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不同条件下水压裂隙的发展特性对有效开采页岩气具有重要的指导作用。针对岩体在微观上为颗粒和孔隙的结构系统,提出离散元水力压裂数值模拟方法,离散元能量转化和能量守恒计算方法,建立了相应的三维离散元模型。采用自主研发的三维离散元模拟软件Mat DEM3D,通过控制模型的竖向应变与颗粒直径,来模拟地层中的应力与压裂速率的变化。模拟结果表明:(1)水力压裂产生裂隙的数量和方向受岩石的各向异性,压力状态和变化速率所影响。(2)裂隙在压缩波传播时发展,当水压力高速增加时,诱发的裂隙数量增多,并且有效能量(断裂热)百分比也随之增加,压裂作用也变得更明显。(3)当竖向应变为零时,50%的裂隙呈垂直状态,当竖向应变为-1×10-4时,裂隙趋于沿着最大压力方向发展,竖向裂隙的百分率增大。数值模拟和能量分析为定量地研究岩石水力压裂过程提供了一个新的方法。  相似文献   

水力压裂是低渗油气藏的主要开发手段,传统数值模型所得到的基质-裂缝窜流量以及断裂参数精度不足.为此以流固耦合理论与断裂力学相结合的压裂模型为基础,模拟了水力裂缝扩展过程.在模型中分别引入离散裂缝模型和广义J积分计算基质-裂缝流量交换和断裂参数,并采用动态网格技术对裂缝尖端进行局部加密,以提高模拟的效率和精度.模型计算结果显示,影响水力压裂过程的主要参数中:基质渗透率和压裂液粘度主要影响水力裂缝的最终形态;岩石弹性模量影响裂缝宽度.对压裂车而言,最高工作压力一般都能够满足压裂增产需求,其最大输出功率和最大输出流量是限制压裂能力的主要因素.   相似文献   

Li  Wen  Liu  Yuming  Yao  Xin  Chu  Jinwang  Chen  Xiaowei  Tan  Zhuoying 《Geotechnical and Geological Engineering》2021,39(2):909-917

Pre-conditioning by hydraulic fracturing is a vital work in block caving mining of hard-rock metal mine, and breakdown pressure is one of the important parameters in rock hydraulic fracturing process, which determines the equipment selection and job-parameter control. Based on numerical simulation method, a pre-holed cylindrical hard rock sample was built for simulation of hydraulic fracturing process to investigate the effect of stress condition, rock properties and water injection rate on breakdown pressure. The results show that the breakdown pressure is increased with the confining stress, and the breakdown pressure is 2.28 times confining stress based on rock tension strength. The variation of rock tension strength affects the breakdown pressure and a positive linear relation exists. Pre-formed notch could obviously reduce the breakdown pressure and control the orientation of hydraulic fracture. And the borehole diameter has a reverse influence on rock breakdown pressure.


This paper presents a case study of water inrush on a mine working face from roof strata. The flow-rock failure process analysis (F-RFPA2D) code with an improved flow-stress-damage (FSD) model was adopted to perform the failure and coupling analysis. The improved FSD model was used to represent the permeability variation at the four stages (elastic, damaged, cracked, and crack closure) of the rock failure process. The fracture initiation, propagation, and coalescence in the stressed strata and the seepage field evolution in the stress field are represented visually during the whole process of water inrush. The failure zone with high permeability induced by mining disturbance becomes the water-conducting zone after full excavation of the coal seam. The height of the water-conducting zone obtained in this study is in reasonable accordance with that predicted by an empirical formula. It is definitely clarified that the water inrush from the roof strata is induced by the failure zone full of vertical coalesced mine fractures. It is unlikely that roof accidents resulting in water inrush would occur if the water-conducting zone does not grow upwards into the aquifer. The main task for mine extraction under a confined aquifer is to locate the aquifer and find the maximum height of the water-conducting zone, which is very important for mine construction and support design.  相似文献   

基于NMR的库区滑坡三维稳定性数值模拟   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
传统的勘探、测试手段, 难以获取可靠的滑坡岩土体水文参数, 直接影响滑坡研究的建模、评价工作.应用核磁共振找水方法并结合其他方法建立滑坡三维地质模型, 并提出基于NMR技术的库区滑坡稳定性研究思路.以赵树岭滑坡进行测试, 获取了岩土体的水文地质参数数据, 确定出该滑坡具有两层地下水, 上部潜水含水层, 下部微承压含水层; 具有两层滑面.该技术的分析结果与钻孔数据吻合较好, 可为建立符合实际的滑坡模型提供可靠依据.利用自编渗流-应力耦合有限元程序和ANSYS进行了145 m、175 m及175m降至145 m滑坡的稳定性模拟.结果表明: 145 m及175 m水位, 该滑坡整体处于稳定状态, 前缘随水位抬升局部破坏范围扩大; 175 m降到145 m时, 坡整体稳定性接近极限状态.且滑坡后缘局部位置出现小规模变形破坏的可能.   相似文献   

Production of hydrocarbons from shale formations has been made possible mainly due to hydraulic fracture (HF) technology. It increases the permeability of reservoir rocks around a well by connecting fractures and improving conductivity. HF behavior especially in presence of natural fractures have recently given much attention in studies. This paper investigates HF propagation and its associated parameters in various conditions. A higher order displacement discontinuity method is used to achieve higher accuracy in the results. First, behavior of crack opening displacement (COD) of an HF i.e. HF width in various conditions is studied. COD is a key parameter in determination of an HF operation success. It is proportional to production rate of oil and gas wells and provides a path for proppant entrance into the fractures. An equation considering many important parameters, based on numerous numerical modellings of various mechanical and geometrical effects on COD is proposed with coefficient of determination and standard error of 94.35% and 4.37 × 10?4 respectively. The next part of the paper studies the HF propagation in a naturally fractured reservoir. These natural fractures alter the stress fields and hence affect the propagation of a hydraulic fracture. In fact, it is shown that in certain orientations of hydraulic fractures and natural fractures, the effect of natural fractures disappear or completely changes propagation path. Using a combination of several interaction criteria, a new modeling of HFs and NFs interaction is presented. The modellings showed that spacing and angle of intersection can significantly affect HFs propagation. The results of COD and HF propagation in presence of natural fractures may be considered in HG design and primary orientation of perforated fractures.  相似文献   

Experimental and 3D Numerical Simulation of Reinforced Shear Joints   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The load transfer capacity and failure mechanism of a fully grouted bolt installed across a joint in shear is investigated, both experimentally and numerically, in five types of bolt. The double-shearing testing of bolts were studied in concrete blocks of 20, 40 and 100 MPa strengths, subjected to different pretension loads of 0, 5, 10, 20, 50 and 80 KN, respectively. The parameters examined include: shear resistance, shear displacement, induced strains and stresses during the bolt-bending process, and its ultimate failure across the sheared joint planes. The conclusions drawn from the study were that the strength of the concrete, bolt profile configuration and bolt pretension load played a significant influence on the shear resistance, shear displacement and failure mechanism of the reinforced medium. Experimental and numerical simulations showed that the failure occurs as a result of the induced axial and shear stresses acting between the hinge point distances in the vicinity of the shear joint plane.  相似文献   

基于改进三棱柱模型的复杂地质体3D建模方法   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
建模方法是三维地质模型及其可视化研究的核心内容。针对连续体终止、错断位移等复杂地质体3D地质建摸的需要,本文对现有的三棱柱数据模型进行了改进,构建了完整的数据结构及其初步的拓扑关系,提出了基于改进三棱柱模型的连续体和不连续体的建摸算法,使其在处理地层尖灭、断层等复杂地质问题时更为灵活、适应面更广。  相似文献   

并行模拟技术在苏锡常地区地下水流模型建立中的应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
在苏锡常地区建立了一般意义上的重叠型多个不规则子域FEM并行模型,然后利用区域分解法在MPI环境中实现了并行求解算法,并使用C++完成了MPI环境中的混合编程设计。通过常州无锡两地实际并、串行应用结果比较,并行模拟具有数据资料准备相对简单且精度高的特点,是解决大型化、复杂化地下水流问题的一种可行方案。  相似文献   

<正>1 Introduction Lattice Boltzmann Method(LBM)have a remarkable ability to simulate single,multiphase and multicomponent fluids(MichaelDaniel,2007).Ludwig Boltzmann’s work is based on a simple idea that a gas is composed of interacting particles which could be analysed by Newton’s laws.So the flowing property of gas could be give out by  相似文献   

Mathematical Geosciences - Characterization of discrete fracture networks is necessary for unconventional reservoir development, as they control the flow of fluids toward the hydraulically...  相似文献   

电法勘探是一种以研究地下探测目标体与周围介质之间的电性差异的地球物理探测方法,通常采用的二维电法勘探只能得到一条垂直于测线的视电阻率剖面,如果不能确定测线位置正好在异常体的正上方,这时就难给出较准确的结论。三维电阻率法采集数据量大,可获得三维电性数据体,而且可方便地根据需要实现水平及垂直切片,有着二维电法探测不能比拟的优点,实现对目标体的准确定位及全面透视。通过对构建的三维地质模型体进行数值模拟和物理模拟,表明双巷并行三维电法对地质异常体可以进行有效的探查并获得良好的探测效果。  相似文献   

王晓睿  张振  贾晓风 《地球科学》2015,40(12):2119-2124
随着岩土工程规模的不断扩大、复杂性的增加以及计算参数的多样化和计算精度的提高, 人们对于计算机计算能力的要求越来越高, 然而单处理器无法满足这类大规模计算.从数据输入、区域分解、线性方程组的迭代求解、后处理等方面详细阐述高性能计算平台上并行有限元求解大规模岩土工程的关键问题.提出了利用MPI2的新特性进行海量数据的分段并行读入, 采用ParMetis软件并行地进行区域分解, 实现了前处理过程的完全并行化; 采用基于Jacobi预处理技术的预处理共轭梯度法(PCG)进行线性方程组的并行迭代求解; 采用Paraview软件实现了后处理的并行可视化.在深腾7000系统上对某隧道工程的三维开挖过程进行了数值模拟, 对其并行性能进行了分析和评价, 验证了采用的区域分解算法和系统方程组的求解方法的可行性, 并且具有较高的加速比和并行效率.   相似文献   

煤储层原位渗透率普遍偏低,通常需用水力压裂造缝方式改善煤储层的渗透性能,但其效果的定量评价长期未能有效解决。本文以沁水盆地南部郑庄区块16口新井为例,采用有限导流能力裂缝模型拟合压裂造缝后关井阶段的压降曲线,计算了裂缝的无量纲导流能力(CfD),实现了压裂效果的定量化分析,并讨论了其地质影响因素。结果显示,CfD值越大,压裂效果越好;煤岩杨氏模量、剪切模量和体积模量的增加,裂缝无量纲导流能力有减小的趋势,但与煤岩泊松比大小无关。煤储层纵向上的力学非均质性对裂缝无量纲导流能力也有影响,随着非均质程度的增加,无量纲导流能力逐渐增加;当非均质性达到一定程度时,无量纲导流能力变低。  相似文献   

煤储层数值模拟技术是进行产能预测、地面开发前景评价和生产工艺优选等的重要手段。基于煤储层数值模拟软件的发展历史,阐述了运用第三代专用软件(COMET3)进行煤储层数值模拟的主要步骤,通过实例展示了煤储层排采历史拟合和煤层气井产能预测的效果。结果显示,COMET3软件考虑了三重孔隙结构、双扩散特性、煤基质收缩膨胀效应等煤储层特点,可在较大程度上反演和修正煤储层测试数据,有利于提高煤储层特性分析和煤层气井产能预测的客观性。  相似文献   

杨生彬  刘志伟 《探矿工程》2010,37(11):32-34
北京市某深基坑工程深19.7 m,采用土钉墙与桩锚相结合的复合支护技术,取得了很好的支护效果。采用有限差分法对该工程的典型支护形式开展了三维数值模拟研究,得出了在分步开挖过程中,土钉墙支护中土钉的工作方式和受力历程,以及桩锚支护中护坡桩与锚杆之间的受力协调过程,并与基坑边坡位移及支护体受力的实测数据进行了对比分析,为深基坑复合支护技术的发展和设计提供科学的指导依据。  相似文献   

本文建立了耦合井筒、热储、有机朗肯循环发电系统的详细数学模型, 包括三维非稳态热流固耦合模型和有机朗肯循环发电系统热动力学模型, 参考青海省共和县恰卜恰干热岩体地热地质特征, 包括压裂储层、围岩、裂隙、井筒等特征参数, 研究了注入流量、注入温度和井间距对系统净输出功、年均净输出功和热效率的影响规律。结果表明: 在一定的注入流量、注入温度和净间距下, 随着时间的推移, 岩石孔隙压力和热应力作用使得裂隙渗透率增大, 注入泵功耗是降低的, 净输出功和热效率也是降低的。注入流量的增大提高了膨胀机轴功、注入泵功耗和生产温度衰减速率, 进而导致热效率降低, 存在最优的注入流量50 kg/s, 使得年均净输出功达到最大值1 470.1 kW。注入温度的增大可以提高系统热效率, 降低净输出功的年均衰减速率, 当注入温度为60 ℃时, 年均净输出功最大。井间距的增大减缓了生产温度的衰减速率, 有利于热效率的提高, 但是也同时也增大了膨胀机轴功和注入泵功耗。当分支井间距为450 m时, 年均净输出功达到最大值1 497.3 kW。此研究可为增强地热发电系统的开发利用提供指导。  相似文献   

基于ArcGIS的洪水淹没分析与三维模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
孙君  奚赛英  尤迪  郑付涛 《城市地质》2012,7(3):31-33,37
洪水淹没范围的确定是洪灾损失评估和防洪决策的核心环节。基于TIN数据,运用ArcMap,采用"无源淹没分析"方法对区域天然防洪能力进行划分;实现了在给定水位条件下,对洪水淹没范围提取与统计计算,建立了洪水水位高程和淹没面积关系公式,并用于洪水淹没快速预测;运用ArcScene,对水位抬升的"无源渐进淹没"情况进行了三维模拟。  相似文献   

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