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We report on a survey for narrow (full widths at half-minimum <600 km s−1) C  iv absorption lines in a sample of bright quasars at redshifts  1.8 ≤ z < 2.25  in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. Our main goal is to understand the relationship of narrow C  iv absorbers to quasar outflows and, more generally, to quasar environments. We determine velocity zero-points using the broad Mg  ii emission line, and then measure the absorbers' quasar-frame velocity distribution. We examine the distribution of lines arising in quasar outflows by subtracting model fits to the contributions from cosmologically intervening absorbers and absorption due to the quasar host galaxy or cluster environment. We find that a substantial number (  ≥43 ± 6  per cent) of absorbers with   W λ15480 > 0.3  Å in the velocity range  +750 ≲ v ≲+ 12 000  km s−1 are intrinsic to the active galactic nucleus outflow. This 'outflow fraction' peaks near   v =+2000  km s−1 with a value of   f outflow≃ 0.81 ± 0.13  . At velocities below   v ≈+ 2000  km s−1, the incidence of outflowing systems drops, possibly due to geometric effects or to the over-ionization of gas that is nearer the accretion disc. Furthermore, we find that outflow absorbers are on average broader and stronger than cosmologically intervening systems. Finally, we find that ∼14 per cent of the quasars in our sample exhibit narrow, outflowing C  iv absorption with   W λ15480 > 0.3  Å, slightly larger than that for broad absorption line systems.  相似文献   

We use high-resolution hydrodynamical simulations to investigate the spatial correlation between weak  ( N H  i < 1015 cm−2)  Lyα absorbers and gas-rich galaxies in the local Universe. We confirm that Lyα absorbers are preferentially expected near gas-rich galaxies and that the degree of correlation increases with the column density of the absorber. The real-space galaxy auto-correlation is stronger than the cross-correlation (correlation lengths   r 0,gg= 3.1 ± 0.1 Mpc  h −1  and   r 0,ag= 1.4 ± 0.1 Mpc  h −1  , respectively), in contrast with the recent results of Ryan-Weber, and the auto-correlation of absorbers is very weak. These results are robust to the presence of strong galactic winds in the hydrodynamical simulations. In redshift space, a further mismatch arises since at small separations the distortion pattern of the simulated galaxy–absorber cross-correlation function is different from the one measured by Ryan-Weber. However, when sampling the intergalactic medium along a limited number of lines-of-sight, as in the real data, uncertainties in the cross-correlation estimates are large enough to account for these discrepancies. Our analysis suggests that the statistical significance of difference between the cross-correlation and auto-correlation signal in current data sets is ∼1σ only.  相似文献   

We present the first results of a survey designed to understand the origin of Lyα-forest absorption systems at low redshift. Using the WYFFOS and HYDRA multifibre spectrographs on the William Herschel and Wisconsin Indiana Yale NOAO (WIYN) telescopes, we have identified 51 galaxies brighter than b j := :18.5 within 30 arcmin of the sightline of the QSO 1821+643. We find three galaxies within 500 h −1 kpc of the QSO sightline; the nearest galaxy is 104 h −1 kpc away from the line of sight, and is at the same redshift as a strong ( W r :=:0.63Å) Lyα absorption line. The remaining two galaxies have no corresponding absorption to extremely low equivalent width limits (< 0.05 Å). Beyond 500 h −1 kpc, Lyα absorption lines are found at redshifts similar to those of several galaxies, but we show that these coincidences are likely to be accidental.   Half of the Lyα systems for which we could have found at least an L * galaxy have no galaxies at the redshifts of the absorbers. For the majority of the remainder, we show that any apparent association with galaxies is probably coincidental. These Lyα systems are characterized by their weak equivalent widths ( W r :<:0.2Å), and we conclude that this population of absorbers is uncorrelated, or at best weakly correlated, with galaxies.  相似文献   

The temperature of the intergalactic medium (IGM) is an important factor in determining the linewidths of the absorption lines in the Ly α forest. We present a method to characterize the linewidth distribution using a decomposition of an Ly α spectrum in terms of discrete wavelets. Such wavelets form an orthogonal basis, so the decomposition is unique. We demonstrate using hydrodynamic simulations that the mean and dispersion of the wavelet amplitudes are strongly correlated with both the temperature of the absorbing gas and its dependence on the gas density. Since wavelets are also localized in space, we are able to analyse the temperature distribution as a function of position along the spectrum. We illustrate how this method could be used to identify fluctuations in the IGM temperature that might result from late reionization or local effects.  相似文献   

We present a new technique for detecting structure on Mpc scales in the Lyα forest. The technique is easy to apply in practice since it does not involve absorption-line fitting, but rather is based on the statistics of the transmitted flux. It identifies and assesses the statistical significance of regions of overdense or underdense Lyα absorption and is fairly insensitive to the quality of the data. Using extensive simulations, we demonstrate that the new method is significantly more sensitive to the detection of large-scale structure in the Lyα forest than a traditional two-point correlation function analysis of fitted absorption lines.  相似文献   

We announce the discovery of an extended emission-line region associated with a high-redshift type-2 quasi-stellar object (QSO). The halo, which was discovered in our new wide-field narrow-band survey, resides at   z = 2.85  in the Spitzer First Look Survey region and is extended over ∼80 kpc. Deep very long baseline interferometry (VLBI) observations imply that approximately 50 per cent of the radio emission is extended on scales >200 pc. The inferred active galactic nuclei (AGN) luminosity is sufficient to ionize the extended halo, and the optical emission is consistent with being triggered coevally with the radio source. The Lyα halo is as luminous as those found around high-redshift radio galaxies; however, the active nucleus is several orders of magnitude less luminous at radio wavelengths than those Fanarof–Riley type II (FRIIs) more commonly associated with extended emission-line regions. AMS05 appears to be a high-redshift analogue to the radio-quiet quasar E1821+643 which is core dominated, but which also exhibits extended Fanarof–Riley type I (FRI)-like structure and contains an optically powerful AGN. We also find evidence for more quiescent kinematics in the Lyα emission line in the outer regions of the halo, reminiscent of the haloes around the more powerful FRIIs. The optical to mid-infrared spectral energy distribution is well described by a combination of an obscured QSO  ( L bol∼ 3.4 ± 0.2 × 1013 L)  and a 1.4 Gyr old simple stellar population with mass  ∼3.9 ± 0.3 × 1011 M  .  相似文献   

In this paper we look at one of the effects of irradiation on a warped accretion disc in the context of active galactic nuclei (AGN). A warp will catch a substantial amount of the radiation emitted by the central object. We consider the fluid motions that may arise inside a warped disc when the surface is subject to a radiation stress, and also the net mass flows that result. We find that, to first order, we have a balance of the viscous and Coriolis-type forces. The radial radiation stress causes outward motion of the surface layer, but only the azimuthal Poynting–Robertson drag leads to an increase in the net accretion rate. We investigate the distribution of the velocity perturbations and find them to be significant in determining the local structure of the disc.
An unexpected result is that the picture changes significantly when we take into account the periodic illumination of the warped disc. A type of resonance at the local Keplerian rotation frequency causes a flow that penetrates the whole thickness of the disc; these flows are faster than the flows due to unchanging illumination. They totally dominate the induced flows in terms of sheer mass, but significant impact on disc structure still occurs only near the surface, where velocity perturbations typically go up to some kilometres per second.  相似文献   

We investigate the dependence of QSO Ly α absorption features on the temperature of the absorbing gas and on the amplitude of the underlying dark-matter fluctuations. We use high-resolution hydrodynamic simulations in cold dark matter dominated cosmological models. In models with a hotter intergalactic medium (IGM), the increased temperature enhances the pressure gradients between low- and high-density regions and this changes the spatial distribution and the velocity field of the gas. Combined with more thermal broadening, this leads to significantly wider absorption features in hotter models. Cosmological models with little small-scale power also have broader absorption features, because fluctuations on the scale of the Jeans length are still in the linear regime. Consequently, both the amplitude of dark-matter fluctuations on small scales and thermal smoothing affect the flux decrement distribution in a similar way. However, the b -parameter distribution of Voigt profile fits, obtained by deblending the absorption features into a sum of thermally broadened lines, is largely independent of the amount of small-scale power, but does depend strongly on the IGM temperature. The same is true for the two-point function of the flux and for the flux power spectrum on small scales. These three flux statistics are thus sensitive probes of the temperature of the IGM. We compare the values computed for our models and obtained from a HIRES spectrum of the quasar Q1422+231 and conclude that the IGM temperature at z ∼3.25 is fairly high, T 0≳15 000 K. The flux decrement distribution of the observed spectrum is fitted well by that of a ΛCDM model with that temperature.  相似文献   

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