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Some areas within ice sheet boundaries retain pre-existing landforms and thus either remained as ice free islands (nunataks) during glaciation, or were preserved under ice. Differentiating between these alternatives has significant implications for paleoenvironment, ice sheet surface elevation, and ice volume reconstructions. In the northern Swedish mountains, in situ cosmogenic 10Be and 26Al concentrations from glacial erratics on relict surfaces as well as glacially eroded bedrock adjacent to these surfaces, provide consistent last deglaciation exposure ages (∼8-13 kyr), confirming ice sheet overriding as opposed to ice free conditions. However, these ages contrast with exposure ages of 34-61 kyr on bedrock surfaces in these same relict areas, demonstrating that relict areas were preserved with little erosion through multiple glacial cycles. Based on the difference in radioactive decay between 26Al and 10Be, the measured nuclide concentration in one of these bedrock surfaces suggests that it remained largely unmodified for a minimum period of 845−418+461 kyr. These results indicate that relict areas need to be accounted for as frozen bed patches in basal boundary conditions for ice sheet models, and in landscape development models. Subglacial preservation also implies that source areas for glacial sediments in ocean cores are considerably smaller than the total area covered by ice sheets. These relict areas also have significance as potential long-term subglacial biologic refugia.  相似文献   

We report concentrations of cosmogenic 10Be and 36Cl used to determine erosion depths in the recently deglaciated bedrock at Goldbergkees in the Eastern Alps. The glacier covered the sampling sites during the Little Ice Age (LIA) until c. 1940. The youngest ages calculated from these concentrations match the known exposure time after the post‐LIA exposure of <100 years. The apparent age (no cover, no erosion) of most samples, however, is significantly older. We show that the measured nuclide concentrations represent subglacial erosion depths, rather than exposure times. In particular, erosion depths calculated using 10Be and 36Cl concentrations of individual samples match well, whereas apparent 36Cl ages are consistently older than 10Be ages. The bedrock at the ‘youngest’ surfaces was deeply eroded (≥ 297 cm) by the Goldbergkees during the late Holocene. In contrast, bedrock at the margin of the LIA ice extent was eroded ≤35 cm. These values convert to subglacial erosion rates on the order of 0.1 mm/a to >5 mm/a. While modeled erosion rates depend on the duration of glacial cover and erosion intrinsic to the different exposure scenarios used for calculation (700–3300 years), modeled total erosion depths are insensitive (5–20% change). Analysis of erosion depths on the transverse valley profile shows a general trend of greatest erosion part way up the valley side and less erosion under thin ice at the lateral margin. A second profile along the valley axis indicates depth of erosion is greatest where the ice abuts the foot of the investigated bedrock riegel and at its lee side just beyond the crest. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We present a sensitivity analysis of the isochron approach of Goehring et al. (2013) for paired measurements of in situ 14C/10Be from glacially sculpted bedrock surfaces. This analysis tests how sensitive the resulting exposure durations from this technique are to both the number of samples analyzed and their locations along a glacial trough transect, using a dataset from Goehring et al. (2011) as a test case. A simple equally weighted combinatorial approach was employed to (1) generate non-repetitive combinations of n subsets of samples arranged from the ten possible samples (where n < 10), and (2) estimate the exposure duration and uncertainty for each set of simulations. Results from the Goehring et al. (2011) data indicate that five samples evenly distributed along a transect parallel to the ice margin are the minimum number of samples required for this method, while eight or more samples provide an optimal combination of accuracy and precision at the 1σ level. These findings should be applicable to paired in situ 14C/10Be measurements from other polished bedrock troughs at glacial margins, but need further experimental confirmation.  相似文献   

Glacial erosion is the basic process that has shaped the landscapes of the Alps. Despite intense research over centuries, and the use of various techniques, determination of glacial erosion rates remains challenging. This is not only because the location where the process occurs is almost inaccessible, but also because it is dependent on many different factors, including ice thickness and velocity, glacier thermal regime and lithology. Reported glacial erosion rates range over several orders of magnitude (0.01 to >10 mm a−1). Most studies focus on crystalline bedrock, whereas few researchers have investigated glacial erosion on limestone. Here we analyse glacially polished bedrock surfaces at the recently deglaciated forefield of the Tsanfleuron glacier, Swiss Alps. The nearly horizontally bedded limestone hosts a well-developed karst system. Meltwater from the glacier drains into the subsurface within a few metres of the ice margin. By combining geomorphological mapping, measurement of cosmogenic 36Cl concentrations of glacially eroded bedrock surfaces and a numerical model (MECED), we quantify at each sample location the amount of rock removed during glacier occupation. The glacial erosion rates calculated from these values range from 0 to 0.08 mm a−1. These are orders of magnitude lower than values measured at comparable sites on crystalline bedrock. The high 36Cl concentrations we measured show that the Tsanfleuron glacier was unable to effectively erode the gently dipping, strongly karstified limestone. We suggest that this effect may play a key role in formation and preservation over many glacial cycles of high-elevation, low-relief limestone plateaus in the Alps. © 2020 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.  相似文献   

We reconstruct the timing of ice flow reconfiguration and deglaciation of the Central Alpine Gotthard Pass, Switzerland, using cosmogenic 10Be and in situ 14C surface exposure dating. Combined with mapping of glacial erosional markers, exposure ages of bedrock surfaces reveal progressive glacier downwasting from the maximum LGM ice volume and a gradual reorganization of the paleoflow pattern with a southward migration of the ice divide. Exposure ages of ∼16–14 ka (snow corrected) give evidence for continuous early Lateglacial ice cover and indicate that the first deglaciation was contemporaneous with the decay of the large Gschnitz glacier system. In agreement with published ages from other Alpine passes, these data support the concept of large transection glaciers that persisted in the high Alps after the breakdown of the LGM ice masses in the foreland and possibly decayed as late as the onset of the Bølling warming. A younger group of ages around ∼12–13 ka records the timing of deglaciation following local glacier readvance during the Egesen stadial. Glacial erosional features and the distribution of exposure ages consistently imply that Egesen glaciers were of comparatively small volume and were following a topographically controlled paleoflow pattern. Dating of a boulder close to the pass elevation gives a minimum age of 11.1 ± 0.4 ka for final deglaciation by the end of the Younger Dryas. In situ 14C data are overall in good agreement with the 10Be ages and confirm continuous exposure throughout the Holocene. However, in situ 14C demonstrates that partial surface shielding, e.g. by snow, has to be incorporated in the exposure age calculations and the model of deglaciation.  相似文献   

We present a Bayesian isochron approach to interpret measurements of multiple cosmogenic nuclides from glacially modified bedrock surfaces with complex exposure histories. An isochron approach explicitly incorporating glacial erosion is ideally suited for this problem; such erosion must be accounted for but has traditionally been ignored. Previous methods required treating each sample individually (to account for glacial erosion) and subsequently averaging results for the entire dataset. Geological considerations, however, suggest a more robust approach is to treat samples in the dataset here (and samples from other conceivable datasets) simultaneously. The Bayesian isochron method is applied to a previously published set of in situ 14C and 10Be measurements from a set of samples spanning the forefield of the Rhone Glacier, Switzerland. Results indicate 6.4 ± 0.5 kyr of integrated exposure and 4.7 ± 0.5 kyr of cumulative burial, similar to previous estimates, but with much smaller uncertainties. The reduced uncertainties result from fitting the exposure and burial duration to the entire dataset, while explicitly accounting for glacial erosion. The method presented here should be applicable with minor modifications in a number of geologic settings, and further demonstrates the utility of paired in situ 10Be and 14C measurements for unraveling complex exposure histories over during the Holocene and late Pleistocene.  相似文献   

Cosmogenic nuclide dating of glacial landforms may lead to ambiguous results for ice retreat histories. The persistence of significant cosmogenic concentrations inherited from previous exposure may increase the apparent exposure ages for polished bedrocks affected by limited erosion under ice and for erratic boulders transported by glaciers and previously exposed in high-altitude rock walls. In contrast, transient burying by moraines, sediments and snow decreases the apparent exposure age. We propose a new sampling strategy, applied to four sites distributed in the Arc and Arve valleys in the Western Alps, to better constrain the factors that can bias exposure ages associated with glacial processes. We used the terrestrial cosmogenic nuclide 10Be (TCN) to estimate the exposure time from paired sampling of depth profiles in polished bedrock and on overlying erratic boulders. For a given sampling site, the exposure ages for both the polished bedrock and boulder are expected to be the same. However, in six cases out of seven, boulders had significantly higher 10Be surface concentrations than those of the associated polished surfaces. In present and past glacial processes, the 10Be distribution with depth for boulders and bedrocks implies the presence of an inheritance concentration of 10Be. Our study suggests that 10Be concentrations in erratic boulders and in polished bedrocks provide maximum and minimum exposure ages of the glacial retreat, respectively. © 2019 The Authors. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd  相似文献   

We report an 39Ar–40Ar age determination of a whole rock sample of the olivine-rich, martian meteorite Northwest Africa (NWA) 2737. Those extractions releasing 0–48% of the 39Ar define an 39Ar–40Ar isochron age of 160–190 Ma, when evaluated in various ways. Higher temperature extractions show increasing ages that eventually exceed the reported Sm–Nd age of 1.42 Ga. At least part of this excess 40Ar may have been shock implanted from the martian atmosphere. We considered two possible interpretations of the Ar–Ar isochron age, utilizing the measured Ar diffusion characteristics of NWA 2737 and a thermal model, which relates Ar diffusion to the size of a cooling object after shock heating. One interpretation, that 40Ar was only partially degassed by an impact event ~ 11 Ma ago (the CRE age), appears possible only if NWA 2737 was shock-heated to temperatures > 600 °C and was ejected from Mars as an object a few 10 s of cm in diameter. The second interpretation, which we prefer, is that NWA experienced an earlier, more intense shock event, which left it residing in a warm ejecta layer, and a less intense event ~ 11 Ma ago, which ejected it into space. Our evaluation would require NWA 2737 to have been heated by this first event to a temperature of ~ 300–500 °C and buried in ejecta to a depth of ~ 1–20 m. These conclusions are compared to model constraints on meteorite ejection from Mars reported in the literature. The second, Mars-ejection impact ~ 11 Ma ago probably heated NWA 2737 to no more than ~ 400 °C. NWA 2737 demonstrates that some martian meteorites probably experienced shock heating in events that did not eject them into space.  相似文献   

Cosmogenic exposure dating of moraines during the last two decades has vastly improved knowledge on the timing of glaciation worldwide. Due to a variety of geologic complications, such as moraine degradation, snow cover, bedrock erosion and isotopic inheritance, samples from multiple large boulders (>1–2 m) often lead to the most accurate moraine age assignments. However, in many cases, large boulders are not available on moraines of interest. Here, I test the suitability of pebble collections from moraine crest surfaces as a sample type for exposure dating. Twenty-two 10Be ages from two Pleistocene lateral moraine crests in Pine Creek valley in the upper Arkansas River basin, Colorado, were calculated from both pebble and boulder samples. Ten 10Be ages from a single-crested Bull Lake lateral moraine range between 3 and 72 ka, with no statistical difference between pebble (n = 5) and boulder (n = 5) ages. The lack of a cluster of 10Be ages suggests that moraine degradation has led to anomalously young exposure ages. Twelve 10Be ages from a single-crested Pinedale lateral moraine have a bimodal age distribution; one mode is 22.0 ± 1.4 ka (three boulders, two pebble collections), the other is 15.2 ± 0.9 ka (two boulders, five pebble collections). The interpretation of the two age modes is that two glacier maxima of similar extent were attained during the late Pleistocene. Regardless of moraine age interpretations, that 10Be ages from pebble collections and boulders are indistinguishable on moraines of two different ages, and in two different age modes of the Pinedale moraine, suggests that pebble collections from moraine crests may serve as a suitable sample type in some settings.  相似文献   

Terrestrial cosmogenic nuclide concentrations in sediment are used to quantify mean denudation rates in catchments. This article explores the differences between the 10Be concentration in fine (sand) and in coarse (1–3 or 5–10 cm pebbles) river sediment. Sand and pebbles were sampled at four locations in the Huasco Valley, in the arid Chilean Andes. Sand has 10Be concentrations between 4.8 and 8.3·105 at g−1, while pebbles have smaller concentrations between 2.2 and 3.3·105 at g−1. It appears that the different concentrations, systematically measured between sand and pebbles, are the result of different denudation rates, linked with the geomorphologic processes that originated them. We propose that the 10Be concentrations in sand are determined by the mean denudation rate of all of the geomorphologic processes taking place in the catchment, including debris flow processes as well as slower processes such as hill slope diffusion. In contrast, the concentrations in pebbles are probably related to debris flows occurring in steep slopes. The mean denudation rates calculated in the catchment are between 30 and 50 m/Myr, while the denudation rates associated with debris flow are between 59 and 81 m/Myr. These denudation rates are consistent with those calculated using different methods, such as measuring eroded volumes.  相似文献   

In the subglacial eruption at Gjálp in October 1996 a 6 km long and 500 m high subglacial hyaloclastite ridge was formed while large volumes of ice were melted by extremely fast heat transfer from magma to ice. Repeated surveying of ice surface geometry, measurement of inflow of ice, and a full Stokes 2-D ice flow model have been combined to estimate the heat output from Gjálp for the period 1996–2005. The very high heat output of order 106 MW during the eruption was followed by rapid decline, dropping to  2500 MW by mid 1997. It remained similar until mid 1999 but declined to 700 MW in 1999–2001. Since 2001 heat output has been insignificant, probably of order 10 MW. The total heat carried with the 1.2 × 1012 kg of basaltic andesite erupted (0.45 km3 DRE) is estimated to have been 1.5 × 1018 J. About two thirds of the thermal energy released from the 0.7 km3 edifice in Gjálp occurred during the 13-day long eruption, 20% was released from end of eruption until mid 1997, a further 10% in 1997–2001, and from mid 2001 to present, only a small fraction remained. The post-eruption heat output history can be reconciled with the gradual release of 5 × 1017 J thermal energy remaining in the Gjálp ridge after the eruption, assuming single phase liquid convection in the cooling edifice. The average temperature of the edifice is found to have been approximately 240 °C at the end of the eruption, dropping to  110 °C after 9 months and reaching  40 °C in 2001. Although an initial period of several months of very high permeability is possible, the most probable value of the permeability from 1997 onwards is of order 10− 12 m2. This is consistent with consolidated/palagonitized hyaloclastite but incompatible with unconsolidated tephra. This may indicate that palagonitization had advanced sufficiently in the first 1–2 years to form a consolidated hyaloclastite ridge, resistant to erosion. No ice flow traversing the Gjálp ridge has been observed, suggesting that it has effectively been shielded from glacial erosion in its first 10 years of existence.  相似文献   

Understanding the history of Antarctic glaciation is important for interpreting paleoclimatic changes and estimating the changes in climate, sea level, and ice volume in the future. Ice core studies of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet (EAIS) and marine sediment cores from the entire Ross Sea have employed numerous proxies to reconstruct the glacial history of the Antarctic region. However, the ice and marine core records can be biased because of their specific locations, such as the uppermost accumulation zone or the terminus of the ablation zone, thereby introducing significant uncertainties in ice modeling. In this study, we analyzed 34 new 10Be and 26Al samples from four benches that were glaciated in the past by David glacier and incorporate the present ice-free flat surfaces. We suggest that the David glacier experienced monotonic and stepwise vertical lowering along the flanks of Mt. Priestley since the early Pleistocene. The uppermost bedrock benches on Mt. Priestley were exposed at 1.77 ± 0.32 Ma, with no evidence of subsequent overriding by readvancing ice. At Mt. Priestley, the David glacier has been characterized by a cold-based regime since 1.77 Ma, with a denudation rate of only ∼16 cm/Ma, corresponding to the regional transition from warm to cold-based glaciation at 3.5 Ma. Simple exposure ages from two lower benches date to Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 7 (234.1 ± 13.1 ka; 545 m asl) and MIS 4 (64.8 ± 13.7 ka; 222 m asl), suggesting that, since MIS 8, the overall lowering of glaciers has remained monotonic. The upper bench marks the lower limit of the MIS 8 glacial period and the upper limit of Penultimate Glacial Maximum (MIS 6), while the lower landform defines the upper limit of the last glacial period (MIS 4–2). The magnitude of Quaternary ice thinning at the David glacier was the highest (∼990 m) in the present terminal area (i.e., the most sensitive ablation zone), in contrast to the other outlet glaciers draining into the Terra Nova Bay, which experienced less ice lowering. The combination of the terrestrial (in situ 10Be and 26Al) and previous marine (authigenic 10Be) cosmogenic data used in our study document the history of lowering of the David glacier driven by climatic changes during the Pleistocene. Both deglaciation and glaciation were limited during the mid-Pleistocene transition (MPT) and prior to the mid-Bruhnes event (MBE), due to the prevailing cold and arid climate, whereas deglaciation was dominant during other warm periods.  相似文献   

An eruption along a 2.5 km-long rhyolitic dyke at Krafla volcano, northern Iceland during the last glacial period formed a ridge of obsidian (Hrafntinnuhryggur). The ridge rises up to 80 m above the surrounding land and is composed of a number of small-volume lava bodies with minor fragmental material. The total volume is < 0.05 km3. The lava bodies are flow- or dome-like in morphology and many display columnar-jointed sides typical of magma–ice interaction, quench-fragmented lower margins indicative of interaction with meltwater and pumiceous upper surfaces typical of subaerial obsidian flows. The fragmental material compromises poorly-sorted perlitic quench hyaloclastites and poorly-exposed pumiceous tuffs. Lava bodies on the western ridge flanks are columnar jointed and extensively hydrothermally altered. At the southern end of the ridge the feeder dyke is exposed at an elevation  95 m beneath the ridge crest and flares upwards into a lava body.Using the distribution of lithofacies, we interpret that the eruption melted through ice only 35–55 m thick, which is likely to have been dominated by firn. Hrafntinnuhryggur is therefore the first documented example of a rhyolitic fissure eruption beneath thin ice/firn. The eruption breached the ice, leading to subaerial but ice/firn-contact lava effusion, and only minor explosive activity occurred. The ridge appears to have been well-drained during the eruption, aided by the high permeability of the thin ice/firn, which appears not to have greatly affected the eruption mechanisms. We estimate that the eruption lasted between 2 and 20 months and would not have generated a significant jökulhlaup (< 70 m3 s− 1).  相似文献   

To better assess the spatiotemporal variations of the snow shielding effect on surface exposure dating, we compiled a dataset of 1341 10Be ages from alpine moraines and glacially eroded valleys across western North America, and conducted a sensitivity test with both modern and time-integrated snow data covering the same region. Our analyses reveal significant differences in snow shielding both across our geographic domain and through time. In our time-integrated experiments we find snow-based exposure age corrections as low as 3.5% in the Great Basin region and high as 28.4% in the Pacific Northwest for samples dating to the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) when no wind-sweeping is assumed. As demonstrated with our time-varying snow conditions with a global climate model and a positive degree day model, modern snow conditions across western North America cannot account for the varying snow patterns under large scale climate shifts since the LGM. The snow-based exposure age corrections from the modern data differ from those calculated by our time-varying model by up to 17% across our model domain. In addition, we find that the 10Be ages calculated under two end-member scenarios regarding wind-sweeping effects, specifically whether boulders were shielded only when the total snow accumulation exceeded boulder heights or were always shielded when the snow was present, can differ by ∼7.6% on average for LGM aged samples. Our analyses provide a model-based estimates of the spatiotemporal variability and complexity of snow shielding effects on surface exposure dates across western North America and highlight the need to consider snow depth variations both spatially and temporally when conducting surface exposure dating in terrains where snowfall accumulation is significant.  相似文献   

The 20 May 2016 MW 6.1 Petermann earthquake in central Australia generated a 21 km surface rupture with 0.1 to 1 m vertical displacements across a low-relief landscape. No paleo-scarps or potentially analogous topographic features are evident in pre-earthquake Worldview-1 and Worldview-2 satellite data. Two excavations across the surface rupture expose near-surface fault geometry and mixed aeolian-sheetwash sediment faulted only in the 2016 earthquake. A 10.6 ± 0.4 ka optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) age of sheetwash sediment provides a minimum estimate for the period of quiescence prior to 2016 rupture. Seven cosmogenic beryllium-10 (10Be) bedrock erosion rates are derived for samples < 5 km distance from the surface rupture on the hanging-wall and foot-wall, and three from samples 19 to 50 km from the surface rupture. No distinction is found between fault proximal rates (1.3 ± 0.1 to 2.6 ± 0.2 m Myr−1) and distal samples (1.4 ± 0.1 to 2.3 ± 0.2 m Myr−1). The thickness of rock fragments (2–5 cm) coseismically displaced in the Petermann earthquake perturbs the steady-state bedrock erosion rate by only 1 to 3%, less than the erosion rate uncertainty estimated for each sample (7–12%). Using 10Be erosion rates and scarp height measurements we estimate approximately 0.5 to 1 Myr of differential erosion is required to return to pre-earthquake topography. By inference any pre-2016 fault-related topography likely required a similar time for removal. We conclude that the Petermann earthquake was the first on this fault in the last ca. 0.5–1 Myr. Extrapolating single nuclide erosion rates across this timescale introduces large uncertainties, and we cannot resolve whether 2016 represents the first ever surface rupture on this fault, or a > 1 Myr interseismic period. Either option reinforces the importance of including distributed earthquake sources in fault displacement and seismic hazard analyses.  相似文献   

An important constraint on the reliability of cosmogenic nuclide exposure dating is the rigorous determination of production rates. We present a new dataset for 10Be production rate calibration from Mount Billingen, southern Sweden, the site of the final drainage of the Baltic Ice Lake, an event dated to 11,620 ± 100 cal yr BP. Five samples of flood-scoured bedrock surfaces (58.5°N, 13.7°E, 105–120 m a.s.l.) unambiguously connected to the drainage event yield a reference 10Be production rate of 4.19 ± 0.20 atoms g−1 yr−1 for the CRONUS-Earth online calculator Lm scaling and 4.02 ± 0.18 atoms g−1 yr−1 for the nuclide specific LSDn scaling. We also recalibrate the reference 10Be production rates for four sites in Norway and combine three of these with the Billingen results to derive a tightly clustered Scandinavian reference 10Be production rate of 4.13 ± 0.11 atoms g−1 yr−1 for the CRONUS Lm scaling and 3.95 ± 0.10 atoms g−1 yr−1 for the LSDn scaling scheme.  相似文献   

It is generally considered that four-times ice age happened during the Quaternary epoch on the Tibetan Plateau. However, the research on the chronology of the four-times ice age is far from enough. The Shaluli Mountain on the Southeastern Tibetan Plateau is an ideal place for plaeo-glacier study, because there are abundant Quaternary glacial remains there. This paper discusses the ages of the Quaternary glaciations, based on the exposure dating of roche moutonnée, moraines and glacial erosion surfaces using in situ cosmogenic isotopes 10Be. It is found that the exposure age of the roche moutonnée at Tuershan is 15 ka, corresponding to Stage 2 of the deep-sea oxygen isotope, suggesting that the roche moutonnée at Tuershan is formed in the last glacial maximum. The exposure age of glacial erosion surface at Laolinkou is 130–160 ka, corresponding to Stage 6 of the deep-sea oxygen isotope. The oldest end moraine at Kuzhaori may form at 421–766 kaBP, corresponding to Stages 12–18 of the deep-sea oxygen isotope. In accordance with the climate characteristic of stages 12, 14, 16 and 18 reflected by the deep-sea oxygen isotope, polar ice cores and loess sequence, the oldest end moraine at Kuzhaori may form at stage 12 or stage 16, the latter is more possible.  相似文献   

Quantifying glacial erosion contributes to our understanding of landscape evolution and topographic relief production in high altitude and high latitude areas. Combining in situ 10Be and 26Al analysis of bedrock, boulder, and river sand samples, geomorphological mapping, and field investigations, we examine glacial erosion patterns of former ice caps in the Shaluli Shan of the southeastern Tibetan Plateau. The general landform pattern shows a zonal pattern of landscape modification produced by ice caps of up to 4000 km2 during pre-LGM (Last Glacial Maximum) glaciations, while the dating results and landforms on the plateau surface imply that the LGM ice cap further modified the scoured terrain into different zones. Modeled glacial erosion depth of 0–0.38 m per 100 ka bedrock sample located close to the western margin of the LGM ice cap, indicates limited erosion prior to LGM and Late Glacial moraine deposition. A strong erosion zone exists proximal to the LGM ice cap marginal zone, indicated by modeled glacial erosion depth >2.23 m per 100 ka from bedrock samples. Modeled glacial erosion depths of 0–1.77 m per 100 ka from samples collected along the edge of a central upland, confirm the presence of a zone of intermediate erosion in-between the central upland and the strong erosion zone. Significant nuclide inheritance in river sand samples from basins on the scoured plateau surface also indicate restricted glacial erosion during the last glaciation. Our study, for the first time, shows clear evidence for preservation of glacial landforms formed during previous glaciations under non-erosive ice on the Tibetan Plateau. As patterns of glacial erosion intensity are largely driven by the basal thermal regime, our results confirm earlier inferences from geomorphology for a concentric basal thermal pattern for the Haizishan ice cap during the LGM. © 2018 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The central premises of applications of the in situ cosmogenic dating method for studying specific problems in geomorphology are outlined for simple and complex exposure settings. In the light of these general models, we discuss the information that can be derived about geomorphic processes, utilizing concentrations of in situ produced cosmogenic radionuclides 10Be (half-life=1·5 ma) and 26A1 (half-life=0·7 ma) in a variety of geomorphic contexts: glacial polish and tills; meteorite impact craters; alluvial fans; paleo-beach ridges; marine terraces; sand dunes; and bedrock slopes. We also compare 10Be-26Al data with results obtained by other dating methods. We conclude that the technique of measuring in situ cosmic ray produced nuclides holds promise for quantitative studies of processes and time-scales in a wide range of geomorphological problems.  相似文献   

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