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Summary. Three principal directions of magnetization are recognized in the central part of the Lewisian metamorphic terrain of north-west Scotland. The first ('A') magnetization is a high blocking temperature component residing in magnetite and imposed during post-Laxfordian uplift and cooling. Fifty sites yield an overall mean D = 285.9°, I = 54.9° and palaeomagnetic pole at 273.2° E, 37.6° N ( dp = 3.7°, dm = 5.2°); this magnetization was probably acquired at crustal depths of 6–10 km and is linked to K—Ar uplift ages averaging 1650–1625 Ma. The second ('B') magnetizations are defined by E—W directions and also reside in high blocking temperature components; they are, however, dipolar, have some properties distinct from the 'A' magnetizations, and are correlated with late stages in the history of the complex at 1400–1200 Ma. The third ('C') NE directed magnetizations reside predominantly in low blocking temperature components in pyrrhotite and possibly maghemite, and were probably acquired at a late stage of the regional uplift; they do not correlate with post-1450 Ma magnetizations from the Laurentian Shield and probably relate to the as yet undefined interval 1600–1450 Ma. The collective palaeomagnetic data and certain geologic data suggest that the Lewisian foreland should be rotated by 30° clockwise about a local axis of rotation on the conventional reconstruction of the North Atlantic continents; this rotation is associated with Lower Palaeozoic trans-current movements and may be related to a fourth ('D') magnetization of viscous origin.
A collective assessment of 1850–1600 Ma palaeomagnetic data for the Laurentian Shield defines a large apw loop; there is widespread agreement between data from the constituent structural provinces of the Shield although different metamorphic regions define complementary segments of the loop related to uplift over different intervals of time.  相似文献   

Summary. Palaeomagnetic results are reported from 111 localities in meta- morphic rocks from the Southern Zone of the Lewisian Complex and 12 sites from similar terrain on the island of Lewis and Harris. These rocks were magnetized during slow uplift following the ca. 1800 Ma Laxfordian tectonic/ magmatic episode. The Southern Zone experienced diachronous uplift and there is a transition from predominantly positive NW remanence directions in the north to shallow negative NW directions in the south. More prolonged metamorphism in the south correlates with a transition from magnetite/ sulphide to magnetite/hematite assemblages. The relict Ruadh Mheallan zone relatively unaffected by Laxfordian tectonism preserves a (A1) remanence D = 82°, I = 65° which is sporadically recovered as high blocking temperature component in areas bordering this zone. Elsewhere, the migration of field directions is summarized as mean directions (A3) D = 323°, I = 44°, (A4) D = 314°, I = 14° and (A5) D = 313°, I = - 11° which appear to follow on sequentially from the predominant A2 direction ( D = 286°, I = 55°) observed in the Central Zone of the Lewisian Complex. The remanence directions are linked to a first approximation to the K-Ar hornblende ages and imply a migration of the ambient field direction through ca. 110° during an interval between 1 × 107 and 2 × 108× yr at about 1600Ma; the weight of the evidence suggests that the interval represented is between 0.5 and 1 × 108× yr.
The Lewisian A2—A5 directions yield palaeopoles which follow on from 1800–1700 Ma magnetizations from the Hudsonian terrains of Greenland and North America and overlap with the youngest record from these regions on the pre-drift reconstruction; collectively the data define part of a large apw loop.  相似文献   

By calculating mass accumulation rates for foreland basin sediments, the changing capacity of the basin can be monitored through time. It has often been assumed that there was a direct link between foreland basin sedimentation and tectonic deformation and lithospheric loading in the adjacent orogenic belt. The results of this study suggest that tectonic deformation is most likely associated with the changing capacity of the basin and the rate at which sediments accumulate within it, However, there appears to be no relation between tectonic deformation and the lithology of sediment which accumulates in the foreland basin. Instead, eustatic sea-level fluctuations appear to have significant control, through their impact on water depth, on the lithology of sediments accumulating in the foreland basin. These relations are evidenced by mass accumulation rates calculated for foreland basin strata in north-west Alberta and north-east British Columbia, Canada.  相似文献   

207Pb/206Pb single-grain zircon, 40Ar/39Ar single-grain hornblende and biotite, and 40Ar/39Ar bulk-sample muscovite and biotite ages from the Nelshoogte trondhjemite pluton located in eastern Transvaal, South Africa, show that this granitoid had a protracted thermal history spanning 3213±4  Ma to about 3000  Ma. Whole-rock 40Ar/39Ar ages from cross-cutting dolerite dykes indicate that these were intruded at about 1900  Ma. There is no evidence of this or other, later events significantly affecting the argon systematics of the minerals from the pluton dated by the 40Ar/39Ar method.
  The pluton has a well-defined palaeomagnetic pole which is dated at 3179±18 (2 σ ) Ma by 40Ar/39Ar dating of hornblende. This pole (18°N, 310°E, A 95=9°) yields a palaeolatitude of 0°, significantly different from other Archaean poles from the Kaapvaal Craton. The palaeolatitude difference implies that there was significant apparent polar wander during the Archaean. A second, overprinting magnetization seen in the pluton is also seen in the lower-Proterozoic dolerite dykes, and is consistent with other lower-Proterozoic (2150–1950  Ma) poles for southern Africa.  相似文献   

Summary. P -wave relative teleseismic residuals were measured for a network of seismological stations along a 300 km profile across the Adamawa Plateau and the Central African Shear Zone of central Cameroon, to determine the variation in crust and upper mantle velocity associated with these structures. A plot of the mean relative residuals for the stations shows a long wavelength (> 300 km) variation of amplitude 0.45 s. the slowest arrivals are located over and just to the north, of the faulted northern margin of the Adamawa Plateau. the residuals do not correlate with topography, surface geology or the previously determined crustal structure, in any simple way.
The Aki inversion technique has been used to invert the relative residuals into a 3-D model of velocity perturbations from a mean earth model. the results show the region is divided roughly into three blocks by two subvertical boundaries, striking ENE and traversing both the crust and upper mantle down to depths greater than 190km. the central block, which is 2 per cent slower than the adjacent blocks, roughly corresponds to the Central African Shear Zone. the Adamawa Plateau, as an individual uplifted area, is explained by the interaction of a regional anomalous upper mantle associated with the West African Rift System, and the Central African Shear Zone, which provided a conduit for heat flow to the surface.  相似文献   

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