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Balanced and restored cross-sections through the central and eastern Pyrenees, constructed using both surface and borehole data, demonstrate the presence of c.18km of shortening above a flat lying N-directed Alpine décollement surface. Hangingwall diagrams show how the North Pyrenean satellite massifs are culminations within this thrust system. Pre-thrusting structures such as subhorizontal stretching lineations in the North Pyrenean Fault zone became rotated above these culminations as the North Pyrenean Fault was cut by Alpine thrusts. Stratigraphic evidence demonstrates that N-directed thrust movements occurred between mid Eocene and Oligocene time, and this is similar to the age of major S-directed thrust movements on the south side of the Axial Zone. The N-directed thrust system probably originated as a series of backthrusts to the dominant S-directed structures.  相似文献   


Detailed mapping of the prc-Variscan rocks exposed in the Southern Central Pyrenees reveals the occurrence of extensional tectonic contacts overprinted by main phase and pre-main phase folds. The interpretation of the former contacts as normal faults and the reinterpretation of other contacts described in the literature lead us to suggest an extensional event during Devonian and/or early Carboniferous times, prior to the contrac-tional Variscan paroxysm.  相似文献   

The thesis area of Hans Cloos in the eastern Jura straddles the boundary between the Paleogene structures of the Tabular Jura, a part of the southeastern end of the Rhine graben, and the Neogene folds and thrusts of the Folded Jura. A recent reflection seismic survey in the area adjacent to the east provides new information on the subsurface structure and the relation between three superposed tectonic events. The main boundary fault zones of a deep and complexly faulted late Paleozoic trough, trending ENE, were reactivated in the early Tertiary. Faulted flexures and small folds, rooted in the basement and Paleozoic, with an amplitude of usually 100 to 300 m were produced, rather than the normal faults typical for the extensional fields of the Rhine-Bresse graben system in the west and the Bavarian Molasse basin in the east. This suggests their being part of a transform zone between these extensional fields. During Jura décollement in the Neogene these inherited, deeply rooted sub-décollement structures remained passive: their small size is kinematically incompatible with the intense subsequent thrusting and folding of the thin Mesozoic-Tertiary skin. However, thrust ramps were apparently nucleated at the respective southern foot of these Paleogene flexures and folds. The best defined and simplest of these composite structures is the Mandach structure within the Tabular Jura, a south-facing flexure of about 300 m relief, developed in the Paleogene by reactivation of the northern border fault zone of the Paleozoic trough. In the Neogene a north-vergent décollement thrust, which is connected with the regional Jura décollement in the middle Triassic evaporites, was initiated at its site.The southernmost nucleation point at the southern limit of the folded Jura was apparently re-used after intervals of northward spreading of décollement. There is evidence that a similar succession of events took place in the central and western Jura as well. Regionally, the boundary faults of at least some of the Paleozoic troughs were reactivated in the early Tertiary as transform zones linking the Rhein-Bresse-Rhone graben systems, while these early Tertiary tectonics in turn provided important boundary conditions for Jura décollement, which is the result of northward propagation of the Europa-Africa collision zone in the Neogene.
Zusammenfassung Das Dissertationsgebiet von Hans Cloos im östlichen Jura liegt im Grenzbezirk zwischen den untertertiären Strukturen des Tafeljuras, einem Teil des Südostens des Rheingrabens, und den neogenen Falten und überschiebungen des Faltenjuras. In jüngster Zeit wurden reflexionsseismische Aufnahmen von ausgezeichneter Qualität im östlich anschlie\enden Gebiet durchgeführt. Sie förderten kritische neue Informationen zutage über die Untergrundstruktur und die Beziehungen zwischen drei aufeinanderfolgenden tektonischen Ereignissen. Das älteste ist dokumentiert in einem mehrere Kilometer tiefen und komplex zerbrochenen und gefalteten spätpaläozoischen Trog, der ungefähr ONO streicht. Seine wichtigsten Randbruchzonen wurden im Untertertiär reaktiviert, und zwar entstanden leicht zerbrochene Flexuren und kleine Falten, die in der Tiefe wurzeln und eine Amplitude von ungefähr 100–300 Meter erreichen. Dieser tektonische Stil steht im Gegensatz zu den gleichaltrigen Dehnungsfeldern sowohl im Westen (Rhein-Bresse Grabensystem) wie auch im Osten (Bruchsysteme des bayrischen Molassebeckens). Daraus möchte man schlie\en, da\ das Untersuchungsgebiet in einer vermittelnden Transformzone liegt. Während der neogenen Jura-Abscherung über den Trias-Evaporiten blieben diese kleinen Strukturen passiv: ihre geringe Grö\e ist kinematisch inkompatibel mit der intensiven Uberschiebungs- und Faltentektonik der abgescherten Sedimenthaut. Anderseits wurden nach der seismischen Evidenz an ihrem jeweiligen Südfu\ überschiebungsrampen nukleiert. Die am besten definierte und einfachste dieser zusammengesetzten Strukturen ist die Mandach-Struktur im Tafeljura, eine nach Süden blickende Flexur von etwa 300 Metern Höhe. Sie entstand im Paläogen durch Reaktivierung der nördlichen Randbruchzone des paläozoischen Troges. Die Datierung als Paläogen gelingt in der östlichen Forsetzung. Im Neogen entwickelte sich an dieser Flexur eine nordvergente überschiebung, die gegen Süden in die allgemeine Abscherung des Juras über den Evaporiten der mittleren Trias übergeht.Der südlichste Nukleationspunkt für überschiebungen am Südfu\ des Juras wurde offenbar wiederholt aktiviert nach Intervallen, in denen sich die Abscherung nach Norden ausbreitete. Er könnte als eine Art »überschiebungsmühle« bezeichnet werden. Es gibt mancherlei Anzeichen für eine ähnliche Reihenfolge der Ereignisse im zentralen und westlichen Jura. Regional gesehen wurden besonders die Randstörungen wenigstens einiger der paläozoischen Tröge im Paläogen reaktiviert, und zwar hauptsächlich als Transformzonen im Rhein-Bresse-Rhone-Graben-System. Anderseits lieferte diese untertertiäre Tektonik wesentliche Randbedingungen für die neogene Jura-Abscherung, die Front der sich gegen Norden ausbreitenden Kollisionszone zwischen Europa und Afrika.

Résumé Le terrain de thèse de Hans Cloos dans le Jura oriental se situe dans la zone limite entre les structures paléogènes du Jura tabulaire, partie de la terminaison sud-est du fossé rhénan, et les plis et charriages néogènes du Jura plissé. Récemment, des relevés de sismique-réflexion d'excellente qualité ont été effectués dans la région située immédiatement à l'Est. Ils ont fourni de nouvelles informations sur la structure du sous-sol et sur les relations entre trois évéments tectoniques successifs. Le premier de ceux-ci concerne un bassin d'âge paléozoÏque supérieur, profond de plusieurs kilomètres, de direction générale Est-Nord-Est, faillé et plissé de manière complexe. Ses zones faillées les plus importantes ont été réactivées au Tertiaire inférieur, avec formation de flexures et de petits plis d'une amplitude de 100 à 300 m environ, légèrement faillés et enracinés dans le socle. Ce style tectonique s'oppose à celui des champs d'extension de mÊme âge qui sont situés soit à l'Ouest (fossés Rhin-Bresse), soit à l'Est (champs de failles du bassin molassique bavarois). On peut déduie de là que le domaine en question se situe probablement dans une zone intermédiaire à failles transformantes. Pendant le décollement néogène le long des évaporites du Trias, ces petites structures sont restées passives: du point de vue cinématique, leurs faibles dimensions sont incompatibles avec la déformation intense par charriages et par plis de la couverture décollée. D'autre part, selon les données sismiques, des rampes de chevauchement ont pris naissance au pied méridional de ces flexures. Parmi ces structures composées, la mieux défine et la plus simple est celle de Mandach dans le Jura tabulaire: c'est une flexure à regard sud d'une hauteur d'environ 300 m. Elle s'est formée au Paléogène (y inclus l'Aquitanien) par réactivation de la marge faillée septentrionale du bassin paléozoÏque. Plus à l'Est, cette réactivation se révèle d'âge »pré-molasse marine supérieure« (Burdigalien). A l'endroit de cette flexure, il s'est développé pendant le Néogène un petit chevauchement de vergence nord qui passe vers le Sud au décollement général du Jura sur les évaporites du Trias moyen.Le point le plus méridional aù des chevauchements ont été engendrés au pied sud du Jura a été réactivé plusieurs fois, après des intervalles marqués par l'expansion du décollement vers le Nord (»moulin à chevauchements«). Il existe plusieurs indications d'une succession semblable d'événements dans le Jura central et occidental. Du point de vue régional les failles bordières de plusieurs bassins paléozoÏques ont été réactivées au Paléogène, surtout dans les zones transformantes du système des fossés Rhin-Bresse-RhÔne. D'autre part cette tectonique paléogène a fourni des conditions marginales dont le rÔle fut important lors du décollement néogène, qui a constitué le front septentrional de la collision entre l'Europe et l'Afrique.

, . , , , . , . , ENE, , . , , , 100–300 . - - -, - . , . : . , , . , . . 300 , . . . , . , , , . , . , , . : - . , , . . , .

 The palaeotemperature distribution in the transition from diagenesis to metamorphism in the western nappes of the Cantabrian Zone (Somiedo, La Sobia and Aramo Units) are analysed by conodont colour alteration index (CAI) and illite crystallinity (IC). Structural and stratigraphic control in distribution of CAI and IC values is observed. Both CAI and IC value distributions show that anchizonal conditions are reached in the lower part of the Somiedo Unit. A disruption of the thermal trend by basal thrusts is evidenced by CAI and IC values. There is an apparent discrepancy between the IC and CAI values in Carboniferous rocks of the Aramo Unit; the IC has mainly anchizonal values, whereas the CAI has diagenetic values. Discrepant IC values are explained as a feature inherited from the source area. In the Carboniferous rocks of the La Sobia Unit, both IC and CAI indicate diagenetic conditions. The anchimetamorphism predated completion of emplacement of the major nappes; it probably developed previously and/or during the early stages of motion of the units. Temperature probably decreased when the metamorphosed zones of the sheets rose along ramps and were intensely eroded. In the context of the Iberian Variscan belt, influence of tectonic factors on the metamorphism is greater in the internal parts, where the strain and cleavage are always present, than in the external parts (Cantabrian Zone), where brittle deformation and rock translation are dominant, with an increasing role of the burial on the metamorphism. Received: 11 May 1998 / Accepted: 19 January 1999  相似文献   

M.D. Jones runs special–interest, geology and natural history holidays to the Pyrenees, Spain, North Africa, Iceland and elsewhere, and is a part–time tutor in the Department of Adult Education at the University of Leicester.  相似文献   

大陆构造、大洋构造和地球构造研究构想   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
大陆动力学和大洋动力学是当前固体地球科学的前沿领域 ,反映处于中期阶段的板块理论正向更加深入、全面、完善的方向发展 ,并走向统一的地球构造学的趋势。中、新生代造山带构造 ,全球高原构造的比较 ,周边洋底构造对欧亚大陆的动力作用 ,应是大陆动力学中优先研究的问题。对全球洋底构造的继续探测 ,用地震各向异性研究地幔的流动或变形 ,布设海底宽频带地震台阵探测地幔细结构 ,将会提供更多的地球内部过程信息。“地球大系统科学”概念的提出 ,将能推进固、液、气三态地球多球层相互作用的研究 ,例如固体地球微动态、固液气三态球层运动的可比较性、不同球层分区性的比较等 ,都是需要深入探讨的问题 ,代表了从整体地球系统开展学科交叉研究的方向  相似文献   

Abstract Fluids with compositions in the system CO2-H2O-NaCl were trapped in quartz veins enclosed in low-grade metamorphic rocks (chlorite zone) on the southern flank of the Canigó Massif, eastern Pyrenees. The veins, which also contain arsenopyrite crystals, were formed contemporaneously with the main Hercynian foliation and metamorphism. Volumetric properties of the fluid and the results of arsenopyrite geothermometry suggest P-T trapping conditions of 4.6–6 kbar and 450–530° C. This implies that an episode of metamorphism with an average geothermal gradient of 25° C km−1 occurred during the main deformation event. This episode preceded the low- P /high- T metamorphism described around domes and to date considered as characteristic of the Hercynian orogeny in the Pyrenees.  相似文献   

A palaeomagnetic study of the 100 to 90 m.y. old alkaline igneous rocks of the French Pyrenees has in part revealed large between-site scatter caused by highly variable declination. Magnetomineralogical evidence suggests that the original titano-magnetite has undergone variable low-temperature oxidation through martitization and maghemitization processes, suggesting that the rocks have been remagnetized. When viewed in the context of the Upper Cretaceous–Lower Tertiary inclination pattern based on Portuguese palaeomagnetic data, it is concluded that the rocks most likely acquired their present magnetization during early Campanian–Maastrichtian time, i.e. 20-30 m.y. after their original cooling. On the other hand, this magnetization postdates a major phase of late Cretaceous compressive deformation. Subsequent strike-slip movement along the Pyrenean zone in the Lower Tertiary led to variable rotation of cover units along the orogenic belt, producing the inconsistent palaeomagnetic declination picture presently observed. It is concluded that the geological history of the alkaline rocks of the French Pyrenees, from the magmatic stage to the subsequent events of remagnetization and tectonic deformation, is strongly associated with the Alpine-age rotational instability of Iberia. The principal kinematic history of the Peninsula comprised ca. 40° counterclockwise rotation (relative to Europe) during Cenomanian– Turonian time (100–90 m.y. ago) followed by ca. 70° clockwise rotation in the early Campanian (ca. 75 m.y. ago).  相似文献   

断块构造|活动断块构造与地震活动   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
邓起东  高翔  杨虎 《地质科学》2009,44(4):1083-1093
张文佑院士是我国最杰出的构造地质学家和大地构造学家,他提出和倡导的地质构造力学分析和历史分析相结合及断块构造理论符合当代构造地质和构造运动研究的新方向。断块构造是地球构造运动最基本的型式,板块构造是全球范围内的岩石圈构造,是最高一级的岩石圈断块构造。活动断块是现今构造运动最基本的型式,它既控制主要活动构造带和地震活动带的分布,也控制不同地区地震活动特征的差异。断块边界构造带是在构造变形和运动场中的不连续变形带,应力在此释放,应变在此局部化,位移在此发生,其差异活动最为强烈,因此,断块边界构造带是强震发生带,其活动性质会控制震源断层的特性。大地震孕育和发生在边界活动构造带的某些特殊部位,对其成核的构造和物理过程尚需深入进行研究。要特别注意断块整体性活动对地震活动的控制作用,断块的这种整体性活动与一定时期内地震活动主体地区分布有密切关系,所以,在活动构造研究中,要把断块的整体性活动与活动构造带的个体活动结合起来。  相似文献   

花岗岩与大地构造   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
王涛  王晓霞  郭磊  张磊  童英  李舢  黄河  张建军 《岩石学报》2017,33(5):1459-1478
花岗岩(广义)是地球有别于其它星球及地球上大陆地壳有别于大洋地壳的物质标志,是大陆上分布最广的岩石之一。在已有研究基础上,本文系统阐述了花岗岩大地构造的内涵、研究思路、研究内容和发展方向。花岗岩大地构造将花岗岩视为一种构造标志体、地质体,是从花岗岩角度,探索解决大地构造问题,其研究内容可概括为物理特性(构造)、物质组成(岩石地化)和年代学三大方面,具体研究内容包括:(1)巨量花岗岩浆侵位的物理特性变化及其构造意义,包括岩浆上升迁移、汇聚定位及岩体(带)形成/构建过程;(2)花岗岩体变形改造及其构造意义;(3)花岗岩物源与大陆生长及深部结构,以新老物质组成,划分造山带类型;(4)巨型花岗岩带发育过程与大陆聚散,探索超大陆和中小板块聚散的岩浆响应。花岗岩大地构造丰富了大地构造研究内容,也有助深化花岗岩体(带)形成、发育过程和构造背景的认识。它的提出是当今地球科学学科交叉、融合发展的必要。  相似文献   

Western Europe is traversed by the Rhinegraben rift system. The stages of graben formation evolved coincidentally with the culminations of compressional folding in the Alps. Rhinegraben rifting has been controlled by mantle diapirism, but the Alpine orogeny by subduction of lithosphere. Presumably, Alpine subduction forced compensating mantle uplift in the foreland. The Middle Eocene to Oligocene crustal spreading of the Rhinegraben implies a state of stress with a maximum horizontal component parallel to the graben axis (about 20?). In the same area, the Recent average direction of maximum compressive stress is of about 320? (NW), as calculated by in-situ stress measurements, fault-plane solutions of earthquakes and Recent crustal movements. The rotation of the stress components relative to the crust of stable Europe evolved subsequent to counterclockwise rotations of microplates in the Mediterranean. A model is proposed which ascribes these rotations to alterating shear motions of the Afro-Arabian macroplates relative to stable Europe exerting a ball-bearing effect to the intervenient microplates. The postulated motions are in accord with the patterns of inhomogeneous ocean floor spreading east and west of the African plate. The stages of Alpine plate collision had induced a significant readjustment of intraplate stress conditions, and deformation in the cratonic foreland of stable Europe.  相似文献   

The main outlines of the geology of the Variscan part of the Pyrenees are discussed. Rocks involved in this cycle are high-grade basement gneisses, Palaeozoic sediments and their metamorphic equivalents, late intrusive granodiorites and early, pre-Variscan granites. The main features of the stratigraphy of the Palaeozoic are given.Structures fall into two domains: a low-grade suprastructure, essentially with steep folds and cleavages, and a high-grade infrastructure with dominantly low-dipping foliations. An important phase of early, pre-cleavage folding occurs in low-grade rocks mainly along the southern border of the Axial zone. In high-grade rocks most structures and the metamorphism postdate the main cleavage phase in low-grade rocks. The influence of the Alpine orogeny on the Variscan structures consists mainly of faults, steep, reverse faults in the northern, and south-directed thrusts in the southern part of the Pyrenees. Metamorphism took place under high geothermal gradients and low pressures, as indicated by the abundant occurrence of andalusite and cordierite  相似文献   

Results from a recent earthquake in the Eastern Pyrenees are presented and the seismotectonics of the region is analyzed from the presently available data. On 26 September 1984 an earthquake (ML = 4.4) took place in the area of the historical destructive earthquake of 1428. Several portable stations installed in the epicentral area to record aftershocks permitted of defining a precise location at 42°19.2′N, 2°10.2′E and 5 km depth. A maximum felt intensity of V (MSK) is obtained from macroseismic data. The epicentral location lies within a block bounded by E-W-trending structures and the focal solution shows right-lateral shearing with a NW-SE pressure axis.The seismicity in the Eastern Pyrenees shows a complex pattern which can be associated with both E-W fractures and NE-SW fault systems. Focal solutions of another two recent earthquakes of ML ~ 4, with differences in horizontal pressure axis, are also discussed.  相似文献   

The Brazilian shield was assembled from a few Archean and Paleoproterozoic cratonic nuclei surrounded by Pan-African-Brasiliano mobile belts of Neoproterozoic age. While some of these mobile belts display a typical frontal collision tectonic style, others are dominated by transcurrent regimes, clearly indicating oblique collisional systems. This paper is an attempt to determine the mean orientation of the principal horizontal compressive stresses for each mobile belt, considering either the frontal or oblique convergence character. From these general observations a scheme with WNW - ESE to NWSE trends of the main compressive stress is proposed. We suggest that this trend represents the mean displacement vectors, according to a coherent kinematic picture for the amalgamation of the West Gondwana during the final stages of convergence of the Brasiliano belts, where WNW-ESE to NW-SE are the main directions of final closure.  相似文献   

Late Tertiary and Quaternary volcanism of southeastern Spain can be fitted in a platetectonics model, taking into account the post-Paleozoic evolution of the stable and semimobile Iberian areas and the new orogenic belts bordering the Mediterranean between Africa and the Iberian Peninsula.The occurrence and distribution of calc-alkaline and potassic volcanism suggest an oceanic crust sinking downwards from the Iberian plate. This active margin is causally related to the convergence and collision of Iberia and Africa during Late Cretaceous—Early Miocene time span.A pre-collision distensive phase is inferred from the stratigraphie and tectonic record between the Triassic and Late Cretaceous, while since the Late Miocene another distensive phase is related to the actualistic features.  相似文献   

Eoalpine and mesoalpine tectonics in the Southern Alps   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
According to structural and stratigraphic data, eoalpine and mesoalpine tectonics can be clearly recognized in the Southern Alps and distinguished from the better known neoalpine deformation.The eoalpine phase (Late Cretaceous) was generated by N-S compression. It deformed basically the central-western Southern Alps producing overthrusts to the west and flower structures by sinistral transpression in the Giudicarie Belt. Deposition of the coeval flysch successions was controlled by the trend of this belt. This tectonic pattern persisted until Middle Eocene.The mesoalpine phase (Eocene) was generated mainly by a ENE-WSW compression and produced thrust geometries with N-S or NW-SE direction in the eastern part of the Southern Alps. The coeval Eocene Flysch also followed this trend, filling the foredeep basin. This deformation is considered to be the front of the Dinarids, which began to be deformed since Late Cretaceous until at least Early Oligocene.The neoalpine tectonics inherited the eoalpine and mesoalpine structures and produced the major part of the deformation accounting for the present structural framework of the Southern Alps.
Zusammenfassung Die eo- und mesoalpidische Tektonik in den Südalpen ist strukturell und stratigraphisch erkennbar und von den bekannteren neoalpidischen Bewegungsbildern deutlich zu unterscheiden.Die eoalpidische Phase (Obere Kreide) entspricht einer N-S Kompression, die sich in den zentralen bis westlichen Südalpen bemerkbar macht. Im westlichen Bereich treten Überschiebungen auf, das Judikarische Gebiet wird hingegen durch die von linkslateralen Transpressionen bewirkten Verwerfungsbündel gekennzeichnet, die auch die altersgleichen Flysch-Ablagerungen kontrollieren. Diese tektonische Phase ist bis zum Eozän aktiv.Die mesoalpidische Phase (Eozän) ist auf eine ENE-WSW Kompression zurückzuführen. Sie verursachte in den östlichen Südalpen N-S bis NW-SE gerichtete Überschiebungsbilder. In gleichorientierten vorozeanischen Becken kommt der eozäne Flysch vor. Dieses Deformationsbild kennzeichnet schon in der Oberen Kreide die Dinariden-Front.Die neoalpidische Tektonik vererbte die eo-mesoalpidischen Gefüge-Elemente und verursachte im wesentlichen den gegenwärtig erkennbaren Gefügeplan der Südalpen.

Résumé Dans les Alpes Méridionales, des données stratigraphiques et structurales permettent de reconnaître les tectoniques éoalpine et mésoalpine et de les distinguer des déformations néoalpines, mieux connues.La phase éoalpine (Crétacé supérieur) a été engendrée par une compression N-S. Celle-ci a affecté surtout la partie centre-occidentale des Alpes Méridionales en produisant des charriages à l'ouest et des structures de décrochement sénestres dans la chaîne des Giudicarie, dont l'orientation a déterminé la sédimentation du flysch concommittant. Cette tectonique s'est poursuivie jusqu' à l'Eocène.La phase mésoalpine a été engendrée surtout par une compression ENE-WSW; elle a produit, dans la partie est des Alpes Méridionales, des charriages de direction N-S à NW-SE. Le flysch éocène a suivi cet alignement structural, en remplissant le bassin de l'avant-fosse. Cette déformation est considérée comme le front des Dinarides, dont la formation a commencé dés le Crétacé supérieur.La tectonique néoalpine a hérité des structures éoalpines et mésoalpines et est responsable de la plus grande part de la structure actuelle des Alpes Méridionales.

- , , . ( ) . , , — , . . () ENE WSW; , N — S NW — SE . - . . , , - .

Eleven new focal mechanisms from earthquakes in the Assam-Burma region have been determined using P-wave first-motion directions reported in the Bulletins of the International Seismological Centre (Edinburgh). Out of them, eight mechanisms indicate thrust faulting, two normal faultings and one strike-slip faulting. In the thrust type of mechanism solutions, sense of motion on the shallow dipping of the two nodal planes is consistent with underthrusting beneath the arc-like mountain ranges. Seismic slip vectors strike in almost northerly direction along the eastern Himalayas and in almost easterly direction along the Burmese arc. A predominance of thrust faulting is consistent with geological evidences of thrusting and uplift in the Himalayas and the Assam-Burma region.  相似文献   

Tony Waltham 《Geology Today》2005,21(3):101-107
On the Red Sea coast of Africa, the triangular wedge of land named after its Afar people has been created by excess basalt production at a triple junction of divergent plate boundaries. Its harsh desert terrain is a remote wilderness that receives few visitors, yet is a spectacular suite of extension tectonics dominated by sinking grabens, salt basins below sea level, active faults and effusive volcanoes.  相似文献   

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