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We analyse a light curve (LC) of the symbiotic star BF Cyg, covering 114 yr of its photometric history. The star had a major outburst around the year 1894. Since then the mean optical brightness of the system is in steady decline, reaching only in the last few years its pre-outburst value. Superposed on this general decline are some six less intense outbursts of 1–2 mag and duration of 2000–5000 d. We find a cycle of 6376 d, or possibly twice this period, in the occurrence of these outbursts. We suggest that the origin of the system outbursts is in some magnetic cycle in the outer layers of the giant star of the system, akin to the less intense 8000-d magnetic cycle of our Sun. We further find, that in addition to its well-known binary period of 757.3 d, BF Cyg possesses also another photometric period of 798.8 d. This could be the rotation period of the giant star of the system. If it is, the beat period of these two periodicities, 14 580 d, is the rotation period of a tidal wave on the surface of the giant. A fourth period of 4436 d, the beat period of the 14 580-d and the 6376-d cycles is possibly also present in the LC. We predict that BF Cyg will be at the peak of its next outburst around the month of May in the year 2007. The newly discovered 798.8-d period explains the disappearance of the orbital modulation at some epochs in the LC. The 757.3-d oscillations will be damped again around the year 2013.  相似文献   

Observations of the brightness, color, and polarization of the fuor V1057 Cyg over more than 30 years are presented and briefly discussed. Variability of the linear polarization was found.  相似文献   

Photometric observations of the Ap star HD 193722 give unambiguous proofs for a rotational period of P=8.5297 days in contradiction to the earlier found value of P=1.13316 days. Spectroscopic measurements yield a line width equivalent to the value v sin i=44.5 km/s. Both findings show convincingly that HD 193722 is an evolved Ap star with a position in the giant region of the HR diagram. This place falls into a domain occupied by the hypothetic Maia sequence.  相似文献   

We present results of multicolor photometric and polarimetric observations of the binary system V1696 CYG obtained in the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory in 2006. It is shown that observed variations of the linear polarization of the V1696 Cyg light are well correlated with the orbital period phase. We also found brightness variations (~0.1 m ) in the UBVRI bands. The brightness variations are weakly correlated with the orbital period phase. A rapid photometric variability was found.  相似文献   

The results of new UBV photometric observations of V1357 Cyg in primary minimum are presented. Observations were carried out from 1996 up to now with 60 cm telescope in Crimea with the goal to study additional radiation that was detected in the mean light curve of this system near orbital phase 0.0. The properties of this additional radiation are also considered.  相似文献   

We have re-analysed the ASCA X-ray spectrum of the bright symbiotic star CH Cyg, which exhibits apparently distinct hard and soft X-ray components. Our analysis demonstrates that the soft X-ray emission can be interpreted as scattering of the hard X-ray component in a photoionized medium surrounding the white dwarf. This is in contrast to previous analyses in which the soft X-ray emission was fitted separately and assumed to arise independently of the hard X-ray component. We note the striking similarity between the X-ray spectra of CH Cyg and Seyfert 2 galaxies, which are also believed to exhibit scattering in a photoionized medium.  相似文献   

Eclipsing phenomena of the inner binary with a period of 756 d in the triple symbiotic system CH Cyg may have been detected in detailed spectrophotometric observations. The eclipse of the hot component by the red giant started on 1994 October 11 and finished between 1995 January 8 and 18. The ingress duration was less than one day. The radius of the red giant is estimated to be 288 ± 15 R⊙ from the duration of the eclipse. Assuming the bolometric correction of the red giant (M7 III) as 4, the distance to this object is estimated to be 307 ± 32 pc, which agrees well with that obtained in the observations by Hipparcos . The interstellar extinction in the direction of this object may be much lower than that in the nearby areas. It has been suggested that the outer binary system with an orbital period of about 15 yr is an eclipsing one. It seems unlikely, however, that the variation of the activity of this object with a time-scale of more than 10 yr was a result of eclipses.  相似文献   

The published photometric and spectroscopic data of the symbiotic binary V 1329 Cyg are interpreted. It is shown, that V 1329 Cyg is an eclipsing binary with an elliptical orbit orbit (e=0.28). The cooler component fills up the Roche-lobe at periastron. A model of moving gaseous structures in the system is proposed and their influence on the radial velocity curve is shown. The following characteristics of the system are derived: the cooler component is an M6 giant with mass 7.9M , radius 339R and luminosityM bol=–5.42, the hot component is a white dwarf surrounded by an accretion disk. The mean distance between the components is 842R and in periastron it decreases to 605R .  相似文献   

We present BVR full-light curves of V388 Cyg to provide a complete photometric solution for the first time. The light curves show a high degree of asymmetry (O'Connell effect). The maxima at 0.25 phase (Max I) are 0.023, 0.018 and 0.012 mag higher than those at 0.75 phase (Max II) in B , V and R , respectively. Three possible spot models are applied to fit the asymmetric light curves of V388 Cyg, in order to explain the O'Connell effect. We conclude that the model of the cool spot on the cooler star is the most reasonable model for V388 Cyg. The continuous period variation is confirmed by recently collected times of minima, including one minimum that is determined in this paper. The period decrease rate is estimated as d p /d t =−2.055×10−7 d yr−1 .  相似文献   

We report on the discovery of a coherent periodicity in the B light curve of the symbiotic star BF Cyg. The signal was detected in some sections of the light curve of the star recorded in the year 2003 as double-hump periodic variations with an amplitude of ≃7 mmag. In the year 2004, the signal was also present in only a subsection of the light curve. In that year, the system was about twice as bright and the amplitude of the oscillations was about half of what it was in 2003. In 2004, the cycle structure was of a single hump, the phase of which coincided with the phase of one of the humps in the 2003 cycle. No periodic signal was detected in a third, short series of observations performed in the year 2007, when the star was 3 mag brighter than in 2003. We interpret the periodicity as the spin period of the white dwarf component of this interacting binary system. We suggest that the signal in 2003 originated in two hotspots on or near the surface of the white dwarf most likely around the two antipodes of an oblique dipole magnetic field of this star. Magnetic field lines funnelled accreted matter from the wind of the cool component to the pole areas, where the falling material created the hotspots. This process is apparently intermittent in its nature. In 2004, the activity near only one pole was enhanced enough to raise the signal above the threshold of our detection ability.  相似文献   

In this study V2109 Cyg (a pulsating δ Scuti star) has been modelled. In treating the oscillation equations perturbation in gravitational potential energy has been taken into account. Both radial and nonradial oscillations are treated with adiabatic approximation. The so called radial fundamental frequency (5.3745 c/d) and the nonradial frequency (5.8332 c/d) were obtained within a satisfactory precision. It was found that the Cowling approximation introduced more error as one went from low overtones to high overtones in radial oscillations. A similar trend was observed in nonradial case with low values of l. By keeping the effective temperatures almost the same as with V2109 Cyg two more models with different masses have also been calculated to see the effect of inclusion of perturbation in gravitational potential energy on oscillation frequencies in different masses. Conclusion arrived is that one must be careful to employ the Cowling approximation especially for high nonradial oscillation frequencies. (© 2005 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

We present extensive, high-density Swift observations of V2491 Cyg (Nova Cyg 2008 No. 2). Observing the X-ray emission from only one day after the nova discovery, the source is followed through the initial brightening, the super-soft source phase and back to the pre-outburst flux level. The evolution of the spectrum throughout the outburst is demonstrated. The UV and X-ray light curves follow very different paths, although changes occur in them around the same times, indicating a link between the bands. Flickering in the late-time X-ray data indicates the resumption of accretion. We show that if the white dwarf (WD) is magnetic, it would be among the most magnetic known; the lack of a periodic signal in our later data argues against a magnetic WD, however. We also discuss the possibility that V2491 Cyg is a recurrent nova, providing recurrence time-scale estimates.  相似文献   

We detected the resonance lithium doublet, 7LiI λ6708, in the spectra of the symbiotic Mira V407 Cyg (P≈763d) obtained with a resolution R = λ/Δλ ≈ 18 500. The line equivalent width is ~0.34 Å. The presence of lithium in the atmosphere of the Mira, which, judging by its period, appreciably ascended the asymptotic giant branch (AGB), can be explained by the penetration of its convective envelope into the hot-bottom-burning (HBB) hydrogen-shell source. At the same time, the spectrum of V407 Cyg does not reveal the ZrO λ5551, 6474 absorption bands, which are used to classify S-type stars from low-resolution spectra. We found only weak ZrO λ5718, 6412 bands, which are, however, invisible in low-resolution spectra. Thus, the Mira star V407 Cyg should be classified as being of the spectral type M. In general, the spectrum of V407 Cyg is similar to the spectrum of the red giant in the symbiotic star CH Cyg, but the latter exhibits no lithium lines. The switch-on of the HBB process without any significant enrichment of the atmosphere of an AGB star with s-process elements implies that the third dredge-up is not efficient for some of these stars.  相似文献   

We have detected asymmetry in the symbiotic star CH Cyg through the measurement of precision closure phase with the Integrated Optics Near-Infrared Camera (IONIC) beam combiner, at the infrared optical telescope array interferometer. The position of the asymmetry changes with time and is correlated with the phase of the 2.1-year period found in the radial velocity measurements for this star. We can model the time-dependent asymmetry either as the orbit of a low-mass companion around the M giant or as an asymmetric, 20 per cent change in brightness across the M giant. We do not detect a change in the size of the star during a 3-year monitoring period neither with respect to time nor with respect to wavelength. We find a spherical dust shell with an emission size of 2.2 ± 0.1 D * full width at half-maximum around the M giant star. The star to dust flux ratio is estimated to be 11.63 ± 0.3. While the most likely explanation for the 20 per cent change in brightness is non-radial pulsation, we argue that a low-mass companion in close orbit could be the physical cause of the pulsation. The combined effect of pulsation and low-mass companion could explain the behaviour revealed by the radial velocity curves and the time-dependent asymmetry detected in the closure-phase data. If CH Cyg is a typical long secondary period variable then these variations could be explained by the effect of an orbiting low-mass companion on the primary star.  相似文献   

We present high-time-resolution multicolour observations of the quiescent soft X-ray transient V404 Cyg obtained with ULTRACAM. Superimposed on the ellipsoidal modulation of the secondary star are large flares on time-scales of a few hours, as well as several distinct rapid flares on time-scales of tens of minutes. The rapid flares, most of which show further variability and unresolved peaks, cover shorter time-scales than those reported in previous observations. The power density spectrum of the 5-s time-resolution data shows a quasi-periodic oscillation (QPO) feature at 0.78 mHz (=21.5 min). Assuming this periodicity represents the Keplerian period at the transition between the thin and advective disc regions, we determine the transition radius. We discuss the possible origins for the QPO feature in the context of the advection-dominated accretion flow model.
We determine the colour of the large flares and find that the i '-band flux per unit frequency interval is larger than that in the g ' band. The colour is consistent with optically thin gas with a temperature of ∼8000 K arising from a region with an equivalent blackbody radius of at least  2 R  , which covers 3 per cent of the surface of the accretion disc. Our timing and spectral analysis results support the idea that the rapid flares (i.e. the QPO feature) most likely arise from regions near the transition radius.  相似文献   

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