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基于前人对无植物河道河相关系研究方法及研究成果,本文遵循仙农熵(Shannon Entropy)理论,利用最大熵原理和变分法,给出考虑植物因子影响的河相关系系数动态表达式,并利用室内物理模型试验所观测的数据对该公式进行敏感性分析和验证,得到比较满意的理论结果。  相似文献   

在河流动力学理论研究中,已有的河相关系式大多是经验半经验性质的,往往不能明确地表达因素的影响,应用时具有很大的局限性.在能量均衡关系的基础上,利用仙农熵的理论,对影响沙质河床稳定河相关系的因素进行了探讨.通过理论分析,认为在取得所测河段上下边界测点相关资料后,用最大熵原理和变分法可以推导出稳定的河相关系式,最后通过试验对所得公式验证其合理性,认为其在计算试验区间任何时刻河相关系系数,均得到较好的吻合结果.  相似文献   

以黄骅坳陷明化镇曲流河储集层为例,在稀井网条件下,利用河道边缘检测等地震技术方法,结合沉积规律、生产测井资料,确定河道带展布特征,定量预测未期河道的边界与点坝位置,逐一描述单一河道分布,模拟并展现了整个地质事件连续的分布特征,同时也为井位的优化设计与方案的优化调整奠定了基础.  相似文献   

淹没植物对河道糙率的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于河道水动力及植物柔性变形分析,建立淹没状态下的植物河道糙率计算的理论关系,同时,利用试验资料及理论分析成果,进一步获得了植物河道糙率的附加值,借此可以分析与评价河道植物对水流阻力的影响程度.  相似文献   

复式河道滩地植物对水流紊动结构影响的试验研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
利用室内变坡水槽,精细模拟了复式河道滩地不同植物对漫滩水流的干扰作用,并借助声学多普勒测速仪(ADV)观测了不同垂线、不同测点的瞬时流速,计算了水质点三维相对紊动强度,分析了其变化特征,探讨了滩地不同种类植物对水流内部结构的影响。试验发现,滩地植物改变了复式河道水流内部结构,导致植物带内近床面处各个方向水流相对紊动强度明显减弱,横向因植物丛内阻力和流速变化引起的滩区壅水导致横比降增加,主槽相对紊动强度显著增强;植物淹没条件下水流相对紊动强度沿水深的分布明显存在转折点,此位置可以认为是滩地植物对水流影响的“第二边界”。  相似文献   

基于人工沙坝影响波浪破碎的理论分析,采用极端高水位、设计高水位和0.00m水位下的极限波高作为入射波,对近岸人工沙坝进行了模拟试验,研究波浪动力对人工沙坝剖面的变形及其对岸滩养护的影响。结果表明:坝顶水深和沙坝高度之比h/d决定沙坝的稳定性,h/d较小时,沙坝能接近稳定;沙坝的变形与坝前波浪破碎有关,可用坝顶水深和临界水深之比h/hb判定波浪在沙坝上的破碎;近岸人工沙坝使波浪提前破碎,滩肩拓宽,使泥沙向岸输移大于向海输移,减小岸滩侵蚀区域,增大淤积范围。  相似文献   

A hydraulic power unit (HPU) is the driving “heart” of deep-sea working equipment. It is critical to predict its dynamic performances in deep-water before being immerged in the seawater, while the experimental tests by simulating deep-sea environment have many disadvantages, such as expensive cost, long test cycles, and difficult to achieve low-temperature simulation, which is only used as a supplementary means for confirmatory experiment. This paper proposes a novel theoretical approach based on the linear varying parameters (LVP) modeling to foresee the dynamic performances of the driving unit. Firstly, based on the varying environment features, dynamic expressions of the compressibility and viscosity of hydraulic oil are derived to reveal the fluid performances changing. Secondly, models of hydraulic system and electrical system are accomplished respectively through studying the control process and energy transfer, and then LVP models of the pressure and flow rate control is obtained through the electro-hydraulic models integration. Thirdly, dynamic characteristics of HPU are obtained by the model simulating within bounded closed sets of varying parameters. Finally, the developed HPU is tested in a deep-sea imitating hull, and the experimental results are well consistent with the theoretical analysis outcomes, which clearly declare that the LVP modeling is a rational way to foresee dynamic performances of HPU. The research approach and model analysis results can be applied to the predictions of working properties and product designs for other deep-sea hydraulic pump.  相似文献   

Oceanology - In February and July 2014, multidisciplinary geochemical studies of the sediments were carried out at two stations. One of them was located in Voevoda Bight, which has a bottom depth...  相似文献   

A new technology of offshore oil rod pumping production is developed for offshore heavy oil recovery. A new type of miniature hydraulic pumping unit with long-stroke, low pumping speed and compact structure is designed based on the spatial characteristics of offshore platforms. By combining the strengths of sinusoidal velocity curve and trapezoidal velocity curve, a kinematical model of the acceleration, the velocity and displacement of the pumping unit''s hanging point is established. The results show that the pumping unit has good kinematic characteristics of smooth motion and small dynamic load. The multi-degree-of-freedom dynamic model of the single-well pumping unit is established. The first and second order natural frequencies of the sucker rod string subsystem and the pumping unit subsystem are studied. The results show that the first and the second order natural frequencies among the pumping rod string, pumping unit-platform subsystem and the dynamic excitation have differences over 5 times from each other, indicating that resonance phenomenon will not appear during the operation and the dynamic requirements for field use are met in the system.  相似文献   

Flow-through flumes were used to quantify net areal fluxes of nutrients in the fringe mangrove zone of lower Taylor River in the southern Everglades National Park. We also quantified net areal fluxes along the open water portion of the channel to determine the relative importance of either zone (vegetated vs. unvegetated) in the regulation of nutrient exchange in this system. Taylor River's hydrology is driven mainly by precipitation and wind, as there is little influence of tide. Therefore, quarterly samplings of the vegetated and unvegetated flumes were slated to include typical wet season and dry season periods, as well as between seasons, over a duration of two years. Concentrations of dissolved and total organic carbon (DOC and TOC) were highest during the wet season and similar to one another throughout the study, reflecting the low particulate loads in this creek. Dissolved inorganic nitrogen (nitrate+nitrite+ammonium) was 10–15% of the total nitrogen (TN) content, with NO−x and NH+4 showing similar concentration ranges over the 2-year study. Soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) was usually <0·05μM, while total phosphorus (TP) was typically an order of magnitude higher. Net areal fluxes were calculated from nutrient concentration change over the length of the flumes. Most flux occurred in the vegetated zone. Dissolved inorganic nitrogen and DOC were usually taken up from the water column; however, we saw no seasonal pattern for any constituent over the course of this study. Total nutrients (TOC, TN, and TP) showed little net exchange and, like SRP, had fluxes that shifted irregularly throughout the study. Despite the lack of a clear seasonal pattern, there was a great deal of consistency between vegetated flumes, especially for NO−x and NH+4, and fluxes in the vegetated flumes were generally in the same direction (import, export, or no net flux) during a given sampling. These findings suggest that the fringe mangrove zone is of considerable importance in regulating nutrient dynamics in lower Taylor River. Furthermore, the influence of this zone may at times extend into northeast Florida Bay, as the bay is the primary recipient of water and nutrients during the wet season.  相似文献   

对某港口5个强夯夯击小区的试验结果表明,经强夯法加固后,粘性土吹填地基的力学性质有明显提高。采用250~300 t.m的夯击能、5.6~8点/100 m2的夯点布置和回填土垫层厚度控制在1.2 m内的地基加固方案,能够满足地基承载力150 kPa和工后残余沉降小于30 cm的应力和变形要求。  相似文献   

The hydrographic properties of the dense waters overflowing the Greenland–Scotland Ridge through the Faroese Channels are greatly modified during the transit. In this study, we consider conditions both upstream and downstream of the sill, using a combination of hydrographic measurements (CTD, nutrients) and direct velocity measurements (expendable current profilers, lowered acoustic Doppler current profiler) from several repeated lines across the channel system. The purpose is to identify and quantify regions of enhanced mixing and frictional drag. The method of quantification used in both cases (Thorpe scaling) is independent of budget calculations and thus lends itself useful for non-steady-state flows. The method appears to be successful in this case as (1) the numbers obtained are non-random, (2) they support the qualitative interpretation of mixing made from water mass analysis, and (3) they are supported by companion log-layer estimates of bottom boundary layer friction. Large buoyancy fluxes were deduced within the dense water masses all along the channel system, also upstream of the sill where the velocities are low. The largest implied mixing (∼3×10−7 W/kg) was observed roughly 100 km downstream of the sill, where the plume starts to descend. Frictional stress within the water column was also elevated throughout the channel system; the log-layer formulae yielding a drag coefficient for the entire data set of about 4×10−3. The average stress at the sill was roughly 2 Pa.  相似文献   

河口涨潮槽的研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
河口涨潮槽是河口的重要地貌单元。对河口涨潮槽的发育过程与演化规律的研究在理论上可以丰富河口动力地貌的内容,而在实践上对港口和通航等具有重要的意义。文章认为河口涨潮槽不仅指河口涨潮流作用下形成的冲刷槽,还包括涨潮冲刷坑、涨潮冲刷槽和涨湖水道。国内外关于河口涨潮槽研究较为薄弱,研究内容多集中于涨潮槽的几何形态、涨落槽优势流判别和悬沙输移等方面,定性研究较多,缺乏全面而系统的定量研究,尤其缺乏成因机制方面的深入研究和沉积环境的研究。长江口涨潮槽种类较多,具有一定的研究基础,对其进行系统全面的研究具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

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