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A primitive equation model with a zonal domain and a p-σ incorporated vertical coordinate system is used to study the effects of the envelope degree of orography on the simulated properties of both winter and summer climates.Results show that the orography with a larger envelope degree can improve the simulations to certain extent,especially in winter.It is found that the simulated properties of climate are mainly determined by the co-effects of the land-sea and the orographic distributions,and the envelope degree of orography has a secondary effect.However it should be taken properly in order to improve simulations:otherwise,it would be harmful.Different envelope degrees of orography can be adopted in different areas.  相似文献   

夏季季风区气候的模拟特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
用一个由大气模式、土壤模式和水域模式三个子模式组成的模式模拟了夏季风区的气候特征。模拟得到的平均气候特征,如温度场、风场、降水和蒸发场均与实际观测场接近;模式模拟出季风区的地面气候特征,表明其与大气状态和下垫面性质关系密切;对加热场的模拟则表明,积云对流凝结潜热加热对总加热率的贡献最大.  相似文献   

夏季季风区气候的模拟特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
用一个由大气模式、土壤模式和水域模式三个子模式组成的模式模拟了夏季风区的气候特征。模拟得到的平均气候特征,如温度场、风场、降水和蒸发场均与实际观测场接近;模式模拟出季风区的地面气候特征,表明其与大气状态和下垫面性质关系密切;对加热场的模拟则表明,积云对流凝结潜热加热对总加热率的贡献最大.  相似文献   

南半球臭氧变化气候效应的数值模拟   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用一个陆气耦合的9层谱模式模拟了南半球臭氧减少所产生的气候效应。数值试验结果表明,南半球臭氧的减少不仅对南半球温度场的 大气环流有影响,而且对北半球的温度场结构和大气环汉也有一定的影响。其气候效应具有全球性。南半球臭氧减少总体上可以使平流层中层以上大气降温、平流层低层增温、对流层顶附近降温。此外,在北半球冬半年期间,南半球臭氧的减少可使南北半球的副热带西风急流都减弱,极锋急流都增强;在北半球夏半  相似文献   

The climatic effects of the atmospheric boundary aerosols are studied by the use of a three-dimensional climatemodel.Simulated results show that the climate states both at the surface and in the atmosphere change remarkably whenthe aerosols with different optical thicknesses and properties are introduced into the atmospheric boundary layer of themodel.The aerosols absorb and scatter the solar shortwave radiation,therefore,they reduce the solar energy reachingthe ground surface and decrease the surface and the soil temperatures.The temperature in the boundary layer increasesbecause of the supplementary absorption of radiation by the boundary aerosols.In the atmosphere,the temperatures atall isobaric surfaces rise up except for the 100 hPa level.The atmospheric temperatures below the 500 hPa level aredirectly influenced by the boundary aerosols,while the atmospheric temperatures above the 500 hPa level are influencedby the heating due to convective condensation and the changes in the vertical motion field.Cyclonic differential circula-tions appear over the desert areas at the low levels,and anticyclonic differential circulations exist at the upper levels inthe horizontal flow fields.The vertical motions change in correspondence with the differential circulations.The changesin precipitation are directly related to that of vertical motions.The mechanisms of climate effects of the boundaryaerosols are also discussed in this paper.  相似文献   

太阳辐射日变化对夏季风模拟特征的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
王谦谦  钱永甫 《气象学报》1997,55(3):334-345
利用60°S-60°N范围,有海气耦合但无海流的七层原始方程模式,做了有无太阳辐射日变化的对比试验。结果表明:准定常的平均季风系统的形势受太阳辐射日变化的影响不明显,其主要的影响可能来自海陆和地形分布。但是模式中包含太阳辐射日变化后,大气上下层季风系统强度的模拟得到了改善。太阳辐射日变化在很大程度上影响降水的分布形势,在没有太阳辐射日变化的试验中,大陆内部的降水大大减少,而沿海地区的降水增加。土壤温度和湿度的变化与降水变化对应良好。降水增加和减少的地区呈波状分布。至于对季风发展的影响,结果表明在季风发展的初期,太阳辐射日变化可加快其发展。因此,太阳辐射日变化的引入,可使平衡态较早达到  相似文献   

The SST anomaly of the central-eastern equatorial Pacific and the arctic sea ice anomalies of the four districts lo-cated respectively in 160°E—110°W,110°W—20°W,70°E—160°E and 20°W—70°E are taken as five separate factors.And the relationship between each factor and the atmospheric general circulation and the climate is investigated byobservational analysis and numerical experiments.It is shown that the effects of the arctic sea ice anomalies on the varia-tions of atmospheric circulation and climate are comparable to or even in some cases greater than that of EI Ninoevents.So one should pay much attention to the study of polar sea ice anomalies in climate research.  相似文献   

东亚气候的模拟与验证研究   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
董敏  李跃凤  沈文海 《气象学报》1997,55(6):692-702
运行NCAR公共气候模式(CCM2)20a对东亚气候进行了模拟研究,并对模拟结果进行了检验。检验结果表明,该模式能够较好地描述东亚地区的大尺度气候特征,模拟的高度场、风场、温度场等比较接近实际。对东亚季风气候具有决定性影响的系统,如副热带高压、蒙古高压、印度低压以及西风急流等也模拟得比较好。检验结果还表明,对湿度场的模拟不如高度,温度及风场的模拟,夏季西风急流的模拟不如冬季。CCM2对东亚降水的模拟效果较差。这表明CCM2在模式物理过程方面(如,对流参数化,垂直输送过程,陆面过程及地形等)需要进行较大的改进。  相似文献   

Impacts of greenhouse effects(2×CO2) on climate change over China as simulated by a regional climate model have been investigated.The model was based on RegCM2 and is nested in one-way mode within a global coupled atmosphere-ocean model(CSIRO R21L9 AOGCM).Two multi-year simulations,the control run with normal CO2 concentration and the sensitivity run with doubled CO2 concentration are conducted. As Part I of the publications,results of control run of the CSIRO,i.e.its simulation of present climate in China,are analyzed briefly.It shows that the model can basically reproduce the surface air temperature and precipitation pattern over China.Therefore,its outputs can be used to drive the regional model. Analysis of control run of RegCM shows that with a high resolution,the model improves the simulations of surface air temperature and precipitation in China as compared to the CSIRO model, especially for the precipitation.The spatial correlation coefficient between simulated and observed annual temperature increased from 0.83 in the CSIRO to 0.92 in the RegCM and for annual precipitation from 0.48 in the CSIRO to 0.65 in the RegCM.A similar improvement in the RegCM compared to the CSIRO was found in all simulated months.The main improvement for surface temperature is that RegCM can simulate the fine scale structure of temperature caused by topography.RegCM greatly improved the spatial distribution of precipitation by eliminating the virtual precipitation center in central China,which was simulated by many other GCMs.The precipitation simulated by RegCM in North and Northwest China is smaller than that by CSIRO, which makes it closer to the observation.  相似文献   

降水强迫对戈壁局地气候系统水、热输送的影响   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:16  
张强  胡隐樵  赵鸣 《气象学报》1997,55(4):492-498
用黑河实验中化音站(戈壁)加强期的湍流脉动场资料对降水强迫影响戈壁局地气候系统水、热输送的过程进行了系统分析。结果表明:降水强迫会使戈壁局地气候系统出现暂时的不平衡状态,要重新回到平衡状态需要通过物质和能量的重新调配来实现。该过程可划分为4个阶段,各个阶段间的感热、潜热和水汽通量均有较大差异。从近地层水、热输送特征看,受降水强迫后非平衡状态的张弛时段大约为4d。在整个张弛期间,地表接收到的降水约有2/3通过地表蒸发后输送到大气,其余部分可能被渗入地下  相似文献   

使用RegCM2区域气候模式单向嵌套澳大利亚CSIRO R21L9全球海-气耦合模式,进行了CO2加倍对中国区域气候变化影响的数值试验研究,分析了控制试验(1×CO2)即模式对中国当代气候的模拟情况.首先给出了全球模式控制试验在中国地区的结果,分析表明它对中国区域的地面气温和降水具有一定的模拟能力,其结果可以用来制作驱动区域气候模式的初始场和侧边界.对RegCM2 5 a时间长度控制试验积分结果的分析与检验表明,区域气候模式由于具有较高的分辨率和较完善的物理过程,它对中国区域地面气温和降水的模拟效果较全球模式有了较大提高,如它模拟的各月气温与实况的相关系数全年12个月的平均由全球模式的0.83提高到0.92,降水由0.48提高到0.65.  相似文献   

Treatments of the boundary layer in a five-layer primitive equation model with mixed P—σcoordinates are improved by incorporating similarity theory,which is widely used at present.Twokinds of parameterization schemes of the boundary layer are designed,and static test and numericalsimulation are performed.It is found that the iterative scheme can fairly improve the simulation ofthe mean climate field in July.The abnormally strong heat low over the Tibetan Plateau isweakened to some extent.  相似文献   

The NCAR community climate model was run for 20 years and the simulated East Asianclimate was analyzed and checked against the observation data.It is found that the large-scalefeatures of the East Asia climate were simulated pretty well by the model,though there are stillsome discrepancies between the model output and the observation.The simulated geopotentialheight,wind and temperature fields are very close to the observations.The large scale systemssuch as subtropical high.Mongolia high,Indian low which have important influence on the EastAsia monsoon also simulated pretty well.It is also found that the moisture field is not simulated sowell as those fields mentioned above.The simulated precipitation is rather different from theobservations.These suggest that some physical processes in the CCM2 need to be improved.  相似文献   

A nested-model system is constructed by embedding the regional climate model RegCM3 into a general circulation model for monthly-scale regional climate forecast over East China. The systematic errors are formulated for the region on the basis of 10-yr (1991-2000) results of the nested-model system, and of the datasets of the Climate Prediction Center (CPC) Merged Analysis of Precipitation (CMAP) and the temperature analysis of the National Meteorological Center (NMC), U.S.A., which are then used for correcting the original forecast by the system for the period 2001-2005. After the assessment of the original and corrected forecasts for monthly precipitation and surface air temperature, it is found that the corrected forecast is apparently better than the original, suggesting that the approach can be applied for improving monthly-scale regional climate dynamical forecast.  相似文献   

Comparative experiments with and without the diurnal change of solar radiation are made inthis paper by use of an air-sea coupled 7-layer primitive equation modeling system in a zonal domainbetween 60°S and 60°N.The results show that the quasi-stationary patterns of the mean monsooncirculations are not evidently affected by the diurnal change of solar radiation.The main influencesmay come from the land-sea distribution and the orography.However,the inclusion of the diurnalchange of solar radiation into the model system may improve the intensities of the simulatedmonsoon circulations both at the high and the low levels.It can influence the distributive patternof precipitation to a larger extent.Without the diurnal change,precipitation in the interior of landwould decrease and in the coastal regions it would increase.The changes of the soil temperatureand the soil moisture are fairly correspondent to that of precipitation.The areas with increasingprecipitation and the areas with decreasing precipitation are distributed in the wave form.As to theinfluences on the monsoon development,the results indicate that the diurnal change of solarradiation can speed up the development of the monsoon in the early stage.Therefore,the inclusionof the diurnal change of solar radiation can make the model equilibrium state to reach earlier.  相似文献   

选取温度、湿度、日照、降水、风速等相关的气象要素,建立表征海南岛旅游气候的舒适度的旅游气候指数计算模型,利用1981—2010年海南岛气候数据和RCP4.5情景下的预估数据,分析1981—2010年、2011—2040年、2041—2070年海南岛旅游气候指数的空间分布规律。结果表明:表征海南岛旅游气候舒适度的旅游气候指数在不同月份发生明显变化;2011—2040年、2041—2070年海南岛旅游气候指数在温度和降水增加的情况下,与1981—2010年平均水平相比,1月适合旅游活动的舒适水平提高,TCI指数大于70的分布范围增加;在4、7、10月,适合旅游活动的舒适水平降低,TCI指数小于59的分布范围增加。同时选取吸引指数和旅游气候指数,选择海南岛5个旅游客流量较大的海口、三亚、万宁、儋州、五指山,建立海南岛气候-旅游流模型;利用RCP4.5预估数据,在假定旅游吸引指数不改变的情况下,以海南岛的热点城市海口、三亚为例,分析了气候变化情景下旅游气候指数的变化对各月客流量的影响情况,结果表明:随着旅游气候指数的减小将导致该月接待过夜游客数量呈下降趋势。  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTION Being an important composition of the atmosphere, aerosol attracts increasing attention from the scientific community in recent years, together with the radiative forcing it causes and effects it imposes on the climate system. The anthropogenic aerosol affects the climate both directly and indirectly. The climate is directly affected when solar shortwave radiation is scattered and absorbed in what is known as the 搖mbrella effect? which can be dated back to as early as mor…  相似文献   

气候变化对江苏省小麦生产的可能影响   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
根据国内外研究结果综合分析,得到CO2倍增时江苏省温度、降水的变化值,初步确定了CO2倍增时江苏省小麦生长季内的可能气候情景。分析未来CO2倍增时对小麦作物的直接影响、间接影响及紫外辐射影响。具体估算了温度升高、降水增加、CO2浓度上升、紫外辐射增强后江苏省小麦生育期不变和生育期缩短两种情景下的气候生产潜力,并由此分析了气候变暖对江苏省不同地区的利弊影响。结果表明:江北大部分地区小麦产量有所增加,  相似文献   

A regional climate model coupled with an aerosol model is employed to numerically simulate the direct climate effects of the anthropogenic aerosol emitted in South Asia and China in the East Asian summer monsoon during 1988 to 2009. Based on the data of the numerical simulation, composite analysis and correlation analysis are used to make diagnostic study of climate dynamics. Results show that the month of maximum emission of the mean column burden of the anthropogenic aerosol in the main emission areas of South Asia is opposite in phase to that in China. Summer is the season of maximum emission amount in China, but the emission amounts are more in South Asia in spring and winter. On the whole, the mean column burden of the anthropogenic aerosol in China is relatively high compared with that in South Asia. The trend of distribution of aerosol is SW-NE in China, and Sichuan Basin is the emission center of aerosol. The effect of negative short wave radiative forcing alters the gradient of pressure between land and sea, weakening the development of East Asian summer monsoon over the northern part of Yangtze-Huaihe River Basin. We also discuss the feedback effect of East-Asian summer monsoon which is changed by the anthropogenic aerosol on the concentration and distribution of aerosol in China.  相似文献   

使用RegCM2区域气候模式单向嵌套澳大利亚CSIRO R21L9全球海-气耦合模式,进行了温室气体CO2加倍对中国气候变化影响的数值试验研究。该文为第2部分,对敏感性试验结果进行的分析。分析表明:由于温室效应,中国区域的地面气温特别是在冬季和北方将有明显升高,区域年平均的升高值为2.5℃;同时区域内日最高和最低气温将明显上升,日较差将减小。结果还表明,在CO2倍增条件下,中国区域降水将呈增加趋势,区域年平均的增加值为12%;以夏季的增加率最大,其次为冬季。中国汛期降水将呈现出“三类雨型”出现频率增多的趋势。南方的大雨日数将有所增加。此外,生成和影响中国的台风数目也将有所增加。温室气体的增加同时对环流场产生影响,如导致500 hPa高度场的升高。  相似文献   

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