a region, enabling identification of critical pollutant deposition areas.  相似文献   

郑州市区环境空气污染趋势分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以2003年郑州市环境空气污染的主要监测指标为依据,分析了郑州市空气污染现状,并根据1994~2003年10年来的监测数据,对空气污染特征和污染趋势进行了分析,结论是:郑州市空气污染在近10年呈下降趋势。  相似文献   

淄博市污染气象特征与大气环境容量   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
利用淄博市环境监测站2002-2004年间的主要大气污染物浓度和同期气象资料,综合分析了淄博市大气环境污染状况及演变特征,用A-P值法对大气环境容量进行测算.结果表明该市主要污染物为可吸入颗粒物(PM10)和二氧化硫(SO2),其实际排放量均高于理想大气环境容量.此外,引入美国NOAA后向轨迹模式(HYSPLIT4),分析了影响淄博市强污染天气的外来气团,确认它们是源于东北地区和内蒙古东部的偏北气流,以及蒙古国中部的偏西气流.这些结果为今后制定城市发展规划,控制和防治大气污染提供了科学依据.  相似文献   

朱蓉  徐大海  赵珊珊 《气象科技》2009,37(6):641-645
建立了第2代大气污染物排放源强反演模式(SSIM2),SSIM2由MM5模式提供气象背景场,先在目标浓度分布的基础上,应用确定大气容量A值法得到污染源强分布的初估场,然后应用多箱格大气平流扩散模式,反复计算污染浓度分布和订正污染源强估算场,直到计算范围内所有网格点上的浓度与目标浓度的偏差小于5%时,即可得到合适的大气污染源强分布。采用山西长治地区大气污染源清单对模式的验证表明,反演的大气污染源强分布与真实源强分布非常接近。SSIM2在天津市和苏州市的城市规划大气环境影响评价中,为城市新建开发区和城市污染源的规划布局提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

边界层内大气排放物形成重污染背景解析   总被引:39,自引:0,他引:39  
我国大气中的粒子浓度普遍较高,特别是可吸入颗粒物PM10.在区域特定的大气环境过程的影响下,能形成大范围的严重污染情景.利用大气环境过程的概念,分析引起大气重污染的中尺度天气系统、近地层小尺度局地系统和稳定的大气边界层结构,发现大范围均压场条件下易出现近地层小尺度局地环流群体,大范围均压场持续演变和移动常形成大气污染汇聚带,从而形成局地严重污染的重要大气条件.  相似文献   

通过数值统计、相关分析方法对南宁市 2 0 0 1年夏季大气污染与气象条件的关系进行分析 ,得到一些初步结果 ,为南宁市的大气污染预报提供参考  相似文献   

李喜仓  白美兰  马玉峰  刘克利  冯晓晶  杨晶 《气象》2011,37(12):1572-1577
基于呼和浩特市近50年逐日定时地面气象资料、2002—2006年的逐日07时和19时各标准层探空资料、2001—2006年逐日主要污染物浓度和主要污染源源强、1961—2006年社会经济数据、2002年城区建设现状及1996—2010年城市总体规划资料,利用区域边界层模式模拟方法,研究了呼和浩特市城区建设发展对大气环境的影响。结果表明:(1)呼和浩特市城区发展后(规划后)气温高于现状(规划前),城区中心气温与周边地区气温差增大,城市热岛效应增强;(2)呼和浩特城区规划后冬季气流汇集辐合区域增多,辐合能力增强,从而使冬季大气污染加剧;(3)呼和浩特市城区扩展后引起的下垫面热力与动力参数变化,将导致气流场发生显著变化,使得污染物的辐合能力增强。总体而言,呼和浩特市城区规划后虽增加了部分绿地等面积,但建筑物的增高增密、下垫面性质的改变,将使大气环境扩散能力减弱,大气污染加重。  相似文献   

Both surface environmental monitoring and satellite remote sensing show that North China is one of the regions that are heavily polluted by NO2. Using the NO2 monitoring data from 18 major cities in the region, the tropospheric NO2 column density data from the Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI) on the Aura satellite, and the observations from the China Meteorological Administration network, this paper analyzes a regional NO2 pollution event in February 2007 over North China, examines the convergence of the pollutant, and identifies its correlation with the atmospheric background conditions. The results show that daily mean NO2 concentrations derived from surface observations are consistent with the mean values of the OMI measurements, with their correlation coefficient reaching 0.81. The correlations of NO2 concentration with general weather patterns and sequential changes of temperature structure from 925 hPa down to the surface indicate that the weather fronts, high pressure and low pressure systems in the atmosphere play a role in changing the temporal and spatial evolutions of NO2 through removing, accumulating or converging of the pollutant, respectively. It is also found that the eastern Taihang Mountains is most heavily polluted by NO2 in North China. Based on a model that correlates NO2 column density with surface wind vector, the relation of the NO2 concentrations in six major cities in North China to the surrounding wind field is analyzed. The results show that the maximum wind field is associated with the highest frequency of pollution events, and under certain large-scale atmospheric conditions together with the topographic effect, small- and meso-scale wind fields often act to transport and converge pollutants, and become a major factor in forming the heaviest NO2 pollution event in North China. Analysis of the causes for the severe NO2 pollution event in this study may shed light on understanding, forecasting, and mitigating occurrences of heavy NO2 pollution.  相似文献   

以河北省7个国家级气象站为例,利用1979—2013年ERA5云量和地面实测云量数据,依国标推荐法计算混合层高度,通过公式推导出通风量和大气自净能力指数,比较两套数据的计算结果,对ERA5再分析云量在大气环境评估中的适用性进行了研究;采用ERA5云量计算2013年3月至2021年2月的大气自净能力指数,对其与PM2.5浓度之间的关系进行分析。结果表明:①两种云量资料计算的月平均混合层高度、通风量和大气自净能力指数的相对误差近似符合正态分布,主要集中在0~5%;各月混合层高度:相对误差>通风量>大气自净能力指数,相关性则相反。秋冬季的相对误差(相关系数)大都低(高)于春夏季,邢台、石家庄和保定的误差明显小于其他站。②利用两种云量数据计算的大气自净能力指数的多年平均相对误差最小,通风量的次之,历年值的相关性和偏差也是中南部站点的更为理想。③2013年3月至2021年2月,各站月平均大气自净能力指数和PM2.5浓度呈反向相关,中南部站点的相关性更为显著。  相似文献   

基于呼和浩特市1961—2006年主要气象要素和2001—2006年主要污染物平均浓度资料,利用数理统计方法和气象环境评价指标,分析由于气候变化对呼和浩特市气象环境所产生的影响。结果表明:①呼和浩特城区近50年气候变暖明显,热岛效应显著,呈现降水量减少趋势及暖干化的气候特征明显。②呼和浩特城区的主要气象灾害呈减少趋势,尤其是沙尘暴、大雾等灾害性天气的逐年减少,降低了大气颗粒物(PM10)的浓度。③呼和浩特市的首要污染物PM10主要发生在集中采暖和风沙较大的冬半年,且冬季辐射逆温、热岛效应有增强趋势,对污染物扩散不利。④呼和浩特城区冬半年寒冷程度不太明显,夏半年舒适度指数虽有上升趋势,但低于偏热不舒适标准,比较适合避暑休闲。  相似文献   

北京商务中心区大气环境的数值模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
北京商务中心区(Central Business District,CBD)位于北京市中心的东部,距离故宫博物院约4.5km,占地约4km2,最高建筑物超过300m,建成后会导致局地大气环境改变。采用基于k-ε湍流闭合的城市冠层模式对CBD建成后的大气环境进行模拟,结果表明:主导风向西北风时的大气通风能力稍优于次主导风向西南风,空气动力学粗糙度约5.3m,零平面位移约110.0m;浅色建筑外观、屋顶绿化及高叶面指数植被有助于气温的降低,可缓解夏季热岛效应;交通高峰时段,主要道路尤其是交叉路口的NOx浓度超过国家二级标准。上述研究结果对优化CBD规划设计有重要参考价值。  相似文献   

Haze pollution in early winter(December and January) in the Yangtze River Delta(YRD) and in North China(NC)are both severe;however, their monthly variations are significantly different. In this study, the dominant large-scale atmospheric circulations and local meteorological conditions were investigated and compared over the YRD and NC in each month. Results showed that the YRD(NC) is dominated by the so-called Scandinavia(East Atlantic/West Russia)pattern in December, and these circulations weaken in January. The East Asian December and January monsoons over the YRD and NC have negative correlations with the number of haze days. The local descending motion facilitates less removal of haze pollution over the YRD, while the local ascending motion facilitates less removal of haze pollution over NC in January, despite a weaker relationship in December. Additionally, the monthly variations of atmospheric circulations showed that adverse meteorological conditions restrict the vertical(horizontal) dispersion of haze pollution in December(January) over the YRD, while the associated local weather conditions are similar in these two months over NC.  相似文献   

城市中水体布局对大气环境的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
轩春怡  王晓云  蒋维楣  王咏薇 《气象》2010,36(12):94-101
城市下垫面状况在很大程度上决定城市大气物理环境的特征。在城市区域增加湿地等自然地表有利于城市的减温增湿,促使局地流场发生变化,改善局地微气象条件以及大气物理环境。城市规划大气物理环境多尺度数值模拟系统为城市规划大气物理环境定量评估提供了有效的模拟工具。利用该系统中的城市尺度模式模拟了水体布局为集中型和分散型,水体面积占有率分别为4%、8%、12%和16%条件下,城市大气温度、湿度、风速、城市大气扩散条件的变化及其对城市大气环境的影响,利用北京市城市水体气象观测数据,分析了水体周边和商业区、交通区温、湿度的差异,并对模式模拟结果进行了验证,揭示了城市水体布局对城市大气物理环境影响的可能机制。模拟和观测结果显示,城市水体布局会对城市微气象环境产生一定影响。无论分散型或集中型布局,城市水体面积的增加,都在一定程度上使城市气温降低、湿度增加、平均风速增大。比较而言,分散型水体布局对城市区域微气象环境的影响更为显著。  相似文献   

Eddy-covariance observations from the Beijing 325-m meteorological tower are used to evaluate the effects of coordinate rotation on the turbulent exchange of momentum and scalars during wintertime haze pollution(January-February 2013). Two techniques are used in the present evaluation; namely, the natural wind coordinate(NWC) and the planar fit coordinate(PFC), with the latter being applied by means of two methods for linear regression(i.e., overall and sector-wise). The different techniques show a general agreement in both turbulent fluxes and transport efficiencies, especially evident at the lower, 140-m level above the ground(compared to the higher, 280-m level), perhaps implying that the selection of a technique for coordinate rotation(NWC or PFC) is less of a concern for a sufficiently low level, despite the complexities of urban terrain. Additionally, sector-wise regression is a recommended approach for practical application of the PFC in a complex urban environment subjected to particulate pollution, because this method is found to produce a better correlation between the mean vertical velocity at the 140- and 280-m heights.  相似文献   

利用GOME卫星资料分析北京大气NO2污染变化   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
利用GOME (Global Ozone Monitoring Experiment, 全球臭氧监测实验) 1996年1月—2002年12月NO2对流层柱浓度月平均卫星遥感资料以及根据北京市2001年1月1日—2002年12月31日NO2污染指数数据计算出的地面NO2日均质量浓度值, 分析了北京市城市大气NO2污染变化的季节变化特征以及年际变化, 并将2001年1月—2002年12月北京上空GOME NO2对流层柱浓度月平均值变化与北京市地面NO2日均质量浓度月平均值变化进行了比较, 结果表明两者随时间的变化趋势具有较好的一致性, 据此可以利用GOME NO2对流层柱浓度月平均卫星遥感资料来分析特定区域大气NO2的季节变化和年际变化。  相似文献   

都市霾与雾的区分及粤港澳的灰霾天气观测预报预警标准   总被引:19,自引:16,他引:19  
都市霾与雾的区分是迫切需要解决的问题。霾的出现有重要的空气质量指示意义,而雾的记录,有明确的天气指示意义。通常在平面时已达到饱和的水汽压,对相当于球面的云雾滴来讲就是未饱和的,云雾滴就会蒸发;在水汽条件不变时,云雾滴由于蒸发而变小,导致它的平衡水汽压升高,就更易蒸发掉。在不饱和大气中小于数μm的云雾滴必然蒸发,而且伴随着蒸发云雾滴尺度会进一步变小,导致曲率越来越大,蒸发速率越来越快。过去错误认为凝结核可以在低相对湿度(RH)情况下产生凝结生成雾滴的观点,是忽视了粒子曲率作用的结果,将实验室大颗粒(常常达mm量级)的吸湿性特征,延用至次μm粒子造成的。降温是达到饱和形成雾滴的重要物理过程,云雾是低温下饱和气块的可见标志。在云雾中必然存在凝结或凝华过程,因而必然伴随着潜热释放,这就使云雾内的温度高于环境,在云雾内必然盛行微弱的上升气流,不可能是下沉气流,这些宏观过程在霾层内是不存在的,因而成为识别雾与霾的重要的宏观动力条件。在对历史资料进行统计时,在排除降水、吹雪、雪暴、沙尘暴、扬沙、浮尘、烟幕等视程障碍现象的情况下,通过调试RH,使雾与轻雾反映自然的年际与年代际气候波动,而霾反映由于人类活动而引起的趋势性变化,其限值大体在90%左右,与美国和英国在讨论霾影响能见度(vis)的长期变化趋势中使用的限值RH<90%相同。20世纪80年代以来大幅增加的霾日,绝大部分是由于人类活动影响的气溶胶细粒子污染造成的。依据上述结果和以前的研究,给出了霾与雾区分的概念模型、霾与雾观测的标准和灰霾天气预警信号发布的标准,并介绍了相关的业务产品。  相似文献   

城市的大气构造、环境污染和人类健康   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
利用城市区域大气空间分布和大气污染以及健康状况资料,分析了城市区域风的状况和大气污染的时间变化、地域变化及其对城市人们健康的影响,得出目前城市区域不断扩大,所引起的大气空间结构改变,导致了大气环境的不断恶化已对生活在其中的人们产生了不可忽视的影响。结果可为城市区域的医疗保健、污染防治提供参考。    相似文献   

Atmospheric concentrations of several reduced sulphur compounds (H2S, COS, CH3SH, CH3SCH3, CS2) originating from both natural and anthropogenic sources were measured at a number of locations in the All Saints Bay area and Reconcavo Baiano, Brazil.The volatile reduced sulphur compounds were collected by pre-concentration using cryo-tubes. Analysis of these compounds was carried out at a later date using gas chromatography with a flame photometric detector. In areas dominated by biogenic sources, the COS concentration varied between 0.5 and 1.0 ppbv, consistent with its normal global distribution in the atmosphere.Areas without direct industrial influence showed low atmospheric concentrations for all volatile sulphur compounds ( 0.25 ppbv).The anthropogenic influence of the Petrochemical Complex in Camaçari resulted in relatively high levels of some reduced sulphur compounds, such as COS (8 ppbv), CH3SH (1.50 ppbv), H2S (1.35 ppbv) and CS2 (0.3 ppbv). In mangrove areas, the H2S concentrations (0.2 ppbv) were almost twice as high as those in the air masses arriving from the Atlantic Ocean. The maximum H2S concentrations were found in the industrial area of the Petrochemical Complex in Camaçari, but did not reach the limit of human perception (0.14 ppbv) and rarely reached the typical recognizable smelling level (0.40 ppbv). Industrial emissions from the Landulfo Alves Refinery increased the COS, DMS and CS2 concentrations to 2.0, 0.55 and 0.2 ppbv, respectively.  相似文献   

In this paper we present a review of atmospheric chemistry research in China over the period 2006-2010, focusing on tropospheric ozone, aerosol chemistry, and the interactions between trace gases and aerosols in the polluted areas of China. Over the past decade, China has suffered severe photochemical smog and haze pollution, especially in North China, the Yangtze River Delta, and the Pearl River Delta. Much scientific work on atmospheric chemistry and physics has been done to address this large-scale, complex environmental problem. Intensive field experiments, satellite data analyses, and model simulations have shown that air pollution is significantly changing the chemical and physical characters of the natural atmosphere over these parts of China. In addition to strong emissions of primary pollutants, photochemical and heterogeneous reactions play key roles in the formation of complex pollution. More in-depth research is recommended to reveal the formation mechanism of photochemical smog and haze pollution and their climatic effects at the urban, regional, and global scales.  相似文献   

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