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Pyroclastic flow deposits of the 1991 eruption of Volcán de Colima,Mexico   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The April 16, 1991, eruption of Volcán de Colima represents a classical example of partial dome collapse with the generation of progressively longer-runout, Merapi-type pyroclastic flows that traveled up to 4 km along the El Cordoban gullies (East, Central and West). The flows filled the gullies with block-and-ash flow deposits up to 10 m thick, of which, after 7 years of erosion, only remnants remained in the El Cordoban West and East gullies. The El Cordoban Central gully, however, provided a well-preserved and incised longitudinal section of the 1991 deposits. The deposits were emplaced as proximal and distal facies, separated by a change in slope angle from >30° to <20°. The proximal facies consists of massive, clast-supported flow units (up to 1 m thick) with andesite blocks locally supported by a matrix of coarse ash and devoid of segregation structures or grading. The distal facies consists of a massive, matrix-supported deposit up to 8 m thick, which contains dispersed andesite blocks in a fine ash matrix. In the distal facies, a train of blocks marks flow-unit upper boundaries and, although sorting is poor, some grading is present. Thin, finely stratified, or dune-bedded layers of fine ash material are locally present above or below units of both facies. Sedimentologic parameters show that the size or fraction of large pyroclasts (larger than –1 ) decreases from proximal to distal facies, as the percentage of matrix (0 to 4 ) increases, especially immediately beyond the break in slope. We propose that the propagation of the Colima pyroclastic flows is critically dependent on local slope angle, the presence of erodible slope debris, and the decrease in grain size with distance from the vent. The progressive fining is probably caused by some combination of erosion, clast breakup and deposition of larger pyroclasts, and is itself influenced by the slope angle. In the proximal region, the flows moved as granular avalanches, in which interacting grains ground each other and erosion occurred to produce an overriding dilute ash cloud. The maximum runout distance of the avalanches was controlled by the angle of repose of the material, and the volume and grain size of source and eroded material. Because the slope angle is close to the repose angle for this debris, granular avalanches were not able to propagate far beyond the change in slope. If, however, an avalanche had enough mass in finer grain size fractions, at least part of the flow continued beyond the break in slope and across the volcano apron, propagating in a turbulent state and depositing surge layers, or in an otherwise settling-modified state and depositing block-and-ash flow layers.Editorial responsibility: T Druitt  相似文献   

From detailed fieldwork and biotite 40Ar/39Ar dating correlated with paleomagnetic analyses of lithic clasts, we present a revision of the stratigraphy, areal extent and volume estimates of ignimbrites in the Cerro Galán volcanic complex. We find evidence for nine distinct outflow ignimbrites, including two newly identified ignimbrites in the Toconquis Group (the Pitas and Vega Ignimbrites). Toconquis Group Ignimbrites (~5.60–4.51 Ma biotite ages) have been discovered to the southwest and north of the caldera, increasing their spatial extents from previous estimates. Previously thought to be contemporaneous, we distinguish the Real Grande Ignimbrite (4.68 ± 0.07 Ma biotite age) from the Cueva Negra Ignimbrite (3.77 ± 0.08 Ma biotite age). The form and collapse processes of the Cerro Galán caldera are also reassessed. Based on re-interpretation of the margins of the caldera, we find evidence for a fault-bounded trapdoor collapse hinged along a regional N-S fault on the eastern side of the caldera and accommodated on a N-S fault on the western caldera margin. The collapsed area defines a roughly isosceles trapezoid shape elongated E-W and with maximum dimensions 27 × 16 km. The Cerro Galán Ignimbrite (CGI; 2.08 ± 0.02 Ma sanidine age) outflow sheet extends to 40 km in all directions from the inferred structural margins, with a maximum runout distance of ~80 km to the north of the caldera. New deposit volume estimates confirm an increase in eruptive volume through time, wherein the Toconquis Group Ignimbrites increase in volume from the ~10 km3 Lower Merihuaca Ignimbrite to a maximum of ~390 km3 (Dense Rock Equivalent; DRE) with the Real Grande Ignimbrite. The climactic CGI has a revised volume of ~630 km3 (DRE), approximately two thirds of the commonly quoted value.  相似文献   

The caldera-forming eruption of Volcán Ceboruco, Mexico   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
3 of magma erupted, ∼95% of which was deposited as fall layers. During most of the deposition of P1, eruptive intensity (mass flux) was almost constant at 4–8×107 kg s−1, producing a Plinian column 25–30 km in height. Size grading at the top of P1 indicates, however, that mass flux waned dramatically, and possibly that there was a brief pause in the eruption. During the post-P1 phase of the eruption, a much smaller volume of magma erupted, although mass flux varied by more than an order of magnitude. We suggest that caldera collapse began at the end of the P1 phase of the eruption, because along with the large differences in mass flux behavior between P1 and post-P1 layers, there were also dramatic changes in lithic content (P1 contains ∼8% lithics; post-P1 layers contain 30–60%) and magma composition (P1 is 98% rhyodacite; post-P1 layers are 60–90% rhyodacite). However, the total volume of magma erupted during the Jala pumice event is close to that estimated for the caldera. These observations appear to conflict with models which envision that, after an eruption is initiated by overpressure in the magma chamber, caldera collapse begins when the reservoir becomes underpressurized as a result of the removal of magma. The conflict arises because firstly, the P1 layer makes up too large a proportion (∼75%) of the total volume erupted to correspond to an overpressurized phase, and secondly, the caldera volume exceeds the post-P1 volume of magma by at least a factor of three. The mismatches between model and observations could be reconciled if collapse began near the beginning of the eruption, but no record of such early collapse is evident in the tephra sequence. The apparent inability to place the Jala pumice eruptive sequence into existing models of caldera collapse, which were constructed to explain the formation of calderas much greater in volume than that at Ceboruco, may indicate that differences in caldera mechanics exist that depend on size or that a more general model for caldera formation is needed. Received: 18 November 1998 / Accepted: 23 October 1999  相似文献   

Volcán Aucanquilcha, northern Chile, has produced ∼37 km3 of dacite (63–66 wt% silica), mainly as lavas with ubiquitous magmatic inclusions (59–62 wt% silica) over the last ∼1 million years. A pyroclastic flow deposit related to dome collapse occurs on the western side of the edifice and a debris avalanche deposit occurs on the eastern side. The >6,000-m high edifice defines a 9-km E–W ridge and lies at the center of a cluster of more than 15 volcanoes, the Aucanquilcha Volcanic Cluster, that has been active for at least the past 11 million years. The E–W alignment of vents is nearly orthogonal to the arc axis. A majority of Volcán Aucanquilcha was constructed during the first 200,000 years of eruption, whereas the last 800,000 years have added little additional volume. The peak eruptive rate during the edifice-building phases was ∼0.16 km3/ka and the later eruptive rate was ∼0.02 km3/ka. Comparable dacite volcanoes elsewhere show a similar pattern of high volcanic productivity during the early stages and punctuated rather than continuous activity. Volcán Aucanquilcha lavas are dominated by phenocrysts of plagioclase, accompanied by two populations of amphibole, biotite, clinopyroxene, Fe–Ti oxides and (or) orthopyroxene. Accessory phases include zircon, apatite and rare quartz and sanidine. One amphibole population is pargasite and the other is hornblende. The homogeneity of dacite lava from Volcán Aucanquilcha contrasts with the heterogeneity (52–66 wt% silica) at nearby Volcán Ollagüe, which has been active over roughly the same period of time. We attribute this homogeneity at Aucanquilcha to the thermal development of the crust underneath the volcano resulting from protracted magmatism there, whereas Volcán Ollagüe lacks this magmatic legacy.  相似文献   

Sediment samples were collected from sandy beaches at a variety of sites in the southern Galápagos Archipelago to assess levels of hydrocarbon contamination following the wreck of the oil tanker Jessica. Hydrocarbon levels in sediments were generally very low by international standards ranging between 0.4 and 48.9 ppm, with contamination attributable to the Jessica only detected at three sites Santa Fe, Playa Estación (Puerto Ayora, Santa Cruz) and Long Beach (Isabela). There was evidence of residual hydrocarbon contamination from sources other than the wreck of the Jessica.  相似文献   

The volcaniclastic Tepoztlán Formation (TF) represents an important rock record to unravel the early evolution of the Transmexican Volcanic Belt (TMVB). Here, a depositional model together with a chronostratigraphy of this Formation is presented, based on detailed field observations together with new geochronological, paleomagnetic, and petrological data. The TF consists predominantly of deposits from pyroclastic density currents and extensive epiclastic products such as tuffaceous sandstones, conglomerates and breccias, originating from fluvial and mass flow processes, respectively. Within these sediments fall deposits and lavas are sparsely intercalated. The clastic material is almost exclusively of volcanic origin, ranging in composition from andesite to rhyolite. Thick gravity-driven deposits and large-scale alluvial fan environments document the buildup of steep volcanic edifices. K-Ar and Ar-Ar dates, in addition to eight magnetostratigraphic sections and lithological correlations served to construct a chronostratigraphy for the entire Tepoztlán Formation. Correlation of the 577 m composite magnetostratigraphic section with the Cande and Kent (1995) Geomagnetic Polarity Time Scale (GPTS) suggests that this section represents the time intervall 22.8–18.8 Ma (6Bn.1n-5Er; Aquitanian-Burdigalian, Lower Miocene). This correlation implies a deposition of the TF predating the extensive effusive activity in the TMVB at 12 Ma and is therefore interpreted to represent its initial phase with predominantly explosive activity. Additionally, three subdivisions of the TF were established, according to the dominant mode of deposition: (1) the fluvial dominated Malinalco Member (22.8–22.2 Ma), (2) the volcanic dominated San Andrés Member (22.2–21.3 Ma) and (3) the mass flow dominated Tepozteco Member (21.3–18.8 Ma).  相似文献   

Volcán Alcedo is one of the seven western Galápagos shields and is the only active Galápagos volcano known to have erupted rhyolite as well as basalt. The volcano stands 4 km above the sea floor and has a subaerial volume of 200 km3, nearly all of which is basalt. As Volcán Alcedo grew, it built an elongate domal shield, which was partly truncated during repeated caldera-collapse and partial-filling episodes. An outward-dipping sequence of basalt flows at least 250 m thick forms the steepest (to 33°) flanks of the volcano and is not tilted; thus a constructional origin for the steep upper flanks is favored. About 1 km3 of rhyolite erupted late in the volcano's history from at least three vents and in 2–5 episodes. The most explosive of these produced a tephra blanket that covers the eastern half of the volcano. Homogeneous rhyolitic pumice is overlain by dacite-rhyolite commingled pumice, with no stratigraphic break. The tephra is notable for its low density and coarse grain size. The calculated height of the eruption plume is 23–30 km, and the intensity is estimated to have been 1.2x108 kg/s. Rhyolitic lavas vented from the floor of the caldera and from fissures along the rim overlie the tephra of the plinian phase. The age of the rhyolitic eruptions is 120 ka, on the basis of K-Ar ages. Between ten and 20 basaltic lava flows are younger than the rhyolites. Recent faulting resulted in a moat around part of the caldera floor. Alcedo most resently erupted sometime between 1946 and 1960 from its southern flank. Alcedo maintains an active, transient hydrothermal system. Acoustic and seismic activity in 1991 is attributed to the disruption of the hydrothermal system by a regional-scale earthquake.  相似文献   

Volcán Quizapu,Chilean Andes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Quizapu is a flank vent of the basalt-to-rhyodacite Holocene stratocone, Cerro Azul, and lies at the focus of a complex Quaternary volcanic field on the Andean volcanic front. The Quizapu vent originated in 1846 when 5 km3 of hornblende-dacite magma erupted effusively with little accompanying tephra. Between 1907 and 1932, phreatic and strombolian activity reamed out a deep crater, from which 4 km3 of dacite magma identical to that of 1846 fed the great plinian event of 10–11 April 1932. Although a total of >9 km3 of magma was thus released in 86 years, there is no discernible subsidence. As the pre-plinian crater was lined by massive lavas, 1932 enlargement was limited and the total plinian deposit contains only 0.4 wt % lithics. Areas of 5-cm and 1-cm isopachs for compacted 1932 fallout are about half of those estimated in the 1930's, yielding a revised ejecta volume of 9.5 km3. A strong inflection near the 10-cm isopach (downwind 110 km) on a plot of log Thickness vs Area1/2 reflects slow settling of fine plinian ash — not of coignimbrite ash, as the volume of pyroclastic flows was trivial (<0.01 km3). About 17 vol.% of the fallout lies beyond the 1-cm isopach, and 82 wt% of the ejecta are finer than 1 mm. A least 18 hours of steady plinian activity produced an exceptionally uniform fall deposit. Observed column height (27–30 km) and average mass eruption rate (1.5x108 kg/s) compare well with values for height and peak intensity calculated from published eruption models. The progressive aeolian fractionation of downwind ash (for which Quizapu is widely cited) is complicated by the large compositional range of 1932 juvenile pumice (52–70% SiO2). The eruption began with andesitic scoria and ended with basaltic scoria, but >95% of the ejecta are dacitic pumice (67–68% SiO2); minor andesitic scoria and frothier rhyodacite pumice (70% SiO2) accompanied the dominant dacite. Phenocrysts (pl>hbopx>mt>ilmcpx) are similar in both abundance and composition in the 1846 (effusive) and 1932 (plinian) dacites. Despite the contrast in mode of eruption, bulk compositions are also indistinguishable. The only difference so far identified is a lower range of D values for 1846 hornblende, consistent with pre-eruptive degassing of the effusive batch.  相似文献   

Das Ratul 《Water Resources》2020,47(2):222-230
Water Resources - Sediment mobility in stream corroborates many significant mechanisms in terms of interactions of transported particles in the carrier fluid flows. In general, the sediment...  相似文献   

According to the data of the IMAGE network of magnetometers the latitudinal profile of the amplitude of the Pc5 geomagnetic pulsations is constructed, which are excited in the Earth’s magnetosphere in the form of the resonance Alfvén magnetohydrodynamic pulsations. The approaches to the solution of two problems are studied on a specific example. The first concerns the anharmonicity of Alfvén’s resonances. The displacement of the peak of the resonance curve towards to the north with the reduction of the amplitude of the pulsations is discovered. Based on the results of measurements, the nonlinear distortion coefficient of the latitudinal profile is determined. The second problem is connected with the magnetotelluric sounding. Information about the resonance structure of the Alfvén pulsations is useful for magnetotelluric sounding. This information gives the possibility of evaluating the accuracy of the sounding with the application of the local impedance relationship and of introducing corrections if necessary.  相似文献   

In contrast to local perceptions, the impact on the local Galápagos artisanal fishery of the 16 January 2001 grounding of the Jessica and subsequent oil spill was relatively minor. No significant changes in fishing effort, total fishing catches or catch-per-unit effort were detected after the spill based on analyses of fisheries monitoring data. Nevertheless, large boats tended to move away from sites near the path of the spill following the grounding in 2001, with no fishing recorded from the oil-affected regions of Floreana and southern Isabela in February 2001. The total fishing effort of small boats operating from the Jessica-grounding island of San Cristóbal also declined immediately after the spill, probably in part because such boats were used in clean up operations. During 2001, prices paid to fishers remained stable at levels higher than in 2000, with the notable anomaly that prices fell precipitously to 30% of previous levels during a 1-2 week period in early February 2001. Fish exports remained at similar levels for the years 2000 and 2001; however, as in the previous year, little fish product was exported from Galápagos in the month following the spill, with most fish product dried and stored for up to two months prior to transport to the continent.  相似文献   

Proglacial lakes are becoming ubiquitous at the termini of many glaciers worldwide due to continued climate warming and glacier retreat, and such lakes have important consequences for the dynamics and future stability of these glaciers. In light of this, we quantified decadal changes in glacier velocity since 1991 using satellite remote sensing for Breiðamerkurjökull, a large lake-terminating glacier in Iceland. We investigated its frontal retreat, lake area change and ice surface elevation change, combined with bed topography data, to understand its recent rapid retreat and future stability. We observed highly spatially variable velocity change from 1991 to 2015, with a substantial increase in peak velocity observed at the terminus of the lake-terminating eastern arm from ~1.00 ± 0.36 m day−1 in 1991 to 3.50 ± 0.25 m day−1 in 2015, with mean velocities remaining elevated from 2008 onwards. This is in stark comparison to the predominately land-terminating arms, which saw no discernible change in their velocity over the same period. We also observed a substantial increase in the area of the main proglacial lake (Jökulsárlón) since 1982 of ~20 km2, equating to an annual growth rate of 0.55 km2 year−1. Over the same period, the eastern arm retreated by ~3.50 km, which is significantly greater than the other arms. Such discrepancies between the different arms are due to the growth and, importantly, depth increase of Jökulsárlón, as the eastern arm has retreated into its ~300 m-deep reverse-sloping subglacial trough. We suggest that this growth in lake area, forced initially by rising air temperatures, combined with the increase in lake depth, triggered an increase in flow acceleration, leading to further rapid retreat and the initiation of a positive feedback mechanism. These findings may have important implications for how increased melt and calving forced by climate change will affect the future stability of large soft-bedded, reverse-sloped, subaqueous-terminating glaciers elsewhere. © 2020 The Authors. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd  相似文献   

The Pucón eruption was the largest Holocene explosive outburst of Volcán Villarrica, Chile. It discharged >1.0 km3 of basaltic-andesite magma and >0.8 km3 of pre-existing rock, forming a thin scoria-fall deposit overlain by voluminous ignimbrite intercalated with pyroclastic surge beds. The deposits are up to 70 m thick and are preserved up to 21 km from the present-day summit, post-eruptive lahar deposits extending farther. Two ignimbrite units are distinguished: a lower one (P1) in which all accidental lithic clasts are of volcanic origin and an upper unit (P2) in which basement granitoids also occur, both as free clasts and as xenoliths in scoria. P2 accounts for ∼80% of the erupted products. Following the initial scoria fallout phase, P1 pyroclastic flows swept down the northern and western flanks of the volcano, magma fragmentation during this phase being confined to within the volcanic edifice. Following a pause of at least a couple of days sufficient for wood devolatilization, eruption recommenced, the fragmentation level dropped to within the granitoid basement, and the pyroclastic flows of P2 were erupted. The first P2 flow had a highly turbulent front, laid down ignimbrite with large-scale cross-stratification and regressive bedforms, and sheared the ground; flow then waned and became confined to the southeastern flank. Following emplacement of pyroclastic surge deposits all across the volcano, the eruption terminated with pyroclastic flows down the northern flank. Multiple lahars were generated prior to the onset of a new eruptive cycle. Charcoal samples yield a probable eruption age of 3,510 ± 60 14C years BP.  相似文献   

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