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The establishment of nature reserves is a key approach for biodiversity conservation worldwide. However, there is a lack of unified methodology to evaluate the effectiveness of nature reserves, particularly in China, the world′s most populous nation supporting some of the most valuable biodiversity hotspots in the world. In this study, we conducted a long-term and large-scale analysis of the effectiveness of 20 of the earliest nature reserves established in Hainan Province, an island home to among the highest concentration of plants and animals in China. Remote sensing imagery from 1988, 1998, and 2008 were analyzed to investigate the temporal and spatial changes of natural forests in these nature reserves and surrounding areas. We also conducted transition matrix analysis and principle component analysis to identify the driving factors that affect the protection effectiveness of nature reserves. The results were as follows: 1) During the 20-year period from 1988 to 2008, natural forests coverage of the 20 studied nature reserves dropped 2.34 percentage points, whereas the natural forests coverage dropped 11.31 percentage points in a 0–5 km outside reserve buffer and 9.36 percentage points in a 5–10 km outside reserve buffer, indicating a significant inhibitory effect of the nature reserves on the loss of natural forests. 2) Natural forests coverage dropped in 60% of the studied nature reserves during the 20-year period, suggesting a poor protection effectiveness of these reserves, while the coverage proportion showed some increase(0%/yr–5%/yr) in other reserves. 3) Expansion of rubber and pulp forests as part of a booming economy were the main factors affecting the effectiveness of the nature reserves for conserving natural forests in Hainan Province. The results of this study provide an important empirical basis for the protection of natural forests in Hainan Province, which can be used as a blueprint for nature reserve evaluation in other places in China.  相似文献   

Many nature reserves are established to protect the habitat needs of particular endangered species of interest but their effec-tiveness for protecting other species is questionable.In this study,this effectiveness was evaluated in a nature reserve network located in the Qinling Mountains,Shaanxi Province,China.The network of reserves was established mainly for the conservation of the giant panda,a species considered as a surrogate for the conservation of many other endangered species in the region.The habitat suitability of nine protected species,including the giant panda,was modeled by using Maximum Entropy(MAXENT) and their spatial congruence was analyzed.Habitat suitability of these species was also overlapped with nature reserve boundaries and their management zones(i.e.,core,buffer and experimental zones).Results show that in general the habitat of the giant panda constitutes a reasonable surrogate of the habitat of other protected species,and giant panda reserves protect a relatively high proportion of the habitat of other protected species.Therefore,giant panda habitat conservation also allows the conservation of the habitat of other protected species in the region.However,a large area of suitable habitat was excluded from the nature reserve network.In addition,four species exhibited a low proportion of highly suitable habitat inside the core zones of nature reserves.It suggests that a high proportion of suitable habitat of protected species not targeted for conservation is located in the experimental and buffer zones,thus,is being affected by human activities.To increase their conservation effectiveness,nature reserves and their management zones need to be re-examined in order to include suitable habitat of more endangered species.The procedures described in this study can be easily implemented for the conservation of many endangered species not only in China but in many other parts of the world.  相似文献   

The Wenchuan Earthquake that occurred in May of 2008 caused damages to large areas of Sichuan, Gansu, and Shaanxi provinces in China. Reports from local governments and related management agencies show that the giant panda nature reserves in the earthquake-hit areas were heavily damaged. Our estimates in this paper of the impacts of the earthquake on the giant panda in the earthquake-hit areas were made based on the interpretation of remote sensing images and information collected by field survey. A rapid assessment method was designed to estimate the damages of the earthquake on giant panda habitats. By using visual interpretation methods, we decoded the remote sensing images of the disaster area in the 49 giant panda nature reserves. Research results showed that the Wenchuan Earthquake and the succeeding secondary geological disasters caused great damages to the giant panda nature reserves and disturbed the normal life of the giant pandas there (e.g., landscape fragmentation increased significantly). Undoubtedly, the life of the giant pandas there was affected. However, although the earthquake caused certain impacts on the giant pandas, it did not really threat their survival. Even so, we still strongly advocate for protection of the giant pandas, and have prioritized a couple of measures to be taken to restore the giant panda nature reserves in the earthquake-hit areas.  相似文献   

近30年来三江源自然保护区土地覆被变化分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文利用三江源地区20世纪70年代中后期、80年代末和2004年三期土地覆被的数据,分析了三江源18个自然保护区3个圈层的2004年的土地覆被类型特征,以及70年代中后期至80年代末,80年代末至2004年土地覆被类型的变化特征。结果表明:三江源18个自然保护区土地覆被均以草地为主,2004年草地占保护区面积的65.68%,其中,约古宗列保护区最高,为83.0%,格拉丹东保护区最低31.48%。2004年18个保护区土地覆被状况指数由高到低依次为玛可河>多可河>江西>麦秀>中铁-军工>白扎>东仲>通天河沿>年保玉则>阿尼玛卿>昂赛>扎陵湖-鄂陵湖>当曲>果宗木查>星星海>索加-曲麻河>约古宗列>格拉丹东。1970年中后期至2004年土地覆被动态度大小依次为:星星海>扎陵湖-鄂陵湖>玛可河>多可河>年保玉则>江西>白扎>麦秀>阿尼玛卿>通天河沿>果宗木查>中铁-军工>约古宗列>索加-曲麻河>当曲>格拉丹东>昂赛>东仲。1970年中后期以来,18个保护区中有14个的土地覆被状况是变差的,按转差程度依次是星星海>阿尼玛卿>扎陵湖-鄂陵湖>年保玉则>多可河>白扎>约古宗列>通天河沿>索加-曲麻河>果宗木查>麦秀>中铁-军工>昂赛>东仲;有四个保护区的覆被状况有所好转,分别是当曲、格拉丹东、玛可河、江西保护区。  相似文献   

Understanding regional environmental heterogeneity(EH) and biodiversity relationships(heterogeneity-diversity relationships: HDRs) is the first step toward coupling environmental variables with biodiversity surrogates into regional systematic conservation planning. However, there is no universal method for determining regional HDRs that considers various environmental variables and biodiversity in different regions. This study selected 32 nature reserves as natural areas in Yunnan, China, to examine regional HDRs in Yunnan. We calculated 17 EH parameters(of soil, topography, and climate) and three(ecosystem, plant, and animal) biodiversity indices in the nature reserves. By examining the explanatory power of each EH parameter and area of the nature reserve, we identified the primary parameters and constructed an optimal model for each biodiversity index. The explanatory powers of these parameters varied for each biodiversity index, and those of climatic parameters were generally higher than soil and topographic heterogeneity ones. Heterogeneity of the temperature annual range, followed by area and heterogeneity of soil type, were important parameters for ecosystem diversity of Yunnan and the optimal model explained 56.9%. Plant diversity was explained 54.5% by its optimal model, consisting of heterogeneity of precipitation of the coldest quarter and annual precipitation. Heterogeneity of temperature annual range was important for animal diversity in Yunnan and explained 29.6% of its optimal model. This study suggests that EH parameters can be an effective surrogate for biodiversity, therefore, we suggested that the significance and role of climatically heterogeneous regions for the conservation of biodiversity in Yunnan should be further studied in the future.  相似文献   

遂昌金矿在地质储量管理方面进行了有益的探索,形成了完整的地质储量微机管理系统,该系统能及时、准确地对矿山地质储量进行动态管理,适应了矿产资源走向市场后矿山企业对地质储量管理提出的新要求.  相似文献   

在矿山储量年度报告中,发现矿产资源储量平衡表有填写错误现象,对当年动用的资源量采用“原级别动用,累查量填数”的方法填写,平衡表的基本功能得不到体现,横向和纵向不平衡,资源量和储量的升级变化、证实储量的增减得不到反映,累查可信储量和证实储量出现错误。为此,提出对当年动用资源量采用“先升级,再动用”的原则,进行矿产资源储量平衡表填写方法的探讨。  相似文献   

地质建模的最终目的是建立反映地质认识的地质模型,并对储量不确定性进行定量表征。储量是油田开发方案编制的基础,一个油田科学合理的开发往往需设计乐观、推荐、悲观三个方案,分别对应着乐观、推荐、悲观三个储量,即储量的P10,P50,P90。渤海J油田正处于开发的前期研究阶段,井点资料少,储层的纵横向变化快,储量不确定性强,而如何优选储量的P10,P50,P90成为决定油田开发方案编制的关键一环。该文通过构造、储层及油藏特征的分析首先确定了影响该油田储量的5个不确定性因素,即:构造幅度、油水界面深度、孔隙度下限、泥岩主变程、泥岩次变程,并分析了它们的分布范围,通过地质模型的建立对各个不确定性因素开展敏感性分析,确定油水界面深度、孔隙度下限、泥岩主变程是影响储量最大的3个因素,并以此为基础对J油田的储量进行了不确定性分析,优选了储量的P10,P50,P90。  相似文献   

With the accelerated urbanization, human activities pose serious threats to species because of fragmentation. Planning conservation corridors between habitats could improve species mobility in order to address the human disturbance. However,there are a limited number of studies that focus on assessing the effect of human activities on species movement in mountain areas as well as how to integrate different conservation models relating to conservation corridors identification. In our study, we modified the resistance model and took land use data as input parameters to quantify the impacts of human activities in mountain areas. Meanwhile, different conservation planning models, including Circuit model and Least Cost Path(LCP) algorithm, were integrated. Moreover, our approach was applied to identify giant panda corridors in Miarro nature reserve, Caopo nature reserve, and Wolong nature reserve. The results suggested that the impacts of human activities were limited in valley regions due to topography by resistance model. Secondly, Circuit model demonstrated that the conservation corridorsfor giant panda could not be identified between the Miarro and the Caopo nature reserves. Additionally,more detailed corridors between habitats were planned by the LCP algorithm. Furthermore, we also identified bottlenecks for migration in each corridor,indicating that human activities' interference was the primary cause. Our approach not only could connect habitats for conservation in mountain areas but also found out that the corridor could not be identified between habitats.  相似文献   

为解决我国现有矿产储量评估师队伍建设步伐滞后问题,在国家全面清理准入类职业资格证书,取消矿业权评估师等11项职业资格许可和认定事项的背景下,矿产储量评估师队伍的建设可参照矿业权评估专业技术人员职业资格制度的建设思路,建立矿产储量评估专业技术人员水平评价类职业资格制度。  相似文献   

附表是储量地质报告的重要组成部分。生成格式统一、规范的附表,是储量地质报告编写中的一项重要工作。目前生成附表的方法,一是在Excel附表的基础上形成Word附表,然后进行排版;二是对Excel附表直接进行排版,并且排版过程都是人工完成的,过程繁琐,效率低下,难以做到规范、统一。为了解决以上问题,该文介绍一种在Excel 2010环境下,利用程序方式,快速高效地进行储量地质报告附表排版的方法。该方法可以进行页面和格式设置,进行关键字栏目的合并,标注每页表格在附表册中的总页码及所属附表的页次和页数,大大方便地质同仁制作地质报告附表的工作。  相似文献   

北京城市增长边界预测   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了遏制北京”摊大饼”式的城市发展模式,促进土地资源的集约、高效利用,引导国土空间合理布局,划定北京城市增长边界成为重要举措。本研究从城市内生发展动力角度,将遗传神经网络嵌入CA模型,建立北京城市增长边界预测模型,选定了自然、人口经济、区位、邻域、土地利用类型和政策规划6类因素共18个影响因子,预测北京市城市增长弹性边界。同时,从土地自身生态承载能力角度,用建设用地适宜性评价方法,选定了地形、地貌、公园水域、土地利用现状、自然保护区、城市用地距离为影响因子,划定北京市城市增长刚性边界。结果表明,利用该模型预测北京市2025年城市增长边界,总的面积匹配值为96%,模型精度较高;2025年北京市弹性增长边界总面积为1738.98 km2,刚性增长边界总面积为3297.01 km2。基于GANN-CA模型的城市增长边界划定方法对确定城市未来扩张方向有指导作用,可为城市规划和发展政策的制定提供依据。  相似文献   

针对已有的低渗透储层分类评价方法难以满足北部湾盆地流沙港组低渗透油藏精细评价与油藏开发需求的问题,通过恒速压汞、高压压汞、核磁共振等实验手段开展低渗透储层微观孔隙结构与渗流特征分析,优选储层品质指数、孔隙结构分形维数、主流喉道半径、平均孔喉道半径、可动流体百分数、启动压力梯度变化率共6个参数,基于灰色关联权重分析法建立北部湾盆地低渗透储层综合分类评价标准,进而开展低渗透储量分类评价,为北部湾低渗透储量开发潜力和攻关方向提供依据,分析结果表明:Ⅰ类与Ⅱa类为相对优质的低渗透储量,目前已投入规模开发;Ⅱb类与Ⅲ类为较难动用储量,需采取合理的开发策略与开发模式进行试验性开发;Ⅳ类储量在现有条件下难以有效开发。   相似文献   

土地储备出让工作是我国为改变传统的土地供应模式、规范调控土地市场、优化土地资源配置,实现土地收益的最大化而做出的重大创新。通过调查研究并结合蓬莱市土地储备出让工作运行实际,就土地储备出让过程中存在的问题作出分析并提出相应建议。  相似文献   

A households′production behavior directly influences the quality of the environment and determines the successful development of nature reserves.Meanwhile,the households′production behaviors are complicated by interrelated factors,such as protection attitudes,resource endowment,and family wealth.This research evaluated households near the Crested Ibis National Nature Reserve in Shaanxi Province,acquiring data from 436 households around Yang County and Ningshan County in the south slope of Qinling Mountains,China.Based on the collected data,we developed a structural equation model to evaluate the coupling relationships among households′ protection attitudes,production behaviors,resource endowment,and family wealth.The results showed that:1) households with great resource endowment had more negative attitudes,probably due to their greater protection costs;2) the households with higher education levels had worse protection attitudes;3) the households with more family wealth were likely to use fewer fertilizers,pesticides,and firewood;4) the households with more resource endowment showed less production and management behaviors;5) the enhancement of households’ attitudes improved production behaviors to protection the environment,but the effects were not statistically significant.Our results provide a basis for the government’s protection policy making,exploring the effective management measures that are beneficial for both nature reserve management and community development.  相似文献   

莒县有丰富的矿产资源,矿山储量动态监管工作是矿政管理工作的重要组成部分,但却一直落后于其他矿政工作。2010年以来,莒县循序渐进地开展储量动态管理工作,通过指标管理和现场实测核实等手段,取得了良好效果,提高了资源开发保护和综合利用水平。  相似文献   

GIS是国土资源信息系统及办公自动化系统的基石 ,亦将是国土资源工作的各个领域中最具影响力、应用最广泛的一种技术。本文在分析已有矿产资源含量数据库特点和GIS应用现状的基础上 ,提出了在GIS平台上建立浙江省矿产资源储量管理信息系统的初步设想 ,概要论述了系统的功能、软件流程和系统结构  相似文献   

本文对浙江萤石矿产资源状况、勘查工作程度、探明和保有储量、矿山企业经济和技术条件、工业应用和消费结构以及外贸出口等作了深入细致的分析和变化趋势研究,作出了萤石储量入不敷出、资源优势告急、骨干矿山企业进入资源枯竭时期等重要警示,已引起政府领导部门的高度关注,也为浙江萤石资源保护和合理开发利用提供了可靠依据。对政府决策具有重要参考价值。  相似文献   

1INTRODUCTIONForestbiodiversityprovidesawiderangeofindirectbenefitstohumanbeing.Whiletheremaybelittlecon-sensusonwhetherthevariouselementsofforestbiodi-versitycanbevaluedineconomicterms, itisincreas-inglyrecognizedthatthesevaluesandtheroleofbio-diversityinmaintainingecologicalservicesareessen-tialtothehumankind.Thenotionofindirectusevalueofbiodiversityhasbeenassociatedwithaminimumlevelofecosysteminfrastructure, withoutwhichtherewouldnotbethegoodsandservicesprovidedbyit(FARNWORTHetal.,1…  相似文献   

利用GRACE监测中国区域干旱及其影响因素分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用2003-01~2012-12的GRACE时变地球重力场模型计算我国长江中下游平原、西南地区和华北平原陆地水储量变化的时间序列。结果表明,长江中下游平原和华北平原的陆地水储量变化量最低值在2011-05,西南地区最低值在2010-03。根据陆地水储量变化的水平衡原理计算3个区域地下水储量变化情况。结果表明,长江中下游平原和西南地区地下水储量呈缓慢增长的趋势,增长速率分别为0.54 mm/月和0.34 mm/月;华北地区呈缓慢减小的趋势,减小速率为0.33 mm/月。3个区域干旱时期地下水储量的亏损情况分别为:长江中下游平原-21.31 mm/月,华北平原-19.88 mm/月,西南地区-15.72 mm/月。最后,用NOAA发布的月降雨和气温数据对3个区域干旱期间的降雨量和蒸发量进行量化,分析3次干旱产生的原因。结果表明,西南地区2010年春季干旱的主要原因是气温异常,长江中下游平原和华北平原2011年干旱的主要原因是降雨量偏少。  相似文献   

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