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We investigate the dynamical evolution of 100 000 rotating triple systems with equal-mass components. The system rotation is specified by the parameter ω=?c2E, where c and E are the angular momentum and total energy of the triple system, respectively. We consider ω=0.1,1, 2, 4, 6 and study 20 000 triple systems with randomly specified coordinates and velocities of the bodies for each ω. We consider two methods for specifying initial conditions: with and without a hierarchical structure at the beginning of the evolution. The evolution of each system is traced until the escape of one of the bodies or until the critical time equal to 1000 mean system crossing times. For each set of initial conditions, we computed parameters of the final motions: orbital parameters for the final binary and the escaping body. We analyze variations in the statistical characteristics of the distributions of these parameters with ω. The mean disruption time of triple systems and the fraction of the systems that have not been disrupted in 1000 mean crossing times increase with ω. The final binaries become, on average, wider at larger angular momenta. The distribution of their eccentricities does not depend on ω and generally agrees with the theoretical law f(e)=2e. The velocities of the escaping bodies, on average, decrease with increasing angular momentum of the triple system. The fraction of the angles between the escaping-body velocity vector and the triple-system angular momentum close to 90° increases with ω. Escapes in the directions opposite to rotation and prograde motions dominate at small and large angular momenta, respectively. For slowly rotating systems, the angular momentum during their disruption is, on average, evenly divided between the escaping body and the final binary, whereas in rapidly rotating systems, about 80% of the angular momentum is carried away by the escaping component. We compare our numerical simulations with the statistical theory of triple-system disruption.  相似文献   

We develop a technique for estimating the inner eccentricity in hierarchical triple systems, with the inner orbit being initially circular, while the outer one is eccentric. We consider coplanar systems with well-separated components and comparable masses. The derivation of short-period terms is based on an expansion of the rate of change of the Runge–Lenz vector. Then, the short-period terms are combined with secular terms, obtained by means of canonical perturbation theory. The validity of the theoretical equations is tested by numerical integrations of the full equations of motion.  相似文献   

Hill stability of a triple system with an inner binary of large mass ratio   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We determine the maximum dimensionless pericentre distance a third body can have to the barycentre of an extreme mass ratio binary, beyond which no exchange or ejection of any of the binary components can occur. We calculate this maximum distance, q '/ a , where q ' is the pericentre of the third mass to the binary barycentre and a is the semimajor axis of the binary, as a function of the critical value of   L 2  E   of the system, where L is the magnitude of the angular momentum vector and E is the total energy of the system. The critical value is obtained by calculating   L 2  E   for the central configuration of the system at the collinear Lagrangian points. In our case we can make approximations for the system when one of the masses is small. We compare the calculated values of the pericentre distance with numerical scattering experiments as a function of the eccentricity of the inner orbit, e , the mutual inclination i and the eccentricity of the outer orbit, e '. These show that the maximum observed value of   q '/ a   is indeed the critical q '/ a , as expected. However, when   e '→1  , the maximum observed value of q '/ a is equal to the critical value calculated when   e '=0  , which is contrary to the theory, which predicts exchange distances several orders of magnitude larger for nearly parabolic orbits. This does not occur because changes in the binding energy of the binary are exponentially small for distant, nearly parabolic encounters.  相似文献   

Two-integral distribution functions for axisymmetric systems   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Some formulae are presented for finding two-integral distribution functions (DFs) which depend only on the two classical integrals of the energy and the magnitude of the angular momentum with respect to the axis of symmetry for stellar systems with known axisymmetric densities. They come from a combination of the ideas of Eddington and Fricke and they are also an extension of those shown by Jiang and Ossipkov for finding anisotropic DFs for spherical galaxies. The density of the system is required to be expressed as a sum of products of functions of the potential and of the radial coordinate. The solution corresponding to this type of density is in turn a sum of products of functions of the energy and of the magnitude of the angular momentum about the axis of symmetry. The product of the density and its radial velocity dispersion can be also expressed as a sum of products of functions of the potential and of the radial coordinate. It can be further known that the density multiplied by its rotational velocity dispersion is equal to a sum of products of functions of the potential and of the radial coordinate minus the product of the density and the square of its mean rotational velocity. These formulae can be applied to the Binney and the Lynden-Bell models. An infinity of the odd DFs for the Binney model can be also found under the assumption of the laws of the rotational velocity.  相似文献   

We show different expressions of distribution functions (DFs) which depend only on the two classical integrals of the energy and the magnitude of the angular momentum with respect to the axis of symmetry for stellar systems with known axisymmetric densities. The density of the system is required to be a product of functions separable in the potential and the radial coordinates, where the functions of the radial coordinate are powers of a sum of a square of the radial coordinate and its unit scale. The even part of the two-integral DF corresponding to this type of density is in turn a sum or an infinite series of products of functions of the energy and of the magnitude of the angular momentum about the axis of symmetry. A similar expression of its odd part can be also obtained under the assumption of the rotation laws. It can be further shown that these expressions are in fact equivalent to those obtained by using Hunter & Qian's contour integral formulae for the system. This method is generally computationally preferable to the contour integral method. Two examples are given to obtain the even and odd parts of their two-integral DFs. One is for the prolate Jaffe model and the other for the prolate Plummer model.
It can be also found that the Hunter–Qian contour integral formulae of the two-integral even DF for axisymmetric systems can be recovered by use of the Laplace–Mellin integral transformation originally developed by Dejonghe.  相似文献   

Our work deals with the dynamical possibility that in extrasolar planetary systems a terrestrial planet may have stable orbits in a 1:1 mean motion resonance with a Jovian like planet. We studied the motion of fictitious Trojans around the Lagrangian points L4/L5 and checked the stability and/or chaoticity of their motion with the aid of the Lyapunov Indicators and the maximum eccentricity. The computations were carried out using the dynamical model of the elliptic restricted three‐body problem that consists of a central star, a gas giant moving in the habitable zone, and a massless terrestrial planet. We found 3 new systems where the gas giant lies in the habitable zone, namely HD99109, HD101930, and HD33564. Additionally we investigated all known extrasolar planetary systems where the giant planet lies partly or fully in the habitable zone. The results show that the orbits around the Lagrangian points L4/L5 of all investigated systems are stable for long times (107 revolutions). (© 2007 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

In the framework of the inverse problem of dynamics, we face the following question with reference to the motion of one material point: Given a region Torb of the xy plane, described by the inequality g (x, y) ≤ c0, are there potentials V = V (x, y) which can produce monoparametric families of orbits f (x, y) = c (also to be found) lying exclusively in the region Torb? As the relevant PDEs are nonlinear, an answer to this question (generally affirmative, but not with assurance) can be given by the procedure of the determination of certain constants specifying the pertinent functions. In this paper we ease the mathematics involved by making certain simplifying assumptions referring to the homogeneity of both the function g (x, y) (describing the boundary of Torb) and of the slope function γ(x, y) = fy/fx (representing the required family f (x, y) = c). We develop the method to treat the so formulated problem and we show that, even under these restrictive assumptions, an affirmative answer is guaranteed provided that two algebraic equations have in common at least one solution (© 2009 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

The dynamical evolution of small stellar groups composed of N=6 components was numerically simulated within the framework of a gravitational N-body problem. The effects of stellar mass loss in the form of stellar wind, dynamical friction against the interstellar medium, and star mergers on the dynamical evolution of the groups were investigated. A comparison with a purely gravitational N-body problem was made. The state distributions at the time of 300 initial system crossing times were analyzed. The parameters of the forming binary and stable triple systems as well as the escaping single and binary stars were studied. The star-merger and dynamical-friction effects are more pronounced in close systems, while the stellar wind effects are more pronounced in wide systems. Star-mergers and stellar wind slow down the dynamical evolution. These factors cause the mean and median semimajor axes of the final binaries as well as the semimajor axes of the internal and external binaries in stable triple systems to increase. Star mergers and dynamical friction in close systems decrease the fraction of binary systems with highly eccentric orbits and the mean component mass ratios for the final binaries and the internal and external binaries in stable triple systems. Star mergers and dynamical friction in close systems increase the fraction of stable triple systems with prograde motions. Dynamical friction in close systems can both increase and decrease the mean velocities of the escaping single stars, depending on the density of the interstellar medium and the mean velocity of the stars in the system.  相似文献   

The aim of the planar inverse problem of dynamics is: given a monoparametric family of curves f(x, y) = c, find the potential V (x, y) under whose action a material point of unit mass can describe the curves of the family. In this study we look for V in the class of the anisotropic potentials V(x, y) = v(a2x2 + y2), (a=constant). These potentials have been used lately in the search of connections between classical, quantum, and relativistic mechanics. We establish a general condition which must be satisfied by all the families produced by an anisotropic potential. We treat special cases regarding the families (e. g. families traced isoenergetically) and we present certain pertinent examples of compatible pairs of families of curves and anisotropic potentials. (© 2004 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

We consider the following case of the 3D inverse problem of dynamics: Given a spatial two‐parametric family of curves f (x, y, z) = c1, g (x, y, z) = c2, find possibly existing two‐dimension potentials under whose action the curves of the family are trajectories for a unit mass particle. First we establish the conditions which must be fulfilled by the family so that potentials of the form w (y, z) give rise to the curves of the family, and we present some applications. Then we examine briefly the existence of potentials depending on (x, z), respectively (x, y), which are compatible with the given family (© 2009 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Periodic solutions of the general three‐body problem are investigated in the shape space. Two different solutions are considered: the first is an extension of the well‐known figure‐eight orbit, and the second one is from the free‐fall problem. Using the shape space, we reduce the dimension of the problem. These orbits are obtained numerically and described on the Euclidean plane and on the shape sphere. (© 2015 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

We study spherically symmetrical equilibrium states of collisionless stellar systems confined to a spherical box. These equilibrium states correspond to the statistics introduced by Lynden-Bell in his theory of 'violent relaxation', and are described by a Fermi–Dirac distribution function. We compute the corresponding equilibrium diagram and show that a global entropy maximum exists for any accessible control parameter. This equilibrium state shows a pronounced separation between a degenerate core and a halo. We therefore check that degeneracy is able to stop the gravitational collapse (of a collisionless system), and we propose a simple model for the 'core–halo' structure. We also discuss the relevance of our study for real galaxies or other astrophysical systems such as massive neutrinos.  相似文献   

Unified analytical solutions to two-body problems with drag   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The two-body problem with a generalized Stokes drag is discussed. The drag force is proportional to the product of the velocity vector and the inverse square of the distance. The generalization consists of allowing two different proportionality constants for the radial and the transverse components of the force. Under the 'generalized Robertson transformation', the equation of the orbit takes the form of the Lommel equation and admits solutions in terms of Bessel and Lommel functions. The exact, analytical solutions for this type of drag reveal a paradoxical effect of increasing eccentricity for all trajectories. The Poynting–Robertson drag and Poynting–Plummer–Danby problems are discussed as particular cases of the general solution.  相似文献   

In a previous paper, the complex-shift method has been applied to self-gravitating spherical systems, producing new analytical axisymmetric density–potential pairs. We now extend the treatment to the Miyamoto–Nagai disc and the Binney logarithmic halo, and we study the resulting axisymmetric and triaxial analytical density–potential pairs; we also show how to obtain the surface density of shifted systems from the complex shift of the surface density of the parent model. In particular, the systems obtained from Miyamoto–Nagai discs can be used to describe disc galaxies with a peanut-shaped bulge or with a central triaxial bar, depending on the direction of the shift vector. By using a constructive method that can be applied to generic axisymmetric systems, we finally show that the Miyamoto–Nagai and the Satoh discs, and the Binney logarithmic halo cannot be obtained from the complex shift of any spherical parent distribution. As a by-product of this study, we also found two new generating functions in closed form for even and odd Legendre polynomials, respectively.  相似文献   

In this paper we investigate the gravothermal instability of spherical stellar systems endowed with a radially anisotropic velocity distribution. We focus our attention on the effects of anisotropy on the conditions for the onset of instability and in particular we study the dependence of the spatial structure of critical models on the amount of anisotropy present in a system. The investigation has been carried out by the method of linear series which has already been used in the past to study the gravothermal instability of isotropic systems._   We consider models described by King, Wilson and Woolley–Dickens distribution functions. In the case of King and Woolley–Dickens models, our results show that, for quite a wide range of the amount of anisotropy in the system, the critical value of the concentration of the system (defined as the ratio of the tidal to the King core radius of the system) is approximately constant and equal to the corresponding value for isotropic systems. Only for very anisotropic systems does the critical value of the concentration start to change and it decreases significantly as the anisotropy increases and penetrates the inner parts of the system. For Wilson models the decrease of the concentration of critical models is preceded by an intermediate regime in which critical concentration increases, reaches a maximum and then starts to decrease. The critical value of the central potential always decreases as the anisotropy increases.  相似文献   

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