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A correct identification of drought events over vegetated lands can be achieved by detecting those soil moisture conditions that are both unusually dry compared with the ‘normal’ state and causing severe water stress to the vegetation. In this paper, we propose a novel drought index that accounts for the mutual occurrence of these two conditions by means of a multiplicative approach of a water deficit factor and a dryness probability factor. The former quantifies the actual level of plant water stress, whereas the latter verifies that the current water deficit condition is unusual for the specific site and period. The methodology was tested over Europe between 1995 and 2012 using soil moisture maps simulated by Lisflood, a distributed hydrological precipitation–runoff model. The proposed drought severity index (DSI) demonstrates to be able to detect the main drought events observed over Europe in the last two decades, as well as to provide a reasonable estimation of both extension and magnitude of these events. It also displays an improved adaptability to the range of possible conditions encountered in the experiment as compared with currently available indices based on the sole magnitude or frequency. The results show that, for the analyzed period, the most extended drought events observed over Europe were the ones in Central Europe in 2003 and in southern Europe in 2011/2012, while the events affecting the Iberian Peninsula in 1995 and 2005 and Eastern Europe in 2000 were among the most severe ones. © 2015 European Commission ‐ Joint Research Centre. Hydrological Processes published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.  相似文献   

Information on regional drought characteristics provides critical information for adequate water resource management. This study introduces a method to calculate the probability of a specific area to be affected by a drought of a given severity and demonstrates its potential for calculating both meteorological and hydrological drought characteristics. The method is demonstrated using Denmark as a case study. The calculation procedure was applied to monthly precipitation and streamflow series separately, which were linearly transformed by the Empirical Orthogonal Functions (EOF) method. Denmark was divided into 260 grid-cells of 14×17 km, and the monthly mean and the EOF-weight coefficients were interpolated by kriging. The frequency distributions of the first two (streamflow) or three (precipitation) amplitude functions were then derived. By performing Monte Carlo simulations, amplitude functions corresponding to 1000 years of data were generated. Based on these simulated functions as well as interpolated mean and weight coefficients, long time series of precipitation and streamflow were simulated for each grid-cell. The probability distribution functions of the area covered by a drought and the drought deficit volumes were then derived and combined to produce drought severity-area-frequency curves. These curves allowed an estimation of the probability of an area of a certain extent to have a drought of a given severity, and thereby return periods could be assigned to historical drought events. A comparison of drought characteristics showed that streamflow droughts are less homogeneous over the region, less frequent and last for longer time periods than precipitation droughts.  相似文献   


Hydrological drought is currently underrepresented in global monitoring systems, mainly due the shortage of near real-time estimates of river discharge at the global scale. In this study, the outputs of the Lisflood model are used to define a low-flow drought index, which shows a good correspondence with long-term records of the Global Runoff Data Centre in the period 1980–2014, as well as with verified information from the literature on six major drought events (covering different regions and watershed sizes). In contrast, the near real-time simulation (from 2015 onward) provides temporally inconsistent estimates over about 20% of the modelled cells (mostly over South America and Central Africa), even if reasonable results are obtained over other regions, as confirmed by intercomparison with the operational outcomes of the European Drought Observatory for the 2018 drought. In spite of the highlighted limitations, valuable information for operational drought monitoring can be retrieved from these simulations.  相似文献   

Stochastic renewal model of low-flow streamflow sequences   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
It is shown that runs of low-flow annual streamflow in a coastal semiarid basin of Central California can be adequately modelled by renewal theory. For example, runs of below-median annual streamflows are shown to follow a geometric distribution. The elapsed time between runs of below-median streamflow are geometrically distributed also. The sum of these two independently distributed geometric time variables defines the renewal time elapsing between the initiation of a low-flow run and the next one. The probability distribution of the renewal time is then derived from first principles, ultimately leading to the distribution of the number of low-flow runs in a specified time period, the expected number of low-flow runs, the risk of drought, and other important probabilistic indicators of low-flow. The authors argue that if one identifies drought threat with the occurrence of multiyear low-flow runs, as it is done by water supply managers in the study area, then our renewal model provides a number of interesting results concerning drought threat in areas historically subject to inclement, dry, climate. A 430-year long annual streamflow time series reconstructed by tree-ring analysis serves as the basis for testing our renewal model of low-flow sequences.  相似文献   

This study presents a high-resolution and multi-temporal drought climatology for Mauritius based on calculated standardized precipitation index (SPI) using mean monthly rainfall for the period 1953–2007. A monthly mean SPI varying from +3.4 to ?2.7 indicates the occurrence of extremely wet and dry conditions, and collocated SPI indicates more frequent mild drought conditions. Spatial maps of rainfall trends and SPI show mostly neutral to severely dry conditions, but sparse regions of extremely wet and dry conditions are also observed. An increase in the frequency of dry years after the 1990s is noted, while most of the extreme wet conditions are found to have occurred between 1972 and 1988. More frequent short-duration wet events are observed on the 3- and 6-month time scales compared to dry events. On the 12- and 24-month time scales the frequency of both dry and wet periods is almost the same, with the dry events lasting longer.  相似文献   

In this paper, progressive methods for assessing drought severity from diverse points of view were conceived. To select a fundamental drought index, the performances of the Effective Drought Index (EDI) and 1-, 3-, 6-, 9-, 12-, and 24-month Standardized Precipitation Indices (SPIs) were compared for drought monitoring data accumulated over 200-year period from 1807 to 2006 for Seoul, Korea. The results confirmed that the EDI was more efficient than the SPIs in assessing both short and long-term droughts.We then proposed the following methods for modifying and supplementing the EDI: (1) CEDI, a corrected EDI that considers the rapid runoff of water resources after heavy rainfall; (2) AEDI, an accumulated EDI that considers the drought severity and duration of individual drought events; and (3) YAEDI, a year-accumulated negative EDI representing annual drought severity. In addition to these indices, to more accurately measure and diagnose droughts, we proposed the utilization of (4) the Available Water Resources Index (AWRI), an existing index that expresses the actual amount of available water.Using the improved methods above, we assessed and summarized important droughts that have occurred in Seoul over the 200 years from 1807 to 2006.  相似文献   

The aim of this review is to provide a basis for selecting a suitable hydrological model, or combination of models, for hydrological drought forecasting in Africa at different temporal and spatial scales; for example short and medium range (1–10 days or monthly) forecasts at medium to large river basin scales or seasonal forecasts at the Pan-African scale. Several global hydrological models are currently available with different levels of complexity and data requirements. However, most of these models are likely to fail to properly represent the water balance components that are particularly relevant in arid and semi-arid basins in sub-Saharan Africa. This review critically looks at weaknesses and strengths in the representation of different hydrological processes and fluxes of each model. The major criteria used for assessing the suitability of the models are (1) the representation of the processes that are most relevant for simulating drought conditions, such as interception, evaporation, surface water-groundwater interactions in wetland areas and flood plains and soil moisture dynamics; (2) the capability of the model to be downscaled from a continental scale to a large river basin scale model; and (3) the applicability of the model to be used operationally for drought early warning, given the data availability of the region. This review provides a framework for selecting models for hydrological drought forecasting, conditional on spatial scale, data availability and end-user forecast requirements. Among 16 well known hydrological and land surface models selected for this review, PCR-GLOBWB, GWAVA, HTESSEL, LISFLOOD and SWAT show higher potential and suitability for hydrological drought forecasting in Africa based on the criteria used in this evaluation.  相似文献   

Drought is a recurring feature of the climate, responsible for social and economic losses in India. In the present work, attempts were made to estimate the drought hazard and risk using spatial and temporal datasets of Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) and Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) in integration with socio-economic vulnerability. The TRMM rainfall was taken into account for trend analysis and Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) estimation, with aim to investigate the changes in rainfall and deducing its pattern over the area. The SPI and average rainfall data derived from TRMM were interpolated to obtain the spatial and temporal pattern over the entire South Bihar of India, while the MODIS datasets were used to derive the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) deviation in the area. The Geographical Information System (GIS) is taken into account to integrate the drought vulnerability and hazard, in order to estimate the drought risk over entire South Bihar. The results indicated that approximately 36.90% area is facing high to very high drought risk over north-eastern and western part of South Bihar and need conservation measurements to combat this disaster.  相似文献   


Ten notable meteorological drought indices were compared on tracking the effect of drought on streamflow. A 730-month dataset of precipitation, temperature and evapotranspiration for 88 catchments in Oregon, USA, representing pristine conditions, was used to compute the drought indices. These indices were correlated with the monthly streamflow datasets of the minimum, maximum and mean discharge, and the discharge monthly fluctuation; it was revealed that the 3-month Z-score drought index (Z3) has the best association with the four streamflow variables. The Mann-Kendall trend detection test applied to the latter index time series mainly highlighted a downward trend in the autumn and winter drought magnitude (DM) and an upward trend in the spring and summer DM (p = 0.05). Finally, the Pettitt test indicated an abrupt decline in the annual and autumn DM, which began in 1984 and 1986, respectively.  相似文献   

目前遥感干旱监测方法的精度普遍不高,探求新的遥感干旱监测方法有助于干旱监测预警技术的提升与发展.波文比是感热通量与潜热通量之比,能综合反映地表水热特征,可尝试将其引入到遥感干旱监测领域加以利用.应用甘肃河东地区的EOS-MODIS卫星资料和同步地面气象资料,基于地表能量平衡原理构建了波文比干旱监测模型,对比分析了波文比(β)指数、温度植被指数(TVX)与土壤水分的相关性,并以典型晴空影像(2014年10月5日)为例初步建立了β的干旱分级标准,对研究区进行了旱情评估.结果表明:β与土壤相对湿度呈现出高度负相关,相比于当下广泛应用的TVX,β与0~20 cm平均土壤相对湿度具有更好的相关性,监测精度得到了显著提高.用β干旱分级标准评估的研究区干湿状况与前期降水空间分布吻合得相当好,评估表明2014年10月5日研究区基本为适宜(无旱),与2014年9月的降水距平百分率特征一致.基于地表能量平衡的波文比(β)指数在干旱监测中效果突出,具有很好的应用前景.  相似文献   


Reliable seasonal forecasting of water resources variability may be of great value for agriculture and energy management in Ethiopia. This work aims to develop statistical forecasting of seasonal total water storage (TWS) anomalies in Ethiopia using sea-surface temperature and sea-level pressure indices. Because of the spatial and temporal variability of TWS over the country, Ethiopia is divided into four regions each having similar TWS dynamics. Periods of long-term water deficit observed in GRACE TWS products for the region are found to coincide with periods of meteorological drought. Multiple linear regression is employed to generate seasonal forecasting models for each region. We find that the skill of the resulting models varies from region to region, with R 2 from 0.33 to 0.73 and correlation from 0.27 to 0.77 between predicted and observed values (using leave-one-out cross-validation). The skill of the models is better than the climatology in all regions.  相似文献   

Christian Onof 《水文研究》2013,27(11):1600-1614
Under future climate scenarios, possible changes of drought patterns pose new challenges for water resources management. For quantifying and qualifying drought characteristics in the UK, the drought severity indices of six catchments are investigated and modelled by two stochastic methods: autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) models and the generalized linear model (GLM) approach. From the ARIMA models, autocorrelation structures are first identified for the drought index series, and the unexplained variance of the series is used to establish empirical relationships between drought and climate variables. Based on the ARIMA results, mean sea level pressure and possibly the North Atlantic Oscillation index are found to be significant climate variables for seasonal drought forecasting. Using the GLM approach, occurrences and amounts of rainfall are simulated with conditioning on climate variables. From the GLM‐simulated rainfall for the 1980s and 2080s, the probabilistic characteristics of the drought severity are derived and assessed. Results indicate that the drought pattern in the 2080s is less certain than for the 1961–1990 period, based on the Shannon entropy, but that droughts are expected to be more clustered and intermittent. The 10th and 50th quantiles of drought are likely higher in the 2080s scenarios, but there is no evidence showing the changes in the 90th quantile extreme droughts. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


The combined analysis of precipitation and water scarcity was done with the use of the Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) and the Standardized Runoff Index (SRI), developed as a monthly, two-variable SPI-SRI indicator to identify different classes of hydrometeorological conditions. Stochastic analysis of a long-term time series (1966–2005) of monthly SPI-SRI indicator values was performed using a first-order Markov chain model. This provided characteristics of regional features of drought formation, evolution and persistence, as well as tools for statistical long-term drought hazard prediction. The study was carried out on two subbasins of the Odra River (Poland) of different orography and land use: the mountainous Nysa K?odzka basin and the lowland, agricultural Prosna basin. Classification obtained with the SPI-SRI indicator was compared with the output from the NIZOWKA model that provided identification of hydrological drought events including drought duration and deficit volume. Severe and long-duration droughts corresponded to SPI-SRI Class 3 (dry meteorological and dry hydrological), while severe but short-term droughts (lasting less than 30 days) corresponded to SPI-SRI Class 4 (wet meteorological and dry hydrological). The results confirm that, in Poland, meteorologically dry conditions often shift to hydrologically dry conditions within the same month, droughts rarely last longer than 2 months and two separate drought events can be observed within the same year.  相似文献   


Hydrological drought durations (lengths) in the Canadian prairies were modelled using the standardized hydrological index (SHI) sequences derived from the streamflow series at annual, monthly and weekly time scales. The rivers chosen for the study present high levels of persistence (as indicated by values exceeding 0.95 for lag-1 autocorrelation in weekly SHI sequences), because they encompass large catchment areas (2210–119 000 km2) and traverse, or originate in, lakes. For such rivers, Markov chain models were found to be simple and efficient tools for predicting the drought duration (year, month, or week) based on annual, monthly and weekly SHI sequences. The prediction of drought durations was accomplished at threshold levels corresponding to median flow (Q50) (drought probability, q?=?0.5) to Q95 (drought probability, q?=?0.05) exceedence levels in the SHI sequences. The first-order Markov chain or the random model was found to be acceptable for the prediction of annual drought lengths, based on the Hazen plotting position formula for exceedence probability, because of the small sample size of annual streamflows. On monthly and weekly time scales, the second-order Markov chain model was found to be satisfactory using the Weibull plotting position formula for exceedence probability. The crucial element in modelling drought lengths is the reliable estimation of parameters (conditional probabilities) of the first- and second-order persistence, which were estimated using the notions implicit in the discrete autoregressive moving average class of models. The variance of drought durations is of particular significance, because it plays a crucial role in the accurate estimation of persistence parameters. Although, the counting method of the estimation of persistence parameters was found to be unsatisfactory, it proved useful in setting the initial values and also in subsequent adjustment of the variance-based estimates of persistence parameters. At low threshold levels corresponding to q < 0.20, even the first-order Markov chain can be construed as a satisfactory model for predicting drought durations based on monthly and weekly SHI sequences.

Editor D. Koutsoyiannis; Associate editor C. Onof

Citation Sharma, T.C. and Panu, U.S., 2012. Prediction of hydrological drought durations based on Markov chains in the Canadian prairies. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 57 (4), 705–722.  相似文献   


Techniques are proposed for developing a monthly and weekly drought outlook and the drought outlook components are evaluated. A drought index, the surface water supply index (SWSI) was modified and used for the drought outlook. A water balance model (abcd) was successfully calibrated using a regional regression, including monthly and weekly factors, and was used to convert meteorology to hydrology. For the monthly drought outlook, an ensemble technique was applied, both with and without monthly industrial meteorology information (MIMI). For the weekly drought outlook, a deterministic forecasting technique was applied employing the Global Data Assimilation and Prediction System (GDAPS). The methodologies were applied to the Geum River basin in Korea. While only the weekly outlook using the GDAPS has sufficient forecasting capability to suggest it might be useful, the accuracy of the monthly drought outlook is expected to improve as the climate forecast accuracy increases.

Editor Z.W. Kundzewicz; Associate editor D. Hughes

Citation Kim, Y.-O., Lee, J.-K., and Palmer, R.N., 2012. A drought outlook study in Korea. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 57 (6), 1141–1153.  相似文献   


In this research, the Bayesian quantile regression model is applied to investigate the teleconnections between large oceanic–atmospheric indices and drought standardized precipitation index (SPI) in Iran. The 12-month SPI time series from 138 synoptic stations for 1952–2014 were selected as the drought index. Three oceanic–atmospheric indices, the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO), the Southern Oscillation Index (SOI) and the Multivariate El Niño/Southern Oscillation Index (MEI), were selected as covariates. The results show that NAO has the weakest impact on drought in different quantiles and different regions in Iran. La Niña conditions amplified droughts through all SPI quantiles in western, Caspian Sea coastal regions and southern regions. The positive phase of MEI significantly modulates low SPI quantiles (i.e. drought conditions) throughout the Zagros region, Caspian Sea coastal regions and southern regions. The study shows that the effect of large oceanic–atmospheric indices have heterogeneous impacts on extreme dry and wet conditions.  相似文献   

An automatic calibration scheme for the HBV model (ACSH) was developed. The ACSH was based on the physical significance of the model parameters and structure. The inference of hydrologists in the manual calibration was adopted as the guideline. A slight modification of the model structure of the soil routine was suggested to avoid interdependence of the parameters. In total nine parameters, except the snow routine, Fc and MAXBAS, were calibrated automatically in two stages; first the soil moisture routine and then the others. There are six sets in two stages in total. Using the Powell method, the parameters in each step were calibrated simultaneously with carefully selected objective functions, and in particular a powerful objective function for the soil moisture routine. The steps were in a fixed order in the ACSH according to the model structure. The optimal values of the model parameters were stable, with the different initial values varying in considerable ranges. The automatic calibration gave the same model performance as the manual calibration when the ACSH was tested in two basins. The automatic calibration can thus be used as a reference or as an alternative solution of the model. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The complexities of the Prairie watersheds, including potholes, drainage interconnectivities, changing land-use patterns, dynamic watershed boundaries and hydro-meteorological factors, have made hydrological modelling on Prairie watersheds one of the most complex task for hydrologists and operational hydrological forecasters. In this study, four hydrological models (WATFLOOD, HBV-EC, HSPF and HEC-HMS) were developed, calibrated and tested for their efficiency and accuracy to be used as operational flood forecasting tools. The Upper Assiniboine River, which flows into the Shellmouth Reservoir, Canada, was selected for the analysis. The performance of the models was evaluated by the standard statistical methods: the Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency coefficient, correlation coefficient, root mean squared error, mean absolute relative error and deviation of runoff volumes. The models were evaluated on their accuracy in simulating the observed runoff for calibration and verification periods (2005–2015 and 1994–2004, respectively) and also their use in operational forecasting of the 2016 and 2017 runoff.  相似文献   


Validation of large amounts of digital hydrological data and eventual exchange of data between various organisations can benefit from the development of a structured hydrological feature coding system. In this article we describe the development of such a system and present its implementation in the CCM2 structured hydrological feature data set, covering Europe to the Urals and including Turkey. We discuss the coding of river basins, catchments, lakes and rivers. The proposed coding system is largely inspired by the work of Otto Pfafstetter with additions for coding oceans, seas, islands and lakes. Furthermore the coding system can be transferred to features that geometrically intersect the coded hydrological features and we propose some rules on how to establish this transfer.

Citation de Jager, A. L. & Vogt, J. V. (2010) Development and demonstration of a structured hydrological feature coding system for Europe. Hydrol. Sci. J. 55(5), 661–675.  相似文献   


Droughts may be classified as meteorological, hydrological or agricultural. When meteorological drought appears in a region, agricultural and hydrological droughts follow. In this study, the standardized precipitation index (SPI) was applied for meteorological drought analysis at nine stations located around the Lakes District, Turkey. Analyses were performed on 3-, 6-, 9- and 12-month-long data sets. The SPI drought classifications were modelled by Adaptive Neural-Based Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) and Fuzzy Logic, which has the advantage that, in contrast to most of the time series modelling techniques, it does not require the model structure to be known a priori. Comparison of the observed values and the modelling results shows a better agreement with SPI-12 and ANFIS models than with fuzzy logic models.  相似文献   

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