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Families of nearly circular periodic orbits of the planetary type are studied, close to the 3/1 mean motion resonance of the two planets, considered both with finite masses. Large regions of instability appear, depending on the total mass of the planets and on the ratio of their masses.Also, families of resonant periodic orbits at the 2/1 resonance have been studied, for a planetary system where the total mass of the planets is the 4% of the mass of the sun. In particular, the effect of the ratio of the masses on the stability is studied. It is found that a planetary system at this resonance is unstable if the mass of the outer planet is smaller than the mass of the inner planet.Finally, an application has been made for the stability of the observed extrasolar planetary systems HD82943 and Gliese 876, trapped at the 2/1 resonance.  相似文献   

This paper studies the asymmetric solutions of the restricted planar problem of three bodies, two of which are finite, moving in circular orbits around their center of masses, while the third is infinitesimal. We explore, numerically, the families of asymmetric simple-periodic orbits which bifurcate from the basic families of symmetric periodic solutions f, g, h, i, l and m, as well as the asymmetric ones associated with the families c, a and b which emanate from the collinear equilibrium points L 1, L 2 and L 3 correspondingly. The evolution of these asymmetric families covering the entire range of the mass parameter of the problem is presented. We found that some symmetric families have only one bifurcating asymmetric family, others have infinity number of asymmetric families associated with them and others have not branching asymmetric families at all, as the mass parameter varies. The network of the symmetric families and the branching asymmetric families from them when the primaries are equal, when the left primary body is three times bigger than the right one and for the Earth–Moon case, is presented. Minimum and maximum values of the mass parameter of the series of critical symmetric periodic orbits are given. In order to avoid the singularity due to binary collisions between the third body and one of the primaries, we regularize the equations of motion of the problem using the Levi-Civita transformations.  相似文献   

In this paper, families of simple symmetric and non-symmetric periodic orbits in the restricted four-body problem are presented. Three bodies of masses m 1, m 2 and m 3 (primaries) lie always at the apices of an equilateral triangle, while each moves in circle about the center of mass of the system fixed at the origin of the coordinate system. A massless fourth body is moving under the Newtonian gravitational attraction of the primaries. The fourth body does not affect the motion of the three bodies. We investigate the evolution of these families and we study their linear stability in three cases, i.e. when the three primary bodies are equal, when two primaries are equal and finally when we have three unequal masses. Series, with respect to the mass m 3, of critical periodic orbits as well as horizontal and vertical-critical periodic orbits of each family and in any case of the mass parameters are also calculated.  相似文献   

The Lagrange stability of the Sun-Jupiter-Saturn and 47 UMa two-planetary systems at a time scale of 106 yr was studied using the method of averaging. When the masses of Jupiter and Saturn increase by 19 times, these planets can closely converge. The study of Lagrange stability in the case of successive mass increase allows for the obtainment of upper estimates of possible masses of extrasolar planets. Close approachs in the 47 UMa system are possible when minimal masses increase by 38 times. approachs are revealed when analyzing osculating elements; in averaged elements, approachs are absent. Resonant properties of six extrasolar two-planetary systems where the outer planet is less massive than the inner one are studied. The values of semi-major axes of planet orbits in HD 82943 and HD 73526 systems lie in a narrow resonant zone; in 47 UMa, μ Ara and HD 108874 systems lie in a wide resonant zone. In the HD 12661, the system resonances of a lower order were not revealed.  相似文献   

We present a global view of the resonant structure of the phase space of a planetary system with two planets, moving in the same plane, as obtained from the set of the families of periodic orbits. An important tool to understand the topology of the phase space is to determine the position and the stability character of the families of periodic orbits. The region of the phase space close to a stable periodic orbit corresponds to stable, quasi periodic librations. In these regions it is possible for an extrasolar planetary system to exist, or to be trapped following a migration process due to dissipative forces. The mean motion resonances are associated with periodic orbits in a rotating frame, which means that the relative configuration is repeated in space. We start the study with the family of symmetric periodic orbits with nearly circular orbits of the two planets. Along this family the ratio of the periods of the two planets varies, and passes through rational values, which correspond to resonances. At these resonant points we have bifurcations of families of resonant elliptic periodic orbits. There are three topologically different resonances: (1) the resonances (n + 1):n, (2:1, 3:2, ...), (2) the resonances (2n + 1):(2n-1), (3:1, 5:3, ...) and (3) all other resonances. The topology at each one of the above three types of resonances is studied, for different values of the sum and of the ratio of the planetary masses. Both symmetric and asymmetric resonant elliptic periodic orbits exist. In general, the symmetric elliptic families bifurcate from the circular family, and the asymmetric elliptic families bifurcate from the symmetric elliptic families. The results are compared with the position of some observed extrasolar planetary systems. In some cases (e.g., Gliese 876) the observed system lies, with a very good accuracy, on the stable part of a family of resonant periodic orbits.  相似文献   

In this paper we study the asymptotic solutions of the (N+1)-body ring planar problem, N of which are finite and ν=N−1 are moving in circular orbits around their center of masses, while the Nth+1 body is infinitesimal. ν of the primaries have equal masses m and the Nth most-massive primary, with m 0=β m, is located at the origin of the system. We found the invariant unstable and stable manifolds around hyperbolic Lyapunov periodic orbits, which emanate from the collinear equilibrium points L 1 and L 2. We construct numerically, from the intersection points of the appropriate Poincaré cuts, homoclinic symmetric asymptotic orbits around these Lyapunov periodic orbits. There are families of symmetric simple-periodic orbits which contain as terminal points asymptotic orbits which intersect the x-axis perpendicularly and tend asymptotically to equilibrium points of the problem spiraling into (and out of) these points. All these families, for a fixed value of the mass parameter β=2, are found and presented. The eighteen (more geometrically simple) families and the corresponding eighteen terminating homo- and heteroclinic symmetric asymptotic orbits are illustrated. The stability of these families is computed and also presented.  相似文献   

We study numerically the asymmetric periodic orbits which emanate from the triangular equilibrium points of the restricted three-body problem under the assumption that the angular velocity ω varies and for the Sun–Jupiter mass distribution. The symmetric periodic orbits emanating from the collinear Lagrangian point L 3, which are related to them, are also examined. The analytic determination of the initial conditions of the long- and short-period Trojan families around the equilibrium points, is given. The corresponding families were examined, for a combination of the mass ratio and the angular velocity (case of equal eigenfrequencies), and also for the critical value ω = 2
, at which the triangular equilibria disappear by coalescing with the inner collinear equilibrium point L 1. We also compute the horizontal and the vertical stability of these families for the angular velocity parameter ω under consideration. Series of horizontal–critical periodic orbits of the short-Trojan families with the angular velocity ω and the mass ratio μ as parameters, are given.  相似文献   

A complete study is made of the resonant motion of two planets revolving around a star, in the model of the general planar three body problem. The resonant motion corresponds to periodic motion of the two planets, in a rotating frame, and the position and stability properties of the periodic orbits determine the topology of the phase space and consequently play an important role in the evolution of the system. Several families of symmetric periodic orbits are computed numerically, for the 2/1 resonance, and for the masses of some observed extrasolar planetary systems. In this way we obtain a global view of all the possible stable configurations of a system of two planets. These define the regions of the phase space where a resonant extrasolar system could be trapped, if it had followed in the past a migration process.The factors that affect the stability of a resonant system are studied. For the same resonance and the same planetary masses, a large value of the eccentricities may stabilize the system, even in the case where the two planetary orbits intersect. The phase of the two planets (position at perihelion or aphelion when the star and the two planets are aligned) plays an important role, and the change of the phase, other things being the same, may destabilize the system. Also, the ratio of the planetary masses, for the same total mass of the two planets, plays an important role and the system, at some resonances and some phases, is destabilized when this ratio changes.The above results are applied to the observed extrasolar planetary systems HD 82943, Gliese 876 and also to some preliminary results of HD 160691. It is shown that the observed configurations are close to stable periodic motion.  相似文献   

The restricted (equilateral) four-body problem consists of three bodies of masses m 1, m 2 and m 3 (called primaries) lying in a Lagrangian configuration of the three-body problem i.e., they remain fixed at the apices of an equilateral triangle in a rotating coordinate system. A massless fourth body moves under the Newtonian gravitation law due to the three primaries; as in the restricted three-body problem (R3BP), the fourth mass does not affect the motion of the three primaries. In this paper we explore symmetric periodic orbits of the restricted four-body problem (R4BP) for the case of two equal masses where they satisfy approximately the Routh’s critical value. We will classify them in nine families of periodic orbits. We offer an exhaustive study of each family and the stability of each of them.  相似文献   

We compare families of simple periodic orbits of test particles in the Newtonian and relativistic problems of two fixed centers (black holes). The Newtonian problem is integrable, while the relativistic problem is highly non-integrable.The orbits are calculated on the meridian plane through the fixed centersM 1 (atz=+1) andM 2 (atz=–1) for energies smaller than the escape energyE=1. We use prolate spheroidal coordinates (, , =const) and also the variables =cosh and =–cos . The orbits are inside a curve of zero velocity (CZV). The Newtonian orbits are also limited by an ellipse and a hyperbola, or by two eillipses. There are 3 main types of periodic orbits (1) elliptic type (around both centers), (2) hyperbolic-type, and (3) resonant-type.The elliptic type orbits are stable in the Newtonian case and both stable and unstable in the relativistic case. From the stable orbits bifurcate double period orbits both symmetric and asymmetric with respect to thez-axis. There are also higher order bifurcations. The hyperbolic-type orbits are unstable. The Newtonian resonant orbits are defined by the ratiot µ/t =n/m of oscillations along and during one period, and they are all marginally unstable. The corresponding relativistic orbits are stable, or unstable. The main families are figure eight orbits aroundM 1, or aroundM 2 (3/1 orbits); gamma, or inverse gamma orbits (4/2); higher resonant families 5/1,7/1,...,8/2,12/2,...;, more complicated orbits, like 5/3, and bifurcations from the above orbits. Satellite orbits aroundM 1, orM 2, and their bifurcations (e.g. double period) exist in the relativistic case but not in the Newtonian case. The characteristics of the various families are quite different in the Newtonian and the relativistic cases. The sizes of the orbits and their stabilities are also quite different in general. In the Appendix we study the various types of straight line orbits and prove that some subcases introduced by Charlier (1902) are impossible.  相似文献   

Message derived a method to detect bifurcations of a family of asymmetric periodic solutions from a family of symmetric periodic solutions in the restricted problem of three bodies for the limiting case when the second body has zero mass. This is used to examine several small integer commensurabilities. A total of 21 exterior and 21 interior small integer commensurabilities are examined and bifurcations (two in number) are found to exist only for exterior commensurabilities (q+1):1,q=1, 2,, 7. On investigating other commensurabilities of this form for values ofq up to 50 two bifurcations are still found to exist for each. The eccentricities of the two bifurcation orbits are given for eachq up to 20. For a Sun-Jupiter mass ratio the complete family of asymmetric periodic solutions associated withq=1, 2,..., 5, and the initial segments of the asymmetric family withq=6, 7,..., 12, have been numerically determined. The family associated withq=5 contains some unstable orbits but all orbits in the other four complete families are stable. The five complete families each begin and end on the same symmetric family. The network of asymmetric and symmetric families close to the commensurabilities (q+1):1,q=1, 2,..., 5 is discussed.  相似文献   

We study orbits of planetary systems with two planets, for planar motion, at the 1/1 resonance. This means that the semimajor axes of the two planets are almost equal, but the eccentricities and the position of each planet on its orbit, at a certain epoch, take different values. We consider the general case of different planetary masses and, as a special case, we consider equal planetary masses. We start with the exact resonance, which we define as the 1/1 resonant periodic motion, in a rotating frame, and study the topology of the phase space and the long term evolution of the system in the vicinity of the exact resonance, by rotating the orbit of the outer planet, which implies that the resonance and the eccentricities are not affected, but the symmetry is destroyed. There exist, for each mass ratio of the planets, two families of symmetric periodic orbits, which differ in phase only. One is stable and the other is unstable. In the stable family the planetary orbits are in antialignment and in the unstable family the planetary orbits are in alignment. Along the stable resonant family there is a smooth transition from planetary orbits of the two planets, revolving around the Sun in eccentric orbits, to a close binary of the two planets, whose center of mass revolves around the Sun. Along the unstable family we start with a collinear Euler–Moulton central configuration solution and end to a planetary system where one planet has a circular orbit and the other a Keplerian rectilinear orbit, with unit eccentricity. It is conjectured that due to a migration process it could be possible to start with a 1/1 resonant periodic orbit of the planetary type and end up to a satellite-type orbit, or vice versa, moving along the stable family of periodic orbits.  相似文献   

We present some families of horseshoe periodic orbits in the general planar three-body problem for the case of two equal masses. The considered system is a symmetric version of the one formed by Saturn, Janus and Epimetheus. We use a mass ratio equal to 35×10−5, corresponding to 105 times the Saturn-Janus mass parameter of the restricted case; for this mass ratio the satellites have a significantly bigger influence on the planet than in the classical Saturn, Janus and Epimetheus system. To obtain periodic orbits, we search those horseshoe orbits passing through two reversible configurations. A particular kind of periodic orbits where the minor bodies follow the same path is discussed.  相似文献   

We study the dynamics of 3:1 resonant motion for planetary systems with two planets, based on the model of the general planar three body problem. The exact mean motion resonance corresponds to periodic motion (in a rotating frame) and the basic families of symmetric and asymmetric periodic orbits are computed. Four symmetric families bifurcate from the family of circular orbits of the two planets. Asymmetric families bifurcate from the symmetric families, at the critical points, where the stability character changes. There exist also asymmetric families that are independent of the above mentioned families. Bounded librations exist close to the stable periodic orbits. Therefore, such periodic orbits (symmetric or asymmetric) determine the possible stable configurations of a 3:1 resonant planetary system, even if the orbits of the two planets intersect. For the masses of the system 55Cnc most of the periodic orbits are unstable and they are associated with chaotic motion. There exist however stable symmetric and asymmetric orbits, corresponding to regular trajectories along which the critical angles librate. The 55Cnc extra-solar system is located in a stable domain of the phase space, centered at an asymmetric periodic orbit.  相似文献   

We study the equilibrium points and the zero-velocity curves of Chermnykh’s problem when the angular velocity ω varies continuously and the value of the mass parameter is fixed. The planar symmetric simple-periodic orbits are determined numerically and they are presented for three values of the parameter ω. The stability of the periodic orbits of all the families is computed. Particularly, we explore the network of the families when the angular velocity has the critical value ω = 2√2 at which the triangular equilibria disappear by coalescing with the collinear equilibrium point L1. The analytic determination of the initial conditions of the family which emanate from the Lagrangian libration point L1 in this case, is given. Non-periodic orbits, as points on a surface of section, providing an outlook of the stability regions, chaotic and escape motions as well as multiple-periodic orbits, are also computed. Non-linear stability zones of the triangular Lagrangian points are computed numerically for the Earth–Moon and Sun–Jupiter mass distribution when the angular velocity varies.  相似文献   

A systematic numerical exploration of the families of asymmetric periodic orbits of the restricted three-body problem when a) the primary bodies are equal and b) for the Earth-Moon mass ratio, is presented. Decades families of asymmetric periodic solutions were found and three of the simplest ones, in the first case, and ten of the second one are illustrated. All of these families consist of periodic orbits which are asymmetric with respect to x-axis while are simple symmetric periodic orbits with respect to y-axis (i.e. the orbit has only one perpendicular intersection at half period with y-axis). Many asymmetric periodic orbits, members of these families, are calculated and plotted. We studied the stability of all the asymmetric periodic orbits we found. These families consist, mainly, of unstable periodic solutions but there exist very small, with respect to x, intervals where these families have stable periodic orbits. We also found, using appropriate Poincaré surface of sections, that a relatively large region of phase space extended around all these stable asymmetric periodic orbits shows chaotic motion.  相似文献   

We present five families of periodic solutions of Hill’s problem which are asymmetric with respect to the horizontal ξ axis. In one of these families, the orbits are symmetric with respect to the vertical η axis; in the four others, the orbits are without any symmetry. Each family consists of two branches, which are mirror images of each other with respect to the ξ axis. These two branches are joined at a maximum of Γ, where the family of asymmetric periodic solutions intersects a family of symmetric (with respect to the ξ axis) periodic solutions. Both branches can be continued into second species families for Γ → − ∞.  相似文献   

In this paper, we determine series of horizontally critical symmetric periodic orbits of the six basic families, f,g,h,i,l,m, of the photogravitational restricted three-body problem, and computetheir vertical stability. We restrict our study in the case where only the first primary is radiating, namely q 1≠1 andq 2=1. We also compare our results with those of Hénon and Guyot (1970) so as to study the effect of radiation to this kind of orbits. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Three-dimensional periodic motions of three bodies are shown to exist in the infinitesimal neighbourhood of their collinear equilibrium configurations. These configurations and some characteristic quantities of the emanating three-dimensional periodic orbits are given for many values of the two mass parameters, =m 2/(m 1+m 2) andm 3, of the general three-body problem, under the assumption that the straight line containing the bodies at equilibrium rotates with unit angular velocity. The analysis of the small periodic orbits near the equilibrium configurations is carried out to second-order terms in the small quantities describing the deviation from plane motion but the analytical solution obtained for the horizontal components of the state vector is valid to third-order terms in those quantities. The families of three-dimensional periodic orbits emanating from two of the collinear equilibrium configurations are continued numerically to large orbits. These families are found to terminate at large vertical-critical orbits of the familym of retrograde periodic orbits ofm 3 around the primariesm 1 andm 2. The series of these termination orbits, formed when the value ofm 3 varies, are also given. The three-dimensional orbits are computed form 3=0.1.  相似文献   

A periodic orbit of the restricted circular three-body problem, selected arbitrarily, is used to generate a family of periodic motions in the general three-body problem in a rotating frame of reference, by varying the massm 3 of the third body. This family is continued numerically up to a maximum value of the mass of the originally small body, which corresponds to a mass ratiom 1:m 2:m 3?5:5:3. From that point on the family continues for decreasing massesm 3 until this mass becomes again equal to zero. It turns out that this final orbit of the family is a periodic orbit of the elliptic restricted three body problem. These results indicate clearly that families of periodic motions of the three-body problem exist for fixed values of the three masses, since this continuation can be applied to all members of a family of periodic orbits of the restricted three-body problem. It is also indicated that the periodic orbits of the circular restricted problem can be linked with the periodic orbits of the elliptic three-body problem through periodic orbits of the general three-body problem.  相似文献   

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