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Quantifying biogeochemical cycles of nitrogen (N) and the associated fluxes to surface waters remains challenging, given the need to deal with spatial and temporal variability and to characterize complex and heterogeneous landscapes. We focused our study on catchments S14 and S15 located in the Adirondack Mountains of New York, USA, which have similar topographic and hydrologic characteristics but contrasting stream nitrate ( ) concentrations. We characterized the mechanisms by which reaches the streams during hydrological events in these catchments, aiming to reconcile our field data with our conceptual model of factors that regulate nutrient exports from forested catchments. Combined hydrometric, chemical and isotopic (δ ) data showed that the relative contributions of both soil and ground water sources were similar between the two catchments. Temporal patterns of stream chemistry were markedly different between S14 and S15, however, because the water sources in the two catchments have different solute concentrations. During late summer/fall, the largest source of in S14 was till groundwater, whereas shallow soil was the largest source in S15. concentrations in surface water decreased in S14, whereas they increased in S15 because an increasing proportion of stream flow was derived from shallow soil sources. During snowmelt, the largest sources of were in the near‐surface soil in both catchments. Concentrations of increased as stream discharge increased and usually peaked before peak discharge, when shallow soil water sources made the largest contribution to stream discharge. The timing of peaks in stream concentrations was affected by antecedent moisture conditions. By elucidating the factors that affect sources and transport of N, including differences in the soil nutrient cycling and hydrological characteristics of S14 and S15, this study contributes to the overall conceptualization of release from temperate forested catchments. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Critical zone influences on hydrologic partitioning, subsurface flow paths and reactions along these flow paths dictate the timing and magnitude of groundwater and solute flux to streams. To isolate first‐order controls on seasonal streamflow generation within highly heterogeneous, snow‐dominated basins of the Colorado River, we employ a multivariate statistical approach of end‐member mixing analysis using a suite of daily chemical and isotopic observations. Mixing models are developed across 11 nested basins (0.4 to 85 km2) spanning a gradient of climatological, physical, and geological characteristics. Hydrograph separation using rain, snow, and groundwater as end‐members indicates that seasonal contributions of groundwater to streams is significant. Mean annual groundwater flux ranges from 12% to 33% whereas maximum groundwater contributions of 17% to 50% occur during baseflow. The direct relationship between snow water equivalent and groundwater flux to streams is scale dependent with a trend toward self‐similarity when basins exceed 5.5 km2. We find groundwater recharge increases in basins of high relief and within the upper subalpine where maximum snow accumulation is coincident with reduced conifer cover and lower canopy densities. The mixing model developed for the furthest downstream site did not transfer to upstream basins. The resulting error in predicted stream concentrations points toward weathering reactions as a function of source rock and seasonal shifts in flow path. Additionally, the potential for microbial sulfate reduction in floodplain sediments along a low‐gradient, meandering portion of the river is sufficient to modify hillslope contributions and alter mixing ratios in the analysis. Soil flushing in response to snowmelt is not included as an end‐member but is identified as an important mechanism for release of solutes from these mountainous watersheds. End‐member mixing analysis used in combination with high‐frequency observations reveals important aspects of catchment hydrodynamics across scale.  相似文献   

A model has been developed to investigate the sensitivity of magma permeability, k, to various parameters. Power-law relationships between k and porosity J are revealed, in agreement with previous experimental and theoretical studies. These relationships take the form % MathType!MTEF!2!1!+- % feaaeaart1ev0aaatCvAUfKttLearuavTnhis1MBaeXatLxBI9gBae % rbd9wDYLwzYbWexLMBbXgBcf2CPn2qVrwzqf2zLnharyavP1wzZbIt % LDhis9wBH5garqqtubsr4rNCHbGeaGqiVCI8FfYJH8sipiYdHaVhbb % f9v8qqaqFr0xc9pk0xbba9q8WqFfeaY-biLkVcLq-JHqpepeea0-as % 0Fb9pgeaYRXxe9vr0-vr0-vqpWqaaeaabiGaciaacaqabeaadaabau % aaaOqaaiqbdUgaRzaajaGaeyypa0Jaem4AaSMaei4la8IaemOCai3a % aWbaaSqabeaacqaIYaGmaaGccqGH9aqpcqWGHbqycqGGOaakcqaHgp % GzcqGHsislcqaHgpGzdaWgaaWcbaGaem4yamMaemOCaihabeaakiab % cMcaPmaaCaaaleqabaGaemOyaigaaaaa!4CE4! [^(k)] = k/r2 = a(f- fcr )b\hat k = k/r^2 = a(\phi - \phi _{cr} )^b where r is the mean bubble radius, Jcr is the percolation threshold below which permeability is zero, and a and b are constants. It is discovered that % MathType!MTEF!2!1!+- % feaaeaart1ev0aaatCvAUfKttLearuavTnhis1MBaeXatLxBI9gBae % rbd9wDYLwzYbWexLMBbXgBcf2CPn2qVrwzqf2zLnharyavP1wzZbIt % LDhis9wBH5garqqtubsr4rNCHbGeaGqiVCI8FfYJH8sipiYdHaVhbb % f9v8qqaqFr0xc9pk0xbba9q8WqFfeaY-biLkVcLq-JHqpepeea0-as % 0Fb9pgeaYRXxe9vr0-vr0-vqpWqaaeaabiGaciaacaqabeaadaabau % aaaOqaaiqbdUgaRzaajaGaeyOeI0IaeqOXdygaaa!3CDB! [^(k)] - f\hat k - \phi relationships are independent of bubble size. The percolation threshold was found to lie at around 30% porosity. Polydisperse bubble-size distributions (BSDs) give permeabilities around an order of magnitude greater than monodisperse distributions at the same porosity. If bubbles are elongated in a preferred direction then permeability in this direction is increased, but, perpendicular to this direction, permeability is unaffected. In crystal-free melts the greatest control on permeability is the ease of bubble coalescence. In viscous magmas, or when the cooling time-scale is short, bubble coalescence is impeded and permeability is much reduced. This last effect can cause variations in permeability of several orders of magnitude.  相似文献   

Factors controlling sediment yield in China's Loess Plateau   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The Loess Plateau in China, an area with some of the highest sediment yield in the world, contributes predominant proportion of the sediments found in the Yellow River. We examined sediment yield and its control variables in the plateau based on a multi‐year dataset from 180 gauging stations in areas varying in size from 102 to 104 km2. Various morphometric, hydrologic, climatic and land cover variables were estimated in order to understand and predict the variations in sediment yield. The results show a spatial pattern of sediment yield exhibiting an obvious zonal distribution and a coupling between precipitation and vegetation cover that fits the Langbein–Schumm law. A critical threshold of precipitation and vegetation cover was observed among the relationships of sediment yield and precipitation/vegetation cover. A multiple regression equation with three control variables, i.e. vegetation cover, percentage of cultivated loess and annual runoff, explains 65% of the total variation in sediment yield. For the loess dominated basins, where the cultivated loess accounts for more than 60% of the total area, annual runoff was the dominant variable, explaining 76% of the observed variation in sediment yield. The established equation could be a valuable tool for predicting total sediment yield in the Loess Plateau. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Factors which control lava flow length are still not fully understood. The assumption that flow length as mainly influenced by viscosity was contested by Walker (1973) who proposed that the length of a lava flow was dependent on the mean effusion rate, and by Malin (1980) who concluded that flow length was dependent on erupted volume. Our reanalysis of Malin's data shows that, if short duration and tube-fed flows are eliminated, Malin's Hawaiian flow data are consistent with Walker's assertion. However, the length of a flow can vary, for a given effusion rate, by a factor of 7, and by up to 10 for a given volume. Factors other than effusion rate and volume are therefore clearly important in controlling the lengths of lava flows. We establish the relative importance of the other factors by performing a multivariate analysis of data for recent Hawaiian lava flows. In addition to generating empirical equations relating flow length to other variables, we have developed a non-isothermal Bingham flow model. This computes the channel and levee width of a flow and hence permits the advance rates of flows and their maximum cooling-limited lengths for different gradients and effusion rates to be calculated. Changing rheological properties are taken into account using the ratio of yield strength to viscosity; available field measurements show that this varies systematically from the vent to the front of a lava flow. The model gives reasonable agreement with data from the 1983–1986 Pu'u Oo eruptions and the 1984 eruption of Mauna Loa. The method has also been applied to andesitic and rhyolitic lava flows. It predicts that, while the more silicic lava flows advance at generally slower rates than basaltic flows, their maximum flow lengths, for a given effusion rate, will be greater than for basaltic lava flows.  相似文献   

Most if not all kimberlite pipes show a multitude of facies types, which imply that the pipes were emplaced under an episodic re-occurrence of eruptive phases, often with intermittent phases of volcanic quiescence. The majority of these facies can be related to either the fragmentation behaviour of the magma during emplacement or changing conditions during sedimentation of volcaniclastic deposits, as well as their alteration and compaction after deposition. An additional factor controlling pipe-facies architecture is the degree of mobility of the loci of explosions in the explosion chambers of the root zone or root zones at the base of the maar-diatreme volcano. In a growing pipe, the root zone moves downward and, with that movement, the overlying diatreme enlarges both in size and diameter. However, during the life span of the volcano, the explosion chamber can also move upward, back into the lower diatreme, where renewed explosions result in the destruction of older deposits and their structures. Next to vertical shifts of explosion chambers, the loci of explosions can also move laterally along the feeder dyke or dyke swarm. This mobility of explosion chambers results in a highly complex facies architecture in which a pipe can be composed of several separate root zones that are overlain by an amalgamated, crosscutting diatreme and maar crater with several lobes. Pipe complexity is amplified by periodic changes of the fragmentation behaviour and explosivity of kimberlite magma. Recent mapping and logging results of Canadian and African kimberlite pipes suggest that kimberlite magma fragmentation ranges from highly explosive with abundant entrained country rock fragments to weakly explosive spatter-like production with scarce xenoliths. On occasions, spatter may even reconstitute and form a texturally coherent deposit on the crater floor. In addition, ascending kimberlite magma can pass the loci of earlier fragmentation events in the root zone and intrudes as coherent hypabyssal kimberlite dykes in high pipe levels or forms extrusive lava lakes or flows on the crater floor or the syneruptive land surface, respectively. This highly variable emplacement behaviour is typical for basaltic maar-diatreme volcanoes and since similar deposits can also be found in kimberlites, it can be concluded that also the volcanological processes leading to these deposits are similar to the ones observed in basaltic pipes.  相似文献   

A number of processes may modify the noble gas composition of silicate liquids so that the composition of noble gases observed in glassy margins of deep-sea basalts is not that of the upper mantle. Differential solubility enhances the light noble gases relative to the heavier gases; however, we demonstrate that the observed abundance pattern cannot be attributed to solubility of noble gases with atmospheric proportions. Partial melting and fractional crystallization increase the noble gas content of all species relative to mantle concentrations, but do not fractionate their relative abundances. Noble gases may be lost from an ascending magma in various ways, the most important, however, may be exclusion of gas from crystals forming at the time of solidification, which is shown to result in marked loss of gas from the basalt. Small amounts of low-temperature alteration of solidified basalt can produce dramatic changes in the noble gas abundance pattern, since the adsorption coefficients for the different noble gas favor uptake of heavy species relative to the light species. Atmospheric contamination can account for observed variations in the 40Ar/36Ar ratio of oceanic basalts. The degree of crystallinity of glassy margins of deep-sea basalts may control the helium abundance of these samples; however, the uniform 3He/4He values reported apparently reflect a relatively constant proportion of radiogenic and primordial helium in the mantle.  相似文献   

张喆  许力生  杜海林 《地球物理学报》2019,62(11):4279-4289

2018年8月19日,在斐济东部海域563 km深处发生了一次MW8.2地震.我们首先挑选位于美国阿拉斯加地区的131个宽频带台站构成台阵,选用垂直分量0.5~2 Hz的高频信号,利用广义台阵反投影技术对这次地震的破裂过程进行了成像,然后基于破裂速度对地震的辐射效率进行了估计.结果表明,这次地震总体上呈单侧破裂,破裂方位在3.0°左右,破裂总长度约51 km,持续时间22 s,平均破裂速度为2.5 km·s-1.但能量释放有2次高峰,形成两次子事件.第一次为前10 s,峰值在7 s左右,破裂速度为2.9 km·s-1,辐射效率为45%.第二次为10~22 s,峰值在15 s左右,破裂速度为1.6 km·s-1,辐射效率为26%.结合震源位置、震源机制、破裂速度以及辐射效率,我们认为这次地震是由于俯冲板块前缘受到下部地幔物质上浮阻力引起的剪切失稳所致,起初板块内部的脆性破裂表现突出,致使辐射效率较高,后来震源处高温高压下的熔融耗散特征逐渐凸现,致使辐射效率下降.


A suite of physical–biological models was used to explore the importance of mortality and fluid dynamics in controlling concentrations of fecal indicator bacteria (FIB) at Huntington Beach, CA. An advection–diffusion (AD) model provided a baseline to assess improvements in model skill with the inclusion of mortality. Six forms of mortality were modeled. All mortality models performed better than the AD model, especially at offshore sampling stations, where model skill increased from <0.18 to >0.50 (Escherichia coli) or <?0.14 to >0.30 (Enterococcus). Models including cross-shore variable mortality rates reproduced FIB decay accurately (p < 0.05) at more stations than models without. This finding is consistent with analyses that revealed cross-shore variability in Enterococcus species composition and solar dose response. No best model was identified for Enterococcus, as all models including cross-shore variable mortality performed similarly. The best model for E. coli included solar-dependent and cross-shore variable mortality.  相似文献   

According to the soil particles data, DEM elevation, slope, distance to river, distance along river, land use, and soil type for 95 typical sampling profiles along the Tarim river mainstream, the generalized linear models (GLMs) and generalized additive models (GAMs) are used to identify the spatial variability pattern of soil particles on the watershed scale and associated driving forces. The results show that the drainage basin sand, silt and clay content along the Tarim river mainstream all present moderate variability. The spatial pattern of soil particles is mainly subjected to the influence of gravity, hydrodynamic force, soil parent material and human activities. Modeling results show that the GAMs performs better than GLMs in regard to the explanation of total deviation. The contribution degree of GAMs for total deviation is 44.19 % (sand), 38.68 % (silt) and 37.46 % (clay). This major influence factors of soil particles distribution are land use, hydrodynamic force, soil type and terrain. The study has provided a way to explore aspects of spatial heterogeneity and to discover how spatial pattern controls the distribution of the soil particles.  相似文献   

Dissolved oxygen (DO) plays a critical role in the development of the juvenile stages of benthic spawning fish and salmonids in particular. Factors influencing the DO regime within spawning gravels include the accumulation of fine sediment, penetration of groundwater or surface water into the gravels, thermal regime, and the consumption of oxygen by sediment and its associated organic fractions. In this field study, we quantify the DO regime within an artificial salmon redd at high temporal resolution. The environment within the redd is shown to be complex, with large variations in DO. Application of a numerical model (SIDO‐UK) enables for the first time, the quantification of the relative contributions to DO consumption from thermal regime, sediment accumulation and sediment oxygen demand. Sediment accumulation is shown to have a minor impact on DO in the redd whereas upwelling groundwater is identified as the most likely cause of the major changes in DO. Bed mobility has a minor impact on DO regime of the redd. The effects of fine sediment and oxygen supply on salmon embryo survival are estimated. Implications for river catchment management and prospects for future research are discussed. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Due to their role in increasing fertility, coppice dunes (nebkhas) are regarded by many researchers as important contributors to aridland ecosystems. Yet, despite their frequent occurrence, little information exists regarding the rate and factors that control their formation. The goal of the current study is to examine the formation rate and factors that determine the establishment of coppice dunes in the Hallamish dune field in the western Negev Desert. The rate in which sand and fines, hereafter aeolian input (AI) was trapped and its particle size distribution (PSD) were examined by means of the solidification of 2 m × 2 m plots using surface stabilizers, and by the installation of three pairs of artificial shrubs (SH), three pairs of artificial trees (TR), and a pair of control (CT) plots. Measurements were annually conducted during June 2004 and June 2008, with monthly collection during June 2004 and May 2006. The PSD was compared to coppice dunes located on the fine‐grained playa surface. AI was trapped at SH, while it was not trapped at TR and CT. The annual rate of AI accretion under the canopy was highly variable ranging between 1405 and 13 260 g m?2, with a four‐year average of 5676 g m?2, i.e. 3.8 mm a?1. It depended upon the wind power, with drift potential having a threshold velocity of Ut > 10 m s?1 yielding the higher correlations with the monthly AI (r2 = 0.59–0.84). No significant relations were obtained between the monthly AI and shrub height. Sand saltation, suspension and creep are seen responsible for mound formation, which based on the current rates of sand accretion are relatively fast with a 60 cm‐high coppice dune forming within ~150–160 years. The current data highlight the problematic design of some previous research using conventional traps and confining the measurements only to certain seasons. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Estimates of sediment yield are essential in water resources analysis, modelling and engineering, in investigations of continental denudation rates, and in studies of drainage basin response to changes in climate and land use. The availability of high resolution, global environmental datasets offers an opportunity to examine the relationships between specific sediment yield (SYsp) and drainage basin attributes in a geographical information system (GIS) environment. This study examines SYsp at 14 long‐term gauging stations within the upper Indus River basin. Twenty‐nine environmental variables were derived from global datasets, the majority with a 1 × 1 km resolution. The SYsp ranges from 194 to 1302 t km?2 yr?1 for sub‐basins ranging from 567 to 212 447 km2. The high degree of scatter in SYsp is greatly reduced when the stations are divided into three groups: upper, glacierized sub‐basins; lower, monsoon sub‐basins; and the main Indus River. Percentage snow/ice cover (LCs) emerges as the single major land cover control for SYsp in the high mountainous upper Indus River basin. A regression model with percentage snow/ice cover (LCs) as the single independent variable explains 73·4% of the variance in SYsp for the whole Indus basin. A combination of percentage snow/ice cover (LCs), relief and climate variables explains 98·5% of the variance for the upper, glacierized sub‐basins. For the lower monsoon region, a regression model with only mean annual precipitation (P) explains 99·4% of the variance. Along the main Indus River, a regression model including just basin relief (R) explains 92·4% of the variance in SYsp. Based on the R2adj and P‐value statistics, the variables used are capable of explaining the majority of variance in the upper Indus River basin. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Avulsion is a key process in building alluvial fans, but it is also a formidable natural hazard. Based on laboratory experiments monitored with novel high-frequency photogrammetry, we present a new model for avulsion on widely graded gravel fans. Previous experimental studies of alluvial fans have suggested that avulsion occurs in a periodic autogenic cycle, that is thought to be mediated by the gradient of the fan and fan-channel. However, those studies measured gradients at low spatial or temporal resolutions, which capture temporally or spatially averaged topographic evolution. Here, we present high-resolution (1 mm), high-frequency (1-minute) topographic data and orthophotos from an alluvial fan experiment. Avulsions in the experiment were rapid and, in contrast to some previous experimental studies, avulsion occurrence was aperiodic. Moreover, we found little evidence of the back-filling observed at coarser temporal and spatial resolutions. Our observations suggest that avulsion is disproportionately affected by sediment accumulation in the channel, particularly around larger, less mobile grains. Such in-channel deposition can cause channel shifting that interrupts the autogenic avulsion cycle, so that avulsions are aperiodic and their timing is more difficult to predict.  相似文献   

利用S波高频衰减参数对云南地区地壳Q值成像   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
根据35个数字地震台站记录的云南地区1999 ~2007年6429个近震的波形资料,采用遗传算法对S波位移谱的高频衰减进行拟合,得到19009条衰减算子t*数据.根据这些衰减算子t*数据,反演得到云南地区地壳Q值分布.结果表明,云南地区的地壳Q值分布存在显著的横向不均匀性,即红河断裂北侧地壳Q值整体偏低,而红河断裂南侧地壳Q值整体较高.云南地区1900年以来6级以上强震基本上位于低Q值区域,这可能由于强烈构造活动导致地壳产生大量裂隙,且裂隙中充满流体,从而表现为低Q值;但呈北西向的龙陵—澜沧—耿马—孟连一带的强震却位于高Q值区,这可能与该地区正发育一条新的构造带有关.此外,云南地区的高大地热流点(>80 mW/m2)基本上位于低Q值区域,热流值与衰减值成负对应关系.  相似文献   

Quasi-electrostatic Z-mode waves created by the transmitting part of the OEDIPUS-C payload were measured on the receiving part at 1200 m distance. Solutions of the complete electromagnetic dispersion relation for a hot magnetoplasma reveal, however, that there is no solution that provides direct ray paths along the transmitter-receiver separation direction with the observed signal group delays. An interpretive model is therefore proposed in which sounder-accelerated electrons (SAE) radiate incoherently as they spiral along the magnetic field direction in the general direction of the receiving subpayload. Test-particle theory combined with the hot-plasma dispersion solution is used to predict the total electric field for previously reported SAE flux levels. It is found that voltage levels measured on the receiving dipoles have about the same order of magnitude as the predicted ones.  相似文献   

本文采用数值分析的方法探讨Toeplitz矩阵延拓成ω循环矩阵时特征值的逼近程度.对于对称共轭型Toeplitz矩阵,采用ω=±i时对应的循环矩阵特征值的逼近程度较好;对于其它Toeplitz矩阵,采用共轭转置将其转化为对称共轭型矩阵后,才有利于特征值的逼近.可将本文方法广泛应用于地球物理中的数值计算(如位场计算、信号处理中的反褶积、地震资料的偏移处理等).  相似文献   

In this work, the benefits of high-frequency (HF) radar ocean observation technology for backtracking drifting objects are analysed. The HF radar performance is evaluated by comparison of trajectories between drifter buoys versus numerical simulations using a Lagrangian trajectory model. High-resolution currents measured by a coastal HF radar network combined with atmospheric fields provided by numerical models are used to backtrack the trajectory of two dataset of surface-drifting buoys: group I (with drogue) and group II (without drogue). A methodology based on optimization methods is applied to estimate the uncertainty in the trajectory simulations and to optimize the search area of the backtracked positions. The results show that, to backtrack the trajectory of the buoys in group II, both currents and wind fields were required. However, wind fields could be practically discarded when simulating the trajectories of group I. In this case, the optimal backtracked trajectories were obtained using only HF radar currents as forcing. Based on the radar availability data, two periods ranging between 8 and 10?h were selected to backtrack the buoy trajectories. The root mean squared error (RMSE) was found to be 1.01?km for group I and 0.82?km for group II. Taking into account these values, a search area was calculated using circles of RMSE radii, obtaining 3.2 and 2.11?km2 for groups I and II, respectively. These results show the positive contribution of HF radar currents for backtracking drifting objects and demonstrate that these data combined with atmospheric models are of value to perform backtracking analysis of drifting objects.  相似文献   

The high-frequency (HF) radar inversion algorithm for spectrum estimation (HIAS) can estimate ocean wave directional spectra from both dual and single radar. Wave data from a dual radar and two single radars are compared with in situ observations. The agreement of the wave parameters estimated from the dual radar with those from in situ observations is the best of the three. In contrast, the agreement of the wave parameters estimated from the single radar in which no Doppler spectra are observed in the cell closest to the in situ observation point is the worst among the three. Wave data from the dual radar and the two single radars are compared. The comparison of the wave heights estimated from the single and dual radars shows that the area sampled by the Doppler spectra for the single radar is more critical than the number of Doppler spectra in terms of agreement with the dual-radar-estimated wave heights. In contrast, the comparison of the wave periods demonstrates that the number of Doppler spectra observed by the single radar is more critical for agreement of the wave periods than the area of the Doppler spectra. There is a bias directed to the radar position in the single radar estimated wave direction.  相似文献   


广东河源新丰江水库位于华南典型断层上,自1959年水库蓄水以来,库区地震活动性明显增强,并发生了6.1级触发地震.然而我们对其地下结构的了解还远远不够,对库区地震的研究也因此存在很多不确定性.为了研究库区浅层地下结构,我们在2015年初在新丰江库区人字石断裂周边布设了42个短周期地震仪的密集地震台网.台间距大约为100~500 m,时间跨度为1个月.我们对获得的每个台站的连续信号分段进行处理,并对任意台站对的信号进行互相关和叠加处理,恢复所有台站对间的经验格林函数(EGF).然后利用多次滤波分析方法测量瑞利波群速度频散曲线,并反演该区域的群速度分布和三维剪切波速度结构.我们的结果表明,对于这样比较密集的台站间距,高频(0.2~1.2 s)频散信号基本可以得到很好的恢复,且该频段信号对浅层地下结构(< 1 km)较为敏感.剪切波速度分布表明该区域人字石断裂位置出现明显的低速分布,并且低速区在断裂南端向两侧延伸,有可能代表与人字石断裂交错的小断裂区域.同时,人字石断裂把该区域划分成了东西两部分,两侧整体上呈现高速异常,与地表山丘相吻合.我们的结果得到了新丰江人字石断裂附近的近地浅层的小尺度精细速度结构,为进一步理解该区域的构造以及地震发生提供了重要依据.


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