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A marine secondary producer respires and feeds more in a high CO2 ocean   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Climate change mediates marine chemical and physical environments and therefore influences marine organisms. While increasing atmospheric CO(2) level and associated ocean acidification has been predicted to stimulate marine primary productivity and may affect community structure, the processes that impact food chain and biological CO(2) pump are less documented. We hypothesized that copepods, as the secondary marine producer, may respond to future changes in seawater carbonate chemistry associated with ocean acidification due to increasing atmospheric CO(2) concentration. Here, we show that the copepod, Centropages tenuiremis, was able to perceive the chemical changes in seawater induced under elevated CO(2) concentration (>1700 μatm, pH<7.60) with avoidance strategy. The copepod's respiration increased at the elevated CO(2) (1000 μatm), associated acidity (pH 7.83) and its feeding rates also increased correspondingly, except for the initial acclimating period, when it fed less. Our results imply that marine secondary producers increase their respiration and feeding rate in response to ocean acidification to balance the energy cost against increased acidity and CO(2) concentration.  相似文献   

We studied the effects of exposure to seawater equilibrated with CO(2)-enriched air (CO(2) 2380 ppm) from eggs to maturity and over two subsequent generations on the copepod Acartia tsuensis. Compared to the control (CO(2) 380 ppm), high CO(2) exposure through all life stages of the 1st generation copepods did not significantly affect survival, body size or developmental speed. Egg production and hatching rates were also not significantly different between the initial generation of females exposed to high CO(2) and the 1st and 2nd generation females developed from eggs to maturity in high CO(2). Thus, the copepods appear more tolerant to increased CO(2) than other marine organisms previously investigated for CO(2) tolerance (i.e., sea urchins and bivalves). However, the crucial importance of copepods in marine ecosystems requires thorough evaluation of the overall impacts of marine environmental changes predicted to occur with increased CO(2) concentrations, i.e., increased temperature, enhanced UV irradiation, and changes in the community structure and nutritional value of phytoplankton.  相似文献   

The direct injection of CO(2) in the deep ocean is a promising way to mitigate global warming. One of the uncertainties in this method, however, is its impact on marine organisms in the near field. Since the concentration of CO(2), which organisms experience in the ocean, changes with time, it is required to develop a biological impact model for the organisms against the unsteady change of CO(2) concentration. In general, the LC(50) concept is widely applied for testing a toxic agent for the acute mortality. Here, we regard the probit-transformed mortality as a linear function not only of the concentration of CO(2) but also of exposure time. A simple mathematical transform of the function gives a damage-accumulation mortality model for zooplankton. In this article, this model was validated by the mortality test of Metamphiascopsis hirsutus against the transient change of CO(2) concentration.  相似文献   

The inhibition of marine nitrification by ocean disposal of carbon dioxide   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In an attempt to reduce the threat of global warming, it has been proposed that the rise of atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations be reduced by the ocean disposal of CO2 from the flue gases of fossil fuel-fired power plants. The release of large amounts of CO2 into mid or deep ocean waters will result in large plumes of acidified seawater with pH values ranging from 6 to 8. In an effort to determine whether these CO2-induced pH changes have any effect on marine nitrification processes, surficial (euphotic zone) and deep (aphotic zone) seawater samples were sparged with CO2 for varying time durations to achieve a specified pH reduction, and the rate of microbial ammonia oxidation was measured spectrophotometrically as a function of pH using an inhibitor technique. For both seawater samples taken from either the euphotic or aphotic zone, the nitrification rates dropped drastically with decreasing pH. Relative to nitrification rates in the original seawater at pH 8, nitrification rates were reduced by ca. 50% at pH 7 and more than 90% at pH 6.5. Nitrification was essentially completely inhibited at pH 6. These findings suggest that the disposal of CO2 into mid or deep oceans will most likely result in a drastic reduction of ammonia oxidation rates within the pH plume and the concomitant accumulation of ammonia instead of nitrate. It is unlikely that ammonia will reach the high concentration levels at which marine aquatic organisms are known to be negatively affected. However, if the ammonia-rich seawater from inside the pH plume is upwelled into the euphotic zone, it is likely that changes in phytoplankton abundance and community structure will occur. Finally, the large-scale inhibition of nitrification and the subsequent reduction of nitrite and nitrate concentrations could also result in a decrease of denitrification rates which, in turn, could lead to the buildup of nitrogen and unpredictable eutrophication phenomena. Clearly, more research on the environmental effects of ocean disposal of CO2 is needed to determine whether the potential costs related to marine ecosystem disturbance and disruption can be justified in terms of the perceived benefits that may be achieved by temporarily delaying global warming.  相似文献   

Measurements of benthic foraminiferal cadmium:calcium (Cd/Ca) have indicated that the glacial–interglacial change in deep North Pacific phosphate (PO4) concentration was minimal, which has been taken by some workers as a sign that the biological pump did not store more carbon in the deep glacial ocean. Here we present sedimentary redox-sensitive trace metal records from Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Site 882 (NW subarctic Pacific, water depth 3244 m) to make inferences about changes in deep North Pacific oxygenation – and thus respired carbon storage – over the past 150,000 yr. These observations are complemented with biogenic barium and opal measurements as indicators for past organic carbon export to separate the influences of deep-water oxygen concentration and sedimentary organic carbon respiration on the redox state of the sediment. Our results suggest that the deep subarctic Pacific water mass was depleted in oxygen during glacial maxima, though it was not anoxic. We reconcile our results with the existing benthic foraminiferal Cd/Ca by invoking a decrease in the fraction of the deep ocean nutrient inventory that was preformed, rather than remineralized. This change would have corresponded to an increase in the deep Pacific storage of respired carbon, which would have lowered atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) by sequestering CO2 away from the atmosphere and by increasing ocean alkalinity through a transient dissolution event in the deep sea. The magnitude of change in preformed nutrients suggested by the North Pacific data would have accounted for a majority of the observed decrease in glacial atmospheric pCO2.  相似文献   

CO(2) ocean storage by which liquefied CO(2) is injected into the deep-sea to mitigate the climate change would increase the CO(2) concentrations of the surrounding seawater. The biological impacts of such dynamic CO(2) environments are, however, unknown. We examined the acute toxicity of temporally changing seawater CO(2) concentrations on juveniles of Sillago japonica. Step-wise increases in ambient CO(2) to fCO(2) (fractional CO(2) concentration of the gas mixture bubbled into seawater) levels of 7% and 9% resulted in mortalities of 0.15 and 0.40-0.67 after 18 h, respectively. In contrast, one-step increases to these CO(2) levels killed all fish within 15 min. Further, a sudden drop of fCO(2) from 9-10% CO(2) to normocapnia (0.038%) killed all the surviving fish within a few minutes. These results demonstrate that impacts of ocean CO(2) storage need to be examined under conditions mimicking the dynamic changes in CO(2) levels expected to occur by the CO(2) injection procedure.  相似文献   

Echinoderms play crucial roles in the structure of marine macrobenthic communities. They are sensitive to excess absorption of CO2 by the ocean, which induces ocean acidification and ocean warming. In the shelf seas of China, the mean sea surface temperature has a faster warming rate compared with the mean rate of the global ocean, and the apparent decrease in pH is due not only to the increased CO2 absorption in seawater, but also eutrophication. However, little is known about the associated changes in the diversity of echinoderms and their roles in macrobenthic communities in the seas of China. In this study, we conducted a meta-analysis of 77 case studies in 51 papers to examine the changes in the contribution of echinoderm species richness to the macrobenthos in the shelf seas of China since the 1980s. The relative species richness (RSR) was considered as the metric to evaluate these changes. Trends analysis revealed significant declines in RSR in the shelf seas of China, the Yellow Sea, and the East China Sea from 1997 to 2009. Compared with the RSR before 1997, no significant changes in mean RSR were found after 1997, except in the Bohai Sea. In addition, relative change in the RSR of echinoderms and species richness of macrobenthos led to more changes (decrease or increase) in their respective biomasses. Our results imply that changes in species richness may alter the macrobenthic productivity of the marine benthic ecosystem.  相似文献   

The ocean has been shielding the earth from the worst effects of rapid climate change by absorbing excess carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. This absorption of CO2 is driving the ocean along the pH gradient towards more acidic conditions. At the same time ocean warming is having pronounced impacts on the composition, structure and functions of marine ecosystems. Warming, freshening (in some areas) and associated stratification are driving a trend in ocean deoxygenation, which is being enhanced in parts of the coastal zone by upwelling of hypoxic deep water. The combined impact of warming, acidification and deoxygenation are already having a dramatic effect on the flora and fauna of the oceans with significant changes in distribution of populations, and decline of sensitive species. In many cases, the impacts of warming, acidification and deoxygenation are increased by the effects of other human impacts, such as pollution, eutrophication and overfishing.  相似文献   

Increased atmospheric CO2 concentrations are causing greater dissolution of CO2 into seawater, and are ultimately responsible for today’s ongoing ocean acidification. We manipulated seawater acidity by addition of HCl and by increasing CO2 concentration and observed that two coastal harpacticoid copepods, Amphiascoides atopus and Schizopera knabeni were both more sensitive to increased acidity when generated by CO2. The present study indicates that copepods living in environments more prone to hypercapnia, such as mudflats where S. knabeni lives, may be less sensitive to future acidification. Ocean acidification is also expected to alter the toxicity of waterborne metals by influencing their speciation in seawater. CO2 enrichment did not affect the free-ion concentration of Cd but did increase the free-ion concentration of Cu. Antagonistic toxicities were observed between CO2 with Cd, Cu and Cu free-ion in A. atopus. This interaction could be due to a competition for H+ and metals for binding sites.  相似文献   

The particulate concentrations of 17 trace metals, Al, Sc, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Se, Ag, Sb, Au, Hg, Pb and Th have been measured in the marine atmosphere (58 samples) and in the deep waters (35 samples) of the Tropical North Atlantic. For oceanic suspended matter, our results are similar to those in samples from the Atlantic and the Pacific Oceans collected during the GEOSECS Program. Based on these results, we have made a flux balance for the mixed layer between input via the atmosphere and removal through small and large particles. These data show that the primary flux of suspended aluminosilicates in the Tropical North Atlantic is attributable to the atmospheric input. Elements Sc, Th, Fe, V, Mn, Co and Cr show high correlation with Al in the marine atmosphere. Of these elements, Fe, Mn, V, Co and Cr are influenced by additional processes such as biological, in the marine environment. For elements Ni, Cu, Zn, Se, Ag, Sb, Au, Hg and Pb, we observe high enrichments (relative to average crustal material) in the marine atmosphere which may be due, at least partially, to the influence of anthropogenic sources. These metals also show similar enrichments in deep ocean suspended matter. Model calculations indicate that the atmospheric flux may not control the deep ocean particulate chemistry of Ni, Cu, Zn, Ag, Sb, Au and Hg. Hence it is likely that, for these elements, the enrichment in the ocean is due to processes within the marine regime, for example their involvement in the biological cycle of the ocean. For Se and Pb, the atmospheric source looks to be the dominant contribution to their particulate concentration in seawater. In the deep North Atlantic, particulate Pb appears to be mostly of anthropogenic origin, which is not the case for Se.  相似文献   

Hydrodynamic models are commonly used for predicting water levels and currents in the deep ocean, ocean margins and shelf seas. Their accuracy is typically limited by factors, such as the complexity of the coastal geometry and bathymetry, plus the uncertainty in the flow forcing (deep ocean tide, winds and pressure). In Southeast Asian waters with its strongly hydrodynamic characteristics, the lack of detailed marine observations (bathymetry and tides) for model validation is an additional factor limiting flow representation. This paper deals with the application of ensemble Kalman filter (EnKF)-based data assimilation with the purpose of improving the deterministic model forecast. The efficacy of the EnKF is analysed via a twin experiment conducted with the 2D barotropic Singapore regional model. The results show that the applied data assimilation can improve the forecasts significantly in this complex flow regime.  相似文献   

Field collections of zooplankton from the northern Gulf of Alaska demonstrate that the large oceanic copepods Neocalanus cristatus, N. plumchrus, and Eucalanus bungii are seasonal members of shelf and coastal zooplankton communities. They account for more than 25% of the net zooplankton biomass (0.333 mm) during the spring and summer months.The presence, absence, and subsequent reappearance of these copepods over the shelf is apparently related to their seasonal shifts in vertical distributions and to a persistent pattern of onshore Ekman transport. During periods when these copepods occur in the surface water of the bordering deep ocean (late autumn to summer) they are swept shoreward over the shelf. During times when they occur below the Ekman layer, they are generally absent from the shelf.The ecological significance of this seasonally introduced biomass is discussed in terms of what is understood about these species from studies elsewhere in the North Pacific Ocean.  相似文献   

The deep ocean piezosphere accounts for a significant part of the global ocean,hosts active and diverse microbial communities which probably play a more important role than hitherto recognized in the global ocean carbon cycle.The conventional biological pump concept and the recently proposed microbial carbon pump mechanism provide a foundation for our understanding of the role of microorganisms in cycling of carbon in the ocean.However,there are significant gaps in our knowledge and a lack of mechanistic understanding of the processes of microbially-mediated production,transformation,degradation,and export of marine dissolved and particulate organic matter(DOM and POM)in the deep ocean and the ecological consequence.Here we propose the POM-DOM piezophilic microorganism continuum(PDPMC)conceptual model,to address these important biogeochemical processes in the deep ocean.We propose that piezophilic microorganisms(bacteria and archaea)play a pivotal role in deep ocean carbon cycle where microbial production of exoenzymes,enzymatic breakdown of DOM and transformation of POM fuels the rapid cycling of marine organic matter,and serve as the primary driver for carbon cycle in the deep ocean.  相似文献   

Following the Ediacaran metazoan radiation, the “Cambrian Explosion” set up the major framework of todays’ animal phyla as well as modern marine ecosystem. Here, we present a preliminary investigation on the temporal and spatial (from shallow to deep waters) variations of the early Cambrian ocean chemistry in South China through analyzing a Fe-S-C systematic dataset integrated from literature. Our investigation indicates that the early Cambrian deep ocean in South China was still anoxic and Fe2+-enriched (i.e., ferruginous) although its surface was oxic, and in between a metastable euxinic (anoxic and sulfidic) water zone may have dynamically developed in anoxic shelf waters with an increasing weathering sulfate supply. Furthermore, accompanying marine transgression and regression cycles in the early Cambrian, such a “sandwich” structure in ocean redox chemistry demonstrates five evolutional stages, which can be well correlated to the spatiotemporal patterns of fossil records in South China. The good correlation between metazoan fossil occurrences and water chemistry in South China suggests that early animals possibly possessed ability to inhabit anoxic but generally not euxinic environments as free H2S was fatal to most eukaryotes. This view can well explain why those small shell fauna and sponges disappeared from shelf to slope areas where sulfidic Ni-Mo-rich shales were widely deposited. Thus, we conclude that the spatiotemporal variations of ocean chemistry and its biological effects probably played a key role in the phased animal radiations and “extinctions” in the early Cambrian.  相似文献   

The accurate determination of the balance between plankton production and respiration in the ocean is important for C budgets and global change predictions. Disagreements on the measurement of such a balance at different scales (from microbiological to biogeochemical) have produced a controversy over the trophic status of the ocean. This is especially striking in the oligotrophic open ocean, where plankton community O2 consumption rates in 24 h incubations have frequently produced a net heterotrophic balance, but similar difficulties emerge in coastal systems. These results have been criticised due to the possibility that the standard 24 h in vitro incubations are biased because of the long incubation time needed and the so-called “bottle effect”.To study the influence of the incubation time and bottle volume on the measurement of plankton net metabolism, we carried out several time series experiments in the NW Iberian coastal system. Here we present measurements of plankton community respiration rates concurrently obtained through (1) standard in vitro changes in dissolved oxygen concentration after different incubation times ranging from 2 to 48 h, and with bottle volumes of 50, 125 and 570 mL, and (2) the decrease in the oxygen concentration measured every 20 s with oxygen microsensors, during 48 h. Our results refute the contention that 24 h dark 125 mL bottle incubations are systematically biased, and highlight the validity of oxygen microsensors to study the dynamics of natural marine plankton respiration.  相似文献   

Relative risk assessment of cruise ships biosolids disposal alternatives   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A relative risk assessment of biosolids disposal alternatives for cruise ships is presented in this paper. The area of study encompasses islands and marine waters of the Caribbean Sea. The objective was to evaluate relative human health and ecological risks of (a) dewatering/incineration, (b) landing the solids for disposal, considering that in some countries land-disposed solids might be discharged in the near-shore environment untreated, and (c) deep ocean disposal. Input to the Bayesian assessment consisted of professional judgment based on available literature and modeling information, data on constituent concentrations in cruise ship biosolids, and simulations of constituent concentrations in Caribbean waters assuming ocean disposal. Results indicate that human health and ecological risks associated with land disposal and shallow ocean disposal are higher than those of the deep ocean disposal and incineration. For incineration, predicted ecological impacts were lower relative to deep ocean disposal before considering potential impacts of carbon emissions.  相似文献   

在浅水区海洋大地电磁(MT)勘探中, 海浪运动频带范围内(约0.05~0.8 Hz)阻抗估计结果欠佳, 这一直是困扰地球物理工作者的难题.本文基于三层海洋地电模型推导了二维和三维海浪运动感应电磁场(简称海浪感应电磁场)表达式, 分析了海浪感应电磁场的平面波传播特性.借鉴MT场趋肤深度和阻抗的概念, 推导出海浪感应电磁场的趋肤深度和阻抗表达式, 分析了浅水区海浪感应电磁场和MT场趋肤深度和阻抗的差异.在海底介质中, 海浪感应电磁场的衰减速度要比MT场衰减速度大约快2个量级, 因而它无法用于探测海底深部电性结构.海浪感应电磁场阻抗幅值比MT阻抗幅值小2~3个量级.海浪感应电噪声强度约为大地电场强度的10%, 而海浪感应磁噪声比地球变化磁场大1~2个量级, 故海浪感应电噪声对大地电场的影响较小, 但海浪感应磁噪声对地球变化磁场的影响较大.海浪感应电磁阻抗相位在-90°(TE模式)和90°(TM模式)附近, 偏差小于0.06°, 而均匀半空间介质MT阻抗相位为-45°(TE模式)和135°(TM模式).通过引入"复合阻抗"概念, 探讨了海浪感应电磁场对海洋MT阻抗估计结果的影响.  相似文献   

Early oceans(520 Ma) were characterized by widespread water-column anoxia, stratification, and limited oxidant availability, which are comparable to the chemical characteristics of modern marine sedimentary pore-waters in productive continental margins. Based on this similarity and our current understanding of the formation mechanism of early Earth ocean chemistry, we propose an idealized chemical zonation model for early oceans that includes the following redox zones(from shallow nearshore to deep offshore regions): oxic, nitrogenous(NO3?-NO2?-enriched), manganous-ferruginous(Mn2+ or Fe2+-enriched), sulfidic(H2S-enriched), methanic(CH4-enriched), and ferruginous(Fe2+-enriched). These zones were dynamically maintained by a combination of processes including surface-water oxygenation by atmospheric free oxygen, nitrate reduction beneath the chemocline, nearshore manganese-iron reduction, sulfate reduction, methanogenesis, and hydrothermal Fe2+ inputs from the deep ocean. Our modified "euxinic wedge" model expands on previous versions of this model, providing a more complete theoretical framework for the chemical zonation of early Earth oceans that helps to explain observations of unusual Mo-S-C isotope patterns. This model may provide a useful foundation for future studies of ocean chemistry evolution and elemental biogeochemical cycles in early Earth history.  相似文献   

Ocean Drilling Program Leg 199 Site 1220 provides a continuous sedimentary section across the Paleocene/Eocene (P/E) transition in the carbonate‐bearing sediments on 56–57 Ma oceanic crust. The large negative δ13C shift in seawater is likely due to the disintegration of methane hydrate, which is expected to be rapidly changed to carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and well‐oxygenated seawater, leading to a reduction in deep‐sea pH. A pH decrease was very likely responsible for the emergence of agglutinated foraminiferal fauna as calcareous fauna was eliminated by acidification at the P/E transition at Site 1220. The absence of the more resistant calcareous benthic foraminifera and the presence of the planktonic foraminifera at Site 1220 is interesting and unique, which indicates that calcareous benthic foraminifera suffered greatly from living on the seafloor. Box model calculation demonstrates that, assuming the same mean alkalinity as today, pCO2 must increase from 280 ppm to about 410 ppm for the calcite undersaturation in the deep ocean and for the oversaturation in the surface ocean during the P/E transition. The calculated increased pCO2 coincides with paleo‐botanical evidence. The current global emission rate (~7.3 peta (1015) gC/y) of anthropogenic carbon input is approximately 30 times of the estimate at the P/E transition. The results at the P/E transition give an implication that the deep sea benthic fauna will be threatened in future in combination with ocean acidification, increased sea surface temperature and more stratified surface water.  相似文献   

利用现有大气本底站的大气CO2浓度观测信息,综合考虑不同经济区划与土地覆盖类型对应的CO2浓度差异及其季节变化规律,构建模式区域内以月为单位的网格化大气CO2浓度非均匀动态分布数据模型.由此数据模型驱动RegCM4-CLM3.5区域气候模式运行,对东亚区2000年3月—2009年2月之间的气候变化特征进行了模拟,进而对大气CO2浓度非均匀动态分布可能引起的区域气候效应进行了初步研究.结果表明:目前气候模式中CO2浓度的常态均匀分布假设可能将温室效应夸大了10%左右.对大气CO2浓度非均匀动态分布影响气温变化的可能机制进行研究表明:CO2的自身效应(改变大气透射率)并不是导致Exp2试验温度降低的主要原因.大气CO2浓度的变化影响了大气与植物胞间CO2分压差,陆地植被通过改变气孔阻力适应这种变化,气孔阻力的变化直接影响到植物与大气间水分的交换,这种作用一方面通过蒸发冷却改变环境温度,另一方面,蒸发水分改变了近地面层湿度,进而水汽扩散到空中影响低云的分布.冬季,植物处于非生长季,对大气CO2浓度变化响应微弱,湿度和低云变化不明显;夏季,植物生长旺盛,由CO2生理学强迫激发的云反馈效应强烈,其效果是使中低云趋于增加,进而减弱了到达对流层低层的太阳短波辐射,造成温室效应减弱.  相似文献   

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