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In this paper, I introduce a novel approach to modelling the individual random component (also called the intra-event uncertainty) of a ground-motion relation (GMR), as well as a novel approach to estimating the corresponding parameters. In essence, I contend that the individual random component is reproduced adequately by a simple stochastic mechanism of random impulses acting in the horizontal plane, with random directions. The random number of impulses was Poisson distributed. The parameters of the model were estimated according to a proposal by Raschke J Seismol 17(4):1157–1182, (2013a), with the sample of random difference ξ?=?ln(Y 1 )-ln(Y 2 ), in which Y 1 and Y 2 are the horizontal components of local ground-motion intensity. Any GMR element was eliminated by subtraction, except the individual random components. In the estimation procedure, the distribution of difference ξ was approximated by combining a large Monte Carlo simulated sample and Kernel smoothing. The estimated model satisfactorily fitted the difference ξ of the sample of peak ground accelerations, and the variance of the individual random components was considerably smaller than that of conventional GMRs. In addition, the dependence of variance on the epicentre distance was considered; however, a dependence of variance on the magnitude was not detected. Finally, the influence of the novel model and the corresponding approximations on PSHA was researched. The applied approximations of distribution of the individual random component were satisfactory for the researched example of PSHA.  相似文献   

以日本KiK-net强震观测台网中硬场地井下记录为样本,对传统等效线性化方法LSSRLI-1(频域)、SHAKE2000,时域非线性方法DEEPSOIL和频域一致等效线性化方法SOILQUAKE等几种计算程序在硬土场地地震反应分析中的可靠性进行对比检验。检验工况包括KiK-net井下台网中地表峰值加速度不小于0.05g的水平硬场地的总计344台次的加速度记录,涉及5个台站,土层厚度6~50m,地表峰值加速度范围0.050~0.805g。结果表明:认为硬土场地以往计算方法能够体现土层放大的认识是片面的,在中强地震动情况下,现有流行方法计算出的地表响应会偏小,强地震动下会严重偏小,会给工程抗震设计提供偏于危险的输入;硬场地中烈度8度以下(地表PGA在0.19g以下),SHAKE2000和DEEPSOIL、LSSRLI-1(频域)计算结果与实际记录差距可以接受,但烈度8度以上,计算出地表响应均较实际记录明显偏小,且随地震动强度增加差距急剧增大;硬场地中,无论何种烈度,SOILQUAKE16计算的地表加速度响应与实测相当,可体现出土层放大作用。  相似文献   

汶川地震强地面运动模拟   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
常莹  周红  俞言祥 《地震学报》2012,34(2):224-234
基于确定性震源模型的方法主要用于计算低频(11 Hz)地震动常用经验格林函数法或随机方法,对低频地震动模拟不够准确.本文在确定性震源模型方法基础上,尝试采用分解给定的震源模型的方法来模拟宽频带(0.1——10 Hz)强地面运动,即采用分级离散断层面和分解断层面破裂单元上升时间的方法,增加震源时间函数中的高频信号,从而避免了对地震记录丰富程度和准确性的依赖.文中模拟计算了汶川MS8.0地震在8个地震观测台的地震动,将模拟结果和观测记录进行了加速度时程曲线和傅里叶振幅谱的对比分析.对比结果显示,模拟估计的地震动峰值加速度和持续时间与观测记录的数据基本在plusmn;50%的精度范围内相同,傅里叶振幅谱显示模拟结果有得到10 Hz左右的高频成分. 四川盆地中的台站模拟结果高频衰减比观测记录要快,原因是模拟过程没有考虑场地效应.对强地震动模拟还是要综合考虑震源、传播路径和场地的影响.研究结果表明,此改变震源输入的确定性方法可应用于模拟近断层宽频强地面运动.   相似文献   


利用2014年鲁甸MS6.5地震断层距小于300 km的32个自由场地观测台站的地震动加速度记录,分析了地震动峰值加速度(PGA)和峰值速度(PGV)的空间分布特征,并对已有地震动衰减模型中的NGA-West2四个模型和1个中国川藏区模型进行了比较分析.研究表明,地震动PGA和PGV衰减最快的方向与断层主破裂方向一致.在整个断层距(Rrup)范围内大多数台站的地震动PGA、PGV和加速度反应谱值(Sa(T=0.1、5.0 s))均位于NGA-West2四个模型预测曲线的±1倍标准差之外.PGA、PGV和Sa(T=5.0 s)的事件内残差均值在-1.43~-0.74之间.Sa(T=0.01~5.0 s)事件内残差均值在整个距离范围内均表现出系统性偏负.NGA-West2四个模型的PGA事件内残差的空间分布特征相似,其最大正值和最大负值分布区域的震源-场地方位角约为-90°和90°,与主破裂断层方向垂直,所处地势较为平坦且台站场地VS30相对较大.NGA-West2四个模型总体上会较大地高估鲁甸地震整个断层距范围内各个周期尤其是短周期(T < 1.0 s)的地震动加速度反应谱值.考虑本地区实际地震资料的中国川藏区地震动衰减模型也会在一定程度上高估鲁甸地震大多数台站的地震动加速度反应谱值,但是相对于NGA-West2四个模型,其预测值更接近鲁甸地震的实际观测值.


地震记录处理的一种新方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了M icrosoftV isual C (VC )和M atlab相结合开发地震记录处理软件的一种新方法。VC 和M atlab相结合开发地震记录处理软件,减轻了编程人员的工作量,提高了软件的开发效率和处理能力,为此类软件的开发提供了一种方便灵活的实现方法。通过一简单地震记录处理程序的三种不同实现途径,详细讲述了VC 和M atlab的编译环境。三种不同实现途径分别是:(1)VC 中直接调用M atlab C 数学图形函数库生成独立可执行程序;(2)VC 调用M程序生成的C/C 代码生成独立可执行程序;(3)VC 调用M文件转换成的DLL(动态链接库)生成可执行程序。文章还对三种实现途径进行了优缺点的比较,为开发人员在具体开发时提供参考。  相似文献   

This study investigates the correlation properties of integral ground-motion intensity measures (IMs) from Italian strong-motion records. The considered integral IMs include 5–95% significant duration, Housner intensity, cumulative absolute velocity, and Arias intensity. Both IM spatial correlation and the correlation between different integral and amplitude-based IMs (i.e., cross-IM correlation) are addressed in this study. To this aim, a new Italian ground-motion model (GMM) with spatial correlation for integral IMs is first introduced. Based on the newly developed GMM, the empirical correlation coefficients from interevent and intraevent residuals are investigated and various analytical correlation models between integral IMs and amplitude-based IMs are proposed. The effective range parameter representing spatial correlation properties and the trend in the cross-IM correlations are compared with existing models in the literature. The variability of the effective range parameters with respect to event-specific features is also discussed. Modeling ground-motion spatial and cross-IM correlations is an important step in seismic hazard and risk assessment of spatially distributed systems. Investigating region-specific correlation properties based on Italian strong-motion records is of special interest as several correlation models have been developed based on global datasets, often lacking earthquakes in extensional regions such as Italy.  相似文献   

During the great Wenchuan earthquake, about 460 permanent free-field stations in National Strong Motion Observation Network System (NSMONS) of China captured the main shock acceleration records. These records can be applied to site effect analyses, and then the site classification of those permanent stations can be carried out firstly, which will served as the fundamental information for further research. In this paper, the site of near-fault stations is classified by horizontal-to-vertical spectral ratio (...  相似文献   

地震岩相识别概率表征方法   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
储层岩相分布信息是油藏表征的重要参数,基于地震资料开展储层岩相识别通常具有较强的不确定性.传统方法仅获取唯一确定的岩相分布信息,无法解析反演结果的不确定性,增加了油藏评价的风险.本文引入基于概率统计的多步骤反演方法开展地震岩相识别,通过在其各个环节建立输入与输出参量的统计关系,然后融合各环节概率统计信息构建地震数据与储层岩相的条件概率关系以反演岩相分布概率信息.与传统方法相比,文中方法通过概率统计关系表征了地震岩相识别各个环节中地球物理响应关系的不确定性,并通过融合各环节概率信息实现了不确定性传递的数值模拟,最终反演的岩相概率信息能够客观准确地反映地震岩相识别结果的不确定性,为油藏评价及储层建模提供了重要参考信息.模型数据和实际资料应用验证了方法的有效性.  相似文献   

This article presents the latest generation of ground-motion models for the prediction of elastic response (pseudo-) spectral accelerations, as well as peak ground acceleration and velocity, derived using pan-European databases. The models present a number of novelties with respect to previous generations of models (Ambraseys et al. in Earthq Eng Struct Dyn 25:371–400, 1996, Bull Earthq Eng 3:1–53, 2005; Bommer et al. in Bull Earthq Eng 1:171–203, 2003; Akkar and Bommer in Seismol Res Lett 81:195–206, 2010), namely: inclusion of a nonlinear site amplification function that is a function of $\text{ V }_\mathrm{S30}$ and reference peak ground acceleration on rock; extension of the magnitude range of applicability of the model down to $\text{ M }_\mathrm{w}$ 4; extension of the distance range of applicability out to 200 km; extension to shorter and longer periods (down to 0.01 s and up to 4 s); and consistent models for both point-source (epicentral, $\text{ R }_\mathrm{epi}$ , and hypocentral distance, $\text{ R }_\mathrm{hyp}$ ) and finite-fault (distance to the surface projection of the rupture, $\text{ R }_\mathrm{JB}$ ) distance metrics. In addition, data from more than 1.5 times as many earthquakes, compared to previous pan-European models, have been used, leading to regressions based on approximately twice as many records in total. The metadata of these records have been carefully compiled and reappraised in recent European projects. These improvements lead to more robust ground-motion prediction equations than have previously been published for shallow (focal depths less than 30 km) crustal earthquakes in Europe and the Middle East. We conclude with suggestions for the application of the equations to seismic hazard assessments in Europe and the Middle East within a logic-tree framework to capture epistemic uncertainty.  相似文献   

Ninety-two strong-motion earthquake records from the California region, U.S.A., have been statistically studied using principal component analysis in terms of twelve important standardized strong-motion characteristics. The first two principal components account for about 57 per cent of the total variance. Based on these two components the earthquake records are classified into nine groups in a two-dimensional principal component plane. Also a unidimensional engineering rating scale is proposed. The procedure can be used as an objective approach for classifying and rating future earthquakes.  相似文献   

The northern Tehran fault (NTF) is a principal active fault of the Alborz mountain belt in the northern Iran. The fault is located north of the highly populated Metropolitan Area of Tehran. Historical records and paleoseismological studies have shown that the NTF poses a high seismic risk for the Tehran region and the surrounding cities (e.g. Karaj). A series of ground-motion simulations are carried out using a hybrid kinematic-stochastic model to calculate broadband (0.1–20 Hz) ground-motion time histories for deterministic earthquake scenarios (M7.2) on the NTF. We will describe the source characteristics of the target event to develop a list of scenario earthquakes that are probably similar to a large earthquake on the NTF. The effect of varying different rupture parameters such as rupture velocity and rise time on the resulting broadband strong motions has been investigated to evaluate the range of uncertainty in seismic scenarios. The most significant parameters in terms of ground-shaking level are the rise time and the value of the rupture velocity. For the worst-case scenario, the maximum expected horizontal acceleration, and velocity at rock sites in Tehran range between 128 and 1315 cm/s/s and 11–191 cm/s, respectively. For the lowest scenario, the corresponding values range between 102 and 776 cm/s/s and 12 to 81 cm/s. Nonlinear soil effects may change these results but are not accounted for in this study. The largest variability of ground motion is observed in neighborhood of asperity and also in the direction of rupture propagation. The calculated standard deviation of all ground-motion scenarios is less than 30% of the mean. The capability of the simulation method to synthesize expected ground motions and the appropriateness of the key parameters used in the simulations are confirmed by comparing the synthetic peak ground motions (PGA, PGV and response spectra) with empirical ground-motion prediction equations.  相似文献   

对泰安地震台记录的2010年9月4日新西兰地震波形,进行震相、震源深度等地震参数辨析和分析,以具有代表性的2009年7月15日新西兰南岛西海岸远海地震波形和2010年4月5日墨西哥地震波形分析为辅,提出震中距大于83°、小于105°的类新西兰地震分析方法.根据两个辅震的波形特性,结合中国地震台网中心定位结果,对震级误差...  相似文献   

地震多点激励结构随机分析方法   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
将多点地震激励简化为平稳向量随机过程,地对其时-空相关特性,采用两步相关谱展开,使相关向量随机过程转化为正交向量随机过程,通过结构振型分解法直接求得结构随机响应;进一步可计算各种响应功率谱密度。本文方法不仅考虑了结构的多点激励及行波效应,而且考虑了结构振型之间的相关性,计算过程简单,是结构随机振动分析的一种有效方法。  相似文献   

基于建筑物易损性分类的群体震害预测方法研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文以多层钢筋混凝土结构为例,根据收集到的震害预测单体样本对多层钢筋混凝土结构按年代、层数、用途进行归类分析,给出了不同分类下的多层钢筋混凝土结构的易损性矩阵。由房屋抗震性能普查资料统计出的不同分类建筑物的面积比例,与不同分类建筑物易损性矩阵进行加权平均,建立具体预测区的建筑物易损性矩阵。最后以西安市阎良区为例,利用本文方法给出了阎良区多层钢筋混凝土结构的易损性矩阵。并与传统的震害预测方法对比,证明该方法的可行性,以及较高的可靠性。该方法思路简洁,操作方便快捷,是震后快速评估的有效方法。  相似文献   

We derive strong ground-motion relations for horizontal components of pseudo-acceleration response spectra from Mexican interplate earthquakes at rock sites (NEHRP B class) in the forearc region. The functional form is obtained from the analytical solution of a circular finite-source model. For the regression analysis we use a recently proposed multivariate Bayesian technique. The resulting model has similar accuracy as those models derived from regional and worldwide subduction-zone databases. However, there are significant differences in the estimations computed from our model and other models. First, our results reveal that attenuation in Mexico tends to be stronger than that of worldwide relations, especially for large events. Second, our model predicts ground motions for large earthquakes at close distances to the source that are considerably larger than the estimations of global models. Lack of data in this range makes it difficult to identify the most appropriate model for this scenario. Nevertheless, according to the available data at the city of Acapulco, our model seems to estimate seismic hazard more adequately than the other models. These new relations may be useful in computing seismic hazard for the Mexican forearc region, where no similar equations had been yet proposed.  相似文献   

Aseismic design implications of near-fault san fernando earthquake records   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Near-fault records of the 1971 San Fernando earthquake contain severe, long duration acceleration pulses which result in unusually large ground velocity increments. A review of these records along with the results of available theoretical studies of near-fault ground motions indicates that such acceleration pulses may be characteristic of near-fault sites in general. The results of an analytical study of a building severely damaged during the San Fernando earthquake indicate that such severe, long duration acceleration pulses were the cause of the main features of the observed structural damage. The implications of such pulses on current aseismic design methods, particularly those used to establish design earthquakes, are examined for buildings located near potential earthquake faults. Analytical studies of the non-linear dynamic response of single and multiple degree-of-freedom systems to several near-fault records, as well as to a more standard accelerogram, indicate that at near-fault sites: (a) very large displacement ductilities may result for current levels of code design forces; (b) smoothed elastic design response spectra should reflect the larger ground velocities that may occur; and (c) peak inelastic response cannot reliably be inferred from elastic response predictions.  相似文献   

复阻尼地震反应谱的计算方法及其它   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:11  
本文阐述了为什么要研究复阻尼地震反应谱问题,并给出了复阻尼地震反应谱计算的精确方法.实例计算结果表明,复阻尼反应港与常用的粘性阻尼反应谱之间存在着相当大的差异.文中还简述了复阻尼系统运动方程的建立方法。  相似文献   

Techniques for soil property estimation can be categorized into two main groups, in-situ and laboratory methods. Previous investigations indicated that strong ground motions record provides a very useful tool to estimating the in-situ characteristics of soil. The main objective of the present work is to utilize the particle swarm optimization algorithm(PSOA) integrated with linear site response method to obtain the equivalent soil profile characteristics from the available surface and bedrock earthquake motion records. To demonstrate the numerical efficiency and the validity of this approach, the procedure is validated against an available case. Then this procedure is utilized to identify the soil properties profiles of the site by using strong ground motions data recorded during the Bam earthquake of December 26, 2003. The magnitude and PGA of Bam earthquake were MW 6.6 and 0.8 g respectively.  相似文献   

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